Buyscript cs 1.6: Buy Scripts [Counter-Strike 1.6] [Config Scripts]

Counter-Strike Scripts & Aliases

Now lets put all of this information together. Here are some useful aliases using the information from above. Remember to bind these aliases to whatever key that you want. The binds below are only for examples.
If the alias starts with a (+), then use that in the binds, not the (-). What this does is executes the alias (+) when you press the button and stops it when you release it (-).

Nameswap Alias — This alias changes your name between two names with a single keystroke. Just plug your names in instead of the examples. Also, note that if you want spaces in your name, replace the space with a % sign,
like: name N%e%w%b%i%e.

alias nameswap «name1»
alias name1 «name KillerX; alias nameswap name2»
alias name2 «name [XTC]KillerX; alias nameswap name1»

bind «x» «nameswap»

Quick Pistol Alias — This immediatey brings out your pistol. Very useful when you run out of ammo on your primary weapon or if you are in a
firefight and don’t have time to reload.

alias qpist «slot2; +attack; wait; -attack»

bind «a» «qpist»

Quick Weapon Alias — This immediatey brings out your primary weapon. Use this to quickly switch back to your primary weapon.

alias qwpn «slot1; +attack; wait; -attack»

bind «l» «qwpn»

Quick Knife Alias — This immediatey brings out your knife. Very useful when you run out of ammo on your primary weapon/pistol or if you are in a
firefight and don’t have time to reload.

alias qknif «weapon_knife»

bind «f» «qknif»

Quick Grenade Alias — Brings out first grenade available.

alias qgren «slot4; +attack; wait; -attack»

bind «q» «qgren»

Defuse & Cover Alias — This Alias tells your team to Cover you as you defuse the bomb. You bind a key to +defuse.

alias +defuse «+use; radio1; menuselect 1; slot10; say_team Cover me I’m defusing the bomb»
alias -defuse «-use; slot10»

bind «d» «+defuse»

Bomb Plant Alias — This Alias plants the bomb and tells your team to Cover you. You bind a key to +bomb

alias +bomb «weapon_c4; +duck; +attack; wait; radio1; menuselect 1; slot10; say_team Cover me I’m planting the bomb»
alias -bomb «-duck; -attack; slot10»

bind «b» «+bomb»

Crouch Jump Alias — This is a widely used Alias to Crouch Jump instead of standard jump, for added height.

alias +cjump «+jump; +duck»
alias -cjump «-jump; -duck»

bind «space» «+cjump»

Crosshair Adjuster Alias — This adjusts the Crosshair color in game.

alias cross «adjust_crosshair»

bind «c» «cross»

Reload & Cover Alias — This reloads your weapon and asks for cover.

alias +recov «+reload; wait; -reload; radio1; menuselect 1; say_team cover me I’m reloading»
alias -recov «slot10; wait; wait; slot10»

bind «r» «+recov»

FPS Viewer Alias — This toggles your FPS on and off.

alias fps «fpson»
alias fpson «cl_showfps 1; alias fps fpsoff»
alias fpsoff «cl_showfps 0; alias fps fpson»
bind «,» «fps»

Net Graph Alias — This is used to toggle the netgraph on and off.

alias graph «graphon»
alias graphon «net_graph 3; alias graph graphoff»
alias graphoff «net_graph 0; alias graph graphon»
bind «j» «graph»

Radar Alias — This toggles your radar on and off.

alias radar «radaroff»
alias radaroff «drawradar; alias radar radaron»
alias radaron «hideradar; alias radar radaroff»
bind «.» «radar»

Demo Record Alias — This records and stops a demo.

alias RecDemo «RecOn»
alias RecOn «record CSDemo1; alias RecDemo RecOff»
alias RecOff «stop; alias RecDemo RecOn»
bind «-» «RecDemo»

Weapon View Alias — This toggles your viewable weapon on and off. Try it if you need fps.

alias wpnview «wpnoff»
alias wpnoff «r_drawviewmodel 0; alias wpnview wpnon»
alias wpnon «r_drawviewmodel 1; alias wpnview wpnoff»
bind «=» «wpnview»

Netcode Alias ~ by:EqualHate — This toggles the new Valve Netcode on and off. This way you can change it in game to see which way works better for you.

alias dev1 «developer 1»
alias dev0 «developer 0»
alias netswitch «net_on»
alias netstatus1 «dev1; echo NETCODE ENABLED; dev0»
alias netstatus0 «dev1; echo NETCODE DISABLED; dev0»
alias net_on «cl_lc 1; cl_lw 1; alias netswitch net_off; netstatus1»
alias net_off «cl_lc 0; cl_lw 0; alias netswitch net_on; netstatus0»
bind «x» «netswitch»

Status Report Alias — This alias gives you the scores, your fps and the timeleft with one key press. Bind a key to +statusrpt.

alias +statusrpt «+showscores; cl_showfps 1; timeleft»
alias -statusrpt «-showscores; cl_showfps 0»
bind «TAB» «+statusrpt»

HE Grenade Buy & Throw Alias — This alias buys you a grenade and primes it when you press the key and throws it when you release it.

alias +buythro «buyequip; menuselect 4; wait; wait; weapon_hegrenade; wait; wait; +attack»
alias -buythro «wait; -attack»
bind «enter» «+buythro»

Crouch Toggle Alias — This alias allows you to crouch without holding a key. Press it once to crouch and again to stand.

alias duck_t «duck_on»
alias duck_on «alias duck_t duck_off; +duck; developer 1; echo Ducking enabled; developer 0»
alias duck_off «alias duck_t duck_on; -duck; developer 1; echo Standing enabled; developer 0»

bind «x» «duck_t»

Walk Toggle Alias — This alias allows you to walk without holding a key. Press it once to walk and again to run.

alias walk_t «walk_on»
alias walk_on «alias walk_t walk_off; +speed; developer 1; echo Walking enabled; developer 0»
alias walk_off «alias walk_t walk_on; -speed; developer 1; echo Running enabled; developer 0»

Bind «w» «walk_t»

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Um schneller kaufen zu knnen und nicht immer alles im Buymenu aussuchen zu mssen, knnt ihr euch ein sogenanntes «Buyscript» machen. Dafr geht ihr einfach in euren Steamordner (meistens C:\Programme\Steam\SteamApps\DEINACCOUNTNAME\counter-strike\cstrike) und erstellt dort per Editor eine Datei names userconfig.cfg (wenn sie noch nicht vorhanden ist). Nun knnt ihr diese Datei per Editor oder Notepad ffnen und ein Buyscript erstellen.
Sucht euch also eine Taste auf eurer Tastatur aus und berlegt euch was ihr kaufen wollt, wenn ihr diese Taste drckt.
Ich nehme jetzt einmal als Beispiel die Taste «L» und mchte mit dieser Taste die M4A1 kaufen.
Nun schreibe ich in meine userconfig.cfg
bind «L» «m4a1» — Nun kaufe ich mit der Taste L eine M4.
Damit ihr wisst, mit welchem Befehl man welche Waffe kauft, habt ihr hier eine kleine Liste:

glock, usp, deagle, p228, elites, fn57

m3, xm1014

mp5, tmp, p90, mac10, ump45

galil, famas, ak47, sg552, m4a1, aug, scout, awp, g3sg1, sg550


primammo = Fllt die Muni fr Gewehre KOMPLETT auf
secammo = Fllt die Muni fr Pistolen KOMPLETT auf

Alternativ dazu:
buyammo1 (fr Gewehre)
buyammo2 (fr Pistolen)

vest = Kevlarweste
vesthelm = Weste mit Helm
flash = Blendgranate
hegren = Granate
sgren = Rauchgranate
nvgs = Nachtsicht
defuser = Entschrfungstool
shield = Schild

Man kann diese Befehle auch Kombinieren:
bind «X» «awp; vesthelm; hegren; flash; flash; defuser»
Mit der Taste «X» kauft man jetzt eine AWP, eine Weste mit Helm, eine HE-Granate, 2 Blendgranaten und ein Defuse-Kit.