Borderlands 2 du hast die haare schön: Bad hair day | Borderlands Wiki

Borderlands 2 — Komplettlösung: Du hast die Haare schön (XB360)

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Sir Hammerlock möchte seinen Hut mit Bullymong-Haar optisch aufpolieren. Diese Felle könnt ihr allerdings erst erreichen, nachdem ihr das große Gebiet des Gateway Harbour betreten habt. Die vier Fundorte der Bullymong-Haare, die ihr in einer beliebigen Reihenfolge einsammeln könnt, sind auf der Karte markiert — vorausgesetzt die Nebenmission ist aktiv.

Wir haben uns dafür entschieden, unsere Suche nach den Fellen am südlichen Ende des Areals zu beginnen. Bei der Markierung auf der Karte befindet sich ein kleiner Posten mit einigen Gegnern, die ihr locker ausschalten könnt. Durchsucht den Bereich nach nützlichen Gegenständen und lauft weiter nach Süden zu dem Banditenlager.

Das Banditenlager

Die vielen Banditen in dem Lager sind gefährlich. Deshalb solltet ihr die ersten Banditen auf Distanz eliminieren. Danach kämpft ihr euch langsam voran und schaltet die Feinde nach und nach aus. Die explosiven Fässer könnt ihr prima gegen die Banditen einsetzen, genauso wie einige andere Umgebungsobjekte. Auf keinen Fall solltet ihr das Lager stürmen und in einen Kugelhagel geraten.

Nehmt euch vor dem Scharfschützen auf dem großen Gebäude in Acht. Er hat sich bei den farbigen Lichtern in Stellung gebracht, von dort aus hat er ein freies Schussfeld über nahezu das gesamte Lager. Diesen Kerl solltet ihr so schnell wie möglich erledigen.

Elektrischen Zaun abschalten

Nachdem das Banditenlager gesichert ist, geht ihr zur linken Seite des elektrisch geladenen Zauns und sucht den Sicherungskasten hinter dem gelben Schild. Zerschießt den Kasten und der Zaun steht nicht länger unter Strom.

Sobald ihr den Zaun abgeschaltet habt, werdet ihr von weiteren Gegnern angegriffen. Unter den Feinden befinden sich auch einige Bullymongs. Da ihr es auf ihre Felle abgesehen habt, dürft ihr sie nicht von weitem erschießen. Stattdessen müsst ihr die Bullymongs mit wenigen gezielten Projektilen schwächen und sie dann aus nächster Nähe erledigen. Wenn euch das gelingt, habt ihr die ersten beiden Felle erbeutet.

Noch mehr Felle

Im nächsten Gebiet erwarten euch wieder einige Feinde, darunter sind jedoch auch größere Monster. Deshalb solltet ihr auch diesen Bereich nicht blind stürmen und die Gegner lieber aus der Entfernung unter Beschuss nehmen. Denkt daran, die Bullymongs dabei nicht zu töten. Sobald sie von euren Kugeln deutlich angeschlagen sind, rennt ihr zu ihnen und erledigt sie im Nahkampf. Auf diese Weise könnt ihr weitere Felle erbeuten.

Wenn ihr euch an unsere Beschreibung gehalten habt, seid ihr nun im Besitzt der vier Bullymong-Haar für Sir Hammerlock. Ansonsten geht ihr nach Norden und holt euch die Felle der anderen Bullymongs. Bringt die vier Felle zu Sir Hammerlock und ihr habt die Nebenmission geschafft.

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Veröffentlicht: 28. 09.2012Aktualisiert: 28.09.2012

Passage of the storyline of the game Borderlands 2





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Borderlands 2 is a great shooter with RPG elements to play alone or with friends. This is a continuation of the first part. This article describes the passage of the single player campaign of Borderlands 2.

General information

The gameplay will take from 30 hours (for completing the story campaign) to 80 hours (additional quests plus DLC add-ons). To run the game, you need a computer with the following specifications:

  • 4-core CPU with a frequency of 2.3GHz;
  • 2GB RAM;
  • graphics card with 1GB of memory and support for DirectX 10;
  • 20 gigabytes of free disk space;
  • OS Windows XP, 7, 8 — 64-bit.

Borderlands 2 Remastered requires a more powerful device.

Important information! These are recommended requirements. If you lower the image quality, the game will also run on a 2-core processor.

Borderlands 2 Online Launch Guide

How to enable LAN is simple: all you have to do is go to settings and check the LAN box. After that, connect with a friend. You may need to use some simulator: Hamachi, Tunngle, etc.

Walkthrough of the game Borderlands 2

The main story consists of 18 tasks. At the very beginning, after several introductory scenes, the player will have to choose who to control. In Borderlands 2, the characters are diverse, there are guides for each on the Internet. But it doesn’t make sense to study it, since the game gives all the necessary information. Here is their list:

  1. Exton «Special Forces».
  2. Zero «Clone».
  3. Maya «Siren».
  4. Salvador «Shizostrel».
  5. Nut «Mecharomancer».
  6. Psycho Krieg.

Each one is cool in its own way, so it’s up to personal preference. Further pumping is carried out as you complete quests and search for legendary items, weapons, and treasures.

Borderlands 2 Walkthrough: Blinded

Start of the game. The player’s task is to protect Claptrap, shoot several enemies, defeat the Giant and take the eye from the robot, then find Hammerlock.

Walkthrough of the game Borderlands 2 in Russian: Clearing the iceberg

The second task in the game, where you need to get to the Iceberg Liar. There will be several spittles at the location. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the Piece of iron again.

It is recommended to inquire about additional tasks in order to get more money and experience. To get Exp, you should complete the Symbiosis quest, where you need to get to Blackburn Cave.

The best servant in the world

In the third chapter, the player will meet the first boss — Boom and Bam. These are two brothers behind the bridge.

To kill them, it is recommended to hide behind covers and destroy the cannon. It is better to act on counterattacks — hide, deal some damage, then back to cover.

Road to the Vault

First you need to get to the shelter itself, and then find an adapter that will be needed for hacking. It is guarded by bandits.

When the character has the part, you need to find a car, jump over the abyss and drive through the tunnel.

The next objective is to meet Corporal Rice. He will ask to save his subordinate, the player will have to carry out a rescue operation. After that, you need to go for the power unit. At the end of the mission, the player must meet with Davis.

Useful information! A shotgun will come in handy in the early stages. To get it, you can complete the Guess the Name quest. There are 4 goals in the task: inspect the stash, kill the primate, shoot the shells, kill the bone-stompers.

Plan B

The task is simple: you need to talk to the guard, the city mechanic. After that, you will have to arrange batteries to help Scooter with Plan B. Then, find the key and Roland’s command center.

Borderlands 2: Walkthrough of the quest «Hunting the Hawk»

The character will be given the task to open Roland’s safe. There will be an audio recording inside. After that, go to Frostbite Gorge. To find the hawk, you will need to follow the signs of the Bloodmen. The location is quite confusing, but there are two Vaults there.

Cool operation

The player needs to get to the bloodthirsty fortress, where they need to save Roland. To do this, you need to honk at the gate and defeat the enemies. Then, talk to Ellie in the Sands location. At the end, you need to get on the truck and drive back to the fortress.

Make it to the train

There is a test «Lord of Inspectors» in the task. You need to kill Wilhelm without touching the inspectors.

Wilhelm is the boss, a big robot. You should not pay attention to small mechanisms, as the battle will drag on. After killing the main enemy, you need to take the power unit and return to the Vault.


The ninth chapter consists of four objectives.

  • First, you need to replace the power unit.
  • After the shelling, the main character goes to the city center to turn on the candles.
  • Lilith will ask you to take Eridium nuggets. There are only 5 of them.
  • The last goal is to leave the Vault, reach the Refrigerator.

Bright Lights of the Flying City

First you need to go through narrow rooms, defeat a few enemies, and then try to return to the city through the teleporter.

The main character will not be able to teleport, so you need to get to the factory. Then cross the channel. Along the way, you will meet a builder robot. You can either kill him or run past him.

The next goal is to find a navigation beacon. He is in the yard. When the main character gets to the top, he will install the device and then connect to the network.

Tip! It is recommended to complete the quest «Safe and Safe» and «Absolute Peace». For this you can get more than 7 thousand experience. The player will have to go down into the Caustic Caverns.


In the eleventh chapter, there will be another boss — Slagged Bloodwing. This is a level 22 mob. The tactics are the same as with the rest — hit and run. The enemy takes turns using slag, fire, electricity, corrosion to attack. Therefore, the player requires reaction and dexterity.

Once Butcher…

First you need to get a note from Roland, then get to the location «Thousand Cuts». In place of the character, enemies attack.

After the victory, you need to deliver a note. To complete the task, you will need to follow Brik. NIM destroys the shields, the main character destroys the beacons. There are 3 of them.

The Man Who Wanted to Be Jack

The player receives almost 10,000 experience for the task. First you need to reach the city of Prospect. To get to the base, you will have to get samples of Jack’s voice. Then you need to kill the impostor, take the watch and record the voice. When the player has four records, you need to send them to the Angel.

Where an angel won’t dare…

In the first part of the mission, you need to disable the gate in front of Jack’s base, then convince Claptrap to help. The robot will turn off the field, you need to go upstairs. The ultimate goal is the Bunker on the mountain.

Later, the main character meets with the boss in the form of a flying saucer. When 6NK-3R is killed, Angel must be released. When she dies, take the key and talk to Roland.

Where an angel won’t dare.. 2

At the beginning of the quest, Jack kills Roland and kidnaps Lilith. The main character is teleported to the Vault. After searching the chests, you need to talk to Mordecai.

Hard Work

The first goal is to enter the Guano Smoking Grotto. We need to find an elevator. However, it doesn’t work. The player will have to find the vulture hangars, then climb to the top of the Inferno Tower. A task will appear at the top — shoot down 5 helicopters, then put beacons so that their people fly in and take the boxes.

At the end, you need to return to the Eridium Mort. The bridge will become accessible.

Data collection

At the cemetery, you need to drive to the platform located in front of the pipe. Then, head south, turn two valves. The same must be done with two stations in the north.

When the stations are disabled, you need to return to the pipe, then accelerate and crash into it, the pipe will break. Next, go up to the top floor.

Help! In the Heart of the Desert, the protagonist meets Saturn the robot. The best tactic is to hit from afar.

In the building you will need to go up to the last floor, then download the coordinates of their Vault. To complete the mission, the player must return to Mordecai.

It is recommended to get achievements to increase the level of recklessness. This will improve the characteristics of the character.

Claw of God

This is the final game. First you need to talk with Zhelezyaka. An additional goal is to talk to the rest of the characters. From the dialogues, it turns out that the Warrior and the Vault are located in the Hero’s Gorge. The robot should be the last to be spoken to, as each NPC gives a blue item of some sort. Together with the Iron Man, you need to go to the Eridium Mora and storm the Hyperion Gate.

The robot must be protected while it hacks the autocannons. Until then, they cannot be destroyed. After passing through the gate, two allies join the player — Brik and Mordecai.

After the battle, you need to get to the Warrior’s Vault. At the end there will be two bosses: Jack and Warrior. In the first battle, you need to shoot all the copies and destroy the flying robots. They restore life to the enemy. After defeating the Warrior, you need to finish him off with a bombardment. Then kill Jack with one shot.

Brief description of released add-ons

There are 7 add-ons in the game:

  • Captain.
  • Torgue.
  • Hammerlock.
  • Tina.
  • Peak.
  • HH-1-5.
  • Lilith.

It is recommended that you complete them all as they are unique content. Each DLC has main and additional tasks, for example, MMORPGFPS in addition with Tina. The mission contains a reference to World of Warcraft. Also there you will need to make a “tea bag” for the DatVaultHuntr character — sit down several times over his body.

Borderlands 2 is a game with an open and unique world, subtle and dark humor. The passage of the plot will bring pleasure to every player.

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Will Borderlands 2 work: system requirements

Computer specifications
Collapse block

Official system requirements for Borderlands 2

This hardware is recommended by developers to run with minimum and recommended settings. These requirements are usually very approximate, but you can use them to understand what level of computer you need to play.



Video card:
256 MB, NVIDIA GeForce 8500 /ATI Radeon HD 2600
Video card:
512MB, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 / ATI Radeon HD 5850
2.4 GHz Dual Core Processor
2.3 GHz Quad Core processor
2 GB(XP)/ 2 GB(Vista)
Hard disk:
20 GB free
Hard disk:
20 GB free
Operating system:
Windows XP SP3
Operating system:
Windows XP SP3/Vista/Win 7
no data
no data

Your computer in Borderlands 2

Your graphics card in Borderlands 2

GeForce RTX 3060 performance compared to the game’s official system requirements.

RTX 3060

Radeon HD 2600 PRO

Radeon HD 5850

30 fps @ low
1024 × 768

60 fps @ medium
1366 × 768

60 fps @ high
1366 × 768

60 fps @ ultra
1920 × 1080

FPS Benchmarks

Average FPS on GeForce RTX 3060 (our estimates). FPS may vary by operating system and other factors.

low / 768p

160-170 FPS

Medium / 768p

140–150 FPS

High / 768p

130–140 FPS

Ultra / 1080p

9000-130 FPS 9000 9000 performance of Core i5-12400 with the official system requirements of the game.


Pentium D 950


User rating

Here you can see the rating of the game by users and put your rating.

Other games developed by Gearbox Software

We have system requirements for other games developed by the same company.

Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30

Homeworld Remastered Collection

Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood


Borderlands 3

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour


New Tales from the Borderlands

Duke Nukem Forever

Aliens: Colonial Marines

Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway

Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced

Borderlands 2 VR

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