Fallout new vegas rnk test: Blocked IP Address — GameFAQs

Missionary | Fallout Wiki | Fandom

Fallout: New Vegas character


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New California Republic






Fallout: New Vegas


G.I. Blues







Misc stats

Hit Points: 70

Voice actor

Liam O’Brien, Sam Riegel

Form ID

0012938B, 0012938C

Ref ID

00129423, 00129424

“Fair enough. All right, last question — What animal is on the NCR’s flag — a two-headed bear, an eagle, a two-headed snake, or a two-tailed lion?”

Missionary is the name given to at least two characters living in Freeside in 2281.


  • 1 Background
  • 2 Interactions with the player character
    • 2.1 Interactions overview
    • 2.2 Quests
  • 3 Inventory
  • 4 Notes
  • 5 Appearances


They are being employed by the NCR force as a means to find more NCR citizens in the area, so they can provide them with food and water. Each missionary is located in the squatter camps the Courier is sent to by The King in order to investigate the NCR’s presence in Freeside during G.I. Blues.

Either will ask the player character if they are a citizen of the NCR. If the Courier answers «yes», the Courier is quizzed with three questions to prove that they are an NCR citizen.

  • Question 1 — Who is the most popular NCR President of all time? President Tandi.

    Play sound

  • Question 2 — What was the original capital of the NCR? Shady Sands.

    Play sound

  • Question 3 — What animal is on the NCR Flag? Two-Headed Bear.

    Play sound

This will give access to Missionary’s note, which reads cryptically «Hope is the key.» Hope is actually the password the Courier gives to the two NCR guards outside the ruined store they use to supply the NCR Freeside members with food and water. This note can also be obtained by killing the missionaries.

Interactions with the player character

Interactions overview

This character is involved in quests.
  • G.I. Blues


  • G.I. Blues: The King gives the player character the optional objective to investigate the NCR squatters in Freeside to find out more about the people who attacked his men. The player character can ignore that and go directly to Julie Farkas who will send the Courier to talk to her friend, Major Elizabeth Kieran who is in charge of the food supplies at the Ruined store.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Merc cruiser outfit and
Merc adventurer oufit
9mm pistol
Hunting rifle (During the shootout with Pacer)
Freeside squatter camp note


  • Killing the missionaries will result in NCR infamy, even if the act is not witnessed.
  • The two NCR troopers guarding the ruined store are identical in appearance to the two missionaries, respectively.


Missionaries appear only in Fallout: New Vegas.

New Vegas: Freeside-Quests — Im Auftrag des Kings

Schule der Verkrperung des Kings:
Eigentlich mgen wir keine Schulen. Unsere Lehrerin, Mrs.Trump, hatte immer versucht, uns ihren Fanatismus einzutrichtern. Das hat die verschrobene Kommunistentussi zwar nicht geschafft, aber egal, das gehrt nicht hierher.
Wir betreten die Schule trotzdem, haben vom King gehrt und mchten ihn einmal persnlich kennenlernen. Unser erstes Hindernis heit Pacer und ist der Typ, dem wir schon einmal vor dem Silver Rush begegnet sind. Mit Sprache 60 kommen wir ohne finanzielle einbuen an ihm vorbei. Gelingt uns das nicht, so knnen wir uns vom King das Eintrittsgeld zurckgeben lassen.

Mr.King hat auch eine kleine Aufgabe fr uns, quasi als Test vor greren Sachen: Wir sollen uns den Leibwchter Orris einmal ansehen und herausfinden, mit welcher krummen Tour er seine Geschfte macht. Das nrtige Kleingeld gibt er uns gleich mit.

Orris steht am Nordtor von Freeside herum. Wir heuern ihn ohne groes Gefeilsche an und folgen ihm durch die Stadt. Zuerst verluft alles normal, doch dann leitet er uns in eine Seitengasse um und erschiet kurz darauf vier Schlger mit nur drei Schuss. Eine Meisterleistung! Oder? Wir stellen den Knaben zur Rede (Intelligenz 6). Anschlieend bitten wir ihn mit Feilschen 60, uns sein ganzes Geld (348 Korken) auszuhndigen. Orris tut das auch, schwrt aber Rache.
Damit er nicht so lange darauf warten muss, helfen wir etwas nach. Zwischen die vier Leichen platzieren wir eine schne Stange Dynamit und treten etwas zurck.
Es kommt Leben in die Toten.
Allerdings htten sie auch tot bleiben knnen, denn am Ergebnis ndert sich nur die Anzahl. Jetzt liegen fnf Leichen auf der Strae herum, eine davon trug noch bis vor kurzem eine schne Metallrstung.

Dem King htte wohl eine subtilere Lsung besser gefallen. Allerdings haben wir unsere Aufgabe gelst und bekommen die nchste: Wir sollen herausfinden, wer drei seiner Freunde angegriffen hat, die sich derzeit von den Anhngern verarzten lassen.

Der erste Versuch geht schief, denn ein amoklaufender Schlger betritt zeitgleich mit uns das Fort und killt Joy und Farris, bevor wir mit ihnen reden knnen. Zum Glck kann man ja die Zeit zurckdrehen.
Wir treffen die drei im Zelt. Joy kann uns nur sagen, dass die Angreifer gro waren und noch recht jung. Mehr hat er leider nicht gesehen. Wayne dagegen glaubt, einen Namen verstanden zu haben Lou Tenant wurde einer der Kerle genannt. In diesem Moment sind wir stolz darauf, wenigstens einen IQ von 6 erwischt zu haben.

Wir wetzen zurck zum King und erzhlen ihm, dass die Angreifer RNK-Soldaten waren. Nun sollen wir in Erfahrung bringen, was die RNK hier plant. Htten wir uns eigentlich denken knnen
Wir versuchen es erst einmal bei den Landbesetzern, auf Julie Farkas haben wir gerade keinen Bock.
stlich des Forts, da wo der gute Greck seine Matte liegen hat, treffen wir einen Mann. Sein Erscheinungsbild deckt sich mit der Beschreibung von Joy. Wenn das mal kein RNK-Soldat ist
Er fragt uns, ob wir etwas zu Essen mchten, und obwohl wir eigentlich satt sind (und auf Dit!), nicken wir.
Sollten wir jetzt auf seine nchste Frage antworten, dass wir kein RNK-Brger sind, dann zieht er sein Angebot sofort zurck. Doch so dumm sind wir ja nicht. IQ 6!!
Wir sagen ja und bekommen einen Test vorgesetzt. Wenn wir drei Fragen zur RNK richtig beantworten, dann glaubt er uns.
1. Wer war der populrste Prsident der RNK-Geschichte? (Antwort: Tandi)
2. Was war der ursprngliche Name der RNK-Hauptstadt? (Antwort: Shady Sands)
3. Was zeigt die Flagge der RNK? (Antwort: einen zweikpfigen Bren)

Nachdem wir dieses beraus spannende Quiz beendet haben schickt er uns zum alten Bahnhof im Nordwesten der Stadt. Das Passwort fr die Wachen lautet: Hoffnung.

Damit lsst man uns problemlos in den zerstrten Laden. Drinnen stehen etliche Landbesetzer nach Lebensmitteln an. Wir drngeln mal schnell vor und reden mit Elizabeth Kieran. Sie ist Major der Nachschubtruppe. Von ihr bekommen wir unser Salisbury-Steak, unser aufbereitetes Wasser und die Besttigung, dass ausschlielich RNK-Brger versorgt werden. Mehr wollen wir nicht wissen, da uns unsere Pipboy-Anzeige schon lange wieder zum King schickt.

Der King hrt sich unseren Bericht an. Doch ehe er uns seine Entscheidung mitteilen kann, werden wir von einem Boten unterbrochen: Pacer ist am Bahnhof in eine Schieerei verwickelt und wir sollen ihm helfen.
Wir treffen das Hufchen Elend neben zwei toten Kollegen an der Bushaltestelle. Wie war das damals mit dem Eintrittsgeld? Mit Feilschen 50 nehmen wir ihm erst mal 150 Korken ab, bevor wir zu den Soldaten rberlaufen, um die Sache friedlich beizulegen.
Leider klappt das nicht. Sie schieen sofort auf uns, ohne Warnung und ohne uns unsere Rechte aufzuzhlen! Da kann man nichts machen.
Nach einer kurzen aber heftigen Auseinandersetzung ist unser bis dahin guter Ruf bei der RNK im Eimer, aber wenigstens freut’s den King und Freeside ist von einer Plage befreit.
1200 EP + 1 Gefallen des King, den wir spter einfordern knnen.

nach oben

Zurck zur bersicht

Fallout: New Vegas test GPU | Action / FPS / TPS

release: 2010
RPG / 3D / 1st Person
Obsidian Entertainment
Publisher in Russia:

9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000

render quality in Fallout: New Vegas recommended by gameGPU :


Operating system : Vista®, Windows 7
processor : Core 2 Duo 2. 0 GHz or Athlon 64 x2 4800+
RAM : 2 GB
DirectX®9 Compatible Video -adapter with 512 MB RAM Radeon HD 4670 or GeForce 9600 GSO
GB of free space


Operating system: Vista®, Windows 7
Processor: Core 2 Duo
2.83 GHz or AMD Phenom II X2 540 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000
Video Card:
DirectX®9 compatible video card with 512 MB RAM Radeon HD 2900 or GeForce GT 220
7 Gb free space


Operating system : VISTA®, Windows 7
Core 2 Duo 3. 16 GHz or AMD Phenom II X2 550
RAM : 2 GB
Video Card: DirectX®9 compatible video adapter with 1024 MB RAM Radeon HD 5570 or GeForce 9000 GT 004
7 GB free space

Official description of the game

The new head of the religious role series, the events of which are twisted in a world that has experienced a nuclear war. Welcome to New Vegas, the city of dreamers and fortune hunters. Three factions are fighting relentlessly for control of this oasis in the post-apocalyptic desert. Those who are well armed and know what they want will quickly become famous here, but at the same time they will make many enemies. nine0016

Make your way through the hot Mojave Wasteland, get to the Hoover Dam, stroll through the sparkling neon streets of Vegas. As you travel, you will meet many colorful personalities, take part in skirmishes between power-hungry factions, and also fight mutants of all stripes and sizes and test weapons of unprecedented power.
Decide who will be your ally, or, choosing the path of a lone hero, become the sole king of New Vegas.

Game features:
— Hot Vegas. Explore vast expanses — from the backwater towns scattered across the Mojave Wasteland to the magnificent shining lights of the streets of New Vegas.
— Your word. The war between rival factions will forever change the lives of the inhabitants of the city. Everything depends on which side you take in this conflict: with whom you will have to meet and communicate, who will become a true ally, and who will become a sworn enemy, and of course, the final struggle for power.
— Fresh ideas. New system of communication with companions; reputation system — remember: how it comes around, it will respond; «Hardcore» mode — for those who are not looking for easy ways; special hand-to-hand combat techniques. nine0006 — To arms! An arsenal twice as large as that presented in Fallout 3: now you have more than enough funds to adequately respond to any threat. In addition, Vault-Tec engineers have developed a new weapon configuration system that will allow you to repair and modify any dangerous «toys» anywhere at any time.
— Complete chaos. Before you is a huge world, you are free to choose your own path in it. Travel and see the sights, fight side by side with those who you think are worth it, or become a lone hero — this is your world, this is your game! nine0016

Overview: Playability

The game takes place in the year 2280, 3 years after the events of Fallout 3 in the former Las Vegas, which managed to safely survive the Great War and the subsequent dark ages. The game unfolds a conflict between the natives of New Vegas, the army of the New Californian Republic and the slave-owning Legion of Caesar, where each of the parties is trying to take over the Hoover Dam — a giant hydroelectric power plant on the Colorado River that feeds New Vegas with electricity. nine0016

The main character, a courier who has nothing to do with the Vaults, while delivering another parcel, is ambushed by an unknown person and, without a parcel, is left to die in a shallow grave. There he is found and dug up by the telerobot Victor, after which he takes the hero to the town of Goodsprings to his master, Dr. Mitchell. Doc heals the hero, conducts a couple of tests (including the Rorschach test), gives him a Pip-Boy and Vault 21 Jumpsuit and sends him on a good journey to the wasteland. One of his primary tasks is to find out what was in this package and who tried to kill the hero. nine0016

The number of factions in the game prompted the developers to bring back the reputation system that was missing from Fallout 3. Reputation will affect how loyal each faction is to the player. Each choice is reflected in the behavior of NPCs and situations in the game world. Options for continuing the dialogue depend on karma and reputation. Skills can also have a greater impact on dialogues. Success or failure depends on the experience of the player, and not luck, as it was in Fallout 3. Fallout: New Vegas will introduce new types of weapons and a system for modifying them. The weapon modification system will allow you to install optical sights, change the rate of fire and the size of the magazine. nine0016

A hardcore mode was introduced into the game, which made the game more difficult and therefore players will have to come up with new strategies, be careful with wasting resources. Here are the main features of hardcore mode:

-Health replenished by healing items increases gradually
-Damaged limbs cannot be healed with simple first-aid kits. For treatment, you will need a doctor or a set of medical instruments.
— Ammunition has a weight of
— You must drink water regularly. There is a risk of dehydration and death from it
-It is necessary to eat and sleep every day

We offer you to evaluate the part of the Fallout: New Vegas game walkthrough, where you can see for yourself the quality of this product:

Hardware configuration



Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550@ 4.25 GHz L2 cache 12 MB

Intel® Core™ [email protected] GHz 8 MB L3 cache

Intel® Core™ [email protected] GHz 8 MB L3 Cache


MSI P45 Platinum 7512 socket LGA775

MSI X58 Pro socket LGA1366 product provided by MSI

MSI P55-GD55 socket LGA1156 product provided by MSI


GOODRAM PLAY 1600MHz (8-8-8-24) product provided by GOODRAM

GOODRAM Pro 2000MHz (8-8-8-29) product provided by GOODRAM

Video cards

GeForce 8800 GTS 640 MB
GeForce 8800 GS 386 MB
GeForce 8800 GT 512 MB
GeForce 8800 GTS 512 MB
GeForce 8800 GTX 768 MB
GeForce 9600 GSO 768 мб
GeForce 9600 GSO (G94) 512 мб
GeForce 9600 GT 512 мб
GeForce 9800 GT 512 мб
GeForce 9800 GTX 512 мб
GeForce GT 220 1024 мб
GeForce GTS 250 1024 мб
GeForce GTX 260 896 мб
GeForce GTX 260 core 216
GeForce GTX 280 1024 мб
GeForce GTX 275 896 мб
GeForce GTX 285 1024 мб
GeForce GTX 460 768 мб
GeForce GTX 460 1024 мб
GeForce GTX 465 1024 мб
Zotac GeForce GTX 470 1280 мб product provided by Zotac
Zotac GeForce GTX 480 1536 MB provided by Zotac
Radeon HD 2900 GT 512 MB
Radeon HD 2900 PRO 512 MB
Radeon HD 2900 XT 1024 MB
Radeon HD 3690 512 MB
Radeon HD 3850 512 MB
Radeon HD 4450 512 MB
Radeon HD 4470 512 MB
Radeon HD 4550 512 MB
Radeon HD 4650 512 MB
Radeon HD 4670 512 MB
Radeon HD 472 MB 9000 MB 9000 MB 9000 MB. HD 4850 1024 MB
MSI Radeon HD 4870 512 MB product provided by MSI
Radeon HD 4890 1024 MB
Radeon HD 5670 1024 MB
Radeon HD 5750 1024 MB
MSI Radeon HD 5770 HAWK 1024 MB product provided by MSI
Radeon HD 243 5850 1024 MB
Radeon HD 5870 1024 MB

Hard drives

3×2 RAID0 Western Digital Caivar WD2500GL 250GB 7200rpm SATA 3Gb/s

Power supplies


2xSeaSonic S12D 850 Silver 850W product provided by SeaSonic

System software and drivers

Operating system

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition x64


DirectX 11

Platform driver

Intel INF Chipset Update Utility 9. 1.0.1012

Graphics driver

Nvidia GeForce/ION Driver Release 260.63

ATI Catalyst 10.9


All video cards were tested at maximum graphics quality by the Fraps program in the most resource-intensive part of the game. Lower performance graphics cards are tested based on the Core 2 Quad Q9550 processor, while higher performing graphics cards are based on the Core™ i7 processors.

Our video cards are tested in general at all resolutions, and you can evaluate how your video card behaves relative to other modern solutions in almost all gaming resolutions. The performance of video cards rested on the CPU, so the minimum FPS did not exceed 75 frames, and the average was 98…

Testing at maximum quality settings 1024×768

So, at the lowest playable resolution today, the average gamer will need the weakest gaming card, namely the Radeon HD 4650 or GeForce 9600 GSO and higher. None of the tested Fallout: New Vegas video cards could lower below the limit of 25 frames, but remembering that there are other products on the market, we set a symbolic 1% in terms of resource intensity.

Testing at maximum quality settings 1280×1024

The resolution of 1280×1024 could find its «victims» and the acceptable minimum rises to cards of the level Radeon HD 2900 Pro or GeForce GT 220 and higher.

Testing at maximum quality settings 1680×1050

Increasing the resolution to 1680×1050 practically does not raise the bar for video card performance, and it is at the level of Radeon HD 2900 Pro or GeForce 8800 GS or higher.

Testing at maximum quality settings 1920×1080

HD resolution of 1920×1080 requires not the most technologically advanced video cards today, namely the Radeon HD 5570 or GeForce 9600 GT. Note that the ATI/AMD cards show a slightly higher performance than similar competitors from the Nvidia camp, but this does not matter, since all video cards in the game show excellent performance.