Beste spiele auf steam: Die 15 besten Spiele auf Steam nach User-Wertung

Die 15 besten Spiele auf Steam nach User-Wertung

Welche Spiele sind die besten bei Steam? User-Reviews sind dafür ein wichtiger Indikator. Bevor wir euch die Top 15 vorstellen, beachtet bitte: Es geht in der Liste um die höchste Durchschnittsbewertung von Spielern, sortiert nach dem Wertungsalgorithmus von SteamDB.

Der relativiert das Rating abhängig von der Anzahl der Bewertungen und verhindert, dass Spiele mit sehr wenigen Bewertungen zu weit oben auftauchen. Darum weicht das Rating von SteamDB von dem auf Steam ab.

Sucht ihr noch etwas Audio-Untermalung während ihr durch unsere Liste stöbert? Dann haben wir den perfekten Podcast für euch, in dem Micha und Géraldine über die aktuelle Top 20 der bestbewerteten Steam-Spiele diskutieren, lachen und weinen:

Link zum Podcast-Inhalt

Letztes Update: 21. Oktober 2022
Aktualisiert: Plätze 1-15

Platz 15: Slay the Spire


Slay the Spire — Video: Was kann der Steam Early-Access Hit?

Wer auch nur im entferntesten etwas mit Kartenspielen anfangen kann, der kommt um Slay the Spire einfach nicht herum. Der Steam-Hit hat das Genre der Roguelike-Deckbuilder zu dem gemacht, das es heute ist — nämlich extrem beliebt. Nicht umsonst steht es auch auf unserer Liste der 100 besten Strategiespiele aller Zeiten.

Ihr tretet in Rollenspiel-Rundenkämpfen à la Final Fantasy gegeneinander an, könnt dabei aber Befehle aus eurem stetig wachsenden Deck wählen. Ein Spielerlebnis, das dank seines neuen Addons noch runder ist.


Mehr zum Thema

Slay the Spire war super, aber das Downfall-Addon ist die Krönung

Platz 14: Helltaker

Link zum YouTube-Inhalt

Der Erfolg von Helltaker lässt sich vermutlich auf eine Reihe von Gründen zurückführen. Erstens ist das Spiel kostenlos auf Steam. Zweitens spielt ihr darin eine Reihe von Rätseln mit einem guten Flow. Drittens hat das Spiel einen genialen Soundtrack. Und viertens … ja viertens kommen darin sexy Dämonenmädchen im Comiclook vor.

Diese könnt ihr in euren Höllen-Harem einladen. Klingt erstmal nach einem dieser plumpen Erotikspiele auf Steam, tatsächlich erzählt Helltaker aber eine charmante und witzige Geschichte mit zwei möglichen Enden in seinen circa zwei Stunden.

Dadurch konnte das Spiel über 105.000 positive Bewertungen bei lediglich 2.000 negativen Stimmen sammeln und belegt passend zum Höllenthema Platz 14 der beliebtesten Steam-Spiele.

Platz 13: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth


The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth — Trailer kündigt den riesigen, finalen DLC «Repentance» an

Im Rogue-Like The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth steuern wir Isaac und andere an die Bibel angelehnte Figuren durch mit Monstern und Fäkalien gefüllte Räume. Dabei kämpfen wir mit Tränen, die wir im Laufe eines Spieldurchgangs durch verschiedene Items aufrüsten. Ein Kleiderbügel erhöht beispielsweise die Schussfrequenz der Tränen, dafür steckt er Isaac fortan aber auch im Kopf fest.

Ja, The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth ist abgedreht, brutal und verstörend. Kein Wunder, spiegelt die Umgebung doch die Wahrnehmung und Psyche eines hilflosen Jungen wider, der von seiner fanatischen Mutter misshandelt wird.

Spielerisch beeindruckt das Spiel mit einer Vielzahl an Items, die untereinander Synergien bilden und so abwechslungsreiche Spieldurchgänge garantieren. Die zahlreichen Gegnertypen und Bosse sowie die einzigartige und groteske Atmosphäre runden das Erlebnis ab. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth erhielt im GameStar-Test einen verdienten Gold-Award.

Mit Afterbirth und Afterbirth+ existieren auch zwei Addons zum Hauptspiel, die neben einem neuen Spielmodus in zwei Schwierigkeitsstufen weitere Charaktere, Raumtypen, Items und Bosse hinzufügen.

Platz 12: The Henry Stickmin Collection

Link zum YouTube-Inhalt

Bei Platz 12 mögen einige unter uns erst einmal die Stirn runzeln — was bitte ist die Henry Stickmin Collection? Andere haben jetzt vielleicht wohlige Erinnerungen an die gute alte Zeit der Browser Games. Denn genau von dort stammt der Strichmännchen-Charakter Henry, der in seinen Spielen auf zahlreiche Abenteuer geht und dabei immer wieder auf spektakuläre Arten scheitert. Zumindest, wenn ihr die falsche Entscheidung trefft.

Im Stil von »Choose your own adventure« raubt ihr Banken aus, infiltriert Luftschiffe und entkommt aus dem Gefängnis, indem ihr Teleporter nutzt, Freunde herbeiruft, Krankheiten vortäuscht oder Nervengift versprüht. Henry Stickmin ist ein echter Retro-Klassiker und sorgt wohl vor allem bei Fans der alten Spiele nochmal für Schmunzler.

In der Collection wurden die Spiele nicht nur auf Steam gebracht, sondern auch komplett überarbeitet, aufgefrischt und teilweise neu animiert. Damit konnten sie sich auch heute noch über 32.000 positive Bewertungen liefern, nur 424 Leute waren enttäuscht — somit landet diese außergewöhnliche Spielesammlung auf Platz 12 der beliebtesten Steam-Spiele.

Platz 11: Left 4 Dead 2



Left 4 Dead 2 — Test-Video

Himmel, ist das wirklich schon so alt? Das fragt man sich manchmal, wenn man sich die nicht endende Popularität von Left 4 Dead 2 anschaut. Aber irgendwie bleibt das Zombie-Koop-Geschnetzel unerreicht. Deswegen war die Freude auch groß, als mit Back 4 Blood der inoffizielle aber direkte Nachfolger herauskaum. Dennoch reicht der noch lange nicht an die Beliebtheit des Klassikers heran, der es in die Top 15 der bestbewerteten Steamspiele schafft.

Woran das liegt? Vielleicht ein bisschen nostalgische Erinnerungen an das gemeinsame Überleben in der Zombieapokalypse, vielleicht aber auch an dem einfach wie genialen Spielkonzept. Jeder schnappt sich eine Nah- oder Fernkampfwaffe seiner Wahl und dann geht es zu viert ins Getümmel. Herrlich.

Die 15 besten Spiele auf Steam nach User-Wertung

Welche Spiele sind die besten bei Steam? User-Reviews sind dafür ein wichtiger Indikator. Bevor wir euch die Top 15 vorstellen, beachtet bitte: Es geht in der Liste um die höchste Durchschnittsbewertung von Spielern, sortiert nach dem Wertungsalgorithmus von SteamDB.

Der relativiert das Rating abhängig von der Anzahl der Bewertungen und verhindert, dass Spiele mit sehr wenigen Bewertungen zu weit oben auftauchen. Darum weicht das Rating von SteamDB von dem auf Steam ab.

Sucht ihr noch etwas Audio-Untermalung während ihr durch unsere Liste stöbert? Dann haben wir den perfekten Podcast für euch, in dem Micha und Géraldine über die aktuelle Top 20 der bestbewerteten Steam-Spiele diskutieren, lachen und weinen:

Link zum Podcast-Inhalt

Letztes Update: 21. Oktober 2022
Aktualisiert: Plätze 1-15

Platz 15: Slay the Spire


Slay the Spire — Video: Was kann der Steam Early-Access Hit?

Wer auch nur im entferntesten etwas mit Kartenspielen anfangen kann, der kommt um Slay the Spire einfach nicht herum. Der Steam-Hit hat das Genre der Roguelike-Deckbuilder zu dem gemacht, das es heute ist — nämlich extrem beliebt. Nicht umsonst steht es auch auf unserer Liste der 100 besten Strategiespiele aller Zeiten.

Ihr tretet in Rollenspiel-Rundenkämpfen à la Final Fantasy gegeneinander an, könnt dabei aber Befehle aus eurem stetig wachsenden Deck wählen. Ein Spielerlebnis, das dank seines neuen Addons noch runder ist.


Mehr zum Thema

Slay the Spire war super, aber das Downfall-Addon ist die Krönung

Platz 14: Helltaker

Link zum YouTube-Inhalt

Der Erfolg von Helltaker lässt sich vermutlich auf eine Reihe von Gründen zurückführen. Erstens ist das Spiel kostenlos auf Steam. Zweitens spielt ihr darin eine Reihe von Rätseln mit einem guten Flow. Drittens hat das Spiel einen genialen Soundtrack. Und viertens … ja viertens kommen darin sexy Dämonenmädchen im Comiclook vor.

Diese könnt ihr in euren Höllen-Harem einladen. Klingt erstmal nach einem dieser plumpen Erotikspiele auf Steam, tatsächlich erzählt Helltaker aber eine charmante und witzige Geschichte mit zwei möglichen Enden in seinen circa zwei Stunden.

Dadurch konnte das Spiel über 105.000 positive Bewertungen bei lediglich 2.000 negativen Stimmen sammeln und belegt passend zum Höllenthema Platz 14 der beliebtesten Steam-Spiele.

Platz 13: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth


The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth — Trailer kündigt den riesigen, finalen DLC «Repentance» an

Im Rogue-Like The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth steuern wir Isaac und andere an die Bibel angelehnte Figuren durch mit Monstern und Fäkalien gefüllte Räume. Dabei kämpfen wir mit Tränen, die wir im Laufe eines Spieldurchgangs durch verschiedene Items aufrüsten. Ein Kleiderbügel erhöht beispielsweise die Schussfrequenz der Tränen, dafür steckt er Isaac fortan aber auch im Kopf fest.

Ja, The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth ist abgedreht, brutal und verstörend. Kein Wunder, spiegelt die Umgebung doch die Wahrnehmung und Psyche eines hilflosen Jungen wider, der von seiner fanatischen Mutter misshandelt wird.

Spielerisch beeindruckt das Spiel mit einer Vielzahl an Items, die untereinander Synergien bilden und so abwechslungsreiche Spieldurchgänge garantieren. Die zahlreichen Gegnertypen und Bosse sowie die einzigartige und groteske Atmosphäre runden das Erlebnis ab. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth erhielt im GameStar-Test einen verdienten Gold-Award.

Mit Afterbirth und Afterbirth+ existieren auch zwei Addons zum Hauptspiel, die neben einem neuen Spielmodus in zwei Schwierigkeitsstufen weitere Charaktere, Raumtypen, Items und Bosse hinzufügen.

Platz 12: The Henry Stickmin Collection

Link zum YouTube-Inhalt

Bei Platz 12 mögen einige unter uns erst einmal die Stirn runzeln — was bitte ist die Henry Stickmin Collection? Andere haben jetzt vielleicht wohlige Erinnerungen an die gute alte Zeit der Browser Games. Denn genau von dort stammt der Strichmännchen-Charakter Henry, der in seinen Spielen auf zahlreiche Abenteuer geht und dabei immer wieder auf spektakuläre Arten scheitert. Zumindest, wenn ihr die falsche Entscheidung trefft.

Im Stil von »Choose your own adventure« raubt ihr Banken aus, infiltriert Luftschiffe und entkommt aus dem Gefängnis, indem ihr Teleporter nutzt, Freunde herbeiruft, Krankheiten vortäuscht oder Nervengift versprüht. Henry Stickmin ist ein echter Retro-Klassiker und sorgt wohl vor allem bei Fans der alten Spiele nochmal für Schmunzler.

In der Collection wurden die Spiele nicht nur auf Steam gebracht, sondern auch komplett überarbeitet, aufgefrischt und teilweise neu animiert. Damit konnten sie sich auch heute noch über 32.000 positive Bewertungen liefern, nur 424 Leute waren enttäuscht — somit landet diese außergewöhnliche Spielesammlung auf Platz 12 der beliebtesten Steam-Spiele.

Platz 11: Left 4 Dead 2



Left 4 Dead 2 — Test-Video

Himmel, ist das wirklich schon so alt? Das fragt man sich manchmal, wenn man sich die nicht endende Popularität von Left 4 Dead 2 anschaut. Aber irgendwie bleibt das Zombie-Koop-Geschnetzel unerreicht. Deswegen war die Freude auch groß, als mit Back 4 Blood der inoffizielle aber direkte Nachfolger herauskaum. Dennoch reicht der noch lange nicht an die Beliebtheit des Klassikers heran, der es in die Top 15 der bestbewerteten Steamspiele schafft.

Woran das liegt? Vielleicht ein bisschen nostalgische Erinnerungen an das gemeinsame Überleben in der Zombieapokalypse, vielleicht aber auch an dem einfach wie genialen Spielkonzept. Jeder schnappt sich eine Nah- oder Fernkampfwaffe seiner Wahl und dann geht es zu viert ins Getümmel. Herrlich.

Best 2 Player Games — DTF Games

We love 2 player games with all our heart. So much so that we are currently working on one. And today we decided to recall games for two players that will brighten up a couple of evenings and give an unforgettable CO-LAB-OR-A-TION experience! They also became references for our Herbalist game.

10 671

It takes two

Genre: Action-adventure
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox Cloud Gaming, PC (Windows)
Release: 2021

Let’s start with perhaps the most famous adventure for two, in which you have to master CO-LAB-OR-A-TION!

In the role of doll spouses on the verge of divorce, you and your partner will go through level after level with a variety of environments, mechanics, fun side activities and emotional missions. And everything is under the control of the most charismatic book in the world.

The game is super colorful, with excellent direction and an exciting storyline. Each level you will receive new abilities, sometimes even the genre of the game will change, up to a fighting game and a diabloid. The feature of all Yusef Fares’ games, in the form of small locations with side activities, works to the maximum here. After a series of linear levels, players are given a walk through the streets of the puppet city, ride a train and do a dozen more optional things. And what seems surprising is that you don’t want to leave them at all.

No wonder she received a bunch of awards and the title of game of the year 2021. Must have, for the sake of this game you can find a friend.

We were here

Genre: Co-op puzzle adventure
Platforms: PC (Windows, Mac OS), Xbox One, PS4
Release: 2017

Imagine: a mysterious castle, a walkie-talkie, puzzles and your friend. This is what the We were here game series looks like, in which 4 parts have already been released.

The puzzles here are interesting, sometimes they make you think. They are built on collaboration and coordination of your actions on the radio and the exchange of information. Gives a unique experience of co-op games when you tune in to the same wavelength and find a solution together. Even though they are rather short, there are many impressions. And if you do not quarrel with your partner in the process, the trust between you will improve. Proven.

A nice bonus — the first part of the series is completely free on Steam.

Operation: tango

Genre: Adventure, Puzzle
Platforms: PS4, PS5, PC (Windows), Xbox One, Xbox Series
Release: 2021

Stylish secret agent game where one of you will take on the role of a Hacker and the other of an Agent. The gameplay for them is very different, and not to say that one of them is more interesting to play than the other. Puzzles sometimes make you break your head. But if it gets too difficult, the game has the ability to get a hint.

Often in missions there are timers and other things that make you act quickly. And in some mini games it’s generally lightning fast, while coordinating your actions with each other. If you like this — welcome to the ranks of special agents.

Portal 2

Genre: Puzzle-platform, multiplayer
Platforms: PC (Windows, Linux, Mac OS), PS3, Nintendo Switch, Xbox 360
Release: 2011

Classic and chic game in itself, but with a friend it only gets better. For two, there is a separate campaign with new levels designed specifically for two players. Do not think that the puzzles will become easier, because now you have 4 (!) Portals at your disposal.

Moreover, the actions have to be coordinated with each other. It’s also not an easy task.

A way out

Genre: Action-adventure
Platforms: PC (Windows), PS4, Xbox One
Release: 2018

Another Yousef Fares game on our list. The last one, but by no means the last one.

Together with your partner, you have to escape from prison, watch Leo give everyone soup while Vincent comes up with ingenious schemes and play exciting mini-games.

The gameplay here reveals the characters, thereby bringing you closer to them. What is worth only one moment, where the heroes during the escape from prison need to climb a vertical shaft. Vincent offers to lean on each other’s backs, he did this as a child.

Content hidden


A little later, he confesses that he saw it in comics and was generally surprised that Leo agreed

Well, the ending will not leave you indifferent.

Worthy of mention

Fireboy and Watergirl
Unravel two
Shift happens
Divinity: Original Sin 2

If you know a good two-player game that is not on our list, please share it in the comments. We love them and are always looking for new ones. Unfortunately, there are few games for two, and new ones are rarely released.

There are so few of them that we have gone through everything and now we are doing our own. We decided to combine exciting puzzles in the spirit of We were here, the emotionality and side activities of Yousef Fares’ games and the flavor of Slavic dark fantasy. And you can find out what will come of it if you subscribe to our blog;)

Herbalist is a two-player puzzle adventure in which Svetlana and Skull have to go to the Forest, meet the mysterious Herbalist and complete his tasks, hoping for his help.

You can read more about the game on our blog or:

Our technologies for indie games

What technologies we use and why. How we record animations and why motion capture.

Fall mat and other objects can be used

best co-op games on PC

What could be better than spending a free evening playing an exciting game? Unless you do it in a pleasant company! Today’s material is for those who prefer to immerse themselves in virtual games as a couple with a friend, loved one, colleague or relative. This is our author’s top co-op games on PC and consoles. Let’s recall the most relevant cooperative games of recent years and timeless classics, the best games for playing together or for a larger company. After these games, you will definitely become even closer to each other!

It Takes Two
A Way Out
Monster Hunter: World
Borderlands 3
Diablo 3
Sea of ​​Thieves
WarioWare: Get It Together!
Far Cry 6
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Back 4 Blood
Overcooked! 2
Mario Party Superstars
Warhammer: Vermintide 2
Divinity. Original Sin
It Takes Two
A Way Out
Monster Hunter: World
Borderlands 3
Diablo 3
Sea of ​​Thieves
Far Cry 6
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Back 901 oked1 4 2
Mario Party Superstars
Warhammer: Vermintide 2
WarioWare: Get It Together!

Original Sin

It Takes Two

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Release date: 2021

Genre: platformer, adventure

Players: 2

Platforms: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC

Hazelight has been creating the best 2 player games on the same screen for years. Their new adventure game It Takes Two has undeniably become the biggest co-op game of 2021. Unlike most of the positions on our list, it is specially created exclusively for passing together. Moreover, it uses split-screen technology, rare by today’s standards, thanks to which the screen is divided into two parts, and each of them will be assigned to one of the players.

The story revolves around Cody and May, a married couple on the verge of a divorce. They are ready to part forever, but then the incredible happens: for some unknown reason, Cody and May turn into dolls and find themselves in a magical world that looks like a fairy tale version of their own home. There are many trials and adventures ahead of them, and in order to return to the real world, they will have to leave strife in the past and act together. The game is constantly changing the rules, it has elements of platforming, puzzle, fighting and even a musical rhythm game! This trip for two will definitely be remembered for a long time.

A Way Out

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Release date: 2018

Genre: action, shooter

Number of players: 2

Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC

. A Way Out also uses split-screen, requires players to work together and deserves to hit any top two-player games on one PC. But in terms of mood and gameplay focus, it is very different from It Takes Two: it was a dream comedy melodrama, while A Way Out is a realistic crime thriller.

Players take control of two new prison inmates, Vincent Moretti and Leo Caruso. The prisoners soon find out that both were behind bars because of one person — the crime boss Harvey, who is at large. Burning with the idea of ​​revenge, Leo and Vincent develop a daring escape plan. And ahead of them and the players are dizzying chases, adrenaline shootouts, unexpected plot twists and the hunt for the legendary Black Eagle diamond.

Monster Hunter: World

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Release date: 2018

Genre: action, shooter

Number of players: 1-4

Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC

Legendary dragon hunter simulator cycle from Capcom has long been one of the best games for two on joysticks. In one session, from two to four hunters can unite. And for a successful attack on the next fantastic monster, it is necessary to act together, distribute roles and tasks between the participants in the attack, and also adhere to a clear plan. This is where your teamwork skills will be tested!

Monster Hunter: World takes place in a large and colorful open world with its well-thought-out ecosystem, and any of almost a hundred monsters can become the next target of hunters. Many of them will require an individual approach and become a serious test. Content is enough for dozens of hours! Well, if that’s not enough for you, take a closer look at the large-scale addon Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, which adds new regions, gameplay mechanics and, of course, even more monsters to the game!

Borderlands 3

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Release date: 2019

Genre: action, shooter

Number of players: 1-4

Platforms: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC

Borderlands games have been in the top co-op games for over a decade. The third part is perhaps the most popular looter shooter of our time, combining the achievements of the FPS genre with the classic action-RPG in the style of the Diablo series. In this game, shooting accuracy and quickness are no less important than proper leveling and choosing the right arsenal. And hunting for legendary guns and raiding a thick-skinned boss is much more fun with friends!

Borderlands 3 offers players a choice of four heroes, each of which has its own skill tree with several development paths. Do you want to break into the front line and clean out opponents in close combat? Or maybe support the onslaught with the help of drones and holograms? Or draw fire on yourself, absorbing a hail of bullets thanks to huge mechanized armor, while partners do all the work? Here you can easily choose a suitable build and play style for yourself. There is a place on the battlefield for everyone!


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Release date: 2017

Genre: 2D shooter, platform

Number of players: 1-2

Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC

Cuphead the most popular indie games of recent years and a mandatory contender for getting into any top game together on one PC. On the one hand, it pleases the eye with impressive hand-drawn graphics: pursuing the aesthetics of cartoons of the early 20th century, the authors used classic animation technologies and drew each frame by hand. On the other hand, the player has little time to admire the work of artists. No matter how charming the inhabitants of the local world may look, they have one task: to kill the main characters — two boys who lost in the casino to the Devil himself and were forced to collect souls for him.

Cuphead’s difficulty has become the talk of the town — it’s often compared to hardcore games like Dark Souls for a reason. The good news is that a friend can take control of the second character: together you will definitely have a better chance of surviving the grueling bossfight race! This adventure will be a serious test of your gaming skills, but the pleasure of winning together will be great!

Diablo 3

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Release date: 2012

Genre: action-RPG

Number of players: 1-4

Platforms: PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC

A timeless classic from Blizzard. Assemble your dream team to fight the ancient evil and set off to save the world with your friends! Build a build that suits your playstyle based on one of seven playable characters. In the dark fantasy world of Sanctuary, you can become a barbarian slicing your way through hordes of enemies, or, for example, a powerful necromancer commanding an entire army of the undead.

Diablo 3 really shines when you play with a partner. Here you will have to match each other’s abilities and game preferences in order to maximize team damage on the next boss. And the passage of the entire story campaign shoulder to shoulder will leave a lot of joint memories.

Sea of ​​Thieves

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Release date: 2018

Genre: action, adventure

Number of players: 1-4

Platforms: Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC

Yo-ho-ho! The best pirate game of our time is going to board our article! Without further thought, we surrender and give her a well-deserved place in the list of the best cooperative games. After all, Sea of ​​Thieves is simply made for playing in a company! A crew of four players can surf the open world of the game at the same time — and it depends only on them where the ship under the Jolly Roger will go next.

A company of adventurers will face fierce sword fights, naval battles, the hunt for untold riches, and a war for control of the sea with other pirates. The developers are constantly adding new content to the game. For example, in 2021, the game hosted a large-scale crossover with the Pirates of the Caribbean movie franchise — new locations and a storyline about Captain Jack Sparrow became available to users. All fans of adventure films with Johnny Depp must play!

Far Cry 6

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Release date: 2021

Genre: shooter, sandbox

Number of players: 1–2

Platforms: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC

That’s right, one of the biggest gaming adventures of the year is also included in the best games for playing together! An exciting trip for two through a tropical country that is in the power of an authoritarian dictator, a guerrilla war for freedom and a sea of ​​​​fun await you — it is in such games that friendship is forged.

In a co-op playthrough, even a simple clearing of an enemy checkpoint can contain tactical elements. By acting together on the battlefield and covering each other’s backs in time, you will definitely not leave the invaders a single chance. And if you suddenly get tired of endless skirmishes, you can always switch to hunting or fishing. The local open world is fraught with many challenges and opportunities. Do not forget that this is your vacation and only you can decide how to spend it!

Animal Crossing: New Horizons

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Release date: 2020

Genre: life simulation

Number of players: 1–8

Platforms: Nintendo Switch

action. But what to do if you are tired of shooting, fighting, monsters and just want to relax a little in the game world with your friends? The life simulator Animal Crossing: New Horizons will come to the rescue — the most meditative and calm game from our list.

At your disposal is a whole secluded island, on which up to eight players can gather at the same time and do almost anything that comes into your head! Equip a home, fish, trade, grow plants, craft furniture and clothes, collect fruits and berries, and even landscaping! In any place you like, you can make a path, dig a new stream or build a hill. In a word, if you want to build a personal paradise in the virtual space, and even invite your friends there, then this game is for you!

Back 4 Blood

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Release date: 2021

Genre: shooter, action

Number of players: 1–8

Platforms: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC

The new zombie shooter from the creators of the iconic Left 4 Dead has become one of the biggest gaming hits this fall and a top contender for the top 2 player online games of 2021. Turtle Rock Studio has rolled out a real gift for those who like to fight with the walking dead and other vile creatures in the company. The passage of the story campaign is designed for four players, and each of the playable characters has its own characteristics and feels like a unique combat unit. But combat skills alone are not enough in the brutal world of Left 4 Blood. Communication is the key to success. To survive in the coming zombie apocalypse, players will have to demonstrate teamwork skills and tell each other in time about the approaching danger.

In addition, the developers have rolled out a competitive mode in which eight players can fight against each other in teams of four at once. Just in case you get tired of feeding the brainless dead with lead!

Overcooked! 2

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Release date: 2018

Genre: chef simulator

Number of players: 1-4

Platforms: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC

Overcooked! 2 is a fun arcade cooking game that can combine up to four players in one virtual kitchen. And what’s even better is that two people can play on the same computer at once without connecting any additional peripherals. Today, this is such a rare opportunity that it would be difficult to assemble a separate top game for two on one keyboard. But Overcooked! 2 would definitely get into such a rating.

The essence of the game is extremely simple. You have a kitchen and a list of dishes, for the preparation of which you need to perform a series of simple, as it seems at first, actions: cut food, put it on the stove, remove it from the fire in time… But the further, the more complicated the rules become! You have to cook at the crossroads of a busy street and on an iceberg in the middle of the ocean, in a truck rushing along the highway and on a spaceship where the compartments are constantly changing places … And everywhere the players will be driven by an inexorable timer — this is what a real hellish kitchen means! If you want to test how well you and your friends can work in a team, then Overcooked! 2 is what you need. Just make sure your home fridge is full — this game can whet your appetite!

Mario Party Superstars

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Release date: 2021

Genre: minigame collection

Number of players: 1-4

Platforms: Nintendo Switch

The Mario Party series has long been a favorite game for home parties. The franchise has become a phenomenon thanks to a unique formula: the social aspect of the board game is combined with the dynamics and simplicity of casual video games. Each game unfolds on a game board, along which players move according to the «Monopoly» principle — how many rolls on a die, so many cells and you go through. And the cells themselves become levels for all sorts of short mini-games in which you can compete with rivals for precious coins.

Rules and genres change on the fly: you have to exchange fire with tanks, then race along a steep slope, then compete in speed eating pizza … Mario Party Superstars contains a hundred mini-games — you definitely won’t get bored from a lack of variety ! And a cast of colorful characters from other Nintendo titles, including the iconic Mario and Donkey Kong, make this game great fun for family nights out.

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

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Release date: 2018

Genre: action, slasher, shooter

Number of players: 1-4

Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC Warhammer Fantasy, which has appeared in numerous video games, board games, and even literary works. The plot covers the story of the attack of an army of skaven rat-like creatures on the imperial city of Helmgart. Under the control of the players are four brave heroes — the last stronghold of defense and the hope of civilization for survival.

Vermintide 2 breaks into the top two-player games online with its masterful combination of slasher and first-person shooter elements. The passage is divided into separate missions, each of which is an adrenaline run through castles and dungeons flooded with the forces of chaos. Players will have to use all their skills, switch between melee and ranged weapons in time, and support each other in order to survive in this decisive battle.

WarioWare: Get It Together!

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Release date: 2021

Genre: minigame collection

Number of players: 1-4

Platforms: Nintendo Switch WarioWare franchises have also become co-op! The collection includes 222 tests, but each of them takes only about five seconds. This is the main feature of the series: players who control bright cartoon characters must instantly understand what is required of them on the next screen and achieve the goal before the timer runs out. Gaped — lost! WarioWare rewards the smartest, smartest and most resourceful.

The tasks themselves can range from a circus trick of jumping through a burning hoop to having to shave the armpits of a statue of Zeus. Get It Toogether is a concentrated bunch of digital madness with a very specific sense of humor, worthy of getting into any top 2 player game for Nintendo Switch. And from the passage of the story campaign, you can be distracted by the competitive mode, in which up to four players can fight among themselves.

Divinity. Original Sin

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Release date: 2014

Genre: role-playing game

Number of players: 1-2

Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC

But this is an option for those who are looking for games not only addictive gameplay, but also a deep storyline with a well-written script. Divinity. Original Sin is credited as one of the best two-player games on PC for a reason — it’s a true old-school RPG with memorable characters, deep fantasy world mythology, turn-based combat, tons of brilliantly written literary text, and impressive non-linear playthrough. The Belgians from the Larian studio know a lot about the genre — it’s not for nothing that they were instructed to develop a full-fledged sequel to the legendary Baldur’s Gate. But Original Sin deserves special praise precisely for the co-op mode.

A game party can have up to four characters, and each player controls only two of them. But at his disposal are not only combat skills, pumping and inventory of heroes, but also the choice of answer options in dialogues. The heroes of Original Sin constantly communicate with each other, and it depends only on the players whether they will get along with each other or will argue forever. Dialogue influences both the development of the plot and the worldview of each character, making his character truly unique.