Call of duty black ops 2 funktioniert nicht mehr: CoD Black Ops 2: Verbindung zum Onlinedienst nicht möglich

CoD Black Ops 2: Verbindung zum Onlinedienst nicht möglich

| von
Sebastian Sander

Manchmal passiert es, dass Sie in Call of Duty Black Ops 2 keine Verbindung mehr zum Onlinedienst aufbauen können, obwohl eine funktionierende Internetverbindung besteht. Wie Sie das Problem lösen, erklären wir Ihnen in diesem Praxistipp.

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Keine Verbindung zum Onlinedienst in CoD Black Ops 2

Oft erscheint die Fehlermeldung, wenn die Server von Call of Duty offline sind.

  • Den Serverstatus können Sie unter abrufen.
  • Wählen Sie dazu Ihre Konsole über die unteren Schaltflächen aus. Beim Status «Defcon 5» sind alle Server online, bei «Defcon 1» ist mit starken Einschränkungen zu rechnen.

Keine Verbindung zum Onlinedienst

Spieldateien von CoD Black Ops 2 sind beschädigt

Eventuell liegt bei Ihnen auch ein Fehler an den Spieldateien vor.

  1. Öffnen Sie Steam und wechseln Sie in den Reiter «Bibliothek».
  2. Wählen Sie den Mutliplayer von Black Ops 2 mit der rechten Maustaste aus.
  3. Klicken Sie im Kontextmenü auf «Eigenschaften» und wählen Sie «Lokale Dateien».
  4. Klicken Sie hier auf die Schaltfläche «Spieldateien auf Fehler überprüfen».
  5. Danach sucht Steam nach Fehlern. Sobald die Suche abgeschlossen ist und die Fehler behoben wurden, können Sie versuchen sich erneut mit dem Onlinedienst zu verbinden.

Call of Duty auf Schäden überprüfen

Steam aktualisieren

  1. Laden Sie die aktuelle Version von Steam herunter.
  2. Öffnen Sie dafür Steam, klicken Sie oben rechts auf «Datei» und wählen Sie «Nach Steam-Client Updates suchen».
  3. Starten Sie nach einem Update Ihren Computer neu.
  4. Versuchen Sie danach sich erneut mit den CoD-Servern zu verbinden.

Update von Steam einspielen

Windows-Firewall für Call of Duty Black Ops 2 konfigurieren

  1. Klicken Sie auf «Start» und navigieren Sie in die «Systemsteuerung».
  2. Wählen Sie «System und Sicherheit» und im nächsten Schritt «Windows-Firewall» aus.
  3. Klicken Sie an der linken Seite auf die Option «Ein Programm oder Feature durch die Windows-Firewall zulassen».
  4. Setzen Sie einen Haken bei den Einträgen, in denen «Call of Duty» vorkommt.
  5. Bestätigen Sie mit «OK» und starten Sie Call of Duty Black Ops 2 erneut.

Firewall für CoD neu einstellen

Steam und Call of Duty Black Ops 2 neu installieren

Bringt das alles nichts, sollten Sie Steam und CoD Black Ops 2 neu auf Ihr System aufspielen.

  1. In einem separaten Praxistipp zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie unter Windows Programme deinstallieren.
  2. Installieren Sie dann Steam erneut.
  3. Legen Sie danach die Installations-CDs von Call of Duty Black Ops 2 ein oder laden Sie die Dateien über die Steam-Bibliothek erneut herunter.
  4. Danach sollten Sie sich wieder ohne Probleme auf den CoD-Servern einloggen können.

Steam & CoD deinstallieren

Im nächsten Praxistipp zeigen wir Ihnen die besten Tipps und Tricks für den Multiplayer-Modus von Call of Duty Black Ops 2.

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Themen des Artikels

Call of DutyBlack Ops 2

«Black Ops 2 Funktioniert nicht mehr»? (Computer, Technik, PC)

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 hängt sich im Intro auf (Anfangssequenz)?

ganz oft wenn ich das game starte kommt ja dieses Intro da. wo die hersteller undso stehen.

was dann oft passiert ist das es sich an einer stelle aufhängt und ich dasselbe bild habe aber das es im hintergrund trotzdem weiterlädt, muss dann aber neustarten weil ich nichts machen kann. also pc neustarten.

weil ich das game nichtmal schließen kann.

also schließen schon aber das bild bleibt

…zur Frage

was haltet ihr vom neuen zombie modus in black ops cold war?

denkt ihr es wird wieder so gut wie in bo2?

. ..zur Frage

PS3 hängt sich auf beim Start von Black ops 2?

Hallo, habe mir Black ops 2 (Disk) gekauft und wenn ich es starte dann hängt sich die komplette PS3 auf, und kann sie neustarten. Wenn ich Black ops 2 ohne Internet starte dann geht es aber muss dann immer das Spiel schließen wenn ich Internet Verbindung wieder anmachen möchte und dann geht es erst nicht, könnt ihr mir vielleicht helfen?


…zur Frage

Black Ops 2 (Ps3) freezt beim Anmelden?


Ich habe letzten Spiele und eine ps3 slim von einem Kumpel geschenkt bekommen, darunter war auch Black Ops 2. Ich wollte es spielen aber es funktioniert einfach nicht, sobald ich mich anmelde und bo2 starte oder halt in Bo2 mich anmelde stürzt das Spiel ab. Mittlerweile habe ich mir mal ez Hen installiert um zu schauen ob es dort auch der Fall ist. Leider ja, ich kann mir das nicht mehr erklären!

Mw3 funktioniert aber auch nicht richtig, es startet auch meistens nur auf Glück und freezt auch immer, das war auch bevor Ich hen installiert habe.

Jetzt sagt ihr benutzt doch einfach die slim, ja die hat einen defekt und ich bin aktuell noch dabei es zu fixen daher muss meine alte Super Slim her.

…zur Frage

Keine Bo2 Verbindung möglich, warum?

Ich habe nun schon mehrmals versucht in den ONLINEMODUS von BLACK OPS 2 rein zu kommen, aber sobald die Meldung: «VERBINDUNG ZUM ONLINEDIENST» angezeigt wird, hängt sich das Spiel und meine Konsole (PS3) auf und es geht gar nichts mehr.

Sind die Server vielleicht Down? Kampagne und Zombie-Modus funktionieren nämlich


. ..zur Frage

Lohnt sich heute boch CoD BO2 zu kaufen und anzufangen?

Ich möchte mir BO2 auf dem PC kaufen weil ich schon BO3 auf der Ps4 habe.Ich habe nähmlich einen neuen PC und Monitor bekommen das war der Grund außerdem kommt Black Ops 4 jetzt 2018 raus.Ich finde BO2 macht mega bock ich hab es bei einem Freund gesuchtet sollte ich mir es kaufen oder auf Call of duty black ops 4 warten ???

…zur Frage

BO2 Vac ban = BO3 Vac Ban?

Also ich habe damals in Black Ops 2 gehackt, und habe auf Steam einen VAC-Ban kassiert. Überlege mir Black Ops 3 zu holen, wegen den Custom Zombie Maps, und will das dann auch mit Freunden zocken. Bin ich bereits gebannt, oder spielt das keine Rolle?

. ..zur Frage

Kennt ihr ähnliche Spiele wie Black ops 2?

Guten Morgen guten Mittag oder auch guten Abend Leute kennt ihr ähnliche Spiele wie Black ops 2? Black ops 3 und 4 finde ich einfach zum kotzen, zum einem bei bo3 die Kampagne soo lw und Lake ist und zum anderen es bei bo4 keine Kampagne mehr gibt sondern nur mainstreamsch5is wie battle royale. Kennt ihr ähnliche Spiele wie bo2 die auch so eine gute Kampagne hat? Oder vielleicht ähnlich spiele wie bo1, die Kampagne war auch meega.

…zur Frage

Cod bo2 Zombie maps?

Hallo, ich wollte fragen, wie man in Call of duty Black Ops 2 an andere Zombie maps wie die 3 Standarte Karten kommt (also Tankstelle, Farm und diese Stadt)

Ps: alles auf der PS3

. ..zur Frage

Windows 10 — ich komme mit der Windows Taste nicht auf meinen Desktop?


Ich spiele gerade ein Spiel im Vollbild Modus, welches jedoch eingefroren ist. Nun versuche ich auf meinen Desktop zu kommen, um das Spiel über den Task Manager zu schließen. Jedoch funktioniert es nicht. Wenn ich die Windows Taste auf der Tastatur drücke passiert nichts.

Wie komme ich jetzt zurück auf meinen Desktop, damit ich das Spiel schließen kann?

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Ich hab schon vieles ausprobiert und habe auch online nachgeforscht. Erfolglos.

Alles im Internet hat mir nichts gebracht und der Task schliesst sich nie. Auch neustarten hilft nicht. Es läuft immer.

…zur Frage

Bo2 Ban warscheinlichkeit?


Würde gerne wissen ob man dafür gebannt werden kann wenn man in Black Ops 2 ein Mod Menü installiert hat aber es online nicht benutzt.

…zur Frage

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…zur Frage

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…zur Frage

Unable to play Call of Duty Black Ops 2 on Windows 10

Author Oleg Belov Reading 9 min. Views 14.2k. Posted by

Compatibility issues are not uncommon on newer operating systems such as Windows 10, and speaking of them, it seems that some users are getting errors when trying to run Call of Duty Black Ops 2 on Windows 10.

Users report that they can launch the game, and upon seeing the logo, the game crashes, giving users the message «Error initializing — Unhandled exception encountered». This is an unusual problem, but there are several solutions available.


  1. How to solve problems launching Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 on Windows 10
  2. Solution 1 – reinstall the game
  3. Solution 2 – Verify the integrity of the game cache
  4. Solution 3: Delete iw6mp64_ship.exe
  5. Delete configuration files and revert to default
  6. Solution 4 – Install beta drivers for your graphics card
  7. Solution 5 – Use dedicated instead of integrated graphics
  8. Solution 6 – Make sure you install the DirectX and C++ redistributables
  9. Solution 7 – Run the game in compatibility mode
  10. Solution 8 – Close problematic applications
  11. Solution 9 – Run Steam as administrator

Call of Duty Black Ops 2 is a great game, however some issues may prevent you from playing it. Speaking of issues, users have reported the following issues with this game:

  • Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 won’t launch, launches . One of the most common problems with Black Ops 2 is the inability to launch the game. This can be a big problem, but you should be able to fix it by running the game in compatibility mode.
  • An unhandled Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 exception was encountered. Sometimes you may get this error message when you try to launch the game. If this happens, make sure you have the required C++ Redistributables and DirectX installed.
  • Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 crashes on launch . Several users have reported that they are unable to launch their game at all. According to them, the game will often freeze on startup.
  • Black screen Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 . This is another common problem with Black Ops 2, but you should fix it by updating your drivers to the latest version.
  • Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 Freezes – Another common problem with Black Ops 2 is freezing. This can be an annoying problem, but you should be able to fix it using one of our solutions.

Solution 1 — Reinstall the game

Many users claim that they fixed Black Ops 2 issues simply by reinstalling the game. To do this, simply follow these steps:

  1. Open Steam .
  2. Go to your games library and search for Call of Duty Black Ops 2 .
  3. Right click and select Remove . Don’t forget to uninstall the version that is giving you problems, you don’t need to uninstall both the single player and multiplayer versions of the game. nine0061
  4. Download the version you just removed and install it again.

After reinstalling the game, all issues with Call of Duty Black Ops 2 should be resolved.

Solution 2 – Verify integrity of game cache

Another way to fix this and many other problems is to verify the integrity of the game cache. This process does not reinstall your game, but may resolve various Call of Duty Black Ops 2 issues. To verify the game cache, do the following:

  1. Open your Steam library and look for the version Call of Duty Black Ops 2 that is causing you problems.
  2. Right click it and select Properties .
  3. In the Properties window, go to the tab Local Files and select Verify integrity of game cache.
  4. The verification process may take a few minutes, so please be patient.
  5. Once the process is complete, it will notify you if you need to update your files.

  6. After that, your game should work fine.

After verifying the integrity of the game, try launching it again to see if it works.

Game Fire is a game booster that will get rid of freezes, lags, low FPS and other problems during the game. Download it now (Free) for the best gaming experience.

Solution 3: Delete iw6mp64_ship.


  1. Open your Steam Library and search for Call of Duty Black Ops 2 . Right click and go to Properties .
  2. Open tab Local Files and delete application name: iw6mp64_ship.exe .
  3. After that, check the cache as you did in the previous solution.

Solution 4 – Delete configuration files and revert to default settings

  1. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops II\Players .
  2. In this folder you should see these files:

    • hardware.chp
    • hardware_mp. state of emergency
    • hardware_zm.chp
  3. Each of these files represents one of three game modes. You need to delete the file associated with the game mode that is giving you problems.
  4. Restart the game and you will be back to default settings.
  • READ ALSO: Fix: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic not working on Windows 10

Solution 4 – Install beta drivers for your graphics card

If you’re experiencing frequent crashes with Call of Duty Black Ops 2, the issue might be related to your graphics drivers. According to users, they were unable to play the game due to constant crashes, but they managed to fix the issue simply by downloading the latest drivers for their graphics card.

We’ve already written a video driver update guide, so be sure to check it out if you need more information. Several users have reported that using the latest beta drivers fixed the issue, so you may want to do so. After updating the drivers, the game should start working again without problems.

Solution 5 — Use dedicated instead of integrated graphics

Many users reported that they are unable to play Call of Duty Black Ops 2 on their PC due to the game getting stuck on the loading screen. However, there is a way to fix this. Many PCs have both dedicated and integrated graphics, and using integrated graphics can cause this issue to appear.

To fix this issue, you need to set a dedicated graphics card as your main graphics card. It’s pretty simple and you can do it using Nvidia Control Panel or AMD Catalyst Control Center. If you can’t find the option to switch to dedicated graphics in these tools, you can do it from the BIOS.

Your BIOS is a little more complicated, and to learn how to disable the onboard graphics card, we advise you to check your motherboard manual for detailed instructions. After you disable the integrated graphics, check if the issue is resolved.

Solution 6 – Make sure you install the DirectX and C++

Many applications require certain components to run properly and the same goes for Call Of Duty Black Ops 2. You need to have the correct version of C++ Redistributables and DirectX installed to run the game.

However, sometimes these components are not automatically installed on your computer, and this can cause problems with Black Ops 2. However, you can easily fix the problem simply by installing the necessary components.

You can download the DirectX and C++ Redistributables online, but there is a faster way. There are different versions of the DirectX and C++ Redistributables and you need to download and install the correct version in order to play the game.

Many games already have the required components and you just need to install them manually. To do this for Black Ops 2, you just need to follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your Black Ops 2 installation directory. By default, this should be Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops II .
  2. Now go to the directory redist and run vcredist_x86.exe .
  3. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.
  4. Optional: If you have another setup file available in the redist directory, you might want to run it.

  5. Once the installation process is complete, you need to navigate to the redist\DirectX directory and run DXSETUP.exe .
  6. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.

After installing both components, try launching Black Ops 2 again. Many users reported that they fixed the issue after installing these two components, so you might want to try that.

  • READ ALSO: Common Call of Duty WWII bugs and how to fix them on PC

Solution 7: Run the game in compatibility mode

According to users, if you are unable to play Call of Duty Black Ops 2 on your PC, you might be able to fix the problem by running the game in Compatibility Mode. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the Call of Duty Black Ops 2 shortcut, right-click it and select Properties from the menu.
  2. When the Properties window opens , click the Compatibility tab . Select the check box Run this program in compatibility mode for and select an older version of Windows. Now click Apply and OK to save the changes.

After that, try launching the game and check if that helps. If you don’t have a desktop shortcut, you can find the game’s .exe file in its installation directory.

Solution 8 – Close problematic apps

Sometimes, third-party apps can interfere with Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and prevent it from launching. Many apps can interfere, but users reported that they fixed the issue after closing Sonic Studio .

This application is part of the ASUS Audio software, and if you have it on your computer, be sure to close it or uninstall it and check if that solves the problem.

Solution 9 – Run Steam as Administrator

Several users reported that they fixed the issue simply by running Steam as an administrator. To do this, simply follow these steps:

  1. Locate the shortcut Steam and right click it.
  2. Now select Run as administrator from the menu.

If this solves the problem, you can change the Steam configuration and always run it as an administrator. To do this, just do the following:

  1. Right-click the Steam shortcut and select Properties from the menu.
  2. Click the Compatibility tab and check the box Run this program as an administrator . Now click Apply and OK to save the changes.

Once done, Steam will always run with admin rights and issues with Black Ops 2 should be resolved.

That’s all, I hope that at least some of these solutions were useful to you and that you can now play Call of Duty Black Ops on Windows 10. If you have any comments or questions, just contact to the comment section below.

Editor’s Note . This post was originally published in November 2015 and has since been completely revised and updated to ensure freshness, accuracy and completeness.

Unable to play Call of Duty Black Ops 2 on Windows 10

Compatibility issues are not that uncommon on newer operating systems like Windows 10. Speaking of which, some users seem to be getting errors when trying to run Call of Duty Black Ops 2 on Windows 10.

Users are reporting that they can run the game , and upon seeing the logo, the game crashes, telling users «Error initializing — threw an unhandled exception»

This is an unusual problem, but there are several solutions available.

Call of Duty Black Ops 2 is a great game, but some issues may prevent you from playing it. Speaking of issues, users have reported the following issues with this game: One of the most common problems with Black Ops 2 is the inability to launch the game. This can be a big problem, but you should be able to fix it by running the game in compatibility mode. nine0014

  • Unhandled Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 Exception — You can sometimes get this error message when you try to launch the game. If this happens, make sure you have the required C++ Redistributables and DirectX installed.
  • Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 crashes on launch — Several users have reported that they can’t start their game at all. According to them, the game will often freeze on startup.
  • Black screen Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 is another common problem with Black Ops 2, but you should be able to fix it by updating your drivers to the latest version.
  • Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 Freeze — Another common issue with Black Ops 2 is freezing. This can be an annoying problem, but you should be able to fix it using one of our solutions.

  • Solution 1 — Reinstall the game

    Many users claim that they fixed problems with Black Ops 2 simply by reinstalling the game. To do this, simply follow these steps:

    1. Open Steam .
    2. Go to your game library and search for Call of Duty Black Ops 2 .
    3. Right-click and select Delete . Don’t forget to uninstall the version that is giving you problems, you don’t need to uninstall both the single player and multiplayer versions of the game.
    4. Download the version you just removed and install it again.

    After reinstalling the game, all problems with Call of Duty Black Ops 2 should be resolved. nine0005

    If you need more information on how to safely uninstall Steam games on Windows 10, check out this simple guide.

    Is your Steam game not showing up in your library? Don’t worry, we have the right solution for you.

    Solution 2 — Verify the integrity of the game cache

    Another way to fix this and many other problems is to verify the integrity of the game cache. This process does not reinstall your game, but may solve various Call of Duty Black Ops 2 issues. To verify the game cache, do the following:

    1. Open the Steam Library and find the version of Call of Duty Black Ops 2, that is causing you problems.
    2. Right click and select Properties .
    3. In the Properties window, go to the Local Files tab and select Verify Integrity of Game Cache .
    4. The verification process may take several minutes, so please be patient.
    5. After the process completes, it will notify you if you need to update your files. nine0014
    6. After this is done, your game should work fine.

    After verifying the integrity of the game, try launching it again to see if it works.

    Game Fire is a game booster that will get rid of freezes, lags, low FPS and other problems during the game. Download it now (Free) for the best gaming experience.

    Solution 3: Delete iw6mp64_ship.exe

    1. Open your Steam library and search for Call of Duty Black Ops 2 . Right click and go to Properties .
    2. Go to the Local Files tab and delete the application name from there: iw6mp64_ship.exe .
    3. After that check the cache as in the previous solution.

    If you can’t run Steam games on your Windows 10 PC, check out this guide for a quick fix. nine0041

    Solution 4: Delete the configuration files and return to default settings

    1. Go to the C: Program FilesSteamsteamappscommonCall of Duty Black Ops IIplayers folder.
    2. In this folder you should see these files:
      • hardware.chp
      • hardware_mp. state of emergency
      • hardware_zm.chp
    3. Each of these files represents one of three game modes. You need to delete the file associated with the game mode that is giving you problems. nine0014
    4. Restart the game and you will be back to default settings.

    Solution 4 — Install beta drivers for your graphics card

    If you’re experiencing frequent crashes with Call of Duty Black Ops 2, the issue might be related to your graphics drivers.

    Users reported that they were unable to play the game due to constant crashes, but they were able to fix the problem simply by downloading the latest drivers for their graphics card.

    We’ve already written a video driver update guide, so be sure to check it out if you need more information. nine0005

    Several users have reported that using the latest beta drivers fixed the issue, so you may want to do so.

    After updating the drivers, the game should start working again without problems.

    Want the latest GPU drivers? Bookmark this page and stay up to date with the latest and greatest.

    Solution 5 — Use dedicated instead of integrated graphics

    Many users have reported that they are unable to play Call of Duty Black Ops 2 on their PC due to the game freezing on the loading screen.

    However, there is a way to fix this. Many PCs have both dedicated and integrated graphics, and using integrated graphics can cause this issue to appear.

    To solve this problem, you need to set the dedicated graphics card as the primary graphics. It’s pretty simple and you can do it using Nvidia Control Panel or AMD Catalyst Control Center. nine0005

    If Nvidia Control Panel is not working on Windows 10, check out this dedicated guide to fix it easily. If you are experiencing the same issue with AMD Catalyst Control Center, you can check out this guide.

    If you can’t find the option to switch to dedicated graphics in these tools, you can do it from the BIOS. Accessing the BIOS seems like too much of a challenge? Let us make it easy for you with this amazing guide! nine0005

    Your BIOS is a bit more complex, and to learn how to disable the onboard graphics card, we advise you to check your motherboard manual for detailed instructions.

    After you disable the integrated graphics, check if the problem is resolved.

    Can’t switch your graphics cards in Windows 10? Follow the instructions in this manual for a quick fix.

    Solution 6: Make sure you install the DirectX and C++9 Redistributables0062

    Many applications require certain components to run properly, and the same goes for Call Of Duty Black Ops 2. To run the game, you need to have the correct version of C++ Redistributables and DirectX installed.

    Sometimes these components are not automatically installed on your computer and this can cause problems with Black Ops 2. However, you can easily fix this problem by simply installing the required components.

    You can download the DirectX and C++ redistributables online, but there is a faster way. There are different versions of the DirectX and C++ Redistributables and you need to download and install the correct version in order to play the game. nine0005

    Many games already have the required components and you just need to install them manually. To do this for Black Ops 2 you just need to follow these steps:

    1. Go to your Black Ops 2 installation directory. By default it should be SteamsteamappscommonCall of Duty Black Ops II
    2. Now navigate to the directory for redirect and run vcredist_x86.exe .
    3. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation. nine0014
    4. Optional: If you have any other setup file available in the redist directory, you can run that as well.
    5. Once the installation process is complete, you need to navigate to the redistDirectX directory and run DXSETUP.exe .
    6. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.

    After installing both components, try launching Black Ops 2 again. Many users reported that they fixed the issue after installing these two components, so you might want to try that. nine0005

    Solution 7: Run the game in Compatibility Mode

    According to users, if you are unable to play Call of Duty Black Ops 2 on your PC, you can fix the problem by running the game in Compatibility Mode. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Locate the Call of Duty Black Ops 2 shortcut, right-click it, and select Properties from the menu.
    2. When the window « Properties» opens 0119, go to the « Compatibility » tab. Select the Run this program in compatibility mode check box and select an older version of Windows. Now press Apply and OK, to save the changes.

    Then try launching the game and see if it helps. If you don’t have a desktop shortcut, you can find the game’s .exe file in its installation directory.

    If you need an FPS counter for Call of Duty Black Ops 2, check out this list with our top picks. nine0005

    Solution 8 — Close problematic applications

    Sometimes third-party applications can interfere with Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and prevent it from launching. Many apps can interfere, but users have reported that they fixed the issue after closing Sonic Studio .

    This application is part of the ASUS Audio software, and if you have it on your computer, be sure to close it or uninstall it and see if that solves the problem. nine0005

    If you want a smoother gaming experience, check out this guide to find out which services to disable.

    Solution 9 — Run Steam as an administrator

    Several users reported that they fixed the issue simply by running Steam as an administrator. To do this, simply follow these steps:

    1. Find your shortcut Steam and right-click on it. nine0014
    2. Now select « Run as administrator» from the menu.

    If this solves the problem, you can change the Steam configuration and always run it as an administrator. To do this, simply do the following:

    1. Right click on the Steam shortcut and select Properties from the menu.
    2. Now go to the tab « Compatibility » and check the box « Run this program as an administrator» . Now press Apply and OK, to save the changes.

    Steam will always run as admin after doing this and problems with Black Ops 2 should be resolved.

    Nothing happens when you click on Run as administrator? Don’t worry, we have the right solution for you.

    That’s it, I hope that at least some of these solutions were useful to you and that you can now play Call of Duty Black Ops on Windows 10.

    If you have any suggestions or questions, just go to the comments section below.


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    Editor’s note : This post was originally published in November 2015 and has since been completely revised and updated to ensure freshness, accuracy and completeness.