Fernseher für pc gaming: The best gaming TVs | PC Gamer

Gaming-Fernseher-Test 2022: Modelle von LG, Samsung, Sony & Co.

Der Gaming-Fernseher-Test zeigt die besten TVs mit HDMI 2.1 für brillantes Zocken in 4K und mit bis zu 120 Hertz.

Sie freuen sich auf das neuste Spiel für die PlayStation 5 oder die Xbox Series X? Um möglichst tief in Gaming-Welten einzutauchen, muss auch der TV stimmen. Welche Modelle am besten geeignet sind, zeigt der Test von COMPUTER BILD.


  • LG OLED C2: Der beste Gaming-Fernseher
  • Samsung AU8079: Günstiger Gaming-Fernseher
  • Was bedeutet Latenzzeit bei Gaming-TVs?
  • Was bringt der Spielemodus beim Fernseher?
  • Was steckt hinter HDMI 2.1?
  • Sony Bravia X85J: Mit 100 Hertz und HDMI 2.1
  • Samsung QN95A: Brillant auch bei Tageslicht
  • Panasonic TX-43LXW944: 100 Hertz schon ab 43 Zoll
  • LG OLED G2: Für Gaming perfekt ausgestattet
  • Gaming-Fernseher im Test: Fazit
  • Gaming-TVs: Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wer statt eines Films lieber die Spielkonsole startet, sollte das beim Fernseherkauf beachten. So stellen die Games der PlayStation 5 und der Xbox Series X besondere Ansprüche an das TV-Gerät. Neben guter Bildqualität sind etwa hohes Tempo und die passenden Anschlüsse nötig, um Zocker-Anforderungen gerecht zu werden. Alte Full-HD-Fernseher sind da hoffnungslos überfordert. Sie wissen nicht so wirklich, was bei einem Gaming-TV eine Rolle spielt? COMPUTER BILD hat ein starkes Gesamtpaket mit Infos und TV-Empfehlungen für Sie geschnürt!

LG OLED C2: Der beste Gaming-Fernseher

Der LG OLED C2 zählt zu den derzeit besten Gaming-Fernsehern im Test. Kein Wunder: Gleich vier Anschlüsse setzen auf HDMI 2.1 mit 4K bis 120 Hertz und 48 Gigabit pro Sekunde, was perfekt für Xbox Series X und PlayStation 5 ist. Bei entsprechender Ausstattung gibt einer von ihnen Raumklang inklusive Dolby Atmos aus (eARC, erweiterter Audio-Rückkanal). So lassen sich moderne Soundbars mühelos anschließen. Die Bildqualität erwies sich im Test als nahezu makellos und überzeugte mit perfekten Farben und starkem Maximalkontrast. Für Gamer sind variable Bildraten (VRR) inklusive der Standards AMD FreeSync Premium und Nvidia G-Sync an Bord, um Spiele ruckelfrei darzustellen. Mit dem Ton des LG OLED C2 lässt sich gut leben, zumal es sinnvolle Optionen zur Anpassung und Optimierung gibt. Und die Ausstattung umfasst praktisch alles, was Fernseher heute bieten sollten – mit allen wichtigen Streaming-Apps und Sprachsteuerung als netten Extras. Der LG OLED C2 kostet in der 55-Zoll-Variante rund 1.450 Euro, in 65 Zoll knapp 2.070 Euro (Stand: August 2022).

Samsung AU8079: Günstiger Gaming-Fernseher

Bereits im unteren Preissegment finden sich viele Fernseher, die die Grundbedürfnisse eines Spielers befriedigen. Um Inhalte so scharf wie möglich auf dem Bildschirm zu sehen, ist 4K-Auflösung (Ultra-HD, 3840×2160 Pixel) Pflicht. So gut wie jedes ernst zu nehmende neue TV-Modell zeigt Bilder heutzutage in UHD. Bei günstigen Fernsehern handelt es sich in der Regel um Geräte mit LCD, die Technik ist ausgereift, die Bildqualität gut. Die kommt aber nicht an die brillanten Farben und die tiefe Schwärze von teureren QLED-TVs oder OLED-Fernseher heran. Für knapp über 550 Euro (Stand: August 2022) bietet der Samsung AU8079 in der 55-Zoll-Variante (140 Zentimeter Bilddiagonale) ein sehr solides Einstiegspaket mit natürlichem Bild. Im Spielemodus und bei abgeschalteter Bewegungsglättung («Motion Plus») liegt die Latenz bei winzigen 11 Millisekunden. Der Samsung-Bildschirm schafft maximal 60 Hertz. Modelle mit 120-Hertz-Bildschirm gibt es in dieser Preislage nicht, schnelle Bewegungen verlieren daher an Schärfe.

Was bedeutet Latenzzeit bei Gaming-TVs?

Hinter der Latenzzeit steckt die Dauer der Video-Signalverarbeitung im Fernseher. Einfach gesagt: wie lange es dauert, bis ein Signal von PlayStation 5 oder Xbox Series X auf dem Bildschirm zu sehen ist. Gerade in schnellen Online-Spielen – etwa dem Shooter «Call of Duty: Vanguard» – entscheidet das häufig über Erfolg oder Niederlage. Deshalb gilt: je geringer die Latenz, desto schneller die Übertragung, was im Endeffekt zu einem besseren Gaming-Erlebnis führt. Fernseher mit einer Verarbeitungszeit um 10 Millisekunden begeistern mit zackiger Reaktion, Latenzen über 20 Millisekunden trüben das Spielerlebnis unter Umständen. In jedem Fall ist es für kürzestmögliche Latenz Pflicht, am Fernseher den Spielemodus zu aktivieren.

Grafische Überflieger wie Sonys Exklusivtitel «Horizon Forbidden West» sehen nur auf PlayStation 5 und entsprechenden Fernsehern umwerfend aus.

Was bringt der Spielemodus beim Fernseher?

Um die Latenz oder Eingabeverzögerung für Zocker gering zu halten, bieten viele Fernseher einen speziellen Spielemodus an. Der schaltet alle zeitkritischen Bildverarbeitungen ab und minimiert damit die Latenz beziehungsweise den Input-Lag, also die Verzögerung bei einer Eingabe über den Controller. In den meisten Fällen befindet sich dieser Modus unter den Bildeinstellungen: Für LG-Fernseher etwa wählen Sie den Bildmodus «Spiel» aus. Bei Samsung-Fernsehern ist diese Option im Menü unter «Allgemein» und «Externe Geräteverwaltung» zu finden. Besitzen Sie ein Gerät ohne separaten Spielemodus, schalten Sie eine mögliche Bewegungsglättung manuell ab, um Latenzen zu verringern. Die allermeisten Fernseher merken sich den gewählten Modus für jeden Anschluss, für TV-Empfang und Streaming separat, Gamer müssen also nicht ständig den Bildmodus wechseln. Wenn Sie die Konsole etwa an HDMI Nummer 3 gestöpselt und dafür den Spielemodus eingestellt haben, bleibt für HDMI 1, für TV-Empfang und Streaming-Apps etwa der Film-Modus aktiv.

Was steckt hinter HDMI 2.1?

Die PlayStation 5 und Xbox Series X geben Bewegtbilder mit bis zu 120 Hertz aus. Nur aktuelle Fernseher der gehobenen Klasse sind in der Lage, diese schnelle Bildfolge über die HDMI-Eingänge zu verarbeiten. Bei älteren Geräten sind die Anschlüsse oft der Flaschenhals. Sprich: Konsole und hochwertige Fernseher mit 100-Hertz-Bildschirm sind zwar theoretisch für die schnelle Bildfolge geeignet, die Schnittstelle aber nicht unbedingt. Nur die neueste Version HDMI 2. 1 ist schnell genug für 120 Hertz in 4K-Auflösung. Aber Vorsicht, die Versionsnummer ist keine Garantie, dass ein Gerät auch alle Möglichkeiten der Schnittstelle ausnutzt. Möglich sind mit HDMI 2.1 eine ganze Reihe Features und Spezifikationen:

  • 8K: Videos mit maximal 7680×4320 Bildpunkten und 60 Hertz.
  • 4K: Videos mit maximal 3840×2160 Bildpunkten und 120 Hertz.
  • VRR: Variable Bildrate – der Fernseher zeigt so viele Bilder pro Sekunde, wie die Konsole oder die Grafikkarte gerade berechnen kann, das variiert dann kontinuierlich von 40 oder 48 bis 120 Hertz.
  • ALLM: Auto Low Latency Mode, automatische Umschaltung auf den Spielemodus, wenn der Zuspieler ein Spiel startet.

ALLM beherrschen recht viele aktuelle Fernseher, allerdings ist dieses Feature auch vergleichsweise banal. Wichtiger sind die zuvor erwähnten 120 Hertz Bildrate der aktuellen Konsolen. Die verdauen nur höherwertige Fernseher, ebenso variable Bildraten. Bei diesen Datenmengen kommt es obendrein auf das richtige Kabel an. Da zählen aber noch viel weniger die HDMI-Versionsnummern, sondern die Bandbreiten-Klassen. Für 4K und mehr sind drei Kategorien interessant:

  • HDMI High Speed überträgt sicher 10 Gigabit pro Sekunde, für 4K mit 60 Hertz sehr knapp.
  • HDMI Premium garantiert 18 Gigabit pro Sekunde, genug für 4K mit 60 Hertz und HDR.
  • HDMI Ultra High Speed kennzeichnet Kabel mit garantierten 48 Gigabit pro Sekunde. Das genügt auch für 4K mit 120 Hertz und für 8K.

Sony Bravia X85J: Mit 100 Hertz und HDMI 2.1

Dass ein Fernseher mit HDMI 2.1 inklusive 4K bis 120 Hertz nicht die Welt kosten muss, beweist der Sony Bravia X85J. Als 164 Zentimeter großer KD-65X85J kostet er etwa 930 Euro, die 55-Zoll-Version liegt bei 800 Euro (Stand: August 2022). Dafür gibt es sogar zwei der schnellen HDMI-Anschlüsse. Die akzeptieren auch variable Bildraten und sind damit perfekt für die neuen Spielkonsolen geeignet. Außerdem gefiel beim X85J die gute Bildqualität mit natürlichen Farben und hohen Helligkeitsreserven bei gutem Kontrast. Dass der Ton nur die Grundbedürfnisse befriedigt, ist angesichts des Preises kein Wunder. Dank Android-Betriebssystem samt Google TV ist der Sony ganz auf der Höhe der Zeit, ein zusätzliches Streaming-Gerät ist hier nicht erforderlich.

Samsung QN95A: Brillant auch bei Tageslicht

Der Samsung QN95A beeindruckte im Test mit seinem extrem hellen, brillanten und hervorragend entspiegelten Bildschirm, der selbst in heller Umgebung kontrast- und farbstark aussieht. Die Bildqualität ist exzellent, dank Mini-LED-Technik ist der Bildeindruck klarer und räumlicher als je zuvor. Für Gamer interessant: vier HDMI-2.1-Eingänge mit 4K bis 120 Hertz sowie VRR in der externen One-Connect-Box. Auch die Tonqualität liegt über dem Durchschnitt. Um die 1.250 Euro (Stand: August 2022) müssen Sie für die 55-Zoll-Ausführung einplanen.

Panasonic TX-43LXW944: 100 Hertz schon ab 43 Zoll

Fällt das Gaming-Zimmer etwas kleiner aus, ist der 43 Zoll (109 Zentimeter) große Panasonic TX-43LXW944 eine gute Wahl. Mit einer Bildwiederholfrequenz von 100 bis 120 Hertz hält er etwa bei aktuellen Videospielen und bei Sportübertragungen die Schärfe selbst in schnellen Bewegungen. Die verdoppelte Bildrate findet sich bei anderen Herstellern oft erst bei Fernsehern ab 55 Zoll. Der vergrößerte Farbumfang sorgt ebenfalls für gute Laune. So liefern neben Filmen und Serien moderne Spielkonsolen HDR-Bilder (High Dynamic Range) aus. Kontrast, Brillanz und die Tonqualität gehen in Ordnung. Als TV-Betriebssystem dient «MyHomeScreen». Die Panasonic-Entwicklung bietet weniger Apps als etwa Android TV, hat aber die wichtigsten Streaming-Anbieter wie Amazon Prime Video, Netflix und Disney Plus im Gepäck. Anwendungen für die Angebote von Sky und Cloud-Gaming-Anbieter fehlen hingegen. Vorzug des eigenen Betriebssystems ist der TV-Empfang per Netzwerkkabel und WLAN von Kabel-Fritzboxen. Für externe Zuspieler hat der Hersteller vier HDMI-Anschlüsse vorgesehen. Über einen analogen AV-Eingang finden sogar ältere Spielekonsolen und Camcorder Anschluss. Mit seiner gehobenen Ausstattung liegt der Panasonic preislich bei 1.040 Euro (Stand: August 2022).

LG OLED G2: Für Gaming perfekt ausgestattet

Spielt der Preis nur eine Nebenrolle, lohnt sich für Gamerinnen und Gamer der Blick auf den LG OLED55G29LA oder kurz LG OLED G2. Etwa für Spielkonsolen verfügt er über vier in Mulden eingelassene HDMI-Eingänge nach HDMI-2.1-Standard und liefert 4K-Auflösung bei einer Bildwiederholrate von bis zu 120 Hertz. Variable Bildraten (VRR) sind ebenfalls zulässig, inklusive der Varianten AMD FreeSync und Nvidia G-Sync. Die Durchlaufzeit der Bilder ist erfreulich kurz, bei der Standard-Zuspielung mit 60 Hertz beträgt die Latenz lediglich 13 Millisekunden, im Boost-Modus sogar nur 9 Millisekunden. Nicht nur bei den Gaming-Kriterien überzeugte der LG-Fernseher im Test, sondern auch in den übrigen Bereichen. So erwies sich die Bildqualität als überragend. Dank OLED-Bildschirm zeigt das TV-Gerät perfekten Bildkontrast und damit eine fast dreidimensionale Tiefe. Auch die Farbdarstellung ist beeindruckend. Hinzu kommen: hohe Blickwinkelstabilität und gute Entspiegelung. Die Auswahl an Streaming-Apps lässt quasi keine Wünsche offen. Die Fernbedienung ist mit ihrer Gestensteuerung sehr innovativ. Für Begeisterung sorgt nicht zuletzt der natürlich klingende Ton, obwohl keinerlei Lautsprecher zu sehen sind. Preislich bewegt sich der LG OLED G2 im gehobenen Bereich. So schlägt die 55-Zoll-Variante mit knapp 1.720 Euro (Stand: August 2022) zu Buche.

Gaming-Fernseher im Test: Fazit

Goldene Zeiten für Gamer! Die Preise für Fernseher mit passender Ausstattung für aktuelle Konsolen-Generationen fallen stetig – wie unter anderem der Sony X85J beweist. Wer nicht so genau auf den Preis achten muss, der bekommt mit dem LG OLED C2 und Samsung QN95A richtig starke Technik mit brillanterem Bild und besserem Ton.

Welcher Fernseher ist der beste für Gaming?

Der beste Gaming-Fernseher liefert Top-Bildqualität und verfügt über die passenden Anschlüsse für Spielkonsolen und Gaming-PCs. UHD-Auflösung (auch 4K genannt) ist bei Fernsehern ab etwa 1 Meter Bilddiagonale (40 Zoll) heute Standard. Damit die Konturenschärfe hoch bleibt, sollte die Bildwiederholfrequenz des Gaming-TVs 100 Hertz betragen – damit sind immer auch 120 Hertz gemeint. Bei den Anschlüssen ist für die neueste Konsolen- und Grafikkarten-Generation HDMI 2.1 mit 4K bis 120 Hertz und variablen Bildraten (VRR) wünschenswert.

Welche TV-Größe fürs Gaming?

Zum Fernsehen lautet die Faustformel: Abstand zwischen Zuschauer und Fernseher geteilt durch zwei ergibt die Bilddiagonale. Beim Gaming darf es ruhig eine Nummer größer sein, gerade wenn die Spiele in 4K laufen. Also für 2 Meter Abstand 48 bis 55 Zoll (121 bis 140 Zentimeter), für 3 Meter am besten 65 Zoll.

Wie viel Hz sollte ein Fernseher zum Zocken haben?

Die meisten Fernseher zeigen 50 bis 60 Bilder pro Sekunde, haben also eine Bildwiederholfrequenz von 50 bis 60 Hertz (Hz). Wie viel sie tatsächlich liefern, hängt vom laufenden Material ab. Bei TV-Sendungen sind es 50 Hz, bei Spielen oft 60 Hz. Die Fernseher können stets beides. Besser insbesondere für Sport-Übertragungen und Gaming sind aber 100-Hertz-Fernseher, die immer auch 120 Hz schaffen. Damit sehen Bewegungen auf den Bildschirmen schärfer aus und bei Shootern steigt die Trefferquote. Aber Vorsicht bei den Herstellerangaben! Die sind oft irreführend. Fernseher mit echten 100-Hertz-Bildschirmen starten mit Ausnahme des Panasonic TX-43LXW944 bei 55 Zoll um 800 Euro.

Lässt sich die PS5 an jeden Fernseher anschließen?

Die Sony PlayStation 5 schließen Sie auf Wunsch an jeden Fernseher mit HDMI-Eingang an. Ihr volles Potenzial entfaltet sie aber erst mit einem modernen Oberklasse-TV-Gerät mit 100- beziehungsweise 120-Hertz-Bildschirm, UHD-Auflösung und HDMI-Eingang, der auch 4K mit 120 Hertz und VRR verarbeitet – das schafft nicht jeder HDMI-2.1-Anschluss!

Welchen HDMI-Anschluss für PS5?

Welcher HDMI-Anschluss der beste für die PlayStation, für eine andere Spielkonsole oder für einen Gaming-PC ist, hängt vom Fernseher ab. Bei Samsung zum Beispiel sind die entsprechenden HDMI-Eingänge mit einem Game-Controller-Symbol markiert. Andere schreiben «4K 120 Hz» oder ähnliche Hinweise daran. Probieren Sie es im Zweifel aus: Schalten Sie den Fernseher auf den verwendeten Anschluss sowie in den Gaming-Mode und schauen Sie dann in die Einstellungen der Konsole, ob sich die gewünschte Auflösung und Bildrate einstellen lässt. Wenn nicht, probieren Sie das mit einem der anderen HDMI-Eingänge.

Welche Fernseher haben einen HDMI-2.


HDMI 2.1 gibt es bei höherwertigen Fernsehern ab dem Modelljahr 2020, häufiger erst ab 2021. Aber Vorsicht, HDMI 2.1 sagt wenig aus. Damit ist unter Umständen zum Beispiel eine automatische Umschaltung zwischen Film- und Gaming-Modus gemeint – oder der Hersteller bezieht das auf bestimmte Audio-Funktionen. HDMI 2.1 mit 4K bis 120 Hertz ist seltener, damit warten erst Fernseher ab der Oberklasse mit 100-Hertz-Bildschirm auf.

Best TV for PC Gaming

Find out which TV is best for PC gaming and what qualities to look for when buying a TV.


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Choosing a TV for PC Gaming

There are a variety of TVs types available, each offering different trade-offs. Some TVs may be less expensive while not looking very good, while others look amazing but cost a lot more.

In this article, I explain which factors to consider when choosing a TV for PC gaming and break down the other various qualities to consider when choosing your new TV for playing PC games.

Best TV Type for PC

The best type of TV that I’d recommend for playing PC games on is an OLED TV.

Overall, OLED TVs have an excellent refresh rate and response time, among other great qualities like excellent color and black levels, making OLED TVs the best type of display for playing PC games. Below, I explain why these are important when playing games on a PC.

Find the best OLED TVs: My Recommended OLED TVs for PC gaming.

Best Value TV Type for PC

While OLED TVs are ultimately the best type of TV for playing PC games, you may be looking for a more affordable option.

QLED TVs are a great alternative since they can also handle motion well while costing less. However, getting a QLED over an OLED TV has some trade-offs, such as a lower contrast, lower response time, some light bleed, and reduced viewing angles.

Find the best QLED TVs: My Recommended QLED TVs for PC gaming.

Featured LG OLED TVs ›

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LG B2 Series 55-Inch Class OLED Smart TV OLED55B2PUA, 2022 — AI-Powered 4K TV, Alexa Built-in

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LG C2 Series 55-Inch Class OLED evo Gallery Edition Smart TV OLED55C2PUA, 2022 — AI-Powered 4K TV, Alexa Built-in

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Factors to Consider When Choosing a TV for PC

Motion Handling

When buying a TV for playing PC games, the most important considerations are to have an excellent refresh rate and response time. Response time and refresh rate determine how a TV can handle motion — the lower the response time and the higher the refresh rate, the better.

High refresh rates reduce motion blur and make animations smoother, while low response times prevent ghosting during quick movements.

Refresh Rate

Refresh rate is the number of times the display can redraw the screen. Refresh rate is measured in hertz (Hz), which is defined as one cycle per second. For example, 60 Hz would refresh the screen 60 times a second. A reasonable refresh rate is anywhere from 144 Hz to 240 Hz and above.

The refresh rate of QLED and OLED displays are usually 120 Hz but can reach higher in newer models, which is fast enough for most cases, including video games and sports.

Motion Handling
LED Good
OLED Excellent
Mini-LED Very Good
MicroLED Excellent

Response Time

Response time is the time it takes a display to change from one color to another. The timing of this is usually determined by going back and forth between white and black. The timing is measured in milliseconds, with lower being better.

OLED TVs have a response time of around 0.2 ms for 80% of color transition and 2-3 ms for the remaining color. It’s best to have 6 ms or less response time for displays, and OLED TVs exceed that, making them one of the best types of displays regarding response time.

To compare, Samsung QLED TVs have a response time of around 3-6 ms for 80% of color transition and 9-17 ms for the remaining color.


If you are going to be playing games in daylight or a bright room, choose a TV that can handle higher brightness levels. The brightness of the TV matters most when viewing it in bright lighting conditions since it’ll have to compete with other lighting in the room. For example, in a well-lit living room, you’d want to use a TV with good brightness levels.

QLED and MicroLED TVs have the best brightness levels. Most QLED TVs produce 1,000 to 2,000 nits of brightness and are capable of reaching 4,000 nits. To compare, most other TVs usually don’t reach 1,000 nits of brightness.

If you don’t know what a Nit is, it’s a measurement of the amount of light a TV produces within an area. The higher the Nit, the brighter your TV will be able to emit.

Brightness Levels
LED Good
QLED Excellent
Mini-LED Very Good
MicroLED Excellent

Light Bleed

The downside of some TVs having high peak brightness is that it can sometimes lead to light bleed. Light bleed, or backlight bleed, is more noticeable during nighttime viewing or rooms with low light. So if you’re planning to put your TV in a dark room, you’ll want to get a TV that doesn’t have as much light bleed.

You can learn more about backlight bleed in LED TVs.

Light Bleed
Mini-LED Some
MicroLED No

Black Levels

True black levels are also an excellent quality to have when playing PC games. Having true blacks makes the image more accurate, making the dark areas black instead of gray. Good black levels can help tell whether a TV can handle the contrast between the bright and dark parts of a game.

Poor black levels result in a lack of true black in outer space scenes, dark indoor shots, and end credits. Instead, the blacks appear as more of a gray color. Poor contrast can result in that faded look between those two extremes (bright and dark in the same scene).

The dark colors provided by good black levels won’t be as visible if you watch your TV in daylight or bright rooms. Good black levels are much more noticeable in low-lit rooms, like a dark family room, bedroom, or theater.

OLED displays have perfect black levels. The extreme blacks are the benefit of OLED displays not having an LCD backlight like QLED and LED TVs. QLED and LED TVs have more of a gray black instead of pitch black.

Black Levels
LED Okay
OLED Excellent
Mini-LED Very Good
MicroLED Excellent

OLED Contrast Comparison

Brandon Jones / TechReviewer

Viewing Angle

The viewing angle of a TV is probably not as important if you’re going to be playing games directly in front of the TV. If you’re planning to view the TV from the side, like if you have many people over watching from wide angles, then wide viewing angles of the TV will be more worthwhile.

Wider viewing angles allow you to see the TV at optimal levels (brightness, colors, contrast) even when looking at the TV indirectly. If you are viewing your TV directly straight-on, then better viewing angles won’t matter.

OLED TVs have the best viewing angles and have an average viewing angle of around 70 degrees from the center, with the center meaning that you’re directly in front of the screen. You will not notice any difference in colors or brightness at most viewing angles with an OLED TV.

LCDs like QLED TVs have an average viewing angle of around 20-40 degrees from the center, with the center meaning that you’re directly in front of the screen. You’ll notice more washed-out blacks and colors along with brightness loss starting at lesser angles (10-20 degrees) then increase as you get farther away from the center.

The narrow viewing angle is due to the use of a backlight projecting through the LCD. Like viewing a bedroom light from outside a house, the light is most visible from certain angles.

If you want more flexibility in your viewing position, you’ll probably want to go for something like an OLED TV, which doesn’t use a backlight.

Viewing Angle
LED Good
OLED Excellent
Mini-LED Very Good
MicroLED Very Good

Color Accuracy

Excellent color accuracy will determine whether or not you’ll get the best and naturally vivid images on your screen. Playing PC games on a TV with great color accuracy can help immerse you into the games you play.

OLED and QLED displays are known for excellent color accuracy and vibrance even at wider viewing angles.

Samsung QLED TVs have an average of 73-90% color volume and 84-94% color gamut.

OLED TVs have an average of 80-85% color volume and 95-99% color gamut.

Standard LED TVs have a widely varying color volume and color gamut but are moderately lower on average compared to QLED and OLED displays.

Color Volume: How many colors a TV can display at different luminosity (brightness) levels.

Color Gamut: How many colors the display is capable of showing.

TVs are sometimes advertised to be 100% color volume despite the fact they don’t reach those levels. Despite this, you won’t notice a difference in OLED TVs or higher-end QLED TVs since both can have excellent color accuracy if tuned correctly and is of higher quality.

Color Accuracy
LED Good
QLED Excellent
OLED Very Good
Mini-LED Excellent
MicroLED Excellent


High-dynamic-range (HDR) can enhance your picture further by expanding the contrast ratio and colors to create a more realistic, natural image. However, the games you play need to support HDR for the best experience; otherwise, HDR isn’t going to be worth it.

Playing HDR-supported games will result in a picture with brighter brights, darker darks, more accurate/natural colors, and a sharper image.

Native Contrast
LED Okay
QLED Very Good
OLED Excellent
Mini-LED Very Good
MicroLED Excellent

OLED displays have high color volume/gamut and near-perfect contrast ratio, both of which are recommended for HDR.
Despite HDR usually requiring higher brightness levels, OLEDs can produce amazing HDR scenes because of their extreme contrast ratio. Due to the lower brightness levels, it’d be best to view HDR content with lower ambient light during the evening.

Samsung QLED displays have high color volume, good contrast ratio, and 1,000+ nits of brightness, all of which are recommended for HDR also. OLED TVs are still better despite this due to their true black levels.

Standard LED TVs are typically not recommended for viewing HDR content but can still do so, just not as well as the other types of TVs.


If you want to get the best experience while gaming on your PC, you’ll want to game on a 4K TV. The higher the resolution, the more crisp the picture will be, as long as the content you’re displaying is in that resolution. Remember that you will need a powerful enough graphics card to handle 4K gaming on a PC. Sometimes 4K TVs have an upscaling feature, though, which can enhance lower resolution content.

4K resolution is the most popular currently. While 8K is the best resolution overall, most content doesn’t support that high of a resolution, so it’s not really needed at this time since 4K is more than enough already.

Most TVs have 4K resolution besides a select few models.

You can learn more about TV resolution.

TV Resolutions
8K UHD (Ultra HD) 7680 x 4320
4K UHD (Ultra HD) 3840 x 2160
1440p / QHD (Quad HD) 2560 x 1440
1080p / FHD (Full HD) 1920 x 1080
720p / HD (High Definition) 1280 x 720

TV Resolution Comparison

Brandon Jones / TechReviewer

Featured Sony OLED TVs ›

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Sony OLED 55 inch BRAVIA XR A80K Series 4K Ultra HD TV: Smart Google TV with Dolby Vision HDR and Exclusive Gaming Features for The Playstation® 5 XR55A80K- 2022 Model

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Sony A90J 55 Inch TV: BRAVIA XR OLED 4K Ultra HD Smart Google TV with Dolby Vision HDR and Alexa Compatibility XR55A90J- 2021 Model

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Comparison Between TV Types

In the table below, you can compare the different qualities of each type of display.

TV Type Comparison
Viewing Angle Good Good Excellent Very Good Very Good
Black Levels Okay Okay Excellent Very Good Excellent
Color Accuracy Good Excellent Very Good Excellent Excellent
Burn-in No No Yes No No
Brightness Good Excellent Good Very Good Excellent
Lifespan Good Excellent Very Good Excellent Excellent
Native Contrast Okay Very Good Excellent Very Good Excellent
Motion Good Good Excellent Very Good Excellent
Light Bleed Yes Yes No Some No
Price $ $$ $$$ $$$$ $$$$$


  • The LG C2 evo OLED TV has self-lit OLED pixels with superior image quality, extreme contrast, perfect blacks, and over a billion colors.
  • This is an exceptional TV for any use, whether for movies, games, sports, or as a PC monitor.
  • This TV has Nvidia G-Sync, FreeSync Premium, and variable refresh rates which are great for games.
  • These new OLED models can now work well in brightly-lit rooms with their brightness booster and a9 processor.
  • Check the latest price of the LG C2 evo OLED TV on Amazon (affiliate link).

    LG 65-Inch Class OLED evo C2 Series

    Check Price on Amazon

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Sony Bravia XR A80K OLED TV

  • This TV has superb picture quality with an extreme contrast ratio, perfect for your home theater room.
  • The Sony A80K OLED has excellent color out of the box, so there’s no need for color calibration.
  • A negative to this TV is that it might not be bright enough for very bright/sunny rooms. This is common among most OLED TVs.
  • This TV has Google TV built-in, allowing you to watch from most of your streaming services quickly and smoothly.
  • The Sony A80K OLED has very low input lag and quick response time, both of which are excellent for sports and gaming.
  • Check the latest price of the Sony Bravia XR A80K OLED TV on Amazon (affiliate link).

    Sony Bravia XR A80K OLED TV

    Check Price on Amazon

    Amazon Affiliate Link

Samsung QN90B Neo QLED (Best)

  • This is an exceptional TV for any use, whether for movies, games, sports or as a PC monitor.
  • It’s the «Neo» QLED variant, which has an excellent contrast ratio and deep blacks.
  • This will also work great in a bright room.
  • The Samsung QN90B Neo QLED also supports low input lag, variable refresh rate, and fast response time, all of which are needed for gaming.
  • Check the latest price of the Samsung QN90B Neo QLED on Amazon (affiliate link).

    SAMSUNG QN90B 50-Inch Class Neo QLED 4K

    Check Price on Amazon

    Amazon Affiliate Link

Samsung QN85B QLED

  • This is an excellent Neo QLED TV variant for use in bright rooms while having fantastic response time, low input lag, and vivid natural colors.
  • The Samsung QN85B QLED has wide viewing angles and high brightness to overcome screen glare.
  • It’s superb for HDR content due to its high brightness and wide color gamut.
  • A negative to this TV is that it has lower contrast compared to the QN90B.
  • Check the latest price of the Samsung QN85B QLED on Amazon (affiliate link).

    SAMSUNG QN85B 55-Inch Class Neo QLED 4K

    Check Price on Amazon

    Amazon Affiliate Link

Samsung Q80B QLED

  • Great for watching sports or TV shows together with family and friends due to the wide viewing angles while keeping accurate colors.
  • It’s also quick enough for gaming and great for using as a PC monitor.
  • A negative to this TV is that it has lower contrast compared to the QN90B and lower local dimming compared to both TVs mentioned above.
  • This TV also has high brightness for HDR along with wide viewing angles.
  • Check the latest price of the Samsung Q80B QLED on Amazon (affiliate link).

    SAMSUNG Q80B 65-Inch Class QLED

    Check Price on Amazon

    Amazon Affiliate Link

Learn About OLED TVs

Want to learn more about OLED TVs? Check out the articles in my OLED TV series:

  • Ultimate Guide to OLED TVs.
  • Are OLED TVs Good for Gaming?
  • Do OLED TVs Have Good Viewing Angles?
  • What Is the Response Time of an OLED TV?
  • Do OLED TVs Have True Black Levels?
  • How Bright Are OLED TVs Compared to Other TVs?
  • What Is the Refresh Rate of an OLED TV?

Learn More About TVs

Want to learn more about TVs? Check out the articles in my TV series:

  • Best TV Display Types
  • TV Resolution Explained — 8K UHD vs. 4K vs. QHD vs. FHD
  • Choosing the Best TV for Your Room
  • Best TV for Playing PlayStation 5 Games
  • What Type of TV Is Best for Gaming?
  • Ultimate Guide to Samsung QLED TVs
  • Best Type of TV for Bright Rooms
  • What Type of TV Has the Best Refresh Rate & Response Time?
  • What Type of TV Has the Best Viewing Angle?
  • Do LED TVs Have Backlight Bleed?
  • How to choose the best soundbar for your TV

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5 Ways to Stream Video Games from PC to TV • Okie Doki

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Do you want to play your favorite PC games on your TV?

But often there is a problem: your computer is in one room and the TV is in another.

Running a long HDMI cable between rooms is impractical. The answer lies in streaming games from your computer to your TV through your home network.

Here are some methods you can use to stream your PC games to your TV. nine0003

Windows apps, mobile apps, games — EVERYTHING is FREE, subscribe to our private telegram channel 🙂

1. Miracast and HDMI wireless streaming

You will find several available wireless HDMI systems that are compatible with desktop operating systems. Wireless HDMI allows you to transfer audio and video signals between two devices, making the technologies you see below possible.

Earlier HDMI wireless devices (such as those using Intel’s WiDi and AMD Wireless Display) have been replaced by Miracast. Miracast is the standard for wireless connections. With Windows support, you can easily stream games from your PC or laptop to your TV via a compatible dongle. nine0003

Some smart TV manufacturers also include Miracast support, which means you can even stream your favorite games to your TV without spending money on a Miracast dongle. If you need a key, it’s usually available for less than $100.

2. Steam Link

Steam Link was originally a standalone piece of hardware that can be used as a service compatible with Android phones and tablets. Most importantly, it can also run on Samsung smart TVs and even Raspberry Pi (see below). nine0003

Every game in the Steam Library can be streamed using Steam Link, creating your own virtual game console.

If your PC is running Steam and you have In Home Streaming enabled, you can stream games. This is enabled in Steam > Settings and requires the TV, connected streaming device and computer to be on the same network.

Do you use Android TV? Here’s how to use the Steam Link app for Android. This is probably the best way to get the PC gaming experience on Android. nine0003

Don’t want to buy additional equipment? Don’t worry, the now discontinued Steam Link device is still available in select stores.

3. Create your own Steam Link with Raspberry Pi

If all of these options seem a bit pricey, but you have a Raspberry Pi 2 or later, you can replicate the Steam Link features on a small computer!

Thanks to Valve’s dedicated Steam Link software, the Raspberry Pi is ideal for streaming PC games to your TV. nine0003

What’s more, you don’t have to limit yourself to playing Steam games with your Raspberry Pi. With the Parsec game streaming program, you can stream your PC games to your Raspberry Pi.

It doesn’t matter which digital download service you use or how you installed the game. When the Raspberry Pi is connected to your TV, the games will be streamed in your living room.

4. Nvidia Gamestream

Offering a solution similar to Steam Link, Nvidia Gamestream (available through the Nvidia Shield TV) is also capable of streaming video and other media from the Internet. nine0003

This, along with the built-in game controller and remote (both with built-in microphones for voice commands), explains why it’s significantly more expensive than the Steam Link. Note that a suitable Nvidia graphics card will cost you an additional $100.

Once configured, if you have a PC or laptop on the same network with a suitable Nvidia GTX series GPU, the Nvidia Shield TV can manage game streaming from your PC to your TV. nine0003

Meanwhile, if your gaming rig isn’t empty, Nvidia Shield TV will let you stream video games from the cloud. The GeForce NOW service is available for $7.99/month and will stream games to your TV through your Nvidia Shield set-top box.

5. Chromecast and Apple TV

Reading above, you may have considered some alternatives based on the hardware you already have. For example, you might have an Apple TV or a Google Chromecast. nine0003

Unfortunately, these solutions do not work reliably. For example, while it is possible to cast your PC screen with a Google Chromecast (using the Chrome browser), the results are poor.

Unfortunately this doesn’t suit our purpose and the lag is horrendous making most games unplayable.

Meanwhile, when it comes to Apple TV, AirPlay has similar limitations. While attempts have been made to hack the Apple TV for streaming, the results are currently inadequate. nine0003

Curiously, Xbox One cannot stream PC games from PC to TV. Instead, Xbox Play Anywhere lets you play games on both your Windows PC and your Xbox One in one purchase.

For example, you can play Gears of War 4 on your PC while a family member is watching TV, and then continue playing on Xbox One when they leave home.

This isn’t the type of streaming you want, but it’s a great solution nonetheless. nine0003

You can now stream PC games to your TV

While some of these solutions may come at a cost, they are generally more cost effective and require less noise than a long HDMI cable. Let’s remember ways to stream video games from PC to TV:

  1. Miracast and Wireless HDMI
  2. Steam Link with Android
  3. DIY Raspberry Pi Steam Link box
  4. Nvidia Gamestream
  5. Chromecast / Apple TV / Xbox Play Anywhere

Which one to choose? It’s a tough call, but if you’re looking for an affordable, game-centric solution, then the Steam Link makes sense. Not only is it cheap, it’s easy to set up and has a controller to play along with.

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Smart TV games | Apps, cloud gaming services, game streaming

Games on Smart TV | Applications, cloud gaming services, game streaming

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Smart TVs offer the owner a «smart» viewing of TV channels, creating their own playlists, recording scheduled programs and getting a list of programs using an Internet connection. Additional and already traditional functions are video playback (movies, videos, clips), audio files, and sometimes karaoke. A new step taken by manufacturers, in particular, Samsung and LG, was the ability to install applications (messengers, social network clients, applets for reading e-books) and games on the device. The question of how to play games on Smart TV is now more than meaningful; from the article from the Good Deeds Service, you will learn how to install programs and what ways there are today to play without a PC, smartphone or game console. nine0003

Smart TV gaming experience

TVs with Internet TV support
call it a good replacement for a powerful computer, a compact phone,
productive fixture. Nevertheless, it’s real to play on such TVs —
using the remote supplied by the manufacturer, or a joystick connected to
USB connector. An additional feature is three-dimensional visualization: putting on
virtual helmet or stereo glasses, you can completely immerse yourself in what is happening in
game space events. nine0003

Depending on the preferred way of playing the computer
operations will be performed by the TV itself or connected to it, including
including wireless technology, computer, laptop or other
device. The connection can also be made using a cable — it
provides a more stable connection without possible interruptions.

Smart TV games are available in the following versions:

  • Built-in. Smart TV manufacturers often
    deliver an operating system with a set of applications. You don’t need anything
    download, even install — just create an account and run
    program. nine0084

  • Downloadable. Download the file to a flash drive
    copy to TV, install — and master the new game world!
  • Cloud. The computational load falls on
    a remote server that you connect to via the Internet, which allows
    play even on not the most modern TV in demanding
    game performance.
  • Broadcasted. NVIDIA GameStream Technologies
    or Valve’s Steam Link
    help you stream video and audio from your gaming PC to your TV.
  • nine0131

    Let’s take a closer look at each method below, but for now let’s talk about the advantages and disadvantages of playing on Smart TV.

    What does a smart TV give a gamer?

    The huge advantage of Smart TV is the big screen. On him
    more convenient than on a computer or laptop monitor, watching movies, reading
    electronic or scanned books, chat in instant messengers or video calls
    — and, of course, to play. You can see the smallest details
    consider the location, notice the movements of the opponent, or just enjoy
    painted landscapes. nine0003

    Additional benefits of playing on TV with remote control or

    • The ability to customize the picture. You can easily adjust the contrast, brightness, set the color to your eyes, if you have such a function, you will activate the backlighting of dark areas, which is especially important for fans of gloomy atmospheric horror.
    • Switch between 2D and 3D display. If the device supports 3D, you can easily immerse yourself in the process, and when you get tired of the 3D environment, you will return to the two-dimensional world. nine0084
    • Game monitor replacement. Why buy a very expensive display when you can limit yourself to a working one and use a versatile, easy-to-setup Smart TV for entertainment? Even if the device does not have enough computing power, you can broadcast the process from a PC or laptop — or use cloud services.

    The only disadvantage of the gaming
    process on a large smart TV — the need for a safe distance from
    TV. The large screen should be at least 1.5–2.0 away from the player’s eyes
    meters; as the diagonal increases, the recommended distance also increases. It belongs
    and to the Steam Link on the TV, and to built-in or downloaded products.
    Failure to comply with this rule leads to the fact that the eyes get tired quickly —
    You won’t be able to enjoy your entertainment. nine0003

    Built-in offers

    Samsung, LG, Philips and other manufacturers offer
    user set of built-in gaming applications. The list is not particularly long.
    — using the Tizen operating system, you will exhaust the list a little faster than
    preferring Smart TV based on Android, but in any case in a few weeks
    (with great patience — months) you will have to download new products, configure
    connecting to a cloud service or thinking about how to broadcast a stream from
    computer or set-top box. In addition, not everyone is satisfied with simple logical
    puzzles like «three in a row» or rearranging boxes in order to find a way out of
    closed room. For fans of horror, shooters, quests with a complex plot
    willy-nilly, you will need to search, download and install applets
    independently — since such an opportunity is provided by manufacturers. nine0003

    Smart TV game applications

    Smart TV games are easy to install in smart device OS
    — you first need to download the executable file or archive, copy the data
    to a flash card and, by connecting it to the USB connector, copy it to the TV’s memory. You yourself
    you can choose what to play — and download a new application at any time
    or remove the boring one.

    Some products are supplied free of charge, others are paid
    basis; gained great popularity among gamers:

    • Music Racer. Control — from the remote control or a connected joystick. This is a combination of racing and musical arcade: set the melody and start the race! The complexity of the road, colors, speed of movement depend on the audio track — each time a new map is generated. An additional plus is a nice picture that helps to relax after a hard day or, on the contrary, to cheer up. There is an offline connection or streaming tracks from YouTube.
    • Reaper. Control — from the remote control or a connected joystick. It is possible to play via Geforce Now Android — we will talk about this technology in the next section. This is an RPG with relaxing graphics. You play as a warrior who destroys hundreds of enemies in the course of tasks. The plot depends on the decisions you make; there are sets of weapons, armor, magic bonuses. nine0084
    • Sky Force Reloaded. Control — from the remote control or a connected joystick. A new incarnation of the well-known shooting game: you drive your aircraft forward, destroying enemy helicopters and dodging shots in your direction. There is a system of progress and increasing difficulty — you definitely won’t be bored.

    As you can see, you can play on Smart TV with no less
    pleasure than on a PC or smartphone. Download games, install them on
    TV — and remember the old hits or get acquainted with new offers! nine0003

    Cloud gaming on a smart TV

    Users whose Smart TVs do not have enough computing power are helped by cloud gaming services: Geforce Now for Android, as well as other gaming services. Transferring the load to the cloud, that is, to a remote server, will allow you to play at the maximum image resolution without overloading the built-in processor — this is especially important when using a 4K screen. Before you start, you need to install a branded application — it is available in the official Google store. nine0003

    After installing the applet, you must:

    1. Register the profile. Make it easier with
      computer or laptop, but you can also use the browser built into the TV.
    2. Wait while the application checks the speed
      internet connections.
    3. Wait your turn to play: according to
      according to gamers, waiting can sometimes take a significant amount of time. Load
      on servers is high and constantly growing — unfortunately, you cannot speed up the process
      you can.
    4. nine0083 Connect the joystick: to the USB connector or via
      bluetooth connection.

    Now you can start playing. Note that the installation
    applications on Smart TV of some manufacturers is possible only after
    registration. You agree to the terms of service, create a new profile,
    enter the code received by e-mail — and only then install
    downloaded game applications.

    Stream games from PC to smart TV

    Steam Link services for Samsung, LG, and NVIDIA’s own GameStream is a great solution for those who want to stream game video from a PC or set-top box to a TV screen. All computing operations are performed on a remote device — while the game process is carried out on a large screen, using a connected joystick and / or keyboard. After registering in the service, synchronize the devices, launch the game you like — no more difficulties are expected. nine0003

    Benefits of media streaming:

    • Low TV requirements. You will not have to
      worry about the performance of your TV — the main thing is that the screen is comfortable
      for the eyes, and a gamepad or keyboard could be connected to the case. If
      Bluetooth connection is possible, the process becomes even easier.
    • Ability to place a TV screen in any
      room. The PC does not need to be connected to it by wires — signal transmission to
      Smart TV is performed through a streaming service: Steam Link LG, Samsung
      or similar. You can fully concentrate on the game without distractions
      to the noise and buzz emitted by the PC or console. nine0084

    For game streaming you need a stable
    high-speed connection: if this condition is not met, the picture (and
    maybe the sound) will constantly freeze, which reduces the pleasure of the game
    to no.

    Please note: participation in certain games, including
    for Smart TV, only possible when paying for a subscription. The amount depends on
    developer — not from the manufacturer of the TV or the supplier of the streaming or
    cloud services.

    Still have questions? Call and write to the Good Deeds Service! We advise residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg and all over Russia — and we will definitely help you figure out how to launch the game you like on your Smart TV! nine0003

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