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What is the Max Level in Fallout 4?

You can argue all you want about whether or not Fallout 4 is technically a role-playing game in the comments section below. The reality is, Fallout 4 is an action game with role-playing elements, which include character levels, experience points, perks, and rudimentary character builds. To that end, maybe you’re wondering what the max level in Fallout 4 is and how to achieve it.

The Max Level in Fallout 4

For most RPGs, once you hit a certain level, that’s it. The game no longer awards progression to the same extent, and you’re left wondering, what next? But for the max level in Fallout 4, there is a relatively firm cap.

Upon reaching level 65,535 in Fallout 4, the game begins to crash. Bethesda’s engine cannot handle such power levels, unfortunately. With that in mind, I guess you could say the max level is 65,534.

Can you hit the max level in Fallout 4? Sure, if you’re playing the same save file since launch day, or, better yet, using a few of those nifty Fallout 4 console commands to cheese your level.

The reality is, most players will never hit the maximum level in-game, and that’s okay. You still have a lot to do at lower levels.

How to Achieve Max Level in Fallout 4?

Do you genuinely want to max out your character level?

Okay, first off, you can use the console commands we briefly touched upon previously. But, if you want to level your character the legit way, prepare yourself for intense grinding. We’re talking months, if not years of killing Mirelurk Queens, Deathclaws, and Synths.

Can You Get Every Perk in Fallout 4?


If you want to acquire every perk in Fallout 4, prepare to grind to at least level 272, which is about the point in-game when you max out all perks and S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats, too.

That being said, some of the perks in Fallout 4 are, to put it lightly, quite useless. I mean, come on, do you genuinely need Bloody Mess? Sure, it’s a tad bit fun at first, but the entertainment value quickly peters out.

And what about Leady Belly? How often do you drink from a toilet or sink in the game?

Could You Hit Max Level in Past Fallout Games?

Yes! In what many consider to be the “true” Fallout games, those with RPG elements, you could hit max level.

For instance, in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, the developers set a certain level cap, which they then increased through the release of expansions.

In Fallout 3, with all of the expansions installed, the max level cap was level 30, though many increased their player level using console commands to achieve level 99.

In Fallout: New Vegas the max level was level 50, thanks to Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, and Lonesome Road.

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Related Items:Bethesda, Fallout 3, fallout 4, Fallout: New Vegas, featured, RPG

What Is Max Level? (& Tips To Get There Quickly)

Raising the character’s level is a core component of quickly gaining power in Fallout 76. Certain items require a certain amount of attributes and skills which only come with high levels. If the player wishes to be the strongest Wastelander they’ll need to be high level to face the various enemies and other players.

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To prevent leveling from being a long and grueling process there are a number of strategies players can use to speed things along. Here are some of the most recommended tips to reach the max level in Fallout 76 as efficiently as possible.

Updated October 16th, 2022 by Hodey Johns: This article was originally published as a list, ranking the best strategies for leveling while simultaneously answering the initial question. It doesn’t make sense to choose between eating for food an experience boost and then fighting monsters, the two strategies must be combined to be successful. Also, some of the information was outdated due to patches and alterations from the game’s original state. The article has been condensed to give players the maximum amount of information as quickly as possible. There are still explanations for each point, but the points have been grouped together for a reading experience that places information over exposition.

Max Level

It’s important to know right away there isn’t technically a level cap in the game, but there is a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. cap. Once the player has reached level 50 they will no longer receive S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points upon leveling up, 56 points is the max and each attribute can have a maximum of 15 points.

Every level after 50 the player can still receive perk cards and rank them up all the way to gold level. There are hundreds of perk cards to chase after and no limit to how high the player’s level can be. According to the fanbase the average player should hit level 200, hardcore players will be north of 500, and a few exploiters will be in the thousands. The latter camp would most assuredly put this game at the top of the franchise tier list.

Boosting Intelligence

Intelligence adds just over 2% experience points (2.072% to be precise) per each attribute point. As a result, stacking intelligence is a colossal part of the experience process.

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Read A Magazine

Read Zeta Invaders or Atomic Command and gain an intelligence point for an hour.

Armor Up

Wear all five pieces of the Unyielding Intelligence Armor, the Internal Database power armor helmet mod, and underarmor with Shielded Casual Lining for a total of 20 experience points. Don’t wear impractical armor, there is perfectly good armor just waiting to be donned.

Eating Strategy

With a combination of the Curator perk, the Live, Laugh, and Love #3 perk magazine, the Strange in Numbers perk, and the Herbivore mutation, players can get 11.25 intelligence points for an hour when they eat a Brain Bomb. Other foods and combinations work, but this is the most effective for intelligence gains at this time.

Bobblehead: Intelligence

These trophies give players an extra 2 intelligence for two hours when used with the Curator perk.


Taking a Berry Mentats injection with the Chem Fiend perk at level three gives the player 5 intelligence for 8 minutes.


With the Strange in Numbers perk, the Egg Head mutation gives players 7.5 intelligence and the Herd Mentality mutation gives players 2.5 intelligence.

Team Up

Join a full casual team to get up to 4 more intelligence points.

Night Person

A maxed-out Night Person perk gives players an additional 3 intelligence attribute points.

Boosting Experience

After gaining experience, the next frontier is getting experience boosts to be as high as they can be. With both buffs in place, the player is going to have a tough time not leveling up every few minutes. Regardless of which location in the series players visit, extra experience gains never hurt.

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Sleeping at the start of every login is an easy way to get a 5% experience buff for the gaming session.


Each Lunchbox, when utilized will provide a 25% boost and can be stacked four times for a 100% boost.

Eating Strategy

With a combination of the Curator perk, the Backwoodsman #6 or the Live, Laugh, and Love #3 perk magazine, the Strange in Numbers perk, and the Herbivore mutation, players can get an 18.75% boost for an hour when they eat a Cranberry Cobbler.

Bobblehead: Leader

These trophies give players an extra 5% in experience gains for two hours when used with the Curator perk.

Team Up

Join daily ops, events, or hunting teams to get a 100% experience boost for their respective targets.

Time It Right

Various events (like double experience boost weekends) will give players more experience points.


A maxed-out Inspirational perk gives players up to 15% more experience when playing in a group.

The Path To Enlightenment

Completing the event for the Wise Mothman gives players 5% more experience for an hour.

Strong Meat Sweats

During Graham’s Meat Cook, turn in 15 prime meats for a 15-minute 5% experience boost.

Best Farming Route

Frankly, the best farming route is understood to be the one designed by Angry Turtle. Running this route goes over all the major battle locations and maximizes experience gained per second. If players intend on power leveling, this is the route to follow.

Now imagine doing this route with all of the boosts mentioned active. The game has a lot of work to do in terms of improvement, but this route is entertaining and full of action. Sitting around and waiting for high-level monsters to spawn is a thing of the past.

Daily Missions

With an ideal build, players can knock out their daily quests in a matter of minutes. It’s a quick and painless process. It gets even easier as gamers will recognize the quests that are given to them, efficiently turning them in at the start of a game session.

If friends are around, go ahead and hunt or do events with them. But when waiting for the group, it never hurts to have a personal goal getting done while waiting on the team. Doing these missions every day will get the player on the same footing as the rest of the veterans in short order.

Fallout 76 is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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What is the maximum level in Fallout 4?

Fallout 4 didn’t have a level cap originally. The developers have given users the opportunity to enjoy the adventure, despite the result. The storyline and maxed out skills weren’t a limitation in terms of leveling. Therefore, users began to actively use a variety of cheats and were finally able to decide on a valid value. But at first we will touch on the issues of pumping, and then we will reveal the find of the fans.

Leveling in Fallout 4

Before you learn about the maximum level in Fallout 4, let’s look at the development process. At first, everything is quite simple, users can go through the storyline and complete quests. The difficulty is caused by the ending of the game, which leaves a few more tasks, and then it remains only to destroy the monsters. It is problematic to pump a character at such a pace, and it takes quite a lot of time. But this did not stop the fans, and they began to connect cheats to determine the maximum level in Fallout 4.

We remind you that initially the developers indicated that there is no leveling cap in the game. The fans confirmed this, but also noted that the game has an unpleasant defect, which does not allow determining the maximum lvl. To begin with, we will mark the maximum level depending on the abilities, and then we will indicate the value that we managed to get to using cheats.

Character development depending on abilities

At first, players assumed that the maximum character level in Fallout 4 was reached after pumping all the abilities. The game has 7 characteristics, each of which has 5 ranks and additional skills. By simple calculations, we get that it will take 275 levels to pump absolutely all abilities. This is provided that all 70 available skills are improved. Even this figure already shows that it will take a very long time to swing, especially if you do it yourself.

By the way, each next level of development requires much more experience. As long as there are quests, it does not look like such a difficult process. But when the tasks are over, even building and constantly clearing the wastelands will not make things easier. Although there were people who spent hundreds of hours on the game, however, they only reached level 200. At the same time, these data are not the final result, since the pumping bar does not stop its movement.

Maximum possible lvl

Now let’s consider a situation where fans used cheats and tried to figure out what the maximum level in Fallout 4 is available to users. It turned out that the game itself does not imply such a value, since with a constant increase in experience and the achievement of a huge result, the game project simply crashed.

If you are interested in the achieved indicator, then this is the value of 65,535 levels. Agree, exceeds any expectations. It is difficult to even imagine how much time it takes to reach this bar. It is not final, because with subsequent development, experience continues to be gained, but the game constantly crashes and does not allow you to get the above figure.

Should I upgrade to this level?

Now you know what the maximum level in Fallout 4 is, but we do not recommend striving for it. The fact is that in the game you will have nothing to do and the meaning of development will simply disappear. It is enough to pump the character up to the mark of 275 levels, as this will ensure the development of all available abilities. Even the game itself does not have as much content, except that some fan modifications can diversify the situation. We hope that our information was useful and you will be able to prioritize all the necessary priorities during the adventure.

Fallout 4 Character Scorecard

The creators of Fallout 4 are especially proud of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. (Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck). Each of the 7 indicators of the character affects its overall development during the game and increases or decreases the chances in certain game situations. Below are the 7 official Bethesda videos for each stat, with our brief descriptions.

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What is S.P.E.C.I.A.L. made of? Analysis of each parameter.

Strength (Strength) is the obvious and very first character indicator in Fallout 4. The higher it is, the more things you can drag on yourself and you will hit harder with melee weapons. A low level of this indicator will lead to the fact that you will not be able to carry a lot of loot or fight effectively with improvised means.

Perception is an indicator that is directly related to the effectiveness of the Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System, a system that allows you to aim at other characters, monsters and other evil spirits. The higher your susceptibility, the faster and more accurately you will hit the right targets and find the weak points of an enemy. As this characteristic of the character develops in Fallout 4, you will discover more intricate ways to use it: theft, set-ups, etc.

Endurance (Endurance) — an indicator that is responsible for the health and ability to survive in the wastelands. The higher this characteristic, the further you can go and better survive the effects of radiation and infections. It is this indicator that will determine the variety of your nutritious diet and what will be included in it. Endurance is trained in the same way as the rest of the parameters — with exercises!

Charisma (Charisma) — a characteristic of your character, responsible for interacting with other people in the process of communication and trade. The higher the charisma score, the easier it will be for you to convince someone to lower the price, suggest something about the quest, or generally chat. In addition to affecting people, charisma also affects your interactions with animals. The more charismatic the character, the easier it will be to tame them.

Intelligence (intelligence) — character indicator in Fallout 4, which is responsible for how quickly you learn new knowledge. Possession of new knowledge will lead you to the ability to create more advanced weapons, formulas for survival potions, etc. The higher this indicator, the faster you will gain access to new technologies.

Agility (Agility) — the speed of your reaction, accuracy and accuracy of movements — it all depends on this indicator. If you want to become a dexterous ninja in the vast post-apocalyptic wastelands, then you need to develop this characteristic in the first place. It will allow you to quietly sneak up on enemies, quickly eliminate them and just as quickly retreat if desired.

Luck — this characteristic in Fallout 4 affects how lucky you are in various game situations: when fighting enemies, the presence of pumped luck will allow you to make more accurate shots, and when collecting loot, find a more valuable item.

How to distribute points in the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Fallout 4?

The maximum level of each of the attributes is 10. At the start of the game, the gamer is given 28 points, which can be distributed at your discretion. Initially, the player sets these attributes before the disaster, but after a short stay in the game world, they can be changed. This also indicates that the attribute tree is very important when developing a character, so it is not worth developing it thoughtlessly.

It’s worth noting that Fallout 4 doesn’t have a max level bar like it did in the previous installment. The game has been balanced so that the character continues to face difficulties during a long game, and the gameplay remains interesting. Leveling is a combination of systems from Fallout 3 and Skyrim. From the first, the developers took the method of gaining experience points, from the second — the speed of their increase.