Napoleon total war kampagne: Napoleon: Total War (Steam) for Mac

Total War PC Mods (All Free) – FandomSpot

With so many Total War titles to choose from, it’s easiest to just pick out what scenario interests you the most and jump on it.

You can choose to play anything from medieval times, to Rome, Japan, or even the fantasy-themed Warhammer.

The 6th installment of the franchise, Napoleon, sees you take on the role of Napoleon Bonaparte. Great game and a lot of fun. But maybe vanilla is getting a bit stale by now…

Well if custom gaming is in your ballpark, give these mods a go for an updated experience. All totally free, of course!

15. Ultimate Soundmod

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Total War has always been about the thrill of battle. With the epic recreations of historic warfare, modders have continued to make small improvements to make battles feel more realistic.

Starting with the Ultimate Soundmod, a compilation pack of the best sound mods for NTW.

Community member LochKopf took what he thought were the best sound updates from 6 different packs and the result is amazing.

The realism of each battle is taken to a whole new level with simple changes in audio. Everything from muskets, cannons, mortars, and even player deaths now sound more realistic.

Some of the sounds were even taken from real-world weapon fires!

It may not sound like much, but you’d be surprised at the impact of better audio.


14. Naval Supremacy V2.0 UAI

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If you prefer to play through NTW on your own, you’ve probably noticed flaws in the AI.

It may have even gotten too easy at certain points as the AI becomes predictable through experience.

This mod buffs the AI giving the game a fresh breath of life.

If you’re up for a challenge, the AI here may surprise you. They are now capable of recruiting large navies and infantries too.

AI focus on naval warfare is also increased as invasions become more common.


13. The Ottoman Realism Mod

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If you’re looking to play through the European or Middle Eastern campaigns again, this is something you might want to try out.

Focusing on the Ottoman Empire, it aims at making the units more historically accurate.

The mod adds 10 new units that the creator felt were missing. And this is based on research of the time period, so it’s pretty accurate.

The additional merchantmen, ships, and infantry are sure to make your campaign playthroughs more interesting.


12. Diverse Artillery Mod

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To make the game even more realistic, modder Iutland created the Diverse Artillery Mod.

This time, the mod focuses on improving artillery units.

With 83 new artillery units spread across the different factions, there is much more fun to be had in the battlefield. Explore the mod to find out for yourself.

Not only are the artillery units updated, but Iutland even included explosion and projectile effects from other modders.

These definitely make for a great improvement to the excitement of battle.



Vanilla Units Unlocked

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You actually don’t even have to go so far as to get user-made units to add additional units to the game.

There are actually certain units within the game that are not playable (for some reason).

But thanks to this mod they can easily be unlocked.

Mostly affecting the French and British factions, you’ll be able to unlock units including French Grenadiers.

Explore for yourself and see what other units will be made available for use.


10. Coalition Campaign

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If you’re looking to add more than just new units to the game, the Coalition Campaign mod is the one for you.

Adding new playable factions like Naples, Bavaria, and Denmark, there’s so much to find here.

Each faction has detailed descriptions and win conditions, so you’ll have different objectives depending on who you prefer to play as.

Although the original Coalition Campaign links are already offline, they have been uploaded to gamewatcher. com for download.

So go ahead and grab the pack, set it up, and give this mod a go.


9. Europe in Conflict

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Europe in Conflict is another expansive mod that adds loads of content to NTW.

Introducing new gameplay mechanics like shell-shock (which affects unit morale), recruitment, and naval updates, this will surely give you a fresh NTW experience.

One of the more unique features of this mod is the addition of disease.

Adding a deeper sense of realism to the game, nations can now be affected by plagues. Fun!

Diseases have multiple effects on gameplay, disabling unit replenishment and causing unrest among others.

There’s so much more to explore here, so it’s best to experience in your own playthrough.


8. The Rights of Man II

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Another overhaul mod looking to improve on the campaign, The Right of Man II makes changes to virtually all aspects of the game.

From additional units to new playable nations, there’s tons to explore in this mod.

One of the major changes in terms of gameplay is the updated recruitment system.

Players are now able to recruit foreign troops from captured regions.

The attention to detail given here is incredible as recruited units from captured nations even have their own uniforms and unit cards.

There are also more updates to the GUI, units, and general gameplay mechanics to explore in this mod. I definitely recommend giving it a try.


7. The Khartum and Zulu Mod

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This time we’re taken to Victorian Era warfare with historical representations of both the Anglo-Zulu and Mahdist Wars.

The mod covers some of the great battles fought by Great Britain against African and Sudanese forces.

You’ll be able to play through custom scenarios based from the Battle of Rorke’s Drift and the Battle of Isandlwana among others.

Containing 4 new factions, you can now choose to experience the game as the Natal British Contingent, Corsaire, The Mahdist, or Zulu.

Many leaders have been added as well to match the time period, including Lord Chemlsford, Col. Anthony Durnford, and Muhammad Ahmad.

A great way to experience these epic battles, made even more immersive with additional videos and sounds taken from films relevant to the time period.


6. American Civil War

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The American Civil War is mostly a scenario mod that takes us back to the time of Abraham Lincoln.

You’ll be able to play through the different historical battles between North and South America, either in single player or multiplayer modes.

Though the mod does not feature a campaign mode, there is no shortage of interesting content.

With the latest update just being released in 2019, there are now 65 battle maps to play through.

Each battle map has been recreated to most accurately capture the battlefields from historic events. Some of these maps are the Battle of Cedar Creek, Battle of Shiloh, and the Battle of Five Forks.

The attention to detail put into this mod is amazing. With over 4,300 unique units, new artillery classes, and much more to explore… this will keep you busy for a while.


5. Masters of Europe

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Masters of Europe is the result of a collaboration between the 2 well-known Total War modders: l’Aigle and Steph.

Known for their Imperial Eagle and l’Aigle and Vive l’Empereur mods respectively, the 2 joined forces to create a completely new experience for Napolean: Total War fans.

Unlike most of the other mods on the list, Masters of Europe does not aim to recreate wars from other time periods.

Instead the modders focus on improving the content already available in the game.

Though there are some visual upgrades to certain textures, UI improvements, and icons, the mod really shines in the way it rebalances battle mechanics.

Changes to infantry, artillery, naval, and cavalry stats make the mod an interesting playthrough as the dynamics and feel of battles is now completely new.

There have also been changes to particular aspects of gameplay like tech, buildings, morale, and more. Check it out for yourself for a fresh NTW experience.


4. Additional Units Mod

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Adding 48 new units and 3 new ships, the Additional Units Mod makes Napoleon: Total War worth giving another playthrough.

Sticking with historical accuracy, many factions have been given additional units like the British 95th Rifles, French Old Guard Grenadiers, Prussian Death Heads, and Russian Siemenovski Guards among others.

With the additional units comes gameplay balances to make sure that no faction is overpowered of course.

More than the added units, the Additional Units Mod also unlocks vanilla units and ships that aren’t readily available in the base game.

There is also a DarthMod version for players who want the additional units with DarthMod installed as well.

Tons of content to explore here which is sure to have you excited to get back in the game.


3. The Great War

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Taking place around 100 years after the events of Napoleon, The Great War takes us to World War I.

A great way to add content to the game, The Great War not only makes aesthetic changes with loading screens, unit appearances, and vehicle textures… but also changes certain gameplay elements as well.

One of the biggest changes with this mod is the tech tree.

Tech upgrades have been changed to better fit the time period, with a lot of new upgrades that you’ll find as you explore.

Now you can fight your battles with tanks, mines, and even flamethrowers, in this epic recreation of WW1. Awesome.


2. DarthMod Napoleon

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Darth Vader is a well-known modder in the Total War fandom.

Though DarthMods are known for improving enemy AI to overly realistic levels, this mod does way more than just that.

With over 200 additional units, gameplay updates, and even additional formations to choose from, the base game gets a complete overhaul.

And there are additional campaigns to explore.

Changes to battle mechanics, sound effects, and visuals make it possible to have bigger armies, making for longer and more epic battle sequences to boot.

Aimed at making the game more challenging by making it much more realistic, this will definitely scratch the itch of most Total War fans.


1. Napoleonic Total War 3

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A result of years of research and development, Napoleonic Total War 3 gives a completely new experience of the game.

This mod is a complete overhaul aimed at giving you the most realistic and historically accurate experience of Napoleon: Total War.

The mod comes with 41 factions, 1,526 units, and updated game mechanics to discover and explore. That’s on top of the aesthetic changes that make everything look and feel more realistic. So there’s really a lot here.

Furthermore the maps are much larger, so battles are now larger and can be fought over greater distances.

There’s just way too much in this mod to discuss. It’s best to dive in and give it a shot yourself. Trust me, you’ll be pleased.

Napoleon — Total War — Spieleratgeber NRW

Im Strategiespiel «Napoleon: Total War» von SEGA erlebt der Spieler die großen Feldzüge des französischen Kaisers Napoleon Bonaparte nach. Das Spiel simuliert die Zeit von 1799 bis 1812, in denen Napoleon weite Teile Europas eroberte und sich schließlich zum Kaiser von Frankreich krönte. Der Spieler übernimmt die Verantwortung über alle Armeen und Städte, die auch Napoleon zu dieser Zeit kontrollierte und muss diese klug einsetzen, um seine Feinde zu bezwingen.
Dabei kommt die Besonderheit der «Total War»-Serie zum Tragen. Auf einer so genannten Strategiekarte verwaltet der Spieler seine Ländereien, baut Festungen aus und verschiebt Armeen, ähnlich wie im Brettspielklassiker «Risiko». Dies läuft rundenbasiert ab, d.h. der Spieler hat unbegrenzt Zeit seine Züge zu planen, bevor der Gegner an der Reihe ist. Durch die zahlreichen Einstellungsmöglichkeiten bietet dieser Modus viele taktische Winkelzüge.
Treffen zwei Armeen auf der Strategiekarte aufeinander, muss der Spieler Echtzeitschlachten schlagen, welche den zweiten Teil des Spiels bilden. Er stellt zu Beginn seine Soldaten in einer Formation auf und lässt sie dann gen Feind marschieren. Während der Schlacht muss er immer wieder neue Befehle geben, so wie es auch ein echter Feldherr in der Schlacht tut.

Dabei legt «Napoleon: Total War» viel Wert auf die historische Korrektheit. Alle auftretenden Personen, Länder und Schlachten sind historisch belegt und realistisch dargestellt. Es kann also auch die berühmte Schlacht bei Waterloo nachgespielt werden, übrigens mit offenem Ausgang (wie es tatsächlich ausging für Napoleon wissen wir ja!).
Diese realistische Darstellung setzt sich auch bei der Grafik und dem Sound fort. Die Waffengeräusche und die Musik klingen so, als wäre man direkt im Geschehen und auch die Grafik ist durch viele Details, wie z. B. Rauchschwaden über den feuernden Soldaten oder einzelnen Reflexionen auf den Rüstungen sehr gut gelungen.
Die Steuerung ist zu Beginn recht kompliziert und der Spieler benötigt mehrere Stunden, bis sie wirklich in Fleisch und Blut übergeht. Danach bietet das Spiel aber schier unendliche Möglichkeiten eigene Strategien zu entwerfen und bleibt dadurch auch nach langer Zeit abwechslungsreich.
Mehrere Stunden benötigt man auch um das Spiel komplett zu beenden. Die drei Kampagnen (Napoleons Italien-, Ägypten- und Europa-Feldzug), die zusätzlichen Einzelschlachten (Waterloo) und die Multiplayer-Kämpfe gegen Freunde können den Spieler bis zu 50 Stunden fesseln.
«Napoleon: Total War» ist in Sachen Grafik, Sound und Atmosphäre über jeden Zweifel erhaben, erkauft sich dies jedoch durch hohe Systemanforderungen. Wer einen PC hat, der vor zwei Jahren schon nicht zur Spitze gehört hat, wird Probleme haben das Spiel ohne Ruckler zu spielen.

Pädagogische Beurteilung:

Der Einstieg
Zu Beginn bietet das Spiel ein Tutorial an, in welchem der Spieler die grundlegenden Funktionen erlernt und Schritt für Schritt angeleitet wird. Eine zusätzliche Beraterfunktion ermöglicht es außerdem, zu jedem Zeitpunkt des Spiels weitere Tipps zu bekommen. Trotzdem werden es Neulinge in diesem Spiel schwer haben. Wer noch nie ein Spiel dieser Komplexität (z.B. «Medieval 2» oder «Anno 1404») gespielt hat, braucht so wie Tester Florian «ewig für die erste Kampagne». Da helfen auch die unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsgrade wenig, denn die regulieren nur, wie gut die Gegner spielen und nicht wie schwer das Spiel zu steuern ist.

Die Spielmechanik
Diese harte Lernphase wird jedoch mit einer Fülle an strategischen Möglichkeiten belohnt, die zum Ausprobieren einladen. «Steuern runter, damit die Menschen glücklicher sind und nicht merken, dass es an Brot fehlt oder Steuern rauf und mit den für dieses Geld gekauften Soldaten Revolten niederschlagen?», stellt Tester Daniel ein Beispiel vor.
Dabei verlangt «Napoleon» dem Spieler vor allem logisches Denken und gute Koordinationsfähigkeiten ab. «Selten musste ich bei einem Spiel so viel nachdenken. » sagte Testerin Carla.
Ein weiterer Pluspunkt des Spiels ist, dass es dem Spieler die Konsequenzen des eigenen Handelns vor Augen führt. Wer seine Bevölkerung unterjocht hat mit Revolten zu kämpfen, wer mit einer unterlegenen Armee angreift wird vernichtet. Dadurch wird man gezwungen jede Aktion zu überdenken und deren Vor- und Nachteile qualitativ abzuwägen.

Historisches Gemetzel?
Die Altersfreigabe ab 12 Jahren ist angemessen und sollte jedoch auf jeden Fall beachtet werden. 1. Da die Grafik auch das Töten in den Massenschlachten (meist sind mehr als 2000 Soldaten beteiligt) darstellt. Wer jetzt an ein Killerspiel denkt sei beruhigt, es fließt weder Blut, noch wird der Tod der Menschen besonders inszeniert. 2. Ist das Spiel sehr kompliziert. Jüngere Kinder werden Probleme haben das Spiel zu steuern und die Ziele zu erreichen, was zu Frustration führen wird.
Das Spiel motiviert durchgehend zum Weiterspielen. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad steigt von Kampagne zu Kampagne an und die Geschichte um Napoleon ist wie für ein solches Spiel geschrieben. Wer es vom kleinen General zum Kaiser der größten Nation Europas schafft, fühlt sich wie der König der Welt und hat nebenbei noch eine Menge über Geschichte gelernt. Die Taten des kleinen Franzosen änderten das Bild Europas nachhaltig und werden vom Spiel gut vermittelt. Wer jetzt an ein Lernspiel denkt sollte jedoch vorsichtig sein, denn ein Geschichtsbuch kann es nicht ersetzen. Es wirkt eher unterstützend und kann die Lust am Thema wecken.

«Napoleon: Total War» ist ein motivierendes, historisch akkurates Strategiespiel, welches den Spieler immer wieder fordert und zum nachdenken anregt. Sollte ihr Kind jedoch noch nie ein Strategiespiel gespielt haben und/oder wenig Zeit haben, sollte man doch lieber zu anderen Spielen greifen. Meistert es jedoch gerne komplizierte Aufgaben und hat am besten Spiele wie «Anno», «Civilization» oder andere «Total War»-Teile gespielt, wird es großen Spaß haben.

Why did Napoleon manage to destroy the European armies: this is how the “total war” began (ABC, Spain)

InoSMI materials contain only assessments of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the editors of InoSMI

The author describes without a shadow of romance the reasons why Napoleon’s army over several years conquered all of Western Europe. The enthusiasm of the French Revolution made it possible to create a draft army, predicted even under the king by the military specialist Guibert. This army was fed by robbery of the population. In Russia, she died because there was nothing to rob. nine0003

César Cervera

War, as Guibert predicted two decades ago, will no longer be the elegant royal sport. Armies will no longer politely line up in neat infantry lines, as in the days of King Frederick II of Prussia, but will involve in their ranks an incredibly large number of soldiers mobilized to defend the Motherland, getting involved in wars in the name of national ideology — such was the come true forecast of Napoleon’s older contemporary.

Antichrist. Man of the century. Great Corsican. Tyrant Bonaparte. Ogre from Ajaccio (reference to his birthplace). Universal Usurper. The soul of the world on horseback. Napoleon Bonaparte received many nicknames and even more titles in a military odyssey, as a result of which he, in addition to many kings (with the same ease as opening bottles of wine), took Berlin, Vienna, Madrid and, in the end, changed the rules of the game.

Napoleon, one of the great strategists of history, showed the whole world the maximum manifestation of the mode of warfare that became known as «total war». In contrast to the outdated tactics of the previous (eighteenth) century, when armies faced each other in well-defined battle formations, and then knocked out the balance of victories and defeats at the diplomatic tables, the Corsican Napoleon was not content with either a symbolic victory over the enemy, or the achievement of territorial advantages. He did not set himself the goal of defeating part of the enemy troops and getting a piece of his territory. Napoleon destroyed the entire army of the enemy, and then brought his entire state to its knees. nine0003

A good proof of this was the Battle of Jena (October 14, 1806), in which the French army easily defeated 53,000 Prussians, who were previously considered the best foot soldiers on the continent. Simultaneously with this battle in Auerstedt, a few kilometers away, another army, numbering about 50,000 Prussians, was literally swept away by the French troops, whose numbers were twice inferior to them. Within a few weeks, King Frederick William III lost almost all of his soldiers and found himself at the mercy of Napoleon. nine0003

The same can be said about Napoleon’s duel with the Habsburg emperor, a representative of the Austrian dynasty, the offspring of which, under normal conditions, would not even say good morning to some French general and consul of the Republic. But due to such defeats as in the Battle of Austerlitz, even the Habsburg dynasty was forced to accept that the world had changed. “The main thing in battle is to make the evil enemy flee, and not to exterminate as many representatives of the human race as possible,” said an Austrian officer who participated in the Seven Years’ War of 1756-1763. and, of course, not knowing the methods of Napoleon. Not to mention how the French commander dealt with the kingdom of Spain by deploying his troops on its territory. nine0003

The «total war» doctrine

Historian Richard Bassett notes in For God and the Kaiser (Desperta Ferro, 2018) Napoleon’s «remarkable strategic instinct, intellectual taste for the science of war, especially the power of correct deployment artillery». The historian goes on to add “an incomparable ability to inspire his troops and […] in addition to great luck, the ability to understand the situation on the battlefield, combining this understanding with almost frantic actions to turn this situation in his favor.” But despite these many virtues, one should not to attribute to Napoleon the qualities of the only innovator for his era.The truth is that Bonaparte was not a complete pioneer of «lightning» war for his era, as Rommel and Patton (German and American generals of World War II — approx. ed.) were not such pioneers for The tactics of the successful Corsican were borrowed from the military theorists of the Enlightenment, such as Jacques-Antoine-Hippolyte de Guibert, who, virtually unknown today, enjoyed great prestige during the last wars of Louis XVI.0003

Two decades before the French Revolution, this aristocrat, in his treatise Essai général de tactique (Paris, 1771), spoke of a new way of waging war. The meaning of this method was that not small mercenary armies of professionals were to clash on the battlefield, but huge armies of hundreds of thousands of citizens capable of making huge sacrifices in the name of protecting the nation. The armed nation, which Napoleon will so well direct against his enemies, will finally sweep him away. After all, Napoleon was finally defeated by the popular armies in the person of the Austrian militias and the Spanish rural guerrillas. nine0003

War, according to Guibert, will no longer be an elegant royal sport. Armies will no longer politely line up in neat infantry lines as they did in the days of Frederick II of Prussia. They will draw into their ranks a huge number of mobilized soldiers, for whom the war will be a separation from peaceful affairs. People will fight in the name of national ideology, and the distinction between civilians and soldiers will be blurred. The battlefield under these conditions will occupy not only rural areas favorable for the deployment of battle formations, but entire countries, involving cities in the struggle. nine0003

Armies will be more mobile, without the long lines of wagons that used to follow soldiers loaded with food and other necessities. The aristocrat hinted that the armies should be fed off the occupied population through plunder, and not be supplied in a noble manner from their national governments, as was the case before. Napoleon, as the Spaniards, Russians, Italians, Austrians and Germans could observe, enthusiastically accepted the idea of ​​​​such a supply. His armies were fed by plunder, and the inspiration for new campaigns was drawn from the prospect of robbery, in which they were allowed to take everything from the enemy civilian population, down to works of art or the last crust of bread. nine0003

Guibert was one of the great intellectuals of his time and was responsible for reforming Louis XVI’s infantry and cavalry. However, his reflections were not given sufficient attention. His treatise was hardly read by a few military men, among whom was Napoleon. It was necessary to wait for suitable conditions for Europe to fulfill the prediction of this mastermind of French hegemony. Guibert correctly wrote about the possibility of a people in Europe whose army would fight according to an aggressive, premeditated plan, knowing how to wage war economically and live at the expense of the enemy: «Such a people will subdue their neighbors and overthrow any hostile state system like a storm, bending reed. » nine0003

From defensive to offensive war

The Count gave an accurate description of what the French Revolution was to be, thirty years before the old regime was to be overthrown. When Prussia, Austria and other monarchies declared war on the French revolutionaries in April 1792, the Revolutionary Convention called for total war to defend the frontiers, which Guibert had just predicted:

subject to permanent recruitment. The youth will go into battle; married men will forge weapons and transport food; women will make tents and uniforms and serve in hospitals; children will prepare bandages from old clothes; old people will speak in public to instill courage in the soldiers and preach hatred of the kings and the need for the unity of the Republic. nine0011

It was a young officer of comparatively modest origin who best understood those options for fighting in conditions of revolutionary chaos that would make it possible to wage war in a new way. It was Napoleon, promising glory and food to his soldiers, and not abstract ideas, who went on the offensive, going beyond the limits of traditional tactics. Beginning with the first Italian campaigns, the Great Corsican instilled this philosophy with great success among his ragged and starving troops. In March 1796, the 26-year-old general promised in the literal sense of the word:

“I will take you to the most fertile fields in the world. Wealthy provinces and magnificent cities, all of them will be at your disposal, there you will find honor, glory and wealth. Soldiers! Do you have enough courage and endurance?»

The fertile lands of Lombardy have confirmed that the army can live off the products of the local people. True, robbery made it possible to move quickly without a convoy at key moments, but did not work in the case of long campaigns. Other, more inhospitable lands will show that survival by plunder has its limits, especially when it comes to feeding a large army. Russia has become the best such lesson for the French: they simply turned the very Smolensk road into a desert in the summer, along which they had to flee from Russia in the fall. nine0003

In battles with the Russians, Prussians, Austrians and British, for more than ten years Napoleon was almost invincible due to his personal ingenuity and circumstances. According to John A. Lynn, one of the authors of A History of War, the main reasons that led Napoleon to so many victories were due to the revolutionary army inherited from the Jacobins. This army included dedicated recruits, a talented officer corps, battle-tested generals, and a flexible tactical system that was ahead of the thinking of France’s enemies. nine0003

“The Napoleonic soldiers were no longer the revolutionaries of 1793-94, but they were still French, children of their people, devoted to it and inspired by their leader,” writes Lynn. Napoleon also reorganized the military structures and took advantage of the resurgence of the French cavalry. But many of these successes he owes to Guibert and his thoughts on the war of the future.

Total War — to arms! > Review of the game > Games > Computer portal

April 03, 2010,
Kuntsevich Vyacheslav


Less than a year has passed since the release of the previous project in the Total War series — Empire: Total War — and before the release of Napoleon: Total War. And folk wisdom says that for such a period of time good games are not made even on the basis of their predecessors. But these developers have never been upset. Does Napoleon: Total War refute this postulate — read the review.


  1. Napoleon: Total War | Assembly Creative
  2. Napoleon: Total War | Less is more
  3. Napoleon: Total War | The Lessons of History
  4. Napoleon: Total War | In places of military glory
  5. Napoleon: Total War | Here it is, total war!
  6. Napoleon: Total War | Multiplayer Total War
  7. Napoleon: Total War | Earned!
  8. Napoleon: Total War | Napoleon wins
  9. Reviews
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  11. Useful links

The British game company Creative Assembly, once one of the largest independent development studios, needs no introduction. Someone who, and these guys have long earned a big name for themselves with their labors. And every player knows that having bought a disc with their logo on it, he will find exactly what he wanted to get from the final product and even a little more. And before we plunge into the atmosphere of the Napoleonic wars, let’s look into the history and trace the path of the series to the final project of the day — Napoleon: Total War. nine0003

It all started in the already bearded year 2000, when a seemingly completely niche Shogun: Total War appeared on the shelves of stores — a game dedicated to the period of feudal fragmentation in Japan, where we were asked to take control of one of the disparate principalities and conquer, in fact, the entire Land of the Rising Sun. The success was colossal — an unusual split from a global strategy and a classic wargame did its job. And after the addition of Mongol Invasion, the developers set to work on a much larger Medieval: Total War, which surpassed its predecessor and made the entire gaming community talk about talented Englishmen. nine0003

Rome: Total War — the next game from the creators of Napoleon: Total War — in addition to the new setting, brought to the series and modern graphic equipment. And again was sent to the pedestal. The same engine was used in the second part of the «total war» in the Middle Ages — Medieval 2: Total War — and again fanfare, music, touches. The next game of the British even aimed at a breakthrough — Empire: Total War carried with it the milestones of gunpowder and sea battles, and even though in some places it showed flaws and optimization problems, it still had no equal. Napoleon: Total War is not an add-on, as you might think, but a completely independent game. Which, on top of everything else, needs to fix all the problems of the prequel. Now more. nine0003

The first thing that a player notices when launching Napoleon: Total War and starting the game is a pretty truncated scale. If in Empire: Total War almost the whole world was provided for conquest, then, depending on the campaigns, this game only offers a European map and some part of North Africa. The contrast, it should be said, is striking, and in such a relatively small area you feel cramped. And this is despite the fact that in Napoleon: Total War the number of provinces has increased significantly compared to the same map in the last game. This was done, of course, in order to delay the passage. Exactly, as well as the step of the course, which has decreased to two weeks. But this is done neatly and unobtrusively — you won’t find fault. nine0003

Napoleon: Total War tries to be as historical as possible. And what can you expect from a game that is taken to follow the biography of Napoleon Bonaparte himself. Well, we can state that for the first time in the series, a full-fledged plot appeared. Although the quality of it, probably, could be better, but there is no need to complain — Creative Assembly did everything well. But the historicity was not without mistakes — for example, the capital of the Russian Empire here for some reason is Moscow. But on the other hand, historical events that do not affect anything are pleasing — they create an atmosphere well. In this Napoleon: Total War becomes similar to the games from Paradox, and that’s a good thing. nine0003

Following the biography of Napoleon in Napoleon: Total War begins exactly with the tutorial campaign, so even if you are an experienced player, it is recommended to read it even for banal interest. Each of the stages of training is a piece of Bonaparte’s life. We get the skills of tacking a ship, heading from Corsica to continental France. We learn economics, science and production while managing the surroundings of Reims. And we pass the baptism of fire during the assault on Toulon in 1793, after which, by the way, the future emperor of France received the general’s epaulets. It seems to be a trifle, but a trifle in Napoleon: Total War is very, very pleasant. nine0003

The passage of Napoleon: Total War is divided into three independent, distinct campaigns. Which, of course, are dedicated to the Napoleonic wars from 1796 to 1815. All of them also have claims to the same historicity, although each passage will depend only on your maneuvers and artificial intelligence techniques. No one will lead by the hand in a linear scenario, do not be afraid — this is not the style of Total War. In addition to these campaigns, Napoleon: Total War also has a generous set of solo battles, this time cleverly combined — it is proposed to win them in strict sequence. nine0003

The first campaign in Napoleon: Total War focuses on the military mission of the French Republic against the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Sardinia in present-day Italy. Reporting years — 1796-1797. It flies by quickly in view of the scale, and you can move on to the second historical campaign of Napoleon: Total War — Egyptian. It covers the campaign of Napoleon’s army against the Ottoman Empire in 1798, which, despite the victory, does not lead to any historical consequences either. And this campaign goes pretty quickly, but then the most relish awaits us. nine0003

The first campaigns of Napoleon: Total War can leave an unpleasant aftertaste — they are too narrow in scope. But on the other hand, in the European campaign, we will be given the reins of government by any state to choose from, from trade and diplomacy to, directly, war. Then it is possible to break away, especially since the game does not set any mandatory conditions for us. And, who knows, maybe in your interpretation of Napoleon’s fate there will be neither Borodino nor Waterloo, and even the British Empire will fall at your feet. And here Napoleon: Total War really challenges — high goals are achievable, but you have to sweat thoroughly. nine0003

Creative Assembly has always been famous for the fact that they do not disregard any component of the game. So in Napoleon: Total War, some changes and additions also affected the strategic mode. Firstly, the possibilities of diplomacy have increased, although the benefits of them are doubtful — artificial intelligence in the global mode is still not always adequate. Secondly, he added variety and espionage — sabotaging opponents is much more pleasant. Thirdly, the idea of ​​scientific research has been developed, and in Napoleon: Total War it plays an important role. In other matters, all this can be handed over with a light heart to a virtual assistant, and you yourself can directly deal with the war. nine0003

It would seem that the combat mechanics in Empire: Total War were on top. But no, but you begin to understand this only when you are already fighting in Napoleon: Total War — tactical battles have become better, more balanced — and it shows. The most important role is played by artillery, capable of wiping out the best forces of the enemy at once, but you won’t be fed up with cannons alone — and skillful equipment of troops is very important here. Infantry for positional warfare, and cavalry for strikes to the rear and ambush attacks. Naval battles have also grown, becoming more dynamic and having the opportunity to repair right during the battle. In general, Napoleon: Total War in this regard will not leave anyone indifferent. nine0003

The Total War series has always been famous for its multiplayer battles, and to fight with a friend in a historical battle or on a random map is a matter of honor for any fan. And now Empire: Total War was lame in this component — the balance could not be called successful. Fortunately, this was corrected in the content pack. Napoleon: Total War develops the idea of ​​multiplayer to the desired.

Tactical duels with a living enemy in Napoleon: Total War are simply excellent and, despite the appearance of a generous set of new troops, the balance is unshakable and no one faction has superiority over another from the outset. So where is the development, you ask? And here it is: in Napoleon: Total War, the multiplayer mode of playing several people on the global map is fully implemented and works perfectly. Yes, yes, now you can play the campaign shoulder to shoulder with a friend or fight with him with a strategic genius. Moreover, this mode is implemented in Napoleon: Total War at a high level — there is simply nothing to complain about. nine0003

The main object of criticism for Empire: Total War was not the best state of the game engine, but only in terms of performance and optimization. The predecessor of Napoleon: Total War «loaded» even powerful computers and regularly «spoiled» players with a variety of bugs.