Fußball manager 13 geld cheat: Fussball Manager 13 — Cheats

Fussball Manager 13, Geld cheat geht nicht mehr (Fußball, Videospiele, EA Sports)

Letzte Aktivität: 19.02.2023, 20:28
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  • Videospiele
  • Fußball
  • Manager
  • EA Sports
  • FM13
  • beim fussball manager 13 war ja der cheat das man bei autos einfach 6x finanzspritze eingibt, und dann hatte man mega viel geld, und ich hatte den imemr drin ,und dann hab ich den fm gelöscht weil mein pc formatiert, wurde, jetzt hab ich es wieder instaliert, und der cheat geht nicht mehr . . weis einer warum ? und wie man den wieder reinmacht ?

    1 Antwort

    Vom Fragesteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet


    04.02.2014, 07:37

    Man kann auch die Preise der Autos bearbeiten. Bei dem FM 13 weiß ich aber nicht, wo das zu finden ist. Da gibt man einfach andere Preise ein. Das kann man beliebig umschreiben. Also anstatt z.B. 35.000 zu bezahlen schreibst du es so um, dass du 20 Mio. bekommst, wenn du das Auto «kaufst». Dazu findest du im Internet auch Anleitungen. Ich hatte das bei FM 12 mal gemacht, machte aber auch keinen Spaß, weil es einfach zu unrealistisch ist 🙂 Es sei denn, es ist dein Verein und du bist ne Art Milliadär oder so 😀 😀

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    P.S.: Ich habe den Fussball Manager 14, aber ich denke die Einstellungen sind im FM 12 und 13 gleich wie im FM14. 🙂

    Danke im Vorraus!

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    Vielen Dank im Voraus?

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    jemand Ideen? wäre sehr dankbar, denn sonst hätte ich das geld umsonst ausgegeben.

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    Fussball Manager 13, Geld cheat geht nicht mehr

    beim fussball manager 13 war ja der cheat das man bei autos einfach 6x finanzspritze eingibt, und dann hatte man mega viel geld, und ich hatte den imemr drin ,und dann hab ich den fm gelöscht weil mein pc formatiert, wurde, jetzt hab ich es wieder instaliert, und der cheat geht nicht mehr . . weis einer warum ? und wie man den wieder reinmacht ?

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    Hey, Kann man Uralte PCs / Laptops zum Leichten Zocken z.b Minecraft oder Office sachen noch benutzen (Wenn man z.b eine SSD einbaut und Max RAM?)

    Oder ist das zu Langsam dafür?

    LG FlyingCat972

    …zur Frage

    Fussball Manager 13 Datenbank wird nicht übernommen

    also ich spiele den Fussball Manager 13, und ich habe im Datenbank Editor halt die ganzen transfers eingestellt die so passiert sind, aber die werden nciht im spiel übernommen wenn ich ein neues spiel starte, ich habe auch am anfang auf »Datenbankd aus editor » gedrückt, und habe die auch gespeichert, könnt ihr mir weiter helfen? danke

    . ..zur Frage

    Aktuelle Datenbank Fussball Manager 2012

    Hallo! Wollte gerade mal wieder den Fussball Manager 2012 von EA Sports zocken. Hat jemand nen relativ aktuelles Datenbank-Update? Am besten wäre natürlich von der aktuellen Saison 😉

    …zur Frage

    We simulated the 2022 World Cup 10 times in Football Manager. Mbappe is king, Brazil has 0 finals, Switzerland wins — FIFA, PES and Football Manager — Blog

    FIFA, PES and Football Manager


    Argentina also has good chances.

    World Cup 2022 starts on Sunday. In the official EA Sports simulation, Argentina won, while in our experiment with Ultimate Team card stats, France came out on top. But without Football Manager, predictions would be incomplete. We ran 10 simulations in a realistic manager and found out how the World Cup in Qatar will end.

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    Who will qualify from the groups for the Worlds? FM was categorical, but left chances to modest teams

    The group stage traditionally hides the loudest sensations of the World Cup. Fans are wondering which of the underdogs will take away a place in the playoffs from the recognized favorites and whether the curse will overtake France, which does not allow the reigning world champions to leave the group.

    Football Manager went hard on the fantasies of the fans. Favorites almost always came out, but we found a few oddities. In group B, the simulator did not notice a big difference between the US and Wales teams — 6 outings against 5. In reality, the American squad is 110 million euros more expensive, and the main stars play in the European giants — Pulisic in Chelsea, Reina in Dortmund, etc. .d. Welsh leaders Gareth Bale and Aaron Ramsey have aged, and most of the players play for unremarkable clubs in the Premier League and the Championship. However, the results of the simulations are understandable. The bookmakers have doubts about young US football players and give the Americans a slight advantage.

    The real battle broke out in Group C. In terms of the number of playoff appearances, Poland overtook Argentina (8 vs. 7), but Mexico also received a favorable forecast — they came out in every second simulation. In group D, Australia and Tunisia clung to the second place of Denmark (5 vs. 5), while the Swiss (9) were more stable than the Brazilians (7).

    The latest sensation awaits the fans in Group H. Uruguay are the big favorites for second place (7), but in the simulations, the Ghana team often made the playoffs (4). Do you think calling Inaki Williams will work wonders in Qatar?

    England are World Cup favorites. Brazilians and French failed simulation

    England won the tournament three times and became the main favorite for the 2022 World Cup according to Football Manager. The national teams of Argentina and Spain were one victory behind, and we devoted a separate paragraph of the text to the unexpected victory of Switzerland — that tournament turned out to be unique. To my great surprise, the star team of Brazil with Neymar and Vinicius never reached the final in ten simulations. This is not a mistake — in reality, the leader of the Elo rating won the world championship only once.

    France is the main loser of the decisive matches. The tricolors confidently held tournaments, but lost 3 of 4 World Cup finals and lifted the World Cup when they got Denmark as rivals. The French suffered two defeats from England — the best simulation team. Argentina is a completely different matter. The team really wanted to give the trophy to Lionel Messi, so they won both finals they reached. Among the unusual finalists were the teams of Senegal, Ghana and Mexico, they lacked experience in decisive games.

    The winners of the 3rd place matches also turned out to be realistic. Croatia took the bronze twice, Switzerland, the USA and Cameroon sensationally pulled it out several times, but more often it went to the recognized favorites of the tournament.

    FM considers Mbappe a future World Cup star. The Spaniards will help the game of Simon and Pedri

    Football Manager left no doubt in choosing the best player of the tournament — it will be Kylian Mbappe. The Frenchman won the award in three simulations, and another 7 (!) times was the top scorer of the tournament and set a record of 13 goals scored. If England wins the World Cup, then Harry Kane will be recognized as the best. But even then, Mbappe has a good chance of winning the prize.

    Once Kilian was marked by effective passes, but his partner in the French national team Karim Benzema turned out to be the best in the underplay. The Real Madrid forward became the best assistant of the World Cup three times and set a simulation record — 7 assists. Lionel Messi and Luka Modric have made it to the top of the best passers twice.

    We haven’t forgotten about the entertaining secondary nominations. Spain’s good performances are due to Unai Simon’s three Golden Gloves and the goalscoring talent of Gerard Moreno, who scored four times in our simulation finals. Unfortunately, the Villarreal forward will miss the real World Cup. Pedri has won the tournament’s best young player three times, so we believe in his success in Qatar.

    One simulation predicted a Swiss victory. You will be surprised, but such a result is possible

    In one of our simulations, something went wrong and Switzerland became the world champion. Probably, you already wanted to write a comment about the unrealistic FM, but take your time — the results turned out to be fair.

    In the match of the first round, the Swiss beat Brazil. An unusual result, but in the group stages, the favorites often make mistakes and are not obsessed with the first place. Brazil did not suffer: they easily left the group and defeated Portugal in the 1/8 finals without any problems. But Switzerland got on the road of gold.

    In the first play-off match, the Swiss beat the Uruguayans on penalties. At this wonderful moment, their path should have been interrupted, but in the 1/4 finals they got to Morocco, which escaped in stoppage time and passed the Spanish team in a penalty shootout. Switzerland’s next opponent was the US team, which beat the teams of Senegal and Poland. The Swiss skillfully converted a slight advantage in the class and outplayed their opponents with a minimum score of 1:0.

    France was waiting for Switzerland in the final. In the first half, Xherdan Shaqiri put a free-kick, and after Mbappe’s return goal, Borussia M defender Nico Elvedi scored the winning goal from a corner. In stoppage time, defender Cedric Ceziger closed the supply from the other flank and destroyed the last hopes of the French. Almost like last year’s Euro!

    * * *

    What result of the World Cup do you believe in? Write your prediction in the comments.

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    years into the future in Football Manager. Brazil won the World Cup in Qatar, the most successful team of the century is Spain — FIFA, PES and Football Manager — Blogs

    FIFA, PES and Football Manager


    Mbappe lit up in 2030.

    The 2022 World Cup is in full swing. We’ve already predicted the winner twice already: France is dragging in FIFA player stats, and Football Manager’s ten World Cup simulations have pointed to England.

    Now we have skipped the World Cup until the anniversary year 2122 and found out which teams will dominate the next century.

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    The first Worlds are boring. Brazil won twice, and in 2030 elite Germany returned

    The new simulation of the 2022 World Cup surprised. It was won by the Brazilian national team, which had never reached the final in ten attempts before. At the tournament in Qatar, England and Argentina performed well, the bright Moroccans unexpectedly made their way to the semi-finals, and Germany repeated the real absenteeism from the group — Costa Rica overtook it. Kylian Mbappe scored 6 goals and received the Golden Boot, and Lautaro Martinez was given the World Cup Golden Ball. 39-year-old Dani Alves is the king of the tournament! The Brazilian played 6 matches, got into the symbolic team of the World Cup and took the main trophy in his career.

    For the first time, 48 teams played at the historic World Cup in North America. In reality, they are still discussing how to hold a large-scale tournament, but FM 23 has already decided on 16 groups of three teams and a playoff from the 1/16 finals. Fans are afraid of changes in vain: 1/8 turned out to be vigorous, although there was a sensational relegation of Spain, which was stopped by the Japanese on penalties. The new generation of Belgians reached the semi-finals, where they lost big to Brazil. Their main star is Charles de Quetelare, who will become a real Milan legend in the future. The Brazilians won the second tournament in a row — on penalties against Italy. Vinicius successfully replaced Neymar, and peak Erling Haaland made it to the team of the tournament, who scored 10 goals in 5 matches for Norway.

    In 2030, an interesting World Cup took place in Spain. The 31-year-old Mbappe had an incredible tournament and took the prize for the best player, but fell short of the golden double — the French team lost to the Italians in 1/2 after extra time. The tournament was won by the Germans. They pragmatically passed the easy bracket from Mali, the Netherlands, Japan and Austria, and in the final at the Santiago Bernabeu they beat Italy (2:1). There is also good news for the fans of the Azzurra Squadra. The football manager predicted great careers for Nicolò Barelle, Alessandro Bastoni and Giacomo Raspadori, who were included in the symbolic team of the tournament.

    Spain is the most successful national team in 100 years. The top scorer was a guy from the UAE

    Our simulation turned out to be very conservative. Switzerland, the USA and Croatia climbed into the top three of the World Cup winners, but the traditional top teams took all the trophies. Moreover, the manager retained continuity — often dominated by star generations.

    We talked in detail about the first victories of the Brazilians, so let’s start with the Germans. In 2030, a new top German team has grown. She dominated three world cycles at once: she took the cup twice, and in 2038 she lost the final to Portugal. Germany played pragmatic defensive football. Its main star is goalkeeper Sadri Matthäus, who dragged two tournaments — in 2030 and 2034. You probably thought that this was Manuel Neuer’s successor, but the graduate of Bayern almost never played for his native club and spent his career at Hoffenheim and Ajax.

    In the seventies, Spain had a new Xavi and Iniesta. This time she was dragged by conductor Andres Valbuena of Chelsea and Aston Villa striker Juanjo Suarez. The national team won three (!) mundials in a row, and then won the tournament twice more: in 2090 and 2102. Incredible comeback after 50 years without a win!

    At the turn of the century, the great Argentina national team emerged from nowhere. In the period from 2098 to 2110, she lost only one tournament, and in 2114 she also took silver. The legendary pair of Ezequiel Pavon and Franco Ramos played on defense. Evaluate the greatness of Pavon: he was named to three symbolic World Cup teams in a row, and at the same time won four league titles with Espanyol! It seems that he became the best defender of the XXII century in absentia.

    In the last few years of the simulation, the Dutch national team was revealed, in which the unique talent of the Dutch, Emerson Correa, shone. The striker twice became the best player in the World Cup, won bronze and gold for the country, and in 2118 set an eternal record — 14 goals in the World Cup.

    El Hadji Sako of Spain (13 goals) and Abdallah El-Katiri of the United Arab Emirates (12 goals) also entered the top three World Cup scorers. Everything is clear with the Spaniard from the golden generation, but where does the Emirati come from? The UAE is the top national team of the early 22nd century, and its players have played for Liverpool, Man United and Real Madrid. She often looked into the 1/8 finals of the World Cup and did not fall out of the top 15 of the FIFA world rankings. El Katiri is the Emirati Messi. In 72 matches for the national team, he scored 57 goals, and often upset opponents in the playoffs of the world championships. Do you believe this is possible?

    The 2098 World Cup in Mexico is the craziest simulation tournament. Jamaica was in the runners-up and the Scots were in the final

    The results of our simulation turned out to be too realistic, but towards the end of the save, miracles began. The Norwegian team reached the final of the 2086 World Cup. First, the Vikings went through Barbados (4:0) and old acquaintances from the UAE (1:0), and then they gave heat to England and Italy (both matches — 1:0). In the final, the fuse ended and they lost to the Netherlands — 1:2.

    But the coolest tournament was played 12 years later in Mexico. Of the usual top teams, only Spain and Argentina made it to the 1/8 finals, so weaker teams got a chance. Jamaica and Scotland went the furthest. The football players of the island nation deftly beat the Croats (4:2), the Danes (1:0) and the Spaniards (2:1), but in the semifinals they received a three-ruble note from Argentina. The Jamaicans did not give up and defeated Chile in a historic match for 3rd place — 3:2. The Scots passed Colombia (2:0), the United Arab Emirates (1:0), Turkey (2:1) and Chile (1:0), but in the final, the Argentines confidently beat them with a difference of two goals. The main sensation of the simulation never happened!

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