Alle ark dinos: Creatures — ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki

How to Spawn Dinos on Your ARK: Survival Evolved Server | ARK: Survival Evolved | Knowledgebase Article

This guide will show you how to use admin commands on your ARK: Survival Evolved server to spawn in Dinos and creatures. You will need to have admin privileges on your server, and also know how to use the admin commands.

We have a guide on both these subjects located here: How to Use the Admin Console on your ARK: Survival Evolved Server

Commands to Spawn Dinos

The game has two basic commands for spawning in creatures. The two main commands are Summon and SpawnDino.

  • The Summon command just creates the dino exactly where you’re standing (for a split second, you will be overlapping), then it pops out. The dino level is random, and if it’s a normally hostile dino, it’s going to instantly attack you! There’s also a related command, called SummonTamed that spawns in a dino fully tamed, which is safer.

  • SpawnDino gives you a lot more control over how you spawn the creature into the game, including setting a specific level, and the distance and relative location to your character.

There are other summoning commands as well. Some of which are very similar (they work almost exactly the same), while some have some weird twists. These commands include: SDF, SpawnActor, SummonActorSpread, GMSummon. The ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki has more information on these other specialized spawn commands.

There are other admin commands that will might be super useful to avoid being eaten by what you just spawned! They’re listed in a separate section at the end of this guide.

How to Find Dinos IDs for Spawning

To use the spawn commands properly, you need to have specific IDs for each dino or creature. The best source of the ID labels required for the spawn commands is the wiki for ARK: Survival Evolved, at Gamepedia.

This usually has the most up to date information on the creatures, and it also has a ton of other useful information about the game. It’s really worth checking out in general!

This page contains information about using both the spawn commands, and a large table of information about the various dinos labels that are required to tell the game which creature you want to spawn.

There are two major columns the table, for «Entity ID», and «Blueprint Path». Some spawn commands use one or the other.

  • Entity IDs are shorter, with words and letters separated by underscores. The Entity ID is used for the Summon command.

  • The Blueprint Path is an actual file path to where the dino information is stored in the game files. It’s much much longer, enclosed by quotes, and has slashes in it. The Blueprint Path is used by the SpawnDino command.

When using either one, the uppercase letters matter, and they should be copied exactly as is.

Using the Admin Commands

  • The commands require «Admincheat» (or just «Cheat») in front of them.

  • The uppercase letters aren’t required at all, and the commands can be typed in all lowercase. «Admincheat Summon» works the same as «adminchat summon».

  • You can repeat previously used commands in the admin console. When you open the admin console, hitting «up» arrow on your keyboard opens a history of previously used commands. Press up or down to move through the list, and then «enter» to instantly repeat the command.

The «Summon» Command


Admincheat Summon (EntityID)
Admincheat Summon Dodo_Character_BP_C
Admincheat Summon Bigfoot_Character_BP_C

The «SummonTamed» Command

This works exactly like the «Summon» command above, but the dino will be automatically tamed when it appears! Woot!

The «SpawnDino» Command

This command is a little more complicated then the Summon command, and has five different arguments:

  • «Blueprint Path»

  • Spawn Distance

  • Y-offset

  • Z-offset

  • Dino Level

They should be separated by spaces. If you don’t want to set any of the last 4 arguments, just replace them with zeroes.

These arguments are explained below.

  • Blueprint Path
    The label that determines which creature is summoned. Needs to be enclosed in quotes, and uppercase letters matter.

  • Spawn Distance
    How far away from your character the dino appears. This is relative to where your mouse view is aimed, so look above the ground. If you’re looking down into the ground that’s where the dino will spawn, which would be bad.
    If it’s not set to a pretty high number, the dino will appear directly on top of your character. A value of «500» is only roughly about 2 foundations away, for example (so if you’re spawning in a T-Rex, that’s way too close!).

The dodo in the screenshot below was spawned with a spawn distance of «2000» as an example (the player is floating in midair with the «Fly» command).

The screenshot below has the same «2000» spawn distance, and a Y-offset value of «1000» (which moved it to the right).

  • Z-Offset
    Vertical spawn position relative to your character’s view. Positive numbers are higher, negative numbers are lower.

  • Dino Level
    The exact level you want the dino Spawned at. The stats the creature ends up with will be set by random distribution of it’s «wild» levels each time a creature is spawned.

An example of this put together:

Admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Bigfoot/Bigfoot_Character_BP.Bigfoot_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 120

This example would spawn in a level 120 Gigantopithecus (Bigfoot)

Other Useful Admin Commands

If a dino is normally hostile, it will be spawned in hostile and will attack! So, some of the following other admin commands might be useful to prevent getting eaten by the things you spawned!

Like most admin commands, you need to precede these with «Admincheat». It can also be shortened to «Cheat». The upper case letters aren’t required either, so all lowercase works fine too.

  • EnemyInvisible True

Admincheat EnemyInvisible True
Admincheat EnemyInvisible False

Setting this to «True» make you invisible to all dinos. They will completely ignore you, even if you attack them. They will move around normally, and might attack other dinos (meaning they can wander away).
Use Admincheat EnemyInvisible false to turn it off.

  • Fly

Admincheat Fly
Admincheat Walk

Turns on flight, allowing you to rise into the air when you press SPACE, and lower when you press C. Hostile dinos are much easier to deal with when you’re floating 100 feet above the ground!
You turn it off by using the command Admincheat walk (don’t do that while floating 100 feet up).

  • God

Admincheat God

Dinos can’t damage you. They will still try to attack you though, which can be sometimes be pretty annoying (blocks your vision, camera shake, etc).
While they’re busy attacking you, it does keep them from wandering off though! It also makes aiming some of the other admin commands very easy since the hostile dino will be right in your face trying to eat you.
Type Admintcheat God again to turn it off.

  • PlayersOnly

Admincheat Playersonly

Turns off the AI for dinos. They will still have idle animations, but they won’t move or attack. Players are unaffected by this command. Useful for keeping dinos from wandering off.
NOTE: When the AI for the dinos is disabled, it may prevent some admin commands from working correctly (like «DoTame» and «ForceTame»).
ALSO: When you turn off the creature AI, you may see some strange glitches like fish and sea creatures floating in the air. It’s just one of those wacky bugs. These glitches end when you turn the AI back on.
Repeat Admincheat PlayersOnly again to turn the effect off.

  • DoTame

Admincheat DoTame

This command automatically tames whatever creature your viewpoint crosshairs are targeted on. According to the Wiki, If you use this command while mounted on another dino, it may crash the game/server.
This command can be extremely hard to target dinos with if you have aiming crosshairs disabled (as is on most servers). Using the God admin command and letting a hostile dino attack you is one easy way to get around this (it will literally be in your face trying to eat you, making targeting very very easy).

  • ForceTame

Admincheat ForceTame

This command also automatically tames whatever creature is under your veiwpoint crosshairs. Dinos tamed this way can be ridden even without a saddle. If you cryopod the dino, and then deploy the cryopod, it will lose that saddle effect.
This command may also crash game/server if it’s used while you’re mounted on another dino.
Same targeting issues apply to this command as well (see «DoTame» above)

Admincheat ForceTameAOE 2000

This automatically tames dinos within a certain radius. It doesn’t have any of the finicky targeting issues as the regular «ForceTame» command. See the screenshots above in the «SpawnDino» command for an idea of how far the radius will be.

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Survival Evolved: Alle Dinos und Kreaturen in einer Liste

Victoria Scholz,

8 min LesezeitKommentare7

Bei ARK: Survival Evolved kämpft ihr um das nackte Überleben. Neben Hunger und Durst sind vor allem die Dinos eine Bedrohung für euch. Doch habt ihr sie einmal gezähmt, können sie eure besten Freunde werden. Eine komplette Dinoliste mit allen Kreaturen von ARK findet ihr nachfolgend in unserem kleinen Dino-ABC.

Neben Fleisch- und Pflanzenfressern gibt es in ARK: Survival Evolved auch noch diejenigen Kreaturen, die sich von Kot oder Blut ernähren. Auch, wenn es eklig klingt, ist es wichtig zu wissen, welches Futter sie bevorzugen und vor allem, ob ihr sie überhaupt zähmen könnt. Der Großteil der Kreaturen hat zudem besondere Fähigkeiten, die euch im Kampf gegen Spieler, Kreaturen und die Umwelt in ARK helfen. Alles, was ihr zu den Dinos in ARK wissen musst, erfahrt ihr in unserem umfangreichen Dino-Kompendium.

Für mehr Dinospaß holt euch Jurassic World Evolution auf Amazon

Neben den normalen Dinos findet ihr noch rote Kreaturen auf den verschiedenen Maps in ARK verteilt. Sie werden Alphas genannt. So gibt es zum Beispiel einen Alpha-Rex, dem ihr begegnen könnt. Sie sind sehr selten und zudem sehr stark. Seid ihr noch am Anfang eurer Reise und ihr lernt einen solchen roten Dino kennen, solltet ihr schnellstmöglich die Beine in die Hand nehmen (oder unsere Cheats ausprobieren).

Die roten Alpha-Tiere könnt ihr auch noch daran erkennen, dass sie viel größer als ihre normalen Verwandten sind. Sie wurden ursprünglich als seltene Dinos in ARK eingefügt, um den Spielern eine zusätzliche Schwierigkeit zu bieten. Sie sind bis zum Vierfachen stärker als ihre einfachen Versionen und können sogar Steingebilde mit Leichtigkeit zerstören.

Alphas findet ihr vermehrt in bergigen Regionen oder im Inland. Doch ab und zu wurden sie sogar an Stränden gesichtet.

Folgende Dinos haben einen Alpha-Bruder:

  • Carno
  • Deathworm
  • Feuerdrache
  • Leedsichthys
  • Megalodon
  • Mosasaur
  • Raptor
  • Rex
  • Tusoteuthis

Alphas zerstören keine Metallgebäude, weshalb ihr im späteren Spielverlauf eure Gebilde dahingehend verbessern solltet. Mit einem Giganotosaurus habt ihr eine Chance gegen sie. Wie ihr ihn zähmen könnt, verraten wir euch im verlinkten Guide. Ihr könnt die Alpha-Dinos nicht zähmen, züchten oder reiten. Tötet sie, um Edelfleisch und viele Ressourcen zu erhalten.

Dieser Alpha-Rex legt sich mit allem an, was um ihn herum ist.

Steht ihr noch am Anfang eurer Reise in ARK? Dann schaut euch die nachfolgenden Tipps an, mit denen ihr die ersten Stunden im Spiel überlebt:

Neben diesen starken Gegnern könnt ihr euch noch mit den zahlreichen Endbossen in ARK anlegen. Um sie zu beschwören, müsst ihr einige Artefakte sammeln und einige Gefahren auf euch nehmen. Danach wird es aber auch nicht besser, denn die Bossgegner sind sehr stark und beschwören manchmal noch Freunde, die ihnen zur Hilfe eilen. Braucht ihr Hilfe und Taktiken für alle Endbosse, solltet ihr euch den verlinkten Guide ansehen. Mit folgenden Bossen könnt ihr konfrontiert werden:

Map Boss
The Island Brutmutter Lysrix, Megapithecus, Drache und Aufseher
The Center Wächter
Scorched Earth Mantikor
Ragnarok Mantikor und Drache

Wollt ihr noch stärker werden, um die Bosse zu erledigen? Dann solltet ihr euch das folgende Video ansehen und schnell leveln. Auf der nächsten Seite gehts dann zu den Dinos, die majestätisch durch die Lüfte schwingen. 

Ark Survival Evolved — Tipps zum schnellen Leveln

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auf YouTube

Dinosaurs and Noah’s Ark — Science Cabinet of Curiosities — LiveJournal


Dinosaurs and Noah’s Ark [Sep. 7th, 2009| 01:23 am ]

Scientific Cabinet of Curiosities

Accidentally stumbled upon the site Frankly, such an extravaganza of insanity did not come across to me for a long time. I cried. It is impossible to comment on this, even more so to refute it. All that’s left is to laugh. How do you like a brief history of dinosaurs as presented by creationists? nine0018

The first dinosaur-like creatures were created during Creation Week about 6,000 years ago…
Before the Fall, there was neither suffering nor death in the world; Dinosaurs originally lived side by side with man and other created animals… All lung vertebrate land animals (including dinosaurs) that did not get into Noah’s Ark drowned during the Flood about 4500 years ago. However, this does not mean that all dinosaurs died out, because a pair of each kind entered the Ark…
Noah did not need to take with him all types of animals (“species” is a category notorious for its vagueness), but only one pair from each created kind. Dinosaurs were selected according to the same principle. Thus, Noah’s ark included not about 668 species of dinosaurs, but only representatives of «kinds» (Genesis 6:20), of which, according to estimates, there were only 55 . ..
Dinosaur growth rates, calculated from animal growth rings, indicate the fact that young specimens of large dinosaurs could well be accommodated in the ark. God knew which species would grow immediately after they left the ark, and chose them accordingly. nine0018 The million-year-old belief in dinosaur remains has so blunted the senses of paleontologists that they have not even thought about the possibility of a relatively recent death of the discovered individuals, although the evidence for this was under their very noses.

And that’s just one article. And there are dozens of them on the site. However, everything is the same there: “ossified official science”, “scientists were shocked”, “creationists were right”. According to whois services, the domain was registered in the spring by a certain Kurovsky Dmitry Anatolyevich, who, among other things, also publishes a creo-newspaper in Rivne (Ukraine). Indeed, modern Ukraine is a paradise for creationists. nine0013

FROM: AndrewKochetKov
2009-09-07 05:06 AM (UTC)

From: tesser2007
2009-09-07 02:18 am (UTC)

Not true, Noah took two dinosaurs. True, because of the haste, not a boy and a girl, but two boys. That is why they did not leave offspring, although the little animals tried their best, of course.

FROM: Ice_blackwell
2009-09-07-07 04:12 AM (UTC)

. .. but while living, managed to give a bad example? :)) nine0013

FROM: Checkist
2009-09-07 05:17 AM (UTC)

like this due From: omgljfaggotry
2009-09-07 05:12 am (UTC)

I wonder what about the extinct marine animals?

From: argent_smith
2009-09-07 05:20 am (UTC)

simply. The oceans, according to the flood model, just boiled.

FROM: Checkist
2009-09-07 05:38 AM (UTC)

Apparently, hooks and dragged over the arrow. From: unclegivi
2009-09-07 08:49 am (UTC)

Fresh rain — they could not stand swimming in fresh water, and then God took out the cork and fresh water flowed away. Only salt remains.

I’m more interested in when he managed to go to Australia and settle the animals there (not to mention how he took them from there).

FROM: Gorrah
2009-09-07 10:56 AM (UTC)

Dinosaurs of air breathed-I think they would like to swim in which water. Something is wrong here! 🙂 nineLeave them 0013

You would have started to refute the Bible here from a scientific point of view. Don’t make any methodological mistakes.

>> About 6 thousand years ago . ..

yes, Your people are your people invented the wheel and writing, but at that time others were already flying to space (almost C) KVN. nine0013

For the Jews/Christians, too, creation took place 6 kilometers ago, while others (their neighbors) lived and did not know about it.

FROM: UnClegivi
2009-09-07 08:46 AM (UTC)
2009-09-07 10:03 AM (UTC)

A PLOP, note, occurred 4,500 years ago \ T.E.V. 500 500 AD \=> London, Paris, Rome were flooded, and St. Genevieve drowned =))

From: unclegivi
2009-09-07 10:55 am (UTC)

Are we from the future?
I thought that 4500 years ago is 2500 BC.

2009-09-07 11:08 AM (UTC)



THFU, EP-POGONALIA STIL ,5k years after the creation of the world»%]

From: inry_r
2009-09-08 08:38 am (UTC)


Dear, dear, zoos of the country need your selfless help! Work for at least a week in a zoo corner with 20 species of animals, otherwise the local atheist zoologists can hardly take care of them.
As you know, Noah and his family of eight managed to maintain the world’s largest zoo for a whole year. Share your experience?

The square root of a million is 1000. This is if we consider the fabulous optimal option and forget about monophyletic endemics. I have a vague suspicion that a mine 1 km away is just as difficult to dig by hand as it is 1000 km away. nine0013

From: trupodur
2009-09-09 10:20 p.m.

To the question of how Noah managed the zoo, there is a simple answer related to Ch. arr. with worms. For example, several hundred worms can live in cats. So in each of the two cats that he took, there were a hundred different worms (not counting all kinds of skin parasites). It is clear that these cats behaved much calmer than in the zoo. I think they lay in a coma for a year, they only had to be turned from side to side against bedsores. nine0013

Noah is the only person who saved the dinosaurs from the Flood!

Evidence found that Noah’s ark was used to escape the Flood with dinosaurs.

The story of the ark built by Noah to save his family and wildlife from the flood is familiar to every child. It is generally accepted that Noah, at the direction of the Lord, took to the ship a pair of unclean and seven pieces of all the clean animals that existed. Students of one of the technical American universities studied the calculations for the construction of such an ark and bible books — and came to the conclusion that at least 70 thousand animals could fit on it. Could dinosaurs have been among those who stepped onto the ark? Modern scientists say yes — and they have every reason to do so. nine0013

Did humans live at the same time as dinosaurs?

The official theory about the origin of life on planet Earth says that the first organisms appeared on it about 3 billion years ago. Now it is not possible to find out the truth of such judgments, since representatives of the most ancient animal world have not been discovered at least during one of the archaeological excavations ongoing throughout the planet. Dinosaurs were not pioneers: the first representatives of this species lived on Earth 220 million years ago. Different species of this animal evolved, died out and moved around the Earth for at least another 160 million years. nine0013

Scientists of the 20th century developed a point of view according to which dinosaurs died from another natural disaster — a flood, frost or global warming. Even 20 years ago, the idea that a person could not only catch a dinosaur alive, but also exist side by side with him for many years, was categorically rejected. But even then, cave paintings and written documents found in Asia and Europe with the mention and images of large pangolins raised questions. For example, in the year 900, an Irishman described his encounter with «a large animal with thick legs and a powerful tail, as well as a spine dotted with huge spikes. » Engravings that appeared in the Carlisle Cathedral in Great Britain in the 15th century depict lizards that even a small child will not confuse with other animals. nine0013

A church book of 1405, found in one of the English villages, says: like the teeth of a saw and a tail of incredible length. He killed the shepherd and ate many sheep.»

There is a great variety of such evidence on the planet… Drawings, figurines of dinosaurs, painting on jars depicting scenes of a battle between a man and lizards… Scientists who support an alternative theory of the 21st century, which replaced the conservative judgments of the last century, prudently do not seek refutation of the fact that humans were dinosaurs’ neighbors. nine0013

In modern science, a more viable theory comes to the fore: dinosaurs fell victim to people, like many other animals that became extinct due to human activities — deforestation, river pollution, and other interventions in the environment. The Chinese, for example, claim that some dinosaur dragons are still alive. In the calendar according to which this country lives, there are eleven animals, the existence of which makes no sense to refute — these are a snake, a dog, a horse, a monkey, a rat and other living creatures. The twelfth is the dragon, because the people of China do not even doubt that he lived on Earth. nine0013

Evidence of dinosaurs on Noah’s ark

The main and most important evidence that dinosaurs were among the animals saved by Noah was the size of the ark itself. It was 144 meters long and 24 meters wide. Forest and domestic animals do not take up so much space to build and launch such a huge ship. By the same analogy, the proof that the lizards boarded the ark can be considered its impressive carrying capacity, with which no other ship in the entire history of mankind can compete. nine0013

In the Bible and the book of Job, the fact that Noah saved the dinosaurs is repeatedly emphasized and perceived as a chronicle of past years. As far as we know, God warned Noah about the planned flood and helped him find a way to escape from the elements. At the same time, God demonstrated power to people — apparently, trying, like Noah, to return them to the faith and renounce sins. How did he show his power? Job states:

“In his power, God referred to the largest animal that eats grass like an ox; behold his strength in his loins, and his strength in the muscles of his belly; turns its tail like a cedar; the veins on his thighs are intertwined; his legs are like copper pipes; his bones are like iron rods; this is the height of the ways of God: only he who made him can draw his sword near him.” nine0437

In addition, not all types of dinosaurs had huge dimensions that could hardly fit on a ship. It is known that there were animals on the ark, which, after reaching land, quickly gained a mass that exceeded their initial weight by 3-5 times. The reality of everything that is written in the Bible confirms the scientific fact that the first 5 years of life, all dinosaurs were of modest size, and then there was a sharp jump in growth, during which they gained up to 3-5 tons of weight annually! It turns out that Noah took on the ark young dinosaurs that survived the Flood and continued to live in peace with man until the tragedy that caused the extinction of these amazing animals .