Goldbarren red dead redemption 2: Red Dead Redemption 2: Gold Bar Locations Guide

Red Dead Redemption 2: Gold Bar Locations Guide

Looking to earn some easy money in RDR2? We show you all the gold bar locations to strike it rich quick!

Money is hard to come by in the early stages of Red Dead Redemption 2 as your ragtag gang of outlaw misfits ekes out a sorry existence.

If you want to earn some quick cash to upgrade your camp or buy a better horse, gold bars are the most cost-efficient way to do so. Besides offering up an unbelievable $500 each, they can be used to exploit the RDR2 gold bar infinite money glitch.

Below we cover all the different gold bar locations discovered across the game world so far.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Gold Bar Locations

Keep in mind that if you want to sell the bars directly for cash (rather than donating them to the camp for upgrades), you have to first finish The Spines Of America quest to unlock the Fence.

To start this quest, you have to complete the first Hosea mission where you go hunting for the legendary bear. Later, Hosea will move over to Emerald Ranch and pop up on your map as a yellow icon.

Talk to him at that location to start The Spines Of America. With that out of the way, now its time to start earning some easy money!

Limpany Gold Bar

This one is super quick to pick up and is available as soon as you leave the mountain and enter the open world area of the game.

Travel southwest from the Horseshoe Overlook camp until you find Limpany, a tiny little burg that burned down.

Head into the burnt out Sheriff’s Office at the northwest end of Limpany and look for a desk in the corner. The gold bar is inside a lock box under the desk (along with a horse pamphlet).

Train Wreck Gold Bars

Located south of Coterra Springs and northwest of Fort Wallace, this hidden track wreck location has two gold bars! Beneath the bridge you should be a derailed train car.

To the right of the crashed car you can walk on a small path up the mountain. Just slightly up the path, turn left and you’ll see a small alcove. You can run and jump into the open area, then turn around and jump across the chasm to an outcropping.

From there, just jump down into the open end of the derailed car to find a chest with two gold bars.

Strange Statues Quest Gold Bars

To kick off this odd puzzle, first head to Window Rock, which is northwest of Fort Wallace and immediately south of Granite Pass. At the top of the area Arthur will note a cave painting about strange statues.

After that is done, head northeast of Fort Wallace to a map location just to the southeast of the giant letter «I» on the map. Enter the cave in the rock wall to find the room filled with strange statues.

Press the buttons on these statues to complete the puzzle:

  • 2
  • 3
  • 5
  • 7

Now you can access the middle statue to find three gold bars ready for the taking!

Braithwaite Manor Gold Bar

You can pick up this gold bar starting in Chapter 4 of the main story by heading to Lemoyne’s Braithwaite Manor found south of Rhodes.

Head into the main burned down building and go into the room just beyond the dead body. In that room, turn around and look in the corner to find a lockbox with a gold bar.

Shady Belle Gold Bar

At the end of Act 3, you will return to the old Shady Belle plantation house a second time to clear out the remaining Lemoyne Raiders and establish a new camp.

When the elderly Confederate shoots himself in the head in the main upstairs bedroom, don’t go downstairs to help move the bodies yet. Instead, search the dresser on the opposite side of the bed to find a hidden gold bar.

Treasure Map Gold Bars

Finally, you can pick up gold bars by following the treasure map bought from (or looted off the body of) the treasure hunter Maximo, who is available in Chapter 2 northwest of Flatneck Station.

The first two treasure stashes each contain a new map leading to another stash with yet more gold bars! After picking up the first map, you can follow the clues to the stashes at these locations:

  • Caliban’s Seat (south of Valentine)
  • Cotorra Springs (southeast of the second giant letter «A» in Ambarino on the world map)
  • The O’Creagh’s Run lake (south of the giant letter «O» in Ambarino on the world map)

Those are all the gold bars we’ve found so far! Have you come across any others? Let us know and we’ll add them to the list.

Need help with the rest of the open world wild west adventure? Check out our other Red Dead Redemption 2 guides here:

  • Cores And Bars Info
  • How To Bond With Your Horse
  • How To Customize New Guns
  • Legendary Bear Pelt Locations
  • How To Unlock Fast Travel

An diesen Orten findet Ihr Goldbarren in Red Dead Redemption 2

Mit Goldbarren könnt Ihr in Red Dead Redemption 2 schnell Geld verdienen. Wir zeigen Euch, wo Ihr sie findet und wie ihr Goldbarren verkaufen könnt.

Wollt Ihr Euch viel Geld in Red Dead Redemption 2 verdienen, sind Goldbarren eine gute Möglichkeit dafür. Das Verkaufen der Goldbarren gehört zu den Methoden, in RDR 2 schnell Geld zu verdienen.

An diesen Locations und Missionen gibt’s Goldbarren – Fundorte

Goldbarren könnt Ihr für 500$ pro Stück verkaufen. Deswegen ist es ratsam, diese versteckten Barren einzusacken und anschließend beim Hehler zu verkaufen.

Goldbarren sind versteckt: Weil die Teile so wertvoll sind, findet Ihr die Goldbarren nicht überall am Wegesrand. Sie sind an verschiedenen Flecken versteckt und teilweise auch Belohnungen für Missionen. Wir zeigen Euch in dieser Übersicht, wo Ihr die Goldbarren findet.

Abschluss von Kapitel 2

Zu den leichtesten Möglichkeiten, an Goldbarren zu kommen, gehört das Folgen der Main-Story. Sobald Ihr das zweite Kapitel abschließt, werdet Ihr mit Gold belohnt.

Goldbarren in Limpany

In dem verlassenen Flecken Limpany ist auch ein Goldbarren versteckt. Den hatte sich der Sheriff dort in seinem Büro gebunkert und offenbar nicht mitgenommen.

Den Goldbarren findet Ihr im Haus des Sheriffs. Geht hinein und gleich links um den Tisch herum. Unter dem Schreibtisch in einer Schatulle liegt der Barren.

Glitch: Für diesen Goldbarren gibt es einen Glitch, der ihn unendlich oft erscheinen lässt.

Goldbarren aus Schatzkarten

Die Schatzkarten in Red Dead Redemption 2 könnt Ihr verteilt in der Welt finden oder bei Schatzsuchern kaufen. Dazu müsst Ihr zunächst Kapitel 2 erreichen. Löst Ihr sie, werdet Ihr mit Goldbarren belohnt.

  • Für das Lösen der Jack Hall Gang Schatzsuche gibt es 2 Goldbarren
  • Löst Ihr die Giftpfad-Schatzsuche erhaltet Ihr sogar 4 Goldbarren
  • Das Rätsel der seltsamen Statuen belohnt Euch mit 3 Goldbarren
  • Die Mission Le Trésor des Morts ist exklusiv für Vorbesteller der digitalen Version und Beistzer der Special-/Ultimate-Edition. Für den Abschluss gibt es 5 Goldbarren.

Braithewaite Manor

Der Goldbarren in Braithwaite Manor wird erst verfügbar, nachdem Ihr Kapitel 4 erreicht habt.

Reist in den Süden von Rhodes, um Braithwaite Manor zu finden. Begebt Euch dort in das verkohlte Hauptgebäude. Dort findet Ihr auf der Erde eine Schatulle, die einen Goldbarren beinhaltet.

Quelle: IGN

Entgleister Zug im Granite Pass

Sucht im Granite Pass nördlich von Valentine nach dem entgleisten Zug. Die Suche wird sich lohnen, denn dort warten 2 Goldbarren auf Euch. Im eingebundenen YouTube-Video seht Ihr, wo Ihr die Barren findet.

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In den ersten Wagon mit den Goldbarren kommt Ihr, indem Ihr Euch im Klettern beweist. Nutzt den im Video gezeigten Pfad, um in den aufrecht stehenden Wagon zu springen. Auf dem Boden darin liegen 2 Goldbarren.

Ein weiterer Wagon hat eine Tasche mit Schmuck für euch parat.

Habt Ihr dann mit diesen Goldbarren genug Geld gesammelt, könnt ihr locker ein paar Kopfgelder in RDR 2 begleichen.

Verwandte Spiele

Plattform: PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
Release: 26.10.2018
Genre: ShooterModell: Buy-to-play

Red Dead Redemption 2 wird von den Machern von GTA 5 und Red Dead Redemption entwickelt. Das Setting des Spiels ist der ausgehende Wilde Westen in einer fiktive…


Ø User-wertung

screenshots of Red Dead Redemption 2 — Screenshots on DTF

Hang each frame on the wall.


I’m not a big fan of constantly taking screenshots during the passage of games. Usually the photo mode function passes my eye. Only when I really see something truly beautiful does my finger involuntarily reach for the corresponding button. However, for each of the games I have played, there are no more than 4-5 captured frames, if not at all.

In this regard, Red Dead Redemption 2 was a major exception for me. This is the only game that I never got out of photo mode. In the course of going through the entire story company, in about 92 hours, I managed to make about 80 of the most incredibly beautiful shots. It is not surprising, considering how beautiful, bewitching and incredibly aesthetically verified the brainchild of Rockstar Games came out.

A lot has already been said about this game, and much more can be said about it. However, putting aside unnecessary controversy, I propose to simply look at it from the outside, only this time through my eyes.

Enjoy watching!

There are quite a lot of screenshots in the selection. You can use the content for more convenient orientation by category.


  • Nature
  • Characters
  • Arthur Morgan himself
  • The best of the best
  • Plot Moments


If it were my will, I would capture every leaf, the world around here is so beautiful.

You can endlessly look at three things: how fire burns, how water flows, and how beautifully the starry sky shimmers in RDR 2

Arthur in the middle of the forest in the rays of the rising sun

The moon illuminates the winding path

Valley near the town of Valentine

On the outskirts of Saint-Denis

Early morning on the American plains

Rhodes at sunset

Road to Braithwaite Manor

Everyone lives their own life here

Mesmerizing lake in Eastern Grizzlies

Calumet Gorge

Wapiti Indian Reservation

Not Tahiti, of course, but also warm

Her Majesty Big Valley

Creepy place near Saint-Denis



A few shots of people living this story — the inseparable companions of Arthur Morgan’s life path.

A cozy evening on the Horseshoe Highland

Brawl in Rhodes

Clemens Peninsula

Making my way through the swamps


Arthur Morgan himself

Not just a bandit, but a man with a huge soul and great fortitude, a man who nevertheless managed to find his right path in a series of surrounding darkness and confusing madness.

Where without pies in Valentine? By the way, have you seen Lenny?

It seems that a bird flew out of the gun

Emerald Ranch

Real cowboy

Rocky Seven

Roanoke Range

Kaa is, but where is Mowgli?

cowboys vs aliens


The best of the best

A selection, in my opinion, of the most successful and aesthetically captivating shots from my personal collection. The best I’ve captured with Red Dead Redemption 2’s photo mode.

This is probably the best screenshot that I was lucky enough to take in Red Dead Redemption 2

Sleepy Hollow

Warm sunset over the river

Unexpected Surprise

Big Valley in all its glory

The arrival of civilization

A wonderful evening in Shady Belle


Plot Moments

Campaign moments captured by the voracious lens of your own camera. If you have already completed Red Dead Redemtion 2 or are not afraid of spoilers — a pleasant continuation of viewing.

In anticipation of something bad

Something interesting always happens in Rhodes

It turned out to be Leva

Explosive Flight

There was more smoke than fire

Revenge is a thankless task


It was an exciting game with the most unpredictable outcome

You never know when your end will come

Like you never know what will cause it

Above the sky

Yet he was able to defeat the beast, albeit at the cost of his own life

Nothing lasts forever

Sometimes life can be unfair

End of the road


I really hope you enjoyed this selection of screenshots. In each of them I put a piece of my own artistic vision and feeling of the game world.

Many thanks to Rockstar Games for such a colossal scale and deep content project. Red Dead Redemption 2 was able to show a lot, and even was able to teach a lot. This story will forever remain in my heart.

Thank you for your attention, don’t forget your loved ones and don’t betray your friends!

screenshots of Red Dead Redemption 2 — Screenshots on DTF

Hang every frame on the wall.


I’m not a big fan of constantly taking screenshots during the passage of games. Usually the photo mode function passes my eye. Only when I really see something truly beautiful does my finger involuntarily reach for the corresponding button. However, for each of the games I have played, there are no more than 4-5 captured frames, if not at all.

In this regard, Red Dead Redemption 2 was a major exception for me. This is the only game that I never got out of photo mode. In the course of going through the entire story company, in about 92 hours, I managed to make about 80 of the most incredibly beautiful shots. It is not surprising, considering how beautiful, bewitching and incredibly aesthetically verified the brainchild of Rockstar Games came out.

A lot has already been said about this game, and much more can be said about it. However, putting aside unnecessary controversy, I propose to simply look at it from the outside, only this time through my eyes.

Enjoy watching!

There are quite a lot of screenshots in the selection. You can use the content for more convenient orientation by category.


  • Nature
  • Characters
  • Arthur Morgan himself
  • The best of the best
  • Plot Moments


If it were my will, I would capture every leaf, the world around here is so beautiful.

You can endlessly look at three things: how fire burns, how water flows, and how beautifully the starry sky shimmers in RDR 2

Arthur in the middle of the forest in the rays of the rising sun

The moon illuminates the winding path

Valley near the town of Valentine

On the outskirts of Saint-Denis

Early morning on the American plains

Rhodes at sunset

Road to Braithwaite Manor

Everyone lives their own life here

Mesmerizing lake in Eastern Grizzlies

Calumet Gorge

Wapiti Indian Reservation

Not Tahiti, of course, but also warm

Her Majesty Big Valley

Creepy place near Saint-Denis



A few shots of people living this story — the inseparable companions of Arthur Morgan’s life path.

A cozy evening on the Horseshoe Highland

Brawl in Rhodes

Clemens Peninsula

Making my way through the swamps


Arthur Morgan himself

Not just a bandit, but a man with a huge soul and great fortitude, a man who nevertheless managed to find his right path in a series of surrounding darkness and confusing madness.

Where without pies in Valentine? By the way, have you seen Lenny?

It seems that a bird flew out of the gun

Emerald Ranch

Real cowboy

Rocky Seven

Roanoke Range

Kaa is, but where is Mowgli?

cowboys vs aliens


The best of the best

A selection, in my opinion, of the most successful and aesthetically captivating shots from my personal collection. The best I’ve captured with Red Dead Redemption 2’s photo mode.

This is probably the best screenshot that I was lucky enough to take in Red Dead Redemption 2

Sleepy Hollow

Warm sunset over the river

Unexpected Surprise

Big Valley in all its glory

The arrival of civilization

A wonderful evening in Shady Belle


Plot Moments

Campaign moments captured by the voracious lens of your own camera. If you have already completed Red Dead Redemtion 2 or are not afraid of spoilers — a pleasant continuation of viewing.

In anticipation of something bad

Something interesting always happens in Rhodes

It turned out to be Leva

Explosive Flight

There was more smoke than fire

Revenge is a thankless task


It was an exciting game with the most unpredictable outcome

You never know when your end will come

Like you never know what will cause it

Above the sky

Yet he was able to defeat the beast, albeit at the cost of his own life

Nothing lasts forever

Sometimes life can be unfair

End of the road


I really hope you enjoyed this selection of screenshots.