Max payne 3 lösung: Walkthrough — Max Payne 3 Wiki Guide

Walkthrough — Max Payne 3 Wiki Guide

By Samuel Claiborn, Stephanie Lee, Megh Shah, +13.2k more


The Max Payne 3 Walkthrough sections contain both video walkthroughs and the locations of Collectibles such as Golden Guns and Clues.


Walkthrough Golden Guns Clues Tourists
Chapter 1 1 2
Chapter 2 2 6 1
Chapter 3 2 4
Chapter 4 3 3
Chapter 5 2 6
Chapter 6 1 5
Chapter 7 2 9 2
Chapter 8 2 3
Chapter 9 2 3
Chapter 10 2 2
Chapter 11 2 8
Chapter 12 2 6
Chapter 13 3 7
Chapter 14 2 1 1

Up Next: Chapter 1


Bullet Time


Chapter 1

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In This Wiki Guide

Max Payne 3

Rockstar Studios


ESRB: Mature


PCPlayStation 3Xbox 360

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Max Payne 3 Komplettlösung — Walkthrough aller Kapitel

Neben den Kapiteln und dem Verlauf der geschichte gibt es noch andere Elemente zu entdecken:

  • Alle Fundorte der Sammlerstücke
  • Trophäen Liste

Lösungen zu den einzelnen Kapiteln:

  • Kapitel 1
  • Kapitel 2
  • Kapitel 3
  • Kapitel 4
  • Kapitel 5
  • Kapitel 6
  • Kapitel 7
  • Kapitel 8
  • Kapitel 9
  • Kapitel 10
  • Kapitel 11
  • Kapitel 12
  • Kapitel 13
  • Kapitel 14

Kapitel I – Irgendwas ist da faul

Zu Beginn nimmt Max auf einer Charity-Party teil. Eine sehr reiche Familie hat Max Payne mittlerweile als Leibwächter angestellt. Deswegen ist er auch auf dieser Feier, er und sein Partner sollen für die Sicherheit sorgen. Während Max einen Drink nimmt, erzählt er ein wenig über die Familie seines Auftraggebers. Plötzlich stürmen einige bewaffnete Männer die Party. Wie es scheint haben die Maskierten es auf die Familie Branco abgesehen und entführen sie. Tatenlos müssen Max und sein Partner Passos zuschauen.

Als erstes übernehmt ihr die Rolle von Max und sichert die Etage.

Sofort erscheinen drei Böse Jungs und ihr könnt nun Bullet Time und Shootdodge ausprobieren. Bullet Time lässt die Zeit sehr langsam laufen und ihr habt somit mehr spielraum was zielen und ausweichen angeht.

Ein Shootdodge ist ein Sprung, diesen könnt ihr in jede Richtung ausführen. Springt ihr ist die Bullet Time aktiv. Benutzt diesen um Gegner zu überraschen oder für einen schnelle Stellungswechsel.  Am Eingang zur Wohnung solltet ihr nach der ersten Schießerei ein wenig Deckung suchen. Da in der Wohnung noch mehr Böse Jungs versuchen euch das Leben schwer zu machen. Habt ihr alle ausgeschaltet könnt ihr die Wohnung betreten. Wenn ihr euch nicht sicher seid das alle erledigt sind, geht ein wenig mit Bedacht in die Wohnräume.

Das Sterben des letzten Gegners in einem Bereich wird von der Bullet Cam begleitet.

Wenn ihr in den Wohnräumen „aufgeräumt“ habt schaut euch den Tisch genauer an – hier könnt ihr einen Hinweis bekommen. In einem Magazin sind einige der Partygäste abgebildet. Nehmt auch die Dose mit dem Schmerzmittel mit. Schmerzmittel sorgen dafür dass Max Payne nicht stirbt. Haut euch ein wenig Schmerzmittel rein wenn die Silhouette am unteren rechten Bildschirmrand fast komplett rot ist.

Geht zu der Balkontür und dann nach draußen. In einer Sequenz bekommt ihr mit dass Fabiana eine Waffe an den Kopf gehalten bekommt. Max Payne springt er Direkt von dem Balkon und rutscht auf dem Dach zum Geiselnehmer. Nehmt so schnell wie es geht den Geiselnehmer ins Visier und Eliminiert ihn. Wenn alles gut ging ist Fabiana am Leben und Frei. Von Rodrigo und Marcelo fehlt immer noch jede Spur. Ihr kommt in die Eingangshalle des Gebäudes. Es gilt wieder einige Kontrahenten zu aus dem Weg zu räumen. Versucht Deckung zu finden – am besten hinter der Rezeption. Habt ihr mit den Gegnern abgeschlossen solltet ihr die Leichen untersuchen – ihr könnt eine Schrotflinte finden.

Es ist möglich dass ihr zwei Handfeuerwaffen und ein Gewehr gleichzeitig tragt. Ihr könnt die Handfeuerwaffen einzeln oder zusammen zu benutzen. Das ganze muss Natürlich mit einer Taste gesteuert werden von euch.

Lauft weiter in die Eingangshalle und Ihr findet weiter hinten eine Tür zur Garage. Es folgt noch ein Gegner. Der Zugang zu der Garage ist nun offen und ihr könnt euch über die Treppen in den unterirdischen Bereich begeben. Es warten wieder einige Kontrahenten darauf von euch erledigt zu werden – Benutzt eventuell die Säulen als Deckung und schießt euch den Weg frei. Lauft zum Schalter des Garagentors und öffnet es wieder.

Auf dem Boden seht ihr eine gelbe Linie, folgt der Linie bis zu der nächsten Etage. Oben müsst ihr wieder einige Gegner ausschalten. Habt ihr alle Gegner erledigt versuchen die restlichen Geiselnehmer in einem blauen Van zu flüchten. Rodrigo ist noch immer in deren Gewalt.

Ihr könnt das ganze verhindern indem ihr auf die Reifen schießt. Der Van knallt gegen eine Säule. Erledigt die Restlichen Gegner – die aus dem Fahrzeug kommen. Geht dann zum Van und öffnet diesen. Wenn ihr die Tür aufmacht stürmt Rodrigo hinaus. Zwei Gegner gilt es schnell zu erledigen damit sie Rodrigo nicht erreichen.

Rodrigo ist nun gerettet und es kommen Einsatzkräfte um das Schlachtfeld zu beseitigen. Passos sagt euch noch den Namen der Organisation „Comando Sombra„.


Kapitel 1 – ENDE


Max Payne 3 is a Brazilian requiem. Review / Games

Genre Third Person Shooter
Publisher Rockstar Games
Publisher in Russia «1C-SoftClub»
Developer Rockstar Vancouver
Minimum requirements Intel Core 2 Duo 2. 4 GHz/AMD Athlon 64 X2 2.8 GHz, 2 GB RAM, DirectX 9 graphics card.0c and 512 MB memory, such as NVIDIA GeForce GT 120/AMD ATI Radeon HD 3650, 35 GB hard drive
Recommended requirements Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz/AMD Pheon II X2 3.2 GHz, 3 GB RAM, DirectX 11 graphics card and 1 GB memory, such as AMD ATI Radeon HD 5870/NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450
Release date June 1, 2012
Age limit from 17 years old
Platforms PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3
Official site

Game tested on PC

Living with constant pain is hard. But Max doesn’t want the pain to stop. Moving on means forgetting what happened to your wife and daughter, betraying their memory. Therefore, the former policeman muffles the pain in the only way he knows — by going headlong into the bottle.

In such a pitiful state, Payne is found by Raul Passos, a former friend from the police academy. To get Max out of the abyss, Passos offers him a job as a bodyguard in Brazil. The job is not dusty — to ensure that no one interferes with members of the rich family to roam around the clubs, sniff cocaine during rampant parties, fly around the city in a helicopter and do everything else that spoiled rich people usually do.

⇡#Easy work

Of course, in reality the situation is not so simple. Max is drawn into some very dark and foul-smelling story, from which he will have to extricate himself until the very end. Trust, as it turns out, absolutely no one can — the writers of Rockstar Vancouver wove a web in which there is no place for simple answers. Almost all the characters are characters with a double bottom, and the first impression usually does not match reality.

The place of action matches the heroes. Sunlit Sao Paulo may not be as gloomy as the perpetually dark New York of previous games in the series. But here, among the filthy favelas, luxury yachts, gleaming offices and gangster bases in the depths of the jungle, there is also a place for familiar despair. Despite such a striking change in the visual appearance of the game, the atmosphere of hopelessness has not gone anywhere — it has only been painted with new colors.

Max Payne 3

These are the colors of blinding neon nightclubs where you can’t listen to the endless electronic beat without getting drunk. These are the sunbeams that scatter from the pool in the penthouse, around which the moneybags and hangers-on have gathered. This is the coolness of the respectable headquarters of the company, owned by the family protected by Max.

It is unusual to see our hero in such an environment, but painfully familiar atmosphere puts everything in its place. Even if you climbed into Brazil, thousands of miles from home, the craving for self-destruction, cynicism and memory of the past will not go anywhere on their own. Of course, Max has changed a little — from the height of the past years, he can afford to make witty comments about how the world works. However, jokes will not solve the problem. Having fallen to the very bottom, Payne will either have to face his demons face to face, or perish in an alcoholic frenzy.

⇡#Only hardcore!

It’s incredibly interesting to follow the plot and Max’s inner struggle, and the presentation of the story deserves the most flattering words. It is unobtrusive and very well woven into the gameplay — every few minutes, control quietly passes from us to the virtual director. He loves to change angles, apply filters, split the screen into several separate images and emphasize the most significant words of the characters by writing them right on the screen. It looks very fresh and cool, while maintaining a bit of continuity with its predecessors and their stylish comics.

Sometimes you get so carried away with the story that you don’t notice the obvious — the game has been back in our hands for a few seconds! This kind of confusion could cost Max his life, and us our reload from the last checkpoint. This is because the gameplay consists entirely of shooting at crowds of freaks trying to end the life of a former New York cop. Enemies armed with «firearms» are by no means stupid. They are constantly trying to outflank and hide behind cover, and shoot so accurately that it is not worth sticking out for more than a split second.

Yes, yes, Max Payne 3 has the ability to «stick» to a wall or other obstacle by pressing the appropriate button. The usefulness of this innovation can hardly be overestimated, given the kind of fangs that the enemies have grown. Because of the reliable cover, you can conduct aimed fire or even shoot blindly — however, it is better not to get carried away with the latter, because the cartridges here run out surprisingly quickly.

Max Payne 3 generally welcomes players with honed shooter skills. Even on the average difficulty level, it can be difficult to get out of the firefight alive the first time. Local gangsters are happy to shoot in the head, and the virtual director arranges them in such a way that sometimes it is impossible to hide from everyone. Adds hardcore and the very mechanics of shooting, fully conveying the feeling of the lethal force of weapons. If Max has two Desert Eagles in his hands, then they are, damn it, two Desert Eagles, not cheap water pistols. Bullets bite into bodies, rip flesh, and bleed out in copious fountains. The last survivor of every brawl is destined to be on our screens for a few extra seconds as the camera makes a beautiful flyby around the doomed fighter stuffed with lead.

Old school and hardcore is the motto of Max Payne 3! Ammo can run out, painkillers are constantly in short supply, and control points are sometimes very far from each other. All this is not annoying artificial overcomplication, but a really fascinating challenge to your accuracy and reaction. And this, we recall, is at an average level of difficulty — and there are two more, blocked at first, promisingly named by the developers with the first two words in this paragraph …

beginning. As before, slo-mo is not only spectacular, but also a very useful tool in combat. It allows you to shoot bad guys before they have time to orient themselves and fight back. However, do not expect that this technique will allow you to ride a horse out of every situation with impunity. The slowdown bar empties very quickly, so you have to use the resource sparingly, putting slo-mo into action only when absolutely necessary.

⇡#One angry man

Add all of the above and you will realize that dying in Max Payne 3 is easier than in most other shooters. Max’s vulnerability, combined with the bloodthirstiness of the enemies, makes the firefights furiously intense — it creates a complete feeling that our lone hero is really confronted by a crowd of brutal thugs with guns, and not a bunch of extras willingly walking under bullets. Unfortunately, the situation is not alleviated by the activation of the slow-motion jump — as iconic element of the series as the voice of James McCaffrey, who breathed life into the New York police officer. The jump still looks spectacular, but its usefulness is marred by the fact that after landing, Pain is an ideal target for several painfully long moments for anyone who remained standing or prudently holed up in cover. As a result, you will periodically use this «feint» not because of its practical value, but because it still looks damn cool — and don’t care about the risk!

One interesting idea that Rockstar brought to the game’s combat system is worth noting. Critical damage does not always end with a «restart» — if there is at least one painkiller in stock, we are given the last chance to get out. To do this, in a limited time, shoot the villain who drove a lethal portion of lead into Max. If the case is successful, the hero uses a pill and, having rested, again rushes into battle.

The contribution of the new «fathers» of the series is not limited to this technique. Brutal action is periodically diluted with even more severe episodes in which Max rushes headlong at vastly outnumbered enemies. Time suddenly becomes very viscous, bullets whistle in the air, and Payne spectacularly uses the environment for a just cause — we only need to shoot accurately, while the main character famously rushes along the “bungee” or, say, swiftly rushes up on a rope, shooting off the counterweight. After such a furious action, lasting a matter of seconds, all that remains is to open your mouth and give out something smart and sublime like “Oh, [censorship], this is cool!”.

⇡#The storm is in full swing

In a word, Max Payne 3 fully justifies its difficult history and long development period. Amazing gameplay is combined with a fascinating, addictive story — these elements, combined together, make us identify ourselves with Max and perceive all the vicissitudes of the plot as deeply personal events concerning us, and not a fictional character on the other side of the monitor. Not every game is capable of this.

Add to that the obsessive attention to detail that Rockstar has to offer. We are waiting for unexpected meetings and curious sketches that allow us to digress from the main plot. What is worth only a retired policeman living a happy family life — just the exact opposite of Max, like a mockery of fate, intersecting with him in the most unexpected places. If you carefully study the environment, you can find a lot of clues that shed light on what is happening and make you think, draw conclusions, or just smile bitterly, realizing that everything is not at all what it looked like initially. To get the most complete picture, to study the plot in detail and how to enjoy the furious skirmishes, one passage will not be enough.

Yes, Max Payne 3 is a linear shooter in which enemies appear at the behest of all-powerful scripts, and the script is rigidly written and does not allow you to take a step to the side. The merit of the developers is that the shooter turned out to be exemplary, bringing together everything that we love such entertainment for: cruel, challenging shootouts, a solid plot and bright characters. At the same time, the atmosphere of eternal rain and snow falling on New York has not gone away. It’s just that now the storm is raging inside Max, openly breaking out only during flashbacks. Will the aged and tired hero cope with this storm? Oh, believe me, it’s much more interesting to find out for yourself . ..


  • intense, tense firefights with clever opponents;
  • branded «Maxpayne» atmosphere;
  • excellent script and superbly voiced characters;
  • spectacular and stylish roller feed on the engine;
  • curious multiplayer.

⇡ # Weaknesses:

  • shooting while jumping is not as effective as in the previous parts;
  • unremarkable episodes with «shooting range on wheels».
Graphics Perhaps it’s time to rename this column to «visual appearance». Max Payne 3 clearly demonstrates that even with modest technical means, you can achieve a beautiful and memorable picture. Without offering anything revolutionary, the game nevertheless looks very good thanks to the high detailing of interiors and locations, excellent animation and stylish cutscenes on the engine. And the filters applied to the image, smoothly and imperceptibly give the project its own face. 9
Sound James McCaffrey played Max perfectly, accurately conveying the mood of the main character to the player at every moment of the story. Watching cutscenes and listening to dialogues in Max Payne 3 is no less interesting than actually playing. When conversations give way to gunfights, then the creators can’t be blamed either: the weapons rumble convincingly, the opponents frantically swear, and the dramatic soundtrack inflames an already difficult situation. 10
Single game The plot keeps you firmly at the screen, forcing you to complete the game in one breath. However, you don’t have to overpower yourself, because the gameplay, almost entirely consisting of excitingly complex and spectacular shootouts, is at the same high level. 9
Team play Max Payne 3 introduces multiplayer to the series for the first time — all the more surprising that it turned out to be quite good entertainment. Weapons, equipment, attributes to customize the appearance of the character, and even game modes — all this opens up the faster the more you pay attention to online battles. The fast-paced, somewhat chaotic gameplay is complemented by a large amount of content, a stable connection and a quick search for available matches. 8
General impression There are many games that have to put up with mediocre gameplay for the sake of an interesting story. It also happens vice versa. Max Payne 3 deserves such a high rating and your attention, if only because it masterfully combines both key elements, firmly etching into memory and brilliantly demonstrating what a real shooter with character should be. 9


MAX PAYNE 3 — is it good? (my opinion)


I can definitely say yes! The game is excellent, cool interesting, everything is

But before praising the game, let me scold

1. Technical problems download this game, I was in anticipation and fun (insert video), but, as it turned out, I have to suffer pretty much

The first pack I decided to download was from Khatab. I downloaded it late in the evening, put it to install at night. I wake up and see that the installation is still in progress …

It would seem that there is nothing left, 5 more hours and that’s it. And with your computer, this is still normal

It has not been installed … DIRECT B …

And now you’re thinking, to be or not to be?… Or don’t despair and just download another repack — MECHANICS!!!!!!!

I downloaded the repack — installed — installed, and even started, and everything seems to be fine, but … He demanded a social club

And, it would seem, a normal person would just score and despair, but, am I a normal person :)?


But it wasn’t there, there was one minus (though not critical) — there was no sound in some videos. I tried to fix it, but it didn’t work out


Let’s move on to the game itself… As I said before, it’s beautiful. The plot, shooting, graphics — everything. But something still pissed me off

Complexity. At first I wanted to go high. But after the first chapter, I understood

If I go there on a high level, they will turn me into a pate … And so I chose the average (but they made me a pate)

Despite the fact that I set the average level of difficulty, I died a lot ( especially at the end), and most of the time I got angry. But, not like before for some reason (I mean that I didn’t get mad about it, but just like “well, I’ll have to do it again”), and with some attempt everything worked out. But despite this, I went through the game, and still enjoyed it. I went through it for a week, and all this week I just wanted to play Maxim Payne. And play to the end no matter what. And it was worth it.

Even though I already knew the whole story before playing, I wanted to experience it for myself.