Dark souls 3 yhorm der riese: Dark Souls 3: So besiegen Sie Yhorm der Riese

Dark Souls 3: So besiegen Sie Yhorm der Riese

| von
Anna Hegeler

Yhorm der Riese ist einer der vier Aschefürsten, den Sie in Dark Souls 3 besiegen müssen. Wie das geht, zeigen wir Ihnen in diesem Artikel.

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Dark Souls 3: Yhorm der Riese besiegen

Yhorm der Riese ist der Aschefürst in Dark Souls 3, der am leichtesten zu besiegen ist. Sie finden den Fürsten ganz unten in der gottlosen Hauptstadt. Dort befindet er sich im Thronsaal in der Burg. Natürlich können Sie ganz normal gegen Yhorm den Riese kämpfen. Besorgen Sie sich jedoch das Großschwert «Sturmherrscher» gleich nach Beginn des Kampfes, so geht das leichter und schneller.

  1. Im Bossraum finden Sie ganz unten am Fuß des Riesen-Throns das zweite Schwert Yhorms, den «Sturmherrscher». Damit besiegen Sie den Fürsten ganz einfach.
  2. Gehen Sie in das Inventar. Dabei stoppt das Spiel nicht. So sterben Sie absichtlich. Sie haben dann jedoch die Möglichkeit sich mit dem Schwert «Sturmherrscher» auszurüsten. Locken Sie dafür Yhorm von seinem Thron weg.
  3. Nehmen Sie das Schwert in beide Hände. Halten Sie dabei die Taste für die Waffenfertigkeit gedrückt. Laden Sie Schwert auf und führen Sie einen Hieb durch. Dadurch wird Ihre Ausdaueranzeige nahezu komplett leer sein. Yhorm verliert dadurch jedoch auch viel Lebensenergie und wird zu Boden geschleudert.
  4. Weichen Sie den Angriffen des Aschefürsts mit Rollen aus.
  5. Nach nur ein paar Angriffen mit dem Sturmherrscher-Schwert besiegen Sie Yhorm.

Dark Souls 3 Yhorm der Riese

Kampftipps: Yhorm der Riese in Dark Souls 3

  1. Nehmen Sie so schnell wie möglich das Schwert «Sturmherrscher» auf.
  2. Laden Sie den Sturmherrscher mit der entsprechenden Taste mit Waffenfertigkeit auf. Fängt das Schwert an Weiß zu leuchten, so ist es aufgeladen.
  3. Um einen großen Schaden anzurichten, schlagen Sie dem Riesen kräftig auf den Rücken.
  4. Während das Schwert erneut auflädt, weichen Sie den Hieben von Yhorm aus.

Hilfe holen bei Kampf gegen Yhorm der Riese

  1. Im Kampf gegen Yhorm den Riesen können Sie sich Hilfe von Siegward von Catarina holen.
  2. Dafür müssen Sie jedoch die Quests von Siegward vollständig erspielt haben.
  3. Während des Kampfes kann Siegward sterben. Dies spielt jedoch keine Rolle.

Das erhalten Sie nach dem Kampf

  1. 36.000 Seelen
  2. Seele des Aschefürsts Yhorm der Riese
  3. Yhorms Fürstenasche
  4. Trophäe «Aschefürsten: Yhorm der Riese»

Im nächsten Praxistipp zeigen wir Ihnen die 5 besten Tipps für Dark Souls 3.

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Yhorm the Giant | Dark Souls 3 Wiki

Yhorm the Giant is a Lord of Cinder and Boss in Dark Souls 3. This Dark Souls 3 Yhorm the Giant Guide features locations, strategies and videos on how to defeat Yhorm the Giant easily, as well as tips, weaknesses, trivia and lore notes for the Yhorm the Giant boss.

Known as the «reclusive lord of the Profaned Capital», Yhorm is the descendant of an ancient conqueror, but was asked by the very people once subjugated to lead them. In the past, he was a skilled Giant combatant, powerful enough to become a lord of a city and a Lord of Cinder. During combat, attacks players massive machete that glows like embers after being brought down to a certain health threshold.

Due to the presence of a weapon that is absurdly powerful against him that anyone can use, while also having some of the highest health and damage of the bosses, Yhorm is interesting in that he can be considered either the easiest or one of the hardest bosses in the game, depending on if one chooses to capitalize on his weakness. Siegward of Catarina can help you fight this enemy. His questline must have been completed up to this point. He is not summoned, but instead shows up via cutscene once the fog door is entered, if the questline was properly progressed. Be aware though that having him at your side may trivialize the entire fight against Yhorm. This boss is not optional — all Lords of Cinder must be defeated to advance the game.

Bosses are unique and challenging Enemies that drop Boss Souls capable of being transformed into powerful Weapons, Spells, and Items for the player.


Dark Souls 3 Yhorm the Giant Location

Where to find Yhorm the Giant in Dark Souls 3?

  • Yhorm can be found upon his throne behind a Fog Wall in Profaned Capital in a lower part of the temple, directly behind The Profaned Flame.


Yhorm the Giant Drops

What do you get from defeating the Yhorm the Giant in Dark Souls 3?

  • Souls: NG (36,000) | NG+ (108,000) | NG++ (118,801) | NG+3 (121,500) | NG+4 (129,600) | NG+6 (135,000) | NG+7 (137,700)
  • Other: Soul of Yhorm the Giant, Cinders of a Lord


Yhorm the Giant Notes & Tips

What should you know about fighting the Yhorm the Giant in Dark Souls 3?

  • Deals Standard Damage (whole battle) and Fire Damage (2nd phase).
  • Weak to the Storm Ruler, which can be found inside the boss arena at the throne. Charge it until it glows a bright white (this will take several seconds) and then use the weapon art R1 or R2 to do significantly increased damage. 
  • Weak to Lightning Damage.
  • Resistant to Thrust Damage, Slash Damage and Dark Damage.
  • Immune to Poison/Toxic, Bleed, Frost and Fire Damage.
  • Has multiple targeting points:
    • Legs take heavily reduced damage, barely lowering his hp at all.
    • Torso and arms take decent damage, but still reduced in comparison to normal enemies. Right is more vulnerable than left arm.
    • Head takes extra damage, and opens him up for stagger once a certain amount of damage has been dealt (around 2k total damage)
      • Ranged attacks of any kind are suggested for this. Lock-on at the head also helps. Certain attacks also make him lower his head significantly, which can be abused quite significantly.
  • Can be staggered with enough regular blows, mainly to the head, which will open him up to a critical attack (riposte), dealing significant damage. This is signaled by a loud sound (similar to parry) followed up by Yhorm lowering his head to ground level.
    • Hitting his head while he is in this state massively amplifies the damage done to him (including from spells). Depending of your weapon, you can hit twice then do the riposte for massive damage.


Yhorm the Giant Stats

Playthrough NG NG + NG ++ NG +3 NG +4 NG +5 NG +6 NG +7
Health 27,822 41,149 45,264 47,322 49,379 53,494 55,552 57,609
Damage Type Standard Strike Slash Thrust Magic Fire Lightning Dark
Absorptions 36% 52% 32. 8% 36% 52% 100% -79.2% 60%


Dark Souls 3 Yhorm the Giant Boss Guide & Strategies

DS3 Yhorm the Giant Video Strategies

Dark Souls 3 Yhorm the Giant Attacks

Attack Name Attack Description & Counter
Example Slam Boss slams both hands on the ground in a frontal aoe. Cannot be blocked, it is best to preempt and move away
Kneeling Smash Smashes the ground in front of him with his sword while dropping to a kneel. Triggered by being directly beneath him. This lowers his head a lot and allows for easy ranged attacks at it.
Turn-around Swipe If you are behind him after he recovers from an attack, he will swipe while turning around. Try rolling right after he starts to turn around.
Battle Shout He stomps the ground while screaming, knocking you down but doing no damage. Can not be blocked, but can be dodged to avoid stagger. In his second form the flames are harmless.
Leaping Punch Second phase only. Depending of the distance from the player, Yhorm may do a punch with his left hand covering a large amount of distance, similar to a jump attack, and slam his fist into the ground at the player’s location. Can be dodged in any direction, but the roll must be delayed until the fist is about to touch the player.

How to fight and beat Yhorm the Giant

Strategy 1 (Melee)

When entering the boss room, immediately make a run for the throne and grab the item, which is the Storm Ruler. This weapon is essential to do meaningful damage to Yhorm. Equip it and use the weapon art to hit Yhorm in the head during his post-attack windows for massive damage. It is possible to lock the camera on his head, making it much easier to land headshots. Note that you can charge the Storm Ruler with the weapon art button and once it begins glowing you don’t have to immediately use the attack. So you can charge it and then dodge and then use the ability if the situation calls for it. With the Storm Ruler the fight is essentially just dodging, which is very easy with Yhorm. Beware his fist lunge in his second form, it is very quick and hits suddenly.  With Storm Ruler’s charged attacks, it only takes a handful of hits to bring him down.


Strategy 2 (Sorcerer)

This is one of the bosses that gets easier the more magic damage you are doing, and the more you know the bosses moveset. Overall, Yhorm is not a hard boss for sorcerers, but one that can kill you pretty fast if he gets you. So while it’s absolutely viable to get out of this fight without losing any HP as a sorcerer, it’s also very viable to die in a second.
The great problem of Yhorm is his extremely high range, so stay out of it is your top priority. Only lock on his head, this is where you make the most damage, plus, after a certain amount of damage to the head, Yhorm will stumble and fall to his knees, giving you time for two Great Heavy Soul Arrows (GHSA) without any resistance. If you have around 60 INT and an at least moderately upgraded Logan’s staff, this should occur after two hits with GHSA to the head. In other words, at the beginning of the fight when he runs to you, it should be possible for you to already bring him to his knees the first time. Staying out of range: Use the whole length of the hallway. Yhorm will always run to you, giving you the chance for at least one GHSA. When he reaches you and strikes out, roll through his legs to dodge his hit, and run along the hallway in the opposite direction until you can fire GHSA again. Simple repeat until the boss is dead, and under no circumstances get greedy.


Strategy 2 (Pure Mage)

This strategy does not require the Storm Ruler sword, so that the boss can be fought normally. For this strategy you will require 60 Intelligence, the sorcerer’s base stats (unless more vigor is desired), and the following rings/armor:


  • Crown of Dusk
  • Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring
  • Sage Ring
  • Carthus Bloodring
  • Court Sorcerer’s Staff +6 (or more)


  • Hidden Body (Optional)
  • Great Heavy Soul Arrow
  • Heavy Soul Arrow


Cast Hidden body to easily get past the gargoyles. This is not strictly necessary but it can help players who find the short journey more difficult.

Upon entering the boss arena, lock onto the giant’s head, fire Great Heavy Soul Arrow twice, then wait for the giant’s attacks. It is helpful to learn the moveset so that you know when the ideal opportunity to attack presents itself.

After about 3 magic arrows, the giant will kneel in weakness. This is in a similar fashion to visceral attacks in Bloodborne. Keep firing your soul arrows for a great deal of damage, then back off and repeat the process.

Always lock onto his head, and keep this strategy for phase two, and it will eventually lead to victory.


Strategy 3 (Pure Mage done right)

Sprint across the bridge to get there safely. The gargoyle will go airborne as you approach. Hidden body not necessary.

Get close to Yhorm. As he lifts his sword roll through his legs. You need to come out at least exactly between his legs. Walk for a bit (2-3 steps) then start casting Great Heavy Soul Arrow. This is to make sure we hit his head and not anything else, as that does way more damage, by giving him time to turn around. During phase two if you somehow find yourself far away he will do leaping attacks. If you keep rolling through his legs, the strategy will work for both phases, although he will sometimes do longer combos in phase two.

In the beginning you can get off two heavy soul arrows. You don’t want to skimp on getting close enough.

Recommend gear:

  • Young Dragon Ring
  • Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring
  • Magic Clutch Ring
  • Lloyd’s Sword Ring
  • Crown of Dusk
  • equip load <= 30%


Strategy 4 (Siegward Cooperation)

If you progress Siegward’s questline all the way to the end, he will show up for this fight (no need to summon, he automatically appears) and with a Storm Ruler in hand. He’ll use the Storm Ruler’s weapon art which does massive damage to Yhorm and he can even solo him, but it’s much quicker/easier if you also use the Storm Ruler at the same time. Yhorm can be killed in under a minute with this method.

The above method may vary wildly as Siegward can easily be killed, he doesn’t recover HP and once he’s gone you’re on your own. If you’ve played Yhorm before you’ll notice the safest place to be is directly in front of him as he starts to attack then roll between his legs. (Roughly 1 to 1.5 roll lengths from him.) Once he finishes he’ll slowly turn around to do it again, occasionally doing a Radial Knockdown that can be blocked. Even if you get caught, don’t panic. There’s just enough time to roll between his legs even if he starts his next attack quickly, normally you’ll be up before the next swing. Continue baiting Yhorm, tapping on his leg once or twice after he finishes his attacks, keeping his attention on you. Siegward will be using Storm Ruler from safety during this time. If you mess up he’ll likely keep abit of his health as you’ll be dead before Yhorm gets him. Remember; Close the gap fast on Yhorm at the beginning, start your roll as the attack starts, tap his leg from behind once the attack ends. Don’t worry about grabbing Storm Ruler unless you are entirely sure you can do it by yourself. Good luck!


Yhorm the Giant Lore Theories

  • «Yhorm the Giant once held two of these, but gave one to the humans that doubted him, and left the other to a dear friend before facing his fate as a Lord of Cinder.» — Storm Ruler
  • While he now uses a giant machete-type blade, he used to wield the blade in one hand and a shield in another but after the death of someone he was trying to protect he tossed his shield aside and added a notch on his giant machete.
    • «As a lord, Yhorm risked everything and fought unflinchingly as a one-man vanguard. Following the loss of the one he wished to protect, he forsook his shield.» — Yhorm’s Greatshield
    • «Yhorm once lumbered on the frontlines with a greatshield. But one day, in place of his shield, a left-hand notch was added to his machete, enabling the smashing technique that would become the legacy of his later years. « — Yhorm’s Great Machete
  • The lore of Yhorm and the Profaned Capital is heavily tied to that of The Profaned Flame, a flame that never goes out, in theory resolving the crisis of the struggle between Dark and Light, as a flame that never fades would never need to be rekindled, allowing the forces of light to prosper forever.  However, in reality, The Profaned Flame is anathema to humanity, and nearly impossible to control, as according to the lore of the corresponding pyromancy Profaned Flame, «The fire, borne of the sky, is said to have incinerated naught but human flesh.» Indeed, the flame itself outside of Yhorm’s boss chamber will launch fireballs at the player.  This resulted in the destruction of The Profaned Capital, and likely the thousands of burned human corpses that comprise it, as well as the many monstrosities that inhabit it, likely born of the flame much as demons were born from the Witch of Izaliths attempts to create a flame.
    • The source of The Profaned Flame appears to be The Abyss, as the Profaned Coal causes Andre to voice that «It is much too dark.   I can see the abyss in it.»
    • Much of the lore surrounding Yhorm seems to imply that he was responsible for the creation of The Profaned Flame.  However, upon defeating him and obtaining his Cinders of a Lord, it is revealed in its lore that Yhorm became a lord of Cinder to put The Profaned Flame to rest, and that the other myths associated with his connection are the result of insincerity of those retelling the story.
    • According to the lore of Eleonora, the axe found at the lowest point of The Profaned Capital by killing the Monstrosities of Sin in the chapel, the Profaned Flame was triggered by the curse of the women the monstrosities used to be, who were the relatives of a certain oracle. In the room above the chapel, the Court Sorcerer Set can be found, revealing that the Court Sorcerers also served as Oracles.  Lastly, on the roof of the same building, in a spot overlooking The Profaned Capital, the Giant that became the foundation of Irithyll Prison, and Siegward’s cell, is a Court Sorcerer, the last human denizen of The Profaned Capital and final enemy on the second of the two paths comprising the level.   It is unclear if the player is supposed to imply that this Court Sorcerer is the same person referenced by Eleonora, and if that means that this is the person truely responsible for the Profaned Flame, or simply the last surviving bystander of its creation.
  • According to Yhorm’s soul, he is the descendant of an ancient conqueror.  This individual is likely either High Lord Wolnir, the Carthus Conqueror, or The Giant King of Dark Souls II, both of whom appear to be giants.  Wolnir is more likely, as his tomb, the whole of the old catacombs, is not far from the Profaned Capital.  
    • This has interesting implications in regards to the origins of The Profaned Flame, as Wolnir was a pyromancer that eventually fell to the Abyss.  It is possible that this was brought about in attempting to manufacture The Profaned Flame, that’s true nature is tied to the Abyss.
  • Over time Yhorm appears to have lost his mind, secluding himself in the Profaned Capital (Note how the architecture is very reminiscent of Oolacile). He may have gone hollow, or this may be the effect of the cindering process, as the other lords of Cinder also appear to not be in charge of their faculties, with the exception of Ludleth of Courland.
  • The red eyes that stare during the fight are similar to those found on other creatures either hollowed or empowered by the Abyss.
  • During Siegward of Catharina’s sidequest it is said that he (Siegward) has a difficult task, one that he does not want to perform to his old friend. The description of Storm Ruler reads that Yhorm gave one blade to the humans who doubted him, and the other to a dear friend. It is fairly clear that Siegward is the old friend of Yhorm, who came to slay him as to free him from his rampancy or put him out of his misery.
  • A Storm Ruler is located near his throne on a human sized corpse, indicating that one of the mentioned humans confronted him at some point, but with little success.
  • After the boss fight, with Siegward’s sidequest incomplete, a second Storm Ruler can be found in the throne room of Yhorm. Both of the item descriptions are identical. This implies that, even if you never met Siegward, or freed him from the dungeon during his quest, he still managed to get to Yhorm, who was now defeated, leaving the Storm Ruler as it has lost its purpose to him.
  • The Profaned Capital, near Yhorm’s throne room, is completely covered by seared corpses, moulded into the walls and pillars, which could have possibly been the work of Yhorm, and make it obvious why one of the humans with the Storm Ruler would have tried to confront him.
  • From the lore on the Storm Ruler, Yhorm’s Greatshield, and Yhorm’s Great Machete it appears that Yhorm’s reason for not returning to help link the fire is apathy, not madness, as he seems to have lost those that he cared for.
  • Leaks from quality assurance testers of the alpha version suggest that Yhorm was originally going to play the role of Gundyr in The Cemetery of Ash. Instead of Yhorm, you’d fight Wolnir in The Profaned Capital, with Wolnir named «Yhorm The Giant» — (credit darksouls3theorist).

Yhorm the Giant Trivia

  • Due to either lore reasons or as a result of the various stages of development Dark Souls 3 went through during its production, Yhorm the Giant is the only giant in Dark Souls III that is extremely weak to Storm Ruler’s Weapon Art. Any other giant takes the same amount of damage as normal enemies from the ability.
  • Yhorm is not the Giant Lord or any giant from Dark Souls 2. 
  • The boss battle with Yhorm seems to be in part a reference to the boss Storm King in Demon’s Souls. Both fights enable the use of a sword, Stormruler, to make the boss significantly easier.
  • Yhorm actually has a full face, unlike the hole that the giants in Dark Souls 2 have. Wheither this implies that those giants also have a full face shrouded in darkness, much as Yhorm does or that Yhorm is in some way unique is unclear.
  • Yhorm’s armor is reminiscent of the armor the Soul of Cinder wears, the chest plate and shoulder piece namely so, while his .