Lösung zelda twilight princess: Twilight Princess Walkthrough — Zelda Dungeon

The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, Verlauf des Spiels? (Wii, Wii Spiele)

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  • Wii
  • Wii Spiele
  • Zelda
  • Ich habe ziemlich lange nicht mehr das Wii-Spiel «The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess» gespielt und wollte damit jetzt aber wieder anfangen. Leider weiß ich überhaupt nicht, was ich machen soll. Ich habe mal in einer Komplettlösung nach gelesen, um die Stelle zu finden, an der ich gerade bin — ohne Erfolg. Ich habe bereits die Magnetstiefel, Lampe, Schleuder und Sturmbumerang. Ich habe schon das Hylia-Schild und 4 Herz-Kontainer. Wenn ich Midna anspreche sagt sie: *Die dunkle Macht befindet sich im Heiligtum der stolzen Bergwesen… Das hat der Lichtgeist doch gesagt, oder? Na gut, wo du hin musst… weißt du ja selber, oder?*  Ich hoffe, mir kann Jemand sagen, an welcher Stelle des Spielverlaufs ich mich ungefähr befinde und was ich machen muss. Danke.

    3 Antworten

    Vom Fragesteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet


    im Thema Wii

    02.04.2011, 00:11

    *Die dunkle Macht befindet sich im Heiligtum der stolzen Bergwesen(damit sind glaub ich Goronen gemeint)… Das hat der Lichtgeist doch gesagt, oder? Na gut, wo du hin musst… weißt du ja selber, oder?*

    Es gibt in TP drei Lichtgeister, denen du das Licht zurückbringen muss. Also die Schattenwelt Licht bringen. Den Bumerang hast du im Waldschrein bekommen und die Magnetschuhe braucht man um in den 2ten Tempel(Goronenmine) zu kommen. Ich glaub, du hast den Feuertempel noch nicht fertig, weil du den Bogen noch nicht hast. Ja die Goronen leben ja in den Bergen. Also schau mal in Kakariko bei den Goronen und dann auf den Berg in die Goronenmine.

    im Thema Wii

    02.04.2011, 14:15

    Du musst in die Goronenmine, also in den Westen (Wii-Version), durch Karakiro durch und dann den Bergpfad hoch.


    18. 05.2011, 20:54

    Ich denke du bist gerade in kakariko und musst jetzt zum berg der Goronen, der liegt am nordeingang von Kakariko, dort musst du hin, aber wenn du noch nicht colin befreit hast dann musst du einfach nur in kakariko sein, dann gibt es schon eine Szene und du bist wieder mitten im spiel.

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    • Textvorschau —
      Hey, ich wollt mich mal erkundigen welches Zelda euer leiblings zelda ist und auch der grund.

    Also meine sind:

    Platz 1: The Legend of Zelda — Majoras Mask
    grund: Ich mag diese gruselige, verstörende, kranke, dunkle atmopshäre (xD). Und auch das mit der Zeit und den Masken fand ich einfach cool das spielprinzip.

    Platz 2: The Legend of Zelda — Twilight Princess
    grund: Ich finde ich konnte mich beim spielen richtig in Link hinein versetzen. Diese mittelalterliche atmosphäre fand ich auch total schön. Und die Dungeons waren auch toll, nicht zu schwer und nicht zu leicht. 🙂

    Platz 3: The Legend of Zelda — Phantom Hourglass
    grund: Mich hat das Spiel sofort gepackt. Beim Spielen kam es mir so vor als ob ich ein gutes Buch lesen oder einen guten Film gucken würde. 🙂 Tolle Story. Aber trotzdem finde ich das es etwas zu leicht war und die Story schon etwas sehr von der normalen the Legend of Zelda story abkommt.

    und was sind eure lieblings Zeldas?

    …zur Frage

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    Ich weiß das ist sehr schwer, aber würde mich freuen wenn ihr evtl. einen Geheimtipp habt!

    …zur Frage

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    . ..zur Frage

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    7 Video Games I Love But Will Never Play Again

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    Games can fall into that last category for a number of reasons. Maybe I loved the story and the characters, but the gameplay itself just wasn’t sitting right for me. Or, I loved it so much, I want to preserve that perfect experience forever. Whichever it may be, I have a few games that, while I love them, I just can’t see myself ever playing again, or at least any time soon.

    7 The Legend Of Zelda: Majora’s Mask

    Majora’s Mask is a great game. Perhaps one of the best titles in the Zelda series, even. But that timer… As soon as I see a timer in a video game, my brain cells evaporate. I’m pressing the wrong buttons. I’m running in the wrong direction. I’m flailing in every possible way you know how. Make an entire game based on the concept of a time limit? Boy, I’m suffering, and suffering I did with Majora’s Mask.

    During my first time going through Snowhead Temple, the dreaded five-minute timer appeared when I had just started the boss. My stress levels went through the roof. I have no idea how I managed to make it through the fight and have time to return to the first day before the moon crashed, but I did. Once it was over, I thought it couldn’t get any worse than that. Narrator: yes, it could. Those damn water pipes in the Great Bay Temple. Everyone says the Ocarina of Time has the worst water temple, but I beg to disagree. I didn’t know which way was up by the time I got out of there. All that said, Majora’s Mask has a strong story, heartfelt characters, and builds upon its predecessor in all the right ways. I just can’t do any of… that again.

    6 Final Fantasy 9

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    Whenever I tried to Steal with Zidane, he would fail. For some reason, my attacks missed extremely frequently. It got to the point where, when I was trying to grind up my levels, my party was dying to normal enemies because of my bad luck. I couldn’t even get some levels in the bank to help me elsewhere. It felt like the game itself was against me. I struggled and struggled on because, as I said, the story and the characters had captivated me, but I don’t think I have it in me to do it again. Maybe my RNG luck would improve a second time around (it certainly couldn’t get any worse), but we’ll never know.

    5 Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

    Many Kingdom Hearts fans dislike 358/2 Days and claim it’s one of the worst entries in the series. They are wrong. While its gameplay may be a little tedious (that’s the whole point — but I digress), its story is heartbreaking and tragic. So much so that I don’t want to put myself through that emotional turmoil ever again.

    There are so many moments in the latter portion of the game that tug right on my heartstrings. Roxas telling Axel that no one would miss him if he leaves, and Axel quietly saying that he would; Xion discovering that she was designed to be a puppet, and losing the sense of self she built throughout the entire game. The ice cream scene. You know the one. It’s too much for me to go through again.

    4 Hollow Knight

    Despite its beautiful hand-drawn graphics and cute bug creatures, Hollow Knight is a tough game. And I struggled. A lot. The platforming was challenging, but somehow I made it through. The first few bosses tested me, but I defeated them after a few tries. But the same cannot be said for the Traitor Lord. The god-damn Traitor Lord.

    After many, many attempts, I got nowhere. At one point, I had to put my Switch down and go into another room to calm myself down. It took me days to beat this boss. Thankfully, no other boss I took on was as frustrating, but whenever I think back on Hollow Knight fondly, that memory of the Traitor Lord niggles at the back of my mind.

    3 Animal Crossing: New Horizons

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons came at the perfect time. We were all stuck indoors, so what better time was there to indulge yourself in designing your own island and making lots of animal friends? Just like with New Leaf, I sunk hundreds of hours into New Horizons. I crafted my island to perfection. (Okay, maybe it’s not like those perfect islands you visit the Dream Addresses of, but it was good to me.)

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    But, the thing is, now my island is exactly where I want it to be, there’s nothing more for me to do, especially as the game focuses so much more on decorating and terraforming. I can’t create a new island without buying an entirely new Switch, so my save is stuck there. I can’t delete it because of the hard work I put into it, but playing again feels hollow, because there’s just… not much else to do. I love New Horizons, but maybe I sucked it completely dry…

    2 Stardew Valley

    Stardew Valley continues to thrive even years after its initial launch. Many fans have been playing it ever since then, but I’m just not one of those people. When I finish with a game, that’s it, I’m done. I’m not going back again. I fixed up my farm, made my money, experienced married life with Leah, and had a fantastic time doing all that, but now I’m good.

    I could restart with a new farm map, woo a different spouse, or even try out some of the many mods available, but for some reason, part of me wants to keep my first playthrough of the game compartmentalised. Maybe I’m just sentimental, but I’d feel bad marrying another character with Leah down the road. We had a connection, you know. So, as much as I loved it, Stardew remains a great game that I’ll most likely never touch again.