Sims 4 treppen drehen: Sims 4: Treppen bauen

Wie bekomme ich sie gedreht?

Letzte Aktivität: 29.03.2022, 15:22
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  • Sims 3
  • Treppe
  • ich hab eine Treppe in den Raum gestellt,  aber wie drehe ich sie ?

    4 Antworten

    Vom Fragesteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet


    29.12.2010, 18:44

    Alos, wenn du sie schon platziert hast lösche sie mit dem Hammer.
    Denn jetzt ist sie nicht drehbar.
    Wenn du eine Treppe platzieren und drehen willst, bringe sie an den Ort wo du sie haben willst, halte die linke Maustaste gedrückt und drehe, dann lass sie los und sie steht.

    LG, Crazy. ;-))


    29.12.2010, 18:42

    So wie alles andere auch: mit der Maus auf das Objekt klicken und während man die Maus gedrückt hält, das Objekt herumziehen.


    26.12.2014, 15:50

    Du musst waehrend du die treppe in der hand hast . Oder , drücken dann dreht sie sich jenachdem nach rechts oder nach links


    26.12.2014, 15:28

    Waehrend duvsie hälst drücke , oder . Dannvdreht sie sich

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    Danke schonmal

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    Liebe Grüsse!

    …zur Frage

    Sims Treppe «schräg» bauen

    Hallo, noch mal ich.
    Bei Sims 3 ihr seht die Treppe (s.Link)
    Wie baut man sowas? Ich habs mit einer Wan versucht ich hab versuch sie in den Boden zu bauen irgendwie klappts nicht so recht.
    Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen


    …zur Frage

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    …zur Frage

    Die Sims 3 treppe bauen — Veranda


    haben uns ein Fundament gebaut.

    Haus ist schon fertig ( 2 Stockwerke)
    wollten jez eig. ne Treppe bauen damit wir zur Tür kommen aber i-wie bekommen wir das nicht hin wegen des Fundaments ?! wie geht das????

    Danke und LG Brokolie

    …zur Frage

    sims 3 treppe durch fundament

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    …zur Frage

    Sims 3 Treppe und Fundament?

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    …zur Frage

    Sims 3 — Boden verschwommen?

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    Würde mich freuen, wenn ihr einen Rat für mich habt Danke =)

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    . ..zur Frage

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    …zur Frage

    Sims Treppe «schräg» bauen (Sims 3)

    Letzte Aktivität: 29.04.2022, 16:36
    Details anzeigen

  • Sims 3
  • Treppe
  • Hallo, noch mal ich.
    Bei Sims 3 ihr seht die Treppe (s.Link)
    Wie baut man sowas? Ich habs mit einer Wan versucht ich hab versuch sie in den Boden zu bauen irgendwie klappts nicht so recht.
    Daran dann die Treppen setzen, die drehen sich von selbst in die richtige Richtung. 😉

    Lg, Clarissa

    Ähnliche Fragen

    DIe Sims 3 Treppe vor Haustür

    Ich habe versucht, vor meine Haustür bei die Sims 3 eine kleine Treppe zu bauen, das geht auch, blöd ist nur, dass sich die Erde absenkt ;( Was kann ich dagegen tun?

    …zur Frage

    Die Sims 3 treppe bauen — Veranda


    haben uns ein Fundament gebaut.

    Haus ist schon fertig ( 2 Stockwerke)
    wollten jez eig. ne Treppe bauen damit wir zur Tür kommen aber i-wie bekommen wir das nicht hin wegen des Fundaments ?! wie geht das????

    Danke und LG Brokolie

    . ..zur Frage

    Treppe bauen bei Sims 3?

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    Sims 3 — Zweite Etage bauen! Wie? PC

    Heyho Frooinde (:
    Ich will bei Sims 3 ein 2. stöckiges Haus bauen, aber wie?
    Habe schon ganz Google durchgesucht, aber keine Antwort gefunden.. :/
    Bei allen steht, Treppe einbauen, dann halt bauen, weiß ich ja wie bei Sims 2..
    Aber wo zum Teufel gibt es Treppen bei Sims 3, ich finde keine! Kann man keine 2. Etage bauen? Ich hab normales Sims 3 nichts mit Deluxe, Erweiterungspacks oder sonstiges (:

    Danke im Vorraus :b

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    LG VampireGirl501

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    . ..zur Frage

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    …zur Frage

    Plumbella and The Sims™ 4 Pastel Bundle

    Jessie McNamaru is known to the community as Plumbella and is cherished for her constant push to explore new creative horizons in The Sims™. To the delight of its subscribers, Plumbella redesigns entire worlds, releases funny and informative reviews — in general, does not deny itself anything related to The Sims.

    Our developers and art directors collaborated extensively with Plumbella during the development of The Sims 4 Pastels Bundle. Plumbella owns both the concept of the set itself and the ideas of specific items within the overall aesthetic solution. nine0003

    The new set «Pastel colors» is distinguished by soft, delicate colors and at the same time unusual, original lines and shapes. The set includes many pieces of furniture, mirrors, decorative details, shelves and things that can be placed or put on the table. All of them are made in the style that Plumbella wants to embody in her real home!

    In You Make The Sims, we talk about content creators from all over the world who inspire us and bring something new to the game. In today’s episode, Plumbella shares some insights from the process, inspirations, and names of her favorite items from the new set. nine0003

    1. What inspired you to choose this particular style for the set?

    There are a lot of designs I like, but a lot of them are already in The Sims 4. Let’s say the game is full of items that seem to be cursed, or chairs that Mr. Darcy could very well rest in. Therefore, my choice fell on a style that was invented quite recently — it was called Avant Basic. I love the combination of modern and retro, as well as pastels and a variety of colors, I wanted to include items that players could decorate their own homes with. nine0003

    1. What did you enjoy the most about working on the kit?

    Oversee the implementation of ideas. I’ve tried just about everything you can think of in The Sims, from writing scripts for The Sims 2 exchange service to recoloring items in The Sims 4, but just designing new items, developing model meshes, and bringing them into the game doesn’t make this list. is included.

    1. How do you think players will use the new set? In what rooms do you see new objects? nine0012

    I really miss the tiny house era, so I hope to see new items in studio apartments or mini houses. We have developed original and wide color palettes, and it is interesting to see how people will fit them into the interiors and whether they will combine several items from the set or pick them up one by one.

    4. Name your favorite item from the new set.

    Every time I think about this question, I come up with different answers. We have been working on a new set for so long that all these items are like my own children, I just cannot choose a favorite. If we talk about practicality, then, in my opinion, the cork board is especially cool. I like to reflect some personal stories in the game, nostalgia for the past, and it’s also cool that players will have a new option for storing postcards. From a purely aesthetic point of view, I can’t help but note the new computer on a mini easel. Maybe I do have a favorite. nine0003

    5. When you and the Sims team first got started, what items were you most looking forward to adding to the game? What do you think they can give other players?

    Regardless of the style chosen, the new set had to include new wallpaper and flooring, because they set the tone for the whole room. I find the two-tone paint to be very original, and the light hits the new carpet beautifully during the day.

    6. What add-ons, playsets, and bundles do you think the new kit pairs best with? nine0003

    With «High School» and «At University». The Avant Basic style is primarily loved by teenagers and young people, so the kit goes well with other content aimed at this age.

    7. Which Sims would choose new items for their interiors? Maybe they have some specific character traits or something else unites them?

    During development, it was important to me that there were a lot of items and each of them had a wide palette of colors — then new items could be used in different ways, they would suit a variety of sims and fit into a variety of rooms. When I had to figure out what items to include in the kit, I was helped by the image of a Sim who is just getting on his feet and furnishing a studio apartment. nine0003

    8. You have been very successful in The Sims community. What is the most interesting part of your journey?

    The most interesting thing is definitely this: if they ask me what I do for a living, I can say that I woo-hoo with Death — and I won’t lie. I’ve been playing The Sims since 2000 when the first game was released. Too bad I can’t tell my childhood self (a weird kid who didn’t fit in with society and was looking for shelter in The Sims) that in the future I will play my favorite game every day and find a lot of people who genuinely like my weirdness and what I am I don’t fit into society. nine0003

    And it’s also interesting that at all stages of life — from the hated high school, and while working on a diploma, and during the months of doing nothing — The Sims accompanied me. I remember when The Sims 2 came out, I had the idea to draw a picture. It’s weird to think that I’m now writing answers to questions for the release of my own original content for The Sims.

    The Sims™ 4 Pastels Bundle Releases November 10, 2022 on EA app™ and Steam® on PC, Origin™ and Steam® for Mac, PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X| S and Xbox One. *Requires The Sims 4 and all game updates. See the minimum system requirements for the PC kit. nine0003


    Mod and user-created content creators have been a big part of the The Sims™ community for years. It’s time to pay tribute to your contribution. For the first time in the history of The Sims 4 , we are providing an official platform for players to download mods and custom content. We are partnering with Overwolf and their mod management and search portal CurseForge. This moderated platform will feature mods and custom content for The Sims 4 .

    If you don’t know what mods and custom materials are, these are user-created functions and items created by other players, such as furniture and clothes. They complement and change the gameplay of The Sims 4 .

    Thanks to our new partner, content creators will have an official platform to store their amazing work, and even more players will be able to download their creations for The Sims 4 . This is how we encourage creativity in the community. When the platform launches, it will feature content from contributors well known to the community, such as HeyHarrie. nine0003

    The Overwolf team is now actively recruiting a pilot group of authors to work on mods and user generated content. In order not to miss further news, subscribe to our official distribution channels.

    The Sims VP of Creative Development Lindsey Pearson discussed user-generated content, a new collaboration with Overwolf, and how to get the most out of mods with HeyHarrie and Baby Hapum.

    BABYHAPUM: Thanks for the invite, Lindsey! What advice would you give players at The Sims 4 which install mods? »

    LINDSEY: “Would like to tell anyone who installs mods that downloading mods outside of Overwolf can be more risky. Before you venture into the world of mods, be sure to back up your data — and tread carefully! I emphasize that the use of the CurseForge platform WILL NOT be mandatory. We originally wanted to introduce a new way of working with mods in addition to the existing ones. nine0003

    HEYHARRIE: “Great advice! Tell us about how you chose the content authors who will participate in the program?”

    LINDSEY: Thank you! Overwolf and I invited content creators to the pilot group who have already made a lot of creative contributions to the community. We consciously decided to start small and not spread out: we need to understand what subsequent authors will need to get comfortable on the platform. After the launch of the platform, Overwolf will continue to select and add new creators, who will have the opportunity to both apply directly and participate in themed events such as the Overwolf Mod Festival on November 14th.” nine0003

    HEYHARRIE: “I can’t wait to start working on new community mods! What content can be developed for the new platform? And is it possible to upload ready-made materials to it?

    LINDSEY: “Just a great question. Since you have already been added to the platform, you can create absolutely any mod within the rules set by Overwolf and The Sims . It can be clothes, furniture and so on. The platform is designed to allow content creators to express themselves freely, to truly let their imaginations run wild. And yes, a very important point: both you and other authors added to the platform can upload existing mods to it from other sources, if they comply with the rules. nine0003

    BABY HAPUM: “This is very interesting! Where exactly can players find verified mods?”

    LINDSEY: “Overwolf will store mods on the CurseForge platform, built to manage mods and find user-generated content. CurseForge will be the official mod repository for The Sims 4 . You can find and download them through the application or through the site. If you have yet to plunge into the world of mods, Overwolf will be a great starting point for getting to know the authors and authored content. If you don’t know where to start, look for advice in our publications.” nine0003

    LINDSEY: «So now you know that there will be an infinite number of mods to be found through Overwolf and Curseforge. Confess, what are you looking for ?!

    BABYHAPUM: “With great interest I will look for authors from all over the world who make great national content. I love getting to know different cultures and traditions. They are so amazing and so unique. There are a lot of content authors, they do wonderful things: clothes, food, and decor. They introduce other people to a different culture through the game, and I will definitely look for such mods on the new platform.” nine0003

    HEYHARRIE: “I can’t choose, we have too many great authors.

    I am most excited for the players who will discover user-generated content for the first time through the new platform.”

    LINDSEY: “Dear HeyHarrie and Baby Hapum, thank you for taking the time to talk to me on

    and for helping me share this important news with the The Sims community.