Dirt 3 strecken: DiRT 3 Complete Edition im Test: Mehr Fahrzeuge, mehr Strecken, mehr Wettkämpfe — Rasen bis der Rechner glüht

DiRT 3 Complete Edition im Test: Mehr Fahrzeuge, mehr Strecken, mehr Wettkämpfe — Rasen bis der Rechner glüht

DiRT 2 und Grid aus gleichem Hause wussten zu überzeugen, brachten Sie doch relativ konkurrenzlos die Rennsportszene auf den Mac. Mit DiRT 3 steht nun der Rallye-Nachfolger im Mac App Store bereit und zwar nur in der Complete Edition. Das heißt, neben dem eigentlichen DiRT 3, was auf dem Mac so nicht erhältlich ist, gibt es noch weitere Fahrzeuge, mehr Strecken und einige zusätzliche Wettkämpfe hinzu. Sei es drum, mehr ist immer gut, wobei das Paket auf der Festplatte knapp über 14 GB belegt. Die Menge an Daten bringt ein wenig Wartezeit beim Laden der einzelnen Rennszenen mit sich. Das ist unschön, aber kein Beinbruch, denn die Wartezeit lohnt sich. Abwechslungsreiche Strecken durch Finnland, Kenia, die USA und Monte Carlo sind der Ausgleich.

Neben unterschiedlichen Wetterbedingungen – von strahlender Sonne bis zum dichten Schneetreiben ist alles dabei – müssen Sie sich auch mit unterschiedlichen Tages- und Nachtzeiten auseinandersetzen. Die Gegner müssen Sie bei der klassischen Rallye, in Rallyecross-Rennen, bei der Landrush-Verfolgung, in Rallye-Sprints, bei Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen und in Gymkhana-Events besiegen. Letzteres ist eine Sammlung von Drifts, Sprüngen und Hindernis-Parcours. Der zur Verfügung stehende Fuhrpark wächst anfangs mit jedem gewonnen Rennen. Dabei werden die Autos nicht dem eigenen Stall hinzusortiert, sondern Sie bekommen Fahrangebote für verschiedenen Rennställe, die verschiedene Fahrzeuge bieten.

Neben den Punkten, die Sie für einen Sieg kassieren und damit eine weitere Saison oder Spezialevents freischalten, können Sie Ihren Fahrerruf mit Extraaufgaben aufbessern. Je besser Ihr Ruf, desto mehr Angebote erhalten Sie. Die Extraaufgaben können zu erreichende Rundenzeiten, Spitzengeschwindigkeiten oder auch Sprung- oder Driftlängen sein. Je weiter Sie fortschreiten, desto schwieriger wird es, diese Extraaufgaben zu erfüllen. Deswegen bietet DiRT 3 einiges an Helferlein auf, wobei, abgesehen vom Automatikgetriebe, vor allem die Wegmarkierung immens hilfreich ist. Die grüne Linie zeigt die Idealroute an und verfärbt sich bei zu hoher Geschwindigkeit erst gelblich und im Extremfall dunkelrot. Die Linie ist zudem bei der Navigation sehr hilfreich. Fahren Sie mal nachts mit 200 km pro Stunde über eine Schneepiste in Finnland und versuchen, die nächste Kurve zu erahnen.


Die Physikengine gibt sowohl die verschiedenen Streckenbeschaffenheiten als auch die unterschiedlichen Antriebsarten der Fahrzeuge gut wieder und die grafische Umsetzung gefällt, falls Sie während des Rennens überhaupt Zeit haben, auf die Umgebung zu achten. Es gibt sicherlich grafisch anspruchsvollere Spiele, aber auch so gelingt es DiRT 3 durchaus, Ihren Rechner ordentlich ins Schwitzen zu bringen. Der eingebaute Benchmark überprüft vor Rennbeginn, ob die gewählten Einstellungen von Ihrem Mac geleistet werden können. Insgesamt stehen Ihnen vier Saisons mit jeweils vier Blöcken zur Verfügung. Jeder Block besteht wiederum aus rund sieben Rennveranstaltungen, die aus bis zu vier Einzelrennen bestehen. Dazu gibt es noch sechs Spezialevents, ähnlich den Blöcken, und drei Übungspparcours. Die Autos decken die letzten 50 Jahre Rallyegeschichte ab und enthalten zum Beispiel Opel Manta, Lancia Delta Integrale, Audi Quattro, VW Touareg und Ken Blocks Ford Fiesta.

Tipp: Wenn Sie keine Lust mehr haben gegen die Uhr oder virtuelle Gegner zu fahren, können Sie auch im Multiplayermodus gegen Freunde fahren. Das Programm erlaubt Apples Familienfreigabe.


Für Rallye-enthusiasten ist DiRT 3 ein Muss, das sich auch mit der Tastatur gut spielen lässt.

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Gameplay-Trailer zeigt Strecken in Kenia, Norwegen und Michigan

von Andreas Link —
Es gibt den ersten vollformatigen Gameplay-Trailer zu Dirt 3. Hier kann man Strecken in Kenia, Norwegen und Michigen (USA) bestaunen. Während der satten zwölf Minuten gibt es auch Neues zum Gymkhana-Fun-Modus.

Satte zwölf Minuten ist der neue Gameplay-Trailer zu Dirt 3 lang. Während dieser Zeit sieht man vor allen Dingen Impressionen von Strecken: Kenia im Schotter und Staub, Norwegen im Schnee und Michigan, USA auf Asphalt. Codemasters zeigt im Trailer auch wieder Details zum Fun-Modus Gymkhana. Der Trailer ist der erste vollformatige zu Dirt 3; die bereits erschienen Videos waren allesamt abgefilmt. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine Trailer-Serie, der fünfte Teil soll noch im Laufe des Tages erscheinen.

Hintergrund: Dirt 3
Publisher Codemasters hat den Release-Termin des kommenden Rennspiels Dirt 3 bekannt gegeben. Der Titel soll weltweit am 24. Mai 2011 für die drei Plattformen PC, Playstation 3 und Xbox 360 veröffentlicht werden. Dirt 3 wird unter anderem über einen Spielmodus namens Gymkhana integriert haben. Gymkhana ist eine in Deutschland eher unbekannte Motorsportart, es geht hier hauptsächlich um die Geschicklichkeit des Fahrers. So muss der Spieler beispielsweise in möglichst kurzer Zeit eine mit Pylonen, Reifenstapeln und anderen Gegenständen abgesteckte Strecke durchfahren. Weiterhin wird der sogenannte Be a Pro-Modus mit dabei sein, hier schlüpfen Sie in die Rolle eines altgedienten Rally-Profis. Auch soll das Spiel über ein Wetter-System verfügen, Schnee und Regen wird dem Rennfahrer vor zusätzliche Herausforderungen stellen.

Dirt 3 soll eine Splitscreen-Unterstüzung und einen sogenannten Party-Modus mit verschiedenen Spielvarianten namens Transporter, Goldrush, Outbreak und Cat ‘n’ Mouse mitbringen. Außerdem wird es eine Möglichkeit geben, direkt im Spiel aufgenommene Videos zu bearbeiten und anschließend auf Youtube hochzuladen. Im neuen Karrieremodus soll viel Wert auf das Team gelegt werden. Anfangs wird mit alten Fahrzeugen aus den 90ern gestartet, später kommen dann auch moderne Vehikel zum Einsatz. Die Grafik, vor allem die Fahrzeugdetails, soll massiv verbessert worden sein.

Das noch in Dirt 2 anzutreffende Event-Hauptmenü, welches viele Spieler aufgrund der Unübersichtlichkeit kritisiert hatten, soll gegen ein «stilisiertes» Interface getauscht werden. Ganze 100 Strecken vom schneebedeckten Norwegen bis hin zu den Wüsten Afrikas soll es geben.

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Andreas Link

DiRT 3 — Gambling

It’s better to say it right away: DiRT 3 is the worst enemy of any reviewer. It’s not just that it’s polished and polished like no other racing game in recent years. The great and terrible Gran Turismo 5 was frustrating with squalid «standard» cars and jumping difficulty, F1 2010 was too boring to drive, and Forza Motorsport 3 had only eight cars on the track. DiRT 3 is, first of all, a “thing in itself”. It’s handsome as a Greek god, not too hard for beginners, and able to please even hardened motorsport fans (where else can you find an 80s rally Opel Manta or the latest Mini Coutryman WRC?).

You can’t blame him for the conservation of the genre: there is one completely new mode (gymkhana, famous thanks to YouTube star Ken Block) and non-banal multiplayer (more on that later). The too «American» bias of the second part is a thing of the past — the classic European rally is back (including our dearly beloved stage in Finland), fireworks and graffiti have disappeared, and sweaty pop-punk has been replaced with pleasant electronic music. It seems that there is simply nowhere better, and in part this is true — by the third part, DiRT simply ran into the boundaries of its concept, originally designed to please absolutely everyone who has ever played racing at least once in their life (including even such like Mario Kart).

Everything you need for a successful career

When this, in general, foul desire meets the incredible perfectionism of the racing studio Codemasters , a rather strange result is obtained, more reminiscent of the work of a well-trained TV presenter. It seems that she chirps beautifully, and when necessary she knows how to flash her teeth, but slip the wrong text on her — she will instantly go astray and stupidly blink her eyes. After all, she is just a pretty microphone stand, and all her remarks are strangers. So it is with DiRT 3: it brilliantly entertains as long as you play by its rules, but you only have to dig deeper and you will find a gaping void inside.

• One of the DLC for the game will be the famous Monte Carlo Rally.

DiRT 3 is so desperate to please and so afraid of being bored that it has completely forgotten how to throw at least some kind of challenge to the player. Therefore, a formal return to the classic rally (takes about 60% of the career) is in conflict with the spirit of the series. DiRT has always been a show first and foremost. Bright, fleeting and not annoying. And he needed sports paraphernalia rather for recognition. This game can fool you with an amazing variety of cars, pleasant, moderately complex physics (almost does not differ from itself in DiRT 2 ) and will surely encourage you more than once to press the restart button only to scare the squirrels in the Finnish forest with a booming howl or to crush your rivals in Monaco. There is only one important racing emotion here — satisfaction from the result and the feeling that right now, just now, at the cost of a huge effort, you have grown above yourself.

• If the second part consisted mainly of yellow, then DiRT 3 has become much more pleasing to the eye: green forests and snowdrifts can be seen here.

The local rally stages last at most one and a half to two minutes, during which you don’t even have time to get used to the nature of the track and start enjoying driving “on the verge”, with the risk of flying into a ditch. And the complexity and width of these routes is such that the navigator, regularly dictating the route, becomes completely superfluous. Make him speak at least Spanish (by the way, great entertainment — we recommend), you still won’t make a mistake and won’t break the car, because even without it you can clearly see where to go and when to slow down.

• DiRT 3 can be used to study the history of world rallying: the same rear wheel drive Opel Manta 400 won the 1982 championship.

But even if you make a mistake, it doesn’t matter. The function of rewinding time back has not gone away and still corrupts, allowing you to drive ahead, and in which case you can always recover. No one cares that rallies are not just point-to-point races along forest paths, serpentines or, there, the Kenyan desert. First of all, this is a real road adventure, which every time you experience in a new way. And it’s also a very tactical sport: once you get excited and crash your car, you are guaranteed to start the next stage with a broken radiator and a leaking gearbox (field repair time is always limited). In DiRT 3, none of these emotions are in sight, as, indeed, the need to tune the car (it is always optimally tuned anyway). This is such a short but bright excursion that allows you to look at motorsport sharks through the glass partition of the pool.

Busy meeting schedule

Career mode rally stages rarely follow one another: after driving a couple of kilometers through the Norwegian winter forest, in a minute you find yourself at the stadium in Los Angeles driving a cross-country buggy, and after another five minutes — in the backyards at Battersea Power Station in London, doing gymkhana pirouettes under the direction of Ken Block. That same gymkhana turned out to be an automotive analogue of the mechanics of Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater , with the same limited field of activity (asphalt area with cones and gates) and the same main goal — to perform as many tricks as possible in a short time. Only the set of tricks available on the car is less explainable than on the skateboard: drift, jump, twisting the “donut” around the post, knocking down foam markers and also rotating around its axis on the allotted patch. At first it looks pretty fresh, but then it gets boring pretty quickly, and you try to avoid the gymkhana by all means.

• As promised by the developers, you can take part in rallycross in Group B cars.

But in DiRT 3, you can’t just make a career in the chosen sport: to unlock new cars and skins for them, you need to complete everything in a row. Not so many sports survived compared to the second part: rally, gymkhana, trailblazer (the same rally, only on the most powerful prototypes designed to climb the mountain), rally-cross for eight people and one-on-one racing along parallel tracks. This is certainly good — more cars and tracks went to each individual. But even with such a number of them, there is still a feeling of confusion of everything that happens. This must be how rock stars feel when they travel the world on grueling tours in support of the album: ten interviews with pretty journalists in a room, five drinking parties, two autograph sessions, one reception with the president, a quick sleep, and tomorrow again on a plane — most importantly, then memorize the name of the city before the concert.

All of the above, however, does not negate the most important thing. DiRT 3 is a beautiful game, executed with rare skill, one minute and a half of which costs, for example, last year’s WRC from Milestone . But it is in the third part that it is especially noticeable that the series has already exhausted itself: if earlier our main desire was to add even more new cars and tracks, now there is nowhere to add more. It is necessary to change the approach itself — to separate the rally and the gymkhana into separate games, to return the championship mode and long, interesting special stages. And pushing the sides leave MotorStorm .


Class plot:


easily master:




Sound and music:


Interface and Management:

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Did you wait?

The best off-road racing, which is very crowded in its current framework. Serious licenses and a real rally do not go well with the kaleidoscopic speed and childish complexity of the game.

«Mania» rating: 8.0


I will be shown on the Internet!

The ability to upload videos of your races to YouTube directly from the game menu was touted as an absolute innovation in DiRT 3, which should become a genre standard in the future. However, in reality, it turned out to be almost the only major failure of Codemasters. Firstly, YouTube is the only way to save the replay, which means that the decision to transfer the video to the Web has to be made immediately after the finish of the race (and always keep in mind the need for an Internet connection).

What’s more, only a 30-second snippet can be posted on YouTube, which means you can’t save a record of your flawless run and send it to your friends marked «learn dummies.» In DiRT 3, the interaction between players is generally badly put out of hand. The same Shift 2 Unleashed and Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit constantly poke your nose at the achievement of friends and the best pilots. At Codemasters, even the leaderboard is problematic to find.

good spy

If DiRT 3 itself can be compared to sports shows, then when creating multiplayer Party Modes, the developers must have been inspired by the latest Hollywood trends.


Inspiration: Transformers

Killer robots have attacked Earth! We urgently get into cars and rush to crush the invaders. The main thing is not to run into native skyscrapers in a hurry. Don’t be afraid, Codemasters didn’t have a delirium tremens: both aliens and houses are represented by cardboard mannequins. But earning the fame of the best invader fighter is not easy. Robots appear in the most inaccessible places, and three or four cars rush to the same target, desperately pushing each other. But there is a great opportunity to correct the opponent so that he demolishes a cardboard skyscraper and earns a fine.


Inspired by zombie horror

One of your friends’ car turns into a zombie car, now its only purpose is to stalk others, spreading infection. It is useless to hide: the infected have a keen sense of smell, telling where the victims are hiding. All that’s left is to run away. Fortunately, the arena is filled with nooks and crannies and all sorts of obstacles that open up room for maneuver. The most relish is in the middle of the game, when there are two or three “clean” cars per zombie, and you are feverishly rushing around the arena and don’t even know if they are chasing you now or not. Or when you come across a nimble «zipper», which you need to drive with joint efforts.


Inspired by Fast & Furious and Capture the Flag from any shooter game

A flag randomly spawns in the arena. The lucky one, who first grabbed it, must keep up with the trophy to the end zone, the rest seek to seize the initiative. Given the design of the tracks described above, everything turns into a series of sharp maneuvers, stunt jumps and an invariable pile-small in the final. Cars ram each other at full speed, torn parts fly in the air, a brand new million-dollar prototype turns into a broken trough in five seconds, and you laugh hysterically, slipping away with the coveted trophy from under the noses of three pursuers.

Dirt 3 — all inclusive

The Dirt series is going through a predictable metamorphosis. This is understandable, since the usual rally simulators that Codemasters used to do are no longer relevant. The public demands spectacle. Requires advanced graphics, interesting game modes, powerful social features. And Dirt 3 is ready to offer it all!

The Dirt series is undergoing a predictable metamorphosis. This is understandable, since the usual rally simulators that Codemasters used to do are no longer relevant. The public demands spectacle. Requires advanced graphics, interesting game modes, powerful social features. And Dirt 3 is ready to offer it all!

The garage is full of all kinds of cars. Dozens of tracks in Monaco, Michigan, Norway and Finland are waiting to be worn off more than one set of rubber. The weather effects are great. Water and dirt pour on the windshield, the wipers try unsuccessfully to provide at least some visibility. Snow flakes scatter from under the wheels, and the night becomes even more beautiful when it is illuminated by the light of car headlights. And the spectators scatter to the sides in such a funny way, when the out-of-control car rushes straight at them…

Like its predecessor, Dirt 3 does not forgive frivolous driving. On each track and in each race you need to be extremely careful. Crunchy snow under the wheels can turn a race into figure skating. And close familiarity with fences and other riders returns in the form of anything but cosmetic damage. Lower the difficulty so that opponents do not overtake you as a standing one; include cosmetic damage so that the crumpled car continues to move forward like a zombie, despite torn off doors, a broken radiator and a bunch of other injuries incompatible with “life”. You can also activate various driving assistants (automatic brakes, ABS, etc.). The first thing to do is to look at the Dirt Tour racing festival. The single player mode has been revamped. Now our racer doesn’t live in a trailer — the Dirt 3 menu is controlled by large and small triangles that open up and float in the air. And the festival itself is dozens of racing events divided into four seasons. Career progression is linear. We race, earn the medals and points needed to unlock the next stage, and then do it all over again. Nobody forbids returning to the previous race in order to improve your result or set a new record. As you progress through the Dirt Tour, you’ll unlock additional game modes inside the racing festival. For example, DC can offer you the Battersea Compound track, where you can practice your drifting skills and the ability to draw figure-eight rubber on asphalt.

Unlike Dirt 2, the fleet is replenished automatically. It is no longer necessary to refuse to buy a Subaru due to a lack of banknotes, because the Eclipse has better acceleration. In Dirt 3, it is customary to reward the driver on merit. Earning reputation points and leveling up, you will receive gratitude from sponsors in the form of cars. And the higher the level — the more powerful the machine. From the latest masterpieces of the automotive industry to the classics of the bearded years, there is plenty to choose from. The cars in Dirt 3 look great. You can admire the car for a long time, licking it with your eyes from the outside, and then, switching the camera to the view from the passenger compartment, continue to praise the developers for their reverent attention to detail. Everything is in place, everything is round and detailed, carefully recreated and ready to roar the engine at the touch of a pedal. Raising your reputation in Dirt 3 is pretty easy. It is enough just to demonstrate your professionalism as a racer — to rewind time less often (as before, there is a function of rewinding a few seconds to replay a bad moment) and to complete special tasks of sponsors. For example, accelerate to 183 km / h or finish the race in a certain time. One of the most interesting innovations is the Gymkhana, with the voice of the hilarious Ken Block behind the scenes, commenting on the actions of the riders. Gymkhana are fun challenges. The main thing is to do everything right, quickly and not monotonously (as Ken Block says). For example, you need to drive along the track, performing various tricks: donuts, figure eights, 360-degree turns, jumps, crushing foam cubes along the way. Only at first glance it will seem that Gymkhana is a simple arcade ride. Time is constantly running out, the fences meanly turn out to be too close to the structures around which you need to draw figure eights with hot rubber. And if you perform only simple feints, then you can forget about the platinum medal and be content with only sarcastic comments after the race.

In Codemasters, it is customary to approach the creation of their games according to the favorite option of Russian tourists «All inclusive». Therefore, in addition to the usual Dirt modes like Trail Blazer, Rally and Rally Cross, the developers added a little madness. What’s more! Smash Attack — here you have to drive along the track, maneuver between makeshift buildings and ram robot figures. Points are awarded for «killing» alien invaders, and are withdrawn when you destroy the houses of civilians in a plywood city. There is also an analogue of capturing the flag. An endlessly fun mode, especially when several cars at once try to take over the flag, but end up in a common dump due to the limited space of the arena. There is even a local equivalent of zombie bastards. Your car acquires a characteristic green color if it is rammed by an «infected» racer. Dirt 3 shows great performance on all platforms. Beautiful cars rush along detailed tracks, realistically covered with dust, snow and water during the races. Weather effects make you believe in this winter and autumn, in these hot plains and rainy forests. Everything is drawn with the highest quality and naturalness. Even more realism provides an amazing sound design. The roar of the engine mixed with the screams of the fans merge into an adrenaline symphony of drive.


Like a sponge, Dirt 3 has absorbed everything that fans of racing games love: great graphics, interesting game modes, amazing sound design and much, much more. The authors constantly increase the graphics, each time they make the game even more beautiful and spectacular, they add social functions (there is a much-demanded opportunity to post replays on YouTube). Yes, this is no longer a simulator, but not a simple arcade either. Driving requires the utmost composure, although the roar of the engine and the cheering screams of the fans make you throw caution to hell and squeeze out the extreme speed, bathing in adrenaline. And there it’s not far from online, where the most relish and serious opponents are.

2011-07-26 13:42:00

Dmitry Tenkachev (Bulazz)

Dirt 3

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