Grand theft auto lcs psp cheats: Cheats in gta liberty city stories | GTA Wiki

Grand Theft Auto,Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories PSP Cheats

Getting to Shoreside earlier

If you want to get to Shoreside early in the game you need:
-The 'Cars drive on water' cheat and find a fast car you like (go to sunshine auto's and fail the mission to get a banshee or another car)
When you found your equipment head to a shore of water or to the Callahan bridge then drive in the water or off the will drive on water and you can go to shoreside vale via staunton Island!
Like always the Cochrane dam is there with a load of water and if you want to make it more fun add the everyone fellow me cheat and the peds 'attack 'and have weapons to make the dam a deadly shooting range.

Subway Glitch... and INFINITE HEALTH

For this glitch to work you need:
-Access to all Subways (it can work in any subway but the best is the Staunton Subway)
-Body armor and full health and maybe you need the Rhino cheat or the trashmaster cheat to do this glitch.
-A Bike a PCJ-900 is a good addition or the little one.
Go to the Portland,Staunton,or the Shoreside subway and go to the train rails.Then walk to the rails.go to the wall near you and stay there.When a train comes stand in front of it.when it goes further go and jump in front of the train (it may take a couple of tries because this glitch is very hard to do)then when you did it correctly you should be crushing against the wall and then the game will freeze a sing with 'welcome to Staunton island shall appear 'then you should be in the unfinished 'Portland tunnel'.This is a limited universe and there is nothing to see just only a road and a non-entrable heftruck near a closed off tunnel entrance.and if you gone quite far you will go to an open infinity's maybe best to have an Tank or an Trashmaster.then go near to the entrance.if you look good you will realize that you are under the ground and that you can't get out...unless you just jump into it or commit suicide while you are falling. but if you jump into it and don't commit suicide you will get stuck forever and you will hover until you fall to death.but if you do commit suicide you will fall and land in a glitched water and will drown.But when you respawn at the hospital you will have 0% of your health and you will walk with infinite health!'but there is one problem if you get shot or hit you will die immediately and the next time you respawn you will get mortal again.

Full health:
Press L, R, X, L, R, Square, L, R during game play.

Body armor:
Press L, R, Circle, L, R, X, L, R during game play.

Press L, R, Triangle, L, R, Circle, L, R during game play.

Weapons (tier 1):
Press Up, Square, Square, Down, Left, Square, Square, Right during game play.

Weapons (tier 2):
Press Up, Circle, Circle, Down, Left, Circle, Circle, Right during game play.

Weapons (tier 3):
Press Up, X, X, Down, Left, X, X, Right during game play.

Wanted level disabled:
Press L, L, Triangle, R, R, X, Square, Circle during game play.

Wanted level increased:
Press L, R, Square, L, R, Triangle, L, R during game play.

Black traffic:
Press Circle, Circle, R, Triangle, L, Square, Square during game play.

White traffic:
Press X, X, R, Circle, Circle, L, Triangle during game play.

Chrome traffic:
Press Triangle, R, L, Down, Down, R, R, Triangle during game play.

Better handling vehicles:
Press L, Up, Left, R, Triangle, Circle, Down, X during game play. Press Down when this code is enabled to make your car jump.

Destroy all cars:
Press L, L, Left, L, L, Right, X, Square during game play.

Inflate tires when on a flat:
Press R1,L1 x,R1,L1,sR1,square,R1,L1 during game play.

Related: Grand Theft Auto PSP Review

Aggressive drivers:
Press Square, Square, R, X, X, L, Circle, Circle during game play.

Drive on water:
Press Circle, X, Down, Circle, X, Up, L, L during game play.

Traffic lights always green:
Press Triangle, Triangle, R, Square, Square, L, X, X during game play.

Change motorcycle tire size:
Press Circle, Right, X, Up, Right, X, L, Square during game play.

Spawn Rhino:
Press L, L, Left, L, L, Right, Triangle, Circle during game play.

Spawn Trashmaster:
Press Triangle, Circle, Down, Triangle, Circle, Up, L, L during game play.

Sunny weather:
Press L, L, Circle, R, R, Square, Triangle, X during game play.

Clear weather:
Press Up, Down, Circle, Up, Down, Square, L, R during game play.

Overcast weather:
Press Up, Down, X, Up, Down, Triangle, L, R during game play.

Rainy weather:
Press Up, Down, Square, Up, Down, Circle, L, R during game play.

Foggy weather:
Press Up, Down, Triangle, Up, Down, X, L, R during game play.

Pedestrians riot:
Press L, L, R, L, L, R, Left, Square during game play.

Pedestrians have weapons:
Press R, R, L, R, R, L, Right, Circle during game play.

Pedestrians attack you:
Press L, L, R, L, L, R, Up, Triangle during game play.

Pedestrians follow you:
Press Down, Down, Down, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, L, R during game play.

Random pedestrian costumes:
Press L, L, Left, L, L, Right, Square, Triangle during game play.

Faster game time:
Press L, L, Left, L, L, Right, Circle, X during game play.

Faster gameplay:
Press R, R, L, R, R, L, Down, X during game play.

Slower gameplay:
Press R, Triangle, X, R, Square, Circle, Left, Right during game play.

Big head mode:
Press Down, Down, Down, Circle, Circle, X, L, R during game play.

Upside down:
Press Down, Down, Down, X, X, Square, R, L during game play.

Return to normal from upside down:
Press Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Up, Up, Right, L, R during game play.

Commit suicide:
Press L, Down, Left, R, X, Circle, Up, Triangle during game play.

View game credits:
Press L, R, L, R, Up, Down, L, R during game play.

Hidden Package Rewards: The following items will appear in your safehouses when you've collected the required amount of hidden packages.

Handgun 10 hidden packages
Shotgun 20 hidden packages
Body armor 30 hidden packages
MP5 gun 40 hidden packages.
Python gun 50 hidden packages
M4 gun 60 hidden packages
Laser-aimed sniper rifle 70 hidden packages
Flamethrower 80 hidden packages
Rocket launcher 90 hidden packages
$50,000 100 hidden packages

Thanks to Revolution readers smalhans, Ty Ryorn, Booker,Terry and Ahwithogs!

GTA Liberty City Stories

  • GTA Liberty City Stories #1

  • GTA Liberty City Stories #2

  • GTA Liberty City Stories #3

  • GTA Liberty City Stories #4

  • GTA Liberty City Stories #5

  • GTA Liberty City Stories #6

  • GTA Liberty City Stories #7

  • GTA Liberty City Stories #8

Liberty City Stories (GTA LIBERTY CITY) para PS2 y PSP – Tipo Relax

Trucos de Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (GTA LIBERTY CITY) para PS2 y PSP. A continuación te indicamos una serie de consejos / trucos de Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories para PlayStation 2 y que sin duda te harán el juego mucho más fácil. Como siempre desde Trucoteca te recomendamos que intentes jugar sin hacer uso de ellos para sacar el máximo jugo a la experiencia jugable. Sea como sea y como siempre… tú eliges si utilizar nuestros trucos, cheats, trampas, claves, glitchs…


  • 1 Códigos / Trucos de GTA Liberty City Stories:
  • 2 Munición infinita
  • 3 Video Truco: Aprende a volar con un tanque:
  • 4 Video Truco: Volar con un helicóptero Armado:
  • 5 Ganar mucho dinero

Códigos / Trucos de GTA Liberty City Stories:

Durante el juego introduce cualquiera de los siguientes códigos. RECUERDA, NO GUARDES PARTIDA O GUARDA LA PARTIDA APARTE, YA QUE LOS TRUCOS NO PUEDEN DESACTIVARSE.

Truco para el Pack de armas 1:

Truco para el Pack de armas 2:

Truco para el Pack de armas 3:

$250,000: para ganar en GTA Liberty City:


Salud al máximo:

Más buscado:

Menos buscado:

Mejor conducción de vehículos:

Cambiar ruedas de moto:

Destruir todos los coches:

Conducir sobre el agua:

Tráfico negro:

Tráfico cromado:

Tráfico blanco:

Semáforos siempre en verde:

Conductores agresivos:

Peatones armados:

Peatones vestidos al azar:

El reloj avanza más rápido /normal:


Soleado en vice city:




Juego más rápido:

Jugabilidad más rápida:

Jugabilidad más lenta:

Los peatones te atacan:

Los peatones siembran el caos:

Los peatones te siguen por GTA Vice City:

Modo cabezón:

Generar tanque (Rhino):

Te puede interesar:  Trucos de Super Smash Bros: Melee para GameCube

Generar Trashmaster (CAMIÓN DE LA BASURA):


Ver atención de los medios:

Ropa aleatoria para peatones:

Los peatones te atacan:

Tracción perfecta en los coches:

Cabezas raras:

Munición infinita

Cuando haces un truco para conseguir armas, el numero de munición obtenida aparece en la parte superior derecha de la pantalla. Cuando el numero que aparece debajo de la foto del arma no puede extenderse mas, los números desaparecerán y habrás logrado la munición infinita. Debido a que es muy costoso hacerlo una y otra vez es recomendable usarlo con las armas que usa mucha munición en poco tiempo como las ametralladoras… para que el hueco se llene lo antes posible.

Video Truco: Aprende a volar con un tanque:

Aprenderás a usar un tanque para volar, ¿divertido verdad?

Video Truco: Volar con un helicóptero Armado:

Ganar mucho dinero

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Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Cheats — PSP

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories is back with Vice City Stories and like other titles in the series, it has a ton of pedestrians, weather conditions, multiplayer cheats and more to take advantage of.

You can find Grand theft auto cheats here regardless of your gaming system or the GTA game you play. You can find more information about the game on our Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories tips and walkthroughs.


Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories cheats are introduced during the game.

We have collected the coolest ones for you.

GTA Vice City Stories Gameplay Cheats

Want better weapons? Do you need to cruise a little faster? How about a nice piece of money?

Cars avoid you

Complete Suicide

effect Cheat code
armored Up, Down, Left, Right, Square (x2), L1, R1
Right (x2), O, O, L1, R1, Down, X
Destroy all cars Up, Down, Left, Right, X, X, L1, R1
Health Up, Down, Left, Right, O, O, L1, R1
Perfect Deadlift Down, Left, Up, L1, R1, Triangle, O, X

Level Required Up, Right, Square (x2), Down, Left, O, O
never wanted Up, Right, Triangle (x2), Down, Left, X, X
More Quick Gameplay Left, Left, R1, R1, Up, Triangle, Down, X
Slower gameplay Left (x2), O, O, Down, Up, Triangle, X
Fast clock R1, L1, L1, Down, Up, X, Down, L1
Rhino Killer Up, L1, Down, R1, Left, L1, Right, R1
Spawn Trashmaster Down, Up, Right, Triangle, L1, Triangle, L1, Triangle Road Cars black L1, R1, L1, R1, Left, O, Up, X
Weapon Set 1 Left, Right, X, Up, Down, Square, Left, Right
Weapon Set 2 Left, Right, Square, Up, Down, Triangle, Left, Right
Weapon Set 3 Left, Right, Triangle, Up, Down, O, Left, Right

Pedestrian Codes

Pedestrians can be annoying, but with the right cheats they can help your gameplay.

effect Cheat code
The guys are following you Right, L1, Down, L1, O, Up, L1, Square
Pedestrians are attacking you , X, Up, Langle1 R1, L1, R1
Pedestrians armed Up, L1, Down, R1, Left, O, Right, Triangle
Pedestrian alarms R1, L1, L1, O, Down, Down , L1

Multiplayer codes

See the multiplayer effects you want.

Effect Chit Code
100% multiplayer content Up (X3), Triangle, Triangle, O, L, R
75% of the multiplayer content UP (X3). X, X, Square, R, L
50% multiplayer Up (x3), O, O, X, L, R
25% multiplayer Up (x3), Square, Square, Triangle, R, L

Weather Cheats

Foil your opponents with a smart weather cheat.

Effect Chit Code
Clarify the weather LEFT, Down, R1, L1, RIGHT, UP, Left, X Set the foggy LEFT, DNT, DON , Right, Up, Left, L1
Set weather to overcast Left, Down, L1, R1, Right, Up, Left, Square
Set the weather to rainy Left, Down, L1, R1, Right, Up, Left, Triangle
Set the weather to sunny Left, Down, R1, L1, Right, Up, Left, O


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Cheats and secrets for GTA Liberty City for PSP

Secrets for GTA liberty city stories.

1. Hold L and down — you will have a round sight.

2. When running, don’t press X, but press it quickly and many times — you will run almost endlessly.

3. Shoot the moon with your rifle and it will change size.

4. When you have entered the code for another costume and you cannot move left, right, back, enter the code to commit suicide.

5. Usually in the first city, you can put only one car in the garage, you can put the motorcycle and for this you need to drive the motorcycle point blank to the garage, get off it, wait for the garage to open and then quickly get on the motorcycle and quickly enter the garage.

$$$ for webmasters

GTA liberty city stories codes.

1.L down left R X O up triangle.-suicide.

2.L R L R up down L R.-show game credits.

3.L L left L L O H.-quick watch.

4. Triangle R L down down R R triangle. — all cars in chrome.

5.O O R triangle triangle L square square — black cars.

6. X X R O O L triangle triangle white auto.

7.L L triangle R R X square O.-Low wanted, from stars.

8.L L triangle R R X square O. — wanted level does not increase.

9.L R square L R triangle L R.-increased wanted level, two stars.

10.L L R L L R up triangle.-Pedestrians attack you.

11.R R L R R L right O.-the pedestrians have weapons.

12.L L R L L R left square-pedestrian riot.

13.L up right R triangle square down X.-attention sensor.

14.L L left L L right.-change your costume for a pedestrian costume.

15.down down down triangle triangle triangle O L R-Pedestrians are following you.

16.X square down X square up R R. Nearest pedestrians get in your car.

17.down down down X X square R L.-upside down.

18.X X X down down right L R.-upside down (option 2)

19.triangle triangle upside down right L R.-back from upside down.

20.-down down down XX square R L.-world booble head(big head mode.

21.L L O R R square triangle X.-sunny weather.

22.up down square up down O L R.-rain .

23.-up down triangle up down X L R.-fog.

24.up down O up down square L R.-good weather.

25. up up up triangle triangle O L R.- all pedestrians, cars, open Portland, Staunton island Shore side Vale.

26.up up up square square triangle R L.-14 pedestrians open Portland and two gangs.

27.up up up O O X L R.-28 pedestrians, open Portland, Staunton island and 4 gangs.

28.L L left L L right triangle O. — a tank falls from the sky, rhino

29.L L left L L right X square-explode all cars at a distance of 3m.

30.up square square down left square square right.-weapon no.

31. up X X down left X X right.-weapon no.

32.up O O down left O O right.-weapon no.

33.L R O L R X L R. — all armor (blue indicator)

34.L R X L R square L R. — all lives (red indicator)

35.O X up O X down L L. — riding on water.