League of legends bester champion: LoL Tier List Patch 13.4 for Climbing Solo Queue

LoL Tier List Patch 13.4 for Climbing Solo Queue

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Mobalytics Predictive Tier List for League of Legends for Patch 13.4!

Are you ready for the Patch 13.4 Tier List by Mobalytics?

Our panel of experts has you covered for every role and rank.

Below, you’ll find our two League of Legends champion tier lists, one for general ELO (low ELO up to high Plat/low Diamond) and one for high ELO (high diamond up).

Latest Champion


(God Tier)


(God Tier)

Mid Lane

(God Tier)


(God Tier)


(God Tier)

For everybody else, we have prepared much more:

Jump to General LoL Tier List

Jump to High-ELO LoL Tier List

If you have any questions about our choices or process, ask us on Discord!

Now that you know the best champions for LoL, get the best champions for Teamfight Tactics with our TFT tier list or Wild Rift with our Wild Rift tier list.

We also have a best decks tier list for LoR and an agent tier list for Valorant.

Methodology TLDR: This LoL list was curated in collaboration with our League Experts: Adam ‘Moriarty’ Isles, Dan ‘Aux’ Harrison and Phy, and our Role Specialists: Shikari, Only, Command Attack, and Yen. Unlike most LoL tier lists, we publish ours before, or as a patch goes live, according to the predictions of our in-house experts.

  • Our first tier list aimed at lower elo, specifically gold elo and the surrounding brackets. These picks are effective when utilized in lower ranks and are the best tools for helping you to climb the SoloQ ladder as far as Diamond.
  • Our second tier list is for high elo, aimed at Diamond 2 and above. These picks are curated by our experts and are an indicator of the champions inherent strength when played at the highest level. For a lot of the user base this information isn’t super relevant for their games but provides invaluable insight into the game itself.
  • We made the decision to return to two tier lists after heavily reviewing the feedback from our users. Ultimately we agreed that a general tier list aimed at Plat+ wouldn’t serve a majority of the playerbase and we had missed the mark.
  • Our difficulty system relies on “Skill Floor”, meaning that a Simple champion will yield results faster (around 5-10 games of learning)
  • If a champion has a higher skill floor (Hard or Severe), it will take more time to learn them (20-50 games +) but you will be rewarded with better results over time whereas a Simple champion may fall off as you climb higher.

For a more in-depth explanation for our methodology, head to the bottom of the article.

General LoL Tier List for Patch 13.4

Jump to High-ELO Tier List

Best Top Laners for Low Elo:

Tier Champions
Optimal (S-tier) Singed, Shen, Olaf, Zac, Kled, Jax, Gangplank, Darius, Wukong, Mordekaiser.
Great (A-tier) Quinn, Sion, Illaoi, Ornn, Fiora, Warwick, Kayle, Nasus, Akshan, Yorick, Garen, Dr. Mundo, Riven, Irelia, Camille, Malphite.
Good (B-tier) Cho’Gath, Poppy, Tahm Kench, Renekton, Maokai, Teemo, Pantheon, Sett, Aatrox, Vladimir, Jayce, Urgot, Vayne, Tryndamere.

Best Junglers for Low Elo:

Tier Champions
Optimal (S-tier) Udyr, Maokai, Jarvan, Amumu, Elise, Fiddlesticks, Rammus, Wukong
Great (A-tier) Vi, Evelynn, Nocturne, Sylas, Nunu, Ekko, Master Yi, Zac, Mordekaiser, Diana, Xin Zhao, Warwick, Lillia, Kha’zix
Good (B-tier) Ivern, Shaco, Volibear, Lee Sin, Hecarim, Kayn, Shyvana, Rek’sai, Poppy, Rengar, Bel’Veth, Trundle, Sejuani, Gragas, Viego, Skarner

Best Mid Laners for Low Elo:

Tier Champions
Optimal (S-tier) Anivia, Tristana, Aurelion Sol, Annie, Cassiopeia.
Great (A-tier) Viktor, Swain, Heimerdinger, Ekko, Pantheon, Vex, Irelia, Vladimir, Fizz, Ziggs, Yone, Lux, Malzahar, Akshan, Zed.
Good (B-tier) Yasuo, Zoe, Orianna, Talon, Veigar, Vel’koz, Ahri, Galio, Neeko, Katarina, Sylas, Syndra, Lissandra, Diana, Kassadin, Karma.

Best ADC for Low Elo:

Tier Champions
Optimal (S-tier) Xayah, Twitch, Samira, Jhin, Caitlyn, Kai’sa
Great (A-tier) Heimerdinger, Ashe, Nilah, Kog’maw, Tristana, Miss Fortune, Jinx, Draven, Seraphine, Varus
Good (B-tier) Lucian, Sivir, Aphelios, Kalista, Vayne, Zeri, Ezreal

Best Supports for Low Elo:

Tier Champions
Optimal (S-tier) Janna, Blitzcrank, Maokai, Amumu, Sona, Taric
Great (A-tier) Soraka, Zilean, Zyra, Rell, Renata Glasc, Heimerdinger, Nami, Lux, Janna, Pyke, Amumu, Maokai, Ashe, Thresh, Swain
Good (B-tier) Braum, Morgana, Brand, Karma, Alistar, Senna, Twitch, Leona, Xerath, Seraphine, Vel’koz, Bard, Lulu

Expert pick commentary

To see all the explanations for our expert picks and more, head to our tier list feature!

Top – Wukong
  • Wukong is a strong top lane champion who has returned to winning ways.
  • He is a potent lane bully during the early game and has a great ability to snowball into the mid game.
  • Wukong’s ultimate provides significant crowd control and engage potential in teamfights, making him a useful champion in any situation.
  • With changes made to his clone last year, Wukong now has a higher skill ceiling, but he is still easy to pick up on a basic level.
  • Even if the lane phase does not go as planned, there is always a way to make an impact in teamfights with Wukong.
  • Players can knock up enemy teams and enjoy LP gains when playing as Wukong.
Jungle – Rammus
  • Rammus is a popular pick for jungle champions in lower ranks and is currently performing well.
  • He has received buffs and his difficult matchups have been nerfed, contributing to his success.
  • Rammus is an excellent champion due to his ability to perform great early ganks, provide fantastic map mobility, and take down backlines quickly without any response.
  • For players who want to be unkillable and capable of carrying games single-handedly, Rammus is an ideal choice to try out in the current patch.
Mid – Annie
  • Annie has been a highly potent champion since her buffs in patch 13.3 and continues to be one of the strongest champions in the game.
  • Despite no further nerfs coming this week, Annie’s strength is likely to remain a significant threat in gameplay.
  • Annie is an accessible champion who is easy to play and has a high impact in games, able to carry with a well-executed Ultimate.
  • She possesses substantial AoE damage, impressive crowd control, and additional utility through her E ability.
  • Players who are not utilizing Annie’s strengths are potentially missing out on a highly advantageous champion in their gameplay.
Bottom – Xayah
  • Xayah is an exceptional champion to play right now and boasts one of the highest win rates of any AD Carry across multiple ranks.
  • She has exceptional poke, strong DPS, and an incredible ability to kite and burst down opponents who attempt to take her down.
  • Xayah’s ultimate is one of the best in the game, providing exceptional peel for herself, keeping her alive, and scattering feathers to deal substantial damage to pursuers.
  • She is a versatile marksman who can work well with most supports and is a solid pick in many different lanes, making her a flexible and strong champion to play.
  • Players who enjoy playing Xayah should continue to do so, as she is currently a top-performing champion in the game.
Support – Nautilus
  • Nautilus has always been a formidable presence in the bot lane and recent buffs and changes to tank supports have further strengthened his dominance.
  • His hook is still a significant threat with a scary hitbox that can shut down low mobility lanes and repeatedly farm opponents.
  • Nautilus provides consistent CC throughout the game, making him useful even if the early game doesn’t go according to plan.
  • He is a terrifying roamer in the early game, as opponents must respect his presence and watch out for his anchor flying into their face.
  • Players who enjoy a dominant presence in the bot lane and enjoy CC-heavy champions should consider playing Nautilus, who has seen a significant comeback due to recent changes and buffs.

High-ELO LoL Tier List for Patch 13.4

Jump back to the general tier list

Best Top Laners for High Elo:

Tier Champions
Optimal (S-tier) Olaf, Darius, Camille, Jax, Gangplank, Rengar, Zac, Kled, Riven
Great (A-tier) Fiora, Pantheon, Quinn, Ornn, Jayce, Singed, Poppy, Wukong, Sion, Tryndamere, Shen, Irelia, Akshan
Good (B-tier) Kayle, Gnar, Rumble, Sett, K’Sante, Mordekaiser, Nasus, Gragas, Urgot, Yone, Malphite, Yasuo, Aatrox, Warwick, Garen, Vladimir

Best Junglers for High Elo:

Tier Champions
Optimal (S-tier) Nunu, Elise, Fiddlesticks, Maokai, Udyr, Jarvan, Nidalee, Rengar
Great (A-tier) Rammus, Bel’Veth, Gragas, Kha’zix, Zac, Ekko, Wukong, Rek’sai, Xin Zhao, Ivern, Evelynn, Kindred, Lee Sin, Viego, Shaco
Good (B-tier) Hecarim, Skarner, Kayn, Taliyah, Diana, Trundle, Sejuani, Karthus, Master Yi, Graves, Amumu, Vi, Sylas, Nocturne

Best Mid Laners for High Elo:

Tier Champions
Optimal (S-tier) Aurelion Sol, Annie, Cassiopeia, Akshan, Tristana, Anivia, Sylas
Great (A-tier) Jayce, Ekko, Syndra, Qiyana, Galio, Zoe, Rumble, Katarina, Irelia, Zed, Taliyah, Talon, Yasuo, Orianna, Swain, Vex
Good (B-tier) Ahri, Viktor, Vel’koz, Lux, Fizz, Yone, Twisted Fate, Kassadin, Leblanc, Ryze, Akali, Vladimir, Pantheon, Corki, Diana, Veigar

Best ADC for High Elo:

Tier Champions
Optimal (S-tier) Kai’sa, Xayah, Karthus, Draven, Twitch, Caitlyn, Samira, Jhin
Great (A-tier) Nilah, Seraphine, Tristana, Jinx, Ezreal, Varus, Zeri, Yasuo, Ashe, Kog’maw
Good (B-tier) Kalista, Vayne, Aphelios, Sivir, Lucian, Miss Fortune

Best Supports for High Elo:

Tier Champions
Optimal (S-tier) Blitzcrank, Rakan, Annie, Nautilus, Rell, Pyke, Thresh
Great (A-tier) Renata Glasc, Bard, Soraka, Taric, Janna, Zilean, Amumu, Braum, Heimerdinger, Alistar, Lux, Maokai, Ashe
Good (B-tier) Xerath, Zyra, Senna, Seraphine, Leona, Lulu, Vel’koz, Nami, Sona, Karma
Top – Riven
  • Riven’s recent buffs are significant and have the potential to push her over the edge as a strong champion in higher ranks.
  • Riven’s high skill ceiling is often well-utilized by top Riven players, and these buffs may make her even more powerful in the hands of skilled players in high elo.
  • She possesses substantial damage and mobility, allowing her to outplay opponents and make comebacks even in unfavorable situations.
  • Her potential to snowball and carry games solo is largely dependent on the player’s skill and mastery of the champion.
  • Players who enjoy high-skill-cap champions and are experienced with Riven should consider playing her this patch, as she has become even stronger with recent buffs.
Jungle – Rengar
  • Rengar is a very strong and intimidating jungle pick in high elo and is performing well currently, making it difficult to come out on top against a skilled Rengar player.
  • Rengar has a range of viable item builds, including tank, bruiser, and full assassin, all of which can work well depending on the situation and playstyle.
  • He is rather unique and somewhat challenging jungler to play, requiring a lot of practice and skill to be played consistently well.
  • Despite the difficulty, players who are up for the challenge and have the necessary skills will find Rengar to be a very strong pick in the current meta.
Mid – Cassiopeia
  • Cassiopeia is still very strong and hasn’t been nerfed yet.
  • She has benefited greatly from recent changes and buffs to her itemization options.
  • Cassiopeia deals relentless damage throughout fights and can easily melt through entire teams if left unchecked.
  • She has many ways to influence games, from kiting and shredding through pursuiters to landing one big ultimate engage at the right time for a major objective.
  • Cassiopeia does require a good amount of practice to play optimally, but if you enjoy kiting, spamming Twin Fangs, and repeatedly applying poisons, she’s a great champion to play.
Bottom – Draven
  • Draven is one of the best AD Carries to play if you are skilled.
  • He is borderline abusable right now if you have what it takes.
  • Draven has huge damage in the early game and an insanely powerful mid game.
  • He snowballs harder than any other champion from the bot lane.
  • Cashing in on kills with his axes yields a significant amount of gold.
  • Draven can have two items before anyone else on the map has one.
  • Draven can one-shot anyone who tries to stop him.
  • Draven mains shine in high elo.
  • Be prepared to play against Draven a lot if you are not a fan of him.
Support – Rakan
  • Rakan is a strong support champion after recent buffs.
  • He can outplay enemies with his mobility and utility and he can win the lane phase with clutch outplays.
  • He can lock down entire teams with his Ultimate and set up engages for his teammates.
  • Rakan is satisfying to play when you dive into a team, group them up, lock them down, and vanish back out to safety.

Format and Methodology

Our difficulty ratings focus on how long it would take to start seeing a champion’s power level on our list in terms of the number of games invested.

Let’s say you’re debating between learning and climbing with Jax (A-tier | Simple) or Rengar (A-tier | Severe) – you’re going to want to go with Jax. Why? This is because Jax has a lower skill floor and would require less games to play at an A-Tier level in solo queue. If you tried to pick up Rengar, you wouldn’t get the full value of A-tier until after about 15 matches of practice whereas with Jax, you would get that full 15 every time you play him.

Another example would be between Nidalee (S-tier | Intense) vs Xin Zhao (B-Tier | Simple). Let’s say you’re about to play your last match before promos and you get auto-filled to Jungle (a role you’re not too familiar with). Even though he’s lower on the list, you’d be better off choosing Xin because you don’t have the required number of games to break the skill floor of Nidalee.

Higher skill floor champions will scale better with time investment – Severe champs will outperform Simple champs in the long run because Simple champs generally have their weaknesses exposed the higher you climb.

So if your question is, “How long until I’ll start seeing results?”, the answer would be harder = longer time, easier = shorter time. If your question is. “Will this champion still be strong as I climb in ranks?”, the answer would be harder = moreso, easier = less so.

Disclaimer #1: If a champion isn’t on our LoL Tier List, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t climb with them. You’ll just have to put in more effort to get similar results as our Optimal, Great, and Good choices for climbing.

Disclaimer #2: This list is meant to evaluate the champions that we believe are best for climbing Solo Queue. Although there can certainly be some overlap, we are NOT looking to name the champions that are the best in pro-play or organized, competitive 5-on-5. This is why champs that require a ton of team coordination such as Ryze, may not be included or ranked highly.

As always, we welcome all discussion and feedback. If you have any questions about picks that we didn’t expand on or would like to let us know how you feel about Patch 13.4 and our predictions in general, join us in our Discord! If you’re wondering how we make our tier list, check out our video explanation.

How To Play League Of Legends — League of Legends articles

Tier List

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Best League of Legends champions for 2022

Want to know which of the best League of Legends champions to climb up the rankings? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Looking at recent buffs, most wins, and champions that can have a big impact on the game, the champions listed below should be considered.

We all know that ranked matches in League of Legends can be a rollercoaster ride. From heroic moments of victory to crushing defeats, every game keeps you on your toes. To avoid more of the latter, you need to be smart about choices and inhibitions. Especially if you pick an opponent before your track, you want a champion that is good in almost all scenarios.

But you also need a powerful champion who can control the game and make the right moves. Sometimes trusting peers may not work. You have to solve the problem yourself. And you can do just that with this list of the strongest champions across all roles. Whether you’re looking for a champion to dominate or just the easiest way to earn LP, this article has everything you need.

League of Legends



If you are the type who wants to conquer the world on your own, Darius is the right choice for you. It’s scary to play against the steamroller, as it scares your opponent along the way, dealing damage throughout your passive bleed.

While ranged champions can be difficult at first, healing his Q gives him enough resilience to stay healthy, while attacking the mythical new item Stridebreaker adds huge range to his fight. Now he can easily close the gap before pulling opponents with his E, so there really is no way out.

Darius can continue down the top lane and split the push, challenging anyone to try and fight him. He will eventually force several members of the opposing team to waste time chasing him so that the rest of his team can pursue more meaningful goals. Yes, and in team fights, Darius is sloppy. In fact, he is a Pentakill machine as his last ability deals real damage and resets if he kills an enemy.


However, if you want to make a choice that doesn’t overburden your shoulders but is really effective, Shen is a great choice right now. Ninjas are incredibly powerful at every stage of the game and will always make a difference on the map.

His starting game is very stable, so much so that he can be a bully in most hand-to-hand matches. His Q damage bonus and his ability to block basic attacks with W means Shen comes out on top in most matchups. Shen can also use his E taunt to force opponents to accept the aggro minion.

Shen’s win rate has increased to 52.25% in all categories after a big buff to his ultimate in the last patch. His R allows him to teleport to an ally from anywhere on the map, giving them a powerful shield. This shield is now much larger as it is buffed by additional health, making Shen much more effective later in the game.

The general aspect of his ult can be abused in Lower Elo, as many players don’t take into account the teleported Shen’s threat in every fight. You can take your opponents by surprise, leaving a teammate alive and securing a numerical advantage where you started with a simple teleport.



Despite being nerfed by the damage her Tormented Shadow deals to monsters, Morgana is still one of the strongest hunting characters in LoL in 11. 9. The move still deals 180% damage to enemies in the jungle, which, along with his passive healing, gives him one of the strongest combos in the game.

Morgana is also incredibly easy, so she performs fantastically on every Elos, hence her 53.80% win rate, the highest in her role. Along with her powerful wedge, Morgana also has fantastic ganks thanks to her Q, Dark Binding, a skill that every LoL player dreads. The projectile can be dodged by moving very slowly, but the skill’s hit box is huge, and the root lasts two to three seconds, which is incredibly long for crowd control (CC).

In teamfights, Morgana will mostly try to reach more roots, but her magic shield can also be crucial as it protects an ally or herself from CC. Also, her ultimate is huge, as she stuns anyone who can’t avoid chains, making her a fantastic zoning tool, especially with Zhonya’s hourglass so that Morgana can run around safely.

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Another good option is Zak, who had his W damage increased in patch 11.8. The big green bubble works well in all categories, as he is easy to catch , so his payoff is 52.20%.

Zack’s strength lies in his ganks and skirmishes. His Elastic Slingshot allows him to lunge from a distance before knocking down and stuns those he lands on before adding an extra CC to his kit. The huge range can make you completely unpredictable with gank options in situations that other characters simply don’t have access to. It also gives him an easy escape from 1v1 fights where he has no chance.

The recent buffs from the mythical item Sunfire Aegis, which he regularly picks up, have helped the tank a lot. Also, your passives give you a chance to respawn sometimes, which makes them incredibly hard to take down. Zack is able to survive fights for years thanks to the built in sustain which also helps him stay fit and healthy.


Looks like Katarina has always been the middle choice. And that hasn’t changed this 2021 as she has received some buffs this season that ensure she remains a threat.

Katarina is one of the best champions in the game. With just a few kills, she is able to take control of a match, moving from lane to lane and taking out the weakest members of the opposing team. And it’s important to note that Katarina is at her best when she can leave the lane and wander over or through the bot looking for extra kills — especially under Elo, as many players won’t follow her. With her great mobility and high damage output, she is very difficult to play with.

Also among champions lol Katarina is quite adaptable. With the help of her runes, she can use Electrocute for more burst or Conqueror for a surprising amount of sustain as she constantly moves in and out of combat.


And for those who want something less mechanically intense and with more CC, Galio is always a good choice.

Antimage has a large built-in tank capacity, especially against AP threats that are extremely difficult to deal with. But even against AD champions, Galio is very effective due to his natural durability and many control options.

His CC means he can find good spots when performing massive taunts, but he really shines against champions who constantly want to roam like Katarina, as his semi-global ultimate allows him to fly around the map and fall, giving him a huge magic shield. damage to allies when knocking down any enemies caught in a large radius.

With a win rate of 52.11% and few losing matches, Galio is definitely worth it. His interruption in teamfights is extremely difficult to overcome and he counters many of the strongest mid laners at the moment.


Going to the bot lane, you really didn’t go wrong with Jinx. Loose Cannons are always a threat as they are one of the strongest scale champions in the game.

Late game basic attacks deal massive AoE damage with Runaan’s Hurricane as she melts entire teams and can chase her down with her passive haste. Although Jinx is not the strongest ADC in lane, she can more than hold her own in early matches, her traps allow her CC to put more pressure on lane death threats.

With a solid start to the game and always a chance to continue later, Jinx is a very safe pick, so his win rate of 51.72% and a huge pick percentage of 20.1% is the second highest in the game. It doesn’t have triggers, so placement is critical, but it’s a skill you’ll need to scale as an ADC anyway.


Another very strong option is Tristana who, despite having played a bit in mid lately, is definitely still viable in the bottom lane.

Yordle has a solid 50.92% win rate and is another hyper carry that scales very well towards the end of the game. The range of her auto attacks, explosive charge, and ultimate range increase as she levels up, meaning she can deal massive damage from a distance. And with her standard build filled with mission-critical items, she’ll blow anyone she can pick up.

However, unlike Jinx, Tristana is an ADC that can be played with in a much riskier style, as she jumps straight into the action with a Rocket Jump that drops into a fully charged explosive charge or fall (kill or assist). This fold also allows Tristana to opt for risky all-ins that most ADCs can’t.

But be careful: there is a good balance between a really cool move and a losing move. Most of the time, you’ll want to use jump to escape to safety, especially since the ability still procs even if you get hit by CC if you release it soon.