Eso mein mmo: The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO)

The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO)

In dieser Übersicht stellen wir euch die besten MMOs und MMORPGs 2023 vor und verraten euch die Vor- und Nachteile der einzelnen Spiele.

Alexander Leitsch

Wir stellen euch die besten MMORPGs für PS4, PS5, Xbox One und Xbox Series X/S im Jahr 2023 vor.

Alexander Leitsch

ESO hat dieses Jahr das Kapitel High Isle veröffentlicht. Doch wie lief das Jahr genau? Wir von MeinMMO schauen auf das Jahr 2022 zurück.


ESO ist nun schon über 8 Jahre auf dem Markt und gehört zu den Top-MMORPGs. Doch was macht den langanhaltenden Erfolg aus?




Das Jahr 2022 und das ESO Abenteuer «Vermächtnis der Bretonen» geht zu Ende. Was sollte ESO 2023 bringen? Das erfahrt ihr hier auf MeinMMO.


Das MMORPG Blue Protocol verrät, wie es sich finanzieren möchte. Außerdem gibt es Infos zu Crossplay. Das und mehr im MMORPG-Wochenrückblick.

Mark Sellner

Welche MMORPGs waren 2022 am Beliebtesten? Wir von MeinMMO haben uns angeschaut, wonach ihr bei Google häufig gesucht habt.


Wieder einmal feiern die Völker Tamriels das große Neujahrsfest. Erfahrt hier, was es dieses Jahr noch zu holen gibt.




ESO startet vom 15.12.2022 bis zum 04.01.2023 das jährliche Neujahrsfest statt. MeinMMO verrät euch Alles über dieses Event und Belohnungen.


Dank End of Dragons und Steam-Release feiert Guild Wars 2 sein erfolgreichstes Jahr seit 2015. Das und mehr im MMORPG-Rückblick der Woche.

Mark Sellner

The Elder Scrolls Online News

In dieser Übersicht stellen wir euch die besten MMOs und MMORPGs 2023 vor und verraten euch die Vor- und Nachteile der einzelnen Spiele.

Alexander Leitsch

Wir stellen euch die besten MMORPGs für PS4, PS5, Xbox One und Xbox Series X/S im Jahr 2023 vor.

Alexander Leitsch

ESO hat dieses Jahr das Kapitel High Isle veröffentlicht. Doch wie lief das Jahr genau? Wir von MeinMMO schauen auf das Jahr 2022 zurück.


ESO ist nun schon über 8 Jahre auf dem Markt und gehört zu den Top-MMORPGs. Doch was macht den langanhaltenden Erfolg aus?




Das Jahr 2022 und das ESO Abenteuer «Vermächtnis der Bretonen» geht zu Ende. Was sollte ESO 2023 bringen? Das erfahrt ihr hier auf MeinMMO.


Das MMORPG Blue Protocol verrät, wie es sich finanzieren möchte. Außerdem gibt es Infos zu Crossplay. Das und mehr im MMORPG-Wochenrückblick.

Mark Sellner

Welche MMORPGs waren 2022 am Beliebtesten? Wir von MeinMMO haben uns angeschaut, wonach ihr bei Google häufig gesucht habt.


Wieder einmal feiern die Völker Tamriels das große Neujahrsfest. Erfahrt hier, was es dieses Jahr noch zu holen gibt.




ESO startet vom 15. 12.2022 bis zum 04.01.2023 das jährliche Neujahrsfest statt. MeinMMO verrät euch Alles über dieses Event und Belohnungen.


Dank End of Dragons und Steam-Release feiert Guild Wars 2 sein erfolgreichstes Jahr seit 2015. Das und mehr im MMORPG-Rückblick der Woche.

Mark Sellner

F2P or P2P? That is the question!

Although The Elder Scrolls Online should be released this year, the developers still keep any information about the game’s payment model secret. Of course, this does not please ESO fans, and they continue to share their thoughts and assumptions in this regard. We present you the point of view of the largest MMORPG gaming portal.

Personally, I’m a fan of Star Wars: The Old Republic, but I’m sure EA made a huge mistake when they opted for an old-fashioned subscription in the free-to-play environment. nine0007

Everyone knows how this turned out for SWTOR. I think this bad experience should be a cautionary tale for Zenimax Online — I hope they learn from it. Like other players, I do not know what fate the developers of Elder Scrolls Online have prepared for their brainchild, but I hope that they will take into account the realities of the modern market.

It doesn’t really matter how good the game is when it launches. Subscribing, even in its best days, was always a turn off. Now many MMOs are suffering from a loss of player interest: it is becoming increasingly difficult to add new content and develop projects. Many games at this stage go to the bottom. MMO developers used to fight for our $15, but now they have to fight for our attention. However, players do not mind paying if the game remains interesting and attracts their attention even months after the launch. nine0007

[p=center] I’ve been playing this game for 2 hours and I can say it has potential! [/p]

In today’s situation, a subscription is even more undesirable than a few years ago. If the only thing that will keep me in the game in the first month is the $15 I spent, then why on earth would I pay further: there are so many high-quality F2P games on the market! Yes, before I had to think and make an informed choice — after all, spending $ 15 on several games was too expensive. But now, switching to a new MMO is as easy as downloading its client. nine0007

Although Elder Scrolls Online has sandbox elements, this game is very content dependent. Some projects have survived thanks to the strong support of the modding communities — but this is unlikely to be the case for ESO. The trend is that MMO players go through game content much faster than developers release new content. And as soon as the content is passed, they decide to terminate the subscription.

I’ve been playing Elder Scrolls Online for two hours and I’m sure it has potential. But all this will be in vain if the game does not have anything from the Free-to-Play model. It doesn’t matter if it’s the pure B2P model chosen by Guild Wars 2 and Secret World, or classic F2P, or even something new. What we don’t want is a repeat of the history of EA and SWTOR when they realized the situation too late and ended up wasting a lot of time moving the game to the F2P model. nine0007

Editor’s Note: Since the business model of a game is a very important issue, this is not the first time we have posted information, opinions and speculation on this matter. Previous related posts: Elder Scrolls Online: Paying Again, Business Model: Discussion Continues, Elder Scrolls Online: A Tough Choice, TES Online: Subscription Confirmed?.

MMORPG user survey results — Offtop on DTF

Good afternoon everyone!

It’s time to take stock of the survey that took place last week. nine

Many of the results won’t surprise you, but here are the results we came up with.

1. What games do MMORPG users play?

The respondents could choose all the games they had ever played.

Most users, almost 75%, have played or are playing WWII.

The 2nd and 3rd places were taken by BDO and Lineage (including the 2nd one) – 40% of the respondents played/are playing them.

In 4th place is TECO (36%), followed by AION and TERA Online (34% each). nine0007

Rounding out the top ten are Neverwinter, ArcheAge, Guild Wars (including Part 2) and Lost Ark.

It’s interesting that 6 of these games were developed in Korea 🙂

Other notable games played by at least 10% of respondents include Blade & Soul, EVE Online, Final Fantasy XIV.

2. How long have you been playing MMORPGs in general?

Almost 75% of players have been playing MMORPGs for more than 5 years (many also noted that they have been playing for more than 10, even more than 15 years). nine0007

3. How many times a week do you play MMORPG?

60% of players log into the game more than 4 times a week, and only 20% play once a week.

4. 20% of players spend more than 5 hours a day (on gaming days) at the computer. The majority, 46% of respondents, prefer to spend 3 to 5 hours a day playing games.

5. How much money do you spend on F2P games per month?

64% of MMORPG players pay for the game — mainly for a subscription (although the question indicated F2P, not P2P ….), and 15-20% of players also buy skins, currency and other consumables. nine0007

6. The most important thing in MMORPG for the majority is the gameplay (73% consider it important), the story (30%) and the community (20%). Graphics and PvP content are important for 12-15% of users.

7. The most repulsive elements of were the endless grind (including the monotony of quests, grind for the sake of grinding, the absence of any goal) and persistent donut, with which, I think, all Korean MMORPGs can be associated — but we are still in them let’s play ahah xD Korean random also someone called the most repulsive moment in this genre. nine0007

8. Finally, half of the respondents answered the open question — what is lacking today in MMORPG games ? Most of them, one way or another, mentioned the lack of plot development, monotonous quests.

« Diversity and new ideas »

«e a dynamic world in which the player’s actions affect the game world. At the moment all MMOs are static, and changes will only occur after the release of add-on .

«And interesting quest

«I think it’s worth adding more interesting ways to grind so they don’t get bored fast enough like currently does.»

« Staging and presentation of the plot at the level of typical singles pg»

«B a deeper plot and various quests «like in the witcher »»

There were many answers about the lack of solo content.

« NPC for solo players. Reference MMO — Star Wars The Old Republic»

«B The ability to play alone without missing some of the content. For example, to be able to kill all the bosses alone

«In there are opportunities for solo players, less complications of game mechanics at high levels

solo content (does not apply to group dungeon situations, world bosses, etc. ).»

Others, on the contrary, lack social programs.

“R development of social activities, sandboxes. At the moment, the most interesting game in development, ashes of creatio n «

«More more social interactions th»

« More social component, because the same WWII can almost fully be a single player game oh.»

Some of the answers also dealt with gameplay, world openness, class balance, etc.

“M MORPG needs less randomness and grind, only cosmetic donation is desirable. nine0103 »

« Possibilities to go beyond the limits of the class prescribed by the game.»

«M ultra-classes. In an extremely rare case, you can create such characters, with exactly the right skills and.

“E a single server, interesting gameplay from the first level, and not on the cap. »

« Follow the path of EVE. It’s usually rare for an MMORPG to evoke strong emotions, mostly in sieges and pvp.