Apex legends fsk: Apex Legends — Spieleratgeber NRW

Apex Legends — Spieleratgeber NRW




ab 16 Jahre (?)


ab 18 Jahre


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Das Spielprinzip Battle Royale ist seit dem Spiel Fortnite: Battle Royale in aller Munde. So ist es kaum verwunderlich, dass auch andere Spiele von dem Trend profitieren möchten.
Die Spielenden schließen sich in 3er-Teams zusammen und wählen jeweils einen von acht verschiedenen Legenden aus. Nach dem Absprung aus einem Flugobjekt wird gemeinsam ein Landepunkt in der Kampfarena namens «The Outlands» gesucht. Jeder, der bis zu 60 Spielenden, muss sich Waffen, Panzerung und weiteres Zubehör zusammensammeln, um sich gegen die anderen Teams durchzusetzen. Wie bei den meisten Battle Royale Games verkleinert sich der Bereich, in denen sich die Spielenden aufhalten dürfen stetig, um ein Zusammentreffen der Teams zu gewährleisten. Nach und nach bekämpfen sich diese gegenseitig aus der Ego-Perspektive, bis nur noch ein Team übrig bleibt und gewinnt.  

Pädagogische Beurteilung:
Spezielle Fähigkeiten
Apex Legends beinhaltet einige Besonderheiten, welche das Spiel von anderen Titeln dieses Genres abhebt. Die acht Legenden, aus denen sich die Teams zusammenstellen können, besitzen jeweils drei verschiedene Fähigkeiten. So kann beispielsweise der Charakter Bloodhound Spuren und Gegner*innen hervorragend erkennen und diese auch den Teammitgliedern anzeigen. Mit Pathfinder ist es möglich, vormals unerreichbare Orte zu erreichen, indem er Seile zum entlanghangeln anbringen kann. Und Lifeline kümmert sich um die Heilung der Kamerad*innen. Die Zusammenstellung der Teams hat also einen großen Einfluss auf den späteren Erfolg, und fordert viel Taktik, Geduld, Können und auch ein wenig Glück. 

Battle Royale für Erwachsene
Spätestens seit Fortnite: Battle Royale begeistert das Battle Royale Spielprinzip viele Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene. Doch Apex Legends richtet sich ausschließlich an Erwachsene. Mit realistisch angelehnten Waffen überwältigen sich die Spielenden gegenseitig aus einer Egoperspektive. Das Spiel besitzt keine übertriebende Blutdarstellung auch das Setting ist eindeutig fiktional. Jedoch können die Spielenden die Gegner*innen, welche sie nach der Überwältigung kampfunfähig gemacht haben, final töten. Dieses sogenannte finishen wird theatralisch dargestellt und zeigt verhöhnende Siegerposen gegenüber dem Verlierenden. Diese verharmlosende Darstellung der Gewalt richtet sich nicht an Kinder und Jugendliche.

Wie bei anderen kooperativen und kompetitiven Online-Games üblich, müssen sich Spielende im Team per Text oder Sprache abstimmen. Es ist möglich, gemeinsam mit Freund*innen zu spielen oder mit (internationalen) Zufallsbekannten ein Team zu bilden. Gerade bei erfolgsorientierten Spielenden kann der Ton in der Hektik des Geschehens schon mal etwas rauer werden. Wichtig ist auch faires Handeln, denn wenn ein Teammitglied das Spiel frustriert verlässt, führt dies zu einem deutlichen Nachteil. 

Apex Legends
 ist kostenfrei erwerbbar, bietet jedoch einige Möglichkeiten, Echtgeld zu investieren. Durch sogenannte Mikrotransaktionen kann Spielwährung für Echtgeld erstanden werden, um sich damit Charaktere oder Skins freizuschalten. Skins verändern lediglich das Aussehen der Spielcharaktere oder der Waffen, gelten jedoch in der heutigen Jugendkultur als Statussymbole. 

Ein spannender Battle Royale Shooter im fiktionalen Setting. Mit einigen Besonderheiten grenzt er sich von anderen Spielen ab und erfreut daher Fans dieses Genres. Die gewalthaltigen Darstellungen, insbesondere die verhöhnenden Siegerposen, richten sich allerdings ausschließlich an erwachsene Spielende. Gegen Echtgeld können statusbringende Inhalte erstanden werden. Eine erfolgreiche Runde dauert ca. eine halbe Stunde und kann nicht spontan unterbrochen werden.


Apex Legends: Das ist die Altersfreigabe

| von
Nicole Hery-Moßmann

Die Altersfreigabe von Apex Legends ist für viele minderjährige Zocker und deren Eltern interessant, da das Battle Royale-Genre derzeit sehr populär ist. Ab wie vielen Jahren EAs Antwort auf Fortine und PUBG freigegeben ist, zeigen wir Ihnen in den folgenden Zeilen.

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Apex Legends — Altersfreigabe ab 18

Die Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle, kurz USK, hat den Battle-Royale-Shooter Apex Legends nur für Spieler ab 18 Jahren freigegeben.

  • Während die Altersfreigabe bei Fortnite Battle Royale bei 12 Jahren liegt, dürfen selbst 16-Jährige keine Hand an Apex Legends anlegen.
  • Grund dafür ist ein einziges Feature, dass die Entwickler nicht aus dem Spiel herausnehmen wollten: die Finishing Moves.
  • Ist ein Gegner soweit außer Gefecht gesetzt, dass er nur noch kriechen kann, kann der Spieler ihn mit verschiedenen Finishing Moves endgültig töten.
  • Diese Finisher sind teilweise sehr brutal. Jeder der verschiedenen Spiel-Charaktere verfügt dabei über eigene Moves.
  • Doch nicht nur die Brutalität führte dazu, dass das Apex Legends erst ab 18 Jahren freigegeben ist. Nach dem Finisher feiern die Spiel-Charaktere die Tötung und verhöhnen den Gegner dabei.

Videotipp: Apex Legends: Das kann das kostenlose Battle-Royale-Spiel

Wie Sie in Apex Legends Erbstücke freischalten, verraten wir in unserem nächsten Praxistipp.

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Meet Control Mode and more in the Warriors Collection Event


9v9 Team Battles in the Control LTM are back for two weeks in the Warriors Collection Event!

This time the Caustic Zone in Kings Canyon will be added to the rotation. Assemble a squad, choose your gear and fight for complete control of Mount Olympus, the Storm Spot and Kings Canyon. Games sponsor: Silva Pharmaceuticals.

nine0004 If you haven’t had a chance to play Control mode yet, find out all the details about it here.


The Caustic Zone has been converted into a three-point battlefield for control of Kings Canyon.

Additional cover, ziplines, flight launch spots and even a hovering tank have been added to the area. This was done in order to improve the balance and dynamics of the game.

Caustic’s Laboratory is a heavily defended fortress held by the right team and a set of legends. However, defenders can be easily overwhelmed by a well-coordinated attack at the right time. nine0005

Finally, in Caustic’s signature style, you can «facilitate the inevitable process» using the terminal in his lab. Interacting with the console will increase the level of toxins, causing the legends trying to capture point B to fall into a dangerous trap.



Rising in the skies above Malta is Hammond Robotics’ fully automated manufacturing tower, built for the sole purpose of starting the production of life-saving systems for Olympus. This tower is codenamed Landing is still in operation, but at night Aren fighters secretly use it to play violent matches under smog-covered skies.

Landing locations can be roughly divided into two main areas: inner and outer. The inner area consists of two locations: an observation deck and a deployment line, while the outer area contains a loading area.

Observation deck includes an elevated position with good visibility, access to supplies from the air, and strong protection from ranged hazards. However, it also has its drawbacks: the combat capabilities of some legends will be limited due to low ceilings, and close-to-mid-range fights will become more simple and predictable. nine0005

Next is the deployment line, the Landings key location. It is a kind of middle line, visible from the observation deck, and clearly divides the map into two parts, which eventually lead to the loading area. Cargo containers move slowly along this line, acting as a dynamic cover that opens up many possibilities for movement. Will you operate inconspicuously, walking level with the container out of sight of the enemy team? Or, with the help of certain abilities of the legends, will you bring unexpected traps to your enemies? Who wouldn’t appreciate Caustic’s moving trap, right? nine0005

Last but not least, the loading dock. Here you can fight on two platforms at medium height, from which you can see the line of deployment separating them. Under the open night sky, legends once again have access to… combat at different heights. But be careful: complete with space and beautiful views, you also get the threat of breaking to death.

Even though the edges of the zone are guarded, it is still possible to fall from the zone. The fighting here is mainly at medium and long range, while the containers moving along the line of deployment serve as a cover against threats from low areas that are poorly suitable for defense. These lowlands are full of material canisters just waiting to be salvaged. The risks are high, but the rewards are very attractive. Be sure to play the Landing Map during the Warriors Collection Event. nine0005


The Warriors Collection Event includes a new set of 24 themed temporary cosmetic items. Look like a real fighter with new legendary skins: «Synthetic Hunter» for Ash, «Underground» for Octane, «Jewel of Olympus» for Horizon and «Combat Survivor» for Lifeline.


Up to 1600 points can be earned per day and challenges are updated daily. In addition, long-term challenges will be available to you, completing which during the event will earn you four unique emblems. All of these challenges are also compatible with the Battle Pass, so you can play several at the same time. nine0005

The Warriors event also includes a new set of 24 themed temporary cosmetic items.

Each of the 24 items will be purchasable directly (with Apex Coins or precious metals) or found in Event Apex Packs while the event is running.

Collect all 24 themed items available during the event to unlock Crypto’s new relic: Bevon’s Blade!


Special offers will be temporarily available in the shop during the event. The picture below shows New cosmetic items available for purchase, including the Rampart Brawl Ready Bundle, the Wattson Chaos Conduit Bundle, and more!


This update will also bring some exciting improvements to the game for PlayStation®5 and Xbox Series X|S owners. On March 29, we’re launching Apex Legends for next-gen consoles. You can play your favorite game in native 4K resolution (PS5™ and Xbox Series X) with stunning HDR. In addition, we plan to support additional features for these versions of the game in future updates. nine0059

Improvements in «backwards compatible» versions:

  • 4K Resolution
PS5 and Xbox Series X
  • Full 60Hz play
PS5 & Xbox Series X|S
  • HDR
PS5 & Xbox Series X|S
  • High resolution shadow maps
PS5 and Xbox Series X
  • Extended draw distance
PS5 and Xbox Series X

Planned in future updates:

  • Gameplay at 120Hz
PS5 & Xbox Series X|S
  • Adaptive triggers
  • Tactile Technology
  • Graphics improvements
PS5 & Xbox Series X|S
  • Sound enhancements
PS5 & Xbox Series X|S

Make sure you have the latest version of the game, which will be released on March 29th.

For PS5 owners who already have Apex Legends installed:

  1. From your PS5 dashboard, go to Apex Legends Game Center.
  2. Click the options button next to «Play» (it looks like «…» inside the game center).
  3. Click «Select Version» and select the PS5 version to download the next generation upgraded version.
  4. Once downloaded, go to the game library to delete the PS4 version.

For PS5 owners who don’t have Apex Legends installed yet:

  1. From your PS5 control panel, navigate to the Your Collection tab in your game library.
  2. Find and select Apex Legends in your game list.
  3. In the window that appears, select the PS5 version to download the next generation upgrade.

For Xbox Series X|S owners:

Apex Legends uses the Smart Delivery feature on Xbox consoles. The best version of the game will be automatically installed on your console, regardless of generation — no additional action is required from you. nine0005



  • Fixed a bug due to which, when playing as Octane, under the influence of stimulants, players could not see or select respawn points in the respawn after death menu.
  • Removed the turbocharger from purple-class weapons — to get it, players must increase their rating to the gold class.
  • Fixed a number of game crash bugs, which will help make the game more stable in the mode. nine0071
  • Fixed a UI bug where automatic reloading of weapons that cannot be obtained from crates would cause the icon of mythical ammo to appear.
  • Fixed a bug with the disappearance of ammunition from the portable machine gun «Sheila» Rampart when firing.


  • Double tap delay between bursts reduced from 0.475 to 0.375.
  • Double tap recoil improvement.
  • nine0070 Ammo increased from 120 to 140 rounds.


  • Increased the spawn chance of threshing ammo and kinetic charge.
  • Reduced the spawn rate of Gunslinger’s Rhythm, Explosive Tips, and Reload Accelerator.


  • Fixed frame judder in spectator mode. nine0071
  • Fixed an issue where Precise Choke was disabled by default on the golden Triple Buff.
  • Fixed a bug due to which players could leave the match at the very beginning without penalty.
  • Fixed a loophole that allowed players to use two weapons.
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being credited with assistance when dealing damage to the Gibraltar Hand Shield.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Krypto’s animation to play incorrectly after being executed while under death protection. nine0071
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from using Ash’s flying emote.
  • Fixed a bug where the punishment warning for leaving a squad always showed two minutes, no matter how many times you disconnected.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the damage of the MRVN was counted towards the improvement of the EVO shield.
  • Fixed an issue where Crypto could drop multiple drones.
  • Fixed an issue where Pathfinder could grapple enemies indefinitely with the grappling hook. nine0071
  • Fixed a bug due to which players could reset the cooldown of Wraith’s tactical skill by stopping the phase from starting when entering Ash’s portal.
  • Fixed graphical inconsistencies in Bloodhound Cyberhunt skin.
  • Arena: Fixed a bug due to which the music at the beginning of the match in the Habitat 4 Arena could cut off abruptly.
  • Arena: Fixed a graphical issue that prevented legend abilities from disappearing from the screen during a match.
  • Various fixes to weapon loading systems to make them work more consistently and thoughtfully. nine0071
  • Fixed an issue where players could remove bullet spread when using ziplines.
  • Fixed graphical inconsistencies in variable skins for weapons after they are activated.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the restoration of shields from Wattson’s ultimate ability worked through some windows in the control center.
  • Tropics Map: Fixed a bug due to which the gravity gun could shoot players if they were under it.
  • Added a Battle Royale win tracking tool. nine0071

FGC Group of Companies and IKON Development launched a joint project of the Zarechny Kvartal residential complex

June 23, 2021

FGC Group of Companies and IKON Development announced a strategic partnership as part of the implementation of the Zarechny Kvartal business-class residential complex. The project is located in the prestigious village of Zarechye, Odintsovo district, Moscow region. About 190 thousand square meters will be built on an area of ​​22 hectares. m of residential real estate, as well as all the necessary social and commercial infrastructure. nine0005

The architectural concept and master plan of the project were developed by the eminent architectural bureau Apex Project Bureau. Mid-rise buildings up to 9 floors will fit into the natural environment, and the use of various shapes, surfaces and colors on the facades will create an atmosphere of intimacy.

“Collaborations between developers with different experience is a trend in the Russian real estate market, which allows you to use the accumulated developer experience and apply the best practices with the utmost precision in response to market and buyer requests. As part of the strategy of FGC Group of Companies, we continue to increase objects in the high price segment in our portfolio, in this case, for diversification, we involve IKON Development in the project,” comments FSK President Vladimir Voronin .

“In the project, we plan to take into account all the needs of future residents. The concentration of knowledge and competencies of the two developers will increase the variety of scenarios for the rational use of the territory, where public spaces, commercial areas and thousands of jobs will be created. We intend to collect here all the elements from people’s expectations and new possible functions of the living space. The initiation of such projects not only contributes to improving the quality of life, but also becomes the locomotive of the economic development of cities,” said CEO of IKON Development Anton Detushev .

Competent development of various routes connecting the «Zarechny Quarter» with the Meshchersky Park, shops and infrastructure of the village of Zarechye will provide a comfortable life and a variety of leisure activities for residents. The landscaped area will include running and cycling paths, stadiums and sports grounds, walking boulevards and alleys, modern developing children’s play complexes and much more. The first floors of residential buildings will be occupied by co-working spaces, cafes and restaurants, shops, as well as social facilities. nine0005

The first stage of construction will cover an area of ​​4.5 hectares. In total, 1,200 apartments of various layouts will be designed in six buildings of the first stage. The project provides for the following housing: studios from 24 sq. m, one-room from 36 sq. m, two-room apartments from 50 sq. m and three-room apartments from 71 sq. m. There will also be presented exclusive options for apartments with an area of ​​​​more than 120 square meters. m., located on the upper floors. Ceiling heights will vary from 3m to 3.4m on the higher floors. nine0005

The location of the Zarechny Quarter project near the main highways allows you to get to the center of the capital in 20 minutes along General Dorokhov Avenue. Just 5 km from the residential complex is the innovation center «Skolkovo».

The presence of a school and two kindergartens on the territory of the residential complex, combined with the centers of attraction existing in the location and unique natural formations, will create a feeling of being in a big city with the possibility of living outside the city. The residential complex provides for the organization of 3701 m / m. It is planned to complete the construction of the first stage of the Zarechny Quarter project in 2023. nine0372

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