League of legends spielerzahlen 2022: How Many People League of Legends in 2022? (September)

How Many People League of Legends in 2022? (September)

We all know that League of Legends is one of the most popular online games in the world, but we never really knew how big League of Legends really is. It’s time to find out the total League of Legends player count. League of Legends player count in 2022 is no joke. Its player count has grown year by year and is now one of the most played multiplayer games in the world and the most played Esport in the world.

Even though a lot of people think that League of Legends is losing popularity, the numbers are telling us a completely different story. League of Legends player count has continued to grow year-over-year, and it still didn’t stop! There were 115 million active monthly users back in 2020, but numbers went really up this year.

So, how many people play League of Legends in 2022? There are currently 180 million League of Legends players right now, and that’s mostly thanks to Riot Games’ TV series, Arcane! When Arcane was released on Netflix, League of Legends literally “exploded” on the trending chart, and with all of these stats and hype, we just can’t see League going down any soon! If you’d like to learn more about how League gained its popularity, then continue reading this article!

Also read: How much money have I spent on League?

How did League of Legends Rise in Popularity?

In the beginning, LoL was a very different game. Today we have our fair match-making system, understandable gameplay, and as many skins as we want. And the only problematic thing that we can agree on is the client, which sometimes takes on its own.

But, some League of Legends players may remember a time when there was actual chaos in the game. Laggy servers and buggy gameplay – no one was immune to the numerous issues that arose every day. So, how did a game like League of Legends rise to such high numbers of active players on a daily basis?

First of all, we have to give credit to Riot Games for addressing a large percentage of the issues. Champions were fixed, items were removed and new ones added, new map features were introduced. And in the end, we ended up with the League mode we have now. Regular patch updates, bug fixes, and in-depth beta testing are just parts of it.

League of Legends started in North America. In the beginning, the NA server was the only existing one. And the European and the other servers came almost a year later. But despite everything, the interest in the game kept growing since day one. Why is that?

Well, we can say that it’s because League of Legends is such a great game. And we wouldn’t be wrong because, at the time, it was a brand new sensation in the world of competitive video games. A 5v5 PvP arena that required knowledge, skill, and strategy.

Those were the fundamental things that launched LoL in the world of Esports. And Esports made LoL more popular than it could’ve ever been imagined!

League of Legends Esports

It’s no secret that Esports massively influenced the growth of League of Legends’ player count. It helped spread LoL around the world and made it more popular than ever. So how does the professional Esports League of Legends scene work?

Well, the LoL professional scene is divided into multiple leagues, each representing the region and servers they’re in. For example, the North American server and region have the NA LCS league throughout the year. Only the best teams from the United States, Canada, and the rest of NA are playing in the LCS. And the same goes for the European LEC, the South Korean LCK, the Chinese LPL, and the rest.

Now, all these individual leagues work towards the same goal – to launch their best team on an international scale. Mid-Season Invitational, or MSI, is the first international tournament that is happening each year for League of Legends. It’s hosted in different states and cities every time, and teams from all leagues participate in it. MSI is a very serious competition, organized by Riot Games themselves, and has been around since 2015.

However, the most important event for the League of Legends Esports world is the World Championship. Worlds is the final clash between the best teams at the end of the year. The LoL World Championship is the grandest Esports competition, and it has broken viewership numbers many times now. For example, the finals of Worlds 2018 had a record-breaking 99.6 million unique viewers around the world. And just for a comparison, the American Superbowl in 2019 had only 98.2 million viewers.

But, if there is one reason why the LoL Esports scene is getting so many viewers and the game so many more players, it’s the teams and players!

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The Best League of Legends Esports Teams and Players

When we’re talking about pro League of Legends players, we really mean Legends. The situation is like in any other sport – the best players inspire the rest of us to try the game, improve, and become the best.

One person that deserves the most recognition for inspiring LoL players is Faker. Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok is a true icon within the League of Legends community. His debut match back in season 3 in the LCK league showed us his extraordinary talent for the game. Over the next couple of years, Faker would go on and win most of the home and international tournaments. He developed into the absolute best League of Legends player of all time.

But, Faker isn’t the only influential figure in the community. Pros like Bjergsen, Doublelift, Meteos, Diamondprox, xPeke, and many more have inspired a lot of people to join or stay with the game as well. And today’s stars like Caps, ShowMaker, Perkz, Deft, and SofM, are only continuing that tradition.

On the other hand, teams like Team SoloMid, T1, G2 Esports, Cloud 9, Fnatic, and others have left a true legacy behind them. Fans around the globe cheer for their teams and regard them as a vital reason why they’re still watching and playing the game. So, you can clearly see how the League of Legends Esports scene has influenced the growth of the game’s player base throughout the year.

Did Streamers Influence LoL’s Playerbase?

Definitely yes! Thanks to streaming, League has become the most-watched Esports title. During an important event, like the World Championship, third-party platforms like Twitch and YouTube gather to 500 000 live viewers on Riot Game’s official channels. And during the regular days, League’s viewership on Twitch stays on the number one spot – 150 000 – 200 000 average viewers live every second! No other video game has come even close.

Now, the big reason why League has so much attention on Twitch is the actual streamers themselves. Characters like Tyler1, Imaqtpie, Gross Gore, Doublelift, and Midbeast, gather tremendous amounts of audience people every day. They have a massive fanbase and followers that contribute to the League of Legends player count. They perform and teach other players how to be better at the game, resulting in a steady growth-over-time effect for League’s popularity too.

Nearly all professional League of Legends players have tried streaming too. Faker, Caps, and Perkz are among the most famous ones. They don’t have the widest of schedules when it comes to streaming, but they still make efforts to steam during their free time.

Streaming is a fantastic tool for marketing and publishing content, which is why it also works wonderfully for LoL. It’s easily accessible, and anyone can watch/stream their favorite games for free. League of Legends has been part of the streaming business since day one. People enjoy watching others managing to defeat their own opponents. We can learn much from other’s people mistakes, and League players are willing to put in the time to advance their skills in the game.

So, as much as the international tournaments have influenced League’s player numbers, the streamers have nearly that much too!

League of Legends player count in 2011 – 11. 5 MILLION

League of Legends Player Count Graph

This is the year Riot Games first announced an official statement with the number of players they had. It showed us in a cute little League of Legends player count graph

What we understand from that graph is that League of Legends in 2011 had:

  • 32.5 Million registrations 
  • 11.5 Million monthly players
  • 4.2 Million daily players 
  • 1.3 Million players playing at the same time. 

But League of Legends wasn’t the only thing that had grown during the period, Riot Games the Developer of League of Legends had also grown five times their size to 300 total employees. 

They had also included cool nifty stats such as how many minions were killed, how many champions were killed, how much gold was earned etc. as you can see in the infographic below.

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League of Legends player count in 2012- 32 MILLION

Moving into the next year Riot Games released another statement about League of Legends player count. They had again given a nifty infographic to help understand the state of the game in 2012.

What we can take away from the League of Legends graph is that League of Legends had

  • 70 Million registrations
  • 32 Million monthly players
  • 12 Million daily players
  • 3 Million concurrent players.

They had also given other information such as League of Legends has been played for more than 1 Billion play hours every month, the main age group from 16-35 and more information as you can see below.

League of Legends player count in 2014 – 65 MILLION

Fast-forwarding two years into the future, Riot Games released another official statement giving details about the state of League of Legends. This time they had not come with any infographics but rather straight up information.

From the statement released by Riot Games, we understand that League of Legends now had

  • 65 Million monthly players
  • 27 Million daily players
  • 8 Million peak concurrent players

Although Riot didn’t release as much information as before it was still apparent League of Legends was still growing. It had taken a lot longer than previously, but Riot had managed to double their monthly and daily players bringing the total monthly players to 67 million.

League of Legends player count in 2017- 100 MILLION

Riot did not release any statement when they reached this mark, but according to analytical data and certain League of Legends graphs, we understand that the League of Legends player count had reached about 100 Million monthly players in 2017. 

If League of Legends was a country, it would be ranked at the 15th Position as the population per country out of the 200+ countries in the world. That is right, there are only 15 countries in 2020 that have a population of over 100 million.

League of Legends player count in 2018 – 75 MILLION

As to how all games have, League of Legends also had its drop in its player count. But not to worry as League of Legends has gained back its position in 2020 because of the number of Events they held and the amount of marketing that had been done. By now, we had amazing cinematics and also music by many popular creators such as Linkin Park.

League of Legends Player Count 2022 (NOW)

Month Average Monthly Players Monthly Gain / Loss Monthly Gain / Loss % Peak Players In a Day
Last 30 Days 180,000,000 44,004,130 5.88% 32,581,881
February 2, 2022 170,000,000 44,004,130 34.93% 21,155,923
September 30, 2021 125,995,870 -554,408 0% 11,339,628
August 30, 2021 126,550,278 -1,464,195 -1% 11,389,525
July 30, 2021 128,014,473 1,678,998 1% 11,521,303
June 30, 2021 126,335,475 4,768,574 4% 11,370,193
May 30, 2021 121,566,901 3,065,435 3% 10,941,021
April 30, 2021 118,501,466 -1,800,813 -1% 10,665,132
March 30, 2021 120,302,279 2,779,912 2% 10,827,205
February 28, 2021 117,522,367 1,874,552 2% 10,577,013
January 30, 2021 115,647,815 -5,558,822 -5% 10,408,303
December 30, 2020 121,206,637 4,290,500 4% 10,908,597
November 30, 2020 116,916,136 23,430,462 25% 10,522,452
October 30, 2020 93,485,674 -4,920,299 -5% 8,413,711
September 30, 2020 98,405,973 -7,360,004 -7% 6,232,378
August 30, 2020 105,765,976 -3,271,113 -3% 6,698,512
July 30, 2020 109,037,089 -3,372,281 -3% 7,269,139
June 30, 2020 112,409,370 -3,476,578 -3% 4,871,073
May 30, 2020 115,885,949 -13,437,302 -10% 4,635,438
April 30, 2020 129,323,250 9,677,250 8% 5,604,008
March 30, 2020 119,646,000 10,396,000 10% 5,184,660
February 28, 2020 109,250,000 3,266,000 3% 5,462,500
January 30, 2020 105,984,000 6,348,000 6% 4,592,640
December 30, 2020 99,636,000 8,925,288 10% 3,985,440
November 30, 2019 90,710,712 8,154,210 10% 3,930,798
October 30, 2019 82,556,502 1,570,368 2% 3,577,448
September 30, 2019 80,986,134 4,049,307 5% 4,049,307
August 30, 2019 76,936,827 -7,321,146 -9% 3,077,473
July 30, 2019 84,257,973 9,706,188 13% 3,651,179
June 30, 2019 74,551,785 -10,327,384 -12% 3,230,577
May 30, 2019 84,879,169 -5,100,912 -6% 4,243,958
April 30, 2019 89,980,081 -23,351,973 -21% 4,499,004
March 30, 2019 113,332,054 4,681,107 4% 5,666,603
February 28, 2019 108,650,948 -1,127,900 -1% 5,432,547
January 30, 2019 109,778,848 -7,727,152 -7% 3,659,295

League of Legends player count has reached a total of 180 Million monthly players in 2022 according to recent data and has become the King of Games. With constant releases of new Events, Tournaments, and Champions, League of Legends has become one of the most played games in the world. League of Legends literally has at least one game started every second. Can you imagine?

Are you still wondering if League of Legends is big or not?

League of Legends has had a total of $75 MILLION as price pool money in all of their Tournaments held all over the world. To be exact, they have had $5,580,255.87 as Prize Money for Online Tournaments so far and $69,363,810.93 as Offline/LAN Tournaments so far. Having a $75 Million Esports investment so far really shows how big League of Legends is and if that is not enough to convince you, let us compare League of Legends with other games.

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League of Legends Competitors

League of Legends vs Dota 2

League of Legends and Dota 2 are the world’s biggest MOBA games. However, the difference in the player count between these two games is massive. While Dota 2 has around 11 active monthly users, League of Legends has 115 million active monthly users, which makes League around 10 times bigger than Dota 2. Also, League of Legends has around 50 million daily active players in 2022, while Dota 2 only has 1 million daily players.

League of Legends vs Minecraft

Minecraft is the world’s most popular video game on many different gaming platforms, such as Twitch and YouTube Gaming. In 2022, Minecraft’s player base has risen to a whopping 125 million active monthly players, which is “only” 55 million less than the League of Legends player base. These stats really put a good perspective on how big League of Legends really is.

League of Legends vs CS:GO

CSGO is one of the biggest FPS games in the world and still has only 26 Million monthly players. League of Legends almost has 100 Million more than that!

Now you know how popular League of Legends is and I hope this article can help you convince that friend who keeps saying League of Legends is a small indie game made by a small indie company.

Are you surprised by these numbers? If you are, then you’ll be even more surprised when you check out these most expensive skins in League of Legends!

Final Thoughts

Each year, the number of League of Legends players numbers grows more and more. This steady rise has been here since the very beginning of the game. We’re very fortunate to see our favorite game having such a great success, despite the fact that more than 10 years have passed since we first entered the Summoner’s Rift. The truth is, no video game title has ever stayed on the top of the popularity charts like League of Legends.

Riot Games deserve much credit for listening to their general audience when it comes to the actual game itself and the professional scene. People who play League of Legends generally want to be connected to it, even when they aren’t playing the game. And all the books, cinematics, apps, streams, and talk shows, have done exactly that – bring the world of LoL closer to us all!

That said, we’re excited to see what the future hold for us, League of Legends players. Every year, Riot Games manages to introduce new things and keep us engaged. And we’re hoping that that will remain the same for a very long time. May the numbers of millions and millions of players rise even more!

If you feel like finding out whether you may as well be playing enough for ten people on this list, here is our guide on checking how much time you’ve spent on LoL so far.

how many people play League of Legends?

Featured image © Esports

What is the latest League of Legends player count 2022? The game is free to play and it’s safe to say it’s quite addictive — try the best mobile MOBA games as well! How many people play League of Legends in 2022? Is League of Legends dying? Todat, we’ll find out.

Check out our Gaming category for the latest player count of many popular video games in 2022. Now, League of Legends is one of the most popular games in the world but you might not know that yet.  League of Legends is a fast-paced, competitive online game that blends the speed and intensity of an RTS with RPG elements. Two teams of five players battle on a map to control objectives, dominate their opponents, and achieve victory.

League of Legends player count 2022

League of Legends is one of the best video games of all time and in 2022, more than ten years after the release of the game, it’s still the most popular MOBA game ever. Let’s see what the latest League of Legends player count has to say:

1. In October 2022, between 2.2 million and 3.2 million people play League of Legends concurrently across all devices. 

(Source: Playercounter)

The source website uses an algorithm to track the active player count of the most popular video games 2022. In order to determine the exact League of Legends player base, our team monitored the activity of League of Legends players and came up with those numbers. According to the League of Legends tracker, in October 2022, the League of Legends player count is between 2.2 million and 3.2 million active concurrent players.

2. In October 2022, League of Legends ranked #2 on Twitch.

(Source: Twitch Tracker)

Being the third most watched game on Twitch means that it surpassed game giants like CS:GO, Fortnite, and Minecraft. In February 2022, people watched 134 million hours of League of Legends gameplay on the live streaming platfrom with an average number of viewers of 201,000. 

3. As of August 2022, League of Legends is the #1 most popular game on Twitch based on peak number of all-time viewers.

(Source: Statista)

In terms of peak number of Twitch viewers, the most popular game on Twitch is League of Legends. Next come Fortnite, CS:GO, Valorant, Dota 2, Call of Duty: Warzone, Rust, Cyberpunk 2077, GTA V, and World of Warcraft. (Check out the latest Fortnite player count 2022 if you’re curious to know more!) With 3.08 million concurrent viewers, League of Legends is the most watched game on Twitch by peak number of viewers.

4. In 2022, most League of Legends players come from the US and Turkey. 

(Source: Playercounter)

More than 164 million people play video games in the US in 2022. And it’s hardly surprising that most League of Legends players come from there as well — 14.4%. Next comes Turkey with 9.26%, Brazil — 9.11%, Germany — 5.97%, and Russia — 4.98%.

5. In 2022, there are 180 million League of Legends monthly active players. 

(Source: League Feed)

In 2017, 100 million people played League of Legends; in 2014 — 65 million; in 2012 — 35 million. Now, flash forward to 2020 when 115 million people played League of Legends. The coronavirus lockdown 2022 gave us plenty of time to play video games and many people revisited their favorite games. The League of Legends player count 2020 was higher than 2018 by 40 million players. And in 2022, the game hit the 180 million monthly active players milestone.

6. The prize pool for the LoL World Championship 2022 is $2.225 million

(Source: Liquipedia)

More than $2 million is the announced prize pool for the League of Legends World Championship 2022. The Play-in-Round 1 started on September 29 and the finals will take place on November 5, 2022. The winner of the first place will 

Image © The Esports Observer

Is Leagie of Legends dying in 2022?

No. according to the latest League of Legends player count 2022, between 2.2 million and 3.2 million people play the game concurrently across all devices every day. The game ranks #2 on Twitch in October 2022 with an average of 201,000 concurrent viewers on the platform.  With 180 million monthly active players, League of Legends is the most popular MOBA game in 2022.

How many people play League of Legends?

180 million people play League of Legends every month in 2022. And between 2 million and 3 million people play the game concurrently across all devices every day. How popular is Legaue of Legends? Let’s see:

7. In 2020, League of Legends generated revenue amounted to $1.75 billion. 

(Source: Statista)

And this is not the highest League of Legends revenue over the last six years. Have a look at that: in 2017, the game generated more than $2 billion in revenue. The loyalty of the League of Legends fanbase is well-known in the gaming circles — back in 2011, there were 15 million League of Legends players worldwide.

8. In 2020, League of Legends was the second most popular eSports in the world. 

(Source: ISPO)

Guess which was the most popular one? Counter-Strike, correct! With over 13,000 professional eSports players and a prize pool of over $102 million, CS:GO was at the top of the list. The second most popular eSports game in the world was League of Legend with over 7,000 professional players and a prize pool of over $79 million. And for the sake of full disclosure, #3 on the list was Fortnite — 4,300 players and a $97 million prize pool.

9. In October 2021, people watched 208 million hours of League of Legends gameplay on Twitch.

(Source: Twitch Tracker)

May 2021 saw the record in League of Legends gameplay hours watched on Twitch for the last year — 174 million hours. In October 2021, the numbers went as high as 208 million. The reason behind the sudden rise of interest in the game usually has something to do with recent League of Legends events, League of Legend patch updates, and global tournaments.

10. In 2020, 33.99% of all North American League of Legends players were in the Silver skill level.

(Source: Statista)

In October 2020, 33. 99% of all North American League of Legends players were in the Silver tier. Next came the Gold tier with 27.04%, then the Bronze tier — 22.14%, and the Platinum tier — 9.54%. 

11. 42% of the League of Legends fan base are players & viewers.

(Source: Statista)

The numbers of viewers to players vary according to the game. 42% of the League of Legends fan base consists of layers and viewers; 32% are players only, and 26% — viewers only. Let’s be honest — League of Legends is hard to just stay and watch. The gameplay is way too absorbing and various to resist. 

12. 82% of all League of Legends players are male.

(Source: Statista)

According to the latest League of Legends demographics, the bulk of League of Legends players are male. The game is obviously more attractive to the male audience.

Image © PCGamer

League of Legends tournaments: latest LoL statistics

Now is the time to talk about money. Who is the top earning League of Legends eSports professional player in 2021? And how much money has he made from LoL championships? Let’s have a look: 

13. In 2020, the League of Legends world championships prize pool money amounted to $2.23 million.

(Source: Statista) 

2020 brought many changes to our society and one of them was social distancing of course. Many sports and eSports events were cancelled and as a result the prize pool money for many championships was less than the previous year. This was the case with League of Legends as well — in 2019, the prize pool for LoL championships amounted to the astonishing $6.45 million.

14. In 2019, the League of Legends eSports championship finals attracted a crowd of viewers of 100 million people. 

(Source: Statista) 

At the 10th anniversary of the game, 100 million people watched the finals of the eSports League of Legends championships.  

15. As of December 2020, the leading League of Legends eSports player in the world has earned more than $1.25 million.

(Source: Statista) 

Lee Sang-hyeok from South Korea, known as Faker, is the League of Legends highest ranking eSports player in the world. Throughout his gaming career he acquired the sum of $1.25 million from League of Legends tournaments. 

Image © Rock Paper Shotgun

League of Legends vs Dota 2: best MOBA games 2022

League of Legends and Dota 2 are the best MOBA games in 2022. There are a lot of different MOBA games out there, and it can be hard to decide which one is right for you. Do you want to play as an elf or a goblin? Should you learn how to use wards and items correctly? Will you be able to keep up with the pros?

Let’s compare the stats about both game giants and see which one is more popular in 2022. According to the latest Dota 2 player count, the game is currently #13 on Twitch and the second most popular game on Steam. There were 714,000 concurrent Dota 2 players on Steam in November 2020. On the other hand, there’s League of Legends: it ranks #2 on Twitch and there were 115 million active users in 2020 and 715,000 people played the game in February 2021.

League of Legends and Dota 2 are both great games, but they have different strengths and weaknesses. League of Legends is more beginner-friendly and has a larger player base, while Dota 2 has more complex mechanics and a smaller player base. Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preference.

Now, League of Legends is a 5 vs 5 team-based online battle arena game and it’s based on the Warcraft III mod Defense of the Ancients. Players choose a champion, each with unique abilities, and join forces to battle against other players or AI-controlled champions. The goal is to destroy the enemy’s base by working together with your team mates. Dota 2 is also a 5 vs 5 team-based online battle arena game, but it’s based on the original Defense of the Ancients mod for WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne. In Dota 2, players pick from a pool of over 100 heroes, forming two teams of five players.

Both games have a loyal and numerous player base and have been immensely popular in the last decade. A lot has changed in the video gaming industry during that time, but games like League of Legends, Dota 2, Minecraft, and Counter-Strike never fail to deliver. 

Wrap up

How many people play League of Legends in 2022? According to the latest League of Legends player count 2022, between 2.2 million and 3.2 million people play the game concurrently every day. It is safe to say that in 2022, League of Legends is the most popular multiplayer online battle arena game. It ranks #2 on Twitch where people watch millions of hours of League of Legends gameplay every month.

More than ten years after the initial release, League of Legends is still one of the most popular video games in 2022 — well done, Riot Games! Keep it up! 

Visit TechACake.com for more video game statistics in 2022!


  1. Playercounter
  2. Twitch Tracker
  3. Statista
  4. Playercounter
  5. League Feed
  6. Liquipedia
  7. Statista
  8. ISPO
  9. Twitch Tracker
  10. Statista
  11. Statista
  12. Statista
  13. Statista
  14. Statista
  15. Statista

2022 Ranked Rewards — League of Legends

Many players’ favorite time of the year is upon us — End of Season Rewards Announcement! All your ups and downs in the 2022 season will finally be rewarded. We are very proud of your achievements and believe that you will achieve even better results next season. You still have time to get the coveted rank, but hurry! The Ranked Season officially ends on November 14th at 23:59:59 local time on your server. After that, rewards will be given out for 4 weeks (in cycles 12.22 and 12.23).
Now let’s talk about what you’ll get for the 2022 Ranked Season. We’ll be adding additional reward images to this article later, so be sure to check back here towards the end of the season!
Ranked Rewards
If you reach Gold or higher ranks in Solo, Duo or Flex queue, you will receive a Victorious skin for Sejuani. You also get a chroma for this skin for each rank above Gold you reach, with a different one for each queue.
In addition, all players who qualify in Singles, Duos, Flex or all of these queues will receive a permanent set of Sejuani Series 1 Eternals, a ranked profile icon for the highest rank earned in each queue, and a ranked banner design.
For more information on Ranked Rewards, please see our FAQ article.
Clash Rewards
The third season of Clash will also end next month and will be rewarded accordingly. The quantity and quality of Clash rewards depends on how many victory points you have earned, while each participant in any of the tournaments will receive the «Clash Fighter» icon. Below is a complete list of the mode’s rewards.

  • Fighters:

    • Icon of the Challenger icon — «Fighter»: 100 at

    • Clash logo — «Fighter»: 400 to

    • Clash Banner — «Fighter»: 1000 to

  • Conquerors:

    • Icon of the Challenger — «Conqueror»: 2000

    • Clash logo — «Conqueror»: 3000 to

    • Banner Clash — «Conquer»: 4000

  • 0002 Champions:

    • Icon of the Challenger — «Champion»: 5000 to

    • Clash logo — «Champion»: 6000 to

    • Baner Clash — «Champion»: 7000 to


    We previously revealed that you will receive «Malzahar’s Champion» skin and permanent champion Malzahar as a reward if you finish the season with Honor 5. The skin and champion will appear on your account within 4 weeks after the end of the season.

    You’ll also receive an Honor Capsule based on your Honor level:


    This season, we’ve introduced a challenge system to you — several times. We are glad that you liked it! Thank you for putting so much effort into completing challenges, some of which were exclusive to Season 2022. Progress on the current set of Seasonal Challenges will no longer be tracked at the end of the Season and the set itself will be archived. But don’t get upset! At the beginning of the 2023 season, we will present you with new challenges. Stay tuned, because soon we will tell you about the most productive players of this season.

    Riot Sakaar

    Senior Community Manager — Cayden House

    Still can’t figure out what poros are.

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    90,000 command for organizing broadcasts of the World Cup-2022-League LEGENDS

    LIL NAS X and Jackson Van are prepared to act at the opening of the world 202 San Francisco, and Riot Games’ esports department is coming to the climax of this eventful year. During its existence, the League of Legends World Championship managed to visit the most famous stadiums on the planet: the Beijing Bird’s Nest, New York’s Madison Square Garden, and the World Cup Stadium in Seoul. In 2022, the biggest esports event will take place in North America for the first time since 2016.

    “This is my ninth World Cup and I joined Riot Games after attending the 2013 World Cup at the Staples Center as a fan,” says Sam Chamson, live broadcast manager for the World Cup. how much Riot Games is investing in esports. It was not just a marketing ploy to advertise the tournament, but a clear demonstration of how good it is to be a player and love League of Legends.»

    Since about 2013, computer games have become an integral part of popular culture. The World Cup is getting bigger every time, in the autumn more and more viewers watch the broadcasts of the tournament for a whole month. In 2021, more than 70 million fans watched the World Cup final. One way to gauge the scope of what’s going on is the Average Viewers Per Minute (AMA) statistic, which is how companies like Nielsen measure the popularity of a TV show. For comparison, for the world-class basketball and baseball finals, this statistic was 12 million viewers per minute. For the League of Legends World Championship Finals, it reached 30 million.

    «There’s something new about the final every year,» continues Sam. I was blown away when I saw the stadium.In 2017, the final was held in Beijing, and we made a dragon fly over the Bird’s Nest using augmented reality.In 2018, Riot Games’ K/DA K-pop band K/DA performed live for the first time . In 2020, due to the covid pandemic, we had to rely mainly on augmented reality, which transformed the scenery, creating either a high skyscraper roof or a brutalist concrete monolith.»

    In 2022, the World Championship will be organized by a team of experienced and new employees with experience in the fields of cinema, broadcasting, traditional sports, music, entertainment events and many others.

    “I was brought to Riot Games by a post on HBO Real Sports after the 2013 World Cup. I saw that esports is at the crossroads of entertainment and has a community,” recalls Dave Stewart, Associate Director of Content Services at esports, formerly a producer at Fox Sports Radio and Time Warner Film Company — I love that esports combines sports, entertainment, art, music, and even some storytelling. I’ve been with the company for nine years, and we constantly We receive resumes from applicants with experience in various fields, because in order to organize a World Champion, you need very different skills.»

    If you are interested, check out our vacancies. At the time of this article, the esports department needs about 40 employees, and the company as a whole needs about 400. Even if you get a job in another department, you may have the opportunity to join the team that hosts the World Cup every year.

    “I knew Riot Games existed, but I didn’t play League of Legends,” says Ashley Gomez, who worked in traditional sports, music and entertainment before moving to Riot’s Business Development and Corporate Collaboration team in 2022. – eSports is a perfect symbiosis of the areas I have worked in. It was not difficult for me to adapt, because many of the tasks were already familiar: you need to sign the stadium, prepare materials for broadcast and coordinate partners so that the event runs as smoothly as possible. »

    New employees come to Riot from a wide range of industries. Many of those who now work in the esports department started in traditional sports and were familiar with the specifics of League of Legends to varying degrees. Quickly understanding the key differences between digital and physical rivalry, the new hires are seeing significant similarities between traditional sports and esports.

    “Virtual sports have the same thrills as real sports,” comments Stewart. risky maneuvers that may or may not work.»

    When preparing stories about the World Championship, producers focus on topics that are understandable to participants in any competition. Confrontation of the regions, whose best teams meet on the field; second chances for players who just missed the win; the story of Faker, the greatest player in the history of League of Legends, who will try to become a four-time world champion this year.

    “Esports coverage and regular sports coverage have a lot in common,” says John Depa, LEC Live Producer, who is hosting broadcasts at the venue this year. who accepts defeat with dignity.We convey the spirit of competition and show how the team went to their goal.Similarly, American football and regular football or basketball are covered.But communication with the community is different.For example, we organize broadcasts during which fans vote in Discord «In the Twitch chat, we get instant feedback from the viewers. As a broadcast producer, I can say that the ability to interact with the audience greatly contributes to the popularity of certain segments of the show.»

    In addition to storytelling, technology helps us realize our visions. As you might guess, they play a key role in the world of eSports, nothing will work without them.

    “I think of broadcast elements as building blocks,” says Michael Caal, broadcast technical manager who joined Riot in 2015 and previously worked for Univision and broadcast X Games extreme games. “There are video cameras, there is a switchboard, all of this is standard.Then you start adding more complex elements like augmented reality and the scale of your build model increases dramatically.At the previous place of work, I used probably half of the available equipment and other features.At Riot Games, technology is at its fullest and equipment is used as much as possible, because we are always trying something new.»

    Augmented reality technology has already become the standard in the opening ceremonies of the World Cup final. The elder dragon that flew over the Bird’s Nest won the Sports Emmy Award for Outstanding Visual Design, beating major basketball events including the NBA Finals. In 2019, True Damage, a group of rap artists assembled specifically for this year’s World Cup anthem, performed a concert. When the pandemic messed up everyone’s plans in 2020, almost the entire opening ceremony took place in augmented reality.a

    «When people in broadcast ask me about esports, I say there’s a lot to learn here,» Kaal continues. talk to management to try something new, but here it’s easy to arrange, we have a great team, I work with very smart people, each of whom knows his job very well, discussions are always to the point and get to the core — it’s very refreshing compared to my previous experience.»

    The World Championship has been held every year for ten years now. This is the biggest esports event, and our ambitions only grow with time, because we are constantly trying something new based on what has already been done. But if you look more broadly, our championship is still a young event compared to, say, the World Cup or the Oscars, which have almost a century of history.

    “We have already built the foundation for esports events, and now we are going to the first floor,” says Eamon Frescher, LCS Live and International Events Manager. “Esports will be a driving force in the games and entertainment industry for many decades to come. There are triumphs here , and defeats, and players who go all out for recognition and glory.