Lol solo spielen tipps: 10 Tipps für eure LoL Solo Queue Karriere

10 Tipps für eure LoL Solo Queue Karriere

Servus Leute, Eni wieder da für euch. Hier kommt der nächste LoL-Guide für euch, in Kooperation mit der A1 eSports League Austria – powered by ESL. Diesmal geht es um die Top 10 Tipps für eure Solo Queue Karriere, also wie ihr am schnellsten in der Solo Queue aufsteigt. In der Rangliste oben mitspielen erhöht eure Chancen von guten Teams gefunden und vielleicht gehired zu werden, also starten wir los.

10. Cool bleiben


VIDEO: How2Climbing SoloQ mit Eni aka XoYnUzi.

Wenn ihr Duo Queue spielt, dann nicht mit jemanden der toxisch ist oder tilted, also aggressiv ist. Das steckt an und dann sind zwei Spieler im Team tilted – das reicht locker um zu verlieren, glaubt mir. Bleibt immer cool.

9. Video schauen

Education-Youtuber und Streamer schauen. Besonders als Anfänger schaut am besten so viele Videos wie möglich. Wenn ihr besser werdet, schaut gezielt Streamer, die eure Rolle spielen. Damit lernt ihr die Eigenheiten eures Champions viel effektiver. Habe ich früher auch gemacht. Glaubt mir, das bringt wirklich viel.

8. Alle Rollen kennen

Bevor ihr euch für eine Rolle entscheidet, probiert ruhig alle mal aus. Manche Spieler sind völlig fokussiert auf ihre Rolle bzw. auf bestimmte Champions, aber die besten Spieler sind die, die alle Rollen einmal gespielt haben. Man erkennt so Match-ups besser, man weiß was für die einzelnen Figuren wichtig ist und speziell als Main-Jungler gilt es immer zu wissen, was bestimmte Situationen erfordern.

7. Pausen machen

Bewegung, frische Luft und Wasser zwischen den Spielen nicht vergessen.

Macht unbedingt Pausen zwischen den Spielen. Viele denken sich, es macht gerade Spaß oder ich bin gerade so tilted – ich spiel einfach weiter bis ich einmal gewinne. So werdet ihr nicht erfolgreich sein. Ihr müsst aufstehen, was trinken und auch mal frische Luft schnappen. Das klingt vielleicht banal, aber viele Spieler unterschätzen oder vergessen das. Nutzt Pausen, gern auch um Bewegung und Nahrungsaufnahme zu kombinieren.

6. Ihr seid kein Marathonläufer

Spielt nicht zu viele Spiele auf einmal. Das klingt im ersten Moment kontraproduktiv, weil ihr wollt ja besser werden, aber meiner Einschätzung nach reichen vier bis fünf Games am Tag. Ihr könnt parallel schon smurfen (das spielen von Charakteren, die nicht der eigene Hauptcharakter sind), aber mit eurem Main sollten fünf Spiele das Maximum sein. Danach lässt einfach die Konzentration nach – zumindest bei den meisten Gamern – und das frustriert dann. Kombiniert auch Tipp Nummer 7, zockt also nicht alle vier oder fünf Spiele hintereinander.

5. Spaß haben

Ein wirklich simpler Tipp, den viele mit wachsendem Ehrgeiz vergessen: Habt Spaß. Lasst euch keine Champions von eurem Team oder Freunden einreden, sondern spielt genau mit denen, die euch Spaß machen. Man ist immer besser, wenn man Freude an etwas hat und nicht im schlimmsten Fall sogar gelangweilt ist.

4. Vor der eignen Haustür kehren

Konzentriert euch zunächst einmal auf euch selbst. Es ist einfacher Team-Kollegen zu kritisieren, aber fangt mal bei euch an. Besonders wenn ihr ein Spiel gewinnt vergessen viele Spieler dennoch nach Fehlern zu suchen. Analysiert deshalb auch solche Spiele ganz genau. Man kann immer etwas besser machen und das sieht man nur, wenn man jedes Spiel nochmal durchdenkt.

3. Kennt eure Champions

Ihr solltet ein bis zwei Champions pro Rolle spielen können und zwei Rollen fokussiert spielen. Wenn man ein OTP (One Trick Pony) ist und seinen Champion auf beiden Rollen spielt, climbed man die Ladder meist schneller. Ihr kennt so die Match-ups einfach schneller bzw. besser und wie ihr auf den Lanes hard pressuren könnt. Zwei Champions sollten aber Minimum sein. Damit seid ihr für euer Team eine bessere Verstärkung.

2. Pink Wards setzen und verstehen

Das richtige setzen von Wards macht den Unterschied zwischen einem gutem und großartigem Spieler.

Pink Wards, Pink Wards, Pink Wards, usw. Normale Wards müsst ihr ebenfalls kaufen und aufstellen. Ihr müsst auch lernen, wo man die Wards aufstellen und auch clearen soll. Als Jungler müsst ihr lernen, wo die gegnerischen Wards aufgestellt sind, damit ihr eure Laufwege perfekt machen und um die Wards rumlaufen könnt. Es gilt einfach, die Wards generell zu verstehen, damit man sie sinnvoll einsetzen kann.

1. Nicht tilten!!!

Muted toxische Spieler anstatt sich auf Diskussionen einzulassen.

Ich sag es euch ehrlich: Tilten (Aggressivität gegenüber anderen Mitspielern) kann euer Spiel zerstören. Es kann eure Solo Queue zerstören und es kann eure Karriere zerstören. Alles, was mit LoL oder anderen Games zu tun hat – kaputt, weil ihr euch dazu hinreißen habt lassen. Ich tilte selbst auch, aber man soll das nicht machen. Wenn eure Mitspieler toxisch sind, dann muted sie. Fangt nicht an in den Chat zu schreiben und/oder zu diskutieren. Eure Konzentration ist dann weg. Das hilft keinem. Versucht so gut wie möglich zu spielen und vielleicht könnt ihr euer Team dann carrien, wenn ihr besser als die Gegner seid.


So, das war’s für dieses Mal. Ich hoffe, ihr habt wieder was gelernt und spielt ab sofort erfolgreicher LoL. Schaut euch unbedingt die VODs zu den A1 eSports League Austria Qualifier an, die ihr unter findet. Da waren ein paar wirklich krasse Matches dabei. Die acht Teams stehen ja mittlerweile fest und ich freu mich schon auf die Ligaspiele. Das wird wirklich spannend. Ich hoffe, ihr seid dabei!

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In league of legends solo/duo gut hochkommen tipps? (Spiele, LOL, Riot)

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  • Frage steht oben 🙂 kann mir jemand pasr tipps nennen bin imom gold 4 0 lp neu reingekommen


    24. 04.2017, 10:32

    Du hast die falsche Einstellung.

    Um höher zu kommen muss man jedes Spiel als Lernerfahrung sehen und sich darauf konzentrieren besser zu werden.

    Am besten funktioniert dass indem du nur einen Champion spielst. Hierdurch muss du nicht jedes Spiel Mechaniken und Matchups neu lernen und kannst dich darauf konzentrieren wirklich besser zu werden als du zur Zeit bist.

    Hier zwei alte Videos die mir sehr geholfen haben:

    Ich selber habe es dadurch dass ich mich auf einen / ein paar wenige Champions beschränke diese Season zum zweiten mal auf Diamant gebracht.


    24.04. 2017, 10:36

    spiel die rolle, die dir am besten liegt. Versuch champions zu countern. Viele Leute kommen auch in dia unter anderem weil sie immer den selben champ zocken. Sei nett flame nicht. Dirigiere dein Team. Wenn dein gegen ss ist, dann ping nicht nur auf deiner Lane sondern auch auf den anderen lanes (mit gelbem oder rotem ping). Manche games verlierst du aber so isses halt 100% winrate gibts nich. Wenn du deine lane verlierst spiel passive und warte auf hilfe. Kommt keine versuch dich so schnell wie möglich zu gruppieren und lass dein team dich carrien(ohja auch das muss sein). Solltest du mal verlieren mach ne kleine Pause, lenk dich ab mach was anderes. Niemals tilten. Wenn du mal ein scheiß game hast. Deswegen die Pause. Du musst vorraussehen können und überlegen was die gegner als nächstes machen. Gehe nur in einen Kampf wenn du einen Handycap hast (z.B. seine ult ist out) und wenn du weißt, dass du gewinnst bzw. keiner der Gegner ss ist. Wichtig ist Mapawareness. Guck immer (alle 2-3 cs) mal kurz auf die Map. So vermeidest du gegankt zu werden und du siehst wenn der gegnerische Jungler auf ner anderen Lane ist. Dann kannst du engagen wenn du 1v1 stärker bist und der eventuell noch nen spell von sich auf cd haut. Es gibt viele Faktoren die wichtig sind.


    24.04.2017, 10:28

    Paar Grundsätze: Nicht flamen, ein flamender Mate ist viel gefährlicher als jeder Feed überhaupt. Viel Kommunikation -> Pingen (aber nur einmalig, kein Ping Spam). Wenns mal nicht gut läuft, nicht die Schuld an anderen suchen, jeder hat mal ein schlechtes Spiel.

    Ansonsten, Farmen üben.


    26.04.2017, 12:25

    Main Charakter haben den man nur spielt bie mir ist es zb Kennen und halt Last hitten üben. Kommunizieren mit den Mates ist auch wichtig.


    26.04.2017, 09:04

    Immer auf die Map achten, häufigster Fehler von schlechten Spielern denke ich… die merken nicht mal, was die alles für Möglichkeiten verpassen

    Characters for beginners in League of Legends — how to choose a role and a suitable champion

    Welcome, young doters, caesers, pubgers, fortnators and other representatives of the esports (and gaming!) community. Today I will tell you who you should start playing in League of Legends, because it is not so easy to choose from 157 champions.

    Lesson 1: “Boys, I’m mid”

    Getting started playing League of Legends in 2021 is pretty easy: Riot Games has improved the tutorial system and made the tutorial as accessible as possible for people with different levels of understanding of what is happening in MOBA. Beginners will immediately be told that the main task is to destroy the enemy base. They will offer to get to the main building along the mid lane, and Lux, Master Yi, Ash and other characters who came out more than ten years ago will be given as heroes. In LoL, old does not mean not cool, such champions are just distinguished by the simplest mechanics, but at the same time they have high potential for scaling in the later stages of the rink.

    You mean the author doesn’t recommend playing Lux?!

    Your first game, regardless of your wishes, will start on the center lane. And although the role of the midlaner is really very attractive, I do not advise beginners to choose it. If you want more duels, farming, and game impact, take a look at the top lane. But first things first.

    Toplane, top, top lane — the stronghold of lone warriors

    Toplane is designed for lone warriors who are ready to fight to the last blood even with superior opponents. Enemy junglers, especially at lower ranks, often end up clearing the jungle at the top. It’s stupid to miss the chance to set the heat on two opponents at once, isn’t it.

    Toppers have a lot of options in the game, so I think this role is the most suitable for starting. One of the most important elements for playing on the top is the ability to control waves of minions. You will have to learn different concepts, such as slow-push and freeze, and how to achieve them as the game progresses. You will need to learn how to find the moment to interact with the jungler — move to kill a crab or Herald, put deep wards on the river or in the enemy triboss, push at the right moments. And, of course, no one canceled the one-on-one mesilovo — this is a solo line, after all.

    This is Garen — his heart and sword belong to Demacia

    Most often on the top are bruzers (survivable damage dealers) or tanks and anti-tanks. There are also deviations like toplane karma, but usually they are caused by the meta of one or two patches.

    Forest, jungle — the kingdom of neutral monsters

    The most unusual solo role in League of Legends is the jungler. The tasks of such a player are to kill forest monsters, control objects and help teammates. To successfully play this position, you need to read the map like an open book.

    Many people think that the jungler should be exclusively ganking during the lane phase. In fact, the owner of the forest may never enter the lane, simply by destroying his opponent from the enemy team — thus taking away camps from him, which means both the level and gold.

    Beginners in this role need to learn the most popular routes for the red and blue sides, as well as understand exactly how they can be changed by adjusting the trajectory along the map. In addition, ganks are still a good tool for achieving victory, so finding them and implementing them is also an important task.

    Mid, middle lane, central corridor — alley of the lonely monk Solo-carries with explosive damage, assassins, scaling control-mages and other heroes strong both in one-on-one skirmishes and in massive teamfights live here.

    An absolute requirement for each midlaner is the presence of a personal microskill, as well as the ability to survive on the shortest and most open lane from all sides. To do this, at least you need to learn how to look at the mini-map, and also be a little Vanga, predicting the appearance of opponents from one side or another.

    Xin Zhao — Seneschal of Demacia

    The midlaner needs to farm a lot, be able to lane as uncomfortable as possible for the opponent, and also harass the enemy for every attempt to approach the minion. And don’t tilt if you didn’t manage to implement your plan — according to personal observations, it is the players in the center who should have mental resistances to what is happening in the chat, and also know the location of the mute button best of all.

    Botlaner, shooter, ADC — mechanically gifted fighter

    Positioning, positioning and more positioning. Of course, like every core character in the game, the shooter needs to farm, hit with skills and try to punish the opponent for mistakes. However, the main thing for a carry is the ability to stand up (and keep moving, and not be a turret!) at the right point on the map in order to press the right mouse button with impunity in a teamfight.

    To do this, you need to understand how a team fight is built in general and how to deal damage at a distance. This works not only in the classic shooter meta (beginners should choose heroes that mainly deal damage with auto attacks), but also in the case of non-standard botlane heroes. Yes, if you get into the hands of Ziggs on the bottom lane or Yasuo, who decided to run to the bot, the rules of the game will change a little, but the key task — to destroy the opponent in a fight as quickly as possible — will remain forever. One catch: in any teamfight, you are the most vulnerable opponent.

    A support, a support, a «ward» — both a Swiss, a reaper, and a player on the pipe

    Riot Games has been working for many years to ensure that supports can be full-fledged combat units, and not bots for placing wards. The developers succeeded: now support champions receive enough gold to collect the same number of items as other heroes on the map.

    This is Yasuo (better known as Khasagi) — beginners should stay away from him

    The tasks of a support vary depending on the pick, we will talk about this below, but in the end they come down to controlling the map and enemy units, protecting carries and providing teammates with information about the location of the enemy and his cooldowns.

    Lesson 2: «Khasagi, report forest»

    Each lane has heroes that are much easier to play than others. More survivable toppers, junglers with fast clears and comfortable ganking skills, mids with teamfight-forming ultimates, carries with escapes, and supports with the right to make a mistake — they all excel in the hands of both beginners and those who have been returning to the Rift every day for a decade. summoners.

    Who should a beginner pick for the top in the League of Legends?

    • Garen;
    • Malphite;
    • Maokai;
    • Orne;
    • Cho’gath.

    For beginners who want to try their hand at the toplane, it is best to choose tank heroes. They won’t necessarily only be tanking: for example, Garen deals massive damage with his ultimate, and Cho’Gath does just as much damage. However, survivability will make it much easier for you to get used to the lane, and the situational heal or shields that all the champions on this list have will help you go to the base less often. It is worth considering that tank heroes have counter picks — for example, if a cunning opponent decided to take Vayne to the top lane, which deals pure damage from auto attacks at a distance, it is worth choosing a hero from the Bruisers. Knowing about heroes that can «kick you in the face» will come with experience, but young Padawans can always check the OP.GG portal — there, in percentage terms, the chances of one hero winning over another will be displayed, as well as the most popular counter picks. Checking the mathematical chances of success can be done not only by players in the top lane, but also by all other roles.

    Who should a newbie pick in the jungle in League of Legends?

    • Trundle;
    • Amumu;
    • Warwick;
    • Wai;
    • Xin Zhao.

    When choosing heroes for the jungle for beginners, you should pay attention to two indicators — survival and clearing speed of forest camps. All the heroes from the list cope with these tasks better than many competitors. In addition, they have a high potential for ganks — it’s very easy to enter the lane with each of these heroes (especially after the sixth level). Knock down enemies with fast bursts and control while the laners do the rest for you.

    Who should a beginner pick for mid in the League of Legends?

    • Annie;
    • Malzahar;
    • Talon;
    • Ari;
    • Lissandra.

    The easiest way to deal with mid will be on control mages, but not everyone is ready for such gameplay, so I made the list of the top five starting heroes balanced by adding both an assassin and a bruiser to it. Take these champions boldly, and only explore and expand your hero pool if you’re already confident in your drafting potential.

    Whom should a beginner pick as a carry in League of Legends?

    • Ash;
    • Caitlin;
    • Sivir;
    • Tristana;
    • Miss Fortune.

    For these heroes to be most effective, they should look for opportunities to land as many basic attacks as possible in combat. Yes, the meta is different, and sometimes hero skills are buffed enough to deal more damage (hello, Q Miss Fortune), but by default, you need to impeccably poke enemies with your hand. A bonus for you will be a high range of auto attacks, which everyone, even a beginner, should be able to use. Punish enemies that come within striking distance, and don’t forget to farm as well.

    Headhunter Miss Fortune — the right hero to start with

    By the way, if you fell in love with LoL thanks to the promo campaign of the Arcane series and decided to try playing Jinx, then beware — this shooter is not as simple as it seems. If you learn to survive and farm items, then in the late game she has no equal, but the bandit has serious problems with survivability!

    Who should a beginner pick for a support in the League of Legends?

    • Nautilus;
    • Braum;
    • Sona;
    • Zyra;
    • Lulu.

    Supports in LoL can be divided into several categories: tanks with control aka boosters, enchanters with healing or useful buffs, control mages and those who just stand in the lane came. In order not to become the last type, it is worth exploring the potential of your character. For example, it’s better not to stand on the front line for Soraka, and, conversely, Nautilus, who hides behind the skinny carry, is a shame!

    Lesson 3: No spoon

    It all depends on you. When starting to play League of Legends or any other esports game, you should not follow all the popular guides without looking back. Exaggerated expectations and attempts to immediately play for the maximum result will not allow you to enjoy the gameplay, and after a series of defeats (this happens often at the start), a bitter aftertaste will remain. Having received basic information about the standard distribution of roles and tasks, start experimenting and looking for yourself.

    Jinx — waiting for you in the TV series «Arcane»

    In 2021, many heroes in the League of Legends are selected for more than one or even two positions, so if Talon visually appealed to you, try yourself as a midlaner, but do not forget about his potential as a jungler. Or, wanting to play the beautiful Miss Fortune, but not knowing how to farm, take a chance and take her as a support — someone will say that this is a troll pick, but in fact the heroine has been in this position for many years, even in professional games.

    If you don’t have MOBA experience, try to pick heroes with simpler mechanics. You can find out who is easier to click on in one click: right in the client, Riot has placed a conditional difficulty graph. So feel free to click on the portrait you like and explore the potential of the hero. By the way, when you find an interesting character, never let him go: the best way to learn macro is to play on one champion, whose skill control you are no longer distracted by. Good luck in Summoner’s Rift!

    TOP 6 best solo heroes in League of Legends Wild Rift

    If you plan to raise a solo rating, then you can’t rely on a team. Choose heroes who, under certain conditions, can win the match solo. Consider the 5 most powerful characters.

    Even in the computer League of Legends, Diana became one of the most powerful heroes, because. it has relatively high stats, base ability damage, and has a dash that is convenient to start the battle with.

    At the laning stage, the character can damage and farm creeps with the first ability: Diana launches a projectile flying in a crescent-shaped arc. This skill will help in those cases when you have to stand with a ranger who is not shy to go to the distance of a poke. The advantage of the skill is the imposition of a special mark that allows you to deal more damage on the next hit.

    In the mid game, Diana turns into a real killing machine if she collects a full set of items for mages, which must include Zhonya’s Hourglass and Rabadon’s Death Hat. The first item will help you survive if you fail to fly in, and the second item significantly increases the damage of all abilities, so thin opponents will not be able to survive the combo.

    From 10 to 15 minutes you need to reach the maximum superiority in gold, otherwise in the late game Diana will start to give in and quickly die if the allies do not help.

    Before ranked matches, play at least 20 matches on the character to understand the range of skills, casting speed and memorize the combination.

    The main proof of Diana’s effectiveness is her high win rate in League of Legends Wild Rift — 68%.

    A versatile mage capable of playing mid and support. However, in solo, you should consider the character only as a midlaner, because. to buy the most important slots early, you need to farm.

    Brand deals huge damage in AoE, so in the mid-game he will easily deal with the entire team of enemies if they crowd and do not know how to dodge. The strength of the hero lies in the passive, which imposes marks of flame. If there are 3 or more marks on the enemy, then after a few seconds it will explode and light up.

    Watch your opponents’ movement and habits to predict the next move and use proactive skills, because. the second skill takes a relatively long time to cast.

    Particular attention should be paid to the ultimate ability of the magician. It is a ball that bounces between enemies, dealing damage and inflicting Flame Marks. The number of bounces is limited, but it doesn’t hurt to blow up a few enemies. The main thing is to use the skill in narrow passages where opponents cannot quickly scatter.

    Brenda has a 60% winrate, which is pretty good for a mage honed more for a support role than a midlaner.

    Akshan is one of the new characters in the League of Legends universe, which is characterized by high mobility and stealth. The hero refers to the shooters playing in the mid position. Recently, his abilities were buffed twice, so Akshan now has a win rate of 59.%.

    However, to realize all the advantages of the character, you need to study his abilities well. A useful and very dangerous skill for Akshan himself is a hook that clings to elements of the landscape. During the flight, he makes a series of shots and moves quickly, but only in one direction, so magicians with control will easily catch and kill a thin opponent.

    A character token is a special mark placed on an opponent who has recently killed your ally. If you eliminate him, then all the heroes he sent to the tavern will instantly resurrect. This ability makes Akshan an awesome character, as it allows him to win the fight with one successful kill and quickly push the enemy base.

    The hero is very strong, so be sure to use him to increase the rank, but now Akshan is regularly banned due to the latest buffs.

    Xin Zhao

    Xin Zhao is considered the best jungler at all ranks, because this is a simple strong and reliable hero. His abilities are hard to waste, and at the beginning of the game, the duelist will easily out-damage the enemy jungler.

    Xin Zhao used to noticeably weaken in the mid game if the start was not the smoothest, but the latest changes have positively affected his potential. His abilities are ideal for 1v1 battles, as a skill that buffs the next 3 hits increases damage and controls the target, and the ultimate knocks down all projectiles sent outside the ring.

    Due to isolation, Xin Zhao is able to survive in battle for a long time, because snipers cannot reach him, and melee often have to play in unequal conditions.

    Note that Xin Zhao is strong but not versatile. If the enemy team has a lot of rangers with abilities that allow you to zone, then the jungler will simply become a victim of kiting. In battle, you can only rely on the ult, but without it, the hero will become a target.

    A sorceress with several fox tails has been in the meta for several months now, actively picking at all ranks and even in tournaments. Such popularity is due to the simplicity and reliability of abilities, the absence of sharp jumps and subsidence of strength. Ahri steadily increases depending on the quality of the farm and the number of early kills.

    In battle, the fox has a good arsenal of skills. The third spell inflicts Charm, which is similar to Stun (also deprives the character of the ability to attack and use skills), but makes the target slowly move towards Ahri. Thanks to this, it is very easy to realize 100% damage from the first and second skill, as well as set fire to the enemy.

    Ahri can rely on her ult with 3 charges in fights against mages and archers with AoE abilities. Each charge allows her to dash to the target area. Thanks to this, it is difficult for Ahri to zone out, and using the skills of Lux, Veigar, Brenda becomes a difficult task.


    Greek Hoplite in mobile League of Legends plays mainly in the jungle, although he can be found as a support. The advantage of Pantheon is simple targeted control. By pressing the button, you will force the character to jump towards the target and hit it with a shield, stunning it for a few seconds. This will help in situations where you need to cancel Teleportation, castable abilities, etc.

    Pantheon is good for ganking, because his ultimate ability allows him to unexpectedly appear in the lane. To do this, the hero throws a spear and, upon landing, inflicts a small amount of damage to all enemies in the affected area.

    Use your ult carefully, as Pantheon always appears where the spear gets stuck. If the enemy has AoE control, then he will easily catch the hero when he ceases to be invulnerable.

    The same skill is good for escaping from strong opponents, but it is quite easy to shoot down, because the Pantheon needs 2 seconds to prepare to jump.

    In matches, this hero can act as a tank, because he has a shield that blocks 100% damage from enemies in front.