Die besten pc spiele 2022: Die zehn besten PC-Spiele 2022: Unsere Highlights des Jahres!

Beste Spiele 2022: Top-Titel aller Genres

Bevor das mit Top-Releases vollgepackte Jahr 2023 anbricht, ist ein Rückblick auf die besten Spiele 2022 angebracht – es waren üppig gefüllte zwölf Monate.

Was das Aufgebot an starken Games angeht, kann man 2022 eigentlich nicht kritisieren – es war für jeden Geschmack etwas dabei. Bevor man jedoch angesichts des jetzt schon verlockenden Angebots von 2023 die Highlights des auslaufenden Jahres vergisst, ist es an der Zeit, einen Blick zurückzuwerfen: Was sind 2022 die besten Spiele jedes Genres gewesen? Was sollten Sie nachholen, falls Sie es verpasst haben?

Bestes Actionspiel 2022 – God of War Ragnarök

Kratos kehrte 2022 in Bestform zurück.

«Bayonetta 3» mag als reines Kampfspiel die Nase vorn haben, aber «Ragnarök» ist das Gesamtpaket – die perfekte Fortsetzung. Es fügt sich so nahtlos an seinen Vorgänger von 2018 an, dass es sich wie zwei Spiele in einem anfühlt. Die epische Saga um Kratos, Atreus und die nordischen Götter erstreckt sich auf über 50 Stunden, die im Spielfluss eher wie 15 wirken. Zugleich hat «Ragnarök» die Kämpfe verbessert, die Story auf die nächste Stufe gehoben und all seinen Charakteren einen großen Moment beschert, in denen sie glänzen durften. Sony Santa Monica lässt nichts aus.

Selbst gelungene Titel wie «Dying Light 2» haben da keine Chance auf den Spitzenplatz.

God of War Ragnarök (PS5) bei MMOGA

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Bestes Rollenspiel 2022 – Elden Ring

«Elden Ring» hat eine monumentale Messlatte für Open-World-Titel gesetzt.

From Software kümmert sich nicht um ausgefallene Dialogoptionen, die Ihren Spielverlauf einzigartig machen – der Entwickler erreicht dies durch die Mechaniken. Welche der Dutzenden von Waffen wählen Sie? Wie fällt Ihre Kombination aus? Was werden Sie finden? In welcher Reihenfolge nehmen Sie die riesige offene Welt von «Elden Ring» in Angriff? Die meisten anderen Spiele können nur davon träumen, so umfangreich zu sein und gleichzeitig über 100 Stunden lang Rätsel und Überraschungen zu bieten. Ein Meisterwerk, das sich zu Recht in die Gaming-Geschichtsbücher eingetragen hat.

Elden Ring (PC) bei MMOGA

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Bestes Strategiespiel 2022 – Marvel’s Midnight Suns

Firaxis kehrte dieses Jahr zurück, um einmal mehr zu beweisen, dass es der Daddy der Strategiespiele ist. Alle erwarteten «XCOM» mit Superhelden, aber «Midnight Suns» kam stattdessen als eine Mischung aus traditioneller Strategie, Kartenspiel und Beziehungssimulator im Stil von «Fire Emblem» daher. Die Fingerabdrücke von Firaxis sind aber immer noch überall zu sehen. Das ist auch notwendig, denn mit «Warhammer 40.000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters», «Total War: Warhammer 3» und «Victoria 3» gab es wirklich starke Rivalen in diesem Bereich.

Marvel’s Midnight Suns (PC)

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Bestes Horrorspiel 2022 – Signalis

Signalis beginnt als eine Hommage an klassische Survival-Horrorspiele, aber im Laufe der Zeit entwickelt es sich zu etwas Besonderem. Benannt nach den Funksignalen, die man empfangen und interpretieren muss, warten eine Menge cleverer Rätsel, eine erstaunliche Geschichte und einige nostalgische Kämpfe auf Sie, wenn Sie sich auf diesen Titel einlassen.

Bestes laufendes Spiel 2022 – Apex Legends

«Apex Legends» verändert sich mit jedem frischen Charakter und jeder neuen Karte drastisch – im Jahr 2022 gab es eine ganze Reihe von Ersterem und eine von Letzterem. Das Hinzufügen neuer Hochgeschwindigkeitsschienen auf der neusten Karte hat das Tempo des Spiels verändert und ermöglicht schnellere Rotationen, was die Zeit zwischen spannenden Gefechten verkürzt. Es gibt vielleicht nicht die ständige Flut an Inhalten wie bei «Fortnite» oder «Genshin Impact», doch alle Updates für «Apex Legends» schrauben an den Grundlagen.

Bestes Indie-Spiel 2022 – Cult of the Lamb

Von der Idee bis zur Ausführung ist «Cult of the Lamb» ein Geniestreich.

Die Verbindung von Roguelike-Elementen mit einem Basisspiel, in dem Sie einen Kult aufbauen und Ihre Anhänger den alten Göttern opfern, ist ein Geniestreich. Von der Festlegung der Glaubensgrundsätze bis hin zur Beseitigung von Exkrementen ist es Ihre Aufgabe, jeden Aspekt Ihrer Herde zu pflegen. Und wenn Sie sich auf eine Mission begeben, gibt es auch knackige, taktile Kämpfe zu bestaunen. 2022 gab es mit Titeln wie «Stray» und «Tunic» harte Konkurrenz in diesem Bereich – eine Bereicherung für Spielerinnen und Spieler.

Cult of the Lamb (PC) bei MMOGA

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Bestes Koop-Spiel 2022 – Warhammer 40.000: Darktide

Im Squad gegen die Horden von Nurgle: «Darktide» ist herausfordender Koop-Spaß.

Es gibt nichts Besseres, als sich als riesiger Ogryn an einer Engstelle zu positionieren, während Dutzende von verseuchten Gliedmaßen gegen den eigenen Schild prallen. Moment, es gibt doch bessere Augenblicke – nämlich den, wenn man diesen Schild nutzt, um die feindliche Horde zurückzustoßen, während Verbündete von hinten mit Flammenwerfern, Boltern und Lasguns hineinheizen.

«Darktide» ist ein gewaltiger Schritt nach vorne im Vergleich zum Vorgängerspiel «Vermintide 2» und die höheren Schwierigkeitsgrade testen wirklich die Grenzen des Teamworks, indem sie eine gute Teamzusammenstellung und Strategien erfordern, um mit den endlosen Fleischhorden von Nurgle fertig zu werden.

Bester Shooter 2022 – Metal: Hellsinger

Sie sind ein Dämon, dessen Seele aus Musik und Wut besteht, und Sie müssen sich den Weg in die Höllenschlünde erkämpfen. Mehr Kontext ist nicht nötig. Irgendwo zwischen «Devil May Cry» und «Doom» angesiedelt, fordert «Metal: Hellsinger» Sie auf, im Takt der Musik zu kämpfen. Mit Titeln von Metal-Legenden ist jeder einzelne Abschnitt so konzipiert, dass er gespielt und wiederholt, gelernt und gemeistert werden kann, bis man in den perfekten Flow-Zustand kommt und die Musik und der Zorn auch in die eigene Seele eindringen.

Bestes Rennspiel 2022 – Need for Speed Unbound

Es hat zwar nicht das beste Fahrverhalten und besitzt vielleicht die nervigsten Charaktere in der Geschichte, aber «Need for Speed Unbound» hat mehr unter der Haube, als es scheint. Wie bei «Most Wanted» werden Sie während des Rennens von Polizisten belästigt, aber der Clou ist, dass Sie Ihre Gewinne aus jeder Sitzung auf die Bank bringen müssen, indem Sie sicher zu einem der Safehouses zurückkehren, die in der offenen Welt verteilt sind.

Need for Speed Unbound (PC) bei MMOGA

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Wenn Sie mehr Rennen fahren, erhalten Sie mehr Geld, aber die Verlustgefahr wächst ebenfalls. Dieses System verleiht dem Spiel nicht nur eine Menge Spannung, sondern auch ein echtes Gefühl des Eigentums an Ihren Autos. Das Geld – und somit alle Dinge, die es kauft – sind hart verdient. Definitiv eine der positiven Überraschungen des Jahres.

Beste Neuauflage 2022 – The Last of Us Part 1

Einige Leute sagten, es sei zu früh für eine Neuauflage, aber «The Last of Us Part 1» war es wert, noch einmal besucht und gespielt zu werden. Es war nicht nur grafisch besser als das Originalspiel, sondern das Spielen nach der Fortsetzung hat viele Szenen neu kontextualisiert und einigen der emotionalsten Momente des Spiels neues Gewicht verliehen.

Vielen Dank an Kirk McKeand (GLHF) für seine Aufstellung!

Best PC Video Games for 2023



Hi-Fi Rush



January 25, 2023

Feel the beat as wannabe rockstar Chai and his ragtag team fight against an evil megacorp with raucous rhythm combat! From Tango Gameworks comes Hi-Fi RUSH, an all-new action game where the world syncs to the music.



User Score:

8. 7


A Space For The Unbound



January 19, 2023

A Space For The Unbound is a slice-of-life adventure game with beautiful pixel art set in the late 90s rural Indonesia that tells a story about overcoming anxiety, depression, and the relationship between a boy and a girl with supernatural powers.

Follow two high school sweethearts, Atma and Raya, on a journey of self-discovery at the end of their high school years. When a mysteriously supernatural power is suddenly unleashed threatening their existence, they must explore and investigate their town to uncover hidden secrets, face the end of the world, and perhaps learn more about each other.



User Score:



Dead Space



January 27, 2023

Developed exclusively for next generation consoles and PC, raising the level of horror and immersion to unprecedented heights for the franchise through stunning visuals, audio and controls powered by the Frostbite game engine. Fans will experience an improved story, characters, gameplay mechanics and more as they fight to survive a living nightmare aboard the desolate mining starship, the USG Ishimura, all while uncovering the dreadful mystery of what happened to the slaughtered crew and ship.

In Dead Space, Isaac Clarke is an everyman engineer on a mission to repair a vast, sprawling starship, the USG Ishimura, only to discover something has gone horribly wrong. The ship’s crew has been slaughtered and infected by some alien scourge…and Isaac’s beloved partner, Nicole, is lost somewhere on board. Now Isaac is alone with only his tools and engineering skills as he attempts to uncover the nightmarish mystery of what happened aboard the Ishimura. Trapped with hostile creatures called «necromorphs», Isaac faces a battle for survival, not only against the escalating terrors of the ship, but his own crumbling sanity.



User Score:



SEASON: A letter to the future



January 31, 2023

Immerse yourself in the world of Season, a third-person atmospheric adventure bicycle road trip game.
Leave home for the first time to collect memories before a mysterious cataclysm washes everything away. Explore, record, meet people, and unravel the strange world around you.



User Score:

8. 4


Persona 3 Portable



January 19, 2023

Terrible creatures lurk in the dark, preying on those who wander into the hidden hour between one day and the next. As a member of a secret school club, you must wield your inner power—Persona—and protect humanity from impending doom. Will you live to see the light of day?



User Score:



Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider



January 12, 2023

Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider is a side-scrolling action platformer that channels the golden age of classic 16-bit action games in a full-throttle quest for revenge. REVENGE OF THE MOONRIDER. In the oppressed world of Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider, humanity finds an unlikely hero. After building an army of super soldiers as weapons of war, the authoritarians unwittingly seal their own fates by bringing online the ninja warrior known as Moonrider. Conceived as a tool to preserve the totalitarian state, the Moonrider instead rejects its intended purpose and wages a relentless battle for vengeance against its creators and fellow super soldiers.


The design of Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider puts the best classic action-game elements in the laser-precise sights of its starring ninja, ensuring snappy, responsive combat that’s supremely challenging.

Powerful modifier chips are hidden and guarded throughout the adventure, allowing you to customize the Moonrider’s fighting style while gaining killer advantages and abilities.



User Score:

6. 8


One Piece Odyssey



January 12, 2023

Join this brand-new RPG featuring new character and monster designs produced by Eiichiro Oda, the author of ONE PIECE. The game is also complemented by the beautiful music of Motoi Sakuraba, a composer well known for his various contributions to video games such as the Dark Souls and Tales of series.
During their voyage, the Straw Hats, led by Monkey D. Luffy are swallowed by a huge storm at sea. They end up on a mysterious island full of nature amidst the storm and become separated from each other. The crew sets out on a new adventurous journey filled with wonders of a raging nature, powerful enemies, and strange encounters with island locals.
Work together with Luffy and his crew to set sail once again!



User Score:



Children of Silentown



January 11, 2023

Lucy is afraid of the forest, just like any other child: every night, the echoing roars rob her of her sleep. Not even her dreams are a safe place where she could play.
People disappearing is nothing uncommon in the village, but this time, Lucy is old enough to investigate on her own. Or so she thinks.
Children of Silentown is a point & click adventure game telling a mysterious and endearing story. Explore the town and its dangerous surroundings, meet its quirky inhabitants, solve puzzles and master minigames.
Accompany Lucy on her adventure to get to the bottom of what is haunting the strange Silentown… if you dare.



User Score:



Deliver Us Mars



February 2, 2023

Sequel to the award-winning Deliver Us The Moon, Deliver Us Mars is an atmospheric sci-fi adventure offering an immersive astronaut experience. Explore new frontiers on a suspense-fuelled, high-stakes mission to recover the ARK colony ships stolen by the mysterious Outward.



User Score:






January 24, 2023

Mahokenshi is a potent combination of deck building and hex-grid strategy combining the deep tactical play of card games, with the strategic turn-based thinking of board games. As a Mahokenshi — a Samurai Mage from one of the Celestial Isles’ four houses — you will need to protect the Kingdom against an encroaching corruption. Through strategy, positioning and tactics, utilise your card deck to explore the world, vanquish demons and banish the evil that plagues the land.

Brimming with challenge, Mahokenshi invites players to explore a vibrant world filled with quests, cards and formidable foes, to restore peace one hex at a time.



User Score:



SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake



January 31, 2023

Wish-granting Mermaid’s Tears in the hands of SpongeBob and Patrick… What could possibly go wrong? Sure, the very fabric holding the very universe very together could come very undone, opening up portals into Wishworlds full of knights, cowboys, pirates, and prehistoric snails. But that’s nothing everyone’s favorite sponge can’t handle — with the right cosmic costume! Everybody do the Cosmic Shake!
* Unlock classic and new platforming skills like the Fishhook Swing and Karate Kick
* Don more than 30 F. U.N.tastic costumes like SnailBob and SpongeGar
* Travel to 7 distinct Wishworlds like Wild West Jellyfish Fields and Halloween Rock Bottom
* Experience all the buddy movie banter with SpongeBob’s permanent companion Balloon-Patrick
* Meet all your favorite Bikini Bottomites from the series, voiced by their original actors
* Enjoy the in-game soundtrack featuring 101 songs from the series, including Sweet Victory



User Score:






January 24, 2023

Harness the almighty powers of god-like Warriors, Clerics, and Mages, with a unique style that mashes a Medieval-inspired setting, Fantastical items and abilities…and…EVEN POWERFUL ROBOTS! Master siege weapons and cataclysmic spells to control the battlefield and destroy the enemy’s core!



User Score:

8. 4


Lone Ruin



January 12, 2023

LONE RUIN is a spell-based roguelike twin-stick shooter with a focus on replayability. Play as an explorer who seeks a mysterious ancient power and venture in a ruined magical city, built atop a source of magic used by olden mages to power and transform themselves.
Dive deeper and deeper, battling your way through twisted creatures, utilising your very own magic abilities to ultimately reach the center of the Lone Ruin.



User Score:



Colossal Cave



January 19, 2023

Colossal Cave Reimagined by Roberta Williams, is an exciting new action-adventure game from the founders of Sierra On-Line, Ken and Roberta Williams.
Colossal Cave Reimagined by Roberta Williams is an exciting and thrilling adventure for a new generation to undertake. Immerse yourself in the world of Colossal Cave, explore its vast caverns and vistas, seek the diverse treasures within, and encounter both friends and foes in your quest to explore this mysterious and wonderful locale.



User Score:

3. 4

Titles with fewer than 7 critic reviews are excluded.

Coming Soon

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Highs and Lows

Highest of the Month

  1. 77


  2. 72


  3. 71


Lowest of the Month

  1. 71


  2. 72


  3. 77


The best indie games of 2022 on PC / Sudo Null IT News I will tell you about the best game of each month in my opinion.

I relied on both the number of reviews and the rating on Steam.

These are the best games, not because they are good for you and you will definitely like them, but because more people bought them and left a positive review. I was based on metrics, dry numbers)

January — Nobody Saves the World

Nobody Saves the World is an RPG adventure where you have to take control of a ranger, knight, horse and other creatures. The player controls several forms of the ward, and each character has its own skills and characteristics. As you complete quests, more forms are unlocked. At any time, you can switch between heroes and immediately use their skills.

Taking control of Nick reveals a magic wand that allows him to switch into different creatures to complete missions, fight in underground kingdoms and solve puzzles. Progress is only made as you complete quests, such as: «Clear the Maze», «Kill Poisonous Villains» or «Cheer Up Your Bunny Friend». You get new characters to manage and unlock abilities for them that level up over time. You can mix and match skills to get combinations and more powerful skills.

The gameplay features 15+ protagonist forms. Combining their abilities will help you complete difficult tasks and fight enemies. Gradually, access to more powerful abilities and forms opens up. The player is able to freely move around the vast world and descend into procedurally generated dungeons. In dungeons, the main character will face a worldwide disaster and will fight until the threat is eliminated.

The game made ~$1.6 million.

February — Diplomacy is Not an Option

In Diplomacy is Not an Option, the player becomes a feudal lord in the Middle Ages. The main character is going through a midlife crisis. Every day the protagonist comes up with hundreds of ways to improve his own economy, how to properly manage his subjects and competently develop the city. For a long time he lived like this. He was tired of the monotonous and meaningless intellectual tension.

New adventures in the life of the central character begin when hordes of monsters begin to attack the settlements, and the townspeople collectively rebelled. All these events brought new colors to life, and the schedule has completely changed. The state plunged into hard times, and the mind of the ruler led the kingdom to a crisis and constant riots. The protagonist has long lost his taste for life. When enemies besiege the castle, he enthusiastically accepts the news, takes on the role of commander in chief of the army and wins the battle.

After that, the feudal lord receives an important mission. Together with the selected people, the user goes to an uncharted continent with precious minerals and gold deposits. He will have to secure his position on other frontiers in order to get to the riches and again enrich his own country. The natives will not be happy with the guests and by all means will try to eliminate them and drive them away from their lands. The new land is inhabited by monsters and magicians who have spells in the necromancy industry.

The game made ~$1.7 million.

March — Iron Lung

Iron Lung is a walking simulator with horror elements in which you have to travel through the sea of ​​blood located on the lunar surface.
This is an abstract dystopia in which you get the role of an alien astronaut. You are the captain of a small submarine that plows the bloody seas. Your world is depleted, natural resources are running out, maybe this mysterious anomaly will give you a chance to be reborn? There will be no screamers, ghosts or demons. Fear is caused by an anxious state of uncertainty. You feel completely lost and alone.

As you travel from node to node on your map, you are left with only your imagination to theorize about what sounds are outside of your submarine and what just worked on your proximity sensors. Your submarine is also very small and wobbly. Hardly a reliable partner on this expedition. I hope you are not claustrophobic.

The main task for you will be to find out the cause of the bloody ocean and return home.

The game earned ~$540,000.

April — Dorfromantik

Dorfromantik is a relaxing strategy puzzle game in which you create a beautiful village landscape by placing tiles on the board. Explore a variety of colorful biomes, unlock new tiles, and complete quests to bring your world to life!

There are no battles, no competitive modes, no resource management in Dorfromantik. All that is required of us is to manage the opening hexagonal tiles as best as possible so that they form a harmonious landscape.

You start the game with a stack of procedurally generated tiles. One by one, you place the top tile in any of the available slots on the board, rotating them as needed for a better fit. In this way, groups and combinations of landscapes are formed, such as forests, villages or bodies of water, and you are rewarded with points depending on how well the tiles fit together.

It is impossible not to mention the soundtrack… In principle, it is even sold separately, which is now fashionable. Probably not the most necessary purchase in life. But if you need music for meditation, it is quite suitable. Calm, measured instrumental motifs with occasional mooing of cows in the background will allow you, even without starting the game, for a minute to feel like in a village, and not in a noisy city.
Who needs to pass the time without cruelty and malice, then this kind and beautifully drawn game is for you.

The game made ~$5.3 million.

May — Retrowave

Retrowave is a fast-paced racing game that takes you into a neon world and takes you into exciting, crazy competition.

You will take control of the cool cars of the nineties, which are capable of reaching unrealistic speed. The futuristic atmosphere is able to absorb you headlong and give you a great pastime.

First, choose a supercar for yourself, on which you will go to conquer the expanses of this endless world. Here are a dozen completely unique cars, each of which has its own advantages both inside and out.

As soon as the job is done, go to the expanses of five universes at once, each of which has prepared for you quite a few trials and all sorts of surprises. Moreover, the gameplay is endowed with four modes in each of which you will definitely be able to find something interesting for yourself. It is also worth noting the presence of musical accompaniment, which successfully complements the already crazy retro world. Pay attention to the development of your skills, because the further you make your way, the more difficult it will be to cope with the mission.

The game earned ~$630,000.

June 20 Minutes Till Dawn

20 Minutes Till Dawn is a minimal top-down action roguelike set in a dark fantasy setting. In the game, you have to fight against countless monsters that came out from the pen of Howard Lovecraft. As you progress through randomly generated dungeons, you’ll have to choose from a variety of skills to create the perfect build to take down hordes of enemies.

The main task is to survive 20 minutes under the ever-growing onslaught of advancing monsters. You can also choose one of several characters that differ in characteristics and combat features. Shoot back from the constantly advancing crowd of Lovecraft’s monsters. Unlock new characters with unique abilities, new weapons, and choose from a variety of upgrades to make your unique warrior survive the night.

The game made ~$1.7 million.

July — Stray

Stray is an exciting third-person cyberpunk adventure. In the center of the plot is a lost lonely cat who has to find his way home and get out of the city inhabited by robots. You have to look at the world through the eyes of a fluffy animal, wandering over the rooftops and defending yourself from aggressive creatures. At some point, the cat will make friends with a small flying drone B12, which will help in difficult times.

The game is divided into two sections, and constantly alternates between them.

The first is the most global. Each of the 3 cities and one mini-community is a hub location. They are quite impressive in size, and you can explore them up and down. Additional quests
are also present in them, but in a metered amount, which, in fact, pleases.

The second is sorties. There is not much variety here, these are completely linear zones where we solve elementary spatial puzzles, run from enemies or, less often, fight with them. These locations are the gloomiest and darkest, which creates a strong contrast after the bright neon cities.

I note that there is no challenge or challenge to the player in the game. And you can only lose here if you really relax. I would say if there wasn’t a stealth stage towards the end of the game. It’s drawn out, boring, and just plain annoying. We try not to fall under the rays of flying camera droids by standing behind various objects or hiding in the bushes. Compared to dynamic chases, unexpected stealth is a little out of rhythm, and it is doubly unpleasant when the story starts to gain momentum, moving towards the denouement. But from global The shortcomings are all I can point out.

It is clear that the game is not perfect, but it is also not designed for a very pretentious audience
. On the surface, Stray looks like a classic platform game, but in fact it is an adventure quest, and the game itself does not even have a classic guided jump. Instead, we have contextual animations. You point the camera at the desired object and the jump button lights up.

I would say that this creates an immersive experience, because it would be very difficult to balance manually on some narrow surfaces, and the cat obviously should not have problems with this. Controls in Stray are, in fact, a separate song. It is incredibly responsive and intuitive, and controlling the cat is a pleasure. There are no blunts when the cat suddenly went the other way or jumped in the wrong direction.

The tasks in the game are of the same type, and their interest is seasoned with sticky conversations with robots. Here are the classic puzzles because of which, in fact, the genre of quests died at the time. I mean, a million sub-quests to get the main quest item, conditionally. There is enough of this here, and this is even in the main plot, not only in side effects. If you’re as curious as I am and explore the locations carefully, you’ll be able to get all the necessary items to complete tasks even before the game itself asks for it. And this spirit of exploration is actually very inspiring. You really feel like a real cat that will climb into every hole for the sake of some simple trinket. And the game will even react to this with unique dialogues if you have prepared in advance.

Stray has no markers, quest log, or map. The interface is as simple and limited as possible, showing only interactive buttons. Well, the companion robot also serves as an inventory and a reminder of the main goal. Quite a convenient combination that does not spoil the dive. A fairly rich and well-developed lore of the world of robots helps immersion here. Why, even their languages ​​were written consciously. Players have already managed to make an alphabet to translate the original language of androids.

In conclusion, I would like to tell you why Stray sinks into the soul so much. Even if you are not a cat person, the story of a cat lost in a strange world and the robot accompanying him manages to touch the strings of the soul, especially when we learn more about his past. And a different look at the philosophy of the soul and the lore of the game as a whole is very exciting to piece together. After all, what if not a robot that thinks about whether it will remain itself if it replaces all its body parts, it gives food for thought.

The game made ~$56 million.

August — The Mortuary Assistant

The Mortuary Assistant is a mortuary worker simulator from DarkStone Digital.

The gloomy atmosphere of the game immerses in the activities of a mortuary employee doing routine work. The protagonist arrives at the presented position in River Fields in order to study and gain work experience. The mentor is a man named Morttik, who helps to understand the intricacies of everyday tasks and talks about the correct embalming of corpses, as well as about the care and quality treatment of the bodies of dead people.

While doing chores in The Mortuary Assistant, the player learns stories of paranormal cases related to the deceased. It is necessary to understand the rumors of restless citizens, starting to encounter strange phenomena. One day, Mortik gets in touch, reporting the veracity of the horrors that are happening. New bodies arrive at the morgue, which the protagonist will have to observe, understanding the manifestations of demonic forces. The player will examine the dead, analyzing and recording their own observations in a notebook. The game combines the genres of horror and simulation, where you need to take corpses and sort them out. Taking the deceased for research, gamers will carefully observe the reactions to the experiments that the character decides to carry out. Defiled organisms contain otherworldly entities that want to break free and subjugate physiological carriers.

The game made ~$1.5 million.

September — Session: Skate Sim

A game made by skaters for skaters to skate in a skate game… Too much of the word skate… In general: Skate Sim was made to give you the opportunity to feel like real skateboarders and plunge into their culture: no judgement, just you, the sport and your limitless imagination! There is no need for judges to tell you how awesome you did a noseslide or variable heelflip. And so that you can ride through the iconic skateboarding places and prove yourself, the developers have added some of them directly to the game: Black Hubbas and Brooklyn Banks (New York), FDR Park (Philadelphia) — and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The dual stick controls make the sticks feel like your feet. Learn to control them and move your weight like on a real skateboard. And to help you with this realistic and smooth physics, designed for maximum immersion. For a novice skateboarder, the first hours, just like in real life, may seem difficult, but once you master the technique, you will not be able to contain the excitement of your first kickflip! Session: Skate Sim also gives you the option to fully customize the game so nothing can ruin your enjoyment. Detailed training will allow you to stand on the board, and four difficulty levels will help you choose a comfortable passage.

The game made ~$6.6 million.

October — Vampire Survivors

Survival in the Vampire Survivors universe is based on minimalist gameplay where you have to move around the map and collect as much gold as possible. The main task for the protagonist is to advance through the levels that generate in the roguelight style. You need to try to survive the night, fighting off monsters and higher undead. Vampires will hunt for the protagonist, not giving him the opportunity to rest on a halt or come up with a future plan of action.

Wampire Survivors players have to dodge enemies while moving around the battlefield. The map is made in an isometric form, where it will be possible to observe and control the character from a top view, examining the immediate environment. The main character becomes a girl with some light magic, which will allow her to cope longer against the insidious and aggressive bloodsuckers. You need to carefully monitor the situation on the map in order to respond to enemies in time.

The game made ~$16 million.

November — The Past Within

The Past Within is a past-interaction adventure to unravel mysterious incidents and murders. The main character will visit different time and space points, and there will also be an observer of everything from several points of view.

The player will have to cooperate and continue the legacy of Albert Vanderboom. In cooperative mode, both participants will interact with each other and provide the information obtained. Together with a partner, you will have to travel through the past and the future, encountering unusual events and unraveling the necessary secrets. Users will need to communicate what they see around them, helping an ally. Gamers navigate through several worlds with different designs and challenging puzzles.

The study of temporary places will take place from different points of view. Before you start playing, understand that you cannot play the game alone, and you need to solve the puzzles surrounding Albert Wonderboom with a friend. One must travel to the future and the other to the past.

The advantage is that this is a cross-platform game, so everyone can play on different devices (PC, Mac, iOS, Android or Nintendo Switch).

The adventure consists of two chapters, approximately two hours long. The developers recommend playing from both perspectives (past and future) to fully enjoy the game. What’s more, when the game is over, there is an option to start over with different solutions for all puzzles.

The game earned ~$820,000.

December — Dwarf Fortress

Dwarf Fortress is a strategy game with complex open world simulation. You control a race of dwarves whose goal is to build their own fortress. To collect resources, you need to go explore a huge openworld. Territories are randomly generated and contain many dangers. Don’t let your civilization fall into decay!

Mechanics are represented by combat skills, physical properties of materials, pain, nausea, various poisoning effects, etc. In the world of Dwarf Fortress, all elements are procedurally generated, including the dancing of the dwarves and the appearance of the monsters. The dynamic weather system tracks wind, humidity and air masses such as clouds, storms and snowstorms. The game includes about 200 different resources and materials. Each of them are located in special geological zones. You have to issue commands to the dwarves so that they explore the lands for minerals or valuable materials. Replenish your warehouse with beer and ale. Create weapons to fight off the invasion of the dead.

Two game modes are available: Fortress and Adventurer. In the first one, you need to build your own fortress, creating furniture, weapons, improving buildings, etc. In the second mode, you have to choose a race: gnomes, humans, elves, goblins or animals to go on an adventure through uncharted lands. Here you have to stumble upon bandit camps, earn a reputation as a hero, soldier, thug, musician, explore territories with the help of footprints and footprints, steal treasures from a mummy’s rest or a necromancer’s tower, and also get to know numerous characters.

The game made ~$9.1 million.


I also created a Telegram channel where I share information about new products and their earnings. I also interview indie developers who haven’t released their game yet.

The most anticipated games of 2022

Let’s be honest: 2021 could be much better in terms of gaming. Numerous transfers, raw games and other problems left a residue for gamers, and rare luck only emphasized the general sad background. Fortunately, 2022 promises to be more interesting: many delayed titles should be released in it, so, apparently, there will be no end to new products. Cybersport.ru offers a look at two dozen games that should be released in 2022. Unless, of course, another wave of transfers happens (fingers crossed).

Dying Light 2 — February 4

A sequel born in pain. Dying Light 2 also had numerous postponements of the release date, and a change of screenwriters, and the studio was accused of both toxicity and immersing development in production hell. Nevertheless, the release is getting closer, and Techland is much more willing than before to share information about the zombie action. It is known that firearms will play a much smaller role than in the original, and decisions in quests will affect the entire plot.

Sifu — February 8,

Kung Fu action about achieving mastery in martial arts. Players will fight in many different battles, and the hero will age with each defeat, becoming stronger, but at the risk of dying of old age. In the story, a young student of kung fu goes to take revenge on the killers of his family, single-handedly cracking down on a large number of enemies. When creating, the authors were inspired by films with Jackie Chan, and the martial arts master responsible for the accuracy of displaying battles on the screen acted as a consultant.

Horizon Forbidden West — February 18

Another sequel exclusive to Sony consoles. Players will again find themselves in a post-apocalyptic world inhabited by mechanical creatures. Aloy this time will go to the western part of the former America, where he will face new opponents, and also get a lot of gadgets and weapons that have not previously appeared in the game. Gamers can look forward to improved crafting, an overhauled combat system, augmented stealth, and a host of other changes, from expanding the value of melee combat to the ability to command unique robots.

Elden Ring — February 25,

Dark Souls clone from the authors of Dark Souls. The key innovation is the open world, which greatly changes the previously established rules: players will have more freedom in choosing a way to pass, and the arsenal of mechanics will expand by introducing jumps, stealth and mounts. An overview of the closed beta by Vladislav Machinae Zhivotnev can help give you a first impression of the game.

Elex II — March 1st

RPG sequel from Piranha Bytes, makers of Gothic and Risen. You will play again for Jax, the hero of the first part, who this time will have to rally the factions of the planet Magalan in the face of an alien invasion, as well as raise his son. Classic studio gameplay is expected with non-linear narrative and multiple sides of the conflict. At the same time, it is emphasized that the actions of the player and their consequences will greatly affect the plot.

Gran Turismo March 7 — 4

The return of one of the best driving simulators almost ten years after the previous licensed part. The developers promise an extensive fleet of vehicles, the most detailed customization in the history of the series, many modes, including a career, and full support for all PS5 features (the PS4 version will remain without them, but players will receive a well-optimized title for previous generation consoles). However, even before the release, dissatisfied people appeared due to restrictions: most of the modes will only be available with an online connection.

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands — March 25

A spin-off of the Borderlands series that offers fantasy instead of sci-fi. Armed with a variety of magic and melee weapons (which will be no less than the trunks in Borderlands 3), players will break through castles and other locations typical of the genre. The title is inspired by the Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep add-on, but will offer a lot of innovations. The developers emphasize that old fans will feel at home, and newcomers will be able to find something interesting for themselves.

Marvel’s Midnight Suns — March

Superhero tactical RPG from the creators of XCOM. The main character will be the Hunter, which you can create yourself, but among the party members you should expect more famous characters like the X-Men, Iron Man and Blade. The new combat system is built around maps, but the developers claim that the game has not become less deep because of this. At the same time, the gameplay is made in such a way that everyone can feel like a real hero: unlike XCOM, here you are not afraid of enemies, but enemies are you.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chernobyl — April 28

One of the most anticipated games of the year, at least in the post-Soviet space. The second part will again throw stalkers in the vicinity of Pripyat. The plot details are kept secret by the developers, but they promise an incredible level of graphics, improved artificial intelligence and a refined life simulation system. In addition, survival mechanics will be improved, and missions can be completed in several ways, including relying on stealth. After the release, multiplayer will also appear.

Starfield — November 11

Bethesda’s first new series in 25 years. Todd Howard emphasizes that the studio has been moving towards Starfield almost since the mid-1990s, but only now has at its disposal sufficient technology to implement all the ideas. The developers have been slow to provide information about the title, showing mostly cinematics instead of gameplay, but Howard assured that the game will feel like Skyrim in space, and stressed that an entirely new engine has been created for Starfield. We will find out what will come of this in November 2022.

Bayonetta 3 — TBA

Announced in 2017, the game is finally not just «well developed», but really close to release. A war witch triquel from Hideki Kamiya, creator of Devil May Cry and Astral Chain, will send Bayonetta to fight new foes in Tokyo. Among the innovations will appear, for example, the ability to control demons. Bayonetta 3 is billed as the culmination of the series, and the developers promise that all fans will be happy with it.

Ghostwire: Tokyo — TBA

New game from the studio Shinji Mikami, creator of Resident Evil and The Evil Within. Players will find themselves in an alternative Tokyo filled with various monsters and ghosts, mostly borrowed from Japanese folklore. The developers note that the novelty will be primarily an action game and will move away from purebred horror: the hero here is much stronger than a typical representative of the genre and will be able to use many ways to get rid of evil spirits. Ghostwire: Tokyo will be a temporary console exclusive — look forward to playing on PS5 and PC.

God of War Ragnarok — TBA

The continuation of the northern odyssey of Kratos and Atreus, which began in 2018. The developers promise nine worlds, many new mechanics and more vertical gameplay. At the same time, the story will become more personal for the characters, and the ending will surprise the fans. Despite the imminent release, not much is still known about the game, and the release date has not been specified — presumably, players will be able to complete the northern saga in May. For now, exclusively on PlayStation consoles.

Gotham Knights — TBA

Another title based on superhero comics. This time, the studio that gave the world the prequel Batman: Arkham Origins is responsible for the development of the action. As with Suicide Squad, Gotham Knights will offer co-op action with the ability to play alone. Batman, who died before the events of the game, will be replaced here by the Bat-family: Robin, Nightwing, Batgirl and Red Hood. True, you can only play for two of the four at the same time, but each of the characters will have their own set of abilities and techniques. You have to fight not only with the old villains, but also with the Court of Owls, which debuted in comics not so long ago. Separately, it is worth noting the pumping, which will affect the gameplay: the developers emphasized that the same boss with a difference of five levels will feel very different.

Hogwarts Legacy — TBA

Single-player RPG set long before the events of the Harry Potter saga. It is known that this will be a big-budget title, the action of which will unfold in and around Hogwarts, and the players will have to control a student of the magical academy. You can create a hero yourself. The developers promise a detailed recreation of the environment and the opportunity to explore the huge educational complex in every detail.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 — TBA

The sequel to Breath of the Wild, which received positive reviews from critics and gamers around the world. The almost five-year wait for players will end in 2022, but fans still don’t even know the exact name of the title. In the sequel, Link will get new runes and abilities like using a flamethrower, and time management will take an important place in the gameplay: in the trailers, music is heard playing in reverse, plus Link is able to deflect arrows, sending them back in time. Nothing is known about the plot of the game. Presumably, the details will be revealed closer to the release.

Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope — TBA

The sequel to Ubisoft’s highly unexpected tactical spin-off about rabbits and the heroes of the Mario franchise. To make the plot even more crazy, this time they have to go into space. More moves and tactics are expected, as well as an increase in madness and rabbits — at least Rosalina the rabbit managed to light up in the trailer. Considering how successful the original Mario + Rabbids was in its time, there is no doubt in the sequel.

Monark — TBA

New role-playing game from the creators of Shin Megami Tensei. The plot tells about the Mikado Academy, which was cut off from the rest of the world. Players will have to move between the real and other worlds, fighting demons, subjugating their will and protecting friends from outside influences. The key mechanic will be the Ego system, based on the seven deadly sins, which will affect the gameplay. In addition, the game will have psychological tests, the answers to which form the character of the hero.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake — TBA

A remake of the classic 2003 reboot of Prince of Persia. Initially, the release was scheduled for January 2021, but it was postponed to March, and then completely postponed for a year. The remake is known to feature difficulty levels, improved camera controls, multiple graphics tweaks, and new hero moves like ground dodges. The first showing of the remake was met with hostility, and since then the developers have remained silent, occasionally reminding that the project is not dead. I would like to believe that the extra year was well spent.

Redfall — TBA

The next game from the Arkane studio, the authors of Dishonored and Deathloop. Unlike previous works, the novelty will be a session cooperative shooter in which four players will have to fight vampires. At the same time, the title is announced as the successor to the studio’s previous games and will offer more thoughtful gameplay compared to most of its counterparts.