Eso transmutation: Transmutation | Elder Scrolls Online Wiki

Transmutation | Elder Scrolls Online Wiki

Transmutation is a crafting system in Elder Scrolls Online, that allows players to change the traits on their gear, including weapons and armors. This feature was added with the Clockwork City DLC and Update 16. 

Also, Update 28 introduced the Item Set Collection system, which allows players to add almost all of their item Sets (except Crafted Sets) to the Collections, which helps collect all of ESO’s gear and free up storage space.


How to Transmute Gear in ESO?

In order to Transmute an item, you must locate a Transmutation station and have the item trait researched in your crafting Skill Line. This means 

You can also purchase a Transmutation Station by completing Master Writs and placing it within your house. This makes stations available for players without the DLC


Who can Transmute Gear in ESO?

All players who are proficient on Blacksmithing, Clothier or Woodworking can transmute gear if they have the necessary equipment.

Players can only transmute gear that belongs to themselves or are not yet bound. When you transmute an item, it will be bound to you.  This means that you cannot ask someone to transmute an item for you.


What Items Can I Transmute?

This new system will allow you to change the Trait for the following item types:

  • All Armors, including light, medium, and heavy pieces for all slots (head, shoulders, chest, hands, waist, legs and feet)
  • All Weapons, including all types of staff, two-handed weapons, one handed weapons, bows, and shields

This includes items such as Asylum, Master, or Maelstrom Weapons, Monster Masks, and weapons and armors dropped from Trials or Group Dungeons.

How Do I Transmute An Item?

In order to Transmute an item, you’ll need the following:

  • Access to a Transmutation Station
  • The desired Trait researched for the specific item
  • The required amount of Transmutation Crystals

A Transmutation Station can be found within the heart of the Brass Fortress in the Clockwork City, or you can purchase a personal Transmutation Station for your home from Rolis Hlaalu, the Mastercraft Merchant found in each faction’s capital city.

You are also required to have the ability to craft items with the Trait you wish to apply. For example, if you want to change your one-handed sword from Powered to Sharpened, you need to be able to craft one-handed swords with the Sharpened Trait already. This means in order to Transmute some items, you might need to research  the desired Trait first at a regular crafting station.

Finally, when you Transmute an item, you’ll need to spend Transmutation Crystals in order to do so. These rare crystals can only be earned from certain activities, such as daily dungeon quests, pledges, or from completing arenas.

If you have everything you need to Transmute an item, you simply need to use the Transmutation Station, select the item you wish to change, choose the item’s new Trait, and then confirm.

*Using a Transmutation Station on PC/Mac and consoles.

Where Can I Get Transmutation Crystals?

You can earn Transmutation Crystals from the following activities:

Guaranteed drops:

  • Random Daily LFG
  • Undaunted Pledges
  • Trial Weekly Quests
  • Arena, Trial, and Battlegrounds Leaderboards
  • Alliance War Campaign End Rewards
  • Your first Rewards for the Worthy in a day
  • Maelstrom Arena (Veteran mode only)
  • Dragonstar Arena (Veteran mode only)

Chance to drop:

  • Dungeon Final Bosses
  • Rewards for the Worthy mails, after your first for the day
  • Random LFGs after your first

Note that while some activities are guaranteed to reward Transmutation Crystals, others only have a chance. For example, you will always receive Transmutation Crystals for completing your daily Undaunted Pledges, but you will only have a chance to receive them for defeating a dungeon’s end boss.

The amount of Transmutation Crystals you can receive also varies with the activity. Some activities will only reward one crystal, while others, such as the Rewards for the Worthy, can reward you with many more.

Can I Transmute items for my friends?

No. When you Transmute an item, it will be bound to you. You cannot Transmute an item that is bound to another player.

Can I Transmute items for my other characters?

Yes. Transmuted items are bound to your account. Since you can move them between characters on your account via the bank, you can use a character with the ability to craft the right Trait to Transmute an item for another of your characters.

Do I Have to Own the Clockwork City DLC Game Pack To Transmute Items?

While the only public Transmutation Station in Tamriel is located within the confines of the Clockwork City’s Brass Fortress, it is possible to purchase a personal Transmutation Station for your home from Rolis Hlaalu, the Mastercraft Merchant found in each faction’s capital city.

Note that visitors can use crafting stations in homes they are invited to enter. Have a friend or guild mate who owns a Transmutation Station? Ask if you can drop by!


How are all of the collected Item sets tracked?

The Stickerbook in the Collections menu, gives you the ability to track which pieces you have looted and which items from a set you are still missing.

How do I access my collected sets?

You can access your Item Set Collection from your Collectibles UI menu. It will be listed under a new section called “Sets.”

How do I add sets to my collection?

Each time you equip, deconstruct, fence, research, or NPC vendor sell (not sell to players using the Guild Trader system), the item will be bound to your account and added to your Item Set Collection. Note that when selling an item set to a vendor, it might take some time before that set is added to your collection (it has to clear the buyback period first).

Which sets can be added to my collection?

Set Collection works with most types of item sets in the game with the exception of Crafted Sets. There are separate Set Collection Categories for: Overland Sets by Faction, DLC Overland Sets, Dungeon Sets, DLC Dungeon Sets, Trials, Arenas, PVP and Miscellaneous (includes Mythic Items).

Set Reconstruction

At any Transmute Station, you will now find a new tab called “Reconstruct” that allows you to recreate any Item Set piece you have added to your Item Set Collections. You can use Transmute Crystals to recreate an item at its typical dropped quality, or, You can also spend additional crafting upgrade materials to upgrade the item’s quality at the transmute station during the Reconstruction process.

The cost in Transmute Crystals is variable depending on how many pieces of that item set you have collected. Reconstruction costs 75 Transmute Crystals when you only have 1 piece of that Item Set. Reconstruction cost then scales down to a minimum of 25 Transmute Crystals once you have collected every single piece of that Item Set.

The cost of using upgrade materials to improve the quality of your reconstructed item is dependent on your character’s crafting passives for that item type and scales down exactly as it would if you were upgrading that item at a regular crafting station.

You can recreate the item in any trait you want as long as your character has that trait researched. No trait stone is consumed in this process.
Your newly-created item will be marked as “reconstructed” and cannot be traded or sold, but you can deconstruct it to get a small refund of 25 Transmute Crystals.

What is the Transmutation System in ESO? | Transmutation System Guide for ESO — Elder Scrolls Online — ESO Hub

The Transmutation System is one of many that you can find in ESO. The Transmute System allows you to transmute items to any trait available, the only requirement is that you have researched the trait previously, making it even more important to research traits! In addition, you also need Transmute Crystals to perform the change.

Transmute Station

The Basics — Transmute System
Through a Transmute Station, you can use crystals created through powerful events to fundamentally alter your items. This takes the form of changing the item’s trait.

There is a Transmute Station in the Brass Fortress in the Clockwork City. You may also acquire a Transmute Station for use in a home you own, or may visit a friends’ home and use any Transmute Stations they possess.

In order to change an item’s trait, you must have researched the trait you wish to have on the type of item you wish to change.

Once an item’s trait has been changed through Transmutation, it can no longer be used for research. The item also becomes bound to you, if it was not already and can no longer be traded.

Location in Brass Fortress in Clockwork City

There is a free Transmutation Station the Brass Fortress in Clockwork City. Everyone can access it, you still need the Clockwork City DLC to get there.

Brass Fortress Clockwork City

What Items can you transmute?

The Transmutation System allows you to transmute the following item types:
All Armors, that includes Light, Medium and Heavy pieces (Chest, Head, Shoulder, Hands, Belt, Pants, Boots)

  • Chest
  • Head
  • Shoulder
  • Hands
  • Belt
  • Pants
  • Boots

All Weapons, that includes Two-Handed Weapons, One-Handed Weapons, Bows and Shields


  • Fire Staff
  • Frost Staff
  • Lightning Staff
  • Greatsword
  • Maul
  • Battle Axe
  • Bows


  • Sword
  • Mace
  • Axe
  • Dagger
  • Shields

You can also transmute Monster Masks, Ability-Altering Weapons, Trial Sets, Dungeon Sets etc, everything is transmutable.

Requirements for transmuting an Item?

To successfully transmute an item you will need Transmute Crystals and you need to have researched the trait you want to transmute on the specific armor or weapon piece.

  • Transmute Crystals
  • Trait researched
  • Access to a Transmutation Station
How do I get Transmutation Crystals?

You can find Transmutation Crystals in various activities in ESO. You can obtain guaranteed drops from:

Guarenteed Drops Transmutation Crystals Crystal Amount
Alliiance War 30 Day Campaign Rewards (Tier 1) 50
Alliance War Top 10% Leaderboard 50
Ailliance War 7 Day Campaign Rewards (Tier 1) 10
Alliance War Top 10% Leaderboard 10
Arena Leaderboard 5
Trial Leaderboard 5
Battleground Leaderboard ?
Random Daily Activity Finder (Once per day) 10
Rewards of the Worthy (Once per day) 4 — 25
Trial Weekly Quests 5
Undaunted Pledges Normal 1
Undaunted Pledges Veteran 2
Undaunted Pledges Veteran Hardmode 4
Veteran Dragonstar Arena 5
Veteran Maelstrom Arena 4
Veteran Blackrose Prison Arena 5

You can also obtain potential drops from various activities:

Potential Drops Transmutation Geodes Crystal Amount
Dungeon Endboss 1 — 10
Trial Endboss 1 — 10
Random Daily Activity Finder (1st activity only) 1 — 4
Rewards of the Worthy (1st activity only) 1 — 10

Here in the picture you can see various examples of Transmutation geodes that you can obtain.

Transmutation Geodes

There is a total of two different Transmutation Geode version.

  • Transmutation Geodes
  • Uncracked Transmutation Geodes

The Transmutation Geodes have a fixed amount of Transmutation Crystals in them depending on the quality of the geode.

Transmutation Geodes Quality Crystal Amount
Fine (Green) 1
Superior (Blue) 5
Epic (Purple) ?
Legendary (Gold) 50

The Uncracked Transmutation Geodes have a variable amount of Transmutation Crystals in them depending on the quality of the geode.

Uncracked Transmutation Geode Crystal Amount
Fine (Green) ?
Superior (Blue) 1 — 3
Epic (Purple) 1 — 10
Legendary (Gold) 4 — 25
How many Transmutation Crystals can I hold?

Transmutation Crystals have a limit in your inventory. Only a 100 Transmutation Crystals can be held if you don’t have ESO Plus. With ESO Plus the amount gets doubled to 200. However, you can hold as many geodes as you want but they will fill up your inventory a bit sometimes, making it a pain to handle.

Account Amount
ESO Plus 200
Non-ESO Plus 100

In the picture below you can see a player attempting to transmute a Bright-Throat’s Boast ring.

Transmutation Station

A guide on how you can save transmute stones with reconstructing items instead of transmuting them! Item Set Collections & Reconstruction.
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Woodworking Crafting Guides for The Elder Scrolls Online. Woodworking, Materials, Quality, Leveling Guide etc.
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Trait Research Guide for The Elder Scrolls Online. Everything you need to know about trait research in ESO.
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Alchemical transmutation: z_yanson — LiveJournal

The true meaning of the processes taking place at the present moment with the planet and our life is accessible to everyone without exception. Previously hidden sacred knowledge is open to enlightened minds and pure hearts. And in this regard, it would be appropriate to turn to old sources regarding the changes that affect our structures. And it is quite remarkable that many have already realized the fact that we are present not only in dense, but also in subtle bodies. nine0003 Let’s voice the known. The human body is a substance woven from the five primary elements: Fire, Earth, Air, Water and the Ether that unites them. In the eastern system of primary elements, these elements are called: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. As long as our consciousness is attached to the material aspects of existence, it cannot manifest its true essence.
The current Transition is remarkable in that not only spiritual Ascension is possible, but also Ascension in the physical body, through its transformation and transformation into an ethereal crystalline body. The joke is also in the fact that many do not even suspect what is happening to them, with their bodies, thoughts, emotions, falling into an angry or depressed state. Therefore, it would be nice to remember what the mystics said about physical and spiritual transformations. The material is taken from the wide expanses of the Internet. nine0003

Stages of alchemical transmutation

1. Nigredo. The stage of decay of the material part. Raven symbol.

The Black Raven in spiritual alchemy is the beginning of the Great Work. He points to the first stage of the alchemist’s encounter with his inner cosmos, which takes place by moving away from the outer world of the senses through meditation and entering into what initially appears to be the dark inner world of the soul.
This stage is often described in alchemical texts as a plunge into darkness and is often represented by death — through the image of a caput mortuum, a dead head, or, as we see in some alchemical images, an alchemist dying inside a flask. Thus, in the symbol of the Black Crow, we meet with a conscious exit from the world of physical feelings — the restrictions that bind us to the physical body. nine0003 Psychologically, it manifests itself in the feeling that the whole world is shit, and everything must be destroyed urgently. Events develop in such a way that it creates the feeling that the whole world is at war with you. At this stage, the matter of the body begins to be washed away by the Water of emotions, which overwhelm and suppress the primary rigid structure of the body. At this stage, everything is simple: either you learn to control emotions, or they will destroy you. At this low level of consciousness, everything that happens is drawn in two colors: black and white, so there is no third option for the development of events. nine0006
2. Purification. Swan symbol.

In the black and dirty water of emotions, the white and pure Swan of consciousness finds its food. At this stage, emotions become a natural part of the mystic’s power. He learns to evoke them in himself and those around him at will, moving his body and controlling events around him with the help of emotions. It is at this stage that the realization of the need to control one’s own thoughts and the need to lay a positive mentality comes. Unnecessary habits and attachments are becoming a thing of the past, the environment of a person and his perception of the world are changing dramatically. nine0003 Now the alchemist begins to experience the inner world as an experience of fullness of light — this is the initial inner brightness, which is often mistaken for true illumination. This stage is only the first conscious contact with the subtle world, but compared to the experience of the physical senses, this experience is so overwhelming that it appears as a bright white light.
Swan — a bird that is rarely seen in flight, more often — floating on a lake or river, gracefully gliding along the water surface, and symbolically speaking — on the surface of the soul, a thin shell between the soul itself and the physical world. nine0006

3. Rubedo. Recovery stage. Peacock symbol.

This is the time of revealing the true qualities of the soul. Consciousness ceases to hold on to dual perception: good-bad, good-evil, black-white. The mind begins to perceive the multidimensionality of the surrounding world. Life begins to be perceived as a colorful multidimensional picture. Despite the beauty and the appearance of a feeling of life as a holiday, this is one of the most difficult stages of transformation. At this stage, we join the inner experience of the astral world, which initially manifests itself as a palette of ever-changing colors. This experience in alchemy is often symbolized by the peacock’s tail and its opulent colors. nine0003 However, behind the seeming external attractiveness, for those around the peacock is a vulnerable and weak bird. It is at this stage, at the moment of fiery ignition of the heart chakra, that fiery diseases begin. The peacock loses one plumage in order to gain another and learn to control what is happening in his own body. People are drawn to a mystic who has reached this stage because he has become a source of power for the whole world. But it is at this moment that the mystic very often has a desire to get away from the world, to close himself off from people. People begin to annoy, I want to stay away from them, because the body requires attention to itself. The real bodily transformation has begun and the turning point of the whole transformation comes precisely at the stage of the Peacock. nine0006
4. Sublimation. Self-sacrifice and the transformation of blood. Pelican symbol.

Active work with the forces of the soul is beautifully symbolized by the Pelican. The pelican pierces its chest with its beak and feeds the chicks with its own blood. The alchemist must establish a kind of sacrificial relationship with his inner self. With his own spiritual powers, he must nourish the spiritual embryo that develops within. The image of oneself must be changed, transformed, sacrificed to the development of the spiritual «I». This experience is almost inevitably deeply painful, it tests the inner resources of a person. From it, ultimately, the spiritual «I» is born, transformed by the experience of the Pelican. The first alchemists used the symbol of the Pelican as a capacious image of the path of Christ. nine0003 This is the time of harmonization of the power of emotion and consciousness, when they must merge into a single whole, and the fiery essence of consciousness must turn the water essence of the astral, woven by our desires, into thermonuclear. Human desires at this stage die, giving way to desires of a higher level. Consciousness finally subjugates the emotions and the body. The mystic approaches the last transmutation, when the three hitherto torn components of his single Force: physical power, consciousness and emotions will merge into a single force of his being, which will cease to be a physical body, but will become a spiritual-physical body. nine0006
5. Albedo. The highest stage of alchemical transmutation is the transformation of consciousness. Phoenix symbol.

Phoenix completes the process of soul development. The Phoenix bird builds a nest (which is at the same time a funeral pyre), and then, setting fire to it, burns itself. But Phoenix rises from the ashes transformed! Alchemical Experience of Spiritualization: The Alchemist has transformed his essence to such an extent that he no longer depends on the physical body as the basis of his being. The bone body dies, its former structures are destroyed so that a new, more perfect body is created from the old matter. As a result of the fiery transmutation of the body, new channels are formed in it, through which the energy of infinity begins to flow. The human body becomes the body of an immortal human. nine0002 We have been given various teachings and practices in order for these significant changes to be as favorable as possible, but the main thing should remain awareness of oneself as a spiritual particle, awareness of Unity and, of course, a benevolent mood every second.

IMAGINARY DISEASES OF TRANSMUTATION (Very important to know) ~ Prose (Esoterica)

Pioneers of the Fiery Baptism
Glavatsky Victor.

Publication on April 12, 2012

According to esoteric sources, humanity is currently on the verge of a change of eras. The solar system enters outer space with a different energy state. The impact of new energies, called Spatial Fire, will lead to radical changes on the planet, in particular, there will be a change of human races. nine0003
In the proposed article, we will talk about some features of the transition to the Sixth Race,
about the physical sensations that people will experience during this period.

The period of preparation of humanity for the Transition to the Sixth Race has begun and therefore it is necessary to bring the Knowledge of Transmutation to the widest masses in order to prevent fears, panic and misunderstanding. No matter what happens, we will only pass through all the upcoming trials with joy. And the purpose of our work, our books and articles is to explain the cause of suffering, thereby reduce anxiety and pain — to bring joy to every home. nine0006

Special groups of people have been selected for the Great Cosmic Experiment, undergoing Transmutation in an accelerated mode and in a shorter time frame. “The first one is harder. They bear the burden of the experiment,” says Agni Yoga.
In addition to these pioneers, the changes that have begun in organisms are now felt by very sensitive people, but they, not understanding the true cause of the new conditions, take them for a disease. Others will feel these changes later.
There is not a single person on the planet who will not be touched by those that began on 1990 years of transmutational transformations. They baffle physicians and lead them to the need for fundamental changes in treatment methods, since many of the old methods have become not only ineffective, but even dangerous to health. To survive, you need to adopt natural methods of healing, for example: Porfiry Ivanov’s system. Because under the influence of the hard radiation of the Spatial Fire, the immune system is weakened, new types of bacteria and viruses appear. An obstacle in building up the New Subtle body is meat-eating and the use of intoxicants such as tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. nine0003
Therefore, let this article be a warning signal, an impulse to wake up. The fate of all the people of the planet now depends on the level of understanding of the ongoing processes.

Before proceeding to the symptoms accompanying transmutation changes in man, let’s see how the Earth reacts to these processes (as we know, it is a living organism). Soothsayers are now talking about this — where the land will rise, where it will sink, and what reorganization of the planet’s surface will occur as a result of cataclysms. The prophets of all religions, as well as spiritual Teachers, who transmitted the Teaching of Living Ethics to Earth, warned about the onset of such a period on the planet. nine0003
It is expected that during the Fiery Baptism the composition of the atmosphere and the geomagnetic field of the Earth will change, that is, all levels of the planet will be transformed. At the same time, the dimensionality of space will change, and the connection of Spatial and Underground Fire may occur. The rotation speed of the planet will also change, powerful inertial processes will arise, which will entail a change in climate and the main frequencies of the Earth’s electromagnetic field.
The nutrition and energy of a person will become different, the restructuring of the biorhythms of the whole organism will begin. Do not just think that there is a general death. This will not happen, but we will move into a completely new form of existence and harmoniously merge with the new environment. nine0003
If we conduct at least a brief review of the news of science, we will see that the era of global changes on Earth has already begun. Today, weather information is more like a report from the front: hurricanes and powerful lightning, unprecedented floods and terrible droughts, unexpected cold weather and earthquakes. There is a significant warming on the globe, the heating of water in the Pacific Ocean, the ozone layer continues to be destroyed. The diameter of the Earth’s orbit has increased, the planet’s geomagnetic field is reversing. The poles are moving at a rate of 9-16 km per year, when multidirectional movement at a speed of 2-4 centimeters per year is considered normal. Now the magnetic lines of force enter the surface of the earth’s crust at an angle of only 45 degrees, and earlier they entered at an angle of 90 degrees. The process of polarity reversal of the Earth’s magnetic field is called the inversion of the sign of the geomagnetic dipole.
There are many more examples of increasing unusual phenomena in nature, scientists do not know how to explain them. And this ignorance is recognized by a variety of specialists — from geophysicists, chemists and biologists to astronomers. This cannot happen without a certain global goal. And this goal is the Transformation of the Earth and with it the Transformation of humanity. nine0006

Now let’s move closer to the human body. During the transitional time, our bodies will undergo changes, and we must be prepared for a certain discomfort in our body, sometimes with pronounced pains. Such readiness will make it possible to successfully pass the approaching Transmutation.
My personal Fiery experience passed at first in conditions of complete ignorance about the processes of Transmutation. I heard that something similar happened with E.I. Roerich. Over time, analyzing the new states of my body, I noticed similar symptoms to those that our great compatriot had. Now, after a rather long period, during which I experienced various states, a clear vision and a clear understanding appeared that this is not only my subjective experience, but also a demonstrative example of Transmutational Transformation, an experience necessary for all people. Full confirmation of this appeared after the responses to the book «Records of one receiving the Heavenly Fire on the eve of God’s Judgment» and newspaper articles.
In them, readers described their states in the same words as I did.
When my “fiery experiences” began, I was saved by the understanding that there are no incurable diseases, if only they can be treated with natural methods, almost without resorting to official medicine. Therefore, I had no fear. I realized that a person is subject to the power of will and spirit to cope with many difficulties of life, including many diseases. This setup shielded me from a whole pipeline of medications, diagnostics based on tests, surgery — everything that thousands of people are now exposed to by the health services. nine0006

All sixteen conditions I have experienced lately are grouped by me according to similar symptoms and their purpose.
FIRST GROUP — opening, kindling and ignition of energy centers (chakras). These processes are known from esoteric sources, in particular, some explanation for them can be found in the works of E.I. Roerich. They are characterized by increased vulnerability of a person from contact with rudeness, ignorance.
Each sharp sound causes a shudder in the body. There is a phenomenon like aching joints, pain in the tissues. Manifestations of increased work of some bodily energy centers, their opening is accompanied, as it were, by the rotation of energy, especially in the area of ​​the solar plexus. In these places, the psychic energy of a person is precipitated, it crystallizes. nine0003
Centers open only with the expansion of consciousness. Next comes their Fiery Transmutation. At the same time, as it were, the work of the centers of man and the centers of the Cosmos is synchronized. This is accompanied by a kindling of the chakras, which can turn into a kindling in case of excessive zeal or extreme exaltation. This is undesirable and even mortally dangerous because the ignition of the center can lead to the burning out of crystals of psychic energy. This is accompanied by a very strong burning sensation. Salvation in this case will be only the cooling ray of the Teacher, under the guidance of which the opening and transmutation of the centers of the student takes place. nine0003
Today, the opening and transmutation of centers is very important, at least to the level of the heart (anahata), because the Epoch of Love is coming, and only a working heart center gives a person the state of love. An open consciousness and an open heart center are the gates to the New Age.
What contributes to the opening of centers? A life striving for the refinement of feelings, for the education and purification of the heart, for constant and tireless spiritual work on oneself. And this is incomparable with various special psychotechnics, of which there are now a large number. nine0003
The means that facilitate the flow of the processes under consideration include hot milk with soda, valerian and musk. It is not advisable to douse yourself with cold water during this period, and the body itself naturally rejects it. But from cold douches you need to refrain only during this period. The rest of the time, these procedures are very useful and even necessary.
A feature of the opening and ignition of the centers is also the indefatigable appetite that arises, especially after the peak periods of this process. Moreover, I want just boiled food, if before that there was, for example, only a raw plant-based diet. nine0003
Perhaps, in this way, “anchoring” occurs so that a person does not break away from the Earth ahead of time. There may also be abundant salivation, bloating, belching.
SECOND GROUP — ignition of parts of the body, ignition of the whole body. These processes resemble the state when a person is burned in the sun. At the same time, the body feels completely normal to the touch, but it still burns. The skin, especially on the legs and arms, peels off, thins, as if it were thin, like tissue paper. From the slightest touch, it can be damaged even to the point of blood. Any clothes interfere and irritate, you want to rip them off … At that time, only soft, cotton clothes were more or less acceptable. Appetite or is absent in general, or it would be desirable only fruit, milk and sour cream. The fatty components of these products lubricate the burned membranes of body cells. nine0003
The means of relief in case of «fires», and then of a short-term nature, include cold water. Since these processes can be accompanied by severe headaches, the mind must be focused on thoughts about God.
THE THIRD GROUP — space operations to eliminate chronic injuries of the body, to transmute and transform organs. They are carried out energetically from the Higher Plans. In this case, there is a feeling of obvious intervention in your body from the outside, as in a conventional surgical operation. Subsequently, even scratching may appear in that place, as during the healing of a surgical suture. Operations of the Teachers are carried out mainly at night, when a person is as relaxed as possible, but still there are very strong pain sensations. nine0003
The most important thing in such operations is not to interfere with their conduct, not to take any painkillers. All this is done for our own good – the elimination of the chronicles ensures the free flow of the energies of the Spatial Fire in the body. Then his flow will be good and not destructive. Now it is very important to have a good preparation of the body in order to withstand the complex processes of transmutation without dying. That’s the whole point — to change without dying. Make the Transition without losing consciousness, and leave your body, as if from the mother’s womb at birth. nine0003
With the help of space operations, organs and glands in the human body are replaced or rehabilitated, and even new organs are created. This is a help to the physical body in its gradual restructuring to gain new opportunities in changing cosmic conditions.
THE FOURTH GROUP is the transmutation process itself, which takes place in the cell at the molecular level. As a result of this, changes will occur in the human body that will bring the body to a new state and allow it to abandon the use of energy from chemical splitting and switch to feeding on the pure energy of the Cosmos. As this restructuring and the approach of the main events of the Quantum Transition, scientists and doctors will begin to notice and record amazing changes in the human body. A simple person can observe this when he eats food, the amount of which will gradually decrease, and then the need for it will disappear altogether. nine0003
At present, there are already people who do not feel like eating at all, but they take food either through force, or out of habit, or out of fear that they might lose their lives, although they feel fine without food. Therefore, in the same group, it is necessary to consider the processes of purification of the cell, which will, as it were, precede the transmutation itself, because without purification of the internal space of the cell there will be no renewal of either consciousness, or soul, or body. Therefore, it is necessary not only to give up a plentiful forced meal, but also to practice fasting days, change the menu to a light, vegetable one. Such conscious self-purification will facilitate easier passage through the purges by the Spatial Fire. nine0003
The energy of transmutation is directed by the Cosmos to individual individuals not only by a beam, but also by a whole stream — to selected parts of the Earth. And then we hear about epidemics, although they cannot determine the cause, putting the standard diagnosis — influenza. Its features such as persistent high fever, severe runny nose, choking cough, severe headaches are noted. There are so-called neurological symptoms with paralysis of body parts, possible intoxication with complications in the kidneys, severe pulmonary edema, skin rashes. There are times when pneumonia suddenly begins in the very heat, and tuberculosis can even begin to develop. A feature of such strange epidemics is that the speed of their spread is very high and no quarantine helps. According to statistics, about 15-20 percent of the population of this region suffer from them, of which half are children. nine0003
Why do children suffer? Perhaps because they must first of all undergo Transmutation, as they have not yet lost their connection with the Subtle World. Therefore, the Transition will be softer for them.
After the first stage of cleansing, reminiscent of the flu, the second stage is turned on, an example of which is the epidemic in the Rostov region, called by doctors «Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever. » The symptoms of this deeper cleansing show up as unusual sensations in the bones. They can whine so much that it’s as if something is twisting them, in general they are in such a state that they seem to be healthy, but they don’t have any strength, even too lazy to move. The head is buzzing, a very strong internal pressure is felt in it. Mutitis, nausea, severe vomiting, high fever, internal hemorrhages, the appearance of herpes are possible. nine0003
The state of a falsely ill patient changes suddenly, everything can pass in a few hours.
FIFTH GROUP — the processes of creating a new human body under the influence of energies of a transmutational nature. These are physical and energetic symptoms at the same time, similar to those of a pregnant woman. These are high and powerful vibrations, a feeling of deep fire in the body. For myself, I call this feeling “shrinking”.
A hard clot may appear above the navel, with its protrusion into the inframammary region; a certain state of maturation of the «umbrella». All these processes have a certain length in time, signs of beginning and end. They are quite distinguishable with a calm and careful study of bodily sensations. nine0003
These conditions pass with a great degree of discomfort in the body. In the new book «Fires of God» , to help those in need who are already experiencing something unusual in themselves, I gave forty blocks for recognition. They provide comparisons of how a person feels during a transmutation, and as in a common traditional disease.

In addition to the above, there are other symptoms of fiery diseases, which are only being investigated so far. There is one more thing to remember. The medical concept of «remove a symptom» is completely unacceptable in relation to transmutational states. It’s like a pregnant woman trying to «remove» the symptom of pregnancy. On the contrary, it is necessary to create conditions for a successful resolution of
these states. And for this you need relevant knowledge.

That is why the Center of Knowledge about Transmutation and Fiery Transformation was created , in which information about Transmutation is accumulated and systematized, coming as if through Messages from Above in the form of Revelations; and information acquired directly through practical experience.