Destiny 2 glimmer ausgeben: Destiny 2: Glimmer farmen – so funktioniert es

Destiny 2 : Glimmer richtig Verwenden / Ausgeben

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Die besten Wege, um Glimmer zu farmen

Victoria Scholz,

3 min Lesezeit

Mit Glimmer kauft ihr euch in Destiny 2 verschiedene Mods für eure Waffen. Die Währung kann euch bei den Händlern aber noch viel mehr Gegenstände und Vorteile im Kampf gegen die Kabale liefern. Wie ihr Glimmer farmen, aber auch ausgeben könnt, verraten wir euch in diesem kurzen Guide.

Gemeinsam mit Glanz-Engrammen und Glanzstaub gehört der Glimmer zu den Währungen in Destiny 2. Zudem erhaltet ihr mit den glitzernden Eiswürfeln auch einen Sparrow bei Amanda Holliday, sobald ihr die Kampagne durchgespielt habt. Wie ihr seht, hat Glimmer in Destiny 2 verschiedene Einsatzmöglichkeiten. Braucht ihr noch ein bisschen von der glitzernden Währung? Dann lest weiter …oder schaut euch alternativ an, wie wir ein heroisches Event durchrocken. Extra-Tipp: So erhaltet ihr auch schnell und einfach Glimmer.

Destiny 2: GIGA, Gamona und STI spielen ein heroisches Event!

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Wie kann ich Glimmer richtig ausgeben bzw.


Habt ihr in Destiny 2 schon ein bisschen Glimmer angesammelt, gibt es verschiedene Möglichkeiten, die Glitzersteinchen wieder loszuwerden. Übrigens könnt ihr bis zur Obergrenze von 100.000 Glimmer sammeln — im Gegensatz zu den 25.000, die wir im ersten Teil farmen durften.

Hüter zum Ausmalen! Jetzt das offizielle Destiny-Malbuch bestellen!

Der beste Weg, um in Destiny 2 Glimmer wieder ausgeben zu können, ist es, zu dem Waffenmeister Banshee-44 zu gehen. Ihr findet in im Turm. Kauft bei ihm Mods. Habt ihr nicht so viel Glimmer parat, reichen lediglich blaue, also seltene Mods aus.

  • Ihr könnt drei blaue Mods in eine lila Modifikationen umwandeln.
  • Das könnt ihr aber erst, wenn ihr Power-Level 280 erreicht habt — was euch einfach fallen sollte, wenn ihr unseren Guide zum Thema Power-Level 300 schnell erreichen gelesen habt.
  • Habt ihr die Teile umgewandelt, erhaltet ihr zum Schluss sogar ein legendäres Bruchstück. Was für ein Zufall! Auch hier haben wir einen passenden Guide für euch, wie ihr diese legendären Bruchstücke noch einfacher farmt.

Banshee befindet sich im Turm und wartet nur darauf, euch tolle Mods zu verkaufen.

Neben Banshee solltet ihr euch nach Ende der Kampagne auch Amanda Hollidays Angebot ansehen. Sie verkauft euch Sparrows im Gegenzug für Glimmer. Zudem hilft euch Glimmer am Anfang, um euch Rüstungen und Waffen zu besorgen, die ihr zu Beginn benötigt. Für Glimmer erhaltet ihr außerdem Schatzkarten von Cayde-6. Diese Items zeigen euch, wo ihr tolle Beute in verschiedenen Regionen finden könnt.

Glimmer schnell und einfach in Destiny 2 verdienen

Die einfachste Methode, wie ihr schnell Glimmer erhaltet, ist das Besiegen von Gegnern. Für jeden Kill erhaltet ihr nämlich die glitzernden Würfel. Ihr bekommt jedoch noch mehr, wenn es sich um Feinde handelt, die gelbe oder orangene Gesundheitsbalken besitzen. Diese findet ihr vor allem in den Verlorenen Sektoren, weshalb wir euch diese Dungeons besonders ans Herz legen. Diese Höhlen sind noch einfacher für euch, wenn ihr exotische Rüstungen anhabt:

Zerlegt zudem Ausrüstungsteile bzw. Waffen, die ihr nicht benötigt. Schließt Events und Aktivitäten ab. Und sucht vor allem nach Truhen und goldenen Truhen. Besonders letzteres findet ihr ausschließlich in der freien Spielwelt. Benutzt Schatzkarten, um sie zu finden. Wollt ihr wissen, wie man Glimmer richtig verwendet? Der YouTuber Venero TV zeigt es euch im Video:

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Watch for free Glow of Fireflies 2: Hotaru no Hikari 2 online in Russian or with subtitles

miss butterfly

It’s a pity that their wedding itself was not shown, I was already hoping that Seno would come there and stop her, though, okay. Hotaru will still remain a roach woman forever… She will be a sweet old woman in sweatpants And it’s good that the role of Seno went to Mukai Osamu, he’s gorgeous

Irvin Smith

My wife and I didn’t want to watch the second part, but there was nothing to do and…

Worse than the first season. Although, it is always like this: it is more interesting to watch how the characters do not yet confess their feelings to each other. When they confessed, the scriptwriters begin a creative «half past six» with all the components: marking the plot in place, sucking problems out of their fingers, and so on.

The second part was filmed 3 years after the first. And the main characters are old. I still can’t make them up, but you still see — the facial features have changed, the years have taken their toll, although it would seem that there are not so many of them. Already against this background, all these children’s pandemoniums look completely unconvincing. The main character is still very nice and tries to do it «as before», but even a fool understands that her character has outgrown all this. Therefore, her discouraging frivolity in matters of the heart is already beginning to annoy. Well, a person cannot be so stupid, even if he is a roach woman. nine0004

The boss also lost ground. He was prescribed more suffering with nonsense, charisma was cut here and there.

In general: the main story is still not bad, the writers keep their mark as best they can, but they can’t cope with the main problem — the characters confessed their feelings to each other and absolutely nothing has changed from this. As a result, their relationship looks unnatural, which kills the desire to empathize. Although it is worth noting that towards the end, the scriptwriters took up their heads and began to display the worldview of the characters closer to their age, but this was the place to start. nine0004

Apologizing for this blunder, the writers got very hard on the secondary characters arc — «love specialist» and «boss’s best friend» (they are the only secondary characters from the first part). And I must say — it is their relationship that pulls the whole series. The most excellent acting (by the standards of Japanese cinema, yes) and worthy of playing with the everyday problems and feelings of two adults is a true gem of this drama. Against the background of the circus with horses that is happening and the main characters, they really cause empathy, it is interesting to watch them. Too bad the drama isn’t about them. nine0004

The rest of the characters have become completely background, their role is insignificant, even in comparison with the first part. Now it doesn’t feel at all that Hotaru has a team at work. Yes, there will be a jerk who falls in love with Hotaru and confesses his feelings to her five times (which is pretty annoying at the end) and another girl who falls in love with this guy, but she’s completely for show — the scriptwriters frankly scored on her.

Bottom line: you can watch, but not necessarily. It is better to stop at the first part and think of a happy ending yourself. The series does not give that charm and comfort, the main characters have nothing to offer. You can watch for the sake of the story of two minor characters who sink into the soul much more strongly than all the others put together. nine0004

P.S. Translation and voice acting are still something disgusting and annoying. On the one hand, PROMT has become smaller, on the other hand, the translation in places is absolutely impossible to hear. Guys-translators, if I knew where you live — I would bring a dog — let it shit under your door.

…Lipa Li…

The drama is Japanese-style, with its own humor, low-key characters, and (okay, I agree) its morals. I like that two seasons and the film are filmed in the same format. There are many funny moments both in the behavior of the characters and in the replicas. Seasons really look in one fell swoop, even though there seems to be nothing enchanting. Wonderful actors, good acting, everything is conducive to a pleasant viewing. nine0002 Everyone measures love by their own standards, and marriage can also be blurred… there is a marriage of love, by agreement, by coercion, by calculation, and in this drama, by convenience.
These comfortable relationships upset me for some reason.
Hotaru is a young girl with a character incomprehensible to me, similar to a switch between two positions: office work / laziness. She can be attributed to a woman who burns at work, but she is not a careerist and not ambitious. And of course, spending so much energy in the office, he rests at home, turning himself and his home into a dump and unkempt mess. It could be assumed that she did not find herself, but the writers dismissed all «maybe ..». The girl, throughout the series, tried to make herself a housewife, an attractive girl in love, a caring wife … and all past. Even love, which should move mountains, did not arouse great enthusiasm in her. Laziness and beer enslaved Amemiya outside of work, which did not allow her to turn on the feeling of jealousy for her beloved because of her rivals. And here he is, our prince — a manager who has his own cockroaches, but accepts the heroine for who she is, sometimes grumbling at Hotaru, but easily coexisting in her «world». Of course, it’s easy to fall in love with such a handsome man, especially if you don’t have to strain a lot in a relationship — is convenient! .
Takano Seichi, Chief — A handsome 40-year-old man spoiled (according to his words) by the attention of women. Survivor of a nasty divorce, obsessed with order, cleanliness, a planned life and the goal that everything should be done 100%, but having a restrained, not emotional character. I think the uninvited neighbor appeared in his life at the right time and this allowed him to easily accept her chaotic life and fill his void after the divorce. And most importantly, the heroine did not encroach on Takano’s personal space, not demanding anything, and I was content with the little that he could give in a romantic relationship, that is, a relationship without unnecessary strain. Why not fall in love — convenient! nine0002 The heroes approached each other like pieces of a puzzle, What she doesn’t like to do, he loves and it suits both, probably you can’t find a more harmonious couple, but still I feel sad for the heroine. Seichi is an experienced man who survived falling in love and everything connected with it, but Hotaru missed it all. Of course, strong emotions also strain her, but if there were more tenderness in their lives .. one kiss for a five-year-old is too much and the reference to different upbringing of generations does not justify the boss’s egoism towards Amemiya in this regard. nine0004 Bagera

I can only say CUTE … but in general, so-so .. True, the actors played well and the plot dragged me on .. But without normal kisses, it’s completely boring and tedious … After watching two seasons, I can say that YES not one of my favorites, but for the first time it will go, you can relax a little. although I skipped many episodes and watched in fragments . . but THEIR relationship is so hilarious that at times I just fell from laughter … So in general, for the first time you can .. my score is 5 out of 10


1 day (January 2, 2021)

05:45 Kokuy

06:00 Departure from Ivanovo to Moscow (≈ 300 km, approximately 5 hours)

Arrival in Moscow

Pedestrian tour

9000 9000 (in the program: in the program: in the program: Red Square, Alexander Garden, GUM, Nikolskaya street, Zaryadye park)

Moscow is good at any time. And during the New Year holidays, it is especially beautiful! A tour of the historical center of Moscow will give you a firework display of vivid emotions and unforgettable impressions.

During the program, you will get to know the historical center of the ancient city in stunning winter scenery. The New Year’s route leads us to the two main attractions of the capital — Red Square and the Kremlin, which exist inseparably, like twins of one mother, Moscow. The pre-holiday Red Square will take you to a fairy tale, where thousands of lights shine, the surface of a huge skating rink sparkles and sparkles like a frozen lake, and near a smartly decorated Christmas tree you can meet Father Frost with his constant companion Snegurochka. nine0004

The New Year’s fair is buzzing and buzzing on the square next to GUM, which seems to be not a store at all, but a real magical land with luxurious shop windows, pretty Christmas trees and interesting exhibitions.

The final point of the route will be Zaryadye Park — a real miracle of engineering and a masterpiece of landscape design. It is from here that beautiful views of the main sights of the capital open — churches, monasteries and the Moscow River. And from the floating bridge, you will admire the panoramic view of the Kremlin. nine0004

Get your cameras out — this moment is a must-have!

Please note!

A tour of Red Square is held if access to it is open!

Complex lunch in the cafe of the city

Accommodation at Delta Izmailovo Hotel 4*


It is possible to install an extra bed in the room (Euro folding bed) — only for children under 14 years old (13.99)!

1-bed accommodation (optional on request) — 2,000 rubles.

Evening bus tour of the city «New Year walks around Moscow»

(Approximately 18.30 to 22.30 / including free time on Poklonnaya Hill)

New Year holidays are an amazing time. This is a time of joyful impressions, warm hugs and faith in the fulfillment of the most cherished desires. So you want to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of your favorite holiday! The elegant decoration of the capital every year strikes with its colorfulness, originality and incredible beauty. We invite you to the most long-awaited tour of the evening New Year’s Moscow! nine0004

During the tour you will see the main sights of the city, transformed by a myriad of lights, modern Christmas trees and light tunnels, incredible ice sculptures and illumination of the central squares. The route will pass through the most spectacular places!

The guide will tell you not only the history of the eternal city, but also tell about the traditions of celebrating the New Year.

Indicative route of the evening tour and objects of display


The itinerary may change due to street closures and the tour does not include a visit to Red Square!

Square of Three Stations, Myasnitskaya Street, Lubyanskaya Square (one of the most beautiful firs in Moscow and the Central Children’s Store), Kitaygorodskaya Wall, Moskvoretskaya and Kremlin embankments (Zaryadye Park, the Kremlin, Cathedral of Christ the Savior and Patriarchal Bridge), Sparrow Hills ( observation deck, Moscow State University), Mosfilmovskaya Street (Mosfilm, «embassy town»), Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill. nine0004

Group output: on the Vorobyovy Gory observation deck and in Victory Park on Poklonnaya Gora

Free time on Poklonnaya Gora

(Tinderently 1 hour)

9000 The festive highlight of the evening may be a visit to you. ice sculpture exhibitions!

The Ice Moscow festival is a real holiday not only for children, but also for adults. In addition to slides and children’s entertainment, there is something for a visitor of any age to admire:

  • firstly, it is worth noting the greatness of the giant ice cubes, which were made by the best masters from around the world
  • secondly, «Ice Moscow» is also an educational project — here you can learn a lot of new and interesting facts about the history of the countries of the world and ancient civilizations
  • in addition, visiting the festival is a great way to please a child with a journey into a fairy tale

Please note! nine0046

Entrance tickets to the exhibition are not included in the price and are purchased by the tourist on their own at the box office

Ticket price in 2020: adults — 350 rubles, children (under 14 years old) and pensioners — 250 rubles.

Exhibition opened until 22:30

Return to the hotel by bus

2 day (January 3, 2021)

Breakfast in the hotel (“Swedish table”)

9000 rooms

Departure from a hotel with things (approximately at 9.30)

Moving from Moscow to Klin (≈ 90 km, approximately 2 hours)

Touring on the New Year’s Klin

9000 events and legends that they would be enough for a whole volume of the encyclopedia. During our tour, you will have to marvel more than once at the intricacies of the fate of the inhabitants and the stories about their heroism and hard lot. You will see the original merchant buildings of Klin, old mansions, cozy streets and lanes, merchant shops that still look very attractive, old shopping malls, the Church of the Resurrection and the Assumption, the Trinity Cathedral, the post office, an impressive fire tower and much more. nine0004

We are sure that the New Year’s Wedge will leave you with the most positive memories!

Complex lunch in the Klinsky Compound Cafe

Theatrical tour «New Year’s Surprise» in the only museum «Klinsky Compound» and a master class on the painting of the Christmas Toy

(duration: Duration 1.5 hours)

The Klin Christmas tree ornaments factory is not quite a factory. This is a museum, this is a theater, this is a journey to … For adults — to the world of childhood, when they congratulated the New Year with postcards (there is a whole collection of them here!), Not beautiful shiny balls were hung on the Christmas tree, but cardboard cockerels and figurines on special clothespins … Well and for children it is a journey to a magical land, where it is always New Year, where kind Santa Claus grants wishes, and smiling craftswomen create a miracle before their eyes — weightless Christmas decorations . ..

Fairy-tale characters will go on an amazing magical journey together with inquisitive guests, talk about how Christmas decorations are made, hold fun contests, sing and dance, and at the end of the tour, guests will see a light show in the Main Hall!

In the program:

  • A visit to the 12 halls of the museum, each of which is stylized according to the era of the creation of toys.

  • A visit to a real glass blowing shop. Experienced craftsmen will create Christmas decorations — balls, hearts, bells from an ordinary glass blank before your eyes. nine0004

  • A visit to the painting shop, where Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden “come to life”, the roofs of fabulous houses are covered with silver frost, and multi-colored colors flash on the balls.

  • Master class on painting your own New Year’s miracle. Everyone will be able to paint with gouache on their own and take away their toy as a memento of visiting the amazing museum, which will decorate your family Christmas tree!

Free time to buy branded Christmas decorations and souvenirs


  • Evening city tour «New Year is walking around Moscow»
  • Excursion around New Year’s Klin
  • Excursion to the only museum in Russia «Klinskoye Compound» and a master class on painting a New Year’s toy
  • Included in the price:

    • Transport service (travel by bus and travel insurance)
    • Tour guide and escort services
    • Tour program (excursions + entrance tickets)
    • Meals according to the program (1 buffet breakfast, 2 set lunches)
    • Accommodation at the Delta Hotel 4* (2-bed standard rooms with private facilities)


    • Personal expenses, souvenirs
    • Dinner and snacks
    • single accommodation (optional upon request) — 2,000 rubles.


    • The make and number of the bus will be announced additionally
    • The company reserves the right to change the order of excursions
    • The Company reserves the right to replace the Hotel with an equivalent
    • Extra bed in the room is a Euro folding bed. It is set only for children under 14 years old (13.99). Room size 21 m²
    • It is forbidden to board the bus for tourists in a state of intoxication
    • Passport and birth certificate required for travel (for children)
    • Tel.0046


      Metro stations: Izmailovo, Partizanskaya

      Cozy one-room suite (room area 21 m²), consisting of a small entrance hall and a bedroom. The room has comfortable modern furniture, 2 beds (90 * 200) / or 1 large double bed, as well as an organized workspace with a desk.