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Action Quake 2 (AQtion), considered the ‘precursor’ to Counter-Strike now on Steam

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Action Quake 2 (AQtion), a free and open source first-person shooter that the developers say «spawned one of the most popular and influential games of all time, Counter-Strike» is now available on Steam. Originally developed in 1998 to recreate the look and feel of an action movie, having a fast pace and a semi-realistic damage system.

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The developers say the new release has been upgraded, with plenty of polish to make it worth playing.

Various modes available:

  • Deathmatch — Spawn points are distributed over most of the map, and by default players battle out with only pistol, and a combat knife in a free-for-all fashion in an attempt to get the most kills possible. The map changes when one of two conditions is met: either the time or frag limit is reached. Additional «unique» equipment can be picked up throughout, meaning that only one exists on that map at any time.
  • Capture the Flag — You will have to team up with other players and manage your offense and defense in pursuit of bringing the enemy’s flag to your base in order to score. The team that captures the enemy flag the most wins!
  • Teamplay — Players are split into two teams and play is round based. Players select one primary weapon and one item to use, in addition to the default pistol and knife. The teams spawn on opposite sides of the map and are then let loose to kill each other. If one team eliminates the other, they win the round.
  • Team Deathmatch — Like Deathmatch but with teams, spawn points are distributed over most of the map, and by default players battle out with only pistol, and a combat knife in a free-for-all fashion in an attempt to get the most kills possible. The map changes when one of two conditions is met: either the time or frag limit is reached.
  • Play Offline — Engage in battle against bots that will challenge your skills both with and without using your network connection. You can adjust their capability as well as select from several game modes.
  • Espionage — Similar to teamplay mode, with the exception that the team points are awarded based on successful completion of a scenario. Players also respawn periodically, a fixed amount of time, if a certain amount of members of the team are dead, or instantly. Scenario types CNH, CTB and OFC are continuous play, as in there’s no ‘end’ to a round until the roundlimit or timelimit is reached. The others types rounds end when an objective is met.

Download on Steam and see the official site for more.

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Tags: Native Linux, FPS, Free Game, New Release, Online Multiplayer, Open Source, Steam | Apps: AQtion


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Before Counter-Strike there was Action Quake 2 | by Gavin Annand

Way back in 1999, Minh “Gooseman” Le and Jess “Cliffe” Cliffe released Counter-Strike, a mod for Valve’s Half-Life. Within a couple of years, Counter-Strike had become one of the most successful and popular multiplayer games of all time, and it’s popularity marked a shift in the first-person shooter genre towards more realistic settings, rather than the sci-fi fantasy of Quake and Unreal. Counter-Strike wasn’t the first semi-realistic shooter mod — they had been a simmering trend since the days of Doom. However, late 90s game technology allowed the trend to more effectively embrace realism mechanics, with details such as locational damage and higher polygon counts for more detailed weapon models. It was this era that saw the rise of one of Counter-Strike’s predecessors, and a mod that Counter-Strike creator Minh Le himself worked on. That mod was Action Quake 2.

John Woo meets Quake

Action Quake 2 appeared just under a year after the release of Quake II in December 1997. The mod was the work of a team of modders known as the A-Team, one of those modders being future Counter-Strike creator Minh Le. By early November 1998, the A-Team had released Action Quake 2, and by the end of November the mod had already caught the eye of id Software, who included it with their officially released Netpack 1 modpack. Action Quake 2 was a huge success, and continues to have a following today — lists several servers running the mod, and several of them are always populated.

One thing to highlight, however, is that Action Quake 2 is not Counter-Strike. AQ2 is still predominantly a deathmatch/arena shooter, with realism elements. Le stated that it was during his work on AQ2 when he met Jess Cliffe (the AQ2 webmaster) and the ideas for Counter-Strike’s unique round and objective based gameplay began to incubate. Despite the gameplay differences, the influence of AQ2 on Counter-Strike is undeniable. There is, of course, the fact that both mods employed a similar arsenal of weapons, but this could be said of most mods using a real-world arsenal. And then there are the similarities in game engine — the Half-Life engine was based on the Quake/Quake II engine, so it goes without saying that there would be similarities in physics, gameplay dynamics and aesthetic. The real influence of AQ2 is less obvious, however, and its an influence that you don’t quite notice until you play it. AQ2 has a “feel” to it that is difficult to describe, but conjures up feelings of it being a sort of proto-Counter-Strike. Game design being the incremental process it is, this is hardly surprising that Counter-Strike came from some of the minds behind AQ2.


Action Quake 2, as I previously mentioned, is primarily an arena shooter, where players duke it out on competitive multiplayer maps to get the highest number of kills.

Game mechanics are also not strictly realistic. As hinted at by the name of the mod, the aim of Action Quake 2 is to replicate action movies — so there is a pseudo-realism at play. AQ2 incorporates realism elements absent from Counter-Strike; if you get shot, you will bleed until you can bandage the wound, and injuries to limbs can adversely affect performance, such as a broken/injured leg slowing the character down. These elements add a great deal of tension to a fight — if you get hit and start bleeding, do you take time to bandage yourself, even if the action makes you vulnerable? Or will you try and take down your opponent before you bleed out, and hope that you have enough time afterwards to patch your wounds?

The Path not Taken

Action Quake 2 is an interesting case study in how timing and slight mechanical differences between games can often be the factor that makes or breaks them. AQ2 was followed up with a mod for Half-Life called, predictably, Action Half-Life, but it was nowhere near as popular as Counter-Strike. The Action series is great, but it attained the reach of its protegé, Counter-Strike, and many gamers have probably never heard of it.

I don’t think the A-Team did anything “wrong» from a game design point of view. The additional combat mechanics of bleeding and limb damage added some complexity that Counter-Strike lacks, and it could be this added complexity that lent itself to a slightly more niche crowd.

Then there is the timing factor. AQ2 released in late 1998, well and truly into the modern multiplayer era, but in those days, multiplayer growth was exponential, and with added growth came added convenience. Quake II, unlike Half-Life, relied on an external server browser like GameSpy, whereas Half-Life (and its many contemporaries) had server browsers integrated from the ground up. Combined with a huge jump in the popularity of multiplayer gaming each year and improvements in networking code and technologies, finding a low-latency game with lots of players was significantly easier for Counter-Strike than it had been for AQ2. Action Half-Life had a significant playerbase, but by then, Counter-Strike had established itself as the king of the multiplayer scene.

One has to wonder — if Action Quake 2 had been released only 12 months later, or Action Half-Life had gotten a 12 month start on Counter-Strike, would we still have seen things play out like they did? Personally, I still think Counter-Strike would have eventually come out on top — the diversity of game modes combined with the simplicity of picking it up and playing it was a winning combination. But the race might have been a bit tighter.

I want to reiterate that Action Quake 2 and Counter-Strike are different games, appealing to slightly different audiences. I played both quite regularly. But I think it’s also important to recognise that Action Quake 2 had a huge amount of influence over a series that has been an industry powerhouse for over 20 years now, and the industry might look very different had only a few minor details changed.

Action Quake 2 in 2021

Is it worth playing AQ2 in 2021? That depends. If you’re nostalgic for the golden era of late 90s PC gaming, and you can find a group of like-minded players, you can’t go wrong with having this one in the rotation, especially at a LAN party. If you decide to play online on one of the lingering servers, be prepared to get schooled by some hardened veterans that haven’t stopped playing for two decades.

If you haven’t got a nostalgic attachment, though, then it’s hard to recommend. So much of what Action Quake 2 innovated is now standard in many shooters, and all of them do it better. To the modern gamer, AQ2 will likely feel clunky and dated.

For modern gamers interested in exploring PC gaming history, it’s important to look past these limitations and view the game in the context of the time in which it was released. If you can do that, then it is a fascinating exercise is seeing how the industry we know today has been influenced in large parts by the late 90s modding scene. It is why it is so important that studios continue to support and nurture modders, as today’s mod is tomorrow’s golden goose.

Typhoons cause «slow earthquakes» in Taiwan

Typhoons cause «slow earthquakes» in Taiwan

Typhoons cause «slow earthquakes» in Taiwan — RIA Novosti , 06/11/2009

Typhoons cause «slow earthquakes» in Taiwan

Tropical typhoon cyclones are atmospheric vortices with reduced atmospheric pressure in the center. In Taiwan, typhoons are strictly seasonal. Cyclones come to the island only in the second half of the year.





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Ecology, Science

MOSCOW, June 11 — RIA Novosti. Typhoons are capable of causing slow earthquakes, at least in eastern Taiwan, lasting several hours and even days, and preventing short, but strong and destructive movements of the earth’s crust, the authors of a study published in the journal Nature are sure.

Tropical typhoon cyclones are atmospheric eddies with reduced atmospheric pressure in the center. In Taiwan, typhoons are strictly seasonal. Cyclones come to the island only in the second half of the year.

At the same time, the island itself is constantly experiencing tectonic stress that occurs in the zone of collision of two lithospheric plates — the Philippine lithospheric plate, which forms the bottom of the Philippine Sea, and the Eurasian tectonic plate. This collision caused the formation of a mountain range on the east coast of Taiwan. In the deep fault zone at the edge of this mountain range, as the plates move towards each other at a rate of 8 centimeters per year, stress builds up, which must eventually find a way out.

The convergence of the same lithospheric plates in southwestern Japan with a speed of only 4 centimeters per year of oncoming plate movement leads to destructive earthquakes with a magnitude of more than 8 every 100-150 years. However, in Taiwan, such cataclysms occur much less frequently. The authors of the article believe that the reason for this is slow earthquakes, gradually releasing underground stress over many hours, and it is typhoons that come to the region from the Pacific Ocean that trigger such earthquakes.

«During the period 2002-2007, we constantly monitored the deformation of Eastern Taiwan with three highly sensitive strain gauges installed in boreholes in the ground at a depth of 200 to 270 meters. These devices allowed us to observe movements and deformations of rocks that were indistinguishable by other methods. As data accumulated, we also monitored weather conditions, in particular, atmospheric pressure, changes in which also affect the stress of deep layers of rocks,” commented Selwyn Sacks, lead author of the study, quoted by the press service. Carnegie Institution.

During five years of observations, scientists were able to record 20 slow earthquakes, each of which lasted from several hours to more than a day. However, none of the earthquakes occurred during the first 4 months of each year, when Taiwan does not experience cyclone activity. In addition, 11 of these earthquakes occurred during the typhoon season, differing from the rest in greater strength and greater complexity of the processes of earth’s crust movements.

«These data show that it is typhoons that cause earthquakes,» said Alan Linde, co-author of the publication.

An explanation for this phenomenon has not yet been found, but the authors of the discovery themselves believe that the role of typhoons is to create a zone of low atmospheric pressure over land, which is not compensated by the pressure of the water column at the base of the mountain range on the edge of the fault. This small pressure difference is sufficient to trigger a slow earthquake.


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