Dungeon siege 3 dlc: Treasures of the Sun on Steam

Treasures of the Sun – Destructoid

For all its faults, Dungeon Siege III was something that I immensely enjoyed to button-mash my way through on my own. The camera annoyances found in co-op were not really an issue while playing solo, although the AI’s tendency to just leave you for dead more than made up for it.

Treasures of the Sun, the first big DLC expansion, doesn’t just add a good amount of new content to the hack & slash-a-ton, but also gives players a number of new tools to make their lives a lot easier on the whole.

Dungeon Siege III: Treasure of the Sun (PC, Xbox 360 [Reviewed], PS3)
Developer: Obsidian Entertainment
Publisher: Square Enix
Released: October 26, 2011
MSRP: $9.99, 800 Microsoft Points

Given that Dungeon Siege III more or less made you run a linear line from locale to locale, Treasures of the Sun fits right in with its new Aranoi Desert environment. If you have already finished the game before, you can just load up the Endgame autosave and get to Aranoi from a new path on the Causeway Hub that would normally lead you to the Chapterhouse and the final battle. If you haven’t finished it, you’ll be able to access it via the same Causeway Hub after you regain control of the Grand Chapterhouse and complete the Spire levels.

You won’t be able to just jump into the DLC from the start of the game and for good reason; it can be damn hard! The last time I played Dungeon Siege III was sometime in July and of course I had completely forgotten Reinhart’s (my main) 3×3 array of abilities. Since the game was also still set on Hardcore from the campaign playthrough, suffice it to say that I died horrible at the hands of the most meager of skeletons that you first encounter on the Aranoi wasteland. After familiarizing yourself with the controls and remembering how to play Dungeon Siege III, though, it quickly becomes second nature again.

As DLC goes, Treasures of the Sun will give you plenty of meat to dive into. There’s a good five hours or more worth of sieging dungeons in here — at least if you listen to the conversations — and as Dungeon Siege III goes it’s actually rather good. The Aranoi Desert environment itself can be compared to one of the larger campaign areas in terms of scope, with plenty of sidequests, cave systems, temples and dungeons to crawl through.

The main game may not be one that is remembered fondly because of its story, but Treasures of the Sun offers a surprisingly much better story than you’d expect. Now that the goal is no longer to just go through the motions to gather allies against Jeyne Kassinder, there’s somewhat of a lull in the storyline to allow you to explore other parts of the Dungeon Siege universe. In this case, it sheds some more light on the background of the Azunai religion and a lost temple where former Azunites have turned to heresy.

Some twists should offer some good fun for Dungeon Siege fans and there is plenty of lore to go around and to help you delve into the wider universe. Compared to the regular game with its snippets of unrelated information here and there, I found it refreshing to read so much lore focused on the single topic of the Agallan giants’ adoption of the Azunite religion, what happened to Ehb’s patron saint Hiram, and the subsequent heresy that has tainted Aranoi. Of course, if you ignore all of that there’s still some plenty of the regular hack & slash experience to go around.

In Aranoi you’ll come across three shrines that will each unlock a new ultimate ability. These powers will consume all your power orbs and the more orbs you have the stronger the effect will be. Hathra’unok’s Embrace gives you an instant super heal, Xeria’s Wrath gives you a large area-of-effect damage explosion, and Elisheva’s Shield offers a very nice barrier for those harder fights. The caveat is that you can only wield one of these super powers at the same time, although you can swap them around at the Aranoi shrines as long as you have unlocked them.

However, these powers are activated by clicking and holding the thumbsticks, which can lead to some frustration. Since clicking the right thumbstick also changes the camera perspective on the controller, you’ll find yourself changing the camera to its useless up-close position instead of giving you an instant heal when you are down to double digits of health. Because you can already heal yourself with every character anyway and most characters have some sort of protection ability as well, the area-of-attack ultimate is the one you’ll want. Once fully powered by the five power orbs you can now wield, it can even wipe the floor with the majority of a boss form’s health.

By the time you’re in Aranoi, your character should be powerful enough to fill these power orbs quickly enough, so as long as you remember to use the ultimate ability it will make playing through the game on Hardcore a lot less frustrating in the later stages. Aranoi also provides you with a special shrine to respec all of your character’s abilities and talents for 20,000 gold — easily gathered within an hour — which is an option that should’ve been in the main game in the first place, but it’s still nice to have.

The final big addition Treasures of the Sun offers is Essences. An Essence is an item (it doesn’t take up a slot in the inventory) that you can use to enchant any piece of equipment with one of five statistics; Chaos: Vampire (drain life), Doom (extra damage with critical hits), Retribution (counter damage), Stagger (stun on attack), and Warding (stun on being attacked). Larger foes will sometimes drop an Essence, but you can also randomly gain one by transmuting an expensive piece of equipment that contains one of these five statistics.

You can’t overpower an item too much, as you can’t enchant an item with a new Essence if that item already has six different kinds of other stats, but your main weapon will still benefit a lot from consistently adding the same types of Essences. However, adding an Essence will bankrupt you in no time due to the high cost of enchanting, so it’s not likely to break the game in the areas before the DLC. I did encounter Essence drops in the final stage of the regular game, so it seems this system permeates all of Dungeon Siege III as long as you own the DLC.

This new Essence system makes it a bit more interesting to go through the entire game with a new character, and the option to respec when you reach Aranoi means you no longer have to be afraid you’ll mess up your build for the end of the game. If you had trouble with the final boss, a side trip to Aranoi will provide you with enough XP to gain a few levels, with Level 35 now being the new level cap. Some new and super powerful legendary weapons you can find for each of your four characters are also certain to help you out in the late game — especially if you enchant them with all your Essences.

If you didn’t care much for Dungeon Siege III in the first place, Treasures of the Sun is not going to change your mind. It doesn’t offer anything mind-blowing that magically turns Dungeon Siege III into a masterpiece. But if you thought it was great or even just alright game, this DLC offers a pretty neat package with additional features and some new powers to toy with. The story is far more interesting than anything Dungeon Siege III had to offer, even if most of it is easily overlooked in favor of just mashing those buttons. One choice at the end of the game hints at a larger impact beyond the storyline of Dungeon Siege III, which makes you wonder if Obsidian has plans for a future title that will be affected by this choice.

Treasures of the Sun is definitely one for the fans and it offers plenty of new content with its new locale, while simultaneously giving you a new reason to play through the full game again. If Dungeon Siege III was not quite Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance but similar enough for you to enjoy, then Treasures of the Sun is best compared to Baldur’s Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast; it’s a well-shaped and mostly unrelated side-story that offers more of the same fun in a slightly tighter jacket.

Guide for Dungeon Siege III

There are two ways to start this DLC. The first is to speak to an NPC named Oswald, who can be found in the Grand Chapterhouse in Stonebridge City. The second is from the Causeway Hub after defeating Jeyne.

For this DLC walkthrough I will be assuming that you are starting it after completing the main game. So from the Main Menu, select “Load Game”. As you scroll down the list you will see an Endgame Autosave for each of the characters. Choose the one you want to play the DLC with but, first, a warning: everything in this DLC hits harder than what you’ve become used to in the main game. This is going to hurt… A lot.

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Causeway Hub

You will start next to the Causeway Gate in the Hub. Follow the path to the central node of the Causeway and you’ll see a note in the centre. Read it to start the DLC. Immediately turn right to head down the Causeway path and it will construct itself as you approach.

Aranoi Causeway

Follow the path to find a save point. Turn right and you’ll reach another Causeway gate. Walk through it.

Aranoi Bluffs

Follow the desert path ahead of you and you’ll find a broken pillar on the left with a quest mark above it that starts the Quest: Fire of Faith. Continue following the path and you’ll reach a large open area where you’ll fight the Skeletal Giant. Defeat him to unlock:

The Skeletal Giant will drop an essence, which is a new feature for this DLC that allows you to enchant and improve weapons.

To the left of where you entered this area is a destructible wall, behind which you’ll find a lootable corpse. In the next area on the left side you’ll find another lootable corpse and a chest. To the right of the entrance to this area you’ll find another lootable corpse. Slightly further along on the right side you’ll find a chest buried in the sand with a destructible rock in front of it. In the centre, at the very end of the path before entering the desert, you’ll see another chest. Continue onwards.

Aranoi Desert

Continue onwards and you’ll find a wagon on its side, half-buried in the sand. Turn right here and follow the path around to find a Shrine and a save point. Interact with the shrine to light the flame to unlock a new Ultimate Ability. To activate it, you need at least one orb of Power – press and hold both the Left Stick and Right Stick buttons to trigger a much better health regen ability. Behind the shrine is a chest.

You will now be attacked by Zuriel the Sandshaper, so do your best to utterly destroy him, because he can destroy you in a heartbeat. Head back past the wagons to find a sign post with the Quest: What Lurks Beneath. Turn around and follow the path to the left to find another save point.

Follow the path here to fight the Giant Sand Worm. Defeating it will unlock:

Head back up the path and follow the path to the right to find a bridge.

Abbey of St. Hiram

On the other side of the bridge is a path leading to the entrance of the Abbey. Go inside to find a large well in the centre. Walk past the sign and stand in the waters. You should easily have the 20,000 gold needed to use the well. Do so and unlock:

You can now respec your character.

Behind the well is a shop and a save point. Just past the save point is another sign post with the Quest: Wanted: Mad Matias. Head into the Abbey to meet Sister Eleanor and unlock:

Inside the Abbey, just past Sister Eleanor, you’ll find a chest on the left. Go through the door near the chest to enter a long hall. Go to your left to find a chest in the room at the end. There is another chest in the room at the end on the right as well. Exit the Abbey building and on your left will be a new Quest from Sister Jenna: The Thief of Hearts. Past the save point will be another Quest on a sign post: Wanted: Professor Jabberhack. Leave through the gate.

Deadman’s Pass

To the right, before passing through the archway, you will find a dead body in the sand which will give you the Quest: Circle of Death. Head through the archway and across the bridge. Turn left and you’ll find a lootable corpse in front of the gate to the bandit camp. Go inside and clear out the camp. There will be a chest next to the first wagon on your left.

Continue up the path in the camp and you’ll fight Mad Matias and a frankly ridiculous number of minions. With Matias dead, you’ll find another chest at the top of the camp. Head back down the path and exit the camp.

Follow the path around the area to find a save point. Continue following the path onwards to reach a three-way fork. Head left to find Simeon, a save point and a chest. Speak to Simeon and then backtrack to the save point. Take the left fork here to fight Zakkaeus the Apostate. Kill him and return to Simeon.

Head back out here, turn left and then head down the right-most fork to fight an Automaton Scout. Avoid his electric attacks as he can likely one-shot you. In the area it was defending you will find a lootable corpse. Interact with the malfunctioning automaton there to gain a quest item.

With the Automaton defeated, head back to the main path to find a lootable corpse. Continue onwards.

Crimson Flats

Take a left at the upcoming fork to find a save point and another Shrine. Interact with the Shrine for another Ultimate Power. This will cause Jairus the Huntsman to attack, and probably kill the hell out of you. He’s nasty.

With Jairus dead, continue onwards and follow the central path to find a corpse next to a large hole in the ground. Inspect the corpse and take the chalice to activate spiderpocalypse (don’t worry; just messing with you, it’s not that bad). Continue past the hole and turn left to find a small patch of water. Turn right here and head into an area with a large hole and several automatons. Here you’ll fight Professor Jabberhack. To the left of the hole is a large chest, which will open with the automaton hand you found earlier, and to the right is a lootable corpse.

With that done, head back to the small patch of water — on the other side of the water and through some walls you’ll find another corpse to interact with to continue our quest. Continue onwards and you’ll find some desert ruins and a save point. To the right of the save point is the final Shrine. Interact with it to unlock:

Shadrach of the Ten Blades will now turn up and try to spoil your day. He’ll probably succeed a few times. In the corner behind the shrine is a lootable corpse. Head through the gap in the wall and take your first left. At the end of this short path is a breakable rock covering a lootable corpse. Now follow the path to the end to find a chest and a corpse. Interact with the corpse to complete a quest.

Now backtrack past the shrine and follow the path to the left. You’ll reach a save point and Digglefitz, who has a quest for you. Head up the stairs behind him.

Temple of Azunai

Once inside the temple, head left and through the door to find yourself in a trap. On the left of the entrance is a lootable body, and there’s a chest at the end. There is a painting to interact with on the wall. With the enemies defeated, the doors will open again, so head out the end of the room to find a lever that extends a bridge and starts our old friends: the swinging axes.

Turn left after the bridge to find a lootable corpse. There’s a chest in the next room. Head out and past the last swinging axe. Here you’ll find a save point and an altar. Read the depressions on the altar and continue right around the room. In the room to your right, past the passage that leads back to the starting area, is a chest. Interact with the corpse on the floor.

Head down the stairs outside the room and up the other side. You’ll find a lootable corpse in front of you and a chest to the left. Ignore the door here for now, as this enters the Hall of Trials. Continue around the path and enter the next room on your right. This will be another trap, so kill everything in here. In the centre, overlooking the pool, is a sign. Interact with it to receive information. There are two lootable caskets to the rear of this room.

Head out the other door and down the stairs. Head up the stairs opposite and turn left to find a chest. Go back down the stairs and then head up the stairs to the side, into a large room. Here you’ll find a chest and a save point. There is a large book on an altar in the centre of the room. Interact with the book, pick up the quill and write when prompted. You should have all the answers to extinguish all of the fires ahead of you. Walk forwards and interact with the wall.

Now go back to the Hall of Trials and enter.

Hall of Trials.

As you enter the room, three coloured light will go out. There is a chest and a lootable corpse to your right. Read the sign in front of you as it tells you which order to light the torches. First light the yellow, then the blue, then the green. This will create a bridge ahead of you. Cross it.

In the next room, immediately to your left will be a chest. Read the sign ahead of you and it’ll reveal that you can simply walk on top of the water ahead of you to reach the other side. Do so and head up the stairs to collect two orbs. Head back to the altar next to the save point in the main room of the Temple.

Temple of Azunai

Back at the altar, you can now place the Eyes of the Oracle in the depressions. Do so to create bridges to the central area. Head down to the central area and prepare to fight… A lot. With everything dead, it is now time to fight the Daeva Statue. This is not a nice fight. The statue will fire out heat-seeking magic orbs that can nearly one-hit you, and often she fires a couple at the same time. Roll a lot, attack when you can, never stand still.

When it’s finally dead, collect the tablet on the floor in front of it to unlock:

Leave this room via the path that you didn’t enter though. To your left will be a room with a large gargoyle inside. Head in and collect the book on the far side of the room. This will, of course, trigger the Jade Gargoyle and lock the exits. Kill it to leave. There is also a chest in the corner. Leave the temple.

Crimson Flats

Speak to Digglefitz to complete the quest, and then head forwards. Stick to the left and you’ll pass by the area where you killed Jabberhack. A little further along here is a path to the left. Go through it to find a save point, a shop and a new Quest from Nadya. There is a chest to the left of the fire.

Carry on down this new path and you’ll find a dead monk. Examine him and continue.

Sandspring Cavern

Immediately to your right you’ll find a chest. Head into the cave and turn left at the first fork. There’ll be another fork soon after which will lead down to a pool area on the right. Down here you’ll fight the Vodyanoi Brood Mother. At the end of this cave you’ll find some eggs to collect. Head back up the ramp and turn right. Follow the path around and turn left when you eventually reach the next fork.

To your left there will be a chest. Follow the path to fight another Vodyanoi Brood Mother. With her dead, you’ll find some more eggs to collect and a glowing skeleton at the back of the cave. Interact with it to bottle the oil and unlock:

Follow the path and turn left, up a ramp, at the fork. Continue onwards and upwards until you find another fork. Turn left here to fight another Brood Mother and collect the final set of eggs. Exit the Cavern.

Crimson Flats

Head back to Nadya to complete her quest, then work your way back to the Abbey.

Abbey of St. Hiram

Speak to Sister Jenna at the entrance to complete her quest and then head into the Abbey itself where you’ll meet Brother Cornelius for another Quest. Head into the next room and then into the middle of the three doors in the passage. Interact with the altar and proceed through the prompts to open the vault and unlock:

Head down the stairs and enter the vault.

Agallan Vault

Once you’re in the vault, walk to the end of the passage, turn right and head down some stairs. Here you will be attacked by giant teleporting mummies and regular skeletons. Head through the gate to the right and enter the prison area.

Pull the lever at the end to open all the cells and fight Overseer Zalmon. Collect the journal in the last cell on the right and head back into the main room. Head around the central pit and through the door at the other side. Continue onwards, straight ahead at the crossroads and then turn right by the room full of mummies. Go around the room to another passageway and turn right again.

Inside this room, kill the enemies then pull the lever at the back to open a secret passage. There is a table on the left and take the ring. Leave the room and walk to the other end of the long passageway. Before you reach the last room, turn right and enter another passage. Follow this passage all the way around to enter a huge open room at the end.

Work your way through the series of rooms around the edge until you make it to the end with a huge door. Head down the large stairs into the centre of the room to face Priestguard Onesimus and his army of flying swords.

When he’s dead, pull the lever at the back of this area to open the gates around the top. Head back up and around to your right to enter the first gate (on your left). In this room you’ll find the Staff of the Moon on a pedestal. Pick it up and head around the large room again until you come to the next opened gate. In this room you’ll find the Staff of the Sun.

With both staves in your possession, you can now head back around to the large door and go through — you’ll need to place a staff on each side of the door to unlock it.

Hall of Assembly

Here you’ll face High Priest Molochi. He’s nastier than everything else in the game put together. Keep moving, attack when you can, constantly heal etc. Just make sure to dodge the second he disappears or he’ll pop up behind you and knock most of your health off. Use the skeletons he spawns to gain Focus and then unload your specials into Molochi when you can. Eventually you’ll beat him.

No wait, he’s having none of that, he’ll just refill his health again and have another go at killing you. In this second phase he’ll start spawning mages, so make sure to wipe them out as soon as possible or they can be really troublesome. Eventually, and by now you should have his attack pattern down well enough to be in no real trouble, he will fall and you’ll unlock

Head up the stairs on either side of the throne to find some chests full of awesome items and a save point.

Hall of Illumination

Proceed down the large bridge to find The Lamasu. After the conversation you will unlock:

Congratulations on your 100% completion!

10. Tidying Up

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Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Review of DLC «Siege of Paris» — Games on DTF


The era of conquests of the Vikings lasted more than two centuries. During this time, the harsh Scandinavian guys went everywhere where their longships could swim, including reaching Paris. The city was besieged several times and, according to the legends, the first time it happened in 845. The army of Ragnar Logbrodk besieged the city and eventually forced Charles the Bald to pay off the stubborn men from the north. nine0003

The next attempt was made in 885-886, when Jarl Siegfried commanded the Viking army. Actually, this is the very siege in which our / our Eivor takes an active part, and here you can throw the first pebble into the developer’s garden. The main storyline ends around 878, when the Vikings defeat Alfred the Great and he retires into self-imposed exile. Since the «Parisian» content becomes available at power level 200, the player can master it before completing the main story. However, this is not the main complaint about the DLC. nine0003

When the first DLCs for the game were announced, Siege of Paris attracted more interest than Wrath of the Druids. In the main castle siege game, there were a dime a dozen, many storylines end with the capture of a castle or fortress.

It is quite natural that some interesting game mechanics were expected from this DLC, tied to a siege or, at least, a spectacular capture of a city. Neither of these are in the DLC. Preparing for a siege consists of several quests, and the siege itself does not even come close to storming castles in the same Shiropshire or Sussex, when we had to take enemy fortifications in several stages. In fact, it all boiled down to a few missions with a minimum of variability and lack of entertainment that was in the sieges of the main game. nine0003

Moving on. Some locals do not like King Karl the Fat very much and raise a rebellion against him. Well, that is, this is not a full-fledged uprising, but rather a kind of light version of guerrilla warfare. Eivor can join this resistance movement and help the rebels in their hard work by completing various missions. Moreover, these missions are no more difficult than Reda’s quests — go there, kill him. And if in «Wrath of the Druids» the same royal assignments required the fulfillment of certain conditions, for example, not to take damage or not to be noticed. The missions of the resistance movement are not burdened by any additional conditions and often the way to the destination takes longer than the completion of the task. nine0003

For the currency that Eivor receives, you can upgrade the rebels, but, to be honest, if you have Eivor upgraded, then you can do missions alone. In terms of complexity, this does not even closely resemble the same river raids, where your warriors could row to the fullest, where they had to be looked after and treated, not to mention the tests of skill. The rewards that we receive with an increase in the level of «notoriety» are pieces of the next set of armor, of which I already have so many that there is no particular motivation to receive another one. In other words, this aspect of the game is a boring grind with no real rewards, and I only did it one night. The same system of trading outposts made sense to develop, especially for new players, simply because it could work as a passive source of income. The French rebels are almost useless in this regard. nine0003

In general, when compared with the «Irish» DLC, the «Parisian» is inferior in all respects. Instead of four full-fledged locations — in fact one, the land around Paris. Instead of the «Children of Danu», for the defeat of which access to the boss was given, Balor — several bad characters that must be killed in the course of the story. Yes, the map in the original game is already so big, yes, not everyone was involved in the Order of the Ancients and the children of Danu, but all this is a paid DLC, and not a free add-on in the form of river raids. Instead of a system of trading outposts that gave access to five sets — monotonous rebel missions and one set. What can I say, the DLC does not even have a unique boss. Yes, there are relatively long battles, but the same Balor from «Wrath of the Druids» was a full-fledged boss, and here it seems that he fought with a pumped jagenaut. nine0003

As for the plot, it doesn’t really shine either. It all starts with the fact that Toka, Siegfried’s niece, arrives in Ravensthorp and begins to frighten the «English» Scandinavians with stories that the king of the Franks, Charles the Fat, is hurting the Vikings and sooner or later will get to England. Eivor goes to the mainland to help Siegfried, and at first he does it in a non-Scandinavian way. Negotiations, attempts to persuade Karl not to create game, and it comes to fulfilling the orders of a fat libertine. Yes, of course, then everything comes to a fight, but before that, Eivor behaves not as straight as the corner of the Viking house, but as some kind of Byzantine who wants to conclude an undercover peace. As with Wrath of the Druids, this DLC does not affect or continue the main game’s story in any way. nine0003

I will not retell the plot, I will only say that it also has little in common with the real historical background. Yes, I know that the Assassin’s Creed series is far from a history textbook, but historical realities could have been handled more carefully. For example, the same duration of the siege — historical chronicles say that the Normans besieged the city for about eight months. The game feels like everything was done in a couple of weeks. But on the basis of this fact, both the plot and interesting game mechanics could be built. For example, the consistent encirclement of the city, the struggle for its districts, fights with historical characters. For example, Count Ed got out of the city to call for help, and upon his return, the Normans were waiting for him — this could make an interesting boss fight. In short, it’s not even a triple with a minus, it’s a deuce. nine0003

France turned out to be brighter and juicier than Ireland, here we must pay tribute to the designers, but with Paris it turned out so-so. Of course, no one expected the contours of Notre Dame on the Ile de la Cité, yet this is the 9th century, not the 13th, but there is little originality in the city. Paris causes deja vu — it’s like a tracing paper from Lindon (London) from the main game. Of course, adjusted for geography and for … rats with plague. I don’t know who came up with this mechanic — I mean rats — but it turned out disgusting. Flocks of rodents cannot be killed, they can only be scared away, and they gnaw painfully. nine0003

What did you like anyway? Essentially two points. The first is the ability to complete the mission in several ways. I did not play AC Unity, but what I heard from those who played — this «Siege» is far from how this is implemented. And in fact, all issues can be resolved without really bothering to fulfill any conditions. Unless, of course, you have some legendary weapons like Thor’s hammer and pieces of sets with bonuses to heal.

Second — there is a short quest chain in the game, which is tied to the history of the assassins and at the end of which you can get a one-handed sword. Yes, this type of weapon has finally appeared in the game. nine0003

Let’s summarize. «Siege of Paris» — this is the «fifth wheel» without which the cart can do. It doesn’t add interesting game mechanics, the story is short and not exciting, it doesn’t add anything to the main game. The siege of Paris itself turned out to be pale and inferior to most sieges in the main game. There are pluses, but they are few. I’ve played all the DLCs of the last three games and in my opinion this is the weakest of them all and is way behind the first ACV expansion. Therefore, if you do not have a season pass and you are thinking of buying this add-on or not, then you can not do it. Or wait for good discounts, since Ubisoft constantly holds various promotions. nine0003

I don’t know why it turned out so sluggish, maybe Ubisoft decided to bring goodies to other DLCs that will be released next year. If you don’t know, then Valhalla will be supported in 2022 and, judging by the teasers, there will be a continuation of the modernity line and, for sure, more serious innovations in the gameplay.

Orsinium DLC | ElderScrolls.Net

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Developers The Elder Scrolls Online announces with sudden joy that the feast of Orsinium is approaching! From Thursday, August 2 at 10:00 AM ET until Monday, August 13 at 5:00 PM, the Crown Store is running a massive sale on Orsinium and its Collector’s Pack. During this period, «Orsinium» will cost only 750 CZK — 75% discount! Don’t miss the chance to travel to the province of Wrothgar, be part of an amazing story, look into two public dungeons, and test yourself by challenging the warriors of the legendary Vortex Arena. nine0003

Orsinium Collector’s Pack will be available for purchase for 2000 crowns (60% discount). It includes not only the expansion itself, but also an intimidating cave bear mount, a cave bear cub pet, as well as five crown scrolls of experience.

In addition, the Outcast Pinnacle home and the Malacath’s Chosen Furnishing Pack will return to the Crown Store for the duration of the event. If you have long dreamed of such a mountain retreat, it’s time to think about buying! nine0003

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Author: GilShrewmouse — 23:34 — 07/26/2018

Orsinium is 2 years old this November! In honor of the holiday, the Crown Store will offer massive discounts on the expansion, and in-game rewards will double in Wrothgar. The biennium celebrations will begin on November 16 at 10:00 AM PDT and will run until November 27 at 10:00 AM PDT. During this period, both the base set with the expansion and the unique collector’s set will be on sale in the Crown Store at a discount. nine0003

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Author: Gilshrewmouse — 18:18 — 11/15/2017

In the newly released update 2.2.2 for The Elder Scrolls Online on PTS. Loading screens were updated. some locations. We present to your attention a comparison of old images and new ones.

Chambers of Loyalty

Ice Heart’s Lair

Imperial City

Orsinium Temple Rectory

Paragon’s Remembrance

Sanctum of Prowess

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Author: TERAB1T — 0:38 — 20.10.2015

Shortly before the start of the advertising campaign Orsinium DLC for The Elder Scrolls Online , however, the media page of the upcoming add-on was discovered there were no materials. Now the page is hidden, but with some tricks it can still be accessed. We present to your attention the materials found on it. nine0003



Exploreing Rotgar

Statue Malakata

Orenium rebuilding

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Author: Trab1t — 15:23 — 07:23 p.m. the official announcement of the release date of Orsinium DLC for The Elder Scrolls Online took place — November 2, the add-on will be released on PC / Mac, November 17 — on Xbox One and November 18 — on PlayStation 4. In addition, today Orsinium will be available for everyone to test on PTS.

Orsinium , the largest expansion to date for the famous game The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited , will take you to the mountains of Wrothgar and to the very capital of the orc state. With intrigue and conspiracy, new enemies and allies, a huge new area, new quests and mysteries, a new single-player arena called The Maelstrom Arena, new dungeons and bosses, there’s something for everyone. nine0003

Orsinium is already included in the ESO Plus subscription and will also be available for 3,000 Crowns at the ESOTU Crown Store. The Orsinium DLC Collector’s Bundle will be available at ESOTU Crown Store for 5,000 Crowns. Includes Orsinium DLC, Cave Bear Mount, Cave Bear Cub, and 5 Crown Experience Scrolls.

Except add-on Orsinium All owners of The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited will receive a free update to the main game, which includes gamepad support for PC, subtitles for all platforms, shield paint, an improved combat experience system, fixes and improvements to various game systems and materials, and much more!

— Zenimax Online Studios, bethesda. net

For details on the add-on, visit the game’s official website.

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Author: TERAB1T — 17:24 — 05.10.2015

It’s no secret that the next DLC for The Elder Scrolls Online will be Orsinium , in which players will be able to explore Orsinium — a city of orcs surrounded by mountains Rothgar. Resourceful visitors of the official website found that the promo page for Orsinium is already under development and, for some reason, is not hidden from mere mortals. Unfortunately, there is no release date for the add-on, no graphic materials, but there is a description of the DLC and its main locations. nine0003

Screenshot from The Elder Scrolls Online’s Orsinium expansion

Description of the expansion

Orsinium, the ancestral home of all orcs, is being rebuilt deep in the mountains of Wrothgar, and King Kurog is summoning intrepid adventurers from across Tamriel to help rebuild the city. The next DLC pack for The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited will allow you to explore the mountains of Wrothgar and the orc capital itself, uncovering plots and meeting both new allies and new enemies. nine0037 Orsinium , the biggest expansion for ESOTU to date, will bring you a massive new location, a solo monster arena, new public dungeons, and more!

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Author: Trab1t — 3:31 — 09/29/2015

Yesterday as part of QuakeCon 2015 Presentation The Elder Scrolls Online , almost fully devoted0037 Imperial City . There was little new information — you will find it below in the form of a dry squeeze — but the developers showed four videos showing the Imperial City in detail.

  • Imperial City will start testing on the PTS next week.