Shiny pokemon schwert: Shiny Pokémon fangen — Pokémon Schwert und Schild — Editionen — Spiele —

Shiny Pokémon fangen — Pokémon Schwert und Schild — Editionen — Spiele —

Wie in den bisherigen Spielen kehren auch die schillernden Taschenmonster in Pokémon Schwert und Pokémon Schild
zurück. Wer sich also ein andersfarbiges Pokémon schnappen möchte, dem stehen wieder eine Auswahl verschiedener
Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung.

Im Gegensatz zu Pokémon Let’s Go, Pikachu! und Let’s Go, Evoli! sind Shiny Pokémon jedoch nicht mehr direkt in
der Overworld zu erkennen
, sondern erst nach erfolgter Begegnung im Kampfbildschirm.

Alles Wissenswerte dazu haben wir in diesem Artikel für euch zusammengetragen.

Neue Shiny-Formen


In Pokémon Schwert und Schild gibt es erstmals zwei verschiedene Shiny-Formen von Pokémon, die sich darin unterscheiden, wie das Schillernde Pokémon glänzt, wenn es einen Kampf betritt. So gibt es die Möglichkeit, dass ein Schillerndes Pokémon Sternchen in der Animation besitzt, oder aber Vierecke. Die Chance auf unterschiedliche Versionen der Shiny-Animation ist unterschiedlich: Die Chance auf ein Pokémon mit Vierecken zu treffen beträgt 1:65536, während die Chance auf ein Schillerndes Pokémon mit Sternen bei 15:65536 liegt.

links: Sterne | rechts: Vierecke (Quelle)

Während hiermit die Viereck-Shinys um einiges seltener scheinen, als die mit Sternen, wird die Chance auf die Viereck-Animation zusätzlich vom Spiel erhöht, wenn sich die Trainer ID mit der PID des Spieles überschneidet. Ist dies der Fall liegt die Chance auf ein Shiny mit Vierecken bei 65520:65536; ein Großteil der Schillernden Pokémon ist somit jene mit Vierecken.


1:4096 /  Schillerpin 1:1365
Die Shiny-Rate in Schwert/Schild ohne und mit Schillerpin

Auch in dieser Generation beträgt die Rate, um einem schillernden Pokémon zu begegnen, wie gewohnt 1:4096. Mit Hilfe des
 Schillerpin lässt sich die Rate ebenso wieder auf 1:1365 erhöhen.

Tipp: Den  Schillerpin erhaltet ihr nach Vervollständigung eures Pokédex vom Game Freak-Projektleiter, den ihr in der
oberen Etage (linke Seite) im Hotel Ionia in der Stadt Circhester antreffen könnt.


1:682 /  Schillerpin 1:500
Die Shiny-Rate in Schwert/Schild ohne und mit Schillerpin bei der Masuda-Methode

Wer ein fremdsprachiges Pokémon über die Online-Spielfunktionen erhält und zur Zucht von Eiern in der
Pokémon-Pension nutzt, kann die Chance wieder auf 1:682 und mit  Schillerpin sogar auf 1:500 erhöhen.

Tipp: In Pokémon Schwert und Pokémon Schild gibt es zwei Pokémon-Horte (ursprünglich bekannt als Pokémon-Pension),
welche sich auf Route 5 und in der Naturzone befinden.

Bekämpfte Pokémon

Im Pokédex findet man unter jeder Pokémon-Art nun einen Zählstand vor, der angibt, wie viele Exemplare man im Spielverlauf bislang
bekämpft hat. Dies erweist sich als nützlich, denn abhängig von der bekämpften Anzahl steigt die Chance, um einem Shiny dieser Art zu
begegnen, zunehmend an.

1:585 /  Schillerpin 1:455
Die Shiny-Rate in Schwert/Schild ohne und mit Schillerpin bei der Kampf-Methode

Maximale Chancen
Bekämpfte Pokémon
(= Gesamtanzahl einer
Art laut Pokédex)
Ohne Schillerpin Mit Schillerpin
1 Stück 1:2048 1:1024
50 Stück 1:2048 1:1024
100 Stück 1:1365 1:819
200 Stück 1:1024 1:683
300 Stück 1:819 1:585
500 Stück 1:683 1:512

Die Standard-Chance auf Schillernde Pokémon wird durch das Antreffen von Pokémon derselben Art beeinflusst. Je mehr Pokémon der selben Art angetroffen wurden, desto höher sind die Chancen auf ein Schillerndes Pokémon. In Pokémon Schwert und Schild ist es nicht nötig besondere Pokémon-Ketten zu machen bei denen man viele gleiche Arten hintereinander besiegt.


Wilde Pokémon in der Naturzone, die das eigene Trainerlevel übertreffen, können nicht gefangen werden, bis man eine
bestimmte Anzahl von Orden erhalten hat.

Diese Pokémon können durch einen Code im Spiel solange auch nicht in ihrer schillernden Version angetroffen werden,
bis man die benötigten Voraussetzungen zum Fangen erfüllt, sodass sich Sammler von Shinys keine Sorgen machen müssen.

Ausnahme sind hier die besonderen Erscheinungen eines Gebiets. Die besonderen Erscheinungen sind stets die Pokémon,
die eine spezielle Erscheinung in den Gebieten haben und nicht unter den normalen Spawns gelistet sind. Diese können durch
einen Fehler im Spiel laut Berichten von Spielern schillernd sein und nicht gefangen werden, wenn sie über dem maximalen Level liegen,
auf dem ihr Pokémon normalerweise durch euren aktuellen Ordenstand fangen könnt.

Schillernde Pokémon der Kronen-Schneelande

Alle Pokémon, die in den Dynamax-Abenteuern bekämpft und gefangen werden können, können auch in der Schillernden Form erhalten werden. Dies gilt
auch für alle Legendäre Pokémon
. Die Chance auf Schillernde Pokémon ist bei Dynamax-Abenteuern besonders hoch:

Die Basischance auf ein Schillerndes Pokémon in den Dynamax-Abenteuern beträgt

1:300 /  Schillerpin 1:100
Die Shiny-Rate bei Dynamax-Abenteuern in Schwert/Schild ohne und mit Schillerpin

Diese Chance wird nicht nur auf das Boss-Pokémon eines Abenteuers angewendet, sondern auf jedes Pokémon, das während dem Abenteuer angetroffen wird.
Somit ergibt sich aus den stets 4 Kämpfen, dass mit jedem Kampf eine Chance von 1 zu 300 oder 1 zu 100 auf ein Schillerndes Pokémon besteht.

Alle Infos zu den Dynamax-Abenteuern findet ihr hier bei uns:
→ Zu den Dynamax-Abenteuern bei uns auf Bisafans

Nicht erhältliche Shiny-Pokémon

Geschenkte Pokémon wie  Chimpep,  Hopplo,
 Memmeon und  Typ:Null, aber auch die geschenkten  Mauzi,
 Pikachu und  Evoli, die zur
Giga-Dynamaximierung fähig sind, können im Spiel nicht in ihrer schillernden Version erhalten werden. Das unter
Spielern bekannte „Soft-Resetten“, ein selbst herbeigeführter Neustart, um die Zufallswerte des Spiels für ein
Shiny neu zu generieren, ist nicht möglich.

Die folgenden Pokémon sind in Pokémon Schwert und Schild nicht schillernd erhältlich:

  •  Bisasam (Als Geschenk; Zucht ist schillernd möglich)
  •  Glumanda (Als Geschenk; Zucht ist schillernd möglich)
  •  Schiggy (Als Geschenk; Zucht ist schillernd möglich)
  •  Pikachu (Als Geschenk; Zucht ist schillernd möglich)
  •  Alola-Raichu (Als Geschenk; Zucht ist schillernd möglich)
  •  Alola-Sandan (Als Geschenk; Zucht ist schillernd möglich)
  •  Alola-Vulpix (Als Geschenk; Zucht ist schillernd möglich)
  •  Alola-Digda (Als Geschenk; Zucht ist schillernd möglich)
  •  Mauzi (Als Geschenk; Zucht ist schillernd möglich)
  •  Alola-Mauzi (Als Geschenk; Zucht ist schillernd möglich)
  •  Flegmon (Als Geschenk; Zucht ist schillernd möglich)
  •  Galar-Flegmon (Als Geschenk; Zucht ist schillernd möglich)
  •  Alola-Kokowei (Als Geschenk; Zucht ist schillernd möglich)
  •  Alola-Knogga (Als Geschenk; Zucht ist schillernd möglich)
  •  Evoli (Als Geschenk; Zucht ist schillernd möglich)
  •  Galar-Arktos
  •  Galar-Zapdos
  •  Galar-Lavados
  •  Victini
  •  Typ:Null (Als Geschenk)
  •  Venicro
  •  Chimpep (Als Geschenk; Zucht ist schillernd möglich)
  •  Hopplo (Als Geschenk; Zucht ist schillernd möglich)
  •  Memmeon (Als Geschenk; Zucht ist schillernd möglich)
  •  Zacian
  •  Zamazenta
  •  Endynalos
  •  Dakuma
  •  Polaross
  •  Phantoross
  •  Coronospa

Pokémon Schwert und Schild — Wie ihr schneller Shiny Pokémon fangt und den Schillerpin bekommt

Natürlich gibt es auch in Pokémon Schwert und Schild erneut shiny Pokémon zu fangen.

Die schillernden Versionen sind von fast jedem Pokémon in den Spielen zu finden — wenn ihr das entsprechende Glück habt.

Einfach ist das nämlich nicht, denn die Shiny-Rate ist nicht gerade hoch. Mit ein paar Tricks könnt ihr euch Chancen jedoch leicht verbessern.

Shiny Pokémon fangen kann eine langwierige Aufgabe sein.

Wie erkenne ich shiny Pokémon?

In den letztjährigen Spielen Pokémon Let’s Go Evoli und Pikachu konnten ihr schillernde Pokémon direkt in der Spielwelt erkennen, in Pokémon Schwert und Schild geht das leider nicht mehr. Heißt: Ihr merkt erst im Kampfbildschirm bei der Begegnung, ob ein Pokémon shiny ist.

Wie hoch ist die Shiny-Rate?

Wie groß ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, einem shiny Pokémon in Pokémon Schwert und Schild zu begegnen. Unter normalen Bedingungen liegt die Rate bei 1:4096. Bei einer von 4.096 Begegnungen ist also mit einem schillernden Pokémon zu rechnen. Und das ist nicht viel.

Wie finde ich den Schillerpin, um die Chancen zu steigern?

Auch in Pokémon Schwert und Schild gibt es wieder den Schillerpin, der eure Chancen bedeutend verbessert. Zwar «nur» auf eine Rate von 1:1365, aber das ist definitiv besser als 1:4096, nicht wahr?

Wo ihr den Schillerpin bekommt? Ihr erhaltet diesen von einem Game-Freak-Entwickler in der oberen Etage des linken Gebäudes vom Hotel Ionia in Circhester. Bedenkt aber: Bevor er ihn euch gibt, müsst ihr euren Pokédex vervollständigt haben.

Die Masuda-Methode zur Steigerung der Chancen anwenden

Eine weitere Möglichkeit ist die so genannte Masuda-Methode. Dazu benötigt ihr fremdsprachige Pokémon, die ihr durch die Tauschfunktion des Spiels erhaltet. Diese nutzt ihr dann dazu, Eier im Pokémon-Hort zu züchten.

Die Chancen auf ein shiny Pokémon liegen beim Ausbrüten des Eis dann bei 1:682, mit dem Schillerpin sind liegen sie bei 1:500. Pokémon-Horte findet ihr in Pokémon Schwert und Schild auf Route 5 und in der Naturzone.

Pokémon bekämpfen und so die Shiny-Chance erhöhen

Noch eine Methode für die Jagd nach shiny Pokémon. Schaut ihr in den Pokédex, findet ihr bei jedem einzelnen Pokémon einen Zähler, der euch anzeigt, wie oft ihr dieses Pokémon bis jetzt im Spiel bekämpft hat.

Die Anzeige ist nicht nur zum Spaß da, sondern verrät euch, wie ihr eure shiny-Chance erhöhen könnt. Je mehr Pokémon ihr so bekämpft, desto besser sind eure Chancen. Das geht dann rauf bis zu einer Shiny-Rate von 1:585 — oder 1:455 mit dem Schillerpin.

So stellt sich das genau dar:

Mindestens ein gefangenes Pokémon

Shiny-Chance ohne Schillerpin: 1:2048

Shiny-Chance mit Schillerpin: 1:1024

Mindestens 20 gefangene Pokémon

Shiny-Chance ohne Schillerpin: 1:2048

Shiny-Chance mit Schillerpin: 1:1024

Mindestens 50 gefangene Pokémon

Shiny-Chance ohne Schillerpin: 1:1365

Shiny-Chance mit Schillerpin: 1:819

Mindestens 100 gefangene Pokémon

Shiny-Chance ohne Schillerpin: 1:1024

Shiny-Chance mit Schillerpin: 1:682

Mindestens 200 gefangene Pokémon

Shiny-Chance ohne Schillerpin: 1:819

Shiny-Chance mit Schillerpin: 1:585

Mindestens 300 gefangene Pokémon

Shiny-Chance ohne Schillerpin: 1:682

Shiny-Chance mit Schillerpin: 1:512

Mindestens 500 gefangene Pokémon

Shiny-Chance ohne Schillerpin: 1:585

Shiny-Chance mit Schillerpin: 1:455

Bei jeder Pokémon-Art seht ihr, wie oft ihr sie bekämpft habt.

Hilfreiches für den Kampf: Pokémon Schwert und Schild — Lernt die Schwächen und Stärken der Pokémon und dominiert die Kämpfe

Ketten und erneutes Würfeln der Shiny-Chance

Je nachdem, wie ihr vorgeht, könnt ihr die Chance auf ein erneutes Auswürfeln eurer Shiny-Chance erhöhen. Das hängt zum einen davon ab, wie lange eure Kette ist. Heißt: Wie oft nacheinander ihr ein Pokémon der gleichen Art bekämpft, also zum Beispiel 20 Mal nacheinander ein Wolly. Ebenso spielt die Zahl der bislang bekämpften Pokémon dieses Typs eine Rolle.

Wie hoch die Chancen auf ein erneutes Auswürfeln (Reroll) stehen, seht ihr nachfolgend:

Länge der Kette: 0 bis 2 Pokémon

Chance bei einem bekämpften Pokémon: 1,5 Prozent

Chance bei 20 bekämpften Pokémon: 2 Prozent

Chance bei 50 bekämpften Pokémon: 2,5 Prozent

Chance bei 100 bekämpften Pokémon: 3 Prozent

Chance bei 200 bekämpften Pokémon: 3 Prozent

Chance bei 300 bekämpften Pokémon: 3 Prozent

Chance bei 500 bekämpften Pokémon: 3 Prozent

Länge der Kette: 3 bis 6 Pokémon

Chance bei einem bekämpften Pokémon: 3,5 Prozent

Chance bei 20 bekämpften Pokémon: 4 Prozent

Chance bei 50 bekämpften Pokémon: 5,5 Prozent

Chance bei 100 bekämpften Pokémon: 5 Prozent

Chance bei 200 bekämpften Pokémon: 5 Prozent

Chance bei 300 bekämpften Pokémon: 5 Prozent

Chance bei 500 bekämpften Pokémon: 5 Prozent

Länge der Kette: 7 bis 14 Pokémon

Chance bei einem bekämpften Pokémon: 6,5 Prozent

Chance bei 20 bekämpften Pokémon: 7 Prozent

Chance bei 50 bekämpften Pokémon: 7,5 Prozent

Chance bei 100 bekämpften Pokémon: 8 Prozent

Chance bei 200 bekämpften Pokémon: 8 Prozent

Chance bei 300 bekämpften Pokémon: 8 Prozent

Chance bei 500 bekämpften Pokémon: 8 Prozent

Länge der Kette: 15 bis 25 Pokémon

Chance bei einem bekämpften Pokémon: 13,5 Prozent

Chance bei 20 bekämpften Pokémon: 14 Prozent

Chance bei 50 bekämpften Pokémon: 14,5 Prozent

Chance bei 100 bekämpften Pokémon: 15 Prozent

Chance bei 200 bekämpften Pokémon: 15 Prozent

Chance bei 300 bekämpften Pokémon: 15 Prozent

Chance bei 500 bekämpften Pokémon: 15 Prozent

Länge der Kette: Über 25 Pokémon

Chance bei einem bekämpften Pokémon: 31,5 Prozent

Chance bei 20 bekämpften Pokémon: 32 Prozent

Chance bei 50 bekämpften Pokémon: 32,5 Prozent

Chance bei 100 bekämpften Pokémon: 33 Prozent

Chance bei 200 bekämpften Pokémon: 33 Prozent

Chance bei 300 bekämpften Pokémon: 33 Prozent

Chance bei 500 bekämpften Pokémon: 33 Prozent

Wie viele Rerolls das Spiel euch zugesteht, hängt wiederum davon ab, wie viele Pokémon der jeweiligen Art ihr bekämpft habt.

  • 1 bekämpftes Pokémon: Ein zusätzlicher Wurf
  • 10 bekämpfte Pokémon: Ein zusätzlicher Wurf
  • 50 bekämpfte Pokémon: Zwei zusätzliche Würfe
  • 100 bekämpfte Pokémon: Drei zusätzliche Würfe
  • 200 bekämpfte Pokémon: Vier zusätzliche Würfe
  • 300 bekämpfte Pokémon: Fünf zusätzliche Würfe
  • 500 bekämpfte Pokémon: Sechs zusätzliche Würfe

Kann ich shiny Pokémon begegnen, die über meinem Level liegen?

Wie ihr wisst, lassen sich manche Pokémon in der Naturzone erst fangen, wenn ihr eine bestimmte Zahl an Arena-Orden erhalten habt. Die gute Nachricht: Begegnet ihr einem dieser extrem starken Pokémon, die ihr noch nicht fangen könnt, können diese auch nicht shiny sein.

Welche Pokémon können nicht shiny sein?

Mehrere Pokémon in Pokémon Schwert und Schild könnt ihr nicht als shiny bekommen. Das betrifft vor allem geschenkte Pokémon, die das Potential zur Gigadynamaximierung haben. Auf anderem Weg ist aber bei dieser Pokémon-Art dann doch möglich.

  • Chimpep (Geschenk, per Zucht möglich)
  • Endynalos
  • Evoli (Geschenk, per Zucht möglich)
  • Glumanda (Geschenk, per Zucht möglich)
  • Hopplo (Geschenk, per Zucht möglich)
  • Mauzi (Geschenk, per Zucht möglich)
  • Memmeon (Geschenk, per Zucht möglich)
  • Pikachu (Geschenk, per Zucht möglich)
  • Typ: Null (Geschenk)
  • Zacian
  • Zamazenta

Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis: Pokémon Schwert und Schild — Die große Komplettlösung mit Tipps und Tricks

Pokemon Sword and Shield Shiny Pokemon: How to Shiny Hunt and increase your chances of finding Shiny ones

(Image credit: Nintendo/Prosafia Gaming via YouTube)

Pokemon Sword and Shield Shiny Pokemon is one of the top targets for dedicated, hardcore gamers who want to catch and face everything there is to do in the game. Catching a Shiny Pokémon in Pokemon Sword and Shield is not easy because the odds of finding a Shiny Pokémon are 1 in 4096. Yes, that’s pretty low. We have details on how you can go on a Pokemon Sword and Shield Shiny Hunt and increase your chances of finding a shiny one right here, so you can end up with a (nearly) full Shiny Pokedex. This may take some time…

Brilliant Hunt Pokemon Sword and Shield Basics

(Image credit: Nintendo)

So you want to start Brilliant Hunt in Pokemon Sword and Shield? There are a few things you need to know before you get started. First, combos to catch don’t exist in Galar; while chaining is still an issue we’ll talk about shortly, catch combos with Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee were first introduced. You don’t have to worry about combo throws specifically here, because the shiny chains in Pokemon Sword and Shield work differently.

To start a brilliant hunt, you first need to select which Pokemon you want to hunt. Whether it’s Wooloo or Wailord, choose your target and move to the location where this pocket monster spawns the most (check out our Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide for all kinds of Wild).

Basically, you need to keep fighting Pokémon of your choice and either catch them or knock them out. The higher your score for the particular species you are fighting, the more likely it is to be brilliant. You can check how many you have fought under the corresponding Pokedex entry. While this is the basic gist of things, read on to understand how it all works and how to hunt more efficiently.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Shiny Chance

(Image credit: Nintendo/Prosafia Gaming via Youtube)

You already know that the base chance of finding a Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sword and Shield is 1 in 4096, but what about when have you fought a lot of these species? The table below shows how many Pokémon you need to battle one kind to increase the chance of meeting a shiny one.

Data provided by .

Battle Count Radiance Probability (%) No glitter charm With sparkling charm
50 1. 5% 1/2048 1/1024
100 2% 1 / 1365.333 1 / 819.2
200 2.5% 1/1024 1 / 682.6667
300 3% 1 / 819.2 1 / 585.1429
500 3% 1 / 682.6667 1/512

You’re probably wondering what Shiny Charm is after you cut the odds so drastically in the table above, so let’s explain.

How to get Pokemon Sword and Shield Shiny Charm

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Pokemon Sword and Shield Shiny Charm is a simple concept; once you have this in your bag, the chance of each encounter being a Shiny Pokémon increases. The question is, how do you get Shiny Charm? You’ll want this before you even start a brilliant hunt, and it’s not easy.

To get the Shiny Charm, your first goal is to complete the Pokemon Sword and Shield Pokedex. Yes, you need to catch every one of the 400 Pokémon in the game. You will need to do some trading for this to happen thanks to the various differences in Pokemon Sword and Shield, but it must happen before you can get the Shiny Charm.

Once your Galar Pokedex is at 400/400, head to Circhester. Enter the west door of the Ionia Hotel, take the elevator up, then enter the room on the left. You should have talked to the Director once before to get the Catching Charm, but now you’ve completed the Pokedex, it will reward you with the Shiny Charm. Result.

How to make a sparkly chain in Pokemon Sword and Shield

(Image credit: Nintendo/Prosafia Gaming via YouTube)

This way, if you encounter 500 of the same Pokemon, you increase the chances that you will find a sparkle that does not match the brilliance of the chains. If you encounter and then defeat or catch up to 25 of the same kind of Pokémon in a row of , the chances of finding Glitter are even greater. If you stumble upon someone who is not of the same species, make sure you run away and don’t catch him or faint because your chain will be reset.

Once you hit a chain of 25, that’s the most you can make with a shiny chain in Sword and Shield. Combine all three methods (Shiny Charm, 500+ Battles, and 25+ Shiny Chains) and your chances of encountering Shiny will skyrocket, from a base 1/4096 to 1/455.

What are square sparkles in Pokemon Sword and Shield?

so obviously my Elephant is a rare square glitter or something #PokemonSwordShield #NintendoSwitch 20, 2019

You may have heard the whisper of the elusive square glitter in Pokemon Sword and Shield, so let’s clear things up. In an attempt to add even more durability to Game Freak’s Galar, you can now find two types of shiny Pokemon; standard and square. Standard Glitter is the shiny Pokemon everyone knows and loves from previous games, while Square Glitter is brand new.

On paper, for every shiny encounter in the game, it has a 1/16 chance of being square shiny instead of the standard one. By the intro animation, you can determine whether it is standard or square; regular stars will be replaced with square outlines, but the difference in color palette is still the same. Don’t worry, the square glows aren’t a different shade!

However, this is not so easy. If you follow the chain method above by catching or defeating 25 of the same Pokémon in a row, odds of 1/16 will be reversed. Instead, you’ll have a 15/16 chance of finding a square sheen, and only 1/16 of a standard sheen.

How to breed glitter in Pokemon Sword and Shield

(Image credit: Nintendo)

If you’re new to glitter hunting, you should read up on the breeding method for glitter masuds. Named after Game Freak director Junichi Masuda, who introduced this method to games since Generation IV, understanding the key concept of this is critical if you want to increase your chances of getting shiny when breeding.

In essence, the Masuda method is applicable when breeding two Pokémon from different language versions of the game. Any egg produced by two Pokémon originating from different languages ​​in the game will have a better chance of being shiny; 1/683 without glitter charm and 1/512 with it.

How do you get Pokémon in different languages? Trading, of course! As long as one of the Pokémon you’re breeding comes from a language version of the game that’s different from the one you’re playing, Masood’s method will still work. Please note that you are can’t use two Pokémon in the same language, even if that language is different from the one you’re playing in.

The best way to make Masuda’s method the most effective is to catch a Ditto in your language and then exchange it for a Ditto caught in another language. Since Ditto can breed with almost every Pokémon and is the main way to breed eggs, once you get a Ditto in another language, you don’t have to worry about anything else. Breed the Pokemon you caught with this and voila, your chances of finding a shiny one when breeding will be vastly improved.

Other Pokémon swords and shields shiny hunting tips

  1. Pokémon above your catch level cannot be shiny
    became the champion of Galar, don’t worry! These pocket monsters can’t be shiny so you won’t run into them and have no choice but to run.
  2. Dynamaxed Pokemon in Max Raid Battles can be shiny
    If you participate in some raids in the Wild Area, the boss has a chance to be shiny, and shiny effects will be visible on the enemy model when you fight it..
  3. Unlike Pokemon Let’s Go, you can’t see if a Pokemon shines in the world you stumbled upon him in the underworld. Unfortunately, Game Freak has done away with this mechanic in Sword and Shield, so you really have to get into battle with a Pokémon before you can see if it’s shiny or not.
  4. Starters sparkle
    In previous games, you could soft reset the game right at the start to re-roll a brilliant battle for each of the three Pokémon Sword and Shield starters. This is not possible in Sword and Shield. The only way to get a brilliant starter (Sobble, Grookey, Scorbunny) is through breeding.
  5. Legendaries can’t be shiny yet
    As long as there are shiny legendary sprites and models in the game, it’s naturally impossible to find them. None of the three legendary Pokemon Sword and Shield can be legendary yet, so if you see footage of such brilliant players, they have hacked their game.

That’s it for a brilliant hunt in Pokemon Sword and Shield! Complete the Pokedex, trade for a Ditto that speaks another language and you’ll be sorted. It will still take time, mind. Good luck!

comics, gif animation, video, the best intellectual humor.

Asuna, naked, collapsed onto the sofa and stared at me defiantly.
«…Kirito-kun, hurry up and get undressed,» she said in a commanding voice.
— Wh-what? Are we continuing?
— It would be just idiotic to stop right now!!
I hastily complied. Opening the window indicated by Asuna, I disabled the option buried in the very back of the menu.
Because of the crumpled beginning, there was no question of any romantic mood. Sitting on a slightly cramped bed for the two of us, we slowly did what the system allowed us to do.
Dim blue light streamed in through the windows, casting bizarre shadows across the bed.
Since there was no market in Salemburg, people disappeared from the streets at night. My ears were touched only by the quiet whisper of the lake and the thunderous beating of the heart, which seemed to spread throughout the room.
By this time, Asuna and I had already taken off all our clothes. We sat on our knees in front of each other for more than two minutes. Asuna clenched her fists and rested them on her knees, looking down, so I couldn’t see her expression. I thought that perhaps in such a situation I should take the first step, but, unable to predict the result of any of my actions, I continued to sit in stone silence. I wonder what happens if I yell «I’m sorry!», put on a minimum set of clothes at full speed and get out of the room? Will she say at our next meeting “well, there’s nothing to be done about it” and forgive me? — I give a tooth that this will not happen.
Flashback to the distant past: I was only 14 when I first entered SAO. Winter, second grade of high school. I don’t really remember what I was then, but I directed all my sexual energy, which just at this age begins to awaken in boys, to immerse myself deeper in games. That’s why I’ve never been alone with a girl in her room. Needless to say, I’ve never sat naked in front of a girl either.
To tell you the truth, I’d rather have Asuna (who I thought was a few years older than me and therefore experienced in this area) take the lead. However, everyone in SAO, including her, seemed to think I was older than I really was. Since I never denied it, now I couldn’t blurt out: “I’m sorry, but actually I …”
I gathered my will into a fist. Although I have neither knowledge nor experience, but at the same time, I have never loved, I have never experienced such strong feelings as now for Asuna.
In the entire time that SAO has existed, I have found myself many times in situations where I said to myself: “I should not run away, no way”; but now it took a lot more willpower from me to lean forward and stretch out my right arm.
The tip of a finger touched the smooth curve of Asuna’s shoulder gently. Her whole body trembled slightly. I slowly ran my finger from my collarbone to the back of my neck.
“N…mm…” Asuna groaned lightly as she closed her eyes. Blood rushed to her cheeks, her brows furrowed.
For a while, I watched Asuna with delight in my heart, touching her here and there. A little overexcited by her reaction, I slightly lost control of myself; my fingers, barely touching, continued to slowly, smoothly slide over the skin. I slipped my fingers under her arms, tightly covering her breasts, circled her belly, and returned back up to her arms.
— A… o… mm…
Whenever my fingers moved, Asuna flinched and let out a small moan. After caressing her body properly, I put the fingers of my right hand under her small chin and lifted her head. With his left forefinger, he diligently ran over moist, shiny, cherry-red lips.
— No … not only … with a finger …
Blushing, Asuna opened her eyes and looked at me pleadingly.
— Kiss… me…
— …
I moved silently. Asuna’s lips parted as if they couldn’t wait any longer. But I didn’t press my lips against hers, instead gently poking her bottom lip with the tip of my tongue.
— Mm…
As if looking for a meeting, Asuna stuck out her tongue, but I restrained myself and moved a little to the side, and only then softly touched the tip of my tongue.
— Ah, mm… a…
Asuna let out a groan that was both anticipation and desire as I abruptly pushed my tongue into her mouth.
— A-mm!
I started moving my tongue.
The tactile sensations in SAO, like the gustatory ones, are pre-programmed and activated according to the situation. So, if you think about it, the conclusion suggests itself that the feeling of a “deep kiss” is also programmed. (Well, not that I’ve actually had that experience in my life, but…) An indescribably wonderful sensation ran through my nerves.
My tongue wrapped around Asuna’s, dug into it, and I felt the strength leaving her body. Her eyes looked wet, with a veil, she breathed unevenly. I took my tongue out of her mouth and ran it over her neck, behind her ear, along the hollow of her collarbone.
When I finally got to Asuna’s still hidden breasts, she shuddered. Her hands clenched tighter than before, and she shook her head.
“Asuna… move your hands…
— N… but…
“I want to see your breasts, Asuna.
I grabbed her by the crossed wrists and spread them apart, at the same time leading my tongue and lips to the very top of the white chest, which gradually opened up to my gaze.
— Ah… no…
Finally, Asuna’s arms were at her sides, and her two mounds were completely exposed. The breasts, usually hidden under loose knightly uniform and armor, were larger than I expected; ripe, proudly looking ahead. The nipples, hard to distinguish from the surrounding flesh, protruded in bold cones. Unfortunately, the entire room was now bathed in blue moonlight, and…
«Asuna, turn on the light.»
— What… no… don’t…
Resigned to the refusal, I dug my lips into her left nipple.
— BUT!!
Ignoring the piercing scream that Asuna let out at that sudden attack, I chewed on the nipple with my lips while my tongue circled around the hard tip.
— Ahhhh! BUT! No, no, no!..
I firmly held the right hand of the screaming Asuna, who was trying to push me away; her whole body shook; With my left hand, I grabbed the second breast. Squeezing it between my fingers, I began to gently stimulate the tip of the nipple with the nail of my index finger.
— Ah, ah, oh!!
I tortured both breasts at the same time, and Asuna’s convulsions and sweet cries grew stronger. A little out of control, I clamped my teeth over the swollen flesh in my mouth and began to chew rather roughly; simultaneously with the thumb and forefinger of my left hand, I twisted the second nipple.
— O!! Ah, ah, no, don’t…
Suddenly, Asuna’s entire body hardened. Her arms, now wrapped around the back of my head, tightened even more.
— No, no, no, I’m just from the nipples! .. I … con …
She could no longer speak. Letting out a hoarse and high-pitched scream from somewhere deep in her throat, Asuna twitched, her body jumping up and down on top of me. She continued to breathe heavily, from time to time light convulsions ran through her body.
— Ah… ha… haaa…
“…Asuna… just now…
“Ah… n-no… so embarrassing… I’ve never had anything like this… before…
— …Before?
— A…
Asuna cringed and lowered her eyes in embarrassment.
— N-nothing, nothing like that!
— …Tell.
I covered the left breast of Asuna who was leaning towards me with my hand and pulled on the nipple.
— Ahhh… no, stop it, no more boobs…
“…So what is this ‘before’?”
— Ahhh…
Asuna began to speak in a stammering, crying voice punctuated by moans from time to time.
“…About ‘Disable Ethics Code’… when I found out about it… I did it… a couple of times, one…
— …What exactly did you do?
«Aww…when I was thinking…about Kirito-kun…playing…with nipples and…down there…
It seems that telling her fantasies has released Asuna’s masochistic streak. She leaned closer to me, her breathing even more uneven.
— «Down there» … is it, for example, right here? ..
The hand that had just been playing with Asuna’s chest was gently moved down. He stroked his tense stomach, then slowly, slowly went even lower. He walked along the bulge below the navel, then the tips of the fingers reached the place where the two mounds diverged; At that, Asuna gasped, and her entire body shook.
— Ah… no…
With the index and middle fingers of my left hand, I began to stimulate around the vagina. Carefully, trying not to touch what was in the middle, I tasted the pleasure, now squeezing the mounds together, then letting them diverge again.
— A, a, ha, mmm! ..
Asuna knelt down, wrapped her arms around me and moaned, burying her face in my neck; and my fingers continued to move, causing her body to shudder and twitch.
— Ah, mm… there… no…
Asuna shook her head and fidgeted all over, her voice gradually becoming more and more hoarse.
— Ahh… I can’t… I can’t…
Deciding that I had gone too far in teasing her, I slowly moved my middle finger to the very gap.
“Mm… mm… ahhh!!
Asuna let out a particularly loud scream, and my finger was covered in something slippery. That place seemed somehow endless and so hot, moist and indescribably soft that I involuntarily began to rub it with two fingers.
— BUT!! Not!! Not!! Asuna groaned, and her body began to sway and tremble again. Ignoring this, I opened her slit with two fingers and with my thumb began to massage the pipka sticking out near the base of this slit.
— Ah… haa… ha…
It seemed that Asuna was no longer able to speak; dug her nails into my back, she arched back as far as she could.
— Ah, ha… no! I can’t anymore!!
However, I was also at the limit, only in a different way. I was so eager to see every inch of Asuna’s body that I shoved her onto the bed, grabbed her legs and spread them apart.
— Eh … eh? .. Ah … what ?!.
Asuna snapped out of her trance and, finding herself in a damned embarrassment, squirmed in an attempt to free herself; but I didn’t want to loosen my grip.
“Wa, wa, Kirito-kun, don’t look so close!!
“Asuna…” I lifted my head and looked straight into her eyes. “…Maybe we should turn on the light?”
— Nooo!!
Shaking her face in embarrassment, Asuna resolutely denied my request. I gave up and completely focused on exploring Asuna’s intimate area.
The soft, plump pubis was pure white and smooth, without a single hair. It is unlikely that this was the preference of the developers, rather a limitation of the system itself. Hair-like objects were extremely resource intensive. That is why, apart from hair and beards, there was no other hair anywhere on the body of the players in SAO.
Between two smooth hills there was a crevice, further inland two bright folds were visible. From time to time a transparent liquid appeared from there and flowed towards the anus, and then turned into pearls of light and disappeared.
Either out of embarrassment or out of strength, Asuna stopped resisting, so I removed my hand from her right leg and slowly opened the gap.
— Mhaaa…
Asuna groaned weakly, her eyes staring into nowhere. Inside the gap, compared to the information I gleaned from the Internet in the real world, everything was unusually simple: the entire space on the sides and bottom was lined with a smooth, peach-pink film. The vaginal opening, relentlessly emitting a transparent liquid, trembled slightly, and a small outgrowth peeped out in the upper part, where the walls of the gap closed.
Any male player in SAO must have at least once or twice puzzled over what this part of the body looks like in female players; however, having found the answer to this question, I experienced quite certain emotions.
Of course, in the lower part of my body there was also a certain contraption, which, when it swelled to the limit, begged to be released. But this is the first time this has happened to her since I entered SAO.
There was an interesting story about all this (sorry for digressing from the point, but …). When SAO was first developed, Argus conducted internal, closed alpha testing; it was at this time that the question was being discussed that since the players would not need the genitals anyway, they should not be worked out.
It turned out, however, that the majority of male testers experienced intense anxiety. Even in this case, when a person played for several hours, there were no problems. But the continuous forty-eight-hour test showed that most of the male players who participated in the test simply could not stand without genitals and gave up. Therefore, since the beta test, the genitals have been put back in place purely out of necessity. Apparently, this was also the reason why players in SAO could not change the gender of their characters.
However, even if we have genitals, before the official start of the game (that is, before this mess), I still had a question: would the lack of appropriate functions not greatly interfere. I myself suffered many times because of the inability to release the accumulated energy, but now I realized that if the ethics code (or whatever it is) is turned off, then the functionality will be normal, maybe even ejaculation will be possible.
How much I have lost because I did not know this until today! At this thought, however, I have a new question.
The presence of the ethics code disable function meant, in fact, that virtual sex was planned for the release of the game. There were a lot of underage players in SAO (including me), so don’t go to a fortuneteller, all this would inevitably raise a strong howl in society.
Fingering Asuna’s lovely clit with my fingers, I raised my head and asked her this question.
— Ah… haa… what?..
Although Asuna’s sparkling eyes stared into nothingness and she breathed raggedly, her serious personality made itself felt, and she replied:
“Hha… t-just… they were going to use… the SAO system… to provide personal… sex services… Apparently… they are working on… this function… ahhh… ah…
— I see… in other words, this seems to be one of those delicate arrangements… Well, we chatted and that’s enough…
With my left hand, I opened Asuna as wide as I could.
— Ahhh!!
Now she was no longer immobilized, but screaming, she spread her legs in the air. I pushed my face between her legs and carefully touched the hole in the middle with my tongue.
— Haaaa!!
Asuna screamed while shaking her head from side to side. Gently stimulating the edges of the hole with my tongue, I simultaneously began to insert and withdraw my finger.
— BUT! No, don’t!!
Whenever Asuna’s body shuddered, the profuse vaginal fluid sloshed stickily on my tongue.
I stuck my tongue right into the hole and just freaked out when Asuna squeezed me with all her might. Then I perched on top of her. I was already swollen to the limit, I felt that I would come now if I continued to explore Asuna’s body further.
Gently playing with her erect nipple, I leaned to her very face and whispered softly:
“Asuna…can I……?”
— Ah… ha…
Asuna nodded sharply, hot breath coming out of her mouth.
“Yes… Fill me… with your thing, Kirito-kun…
At the thought that such a highly moral, invincible warrior was asking me this with such a tearful face, I felt a little dizzy. I pressed against her wet crotch. Moving the penis up and down, I felt the entrance to the vagina.
— Ah… a…
Asuna firmly gripped my shoulders with both hands and closed her eyes, drawing her eyebrows together. Even in the blue twilight of the room, I saw that her whole body was flushed and beads of sweat appeared everywhere.
When I placed Asuna’s hands on her sides, she leaned forward slightly with her hips. I felt a slight resistance, then suddenly it disappeared, and half of my penis was inside Asuna.
— Aaaa!!
Even that was enough to make Asuna let out a scream and arch her back with all her might. At the same time, I caught my breath, and I felt some kind of numbness, spreading from the penis throughout the body.
I gave vent to lust and continued to gradually penetrate deeper.
— Ahh!! Haaa!! Asuna was still shouting, shaking her head and trembling all over. I wondered if she was in pain, but I could no longer stop my hips, and my penis dived into the very depths of Asuna, making wet smacking sounds.
— Ha… ah… ah!!.
Finally, my penis pushed all the way to the end of Asuna’s vagina. Of course, this woman I knew better than anyone and loved more than anyone in the world; but still, the insane thought that I had just penetrated deep inside the idol of all Aincrad kept spinning in my head, driving me crazy.
I don’t know how, but I still managed to calm my breathing and, leaning towards Asuna’s ear, asked:
— He’s all inside… Doesn’t it hurt you?..
“N, no… So… hot… I’m going to melt right now…!” Asuna replied in a high, broken voice, shaking her head. “Kirito-kun… there are so many of you… in me… ah… ah…
I also felt an unbearable heat, from which it seemed that I was about to melt. My penis, tightly squeezed by Asuna, continuously sent waves of heat up my back, which exploded like fireworks as they reached my head.
— Ah… ah, ah, ah, ah!!
I noticed that Asuna’s moans were getting higher and higher; I lay motionless, struggling with sensations that were ready to overwhelm me. As if in anticipation, her slit continued to shrink convulsively, massaging me.
— BUT! Ah, no, it can’t be, I, again, again …
Asuna’s hot voice seemed to melt into a moan of pleasure, and…
— No, no, again, I, I finish, finish, ah, ah …
She threw back her head with a sharp movement and —
— Aaaaa!!.
Letting out a loud scream, Asuna came a second time. My penis squeezed with incredible force, and, to my horror, I felt some kind of boiling inside me that wanted to break out.
I bit my lip and fought the feeling. I was supported by the thought that I could not relax when we never even changed position, and somehow I managed to suppress the urge. Breathing heavily, I hugged Asuna, who was limp from her orgasm. I knew that I did not have much time left, so with a sharp jerk almost completely pulled the penis out of her vagina, and then just as sharply entered back to the full depth. Slap! From the collision of bodies, splashes of our liquids flew in all directions.
— Ahh!! Asuna yelled, widening her eyes. — Not! If you… continue like this, I’ll go crazy…
— …
Once again, I had to stop deep within Asuna. A hot, soft sensation pierced my entire being from the trembling of the folds clasping me. Asuna has already had several orgasms, and if we stay like this, I’ll come soon too. But this did not seem to me a happy ending, so after a moment’s hesitation, I began to carefully change my posture.
— Eh?..
Lifting Asuna’s still limp body, I moved under her. In the end, we switched places: I ended up on my back, and Asuna straddled me from above. When Asuna realized the position she was in now, her face became even redder than before, and she shook her head.
— No… it’s… so embarrassing…
“Asuna, now you move…
— What… r-okay…
Asuna nodded shyly and began to rock gently.
“Ah, ah… sorry… me… what am I… alone… fine… Kirito-kun, you can cum too…
From the gap pierced by my penis, sticky squelching was heard. Asuna barely moved, but a powerful, amazing sensation once again spread throughout my body. And as soon as I thought: “At this pace, I’m definitely going to finish” …
— A, a, a, ha …
Her voice went up again. Asuna bit her fingers on her right hand as she moved her hips up and down.
— Ah, ah, why, I, ah, so, so …
Asuna’s long brown hair flew up whenever she shook her head. Beads of sweat also scattered in all directions and immediately turned into light and disappeared.
— I’m sorry, sorry, Kirito-kun, I’m, ah, ah, kon… kon… cum!..
Dragging out the rest of the sentence, Asuna leaned back and shook her whole body twice, no, three times. The protruding breasts danced to the beat.
I was in no position to stop and admire Asuna, who, with her clenched eyes and clenched teeth, looked incredibly beautiful and at the same time terribly depraved. Asuna’s vagina once again squeezed my penis with force, and I was once again seized by the urge to cum.
Realizing that I wouldn’t be able to resist this time, I instinctively pushed into Asuna with all my might. Grabbing her hips, I thrust my hard penis in as deep as I could.
— BUT!! Aaaa!!.
With this sudden attack right after her orgasm, Asuna could only squirm desperately. I took her hand outstretched to me, and we clasped our fingers. Every time I moved inside Asuna, our liquids were sprayed in all directions, and the place where we were connected into one melted in endless heat.
— Ah… awesome, awesome…
Her dancing breasts also emitted many beads of sweat. Asuna moaned feverishly in ecstasy, her face completely devastated.
— Ah, ah-ah-ah!
— I… I’m con…
— Ha, yes, let her out, ah, Kirito-kun, let everything out…
By thrusting myself into Asuna to the full depth, I finally released all the accumulated feelings, from which, it seemed, I was ready to burst.
“Ah… Asuna!..
— Aaaa!!!
I felt my hot cum splash into Asuna, shaking in yet another orgasm. A two-year supply of semen, making viscous sounds, poured into Asuna in an endless stream.