Dark souls beste rüstung: Schwere Rüstungen — Guides & Spieletipps zu Dark Souls

2023 — Die 12 besten Rüstungssets in Dark Souls | Bildschirm Rant

Obwohl einige Seelen Veteranen laufen gerne in Fetzen herum, während sie riesige Keulen schwingen, Rüstungen sind für die meisten Spieler unerlässlich, um voranzukommen Dunkle Seelen. Mit Dutzenden von Sets zur Auswahl ist die im Spiel angebotene Rüstung so vielfältig wie vielseitig. Einige sind unverschämt sperrig, aber unglaublich robust, andere ermöglichen eine verbesserte Beweglichkeit, bieten aber weniger Verteidigungsvorteile, und andere verleihen spezielle Buffs, wenn sie ausgerüstet sind.

VERBINDUNG: 10 einzigartigste Souls-Likes, die dem Genre trotzen

Auch Mode, so kontraintuitiv es klingen mag, spielt für viele eine Rolle Dunkle Seelen Spieler und mit einigen Fan-Favoriten-Sets, die möglicherweise zurückkehren werden Eldenringist es an der Zeit, die besten Rüstungssets, die das ursprüngliche Dark Souls zu bieten hatte, erneut zu untersuchen.

Aktualisiert am 25. Februar 2022 von Tanner Fox: TDie Veröffentlichung des heiß erwarteten Elden Ring von From Software steht vor der Tür, und Rüstungen scheinen im Spiel genauso zentral zu sein wie in der Dark Souls-Serie. Außerdem könnten Spieler mit Gerüchten über nie zuvor gesehene ästhetische Konfigurationsoptionen in der Lage sein, das Konzept von „Fashion Souls“ auf völlig neue Höhen zu heben.

Obwohl die Spiele nicht durch Überlieferungen oder Erzählung miteinander verbunden sind, gibt es in Elden Ring möglicherweise ein paar Rüstungssets, die Charakteren und von Fans bevorzugten Builds aus den Dark Souls-Spielen huldigen. Daher ist es an der Zeit, sich daran zu erinnern, welche Rüstungssets erstklassig waren.

Das Elite Knight-Set ist eines der Poster-Rüstungssets von Dunkle Seelen, und es ist vielleicht dasjenige, das am besten zu den auserwählten Untoten passt. Es ist zu sehen, wie es zuerst von Oscar getragen wird, dem untoten Ritter, der dem Spieler kurz vor dem Tod seine Estus-Flasche gibt.

Es ist auch kein Witz für ein Rüstungsset; Es bietet ein anständiges Gleichgewicht zwischen Haltung – der Fähigkeit, ein Wanken auszuhalten – und Gewicht. Selbst ein Charakter mit weniger als optimaler Ausdauer kann das Elite-Ritter-Set ausrüsten, ohne wesentlich verlangsamt zu werden. Die Rüstung kann in einem halbversteckten Bereich im Darkroot Garden gefunden werden – der Spieler kann das komplette Set von einer Leiche abholen, die sich in einem Bereich befindet, der von einem weißen Nebel umschlossen ist.

Dieses Rüstungsset gehörte dem großen und tragisch heroischen Ritter Artorias. Er hat sich selbst geopfert, um die Ausbreitung des Abyss in Lordran einzudämmen. Infolgedessen wurde er jedoch selbst korrumpiert.

Allgemein gilt Artorias als einer der besten Chefs von Dunkle Seelen, was bedeutet, dass das Tragen seiner Rüstung eine Ehre ist. Leider werden seine Werte leicht von anderen Rüstungssets übertroffen und sind wahrscheinlich der Grund, warum Artorias verloren hat. Dennoch ist es die Chance, im Spiel als gefallener Artorias zu spielen, was diese Rüstung so wertvoll macht. Das komplette Rüstungsset von Artorias kann bei Domhnall of Zena gekauft werden, sobald der Spieler Artorias besiegt hat.

Nach dem Sieg über den ersten Boss des Artorias of the Abyss DLC treffen die Spieler auf Marvelous Chester, einen NPC-Händler, der behauptet, von Manus durch Zeit und Raum gezogen worden zu sein, genau wie der Spieler. Aufgrund seiner unangebrachten Kleidung vermuten viele, dass Chester ursprünglich aus Yharnam stammt, der gotischen Stadt, in der man zu sehen ist Blutgetragen.

VERBINDUNG: Die 10 besten Trickwaffen in Bloodborne

Leider muss man ihn töten, um sich sein Set zu verdienen, und die Statistiken des Sets passen wahrscheinlich nicht zu den meisten Builds im späten Spiel. Allerdings begeistert Mode Seelen Fans werden sich auf jeden Fall die Mühe machen wollen, es zu bekommen.

Hmm… Ach. Das Catarina-Rüstungsset, getragen vom tapferen, aber tollkühnen Siegmeyer von Catarina und seiner Tochter Sieglinde. Diese sperrige Rüstung gab Siegmeyer den berühmten Spitznamen „Zwiebelritter“. Was Siegmeyer jedoch angenehmer macht, ist die Tatsache, dass er eine Ruhepause in einem so trostlosen und tödlichen Land ist.

Er spricht mit den Auserwählten Untoten, als ob sie einen lustigen Morgenspaziergang machen würden. Seine Tochter verrät jedoch später, dass er möglicherweise etwas senil geworden ist. Trotzdem kann er von Sens Festung nach Anor Londo und Ash Lake reisen, und das ist wahrscheinlich dem Catarina-Rüstungsset zu verdanken, das sich durch hohes Gleichgewicht und respektablen Schutz auszeichnet. Es sieht vielleicht nicht ganz so konventionell aus, aber es zu tragen ist eine der besten Möglichkeiten, sich mit anderen Spielern anzufreunden. Das Catarina-Set wird vom Crestfallen Merchant in Sen’s Fortress verkauft.

Das Antiquierte-Set ist ein formelles Kleid, das von den Gewohnheiten der jetzt zerstörten Stadt Oolacile getragen wird, und kann nach dem Sieg über den goldenen Kristallgolem im Darkroot Basin und der Befreiung von Dusk of Oolacile verdient werden, einem Prozess, der die Ereignisse der DLC-Erweiterung des Spiels einleitet.

Das antiquierte Set wird wegen seiner unglaublich hohen Magie- und Fluchresistenz bevorzugt, ist aber in den meisten anderen Bereichen besonders schwach. Mode Seelen Fans bewundern es für sein kunstvolles Aussehen, und es sticht sicherlich heraus, wenn man es mit den vielen schroffen Stahl- und Eisenrüstungen vergleicht Dunkle Seelen.

The Dark Set lässt Fans ihre schändlichen Skeletor-Fantasien ausleben und flößt eindringenden Spielern Angst ein. Es wird auch als normale Rüstung von Darkwraiths getragen, harten Feinden, die den Spieler betäuben können. Die Statistiken sind ziemlich anständig, bieten aber keinen Fluchwiderstand, was je nach Anzahl der Basilisken in der Gegend ein Problem sein kann oder auch nicht.

VERBINDUNG: 9 urkomische Dark Souls-Meme, die Spieler dazu bringen werden, „das Gleiche“ zu sagen

Das Dark Set zu erwerben ist jedoch nicht so einfach wie Darkwraiths immer und immer wieder zu töten. Spieler müssen dem Darkwraith-Bund beitreten, der von Darkstalker Kaathe, einem Freund, angeboten wird Dunkle Seelen NPC, der nur erscheint, wenn der Spieler die Vier Könige besiegt, bevor er in Lord Souls im Brennofen der ersten Flamme platziert wird. Danach müssen sie in besagtem Bund Rang +2 erreichen, indem sie Kaathe 30 Geisteswissenschaften horten und geben. Erst dann erhalten die Spieler die Rüstung.

Das Havel-Set ist ein Tank – waren Tanks aus reinem Gestein und Testosteron. Sein Besitzer heißt buchstäblich Havel the Rock, ein Mann, dessen Verlangen, Drachen zu töten, so groß war, dass er die Last ertragen musste, die schwerste Rüstung zu tragen, die Lordran kannte.

Das Havel-Set hat eine extrem hohe Verteidigung, und der Spieler kann sehr selten taumeln, während er es trägt. Der Nachteil ist, dass es wirklich schwer ist und wahrscheinlich die Ausweichfähigkeiten der meisten Builds hemmen wird. Glücklicherweise müssen die Spieler den echten Havel nicht wirklich besiegen, um seine Rüstung zu erhalten, obwohl dies ziemlich früh im Spiel möglich ist. Das Havel-Set befindet sich in einer Truhe, die hinter einer illusorischen Wand versteckt ist, die sich im Hauptgebäude befindet, das nach Gwynevere in Anor Londo führt.

Gwyns Armee aus Schwarzen Rittern, die in ganz Lordran anzutreffen ist, wird oft von neuen Spielern wegen ihrer Schwierigkeiten im frühen Spiel beschimpft. Sie haben jedoch die Chance, einige der besten Waffen des Spiels fallen zu lassen, wenn sie getötet werden, was bedeutet, dass es das Risiko oft wert ist, sie in den Kampf zu ziehen.

Ihr Rüstungsset kann jedoch nur im Brennofen der Ersten Flamme auf einem Gehweg gefunden werden, der kurz vor dem Eingang zur Begegnung mit Gwyn, Lord of Cinder, zu finden ist. Es verfügt über einige weniger als bewundernswerte Statistiken für das späte Spiel, bietet aber unglaublichen Widerstand gegen Feuer und ist unbestreitbar knallhart.

Wenn Havels Rüstung zu viel ist, können die Spieler eine der nächsten Alternativen in Smoughs Rüstung ausprobieren. Leider muss dazu Smough besiegt werden, die Hälfte des berüchtigtsten Boss-Duos der Welt Dunkle Seelen Franchise.

Diejenigen, die durchhalten und den aufgemotzten Smough besiegen, nachdem sie Ornstein zum ersten Mal besiegt haben, erhalten sein Rüstungsset. Es ist in Bezug auf die Werte mit dem Havel-Set vergleichbar, hat aber weniger Ausgeglichenheit oder Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen Taumeln. Smoughs Rüstung ist auch etwas leichter. Spieler können Smoughs Rüstungsset auch von Domhnall of Zema kaufen, falls sie Ornstein zuletzt besiegen.

Ornsteins Rüstungsset ist ein Ehrenabzeichen; da diejenigen, die es verdient haben, sich wahrscheinlich weigerten, den einfachen Ausweg zu wählen, und zuerst Smough töteten, was zu einer schwierigen Begegnung mit einem unterdrückten Ornstein führte.

VERBINDUNG: Die 5 besten (und 5 schlechtesten) Dark Souls 2-Bosse

Es ist natürlich die weniger beliebte Option, da Domhnall of Zema das Set verkaufen wird, falls die Spieler es zunächst verpassen sollten. Dennoch ist Ornsteins Set die zusätzliche harte Arbeit wert; Aufgrund seiner hervorragenden physischen und elementaren Resistenzen ist es eines der besten mittleren Rüstungssets im Spiel. Das Sahnehäubchen ist das Löwendesign.

Seht, das Black Iron Set. Sein ursprünglicher Besitzer ist ein knallharter Härter als Havel the Rock, Black Iron Tarkus. Zum Glück ist Tarkus ein Freund und kein Hollow wie Havel. Wenn Spieler zu einem Bosskampf in Sen’s Fortress gerufen werden, können sie sich normalerweise zurücklehnen und zusehen, wie Tarkus den Boss alleine tötet.

Diese Rüstung kann erhalten werden, indem seine Leiche links von dem riesigen Gemälde in Anor Londo geplündert wird. Sie ist leichter und hat weniger Ausgeglichenheit als Havels Rüstung, aber sie hat die höchste Feuerresistenz aller Rüstungen. Es hat auch die zweithöchste physische Verteidigung von allen Dunkle Seelen’ Rüstungssets.

Wenn es jemals ein Rüstungsset gab, das wie kein anderes Hoffnung wecken könnte, dann wäre es das Eisenset. Es ist dasjenige, das Sonnenbruder Solaire von Astora höchstpersönlich trägt, dessen Charakter in krassem Kontrast zur dunklen und ominösen Atmosphäre von Lordran steht. Solaire kann beschworen werden, wenn Spieler Schwierigkeiten mit den Bell Gargoyles, dem Gaping Dragon, dem Centipede Demon und, falls sie seiner Questreihe folgen, Gywn, Lord of Cinder, haben. Als solches repräsentiert seine Rüstung sein berühmtes Zitat “Jolly Cooperation”.

Die Rüstung hat jedoch nicht die besten Werte. Tatsächlich sind sie im Vergleich zu den meisten Sets nichts Besonderes. Was die Rüstung natürlich besonders macht, ist derjenige, der sie trägt, ein wahrer Freund, der nicht zögert, in den dunkelsten Zeiten zu helfen. Preiset die Sonne!

WEITER: 10 Impossible Dark Souls Cosplays, die so schwer schienen wie die Spiele

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Dark Souls Ornstein Rüstung? (Spiele und Gaming, Spiele, Gaming)

Letzte Aktivität: 19.04.2022, 17:01
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  • Rüstung
  • PlayStation 4
  • Dark Souls
  • Dark Souls 3
  • Spiele und Gaming
  • Stimmt es das Ornsteins Rüstung die beste Mittelschwere Rüstung im Spiel ist?

    Und das Havels Rüstung die beste schwere ist?

    Und was ist dann die beste leichte?

    Vom Fragesteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet



    Dark Souls, Dark Souls 3, Spiele und Gaming

    01. 03.2021, 14:53

    Hey Fl0rian2007,

    nichts für ungut, aber am besten spielst du Dark Souls in deinem ersten Playthrough «blind». Klar, wenn du einen Stat nicht verstehst oder dir nicht sicher bist, wie etwas funktioniert, kannst du nachfragen.

    Aber Tipps & Tricks zu Rüstungen, Waffen, Spells, Gegnern usw. würde ich mir bis zum zweiten Durchlauf verkneifen. Du nimmst dir recht viel Spielspaß, der auch dadurch definiert wird, dass du alles selbst entdeckst und dir Gedanken zum Spiel machst. Außerdem musst du das Spiel sowieso fast 3x durchspielen, wenn du das wirklich durchziehen willst mit den 100% Achievements x)

    Man kann auch nicht grundsätzlich «beste» Rüstung oder Waffe sagen,
    da es immer auf die Situation, dein Build und den Gegner ankommt.

    Natürlich gibt es Items, die in spezifischen Situationen am besten abschneiden, dafür sind sie dann in anderen wieder weiter unten in der Liste.

    Tut mir leid, dass ich keine direkte Antwort auf deine Frage geben möchte,
    wünsche dir aber trotzdem weiterhin viel Spaß =)

    Liebe Grüße

    Woher ich das weiß:Eigene Erfahrung – 1. 500+ Stunden in Souls Games | 1, 3, S, ER auf 100%



    Spiele und Gaming

    01.03.2021, 14:48

    ich würde mal die Rüstung vom Wächter des Abgrunds sagen.


    01.03.2021, 14:48

    Gold-Hemmed Black Set

    wäre meine Idee.

    Top of all Souls-series games — from Demonʼs Souls to Bloodborne, the best and worst Dark Souls

    April 13, 2021/Games

    #dark souls#roundtable#compilations

    Dark Souls 3 was released outside of Japan in 2016. On the occasion of its 5th anniversary, we decided to recall our top of all Souls-series games — from best to worst. There was a place for everyone, including Demon’s Souls from Bloodborne, and we also took into account the additions — not each individually, but as part of numbered parts. Disagree with our top? Well, write yours in the comments!

    Poll. Choosing the best “soulsborne” studio From Software — on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of Dark Souls 3 Shibuya and Yui Tanimura. After the release, the situation only worsened — many did not like the design of the locations and the «lighter» tone, both in the environment and in the story, and some even decided for themselves that «this is not a real Dark Souls». There is some truth in these accusations, but the game does not become bad from this.

    This is a full-fledged part of the Souls series, which was made even better in the re-release of Scholar of the First Sin. It was it that brought the ornate plot to mind, corrected some game mechanics, and the graphics became much more beautiful. After the release of the reissue, the need for the original second part completely disappeared. That’s why only Scholar of the First Sin got into our top.

    Why is Dark Souls 2 good in itself? The greatest variability in the creation of builds. Against the background of the fact that in Bloodborne and Sekiro the pumping system has been simplified, the second part looks like a real expanse for all those who like to experiment with characteristics. The game provides the most amazing opportunities to create a unique hero. For example, why pump intelligence and faith for spells and miracles, respectively, when you can simply reduce the requirement for the necessary parameters with the help of a special item?

    Also the best PvP in DS2. This follows from the previous paragraph, but the developers were not too lazy to create several arenas and work out covenants. For battles with other players, you can forget about the main plot for several tens or even hundreds of hours.

    But if all that RPG and PvP stuff doesn’t appeal to you, you can still enjoy the challenging world of Drangleic, which seems to surpass Lordran in terms of complexity (and usability!). There were two gargoyles in the first part? There are five of them! Was there one boss at the end of the first part? So there are four at once, do not relax! Dark Souls 2 throws incredible challenges over and over again even in the main game, and in the DLC locations (which are included in Scholar of the First Sin), the degree of tension increases even more.

    And the story turned out to be memorable. Instead of the decline and despair of the first part, we are told about the price of human and not very desires, which more often destroy than bring pleasure. Many NPCs will obviously be remembered by you forever — I still sometimes remember the same sad crusade of Lukathiel with longing.

    And while it’s obvious that overall Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin loses in many ways to the other parts, it’s still a beautiful and unique journey through a surreal world that scares and beckons at the same time. To ignore this game is to disrespect the work of From Software, which gave us one of the best series of modern times.

    Author: Nikita Kazimirov

    The third part is an excellent conclusion to the series. It is difficult for me to single out one thing for which I love her. Almost anything can be put in here. And the dying world, which turned out to be perhaps the most dreary (in a good way!) Of the universes invented by From. And bosses, most of which are really memorable — for one reason or another. And traditionally for a series of great level design, which may not hold out a bit to the first part, but deserves praise. And also a lot of different weapons, because almost every instance is completely unique and requires its own approach. And here even the knowledge of the first two games will not help much — largely thanks to the Weapon Arts system, which can change any battle at the moment.

    Another good thing about DS3 is that, being the fifth game in the series, it still manages to offer something new. Like the same “vipon arts”. Or a covenant of insane phantoms who just want to fight someone. Or rather interesting side plot branches, in the best traditions, ending extremely badly. In DS3, the developers even decided to close the story arcs of many old heroes. And, as you understand, almost all of these meetings also ended … well, not very positively.

    Of course, the third part has enough problems. The hitboxes of the opponents are still terrible, and the netcode is still disgusting in places. But I can’t swear at the game for a long time. It’s too exciting, too… soulful, if you will. Dark Souls 3 is able to give a genuine sense of satisfaction from defeating a strong enemy, whether it’s an NPC or a live player. Able to seriously captivate with the study of the world and compiling another insane build from the category “and if I invest in this characteristic, will I bend over with one blow?” And not all games can boast of this — even within the series.

    Author: Aleksey Egorov

    Demonʼs Souls is the first part of the conditional Souls series, it was in it that all the gameplay principles with which From Software would work for many years appeared, but it did not take the highest place in this top in exactly two reasons. Both are further down the line. Yes, Demon’s Souls introduced players to the concept of souls, learning through perpetual death, and storytelling, but Dark Souls improved it, made it perfect, and became world famous. And Bloodborne had the courage to noticeably change the usual rules and also surpass the original source.

    And yet Demon’s Souls is important, perhaps even more so than Dark Souls and Bloodborne, and certainly more so than the second and third DS. It somehow managed to combine absolutely ALL ideas, which then came separately to subsequent parts. The atmosphere of primordial obscurity and deaf loneliness — Boletaria is known for this, and after the same Lordran became famous with his eternal dragons and the cruel Abyss. The Nexus hub location, where the souls of demon hunters gather, is the prototype for Majula from Dark Souls 2 and the Temple of Fire from Dark Souls 3. The boss, which can be played by another player, is also used by the creators again in the future. The Elder monster, which seems to have come into our world from Lovecraft’s prose, is not a very significant element that will remind you of itself in Bloodborne. The highest difficulty, souls and terrible bosses, analogues of bonfires — Demonʼs Souls had it all. And even more.

    The only thing From hasn’t implemented anywhere else is trends. In Demon’s Souls, when you kill a boss or do a good deed during a side quest, the location becomes lighter and the enemies on it become weaker. But if you often die in a corporal form or do something bad, the level plunges into darkness.

    Trends are formed not only on the actions of a particular player offline, but also depend on the average number of evil / good deeds online, on a particular server. Now, however, you should rely only on yourself — last year, the developers turned off the game’s servers and deprived it of all online functions. Fans, however, create their own, they have all the online elements. Although Demonʼs Souls plays well without them, it is still a must for anyone who considers himself a fan of the Souls series.

    Author: Denis Knyazev

    The places in the top were distributed according to the results of an editorial vote, and when it came time to sum up, it turned out that Bloodborne was just a little behind Dark Souls. As for me, both of these games deserve to be in the first place of any top Souls games, but in our case it turned out the way it turned out. Alexander Bashkirov spoke about the greatness of the first DS below, and I will try to explain why only Bloodborne from all other parts can compete with it for the title of the best.

    Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls 3 are amazing games (although I consider the second one the least successful), high-quality and incredibly deep, but not great. They used ideas previously thought up by the From studio, but did not move the series forward. Even the third part, which was noticeably different in dynamics from the usual Souls gameplay, is a successful combination of the ideas of the original and Bloodborne.

    Bloodborne is the first and last Souls game that turned the most important principle of the series 180 degrees. It turned a player who used to be a victim into a hunter — and no, it’s not just about the updated combat system. The rules have changed. The shield was taken away from the hero — after all, those who have the task of defending themselves with an attack do not need it. He was allowed to restore health lost in battle without first-aid kits — but only if a retaliatory strike followed immediately. He was deprived of strong armor, because if a hunter is going to miss attacks, then he is no hunter, and armor will not help him in any case.

    Bloodborne, unlike the second and third Dark Souls, brought a lot of new things to the original concept, indicated in Demon’s Souls, and therefore it is comparable in value to the first DS. Plus the setting, of course. From Software turned out to be a universe that was clearly created with an eye on the works of Howard Lovecraft, but at the same time no less gloomy than the cyclical world of Dark Souls. Dark in a way. And full of details — Bloodborne also rewards only curious players with lore details.

    And the first Dark Souls, it is second only to those that came out later. There is already a milestone in this story, but, alas, there is no place for the second.

    Author: Denis Knyazev

    From Software and Hidetaka Miyazaki personally, of course, they are still geniuses, since there are already four (five with Demonʼs Souls? Six with Sekiro?) games capable of maintaining an ultra-high level of quality in their work. But something in the original Dark Souls goes beyond even their sphere of competence — and beyond the scope of game design as such. This is a purely psychological effect of novelty, revelation, gameplay nodes that forever changed the way you think about games — and about the world as a whole.

    I started playing Dark Souls quite late — the second part has not yet been released, but almost all editions and individual players have already managed to recognize the first part as a masterpiece. Like many, I was drawn into the game not immediately, wary. Strange graphics (more precisely, even aesthetics), seemingly standard medieval setting, extremely inconvenient interface and (intentionally?) unresponsive controls — plus no jumps, fixed animations during attacks and rolls strictly at a given distance.

    When I first crossed the threshold of that very church — and immediately died from a sword stab in the back! This caused more irritation. Well, how could I know that right behind the doorway, not even one, but THREE enemies were waiting for me at once? Is this honest game design, From Software? Is it possible?

    I also decided to play as dirty as possible, look for vulnerabilities everywhere and use them. Let’s say I just started bypassing all the shield-bearing enemies FROM THE SIDE OF THE SHIELD and hit in the back with impunity (a tactic read out in some kind of chivalric novel). My feelings about the game were in limbo. All this went on until I met the enemy, equipped with a tiny buckler and a very long rapier, on a narrow winding staircase in that very turret (you probably know what moment I’m talking about). I habitually began to bypass it from the side of the shield… but the knight simply CLOSED THE SHIELD TO THE WALL, calmly approached me, being covered from this side, and ruthlessly stabbed to death with the rapier.

    At that moment, I realized three things:

    • The game is brilliant,
    • From Software provided for EVERYTHING,
    • One of the main developers (I didn’t know his name then) was reading the same chivalric novels as me.

    That’s all I can say about the series. In terms of the originality of the setting, level design, and even bosses, the first Dark Souls is not my favorite part, in all these parameters Bloodborne turned out to be much better. But there I habitually whip with a whip-cane behind the door jamb, entering ANY room and knowing that there will definitely be a hidden enemy. In the sequels of Dark Souls, I went to unfamiliar levels, hiding behind a shield and periodically covering the area with the camera on the sides and from the back, and quickly recognized the familiar train of thought in the design of traps and the placement of enemies. Both were excellent — but I was ready for this, somewhere I took it for granted, and somewhere (I’m looking at you, the original edition of Dark Souls 2) and remained disappointed.

    At some point, apparently after the victory over Artorias, the series became simply of fantastic quality. And the first part was still something more — a unique, unique work of art, surprising, infuriating, falling in love with itself and opening up new horizons with each new frame. I admit that people who started immediately with Bloodborne, the third, or even the second part, or even with Demon’s Souls and King’s Field, may have similar feelings in relation to other games. But I think most From fans started with their first international success, big hype, and, like me, they met all these world-changing moments in the original edition of Dark Souls.

    Author: Alexander Bashkirov

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    the very first game boss. You sneak forward, thinking your tactics through in your mind and ready to get to work, when suddenly your hands are bitten off and an unexpected attack destroys you in a few seconds.

    If we look at the game’s reputation, critics’ comments and reviews, we can say one thing: «It’s all true.» The challenging missions, the sense of reward, the epic boss fights and the final realization that this is one of the best games of all time explains why Dark Souls is unnerving gamers around the world. You yourself must understand this, because you are an entertainment consumer.

    And what better way to understand this than by playing the last part of the game? We’ve already reviewed it for 50 hours and rated it 5 stars, and we’re happy to say that Dark Souls 3’s heavily upgraded is the best way to start getting into this movement for those who are still on the sidelines and afraid other gamers who rush at tremendous speeds.

    It won’t be easy, of course, and some of the bosses we’ve gone through surprisingly quickly are already giving people backlash. However, whether you are a veteran or a rookie, you will definitely need a little guide on how not to turn into embers in the first minutes of the game.

    1. Never underestimate Throw

    The Dark Souls 3 tutorial literally churns out commonplace tips from the very beginning of the game, and one of them is a standard forward strike, also known as «Throw». «Why would I do such nonsense when I can tear things to shreds anyway?» you ask, and the answer is that you can use it to break through enemy shields.

    Throws were in every part of Souls , and now appeared in Bloodborne , but with the speed of the battle increasing each time, you will be tempted not to use this opportunity.

    Try this: move forward by pressing R1 and RB (at about the same time), and exclaiming «THIS IS THE DARK SOULS!» in the spirit of three hundred Spartans, you will be able to knock down the enviable majority of enemies to the ground. It can be used to take down a lot of enemies with shields and to interrupt some other attacks, allowing you to cheat.

    2. Don’t attack, ALWAYS be calm

    Describing the battles from Souls, you can use phrases like «break in and destroy», but the game will definitely remember this attitude to the battle and will remember you later.

    Instead of rushing, get into a defensive posture and move. Take your time, watch your enemy’s movements and adjust to him. When they open up for at least one hit, don’t be afraid to land two at once.

    There aren’t a lot of big combo opportunities in the game (and none of them goes beyond three), so wait your turn and calmly defeat your enemies.

    3. Don’t forget about somersaults

    It’s tempting to press the right stick and stay aiming at your target until it’s an incoherent heap on the floor, but you’ll soon realize that doing so is sure to help your enemies defeat you.

    Therefore, protection must be enabled from time to time. If you are one-on-one with some creature, the defense will help you roll perfectly to the side several times. If you want to engage a group of enemies in an attack at once, unlocking and attacking with high damage from your weapon will attack several at once. Needless to say, you can aim with the left stick, and this will help you change the direction of the blow every time. While moving, you can alternately strike either left or right.

    On top of that, if you’re sneaking behind an enemy and stabbing them in the back, crouch and look around to see if there’s an ambush here and if someone wants to attack you? In this position, you are invulnerable and it is a good way to focus on something before moving on.

    In general, you can deal massive damage to strong enemies by backstab and then attack while they slowly get to their feet. For a while they will be immune to hits, but if you endure at least a few seconds and then attack, you can be sure that this will not end well for your enemies.

    4. Don’t mess around with sending enemies into the Circle

    What’s really cool about the new Dark Souls is a new kind of magic that allows the player to send all of their enemies into the so-called Circle. The circle, in turn, provides the player with the confidence that his enemies will burn in the most terrible inferno.

    Yes, of course you can, but your DS3 enemies will figure out what you’re trying to do very quickly and attack. Unless you can quickly dodge or turn 180 degrees, you will have to pay with a fall, or even with your life.

    5. Know when to run (and always drink Estus on the stairs)

    You will soon realize that the main rule of these games is to stay calm. Your main enemies are yourself and your desire to quickly break through the ill-wishers. However, everything is much simpler: this approach will kill you even faster than the numerous creatures that wish you dead. If you feel like dropping everything, hiding in a corner and crying, be prepared to start over.

    Many enemies will only chase you up to a certain point, so you can hide in corners or just get out of their line of sight to slow them down. So you can save time to drink estus , take a breath and ambush them yourself.

    Another tip that tutorials won’t teach you (and there are a lot of them) is that you can drink estus even on the stairs. It’s very simple: if you know where the ladder is and can get back to it, get upright and drink, and no enemy, except perhaps those with projectiles, can reach you.

    6. Upgrade your stats

    So you’ve purchased Dark Souls, created a character, and now… you’re being killed by everything. What went wrong and how can you move forward?

    First of all, watch your backpack load in the right corner of your inventory. 70% fullness is the highest, only then your character will start to slow down (and not only in walking, but also in restoring health), so try to stay below this mark. There is nothing worse than dying on the floor, because you can’t run away from the boss, and I would advise you to keep this in mind and only wear heavier armor and weapons when you have the strength to do so.

    Another thing to keep in mind is the «Stat Bonus» that appears in your weapon inventory and relates to how well you’ve developed your character so far. Each weapon has its own letter: for example, Greatsword may have a «C» next to the Power icon. This means that it increases Strength when equipped, and if it is already increased to the maximum, then the letter turns blue.

    This will be reflected in the same place where the degree of damage is reflected: if you see +10 (or any other number), then you are adding characteristics. The further the game goes, the more weapons with additional characteristics appear, and each of them suits you differently. You can experiment to see what works best for you.

    7. Hit chests before opening them

    Yes Souls veterans, «beginners should learn this on their own», but I thought I’d put this secret on the list anyway, since a lot of players will open chests without a second thought. Moreover, they will have to fight what awaits them inside …

    So, most of the chests, especially towards the end of the game, are not really chests, but Mimics are truly frightening, incredibly powerful enemies that are capable of either gobble up your health immediately after you open the chest, or they will chase you and, believe me, they will definitely catch up.

    Be careful, these guys are the originals and always have been. When you hit them, their body shape changes and you willy-nilly have to fight to avoid being eaten. To avoid danger, for God’s sake, run on foot from there — otherwise they will stretch out their long arms and try to grab you, and it will be harder to dodge.

    8. When is the best time to ask for help?

    You can indeed summon helpers whenever you stumble upon Ember (red embers) and when the entire online community sees you, but better save it for a rainy day when you really need help.

    Don’t be afraid to place a help sign anywhere and feel free to help anyone, but I would recommend saving coal for last — for example, when you meet a boss or fight a large group of enemies — in a word, for a moment when you are alone not cope.

    This way you don’t have to get rid of all kinds of players until you even need support, but when you need help, you will always have assistants. If unwanted opponents still appear, and you are about to pass through the portal, create an obstacle for them, and they will go back to their world.

    In any case, the summoned companion will disappear a few seconds after you defeat the boss. This will be enough time for both of you to say goodbye and wave to each other. Well, if you play together in «peacetime», then your joint pastime may be delayed. If you look in the game settings, you can find a password restriction there, which will limit the circle of people who can see you and join you. Therefore, if you need a particular friend, you can link up with him in this way.

    9. When in doubt, use a ranged weapon

    Speaking of the scariest creatures you’ll spot from afar, you have no choice but to tease them before you get close enough to strike .

    To avoid problems with this, carry a ranged weapon: bow or crossbow. Even by planting an arrow at the enemy from a long distance, you can be sure that he will separate from his flock and come closer to you, and then it will be much easier to defeat him alone.

    The same applies to larger creatures: you can lead them away from waterfalls and other hidden secrets of the environment — well, or just look at what the creature will do, sensing danger.

    After all, even giants and dragons can be defeated with arrows. Unless it takes a little more time…

    10. Use your camera to see around corners

    Exploring FromSoftware’s intricate worlds is certainly great and part of the overall fun and enjoyment of games, but nothing worse than being attacked from above or around a corner when you least expect it.

    To avoid this, either watch for messages on the ground that other players may be leaving, or just turn the camera around to see what awaits you.

    Enemies in an ambush position will stand still until you get into their line of sight, so it’s very easy to spot them, lunge hard, see their attack stall, and land a few hits on your own.

    11. Never lower your shield (or be prepared to dodge)

    No matter how well prepared you are, there’s something out there that’s bound to show up out of the blue and give you goosebumps, so being prepared is important.

    Yes, yes, you will encounter a huge number of creatures, and many will hesitate to attack the standard shield and sword setup, but no matter how well prepared you are, be prepared to react at the last moment. Assume a position of constant readiness, and anyone who wants to surprise you will face either your somersault or attack — or maybe both.

    Dark Souls is a hard game, brutal and unforgiving, but it feels like blood for a predator. Once you taste it, you will never forget the taste.

    12. Learn to let go

    There comes a point in every Dark Souls player’s life when they just need to let go. Save up 50,000 souls and look forward to spending them on skill upgrades soon, only to die twice in a row and lose them forever?

    Breathe deeply, you will have others. There are always enemies you haven’t killed and places you haven’t explored.

    Unlike Dark Souls 2, there is no specific number of enemies you need to kill before they disappear forever. So yes, losing so many souls is painful, especially at the very beginning when you are trying to get used to and just understand what is happening, but do not panic: relax, breathe and remember that it will still come back to you.