Mafia 3 letzte mission: Mafia 3: Enden-Guide — Raus aus der Stadt (Gutes Ende)

Mafia 3 — Komplettlösung, Tipps und Tricks

Mafia ist zurück! In Mafia 3 macht die Serie einen Sprung in die späten 60er und es ist eine ganz andere Zeit. Damit ihr euch in dieser leichter zurechtfinden könnt, geben wir euch hier mit der Komplettlösung zu Mafia 3 einen essentiellen Leitfaden an die Hand, mit dem ihr nicht nur alle Hauptmissionen und Nebenmissionen bewältigen könnt, sondern noch viel mehr von dem, was es in New Bordeaux so zu tun gibt.

Da wären vor allem die zahlreichen Sammelgegenstände, die überall verteilt sind. Überall in den Missionen und auf den Straßen von Mafia 3 findet ihr Ausgaben des Playboy, Vargas-Gemälde, kommunistische Propaganda und Hot-Rod-Magazine. Damit diese besser auffindbar sind, zeigen wir euch auch, wo die Verteilerkästen stehen, mit denen ihr vieles auf der Karte freischaltet. Damit ihr aber auch wirklich alles findet, helfen euch die genauen Beschreibungen in unserem Mafia 3 Guide hier.

Viel Spaß also auf den Straßen von Mafia 3!

Inhaltsverzeichnis Mafia 3 Komplettlösung


Mafia 3 — Hauptmissionen: Warum die Sorge?, Jetzt wird alles anders — Sammys Bar, Einleitung, Tresor

Mafia 3 — Hauptmissionen: Ein wenig Action, Alleine zugrunde gehen — Dellray Hollow, Vargas, Suppenküche

Mafia 3 — Hauptmissionen: Wie kann es vorbei sein? — Haitianer, Gangsterboss, Guten Appetit

Mafia 3 — Hauptmissionen: Zeit, was zu verändern, Wir geben jetzt nicht auf, War das ein Spaß, Jesus ist unser Begleiter

Mafia 3 — Hauptmissionen: Ich muss es aber tun, Das ist der Plan Padre, Wie in alten Zeiten

Mafia 3 — Hauptmissionen: Heroin, Erledige Ritchie Doucet — Charlie, Informaten Rummel, Autoscooter

Mafia 3 — Hauptmissionen: Wenn du abhaust, A nation once again, Die rotgefärbte Klinge

Mafia 3 — Hauptmissionen: Die rotgefärbte Klinge Teil 2, Sind wir jetzt Partner?, Gewerkschaftserpressung

Mafia 3 — Hauptmissionen: Schmuggelware, Fische brauchen Futter, Eine emotionale Bindung

Mafia 3 — Hauptmissionen: Die Verblichenen bleiben tot, Schusswaffen, Schnapp dir Enzo Conti

Mafia 3 Hauptmissionen — Schmuggel, Töte Pagani

Mafia 3 Hauptmissionen — Erledige Tony Derazio, Blut und Öl, Autodiebstahl

Mafia 3 Hauptmissionen — Schmuggel, Töte Pagani

Mafia 3 Hauptmissionen — PCP, Southern Union

Mafia 3 Hauptmissionen — Erledige Remy Duvall, Glücksspiel

Mafia 3 Hauptmissionen — Erledige Tommy Marcano

Mafia 3 — Hauptmissionen: Sex, Drogen, Erledige den Richter

Mafia 3 — Hauptmissionen: Erledige Onkel Lou Marcano, Erledige Marcano, Bevor sie dich begraben


Mafia 3 Nebenmissionen — Alles cool mit uns, Die vom Leben gefickten

Mafia 3 Nebenmissionen — Auf wen schießen wir denn?, Wie es wirklich läuft
Mafia 3 — Nebenmissionen — IRA, keine Fragen!, Die . 45er in der Hand, Ich brauche einen Gefallen


Mafia 3 — Alle 50 Playboy-Magazine — Die genauen Fundorte

Mafia 3 — Sammlungen Fundorte Vargas Gemälde

Mafia 3 — Sammlungen Fundorte Alben und Album Cover

Mafia 3 — Sammlungen Kommunistische Propaganda

Mafia 3 — Sammlungen Repent Magazin

Mafia 3 — Sammlungen Fundorte Hot Rod Magazine

Manchmal sind es die kleinen Dinge, die Details, die einen echten Gangster von einem Kleinkriminellen unterscheiden. Damit ihr wirklich auf alles gefasst seid, haben wir für euch ein paar Tipps zusammen getragen, die vielleicht nicht immer spielentscheidend sind, aber hier und da einen Vorteil herausschlagen können.

Leichen und Loot

Denkt stets daran, eure gefallenen Feinde nach Waffen und Munition zu durchsuchen. Es kann immer mal passieren, dass euer Vorrat sich dem Ende neigt und dann steht ihr mitten in einem Gefecht ohne Möglichkeit zum Nachladen da. Lasst es nicht soweit kommen und nähert euch neuen Missionszielen stets mit maximaler Munition. Außerdem ist es oftmals hilfreich, die Leichen zu verstecken, damit andere Wachmänner, Polizisten und/oder Gangster diese nicht finden. Dass ist nützlich, wenn ihr schleicht und gegen eine Übermacht antretet. Solange niemand weiß wo ihr seid, könnt ihr euch von hinten anschleichen und eure Gegner mit nur einem Knopfdruck ausschalten.


In der ganzen Stadt können verschiedene Sammlerstücke gefunden werden. Playboy-Magazine, Vargas-Gemälde, Propaganda, Alben-Cover, Hot-Rod-Magazine und zeichen der Reue. Ab einem bestimmten Punkt in der Kampagne könnt ihr Verteilerkästen präparieren und euch so Sammelstücke in der Nähe anzeigen lassen. Dafür braucht ihr jeweils drei Ersatzteile. Alternativ könnt ihr auch einfach in unsere Komplettlösung gucken, damit ihr auch wirklich alle Sammlerstücke findet. Sobald ihr diese aufgenommen habt, könnt ihr sie im Menü unter „Sammlungen» immer und immer wieder in Augenschein nehmen. Aus rein … wissenschaftlichen Gründen versteht sich. Seid ihr nah genug an einem Sammelstück, wird euch ein blaues Zeichen auf dem Radar angezeigt.

Schaden maximieren

Egal welches feindliches Unternehmen ihr sabotiert, denkt daran, vor Ort alle Wertsachen einzusammeln. Mit jedem Batzen Geld und jedem Gemälde, das ihr euch in die eigenen Taschen steckt, steigt der Verlust des Betreibers.

Perfekter Überblick

Sobald ihr die Mission „Heroin» gestartet habt, könnt ihr Verteilerkästen in den ganzen Stadt präparieren. Das hat verschiedene Vorteile, vor allem für euren Überblick. Denn nun seht ihr Geschäfte, gegnerische Aktivitäten und vor allem Sammelobjekte auf der Karte. Seht ihr also einen der kleinen, grünen, leicht glänzenden Kästchen und habt noch Ersatzteile auf Lager, zögert nicht, sondern macht euch die Technik sofort zu nutzen.

Geschäfte übernehmen

Wenn ihr gegnerische Informanten befragt oder feindliche Bosse isoliert habt, könnt ihr euch entscheiden, diese zu ermorden — was ein bisschen Bargeld einbringt — oder sie unter eurer Führung weiterarbeiten zu lassen. Natürlich ist es immer verlockend, dass schnelle Geld zu machen. Auf lange Sicht gesehen bringt es euch aber mehr, euer Netzwerk zu erweitern. Das Geld kommt stetig und wird sich ab einem gewissen Punkt maximieren. Bedenkt außerdem, dass es nur möglich ist einen gegnerischen Boss anzuwerben, wenn ihr zuvor das Viertel verwanzt habt.

Optionale Aufträge

Sobald ihr Ritchie Doucet erledigt habt und das Hollow in die Hände von Cassandra gefallen ist, könnt ihr das erste Mal Nebenaufträge absolvieren. Wenn ihr das tut, steigt euer Ansehen bei den Unterbossen, ihr erhaltet mehr Geld durch ihre Machenschaften und gelangt an neue Informationen. Es ist also ratsam, sich immer mal wieder Zeit für solch einen Auftrag zu nehmen. Außerdem könnt ihr über diese Aufträge nützliche neue Ausrüstungsgegenstände und Autos freischalten. Solltet ihr das Maximum an Einnahmen erreicht haben, müsst ihr den entsprechenden Banden erst neue Gebiete zuteilen, um neue Jobs übernehmen zu können

Operationen geschickt stören

Sobald ihr genügend Schaden an einem feindlichen Unternehmen verursacht habt, kann der Fädenzieher im Hintergrund ausgeschaltet oder angeheuert werden. Stellt sicher, dass ihr wenigstens die wichtigsten Nebenmissionen zuvor abgeschlossen habt. Nur wenn ihr alle Informanten für euch gewinnen konntet, steht euch die Option zur Verfügung, den Unterboss für euch zu gewinnen und dadurch die Einnahmen aus eurem Geschäft zu erhöhen.

Geld einlagern

Nutzt die Möglichkeit, euer Vermögen im Versteck in einen Tresor zu bunkern. Ihr könnt eure finanziellen Mittel trotzdem bei allen Transaktionen nutzen. Euer Vorteil besteht allerdings daraus, dass ihr kein Geld verliert, wenn Lincoln stirbt. Ansonsten müsst ihr meist die Hälfte eures Bargelds verabschieden. Das lässt sich nur verhindern, wenn ihr kurz vor dem sicheren Tod den letzten Checkpoint neu startet.

Preparations for the final story mission | Walkthrough — Mafia III Game Guide

Last update: Tuesday, November 15, 2016

How to unlock the mission to kill Sal Marcano?

The final story mission is «Kill Sal Marcano» and, as the name suggests, you will have to get to Sal Marcano that Lincoln wants to exact his revenge on. To unlock this mission, you will have to complete all of the story missions connected with Frisco Fields, French Ward and Southdowns. The final mission for Frisco Fields is «Eliminate Olivia Marcano» (where you get Olivia Marcano during Remy Duval’s funeral reception). For French Ward, it’s «Kill Uncle Lou Marcano» (where you attack the luxury ferry on which Lou is traveling), and for Southdowns, it’s «Kill Tommy Marcano» (where you confront with Tommy after the boxing matches in Arcadia).

Lincoln’s relations with the underbosses

If they are content, Lincoln’s underbosses will not attempt to kill him.

If you have tried to give equal shares to your underbosses (Cassandra, Burke and Vito) of the districts that you have seized, all of them will be satisfied towards the end of the story mode and none of them will try to stop you from killing Sal Marcano.

If, for any reason, one of the bosses receives a total of 5 districts, one of the remaining bosses will turn against Lincoln and you will have to kill them. If, in such a situation, you give the sixth district to your «favorite» boss, the other ne will also betray you. In such a situation, only one of Lincoln’s underbosses will remain alive towards the end of the game.

If any of the underbosses turns against you, you will have to kill them before the end of the storyline. In each situation, the course of events is the same — Lincoln has to reach the HQ of the underboss in question, cut through the way to them and kill them.

Important notes on deaths of underbosses:

  • If you had to kill any of the underbosses, one of their associates will assume control over the district and that person will become your contact person for generating income. However, the income will be lower than before.
  • For obvious reasons, the death of an underboss ends their storyline and you cannot receive missions from them.
  • In spite of the death of your underboss, you still can use services provided by their associate. For example, killing Cassandra will not block the option to call for Jackie D. (gun dealer) or to pay Moran’s switchboard operator.
Side missions and collectibles

You do not have to worry that starting the last storyline mission will make it impossible for you to complete optional jobs, such as side missions or finding collectibles. After finishing the game, you’ll be able to get back to the last checkpoint (the one right before choosing the game’s ending). You will be able to resume your previous activities (and also visit the derelict Marcano’s casino — two additional secrets will be there).

Walkthrough Mafia III — Black Market #1

This is one of the bases in Southdown, and you can try to weaken it after you complete the Kill Frank Pagani: Takedown story mission, that is, after you have killed Frank Pagani in the Tickfo harbor area. The main goal of this mission, of course, is to remove the enemy lieutenant from his position — Artie Higgings. There are many ways you can try to weaken a business and they have been described below.

Meeting with Grant Purdue

The grant is located inside one of the buildings in Southdown. Talk to him about possible ways to weaken Artie’s business.

Interrogate Artie’s Informants

There are locations for two informants on the map, but you must only interrogate one of them (any one). After you get to the informant, just like in the previous missions, decide if you want to capture him or pursue him. After you have caught him, interrogate him or kill him.

Destroy electronic equipment

Firearms are ideal for destroying equipment. You can also use, for example, grenades.
Crates of stolen TVs have been marked on the map of the area, and each one is guarded by several gangsters. It’s worth destroying goods by shooting them with your firearm, thanks to which you’ll save a few grenades and other valuable items in your inventory. Each crate that is destroyed weakens the business by $3,000.

Note. You can also find crates of stolen TVs in other locations related to the mission. Also in this case, destroying the crate weakens the base.

Kill Freddy and steal Grant’s truck

You can complete both tasks in the same place, and you will learn about it after interrogating one of the informants. The place in question is a bakery. After you get there, you must kill Freddy. You can infiltrate the building with Freddy or attack from a distance. In the latter case, it is worth climbing the stairs through which you will get to an advantageous position. You can use your sniper rifle or find it on the roof to kill Freddy.

The second objective is to steal a truck. However, before you do this, you must kill all the enemies in the courtyard and on the balconies. Even if you’ve been trying to be stealthy up until now, hitting the truck will alarm all the bandits and you’ll be killed before you even have a chance to escape.

If you are being followed, shoot the gangster cars or (more risky) push them off the road. Go through the gate and head to the southern part of the area. If you have silently killed all the enemies, this will not bother you. Otherwise, several gangster cars may follow you. Either shoot at the enemy vehicles or push them off the road depending on the situation, but make sure you don’t damage or flip the truck. After you get to your destination, park the truck in the red circle and get out. Top online casino bypass schemes at the antivulcan link.

Mafia III: Black Overlord

Exciting main missions with fistfights, intense chases and well-executed shootouts, as well as a well-written story with interesting ideas, have been hit by repetitive and tedious tasks that cannot be avoided.

«Why does the Mafia series need an open world?!» — this question has been tormenting many since the release of the first part on the PC in 2002. But if in Mafia I-II the «sandbox» was an insignificant brick of the global design, then the authors of Mafia III decided to pay much more attention to it. True, they only spawned a mass of obligatory monotonous tasks.

If Mafia III had been a linear action movie lasting eight hours, the game would have been perceived incommensurably better. Battles do not grab the stars from the sky, but are spared from the ridiculous flaws. The story is interesting enough, albeit with caveats. The creators did not fail with the atmosphere of the south of the USA in the late 60s. The main tasks are not badly arranged. Alas, because of the disgusting organization of the campaign, outbursts of positive emotions risk going unnoticed in the flow of routine.

Black guy Lincoln Clay returns to his hometown of New Bordeaux (a fictional version of New Orleans). The hero participated in the Vietnam War. He wants to see close friends who he grew up with at the orphanage and who he considers family. He dreams of a quiet life in California, where he will try to forget about the horrors of war. However, Lincoln does not refuse the chance to earn money by providing a service to the Italian mafia. Everything ends predictably: the guy miraculously survives the massacre arranged by pasta, and his comrades die. Now he has one goal in life — revenge.

The storytelling of Mafia III is more admirable for the quality and manner of presentation of the material than for sudden incidents. The creators paid special attention to the facial expressions of the characters in key scenes. On the faces of the characters, you can see the whole aspect of emotions, whether it be anger, despair or contempt. There are no questions for the actors, there is no falseness and pretense in their voices. From time to time, recordings of hearings in the Senate dedicated to the confrontation between Lincoln and the mafia appear on the screen. Other personalities who knew him also remember the avenger. The element of documentary film, competently inscribed in the overall picture, allows you to get to know some of the characters better.

Nevertheless, the plot is devoid of a strong emotional effect. There is no transformation of Lincoln’s character, no internal struggle with himself. He remains a tough guy walking over dead bodies towards his goal. The dramatic component rarely comes to mind and is lost in a series of crime stories and vivid performances of villains. The relationship of the protagonist with assistants who dislike the mafia is worked out superficially, without trying to fully reveal the mores of the gangster society. It’s funny, but perhaps the best moments of the story are the conversations between Clay and his friend, a CIA agent. These two make hilarious jokes when they need to, and they know how to be serious.

Despite the white spots, the narrative does not disappoint. Staged videos without a hint of hack-work, a combination of appropriate humor, cruelty and racial intolerance do not let you get bored. It is worth noting that an Irishman, a Haitian, an Italian, a Negro and a brave CIA agent with the appearance of a true Aryan are fighting against the mafia. As it turned out, in order to defeat the stereotype, you need to put together even more stereotypes!

Unfortunately, the developers are trying to spoil the impression of staying in New Bordeaux. Lincoln must take over the city, district by district. To do this, you need to cause enough damage to the criminal business in each area and deal with several mini-bosses. Only after that, access to the task dedicated to the murder of the head of the district opens.

The preparatory stage is reduced to a series of the same type of training. As a rule, it is necessary to come to a protected facility and blow up something there, send someone to the next world or steal money. Along the way, the hero knocks out information from the «sixes», tracks down cars with valuable cargo and cracks down on criminals in the doorways. Similar, so to speak, missions differ at the level of particulars, such as the scenery or the architecture of the arenas.

The hero plays hide-and-seek with stupid and predictable enemies, lures them out with a whistle and easily tricks them. Or you can just shoot stupid opponents. Certain bandits have a unique skill — they call for reinforcements by phone. It’s best to deal with them right away. That’s all wisdom.

Such a war quickly gets boring, since the complexity is low, and a number of components do not indulge in high-quality implementation. Lincoln moves crouching quickly, but he does not have even a hundredth of the agility characteristic of the heroes of other action films. On the contrary, in regard to overcoming obstacles, the avenger sometimes shows miracles of clumsiness. Clay does not learn new skills that would diversify fights with enemies. Mafia III is consistently turning into a slow-paced version of Far Cry 3-4, with roadblock capture a must.

The development system is connected with the distribution of power between the three associates of the protagonist. The more districts an aide controls, the more opportunities he gives Lincoln. Many bonuses increase the hero’s invisible indicators such as stamina or health, open access to new weapons, as well as upgrades to «guns» and parts for cars. Friends also force the police to stop pursuing the protagonist, turn off the telephone and provide a support team. However, such capabilities are rarely allowed to be activated. As a result, most of the time you spend in the company of two or three favorite guns and a meager set of basic techniques.

Battles are held only by the brutal executions performed by Lincoln and spectacular animation of the wounds of enemies. At the same time, shooting criminals and primitive stealth get boring before the hero goes on a plot mission.

A visit to an abandoned amusement park at night, a shootout on a cruise ship in distress, an assault on a luxury hotel suite, and a fight in a nightclub are pleasantly surprised by the destruction and battles in difficult conditions with limited visibility. Not without intense chases around the city.

Does not leave indifferent and the beginning of the game. It can instill in the soul a false sense of hope that an exciting adventure is ahead of you. However, over the course of two dozen hours, you have to clean up areas again and again in order to be able to get to the leaders. Again and again you return to familiar locations, perform the same actions, fight the same opponents. The open world is simply not needed here!

In addition, secondary missions from the trinity of Lincoln’s associates are attached. This work promises interesting stories, already without an outstanding production, and meeting new characters. But everything spoils the monotony. Delivering cargo from one point to another and killing bandits again is a weak incentive to overpower yourself for the sake of a reward for your efforts.

Something inexplicable is going on with the graphics in Mafia III. Sometimes stunning views of New Bordeaux open up before your eyes. Unpretentious houses of poor districts are replaced by ominous pictures of marshland, sparkling facades of buildings in the city center and signs of the local Red Light District. The design of the main locations stands out for its careful design and attention to detail, right down to the paintings on the walls.

However, nice-looking pictures alternate with mediocre scenery and not the best effects. Sometimes it is enough to turn the camera in the other direction, so that a beautiful sunset is replaced by some kind of brown mess with creepy lighting. It can be difficult to make out anything in the dark areas of the levels. The sky looks unnatural, and distant plans seem to be shrouded in fog. Changes in the schedule negatively affect the perception of the surrounding reality. The atmosphere already suffers from the often inadequate behavior of extras and an overabundance of conventions.


Exciting main missions with fistfights, intense chases and well-executed shootouts, as well as a well-written story with interesting ideas, have been hit by repetitive and tedious tasks that cannot be avoided. The primitivism of the warhead, coupled with a scanty development system, also affects. The game, even in the format of a linear action movie, hardly made a splash, but in this case, the unprincipled «open world» would not spoil the impression.