Anno 1602 remake: Anno 1602 A.D. on

Anno: History Collection — Remastered Collection of Four Strategy Games on Uplay

Anno: History Collection — Remastered Collection of Four Strategy Games on Uplay |


video games
26 May 2020, 22:20

author: Michael Kulakowski

Ubisoft has announced that at the end of June, it will release a remastered collection of the first four installments of the Anno series of colonization strategy games and their add-ons. Titles will be enhanced with support for high-resolution screens and new multiplayer features.

Strategy games from the Anno series have been with the players for over twenty years, and the latest installment of the series was released just over a year ago. Ubisoft has announced that on June 25, a collection of the first four remastered installments of the series: Anno 1602, Anno 1503, Anno 1701 and Anno 1404, together with their expansions, will be released. The set will be available on Uplay.

  1. Anno: History Collection — Pre-order on Uplay

The publisher assures that all games in the collection have been adapted to work with modern PCs and OS. The multiplayer mode in the games is said to have been updated and improved. The biggest change from the originals is the introduction of support for 4K resolution. However, players should forget about improved textures or redesigned two-dimensional sprites, as was the case with Heroes of Might and Magic III: HD Edition. As a bonus, the collection is sold complete with original wallpapers and graphics as well as soundtracks. Interestingly, refreshed versions of Anno can also use our old saved game states.

Anno: History Collection includes:

  1. Anno 1602 and its New Islands, New Adventure expansion;
  2. Anno 1503 and its Treasures, Monsters & Pirates expansion;
  3. Anno 1701 and its The Sunken Dragon expansion;
  4. Anno 1404 and its Venice expansion.

It is worth noting, that each game will also be available for sale separately. However, we don’t know the prices of individual titles yet. We also don’t know what will happen to customers who have already purchased the original Anno editions on Uplay. Will they simply be upgraded to their refreshed versions, or will the players have to pay for them again?

  1. Anno — official website

video gamesstrategy gamesUbisoftremake / remastergame bundleseconomic strategies / tycoonAnno (series)PC

Anno: Create a New World

Anno 1701

Anno 1602: Creation of New World

Anno 1503: The New World

Anno History Collection

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Anno History Collection im Test: Auch Legenden altern unterschiedlich

In der Anno History Collection gibt’s die ersten vier Teile technisch überarbeitet.

Ach, ich spiele nur noch zehn Minuten!

Na gut, zwanzig. Ehrlich!

Nun ist’s sowieso egal, ich mache noch ein bisschen!

Ohgott, es wird hell!

Wenn ihr die Anfangsbuchstaben der vier Sätze zusammenbaut (oder einfach unsere Überschrift lest…), habt ihr den Schuldigen gefunden: Anno! Seit 22 Jahren verbrennt die mittlerweile siebenteilige Reihe unsere Zeit, allein schon das aktuelle Anno 1800 ist ein Spiel für die legendäre einsame Insel mit Stromanschluss.

Mit der Anno History Collection bringt Ubisoft jetzt eine technisch verbesserte Version der ersten vier Serienteile raus, also Anno 1602 inklusive Addon Neue Inseln, neue Abenteuer, Anno 1503 mit Monster, Schätze und Piraten, Anno 1701 mit dem fulminanten Kampagnen-Addon Der Fluch des Drachen sowie Anno 1404 mit Venedig. Ah!


Mehr zum Thema

Welches Anno bekommt welche Verbesserungen?

Kein Remake, kein Remaster

40 Euro verlangt Ubisoft für die Collection, die Preise der einzelnen Neuauflagen findet ihr in unserer Tabelle. 40 Euro für Spiele, die zwischen elf und 22 Jahre auf dem Buckel haben, sind ganz schön happig. Vor allem, weil wir hier wie bei der Siedler History Collection von Ende 2018 nicht über Remakes oder Remasters reden, sondern über überschaubare technische Verbesserungen sowie Multiplayer via Uplay.

Neuerungen wie frische Kampagnen, KI-Änderungen oder eine verbesserte Grafik wie bei den Definitve Editions von Age of Empires sind nicht an Bord. Die bisherigen Fassungen der Spiele werden mit Erscheinen der History Editions übrigens nicht verändert: Anders als bei Blizzards Zwangs-Assimilierung von Warcraft 3 durch die Reforged-Version gibt es also zum Beispiel keinen Patch von Anno 1404 Gold auf die Anno History Edition.

Was ist mit meinen alten Savegames?

Die Spielstände bisheriger Anno-Versionen sind mit den neuen History Editions kompatibel. Das klappt auch mit Versionen, die ihr nicht direkt bei Ubisoft gekauft habt. Wir haben es unter anderem mit der Anno 1404 Gold Edition von GOG. com getestet: Beide Spielversionen nutzen denselben Savegame-Ordner, nämlich Benutzer/(Name)/Dokumente/Anno 1404/Savegames. Falls ihr noch Spielstände auf einem alten PC, Speicherstick oder einer antiken Diskette habt, kopiert ihr die Savegames (sie enden auf *.sww) einfach dort rein.

Und: Die bisherigen Versionen werden zum Release der History Editions aus dem Ubisoft Store genommen. Wer sie bereits gekauft hat, kann sie aber weiterhin spielen und bei Bedarf auch neu herunterladen, etwa bei einem PC- Wechsel.

Das kosten die einzelnen History Editions und das Gesamtpaket:

History Edition

Anno 1602 + Addon

9,99 Euro

Anno 1503 + Addon

9,99 Euro

Anno 1701 + Addon

9,99 Euro

Anno 1404 + Addon

14,99 Euro

History Collection (alle vier Spiele + Addons)

39,99 Euro (statt 44,96 Euro)

Wir haben alle vier Serienteile der Anno History Collection angeworfen, die technischen Änderungen sowie den Multiplayer getestet und vor allem eines ausprobiert: Wie spielen sich die Klassiker eigentlich heute? Jeder Serienteil bekommt von uns eine aktuelle, individuelle Wertung, und am Schluss gibt es eine Gesamtwertung für die komplette Anno History Collection.

Was ist bei allen vier History-Annos neu?

Alle vier Teile basieren jetzt auf 64-Bit-Technik (mehr dazu im Abschnitt Anno 1404). Ihr könnt bei allen Serienteilen die Auflösung auf bis zu 4K hochdrehen — was aber nicht bei allen sinnvoll ist. Die Introvideos laufen hingegen in ihrer Originalfassung und wurden nicht per Algorithmus verbessert, was bei Command & Conquer Remastered ja auch eher für unfreiwillige Heiterkeit sorgte.

Anno 1602 History Edition mit 4K-Auflösung, maximalem Interface und ganz reingezoomt, sowie im Original mit 1.024×768 und höchsten Zoom.

Dafür lassen sich die teils futzeligen User Interfaces jetzt in Stufen bis auf Faktor 2,9 (je nach Spiel) vergrößern, das hilft vor allem Anno 1602 und Anno 1503. Alle vier Spiele bieten nun die Modi Vollbild, Vollbildfenster und Fenster.

Bei Anno 1503 haben wir beim Testen jedoch das Problem erlebt, dass wir nach einem Task-Switch nicht mehr ins Spiel kamen, obwohl es im Hintergrund noch aktiv war. Wir empfehlen daher zumindest bei Anno 1503 die Einstellung Vollbildfenster, zumal ihr bei Anno 1602 und Anno 1503 im Multiplayer auf einen externen Chat zugreifen solltet. Denn der Ingame-Chat ist hier sehr rudimentär, zum Beispiel seht ihr eure Sätze nach dem Abschicken nicht mehr.

Ach ja, modernere Cursor-Varianten gibt’s auch. Außer bei Anno 1503 (siehe unten) sind die Editoren enthalten — eine gute Quelle für spielergenerierte Szenarios ist zum Beispiel Den vier Spielen liegen Produktionsketten-Poster bei (in der Box-Version auch physisch, plus eine Lithografie), dazu Desktop-Wallpapers sowie eine Handvoll neuer Musikstücke. Allerdings fehlen aus Lizenzgründen ein paar alte.

Alle Anno-Teile in ihrer History-Edition seht ihr auch in unserer Screenshot-Galerie:

Anno History Collection — Screenshots ansehen

Welche Multiplayer-Verbindungen werden unterstützt?

Alle vier History-Versionen enthalten einen Multiplayer-Modus. Ja, auch Anno 1503! Die Spielerzahlen, Szenarios, Siegbedingungen und sonstigen Einstellmöglichkeiten entsprechen den Originalspielen, bei Anno 1404 sind zum Beispiel acht Spieler in vier Teams möglich, auf fehlende Positionen könnt ihr KI-Spieler hocken.

Online dürft ihr allerdings ausschließlich über Uplay spielen, und nur Anno 1701 und Anno 1404 bieten alternativ lokale Netzwerk-Matches. Für alle vier Spiele gilt: Sobald ihr beim Multiplayer-Setup auf »Spieler einladen« klickt, werden euch eure Uplay-Freunde angezeigt.

Alternativ startet ihr ein Schnelles Spiel, dann sucht der Matchmaker erst nach Viererpartien, dann nach Dreiern und schließlich nach Matches für zwei Spieler. Dieses System konnten wir allerdings noch nicht ausgiebig testen, weil die History Editions zum Testzeitpunkt nicht live waren.

Wir gehen aber ohnehin davon aus, dass die meisten Multiplayer-Spieler mit ihren echten Freunden antreten werden. Denn Multiplayerpartien, die sich über Stunden oder mehrere Abende hinziehen können, sind Zufallsbekanntschaften eher riskant, weil sie oft mittendrin keinen Bock mehr haben und einfach aussteigen.

Dass wir das noch erleben dürfen: Anno 1503 kriegt nach fast 18 Jahren seinen (offiziellen) Multiplayer, ebenfalls via Uplay.

Desync-Bugs (vor allem in Anno 1404), bei denen ab einer bestimmten Stadtgröße öfter die Verbindung abriss, sollen laut Ubisoft behoben sein, da für die neuen Versionen eine modernere Sync-Recover-Technik zum Einsatz kommt.

Wir hatten beim Ausprobieren keine Probleme, nur beim ersten Kontakt mit einem anderen Spieler ruckte Anno 1404 einmal ganz kurz, um seine bisher verborgene Siedlung mit einem Schlag darzustellen. Danach ging’s flüssig weiter. Apropos weiter: Hier kommen die vier History-Annos in der Einzelwertung!

Anno 1602: Creation of a New World (1602 A.D.)

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General InfoScreenshots (3)

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    This page provides general information on the game Anno 1602: Creation of a New World (1602 A. D.) . As information about the project becomes available, this page will contain news, videos, screenshots, wallpapers, art, interviews with the developers, articles, previews, reviews, walkthrough tips and much more. Perhaps you have stumbled upon this page because you want to download torrent Anno 1602: Creation of a New World (1602 A.D.) without registration or download Anno 1602: Creation of a New World (1602 A.D.) for free at high speed. The Gamer-Info portal provides information about games, and you can find links to free download Anno 1602: Creation of a New World (1602 A.D.) on other resources. Help others learn more about the project, leave a review about Anno 1602: Creation of a New World, rate it, or simply share the game’s page on social networks. nine0003

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    The trailers of Anno 1602: Creation of a New World (1602 A.D.) presented in the database can be downloaded free of charge at high speed via direct links. Links to free video downloads become available after registration. nine0003

    You can also find the walkthrough Anno 1602: Creation of a New World (1602 A.D.), which will help save your nerves and time in search of the right switch or key hidden in the depths of locations. The passage will also be useful for those who like to find all the secrets and collect achievements. If the game is in English, and you do not speak it well, then you will need the opportunity to download the Anno 1602: Creation of a New World (1602 A.D.) crack for free without registration. Russifiers for some games contain Russian voice acting, but in most cases these are just subtitles. The pages of our portal also contain codes for the game Anno 1602: Creation of a New World (1602 A. D.), which help to get through even the most difficult bosses. nine0003

    If you have problems with launching or normal operation of Anno 1602: Creation of a New World (1602 A.D.) on PC, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the possible solutions to the problems that have arisen in a special guide. You can also see the detailed system requirements of Anno 1602: Creation of a New World (1602 A.D.) and related information on a separate page.

    people without a state — Society

    Poster for the film The Explorer (1987, directed by Niels Göup). Source:

    At school we were taught that Norwegians live in Norway, Finns live in Finland, and Swedes live in Sweden. Where do the Saami live? In Lapland, which exists not only in the mythological, but also in the physical space — at the junction of Russia, Norway, Finland and Sweden.

    Saami: choosing a historical path

    Saami (Saami, Lapps; self-name — Kild. s±m, S.‑Saam. sámit, sapmelaš; Fin. Saamelaiset, Nynorsk Samar, Swedish. Samer) — a small Finno-Ugric people, compactly living on the borders of four states. The Saami languages ​​are included in the Finno-Volga group of the Finno-Ugric branch of the Uralic language family, while remaining separate.

    A Norwegian Sámi family in 1900. Source: Wikimedia Commons

    There is a quite plausible hypothesis that earlier the Saami were called Finns or Fenns 1 , which were described by Tacitus in «Germany»:

    “The Fenn have a striking savagery and miserable squalor; they have no defensive weapons, no horses, no permanent roof over their heads; their food is grass, their clothes are skins, their bed is earth; they put all their hopes on arrows, on which, due to a lack of iron, a bone tip is planted. The same hunt provides food for both men and women . .. But they consider this a happier lot than to exhaust themselves with work in the field and work on building houses and tirelessly think, moving from hope to despair, about their own and other people’s property: careless in relation to to people, careless in relation to the deities, they have achieved the most difficult thing — not to feel the need even for desires ” 2 .

    It turns out that the Saami continued to live even at the beginning of our era the way others lived in the Stone Age, and this was their conscious choice 3 .

    At the end of the last powerful glaciation (11,000-8,000 BC), the Saami ancestors, the bearers of the Komsa archaeological culture, followed the retreating glacier, or rather, they migrated after the herds of deer they hunted. Later they were assimilated by speakers of the Finno-Ugric languages, while the Saami languages ​​show a significant Paleo-European (Pre-Indo-European and Da-Phinno-Ugric) substratum.

    Rock painting with hunting scenes.

    Alta (Finnmark, Norway). Descendants of the Komsa culture. Source: Jurek Durczak, CC BY 2.0

    In the II-I millennium BC, when the ancestors of the Baltic Finns, under the influence of the ancestors of the Germans, Balts and Slavs, switched to a settled way of life, the ancestors of the Sami continued to live the way their ancestors lived: to roam and hunt. They lived in this way even later, except that already in the Middle Ages they switched from simple hunting for deer to reindeer herding, without forgetting the hunting of other animals.

    Saami and neighbors

    The Saami roamed over a vast territory up to Lake Ladoga in the south, but after the arrival of the Indo-Europeans (Germans, Balts and Slavs) and speakers of the Baltic-Finnish languages, they were forced to move north. Unable to compete with other peoples who created state formations, the Sami were subjected to raids and tribute taxation. Russians (Novgorodians) and Scandinavians (Norwegians) fought for the right to impose tribute on them.

    Around 1251, the Novgorod prince Alexander Yaroslavich, nicknamed Nevsky, concluded an agreement with the Norwegian king Hakon (Hakon Hakonsen) IV the Old, which allowed both Veliky Novgorod and the Norwegian kingdom to collect a fixed tribute from the Sami: no more than 5 squirrel skins per hunter. This situation continued until 1602, when the Danish king 4 ordered that Russian tribute collectors not be allowed into Norwegian territory. In response, the Russians stopped letting Danish-Norwegian tribute collectors into their controlled territory.

    Carrying out the ceremony by modern Sami shamans. Source:

    Preserving their otherness, not trying to create a state, the Sami were known among their neighbors not only as fast and skillful hunters, but also as the strongest sorcerers. This dismissive attitude towards the Sami because of the way of life, but respectful due to magical abilities, is characteristic of Scandinavians, Finns, and Russians.

    A number of researchers (for example, Yu.K. Kuzmenko) believe that some characters of Scandinavian mythology — giants and dwarfs — were associated with the Sami and their kindred peoples. Moreover, the Scandinavian patron gods of hunting Skadi and Ull are «borrowed» from the religious ideas of the Sami and are related to their deities Yuksakke and Leibolmay 5 .

    Modern vision of the god Ull. Source:

    The main through plot of the Finnish epic «Kalevala» is the confrontation between two countries — the bright Kalevala and the dark Pohjola. Moreover, the author-compiler of the work, Elias Lönnrot, showed in Kalevala the image of a beautiful Finland of the future, to which every true Finn should strive, contrasting it with the image of a gloomy and hostile Pohjola, whose inhabitants can be associated with the Sami 6 .

    In the film adaptation of «Kalevala» — the feature film «Sampo» (1959 years old) director Alexander Ptushko also showed Pohjola as a gloomy place inhabited by an archaic people led by an old sorceress Louhi 7 .

    In the domestic mystical series “Dead Lake” (2019, directed by Roman Prygunov), which takes place in the polar region of Chandagan (the prototype is Kirovsk, Murmansk region), a Sami shaman is suspected of ritual murder. This is how the Sami are seen and shown by their neighbors, but how do they present themselves?

    Niels Göup on the set of the film «Birkebeiners». Source:

    Saam yourself director

    The Saami people are lucky: they have a compatriot director. Nils Göup (Gaup) was born in Koutokeino (Finmark, Norway), trained as an actor and assembled the first theatrical troupe performing in the Sami language.

    He also made the first film in the Sami language, The Guide (Ofelaš, Pathfinder, 1987 year). The picture was nominated for an Oscar as Best Foreign Language Film, but lost out to the Danish film Babette’s Feast (directed by Gabriel Axel) 8 . In addition to the Oscar nomination, the film won the Amanda Award at the Norwegian International Film Festival, and the director won the Sutherland Trophy at the London Film Festival.

    In addition, in the United States in 2007, a remake of the film was filmed — «Pathfinder» (in the original it is called the same as «Explorer» — «Pathfinder», directed by Markus Nispel). The events are moved to America, and the main character is the son of the leader of the Vikings, brought up by the Indians, who takes revenge on other Vikings for killing the Indians.

    Later, Niels Göup directed the film North Star with Christopher Lambert and even directed the global Water World with Kevin Costner, but left the project due to cost overruns.

    However, he still became famous for films from the history of Norway: “The Kyotokeino Uprising” of 2008 about the Sami uprising in 1852 and “Birkebeiners” (“The Last King”) of 2016 9 .

    Thai poster for the film «The Explorer». Source:

    Saami self-presentation

    The scenario of the feature film «Guide» was based on the Saami legend about the events of a thousand years ago. The young Sami, played by the Sami actor Mikkel Göup, returns from hunting and sees that his entire family was killed by foreigners, who are called “chudes” in the film, clearly referring to the Chud people. Chud is the collective name of a number of tribes and nationalities, as a rule, the Baltic-Finnish group (vod, whole, sum, em, Izhora, Ests, etc.) 10 .

    Weird Warriors.

    Frame from the film «The Explorer». Source:

    This Chud, playing the classic role of «Alien», is completely different from the Sami: they do not understand the language, dressed in black leather clothes, they have no skis, they are armed with axes, spears, crossbows. The monsters behave in an infernal way: it is not clear why they attack the poor Sami, they do not take them prisoner. They don’t even have luggage to store their loot. They came to kill. The role of their leader is played by the Icelandic actor Helgi Skulason, known for the films of the «crow trilogy» by Hrabn Gydnløigsson, where he plays the main antagonists 11 .

    Saami. Frame from the film «The Explorer». Source: IMDb

    The Saami, whose roles were played by Saami actors (including a prominent figure in the Saami movement from Finland, Nils-Aslak Valkeapää), are the complete opposite of the Chud: they are peaceful, armed with bows and arrows, move on skis and sledges, dressed in light deer skins, go hunting . Their closeness to nature is especially emphasized (performing a ritual after killing a bear, communicating with deer, etc.), their ability to heal and conjure. When a Chud attacks, the Sami, with the exception of a few heroes, do not accept the battle, but rush to their brothers closer to the coast.

    Frame from the film «The Explorer». Source:

    The idea that the Sami are a family people runs like a red thread through the entire film, but if you forget about your identity, you will become the same as a Chud — in this case, a language related people who have chosen a different civilizational path, which boils down to hunting for people. It is better to run, remaining a part of nature, than to become like a weirdo.

    However, the Sami people need a guide — a person who leads his family, his tribe, who knows the way, and at the same time is an intermediary between the world of people and the world of spirits. A shaman tambourine with a map depicted on it — a picture of the Sami world — acts as a «spiritual compass».

    As a result, the Sami and their deer reach the coast, where they are actually doomed to destruction, but a young guide, like Ivan Susanin, leads the Chud invaders to a disastrous place.

    Frame from the film «The Explorer». Source:

    A small Sami family, led by a guide, acts in the film as an allegory for the whole people, who preferred not to fight with the attacking neighbors, but to roam along with deer, without changing their way of life, without losing their identity.

    The film, shot by a Sámi director with Sámi playing the Sámi, is the most important audiovisual text of the people’s self-representation. The Saami did not create a state, but they, following the chosen path, retained their identity.


    V. V. Kondakov, historian, film historian. Specially for GoArctic


    1 Moreover, initially hunters and gatherers were called that, and not a specific ethnic group.

    2 Cit. by Cornelius Tacitus. On the origin of the Germans and the location of Germany

    nine0101 3 Their way of life would now be called downshifting, simpleliving or simplification.

    4 From 1534 to 1814, Norway and Denmark were united into one state, ruled by the Oldenburg dynasty.

    5 Kuzmenko Yu.K. Saami gods of hunting and fishing in the Scandinavian tradition // Germanistics. Scandinavia. Historical poetics. M., 2008 — p. 142-157.

    6 Read more about this in the material

    7 Find out more here

    8 Find out more about historical films by Gabriel Axel here
    and here

    9 See details here

    10 Chud played a fairly large role in ancient Russian history: they were among the tribes that “invited the Varangians to reign”, in addition, they participated in the campaigns of Oleg the Prophet against Tsargrad, etc.