Kingdom come deliverance steinschlag: Steinschlag | Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki

KCD Groschen verdienen? (Kingdom Come Deliverance)

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  • Kingdom Come Deliverance
  • Hallo, Ich spiele ja Kingdome Come Deliverance, aber bei den Groschen mangelt es, und ich sterbe oft, weil ich fast nur mit einen Dolch in ein Getümmel gehe, Wie kann ich mehr Gulden verdienen? Bin jetzt grade in Rattay LG Fisherman1

    1 Antwort


    09.04.2018, 10:55

    Begib dich nach nach Talmberg und rede mit Herrn Diwisch. Dieser erzählt dir von einem Streit zwischen ihm und dem Kloster in Sasau. Biete deine Hilfe an nun startet die Quest «Steinschlag» nachdem du diese abgeschlossen hast berichte Herrn Diwisch was du herausgefunden hast als Belohnung winken dir ca. 2000 Groschen. (Falls gewünscht Lösung steht am Ende).
    Loote nur die Wertvollen Gegenstände (meine Untergrenze sind 150 Groschen).
    Wenn du bei der 1. große Schlacht bist sammel sämtliche Wertvollen Gegenstände auf (auch von gefallenen Verbündete, wird dir zwar als gestohlen angezeigt hat aber keine Auswirkung wirst also nicht gesucht) suche dir unter den gelooteten Zeug das Beste aus (ich würde dir Raten einen Bogen und ein paar Pfeile zu behalten)und leg die restlichen Rüstungen bzw. Waffen auf den Boden (auf einem Haufen und nicht im Dachboden am Ende dort kommst du nur für den einen Kampf hin) zumindest so bis du nicht mehr überfüllt bist. Nach dem Kampf bist du wieder in Rattay nun solltest du dich wieder zum Ort begeben wo du die Rüstungen und Waffen abgelegt hast wenn es nicht gefixt wurde sollten zwar sämtliche Leichen und damit deren Loot weg sein, aber die Sachen wo du erst gesammelt und dann abgelegt hast sollten noch da sein. Sammel alles auf, sollten dir manche Gegenstände als gestohlen markiert worden sein leg diese in deine persönliche Truhe (Wenn ich mich recht erinnere hast du dann eine Kammer dort ist beispielsweise eine) und warte ein paar Tage dann sollten die nicht mehr als gestohlen markiert sein. Musste den gesamten Loot auf mehreren Etappen verkaufen glaub hab dadurch 10.000 — 30.000 Groschen erhalten.
    Hier hast du sämtliche Schätze

    Lösung «Steinschlag»:

    Wenn du im Kloster bist rede zuerst mit «Bruder Pförtner». Diesen findest du entweder auf der Brücke oder im Bereich der Baustelle (wo mir momentan einfällt). Er berichtet dir, dass der Klostermeier für die Lieferungen zuständig ist. Dort erfährst du, dass die Lieferung aufgrund schlechter Wetterbedingungen einen Zwischenstopp machen musste und es wurden anstatt einem großen Stein mehrere kleine geliefert. Außerdem verweist er auf Baumeister Karel. Dieser zeigt dir die Unfallstelle hier kannst du einen Steinbrocken aufnehmen. Nun begib dich zum Steinbruch bei Talmberg sprich mit Steinmetz Ruppert zeig ihm den Stein es kommt heraus, dass der Stein nicht aus Talmberg kommt. Außerdem wurde wie bestellt ein großer Stein geliefert. Der Verdacht liegt nahe, dass der Stein während des Zwischenstopps ausgetauscht wurde. Nun begib dich wieder ins Kloster dort berichtet der Baumeister, dass ein Arbeiter namens Leschek einen «Dämonenschädel» ausgegraben hat. Sprich mit Leschek dieser wollte den Schädel in den Fluss werfen doch auf dem Weg dahin ist ihm der Schädel aus der Hand geglitten. Blöderweise noch bei einem Abhang. Gehe in den Fluss und du siehst dies

    dort ist auch der Schädel. Bring diesen zum Schinder bzw. Totengräber dort kommt heraus, dass es ein menschlicher Schädel ist an den Hirschgeweihe angebracht wurden. Sprich mit dem Baumeister und anschließend mit Zmola (da Leschek nicht mehr auffindbar ist). Begebe dich dann wie gesagt nach Sonnenuntergang (22 Uhr) zum Gerüst. Nun kommt eine Zwischensequenz in der ein Stein dich nur knapp verfehlt. Gehe auf das Gerüst schlage den Unbekannten nieder. Du erfährst, dass Zmola hinter all dem steckt berichte den Klostermeier davon.

    Optional kannst du dich anschließend zur Sasauer Mühle begeben, diese befindet sich außerhalb von Sasau (hab am besten ein Pferd dabei) wenn du den Weg nordöstlich aus Sasau nimmst gabelt sich dieser halte dich links da der rechte Weg nach Ledetschko führt. Danach kommt eine weitere Gabelung halte dich nun rechts. Nun einfach den Weg folgen und du kommst zur Mühle. Nachdem du Leschek gerettet hast bzw. Zmola beim Versuch Lescheks Leiche zu verstecken getötet hast.

    Begib dich zu Herrn Diwisch und berichte ihn was du herausgefunden hast als Belohnung bekommst du ca. 2000 Groschen

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    Gude ✌

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    . ..zur Frage

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    Meine Frage ist:

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    Wenn ja, wie?

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    Danke für alle antworten! 🙂

    …zur Frage

    Kingdom Come Deliverance stürzt ständig ab..?

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    . ..zur Frage

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    Die Schwertscheide sollte mit einigen farblichen Verzierungen verziert werden und am Ende eine besprühbare Spitze.

    Zudem sollte diese auch sehr dünn sein.

    Ein Material wo es möglich ist eine «Schleife» anzubringen ist fast unverzichtbar.

    Das Gesamte «Ding» sollte einer Langschwertscheide aus dem Videorollenspiel: «Kingdome Come: Deliverance» ähneln.

    …zur Frage

    kingdom come deliverance schleichen umhauen?

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    1. Steht da das man den Skill erhöt wenn man unendeckt schleicht was bei mir aber irgendwie nicht passiert.
    2. Kann ich keinen Dolch ausrüsten.
    3. Und das wichtigste wäre ich habe das Problem das wenn ich hinter einem Gegner bin und den umhauen möchte das sich der Gegner andauernd raus windet das funktioniert irgendwie nur alle 10 mal einmal .


    …zur Frage

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    …zur Frage

    Kingdom Come Deliverance — Komplettlösung mit Tipps und Tricks

    Mit hehren Zielen ist Kingdom Come: Deliverance angetreten: Nicht nur ein, sondern gleich das «authentischste Rollenspiel aller Zeiten» sollte es werden. Selbst für ein gestandenes Studio wäre das keine Aufgabe für die Mittagspause gewesen, für einen vergleichsweise kleines und mehr oder minder unabhängiges wie Warhorse schon gar nicht. Dennoch haben die Tschechen vieles aus dieser ehrgeizigen Prämisse und ihren eher überschaubaren Ressourcen herausgeholt.

    Das Endergebnis ist ganz sicher kein Witcher-Killer, doch das will KCD auch gar nicht sein. Vielmehr geht es darum, ein möglichst glaubhaftes Abbild des mittelalterlichen Zentraleuropas zu schaffen und gleichzeitig — dieser Punkt ist wichtig — ein spaßiges Videospiel abzuliefern. Mission accomplished: Diese außerordentlich eigenständige Definition eines Rollenspiels ist in seiner Struktur zwar grob an andere Schwergewichte angelehnt, in seinen Möglichkeiten jedoch weitaus ausschweifender, komplexer und nicht selten auch ein wenig hüftsteif.

    Es dauert ein Weilchen, bis ihr euch an die Eigenheiten dieser Welt gewöhnt und auch nur einen Bruchteil aller Systeme verinnerlicht habt. Aus diesem Grund findet ihr in dieser Kingdom Come Deliverance-Komplettlösung neben den Lösungswegen der Haupt- und Nebenquests auch zahlreiche weitere Guides, die sich mit den verschiedenen Mechaniken auseinandersetzen. Solltet ihr eine eurer Fragen nicht beantwortet finden, schreibt sie uns einfach in die Kommentare.

    Das Abenteuer beginnt mit eine Paukenschlag. Zahlreiche weitere werden folgen. (Kingdom Come Deliverance — Komplettlösung)

    Kingdom Come Deliverance: Komplettlösung


    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Unerwarteter Besuch
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Auf der Flucht
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Heimkehr
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Das Erwachen
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Ohne Fleiß keinen Preis
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Wachdienst
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Jagdfieber
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Möge die Jagd beginnen
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Rotschopf in der Klemme
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Die Wege des Herrn
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Auf der Fährte
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Mein Freund Timmy
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Schlangennest
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Feuertaufe
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Fragen und Antworten
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Alles, was glitzert
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Unter Feinden
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Pfad der Erleuchtung
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Nadel im Heuhaufen
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Die Würfel sind gefallen
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Rache
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Vom Regen in die Traufe
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Nächtlicher Überfall
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Belagerung
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Genie und Wahnsinn
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Kalter Stahl und hitzige Gemüter
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Familienbande
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Ehrenwort
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Hauptquest: Epilog


    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Nebenquest: Der ehrbare Dieb
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Nebenquest: Liebeswerben
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Nebenquest: Mächtiger als das Schwert
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Nebenquest: Der Schatz
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Nebenquest: Im siebten Himmel
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Nebenquest: Der Ruf der Nachtigallen
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Nebenquest: Zähe Liebe
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Nebenquest: Tanz mit dem Teufel
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Nebenquest: Das ausgebüxte Pferd
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Nebenquest: Zu Diensten, meine Herrin
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Nebenquest: Die Seuche
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Nebenquest: Jungfer in Nöten
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Nebenquest: In Gottes Hand
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Nebenquest: Ein Mann Gottes
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance — Nebenquest: Ein Stück Heiligkeit

    Fertigkeiten, Mechaniken und weitere Guides

    • Kingdom Come Deliverance: Speichern — Wie ihr euren Spielstand sichert
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance: Speicher-Mod — Unbegrenztes Sichern auf dem PC
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance: Reiten und Pferde — Alles, was ihr im Sattel wissen müsst
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance: Feilschen — So handelt ihr die besten Preise heraus
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance: Schlösser knacken und Dietriche — So geht’s!
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance: Würfeln und Farkle — So gewinnt ihr beim Glücksspiel
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance: Taschendiebstahl Guide — Alles, was ihr als Meisterdieb wissen müsst
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance: Sichtbarkeit, Auffälligkeit und Geräusche — So sieht und hört euch niemand
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance: Alle Cheats, Konsolenbefehle und Codes für den PC
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance: Geld verdienen — So kommt ihr schnell an Groschen
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance: Schaufel finden
    • Kingdom Come Deliverance: Die besten Mods — (fast) alles ist möglich

    Kingdom Come Deliverance: Tipps und Tricks

    Nur weil ihr The Witcher 3 vielleicht auf dem höchsten Schwierigkeitsgrad durchgenudelt habt, wird dieser Ausritt nach Böhmen noch lange kein Spaziergang. Ganz im Gegenteil: Im Kern ist KCD eher mit verkopften Rollenspielklassikern der 90er-Jahre zu vergleichen, die oft Mechanik auf Mechanik pflanzten und es dem Spieler überließen, alle Eigenheiten nach und nach zu entblättern.

    Darüber hinaus sind die Entwickler von Warhorse überaus maulfaul, wenn es darum geht, euch ein wenig Hilfestellung zu leisten. Zwar findet ihr im Ingame-Lexikon mehr Fakten über das mittelalterliche Europa als in allen Schulbüchern dieses Erdballs. Das nützt euch allerdings wenig, wenn ihr bereits am Speichersystem des Spiels verzweifelt, weil euch dieses nur unzureichend erläutert wird. Aus diesem Grund findet ihr nachfolgend einige grundlegende Tipps und Tricks, die euch das (Über-)Leben ein bisschen erleichtern sollten.

    Eine Mütze voll Schlaf erfüllt gleich mehrere Funktion, weshalb ihr regelmäßig an der Matratze lauschen solltet. (Kingdom Come Deliverance — Komplettlösung)

    • Was tun bei Bugs? Schlafen und Zeit verstreichen lassen

      So ambitioniert KCD ist, so fehlerbehaftet kann es häufig sein. Manchmal aktiviert das Spiel für den Fortschritt notwendige Trigger nicht, mal sind Türen verschlossen, die eigentlich zugänglich sein sollten etc. pp. Im Laufe der Zeit werdet ihr unweigerlich über derlei Fehler stolpern. Aufgrund des sehr eigenwilligen Speichersystems (siehe weiter unten) könnt ihr aber nicht beliebig viele Speicherstände anlegen und einfach neuladen. In vielen Fällen müsst ihr das jedoch auch nicht: Legt euch einfach ein paar Stunden schlafen oder lasst etwas Zeit verstreichen, wenn euch ein Bug am Fortschritt hindert. Oft löst das die Probleme bereits ohne nerviges Neuladen.
    • Regelmäßig schlafen und essen

      Der Realismus macht keinesfalls bei der Darstellung der Spielwelt halt, sondern überträgt sich auch auf deren Bewohner. Daher müsst ihr in der Rolle von Heinrich auch auf seine menschlichen Grundbedürfnisse achten und sowohl regelmäßig essen als auch ausreichend schlafen. Je länger ihr auf den Beinen seid, desto weiter nimmt eure Energie ab, sodass ihr weniger Treffer aushaltet und schneller aus der Puste kommt. Kurzzeitig lässt sich die Müdigkeit mit Alkohol bekämpfen, allerdings ist dieser — ganz wie im wahren Leben — nicht unbedingt die beste Lösung. Achtet also stets darauf, etwas zu beißen im Gepäck zu haben (esst aber keine Lebensmittel, deren Frische bei unter 40% liegt, da ihr euch sonst eine Lebensmittelvergiftung einfangen könnt) und geht vor großen Unternehmungen regelmäßig schlafen, um euch anschließend ausgeruht ins Abenteuer zu stürzen. Übrigens hat der Komfort eures Bettes Auswirkung auf die Erholsamkeit des Schlafes; auf einer billigen Decke unter freiem Himmel erholt ihr euch weniger gut als in einem bequemen Himmelbettchen. Je höher der Komfort, desto schneller stellt ihr eure Energie wieder her.
    • Traglast erhöhen, Satteltaschen und Truhen zum Verstauen nutzen

      Selbst wenn ihr nicht klaustrophobisch veranlagt seid, werden sich eure Taschen schneller füllen als euch lieb sein kann. Eure Traglast ist jedoch anfangs stark begrenzt und nicht immer findet ihr rechtzeitig einen Händler, bei dem ihr eure Waren losschlagen könntet. Erhöht deshalb bei Stufenaufstiegen frühstmöglich eure Traglast. Gerade wenn ihr beginnt, bessere und hochwertigere Ausrüstung am Leib zu tragen, könnt ihr eine hohe Traglast gut gebrauchen, da eine dicke Rüstung auch ordentlich Gewicht auf die Wage bringt. Sobald ihr ein eigenes Pferd habt (siehe Hauptquest «Möge die Jagd beginnen», könnt ihr Objekte auch in dessen Satteltasche verstauen. Drückt dafür einfach Viereck/X, wenn ihr euch im Inventar befindet und euer Gaul in der Nähe ist. Zudem könnt ihr Dinge, die ihr aktuell nicht benötigt, in den Truhen an euren Schlafstädten verstauen. Der Inhalt aller Truhen in zugewiesenen und gemieteten Schlafstädten ist identisch bzw. habt ihr von jeder Truhe aus Zugriff auf dieselben Waren. Ihr müsst also nicht jedes Mal zu Truhe in Stadt A zurückkehren, obwohl ihr gerade in Stadt B unterwegs seid.
    • Achtet auf die Stufen und Voraussetzungen eurer Ausrüstung

      Viele Waffen und Rüstungen benötigen eine bestimmte Fähigkeitsstufe. Erfüllt ihr diese nicht und legt das jeweilige Objekt trotzdem an, nutzt ihr es nur mit einem Bruchteil der eigentlich möglichen Effektivität. Oft ist es in diesen Fällen ratsam, eher auf ein weniger starkes Objekt zurückzugreifen, bis ihr das notwendige Level für den besseren Gegenstand erreicht habt.

    Der Tod lauert an jeder Ecke. Damit ihr bei einem virtuellen Ableben nicht mehrere Stunden Spielfortschritt verliert, ist es wichtig zu wissen, wie man notfalls auch manuell speichern kann. (Kingdom Come Deliverance — Komplettlösung)

    Getting rid of KAPTCHA, once and for all / Sudo Null IT News

    The phrases “enter the characters from the picture” began to not only get everyone, but their readability, well, just pisses me off. About six months ago, I thought about how you can do without it, and everything turned out to be much easier than you might imagine. Well, first, let’s look at history, where did the «captchas» come from and why — the answer is obvious, in order to get rid of robots of different levels. Based on this, you can now think about something else: bots are written for sites such as forums, blogs, i.e. those where you can post an advertising message in a free and free form. Let’s look at it from the side of the «boto-scribe», how do they write bots?:

    1. Analyze site
    2. View all forms and methods, where and what fields are passed
    3. Form an aggregator using curls or sockets
    4. Testing the aggregator to catch any additional fields
    5. After that they run, enjoying life

    You can understand that a good bot can catch the generated fields or some other tricks right away, but everyone thinks that the captcha will not be able to. In principle, it’s hard to catch a “captcha”, for this you need either a character hashing algorithm, but as a rule, an irreversible one is used — this method is not suitable, reading the picture itself — I knew the person who made the image scanner, but not everyone is given this, use services that offer to recognize pictures are perfect. The conclusion suggests itself: “captcha” is not a panacea, whoever needs it will pass it, then why should we, developers, strain users? Well, without protection, bots fight and fast in not small quantities … This is where the task arose to solve this problem. So we know that bots can’t:

    1. Follow JS
    2. Generate XmlHTTPRequest
    3. Read the database — no one will give access to it

    Based on such a huge availability of tools, you can make your own access algorithm. I do not pretend to be the first and smartest in this matter, but so far, I have not seen this technology anywhere, except for my sites and the sites of my clients, of course. Let’s start creating an «anti-bot» system, in the example I will give code excerpts using ZF and Doctrine

    So, first we will create a table for temporary records, let’s call it like this:

    1. Antibot (
    2. id — bigint(20)
    3. unic_id — varchar(10)
    4. hash-varchar(50)
    5. mask-varchar(10))
    6. time_cr — bigint(20)
    7. ip-varchar(20)
    8. );

    we will also create a file for AJAXa — fish. phtml, with the content
    («of course with a check in the controller if ($this->_request->isXmlHttpRequest()){«):

    1. $tmp_data = Doctrine_Query::create()
    2. ->select(‘*’)
    3. ->from(‘Antibot’)
    4. ->where(‘unic_id=?’, $this->data)
    5. ->execute()
    6. ->toArray();

    // we will need this data to display and replace data in the form, see below

    1. echo $tmp_data[0][‘mask’].»|||».$tmp_data[0][‘hash’] .»|||gogo»; nine0006

    Let’s go back to the registration form or free post, no matter what form … but it should have an insert like this:

    1. // landmark, time, label
    2. $crast = dechex(time()+rand(00.99));
    3. // Symbol random function
    4. function random_simbols() {
    5. /* there can be any symbol randomization aggregator, it depends on your imagination */
    6. }
    7. /* we get the visitor’s ip, by this method we will get ip in any case and in any case it will be exactly ip without proxies */
    8. if (! function_exists(‘getenv’)) {
    9. $client_ip = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS[‘HTTP_CLIENT_IP’];
    10. $x_frd_for = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS[‘HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR’];
    11. $rmte_addr = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS[‘REMOTE_ADDR’];
    12. } else {
    13. $client_ip = getenv(‘HTTP_CLIENT_IP’); nine0006
    14. $x_frd_for = getenv(‘HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR’);
    15. $rmte_addr = getenv(‘REMOTE_ADDR’);
    16. }
    17. if ($client_ip) {
    18. $x_cip = explode(«. «, $client_ip);
    19. $x_rmt = explode(«.», $rmte_addr);
    20. $ip = ($x_cip[‘0’] != $x_rmt[‘0’]) ? implode(«.», array_reverse($x_cip)) : $client_ip;
    21. } elseif ($x_frd_for) {
    22. $ip = (strstr($x_frd_for, «»,»)) ? end(explode(«,», $x_frd_for)) : $x_frd_for; nine0006
    23. } else {
    24. $ip = $rmte_addr;
    25. }
    26. $mask = exploit(«.», $ip);
    27. // let’s create complete garbage — sorry for the expressions, but it’s true
    28. $unic_id = $mask[0] * ($mask[1] + $mask[2] + $mask[3] + rand(000,999));
    29. // create a hash for comparison, then come in handy
    30. $hash = md5($unic_id.»».random_simbols().»».$crast); nine0006
    31. // create a temporary entry in our anti-bot table
    32. $thmdata = new Antibot();
    33. $thmdata->unic_id = $unic_id;
    34. $thmdata->hash = $hash;
    35. $thmdata->mask = $crast;
    36. $thmdata->time_cr = time();
    37. $thmdata->ip = $ip;
    38. $thmdata->save();

    well, going to the form itself, add this field:

  • // Let's turn to our file, which was created at the beginning of
  • url:"/index/fish/",
  • data:"data="+$('#crast').val(),
  • // A very important thing, without it the request will be executed inconsistently!
  • async:false,
  • // If the request went well, i.e. AJAX completed, we act according to our rules
  • nine0005 success:function(msg){

  • // Here it is, we just get from the "fish" and from the received data we make up our own
  • msg=msg.split("|||");
  • doitnow=msg[2];
  • // Remember, above we added an input to the form, here we change its name and values ​​on the fly, to minimize interception
  • $('#crast'). attr({name:msg[0],value:msg[1]});
  • nine0005

  • // Add an additional parameter
  • to the form action

  • $("form").attr('action',$("form").attr('action')+'/?crast='+$('#crast').attr('name')) ;
  • // Finished fiddling with the form and element, it's time to go, click submit
  • $("form").submit(function(){
  • if(doitnow=='gogo'){
  • return true;
  • return false; nine0006
  • });
  • },error:function(){
  • alert('An error has occurred, please click "Login" again');
  • return false;
  • }});
  • });
  • });
  • Our submit has gone, I will explain what is happening in the post with an example. We went to the page with the form, after loading it, we formed an entry in the database:

    unic_id = 44958
    hash = 03cf63bea12bfcd3644846baa8481d07
    mask = 4ca388cf
    time_cr = 1285785784
    ip = ххх. ххх.ххх.ххх

    Next, we write an input containing only one landmark:

    JS processing, the following parameters have been added to the form:
    form action=»/register/?crast=44958″

    and, accordingly, this is all sent by a post to the address xxx/register/crast=44958, what happens in the post handler, consider:

    1. if ($_GET[‘crast’] == ») {
    2. $error = «You must be a bot :-)»;
    3. // let’s delete our temporary entry so that we can’t access it later
    4. $tmp_data = Doctrine_Query::create()
    5. ->delete()
    6. ->where(‘mask=?’, $_GET[‘crast’])
    7. ->execute();
    8. } else {
    9. // Take data from the table for comparison
    10. $tmp_data = Doctrine_Query::create()
    11. ->from(‘Antibot’)
    12. —>where(‘mask = ?’, $_GET[‘crast’])
    13. ->execute()
    14. ->toArray();
    15. }
    16. // We compare the received data from the table and from the post, for their correspondence, suddenly they were generated in our own way, this is also possible
    17. if ($this->_request->getPost ($_GET[‘crast’]) != $tmp_data[0][‘hash’]) {
    18. // an error was caught, this is a robot
    19. $error = «yes»;
    20. // let’s delete our temporary entry so that we can’t access it later
    21. $tmp_data = Doctrine_Query::create()
    22. ->delete()
    23. ->where(‘mask=?’, $_GET[‘crast’])
    24. ->execute();
    25. } else {
    26. // most likely this is a human post
    27. $error = «no»;
    28. // let’s delete our temporary entry so that we can’t access it later
    29. $tmp_data = Doctrine_Query::create()
    30. ->delete()
    31. ->where(‘mask=?’, $_GET[‘crast’])
    32. ->execute();
    33. }

    In general, everything, now we look in our checks and perform the functions we need for registration, posting, etc.

    Results: we got a «protector» from bots, in a simple way without «captcha». nine0016
    I predict some attacks I will explain:
    “Execute JS” — yes it is, JS can be emulated, but not the fact that the emulated JS will give the desired results
    “Read base” — in our example, JS serves only to replace and call parameters from the table, and they are generated by us in the background when loading, and since they are not on the page or in the headings, then it is very problematic to determine them. The fact that the insertion occurs on the fly, the bot will not be able to catch this, and if it can, then the master who does it, well, simply will not need your form or blog, or something even simpler, he will be tough with the security system of bank clients: -) nine0003

    And let there be no captcha Internet, so that our users are happy and satisfied!


    Tony Alamo

    If a group of people born again from the SPIRIT stops growing in numbers, then GOD will not prevent these people from going to hell and burning there. 1 It can be compared to farming. The man became a farmer and had great harvests, but if he stops sowing, he will have nothing to reap. JESUS ​​said, “I am the true vine, and MY FATHER is the vinedresser [farmer]. Every branch of ME [the true vine] that does not bear fruit, HE [the FATHER] cuts off” (John 15:1-2). By bearing fruit HE understands the winning of souls. Not winning souls means not bearing fruit. nine0003

    CHRIST came into the world to save souls. 2 If we have stopped winning souls and persuading them to do the same for many days, weeks or months, then, as JESUS ​​said in the Book of Revelation, HE will take away our lamp from us: “Remember, then, from where you fell, and repent, and do the former works; but if not, I will quickly come to you, and I will remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent” (Revelation 2:5). In other words, HE will take our church and our souls will be lost forever. nine0003

    To prevent this from happening, we must carry the good news, pamphlets with simple, understandable words about salvation. But if you think that the words of JESUS ​​are nothing more than just words, ask yourself, “Are we blessed? Is the church growing in numbers? How many souls are saved? Or maybe we’re lazy? Lost zeal? Have you crashed?»

    We hear about the intention to destroy the church! Will you get down to business, as we did at the very beginning, so that we will be blessed, or will you be short-sighted to believe that GOD will bless you for what we did many years ago? nine0383 3 Wake up from your sleep or GOD will remove those of you who refuse to walk or abide in CHRIST.

    In John 15:6, JESUS ​​says: “Whoever does not abide in ME [in the SPIRIT, like a fisher of souls] will be cast out like a branch and wither [and with him the church will wither]; and such branches [all barren branches] are gathered up and thrown into the fire [into Hell] and they are consumed.” If you win the soul and convince the sinner to be saved and come to the church, without in any way turning the saved soul away from the church, you will thereby continue your journey in JESUS. HE tells you, “If you abide in ME and MY words abide in you, then ask whatever you want, and it will be done for you” (John 15:7). nine0003

    Should we ask for our children back? JESUS ​​cannot lie! Do what HE says. Let’s take back our children and homes, let’s get our freedom back! Give GOD what HE wants, and HE, as HE directly says, will give you what you want. 4 You will be happy if you do this. If you don’t, you won’t be happy. HE wants people to go to Heaven. 5 The sinner’s prayer alone is not enough. People need to get stronger. They need food! nine0383 6

    We are required to be diligent in the SPIRIT, otherwise HE will spew us out of HIS mouth! “But because you are lukewarm, and not hot or cold, I will spew you out of MY mouth” (Revelation 3:16).

    But “how can you call on HIM in WHOM they did not believe? how to believe in THAT, about whom you have not heard? how to hear without a preacher? And how [will those whose souls you have won to the LORD] preach if they are not sent [after they have been established in the church]? as it is written, how beautiful are the feet of those who bring the gospel of peace, those who proclaim good things!” (Romans 10:14-15). Here the SPIRIT, through the Apostle Paul, explains missionary logic to us. We see the whole DIVINE essence of missionary work. Thus, the guilt for the moral, spiritual and eternal destruction of the whole world is brought to the conscience of all people, and men and women who do not give themselves completely to the cause of spreading the Gospel of JESUS ​​CHRIST throughout the world, do not make it the property of all mankind. nine0003

    There is not a drop of drooling sentimentality in this. This is a harsh, harsh, unambiguous indication, which, thanks to its irrefutable evidence, leads each of us to an understanding of our responsibility in the face of an alternative: repentance or the death of the world. These words tell us that GOD has prepared for us a means sufficient and completely to satisfy the true need of fallen mankind. HE gave us a salvation that is absolutely, in every detail, suitable for the whole world. At the same time, HE set simple, close and understandable conditions for everyone who hears the Gospel. As they say, «free will», now it’s up to you — and me — to decide whether people will die or be saved. nine0383 7

    Feelings alone are not enough to save the lost world. The most tender love and the highest selflessness cannot help people to rise after a terrible fall. Here the SPIRIT is needed, the divine remedy for this trouble, the gospel of superhuman power, as well as divine compassion. Paul brings this gospel to the world. I also carry it, as do some other people in my church. You can’t fool the LORD around your finger. HE knows who is real and who has fallen asleep. nine0003

    Paul and all soul-catchers have a means to save all people. It should be told to all mankind. This is the gospel, and it is incomparable to anything, it surpasses everything that mankind has found in its entire history. All true Christians are eager to announce it to everyone living on Earth. 8 All the sin of mankind and every sinner has the only means of redemption — the Gospel. It is the light of the world. 9

    The apostles learned the best way to turn souls to the LORD, and this inspired great enthusiasm in their hearts. This method is so effective that they could not afford to miss even one person. nine0003

    In his Epistle to the Romans, Paul says this about this righteousness: “But now, apart from the law, the righteousness of GOD has appeared” (Romans 3:21). He further expressed the same truth as «the end of the law is CHRIST, for the righteousness of everyone who believes» (Romans 10:4).

    Excellent expression! «Righteousness» means just «righteousness». The truth is that GOD has given us a plan to correct all the sins of mankind. Here is what is said about these enthusiastic apostles: “They who have turned the world upside down have come hither” (Acts 17:6). nine0003

    First GOD revealed HIMSELF to me. Then, a little later, I was given a vision that saved my soul (it was a vision of Heaven and Hell). When I learned that GOD exists and that HE is as HE says about HIMSELF, I was filled with joy and enthusiasm. I was so happy that I turned Hollywood around with gospel literature. After my wife Sue and I won many souls in Hollywood, we turned Los Angeles, then New York, Washington, DC, Nashville, Tennessee, Chicago, Illinois, Florida, and now the whole world. nine0003

    If people think that the world that hates GOD will turn over and turn to HIM, then they have simply gone mad. It’s not Scriptural. You and I should do what GOD says: go out into the world and bring the good news, tell the world about salvation. If instead you play church, hearth, husband and wife, GOD will allow you to take away your children, homes, church, money and souls.

    You need enthusiasm, you must be born again from the SPIRIT. nine0383 10 You cannot retire from this. The LORD does not give up! Distribute pamphlets with my testimony. Talk about what GOD has done for you and convince people of HIS existence. Prove it! Learn as much as you can about your church and tell the world about it! You have been sleeping all this time. Do not trust lawyers and their assistants, do not trust anyone but the LORD. 11

    If you bear many fruits, GOD will perform miracles for you and for your loved ones. If you don’t, GOD will destroy you, let your children be taken from you, and send your souls to Hell! nine0383 12 I received this message from GOD, so for your own good, listen to me. There is almost no time left. Salvation for people is in their faith. 13 People will not be saved if they swarm in their garden, if they are passive, lazy, dead! Words are not worth much. Sermons in and of themselves are nothing if they are not accompanied by the winning of souls and nourishing them with the WORD after salvation. 14 The Book of Revelation speaks of a church where some members are dead (Revelation 3:1). You are trying to deceive THE ONE WHO holds in HIS right hand the seven stars (angels), WHO walks in the midst of the seven golden lampstands (Revelation 2:1). You cannot deceive me, so how do you heathens hope to deceive HIM? nine0003

    Officials say they will give your children back if you leave the church. And do you believe them? They told Buster they would leave him alone if he broke with me and the church. He did just that. This fool believed them, but they didn’t stop raiding his shop. They say he served time in prison. I don’t mind going to jail in the name of the LORD, but not for leaving the church, trampling the blood of JESUS ​​and making HIM a laughingstock (Hebrews 10:29). The only way to defeat the devil is to follow the LORD. nine0383 15 Do what the LORD requires.

    JESUS ​​says that you may have done some good deeds in your life, but in Revelation 2:4 HIS words are given: “But I have against you this, that you have left your first love”, i.e. I mean the kind of love for JESUS ​​that is needed to train ever new souls, feed them the milk of the WORD, then feed them the bread of the WORD, and then the meat of the WORD.

    I knew it would happen. GOD has made it clear to you that if you do not take care of HIS newborn Christians and give them what HE wants for them, HE will allow your children to be taken and not given to you, no matter how many millions you spend in doing so. But perhaps it’s not too late. Concentrate on and engage in true GOD activities, otherwise you will have to pay an even higher price than what I have named or indicated in the WORD. GOD destroyed HIS own children from the people of Israel. nine0383 16 So what will HE do to you if you don’t get busy, if you don’t have the flame of what HE has called you to do? 17

    “Remember, then, from where you fell, and repent, and do the former works; but if not, I will quickly come to you, and I will remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent” (Revelation 2:5). “Every branch of ME [every person] that bears fruit [wins souls, newborn Christians, and nourishes them with the WORD OF GOD, and not with your empty words], cleanses, that it may bear more fruit” (John 15:2b). (In other words, winning even more souls, not like you’ve been doing for years). nine0003

    How can you not understand that you say «I am rich, I have become rich and have no need»; but you do not know that you are unhappy, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked; [and GOD answers]: I advise you to buy from ME [not from the state] gold purified by fire, so that you will be enriched, and white clothes to dress and so that the shame of your nakedness is not visible, and anoint your eyes with eye ointment so that you can see. Those whom I love, I rebuke [even if, in order to save your souls, I have to take everything dear to you and rebuke you] and punish. So, be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if anyone hears MY voice and opens the door, I will come in to him [for I am not in you, otherwise MY works would be in you], and I will sup with him, and he with ME. To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with ME on MY throne, just as I [as GOD in MY human body] overcame and sat down with MY FATHER on HIS throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the SPIRIT says to the churches” (Revelation 3:17-22). nine0003

    I was young in the LORD and Sue had a head start over me. She was saved when she was still a child. In early childhood, the LORD supernaturally healed her of tuberculosis. Sue heard what the doctor said in the next room. It was in the town of Dyer, Arkansas, and the doctor said that she was not destined to survive the night. The girl heard her mother, with tears in her voice, turn to GOD with the words: “My FATHER, do not let her die! I can’t stand her leaving! Please, GOD, don’t let her die!» nine0003

    Susie told me that a lot of relatives came to them, a whole crowd of people. Among them were the parishioners of the Christian church, which was located in a garage on the opposite side of the street. They went up to the covered verandah where Susie was lying, began to pray for her healing, and she was healed. Many years later, after we were married, Susie had an x-ray of her lungs at Dr. Wump’s clinic in Hollywood. The picture showed a large scar. Her lungs were black. The doctor was disturbed by what he saw. Susie was then about 47 years old. nine0003

    17 years before her death (April 8, 1982), during the great revival, she contracted breast cancer. 10 years later, she was deeply disappointed by many of those whom we had won to the LORD. We taught them the Bible and, of course, fed them, clothed them, gave them a place to live, paid for their dental work and for their new teeth, built houses for them, bought them furniture, paid for childbearing services, gave them new glasses, generally gave them everything they needed. Imagine how outraged Susie was when we saw these people on TV: they slandered us, said that we allegedly profited from them, and this is when Susan thought she was dying. nine0003

    I also had an unreleased Beatles album, which was given to me by their first drummer, Pete Best, for me to run an advertising campaign. What we have done, and what I am doing now, I would not do for any money, and neither JESUS, nor the prophets, nor the apostles would do again. It’s easy to earn money. I have held leadership positions in the health radio business, the music business, the clothing business, as well as advertising, marketing, and management. I have been invited to represent the Kennedy brothers, the entire US Democratic Party, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Sonny and Cher, the boy singer Ruwon, and many other stars. There are many things that I could do and not be slandered and persecuted for it, as it was before and is happening now. nine0003

    Susie lost heart and was no longer able to win souls. Because of the cancer, it became difficult for her to cope with the machinations of the devil. Cancer eats away at the human nervous system. I told her that death awaited her if she finally abandoned the cause of winning souls. She replied: “So be it. I no longer have the strength.» I told her, «Then let me do it.» She protested that I could not handle all these interrogations, government officials, media, representatives of different religions and other devils. But JESUS ​​gave us HIS HOLY SPIRIT, which gives us strength to cope with all difficulties. «We can’t quit soul-winning, Susie!» And she died!! And I continued to do what GOD commanded me. The persecution is harder than ever, but my victory is in JESUS ​​CHRIST, in the HOLY SPIRIT!! nine0003

    On Susie’s advice, I built 3 towns in Arkansas (there are more now), as well as downtown Nashville, Tennessee, Saugus, California, and many other places. When we were together, we were invincible. She taught me everything. There will be no more people like Susie. She was GOD’S BABY, and she was an incredibly wise person. Extremely hardworking in the name of GOD, and knew HIM better than anyone else! I love her very much and miss her terribly.

    nine0029 We need to turn the world upside down, because now it is turned upside down, and it is you and I, if we follow GOD’s plan, that we will return the world to the correct position. In the end, GOD will melt and burn it! 18

    The relationship between the world and GOD is wrong. The world does not know GOD. 19 The people of the world do not love HIM and do not trust HIM. They are unable to appear before HIM and be accepted by HIM. The sins of men have alienated them from GOD. 20 It’s not easy for them, they have many problems, they don’t know what to do. Awareness of their sinfulness puts pressure on them and makes them sin even more, plunging them into darkness, into eternal Hell. But GOD sent JESUS ​​CHRIST to them to fix all that was wrong. HE assumed a human form and as such represents the whole of humanity, the whole society. Being the great representative of humanity, HE took upon HIMSELF all human sins, obligations and falsehoods caused by people to GOD. nine0383 21 HE consciously went for it and paid with HIMSELF for people. 22 HE fully conformed to GOD’s most perfect law, thereby creating a pattern of righteousness that is perfect and sufficient to atone forever for the sins of fallen man and save every sinner who is willing to accept salvation. This is the gospel of salvation through the blood and righteousness of JESUS ​​CHRIST. This is the only means of deliverance for a guilty conscience and a sinful heart. nine0383 23 It is in the power of GOD to give salvation to everyone who believes, and the apostle Paul joyfully went to people and told sinners about the glorious righteousness of GOD. 24

    But salvation means much more. It is also an action that GOD performs in order to remove sin from the human heart and give weak, fallen man the strength to treat GOD and all people correctly. The worst thing about our fallen state is not our fault, nor is it that we are doomed to eternal punishment. The worst thing is to live without CHRIST, our inability to do right or even want to do right. nine0383 25

    People tell us that pagans will be saved if they live according to the light that is in their souls. GOD knows everything! GOD will surely do justice to every righteous person. But the fact is that the Gentiles are not able to do the works of the LORD. Even knowing the gospel, we cannot do right without CHRIST, without the power of GOD living in us. 26 At the same time, the very essence of the gospel gives us the strength to make a choice in favor of righteousness. These powers free us from the love of sin if we focus on JESUS. They encourage us to love what GOD loves and hate what HE hates. They purify and elevate human nature. nine0383 27 This is the divine power that resides in the human heart, compelling us to act as HE requires and to fulfill HIS commandments. It is this power that we are called to impart to a lost world. This is the righteousness of GOD. This is the glory of the Gospel, and having such a means of deliverance from the dark sins of mankind, it is truly criminal to hide it from our suffering, drowning neighbor.

    Repent of your sins! Offer this prayer to GOD:

    nine0380 Prayer

    my LORD and my GOD, have mercy on my sinful soul. 1 I believe that JESUS ​​CHRIST IS THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD.2 I believe that HE died on the cross and shed HIS precious blood for the forgiveness of all my sins.3 I believe that GOD raised JESUS ​​from the dead by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT,4 and that now HE sits at the right hand of GOD and hears my confession of sins and this prayer.5 I open the door of my heart and ask YOU to enter it, LORD JESUS.6 Wash away all my disgusting sins with the precious blood that YOU shed for me on the cross of Calvary.7 YOU will not reject me, LORD JESUS, YOU will forgive my sins and save my soul. I know this because the Bible says so, YOUR WORD.8 YOUR WORD says that YOU will not cast anyone out, and therefore me.9Therefore, I know that YOU heard me and I know that YOU answered me. I know that I am saved.10 Thank YOU, LORD JESUS, for saving my soul. My gratitude will be expressed in the fact that I will keep YOUR commandments and will not continue to sin.11

    JESUS ​​said that, having received salvation, we must be baptized by full immersion in water in the name of the FATHER, the SON, and the HOLY SPIRIT. 12 Study the Holy Bible and act according to what it says, for your own good and for the good of others. nine0383 13

    Now CHRIST and GOD THE FATHER live in you through the HOLY SPIRIT. But you can join the DIVINE beginning even more. The longer the DIVINE principle abides in you, the easier it will be for you to resist the temptations that easily led many millions of Christians away from salvation. Pray for baptism in the HOLY SPIRIT. If you want to learn more about baptism in the HOLY SPIRIT and to get more connected to the DIVINE principle, please contact us for Christian literature or call us. For without holiness no one will see GOD (Hebrews 12:14). nine0003

    The LORD wants you to tell others about your salvation. You can become a gospel literature distributor for Pastor Tony Alamo. We will send it to you for free. For more details, please email or call us. Tell others about this opportunity.

    If you sincerely want the people of the world to be saved as JESUS ​​commanded, do not rob GOD by depriving HIM of tithes and offerings. GOD says: “Can a man rob GOD? And you are stealing from me. You will say, ‘What do we rob you of?’ With tithes and offerings. You are cursed with a curse, because you — all the people — [and the whole world] — are robbing ME. Bring all the tithes [«tithe» is 10% of your income] to the house of storage, so that in MY house [meaning saved souls] there is food [spiritual food], and at least test ME in this, says the LORD of hosts: I will not open Am I for you the openings of heaven, and will I not pour out blessings upon you to excess? For your sake I will rebuke the devourers from destroying your fruits of the earth, and the vine in your field will not be deprived of its fruit, says the LORD of hosts. And all nations will call you blessed, for you will be a desirable land, says the LORD of hosts” (Malachi 3:8-12). nine0003

    Alamo Literature

    Contact us for detailed information about our literature on other topics of interest.

    Tony Alamo, World Pastor
    Tony Alamo Christian Ministries Worldwide
    P. O.Box 2948
    Hollywood, CA

    24/7 Prayer and Communication Line: (661) 252-5686

    Tony Alamo Christian Ministries Worldwide will provide housing and supplies for those in the US who sincerely desire to serve the LORD with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. nine0540

    Services are held in New York every Tuesday at 8 pm and elsewhere every evening. Information by phone +1(908) 937-5723.

    Order Pastor Alamo’s book The Messiah
    how the Old Testament foretells the appearance of Christ in 333 prophecies

    Become a laborer in God’s field by distributing Tony Alamo literature. All literature and audio sermons are provided free of charge, including shipping. nine0540


    We encourage and encourage those living in other countries to translate this literature into your native languages.
    When republishing, please include copyright and registration information:



    1. Mat. 3:10-12, 7:17-19, 13:18-43, Luke. 3:9, 19:12-27, Jn. 15:1-6, Heb. 6:4-8 return

    2. Is. 42:6-7, 52:13-15, ch. 53, 61:1-3, Matt. Luke 1:21, 9:13, 20:28, 26:28 4:14-21, 5:30-32, 9:51-56, 22:20, 24:13-27, 46-47, Jn. 3:13-17, 10:10-18, 12:23-24, 46-47, 17:2-4, Acts. 5:31, 10:43, Rom. 3:24-25, 5:6-21, Gal. 1:3-4, Eph. 1:7, 2:4-16, Col. 1:14, 1 Tim. 1:15, 2:3-6, Heb. 9:11-15, 27-28, 1 Pet. 1:18-21, Rev. 1:5 return

    3. Ezek. 3:20, 18:24, 26, 33:12, Matt. 5:13, 7:21, Rom. 11:22, 1 Cor. 9:16, 2 Tim. 4:5, Heb. 3:12-19, 10:23-25, Jas. 1:22-25, 2:17-26, Rev. 2:1-5 return

    4. Mat. 6:33, 7:7-12, 21:21-22, Luke. 11:9-13 John. 15:16 return

    5. Ezek. 18:23, 30-32, 33:11, Matt. 4:17, Mar. 1:14-15, Luke. 9:51-56 John. 3:16-17, 36, 2 Pet. 3:9 return

    6. John. 21:15-17, Acts. 20:28, 1 Cor. 3:1-2, Heb. 5:12, 10:23-25, 1 Pet. 2:1-2, 5:2 return

    7. Ezek. 3:16-21, Mar. 16:15-16, Luke. 8:15-16, 9:2, 60, Acts. 5:42, 10:42-43, 14:15, Rom. 10:13-15, Jas. 4:17 return

    8. Mar. 6:12, Acts. 2:17-21, 38-47, 4:1-33, 5:40-42, 8:5-12, 27-38, 2 Cor. 4:1-7 return

    9. Mat. 5:13-16, Luke. 1:78-79, 2:30-32, Jn. 3:19-21, 8:12, 9:5, 12:46-48, Acts. 26:23, 2 Cor. 4:4 return

    10. John. 3:1-8, Tit. 2:11-14, 1 Pet. 1:23-25, 5:8-9, Rev. 3:14-19return

    11. 2 Kings. 22:31, 1 Chr. 5:18-20, Ps. 2:12, 9:11, 17-3, 21:5-6, 33:23, 36:3, 117:8-9, Prov. 3:5, 28:25, 29:25, Is. 26:3-4, Jer. 39:18, Mic. 7:5-7, Nahum 1:7 return

    12. Mat. 3:10, 7:16-23, 13:3-8, 18-23, Jn. 15:1-8, Rom. 7:4-6 return

    13. Mar. Luke 16:16 8:12, Acts. 2:37-44, 3:18-21, 16:31, Rom. 10:9-13 return

    14. John. 21:15-17, Acts. 20:28 Rom. 2:13, Jas. 2:14-26, 1 Pet. 5:2-4 return

    15. Mat. 16:15-19, Mar. 8:34-36, Luke. 10:17-19 Rom. 12:9-21, Eph. 6:10-18, 1 Tim. 6:6-14, Jas. 4:7-10, 1 Pet. 5:6-10, 1 Jn. 2:13-14, Rev. 12:9-11 return

    16. Nut. 11:31-34, 14:26-35, ch. 16:21:4-9, 25:1-11, 32:10-13, 33:50-56, Judg. 2:11-23, 2 Sam. ch. 24:2 Chr. 36:1-21, Luke. 19:41-44 return

    17. Ezek. 3:17-21, Matt. Luke 7:13-23, 12:30, 25:31-46 3:7-9, 19:12-27, Jn. 14:12, 15:1-16, Rom. 1:18-20, 11:21-24, 12:1-2, 2 Tim. 4:5, 1 Pet. 4:17-18, 2 Pet. 2:1-9, 17-22, 3:7-17, Jude. 5-15, Rev. 20:11-15, 21:27, 22:11-19 return

    18. Is. 24:19-20, 51:6, Mal. 4:1-3, 2 Pet. 3:10-13, Rev. 20:11, 21:1 return

    19. John. 7:28, 15:21, 16:3, 2 Thess. 2:3-4 return

    20. sec. 31:16-18, Jos. Nav. 7:11-12, 2 Chr. 24:20, Ps. 77:55-64, Is. 59:1-15, 64:7, Ezek. 39:23-24, Luke. 13:27 Rom. 8:6-8, Heb. 12:14 return

    21. Is. 53:3-12, Mal. 3:1-3, Jn. 1:29, 11:49-52, Rom. 5:6-11, 6:9-10, Heb. 1:1-3, 2:14-18, 9:22, 1 Jn. 2:1-2 return

    22. Is. 63:8-9 Dan. 9:26, Zech. 9:9-12, Matt. Luke 20:28, 26:28 22:19-20 John. 1:29 Rom. 4:25, Heb. 2:9, 1 Jn. 2:1-2 return

    23. John. 3:13-18, Rom. 1:16-17, 10:8-13, 1 Cor. 1:21-25, 2 Cor. 5:18-19, Gal. 4:4-5, Eph. 2:4-22, Col. 1:19-23, 2 Tim. 1:9-10, Heb. 2:9-10, 14-18, 6:17-20 return

    24. Rome. 1:1-5, 10:1, 1 Cor. 1:1-2, Gal. 1:1-2, Phil. 4:1, Col. 1:1-2, 1 Tim. 1:1, 2:3-7, 2 Tim. 1:1, 11, Tit. 1:1-3 return

    25. Rome. 7:4-25, 8:5-7, Eph. ch. 2 return

    26. Joel. 2:28-32 John. 14:12-14, Acts. 1:8, 2:1-4, 14-18, 38-39, 2 Cor. 13:4, Gal. 2:20, Eph. 1:18-23, 3:20-21, Phil. 4:13, 1 Jn. 4:4 return

    27. Jer. 31:31-34 John. 6:53, 2 Cor. 5:14-21, Eph. 2:13, 5:25-27, Heb. 10:12-22, 13:20-21, 1 Jn. 1:7-9, 4:4, Rev. 1:4-6 return

    Prayer footnotes:

    1. Ps. 50:7, Rom. 3:10-12, 23 return

    2. Mat. 26:63-64, 27:54, Luke. 1:30-33 John. 9:35-37 Rom. 1:3-4 return

    3. Act. 4:12, 20:28, Rom. 3:25, 1 Jn. 1:7, Rev. 5:9 return

    4. Ps. 15:9-10, Matt. 28:5-7, Mar. 16:9, 12, 14, Jn. 2:19, 21, 10:17-18, 11:25, Acts. 2:24, 3:15, Rom. 8:11, 1 Cor. 15:3-7 return

    5. Luk. 22:69, Acts. 2:25-36, Heb. 10:12-13 return

    6. 1 Cor. 3:16, Rev. 3:20 return

    7. Eph. 2:13-22, Heb. 9:22, 13:12, 20-21, 1 Jn.