Hpet windows 10: How To Improve Gaming Performance By Disabling HPE…

How To Improve Gaming Performance By Disabling HPE…

If you face FPS drops and stuttering, you can try changing the HPET settings to increase the performance of your PC and get smoother gameplay.

HPET stands for High Precision Event Timer (formerly Multimedia Timer) and has been used in PCs for a long time. It is used to produce periodic interrupts, which can be used to synchronize multimedia streams, in turn, providing smoother playback. It also reduces the need for other timestamp calculations. Performance of PC can also be increase by enabling Win32 Priority Separation which you can read here.

Brief History Of HPET

Many gamers have pointed out on forums that the HPET bug is causing problems in the gaming performance in certain situations.

The reason for this is pretty simple. Earlier when CPUs had less clock speed and games did not use multithreading in an efficient way, the usage of HPET to retrieve incremental timestamp counter took away precious calculation power of the CPUs and significantly hurt gaming performance.

  • But now that the games are efficiently using multithreading and the bottleneck of the 3D performance has shifted to the GPU, and the impact of the event timers reduced. However, game developers started using a lot of timestamp queries to measure performance for animations and movements.

The problem has arisen because of a very slow timer interpretation of the HPET on today’s high-performance rigs. The impact of slow HPET depends on actual usage of the timer functions in the game engine and the hardware used.

You can notice the HPET bug causing stutters in gameplay if you run a not graphics heavy game on an overpowered GPU.

Disabling HPET removes the micro-stuttering and screen tearing that may occur during gameplay. It allows unrestricted input-output to occur. This results in a very raw and extremely responsive connection between you and your PC.

  • You can sense around 0.1 to 0.15ms delay with HPET on while turning it off can gain you around 3-4 FPS. This may not seem much for day to day use. But with gaming, imagine the FPS drop for every action piling up; this leads to micro-stuttering that is observed during gameplay. 

# Method 1 (Using Device Manager)

You can use the device manager to disable the High Precision Event Timer. I’ll show you how to use device manager settings to disable HPET.

  • From search, type Device Manager and press Enter to open settings.
  • Locate System devices.
  • Right click on High Precision Event Timer and select Disable to stop the HPET service.


Reddit — Dive into anything

Given the recently growing numbers of suggestions in this subreddit about disabling HPET without any sort of understanding of what it does, or what is it for, I figured I’d link the two best ways to syntethize what actually happens that I’ve seen publicly posted.

First, /u/3kliksphilip, a prominent member on the CSGO community, put some background on it in a very understandable way in a thread about precisely the opposite.

Oh no, not HPET!

When the Ryzen 2000 series first came out, Anandtech published a review with benchmarks worthy of ayymd. It showed the Ryzen 2000 series crushing everything else. And although the product is dank, it was agreed that these results were too dank and that something must have gone wrong with Anandtech’s benchmarks.

It took a few weeks and they eventually came out with this article, which was meant to answer the question once and for all but only made it MORE confusing. If you want to try and find an answer to this whole thing, this article is a good place to start.

In short: I’m not confident that I can test this. HPET can change the benchmark results, but it might just be that it changes how the FPS is counted, rather than how fast the PC is in practice. Can we even trust a PC to benchmark itself any more?!

The whole thing’s a total mess. I did some testing on my own setup, but didn’t find anything interesting enough to make a video about, which I was kind of pleased about because I wasn’t sure how trust-worthy any results I might have found could have been any way. I moved on to other video topics, hoping that I’d never have to revisit HPET ever again.

So yes, I’ve looked into this, but it’s a mess and I don’t like it. When it comes to testing HPET, count me out.

And second, but not any less importantly, /u/AMD_Robert himself explained with insight what actually happens inside a system when HPET gets disabled, helping debunk misinformation on another thread.

You are exactly right. Disabling HPET distorts the system’s understanding of time, which causes the system to miscount the frames in a second. If one second isn’t one second, then FPS isn’t FPS anymore. This data is invalid.

Most games use a function called QueryPerformanceCounter() call it «QPC» for short. It’s a core Win32 API, and the most simple way to access the best timer available in the system. When a game is counting «frames per second,» it’s comparing frames rendered against the result of duration measured from QPC. Boom, that’s FPS. That’s not «backwards»! That’s the simplest, most straightforward way to achieve the intended maths.

HPET is not the only timer on the system. There are many timers, actually, and they work on a fallback basis. If a user disables a higher-resolution timer, the duration of time reported by two calls to QPC may not actually match the real elapsed time («ticks») d/t lower timer precision. If the returned time from QPC is longer: reduced FPS. If the returned time from QPC is shorter: increased FPS.

Without knowing how each game specifically reports FPS, it’s impossible to determine why some games might report higher or lower effect. But the basic principle above shows one of many ways why tinkering with system timers can have deleterious effects on accurate performance reporting.

This isn’t the first time HPET on/off has been flagged. This allegation/discovery/claim (unsure which word to use) has been circulated for both AMD and Intel platforms over the years. It seems to reappear each time a new platform is released, and then dies off as debunking efforts progress.

I thought the community would appreciate the info. And remember- opinions are vain! If you want to disagree, please, bring some numbers or information to the discussion! This is meant to be about measurable performance, not «feel». Everyone will benefit, the more information is thrown into a community discussion!

Botsx, open source alternative to VirtualBock-y, up to version 2.6.10

Botxc The open code emulator is written in C++ and is capable of ordering on a higher platform and distinguish architecture. The Botsx is capable of capturing the CPU with the Intel K86 architecture, I/O mode and BIOS.

Trenuto, Botsx can be compared to emulation 386, 486 Pentium / Pentium II / Pentium III / Pentium 4 or CPU sa k86-64 architecture Povrh toga, is capable of an even wider range of operating systems for okviru gegove emulation, mezhu kojima su Linux, DOS, Windows 95/98, Windows NT / 2000 / KSP, Vista and Seven.


  • 1 About Botsxsu
  • 2 New at Botsx 2.6.10?
  • 3 Will you download and install bosch-ove on Ubuntu and derivative?

About Bochsu

Bochsu 0006 with an overview and destroy the OS guests from some kind of corruption, and don’t destroy the OS of the home, keep a diary of a sinner and a dump data file.

UKTO, BOVILIR HILIRA SAV Hardwer Korii GOSTAYA, Systems of Systems Himberdich Diskov, CDroma, Discit, Mogly Ubaciti Ove, Chuck and Dochas, Bridge, Negativan Epormansa, Chucks, Chucks and Association WHAT emulator.

For the difference from one of the other popular emulators, the graphics of the blueprint, the interface is not intuitive, or the need for the power of the application, we save the data library of the botsxrts.tkt.

What’s new in Botsx 2.6.10?

The new edition of Botskhs 2.6.10 is finally two and by the year of development, in which there were errors in the new functions and sometimes some of them and cumulative correction of the sin.

One single feature implementation of VMKS-a (Extended for virtual machine) up to supplementary subpage for closing the memory subpage based on EPT (Extended timesheet page).

Dock ste u use the CUIID of confusion,

Added to main support for DDC (Display Data Channel) for CAA compatibilly on the chart card.

And so, , the code of which was transferred is KHPET (timer for high precision) from KEMU.

Will you download and install bosch-ove on Ubuntu and derivative?

A new version of the garden is available for less for compiling binary data libraries using Linux and Windows. In some cases Linux is available either by itself for compiling, or with an rpm package for installation on a distro sim as a sub-package.

For the Cossacks of our distribution Stop Ubuntu or some derivat, Imamo two mights are њ њ њ њ ј ј ј ј ј ј ј ј orthic (novo nyesh of the dumps for the drama at Spreitima)

Kao prvo, open the terminal itself (you can do it with help prechitse Ctrl + Alt + T) and cut ha:

 sudo apt-get install -y bochs
Mientras que para el caso de la compilación, deben descargar el paquete tar.gz desde el siguiente enlace.
Hecha la descarga deben descomprimir el paquete:
tar zxvf bochs-2. 6.10.tar.gz 


 CD Bochs-2.6.10 

and bite off the trace of Nredba for compotal:

 ./configure --enable-ne2000 --enable-cdrom 

and Voil. . Of course, what is changed at the post, Botskhs-om se administration from the Daily .botskhsrts data library.

Dakla, for which the alat was crowned, I can entrust the following to the chlanak, where I will kindly describe what kind of configuration I will. Veza zhe ovo.

Is your laptop compatible with GNU / Linux? |.


  • 1 Lenovo IdeaPad U510
  • 2 HP Tsompak ts4400
  • 3 HP EliteBook 8460p
  • 4 And vi?

Lenovo IdeaPad U510

New laptop Elav . Nisam siguran was actually bought, at the other end of the chlanku he himself replaced and waited for a place for the hardware compartment on the grid; zvanichnyh Saјtov provoђchacha. For example, I can coupe rachunar, business or sveska on OLKS-u Akoste from Argentina (which is rekao itself, something along the lines of MerzadoLibre), a dress for a prenosnik and raciunara is also a must, category raciunara and dodatnely leave ovda. Evo Nekoliko Slick Lenovo IdeaPad U510 de Elav :

Lepo? Hardware Hardware rachunar

  • Resolution: 1366 by 768 pixels
  • Numeric keyboard and keyboard with backlighting.
  • Processor: Intel Core i5
  • HDD: 1TB (1024GB) SATA + 24GB SSD
  • Graphics: Intel HD 4000
  • WiFi: 802.11bn 9has_journal /dev/sda1

    SSD-ovima Necessarily mathematically cheaper, one-to-one and exactly established, however, for the most part, that he himself and uchinio sa GParted-om on LiveCD-u, zher ha automatically adjoined

    , whatever it is. A logical match, the main match (according to my mind) for looking at a laptop and Linux is the graphics, Lenovo and Intel on the graphic chipset, the tribes and the ones that can stay.

  • HDD: 320 GB (SATA)
  • Graphics: Intel 925
  • Wi-Fi
  • Bluetooth.
  • Ethernet: PJ45
  • 3 USB 2.0 ports
  • HDMI
  • Reader card
  • TabletPC mode (finish the screen with a wand / wand, Vac)
  • Sa ovim glorious rachunar coristio himself a lot of distro, od Ubuntu 6.06 to 10.04, Debian preco, openSUSE bite, Centos-a, etc. Svi without izuzet sum good functionality. Chak se seћam yes mislim yes that bio Ubuntu 9.04 kada su threatened ect4 and new graphics for intel which functioned better for sve, nikad nisam imao problem.

    One of the problems that Imao bio itself has started is glad to TabletPC, which is a design flaw or lack. Whenever I was taken to the changeless (changeless stream) showing Misha half-heartedly, if it doesn’t stop and now it’s better to reach the gum corner, then it’s done for Linux and Windows, finally I read it, I know it myself, yes, then the factory is a sinner’s series tc od HP-a .

    Personally, I personally install the TabletPC-a, and I uninstall (or install it myself) the software manager and so on.

    Danas laptop josh uvek for the sake of, my girl ha koristi sa Debian Wheezy and su tako average, laptop josh uvek wait a year.

    HP Elitboo 8460p

    Veget ј јosh јeedan bow up the navigation ј њgov, the derivatives of the uza, uzo himself at the ova Laptop (kao and sprinkling), per and otoma, bona -9000

    granter. upgrades:

    • Screen: 14″ (wide screen)
    • Resolution: 1366 by 768 pixels
    • Processor: Intel Core i5
    • HDD: 320 GB (SATA) … (mada planiram yes dodam ssd)
    • Hybrid Graphics: Intel HD 3000 and AMD / Ati Radeon HD 6400M
    • WiFi: 802.11bn
    • Bluetooth.
    • Ethernet: PJ45
    • 2 USB 2.0 ports and 1 USB 3.0 port
    • Reader card

    Produced by myself on the ova installer of Debian testing, freshly functionalized.