K8Ngdom hearts 3: Kingdom Hearts III for PlayStation 4 Reviews







KINGDOM HEARTS HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue




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Die Geschichte
Re Mind

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KINGDOM HEARTS III erzählt eine Geschichte von der Macht der Freundschaft, wenn Sora und seine Freunde sich auf gefährliche Abenteuer begeben. KINGDOM HEARTS spielt in einer Vielzahl an Disney- und Pixar-Welten und folgt der Reise von Sora, einem Jungen, der der unwissende Erbe einer beeindruckenden Macht ist. An seiner Seite befinden sich Donald Duck und Goofy und gemeinsam wollen sie die böse Macht, bekannt als die Herzlosen, daran hindern, das Universum einzunehmen.

Durch die Macht der Freundschaft verbünden Sora, Donald und Goofy sich mit alten und neuen Disney-Pixar-Kultcharakteren, um gewaltige Herausforderungen zu überwinden und gegen die Dunkelheit zu bestehen, die ihre Welten bedroht.

Das Hochladen von Gameplay-Aufnahmen (dies schließt Hintergrundmusik im Spiel ein), das Livestreaming von Gameplay und das Posten von Bildern aus KINGDOM HEARTS HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue (“KINGDOM HEARTS 2.8”), herausgegeben von Square Enix Co., Ltd. („Square Enix“), darf nur für den privaten, nichtkommerziellen Gebrauch und in Übereinstimmung mit den Richtlinien unten erfolgen.

Alle darstellenden Elemente, eingeschlossen Spielinhalt, Bilder, Videos, Charaktere und Musik in KINGDOM HEARTS 2. 8 sind urheberrechtlich geschützte Werke von Walt Disney Company (Japan) Ltd. (“Disney”) (mit einigen, wenigen Ausnahmen). Es ist untersagt, diese Inhalte ohne das vorherige schriftliche Einverständnis des Urheberrechtsinhabers zu duplizieren, zu modifizieren, zu kopieren oder zu verbreiten, mit Ausnahme der ausdrücklich autorisierten Weise unten und gemäß den Nutzungsbedingungen unten.

Best Worlds In Kingdom Hearts 3

Fans had to wait an awfully long time for Kingdom Hearts 3 to release. Besides the story and finding out how the battle between the Guardians of Light and the Seekers of Darkness would end, one of the things that fans had anticipated the most was getting to explore each of the worlds that the series’ third installment had to offer.

RELATED: Kingdom Hearts: The Best Worlds Across All Games

Most of the Disney worlds in this game were brand new to the franchise, with two of them even being from Pixar films, which fans had wanted for years. A couple of new original worlds were also introduced, with even more appearing from previous titles. However, not all the worlds visited by Sora and his friends in Kingdom Hearts 3 quite lived up to the series’ usual high standards.

Updated December 10, 2022, by Justin Flynn: It’s hard to believe that the Kingdom Hearts series has been around since 2002. As if this wasn’t surprising enough, the series doesn’t seem to be showing any signs of stopping either, evident through the twentieth-anniversary event held in Shibuya, where the first trailer for Kingdom Hearts 4 was revealed.

Some have begun theorizing about what worlds could appear in Kingdom Hearts 3’s sequel, and though nothing has been confirmed yet, many believe the debut trailer for the game is hinting at a Star Wars world. Though Kingdom Hearts 4 will likely introduce an array of new worlds for Sora to explore, it will be hard for the franchise to top the worlds featured in Kingdom Hearts 3.

16/16 100 Acre Wood


The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977)

Allies: N/A

Bosses: N/A

Like with the other numbered titles in the series, Sora visits Pooh and his other friends at the 100 Acre Wood. In the other games, where they explored the world inside of Merlin’s book, players got to play unique minigames that were different from each other; something that really helped to set the world apart.

With this in mind, many players were disappointed when the minigames offered in the third installment all felt the same and weren’t anything like what they were used to. It is still great to see Sora reunite with his old friends, and their interaction had a meaningful message, but the gameplay could have been so much more than it is. It is because of this misstep that the 100 Acre Wood is commonly viewed as one of the worst worlds in Kingdom Hearts 3.

15/16 Twilight Town


Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (2004)

Allies: N/A

Bosses: Demon Tide

Twilight Town is usually one of the best worlds in the series, so it was really unfortunate that players could only explore a small section of it in Kingdom Hearts 3. Most of the world didn’t appear at all, and the places that were shown had changed drastically.

This made some fans wonder why Square Enix even bothered to include the world in the game. It would arguably have been better if either the entire world was accessible or if a different one was made, especially since most of the plot surrounding Twilight Town could have taken place anywhere, as it felt mostly like filler. Though it remains one of the most iconic original worlds in the series, its appearance in Kingdom Hearts 3left much to be desired.

14/16 Dive To The Heart


Kingdom Hearts (2002)

Allies: N/A

Bosses: Darkside

Though Dive To The Heart wasn’t nearly as good as it was in other titles, it didn’t disappoint fans nearly as much as Twilight Town and 100 Acre Wood. Players just spend even less time here than usual, before quickly moving on to Olympus.

The Dive to the Heart is usually placed at the beginning of a Kingdom Hearts game, and therefore usually acts as a tutorial. In Kingdom Hearts 3, this are makes a second appearance during Sora’s visit to the Keyblade Graveyard, but it functions more like a cutscene than it ever has before. Fans may feel nostalgia during their first visit to this ethereal location, seeing images of moments from previous installments and being asked questions that impact their experience in the game, but besides that, there’s very little to actually do.

13/16 Land Of Departure


Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (2009)

Allies: N/A

Bosses: Vanitas

Land of Departure was introduced in Birth by Sleep as the home to Terra, Ventus, and Aqua. After their adventure, Aqua sealed Ventus in the world and turned the whole world into Castle Oblivion in order to protect him from Xehanort. It’s an interesting premise, but one that is ruined somewhat by the latest installment.

In Kingdom Hearts 3, she finally returns with Sora, Donald, and Goofy, ready to bring Ventus back. However, Vanitas is waiting for them, and players are required to fight him while controlling Aqua. Unfortunately, that’s all that they can really do. The Land of Departure’s return was a monumental moment for longtime fans of the series, but its design is nothing special when compared to the other, more detailed Kh4 worlds.

12/16 Dark World


Kingdom Hearts (2002)

Allies: Mickey Mouse

Bosses: Demon Tower & Anti-Aqua

Prior to Aqua returning home, she was stuck in the Dark World (also known as the Realm of Darkness) before being saved by Riku, Sora, and King Mickey. Riku and the king were searching for her before the game began but needed to leave after Riku’s Way to the Dawn Keyblade broke when he fought a Demon Tower.

When they return to the world, they finally find her, but she has been corrupted by darkness after spending so much time in the Dark World. She fights Riku and King Mickey, and almost defeats them until Sora arrives, bringing her back to the Realm of Light and ultimately saving her.

11/16 Arendelle


Frozen (2013)

Allies: Marshmallow

Bosses: Marshmallow & Skoll

As popular as Frozen is, most players did not enjoy their experience of it in Kingdom Hearts 3. A lot of the content from the movie was removed and replaced by a large, open area that players can very easily get lost in. And get lost they will, unless they’re incredibly careful.

That said, the Labyrinth of Ice Larxene creates shortly after Sora’s arrival is arguably the most straightforward location in the world. Even without a map, the player will rarely get lost while wandering its halls, which is strange considering Larxene’s reasoning for summoning it. While Arendelle is one of the most breathtaking Kh4 worlds available, the world’s layout is unnecessarily complicated.

10/16 Toy Box


Toy Story (1995)

Allies: Buzz & Woody

Bosses: Angelic Amber & King of Toys

Fans had been waiting a long time for Pixar worlds to appear in a Kingdom Hearts game, and then two of them appeared in the series’ third installment. Unfortunately, the Toy Box world wasn’t quite what players had been hoping for.

As every Toy Story movie has a different setting, there were a lot of possibilities when it came to where exactly Sora, Donald, and Goofy could have gone. For them to end up at an original location that wasn’t nearly as fun as places like Al’s Toy Barn and Sunnyside Daycare was a little disappointing. Though the world itself may feel a little hollow at points, it is hard to deny the amount of work that went into creating the environments. If it featured a slightly more gripping story, perhaps the Toy Box could have been one of Kh4‘s best worlds.

9/16 The Final World

Origin: Original Creation

Allies: N/A

Bosses: The Lich

Besides the Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, and Dragon Quest series, one of Square Enix’s best games is an underrated title called The World Ends With You. In Dream Drop Distance, Sora and Riku meet characters from that game, and they later get an opportunity to visit their world, Shibuya.

After the Guardians of Light are defeated, Sora finds himself in The Final World and is given a chance to save everyone again. He would then return to this unique world when he saved Kairi and disappeared, but little did he know that it acted as a gateway to a fictional world.

8/16 Quadratum

Origin: Original Creation

Allies: N/A

Bosses: Yozora

Once Kingdom Hearts 3‘s credits have finished rolling, players were rewarded with a brief scene documenting the aftermath of Sora’s journey. Instead of making it home to Destiny Island, Sora ended up in a fictional city called Quadratum.

Aside from its likeness to Shibuya, there was very little known about the significance of this world. When Kingdom Hearts 3: Re Mind released; however, this changed. Quadratum is used as a battle arena during the climax of Re Mind, and though Sora is unable to explore the city itself, it is clear a great deal of work went into sculpting it. In the Kingdom Hearts 4 trailer, Strelitzia informs Sora that, for them, Quadratum acts as an afterlife. If the trailer is to be believed, it seems players will finally get the chance to explore this mysterious city when Kingdom Hearts 4 eventually releases.

7/16 Olympus


Hercules (1997)

Allies: Hercules

Bosses: Rock Troll, Rock Titan, Ice Titan, Fire Titan, & Wind Titan

Olympus has appeared in many games throughout the series, but not all of the areas were shown. This time around, players can explore several new and interesting locations, including Thebes and the Realm of the Gods. For all of the new additions, however, there was one huge omission that completely changed the world.

Many players were left a little disappointed by Olympus as there aren’t any tournaments for them to fight in like there were in the original game and Kingdom Hearts 2. These tournaments gave players a reason to return to the world and provided a lot of great challenges and so are greatly missed in Kingdom Hearts 3.

Origin: Original Creation

Allies: Kairi

Bosses: Darkside, Replica Xehanorts, & Xehanort

Scala ad Caelum is the world that Eraqus and Xehanort lived in when they were younger, and it serves as the area where the final battle takes place. It’s wonderfully designed and looks like something straight out of the future, making it the perfect setting for the game’s conclusion.

In the base version of the game, players are only really able to fight the Dark Seeker at Scala Ad Caelum, a battle that is a little disappointing compared to the final bosses in the first game and Kingdom Hearts 2. Luckily, players are able to fully explore this fantastic world if they pick up the Re Mind DLC. Not only does Re Mind permit players to explore this delightful town, but it also allows them to fight some of the hardest bosses in the Kingdom Hearts series.

5/16 Monstropolis


Monsters, Inc (2001)

Allies: Mike & Sulley

Bosses: Lump of Horror

The second world based on a Pixar movie that Sora and his friends get to visit in Kingdom Hearts 3 is Monstropolis. Here, they turn into monsters and meet Mike, Sulley, and Boo. The storyline serves as a sequel of sorts to Monsters Inc., with Randall attempting to get his revenge on Mike and Sulley.

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As Sora, Donald, and Goofy help their new friends out, they battle against the unversed, creatures that seemed to have all been defeated in Birth by Sleep. One of the best things about the Disney worlds is how they can be implemented to improve the overall story, and Monstropolis is a great example of this.

4/16 The Keyblade Graveyard


Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix (2007)

Allies: Mickey Mouse, Riku, Aqua, Ventus, Kairi, Lea, Roxas, & Xion

Bosses: Demon Tide, Ansem, Young Riku, Xigbar, Marluxia, Larxene, Luxord, Vanitas, Terra-Xehanort, Saix, Xion, Xemnas, & Young Xehanort

The Keyblade Graveyard is where most of the game’s ending takes place. When the Guardians of Light are brought together, they are ready to defeat the Seekers of Darkness once and for all. After fighting hundreds of heartless when they first arrive there, the group split up and fight the Seekers of Darkness separately, with only Sora fighting them all.

RELATED: Kingdom Hearts 3: The Best Order For The Limit Cut Data Battles

Though the bosses are fun, what makes this world really special is the story surrounding it. Players had waited years for characters such as Roxas, Xion, and Terra to return, and so to finally see it happen was a special moment indeed. Seeing some of the organization’s members for the last time was also quite emotional, though one or two will no doubt return in future games.

3/16 Kingdom Of Corona


Tangled (2010)

Allies: Eugene & Rapunzel

Bosses: Chaos Carriage & Grim Guardianess

The Kingdom of Corona is arguably the most tranquil Kh4 world. Sora’s quest to reclaim the Power of Waking brought him here, and though he does plan to search for it, he prioritizes exploring the fairytale kingdom above all else, mainly because of how beautiful it is.

The world is generally very accurate to the movie, although there are a few minor exceptions. The biggest of these are perhaps Sora, Donald, and Goofy joining Eugene and Rapunzel or Marluxia teaming up with Mother Gothel in place of the Stabbington brothers.

2/16 The Caribbean


Pirates of the Caribbean (2003)

Allies: Jack Sparrow

Bosses: Raging Vulture, Lightning Angler, Luxord’s Ship, & Davy Jones

Out of all of the Disney worlds to appear in Kingdom Hearts 3, The Caribbean was perhaps the least expected. Previously known as Port Royal in Kingdom Hearts 2, this world is of course based on the Pirates of the Caribbean movies and offers a very good representation.

When Sora, Donald, and Goofy became pirates again, they reunite with Jack Sparrow and his companions before learning of Davy Jones and his plot against the world. Not only is this world incredibly fun to play in, but it is also one of the vastest Kh4 worlds available.

1/16 San Fransokyo


Big Hero 6 (2014)

Allies: Baymax

Bosses: Iron Troll, Catastrachorus, Darkubes, & Dark Baymax

Most people consider the best world in Kingdom Hearts 3 to be San Fransokyo, the city that serves as the setting of Big Hero 6. Like Monstropolis, this world serves as a sequel to the movie, with the first Baymax getting corrupted and Sora, Donald, and Goofy having to team up with the superhero team to both stop and save him.

Throughout the years, there have been Kingdom Hearts worlds with cities in them, but this is the first one that actually feels like it could be a real city rather than just a few tall buildings. Worlds like these show how great Kingdom Hearts‘ level design has become and are a promising sign for the future of the series.

Kingdom Hearts 3 is available now for Microsoft Windows, Switch, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Kingdom Hearts: Every Game In The Franchise, Ranked In Chronological Order

90,000 what choice to make at the beginning of

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  • Which choice to make at the beginning of Kingdom 3
  • Wisdom, vitality or balance
    • Guards, warrior or mystic
    • ,0007
      • Ordinary or complicated adventure

      Each main game in the Kingdom Hearts series starts with a similar tutorial section. You will be shown ropes in a beautiful area with colored glass, you will be given some simple mobs to swing your blade at, and then you will be taken to the game. nine0023

      You are also asked a series of questions that will determine Sora’s stats and abilities, as well as one bonus request if you have purchased the Re Mind DLC. If Kingdom Hearts 3 is your first experience with the series, or you just want to know what these starting options for really mean, we’ll tell you. But don’t worry about making the «right» or «wrong» choice here. This is a matter of taste — as you will soon see, the best answers for each of Kh4’s starting options are not objectively superior to any other, but simply suit the player’s taste. nine0023

      Top[dated 13Dec 2021by QuintonO’Connor:[datedonDecember132021byQuintonO’Connor: ] We’ve revised this guide to better explain the decisions you make at the start of Kingdom Hearts 3 and what your choices affect, including an optional DLC question ReMind. Now you will find more detailed information on each option.

      What choice to make at the beginning of Kingdom Hearts 3

      I repeat, you will only be asked two questions in the Kingdom Hearts 3 initial selection segment if you have not purchased the Re Mind DLC. This third question runs completely separate from the original pair, but we’ll get back to it shortly. nine0023

      Wisdom, vitality or balance

      Your first choice is somewhat cryptic: you ask what you want most. Your choice is Wisdom, Vitality and Balance. You can probably intuitively figure out which answers will improve which stats , but here’s the technical breakdown:

      Wisdom Selecting this option will accentuate Sora’s magic over health, resulting in a total of 90 HP and 120 MP.
      Pot life This is the opposite of Wisdom, granting 120 HP with the caveat that Sora’s MP will only be 100.
      Balance Basically somewhere in the middle of the above two starting options, and not a mixture of 100 HP / 100 MP as it sounds. The actual stats given by Balance are 105 HP and 110 MP.

      Because of how strong magic is in Kingdom Hearts 3, Wisdom is the best choice if you are going to maximize your magic spells in combat. If you are more than melee player who only casts Cure occasionally, Vitality will do you fine.

      Guardian, Warrior or Mystic

      Your next choice determines what abilities Sora will learn as you level up and progress through the game. This is the most subjective question, because they are all suitable for different styles of play . It’s best to choose an option that complements your first choice, if possible. Mystic goes well with Wisdom; It’s doubtful that Warrior or Guardian is the best fit for Vitality, but they both do a pretty good job of it. Here’s how they break:

      mystic You will learn abilities that reduce magic consumption.
      Warrior Increases your ground combo line by one hit. nine0058
      Guardian Boosts your defenses when your HP is low.

      This won’t affect your entire Kh4 mileage to the same degree as the first choice, but choose one that complements your ideal build as caster, DPS (damage per second) , or tank (defensive power plant) respectively.

      Normal, easy or hard adventure

      With the advent of the DLC Re Mind, a new feature called Premium Menu has been added, allowing you to change the difficulty of the game beyond the default settings of Beginner, Standard and Proud. These fresh aspects can be used to either raise the issue or even lower it. Here’s what each choice means:


      Ordinary Adventure This is basically removing the Premium Menu and playing it as if it were the base version of Kingdom Hearts 3. Think of it as giving up the whole challenge.
      Light adventure A premium menu is available with options you can turn on to reduce the difficulty in many ways. Some of these options include HP and MP regeneration, store discounts, a hack that makes every ability do without AP, and even a level 99 Gummi ship.
      Difficult adventure This choice gives access to premium menu options that can make the game easier, way Stronger. Obviously, this is recommended for experienced players playing the game for the second or third time. HP and MP Slip degrade their respective stats over time. Zero Defense, No Healing, No Links, and No Combat Items speak for themselves. There’s even an option called «Ability Limit» that reduces the maximum number of abilities Sora can set to 30.

      All Kingdom Hearts 3 Ingredients — complete list of ingredients in Kingdom Hearts 3


      Kingdom Hearts 3 isn’t shy about giving players plenty to do. If you’ve followed our Kingdom Hearts 3 Flange guide and completed all of the Flantastic Seven missions, as well as completed all of the Kingdom Hearts 3 photo missions for moogles, you might be wondering what to do next. The answer, my friend, is to go and find the ingredients for the little chef!

      There are a total of 59 ingredients to collect across many worlds in Kingdom Hearts 3, and finding them all can be tricky. That’s where we came from. We have a complete list of all the ingredients in the game and where to find them, so you can cook all the dishes and unlock the Cornucopia trophy/achievement. nine0023

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      Kingdom Hearts 3 Complete Ingredient List

      With so many ingredients found in different places, we have the complete ingredient list in alphabetical order. nine0023

      • apple
      • Apricot
      • Banana
      • Basil
      • Bay leaf
      • beef
      • blackberry
      • Black pipe
      • Black truffle
      • Blood orange
      • Butter
      • Carrot
      • caviar
      • Celery
      • chanterelle
      • Cheese
      • Chocolate
      • carnation
      • cod
      • Cornichon
      • Crab
      • nine0005 Dill

      • Eel
      • Eggplant
      • Filet Mignon
      • Garlic
      • gooseberry
      • grapes
      • Honey
      • King oyster mushroom
      • Lemon
      • Lobster
      • Melon
      • Miller Mushroom
      • morel
      • mussel
      • Olive oil
      • Bow
      • orange
      • parsley
      • Pear
      • Ceps
      • Portobello
      • nine0005 pumpkin

      • quail
      • Raspberry
      • Rice
      • Rosemary
      • Saffron
      • Scallop
      • Grouper
      • Single
      • Sour cherry
      • strawberry
      • Thyme
      • Tomato
      • Veal
      • Watermelon
      • Zucchini

      Kingdom Hearts 3 ingredients — Olympus

      Olympus has six different ingredients you can find. nine0021 apples and apricots are found in the trees when you run up the cliff King Oyster Mushrooms and White mushrooms in the gardens of Thebes. Pears can be found on Mount Olympus while you need to visit Cherry Flan at the top of Thebes overlooking Sour Cherry or two

      Kingdom Hearts ingredients in both fruit bowls and Chinese food boxes scattered around. The former may contain

      Apples, apricots as well as lemons , while the ends can have butter , cheese , Chocolate , caviar , only and Telytin . In the Abandoned Mansion, you can also find herbs such as Thyme and Cloves .

      Kingdom Hearts 3 ingredients — Toy Box

      Right behind Andy’s house is his front garden, which has a bunch of different herbs. You will find Basil , Bay leaf , cloves , parsley , Rosemary and Thyme Here. Head to Galaxy Toys where you will find some Chinese food boxes again. Butter , caviar , Cheese , gherkins , Garlic and onions . There is a Strawberry Flan in the Galaxy Toys Recreation Area — just complete the mini-game to earn Strawberries . nine0023

      Kingdom Hearts 3 Ingredients — Kingdom Crown

      In the Kingdom of Crown Forest you will find many wild ingredients such as Black Pipes, Black Truffles, Chanterelles, Morels and more. Check the waters of the Swamp also for some Eels . Head to the highways and jump into the water at the waterfront to grab some Cod, Sea Bass and Shellfish . Leave the highway across the bridge and go right to the shore where you can find scallops on the beach and lobster in the water. Go back to the main street in Highway and all the carts and market stalls can bring lots of fruits and vegetables like Tomato , Zucchini , Pumpkin and Garlic . Throughout the rest of the forest, expect to find herbs like Basil and Rosemary . Travel back to the very beginning of the world and find the Blood Orange Flan, who will grant you — yes, you guessed it — Blood oranges .

      Kingdom Hearts 3 Ingredients — Monstropolis

      Monstropolis is a linear world, so you’ll get most of what you need on your first run, but if you need more, the three main ingredients you’ll find in Chinese boxes on Takeaway: Beef , Olive Oil , and Onion . You can also find Banana Flan through the leftmost brown door in the Door Storage to earn some Tasty bananas .

      Kingdom Hearts 3 Ingredients — Arendelle

      Arendelle’s frozen mountain scenery isn’t particularly lush for finding food, but there are a few things you can find, such as apples and carrots inside crates and barrels. There are several gooseberries and raspberries bushes around, along with portobello mushrooms. You can find grapes Flan from the side of the Northern Ridge for a tasty grapes .

      Kingdom Hearts 3 Ingredients — Caribbean

      As expected, the Caribbean has a lot of ocean creatures for you to get. Crabs and Lobster can be found all over the islands offshore, and you can also find Dill, Miller Mushrooms and White Mushrooms on the shores. Quails, apricots and other products can also be found on the Port Royal promenade, inside crates and market stalls. Head to the top of the fort at Port Royal to Watermelon Flan, the only place where you can get delicious fruit.

      Kingdom Hearts 3 ingredients — San Fransokyo

      San Fransokyo and the world of Big Hero 6 are not home to many ingredients, most of which you can also find elsewhere. Large Melon although it can be obtained from Flan Honeydew, which only spawns at night at the top of the building in the central part of the city. You will also find Beef, Quail and Eel all over the bustling city.

      Kingdom Hearts 3 Ingredients — 100 Acres of Wood

      You still have a lot of ingredients to discover, and for most of them you’ll want to go to Pooh Land. There are three separate match 3 mini-games that follow the same rules but offer different rewards. One is great for vegetables, the other is great for fruits, and the last one is exclusively Honey . If you’re fighting for any fruits or vegetables, play a few games of 100 Acre Wood and you should be sorted. Overall awards here include Blackberry , Zucchini , Carrot, Orange and Eggplant .

      Kingdom Hearts 3 Ingredients — Moogle Shop

      Throughout the Kingdom Hearts 3 playthrough, a number of exclusive ingredients will appear in the Moogle Shop. This means that you cannot find them anywhere else. In our experience, these ingredients are Celery, Rice, and Saffron. If you can’t find any of these, go to your nearest Google store and you can buy them. nine0023

      Kingdom Hearts 3 Ingredients — Filet Mignon

      You may have noticed that one ingredient we haven’t covered is Filet Mignon , and that’s because it’s made in a unique way.