Pokemon spiel switch: Pokémon games — My Nintendo Store

New Pokémon Snap™ for Nintendo Switch

Seek out and take in-game photographs of Pokémon in their native environments in the New Pokémon Snap™ game, only for the Nintendo Switch™ system! Snap photos from the NEO-ONE as you you encounter and research lively wild Pokémon. You might see unexpected expressions or behaviors—Pokémon patrolling their territory, playing, or lurking in out-of-the-way spots.

Investigate the mysterious Illumina phenomenon

Travel to the islands that make up the Lental region. In this region, some of the Pokémon and vegetation will appear to have a special glow. Research these Pokémon alongside Professor Mirror as you explore dense jungles, vast deserts, and more! Your observations of Pokémon thriving in the wild may help unravel the truth behind the Illumina phenomenon. The Pokémon pictures you take will be used to build your very own Pokémon Photodex!

Save, edit, and share your favorite Pokémon photos

Save photos to your personal in-game album to edit and adjust them. When you complete a course, you can adjust the brightness, blur, zoom and other aspects of your photo in Re-Snap mode. Then, add stickers, frames, and filters to add a personal touch. Share your favorite photos with family and friends in-game*. You can also see what kinds of photos everyone else is taking. See something you like? Award a Sweet! medal.

This new game brings the gameplay of the 1999 Pokémon Snap game for the Nintendo 64™ system to life on the Nintendo Switch system with unknown islands to discover and different Pokémon to see!

Photograph lively wild Pokémon in their natural habitats as you research and explore unknown islands. Hop in your trusty travel pod, the NEO-ONE, and journey through a variety of environments such as beaches, jungles, and deserts to capture previously-unseen Pokémon behaviors. You can even play a melody or toss Pokémon a delicious fluffruit to catch their attention. Photos you take can also be used to fill out your very own Pokémon Photodex!

Your photos are scored based on the Pokémon’s poses, how large they appear, how directly they’re facing you, and other factors. You may even snap a four star-worthy photo if you catch rare Pokémon behaviors. These scores can be shared via in-game rankings* so you can compare your shots with other Pokémon photographers around the world.

In the Lental region, Pokémon and vegetation have sometimes been seen to glow. Meet Professor Mirror and work with him to uncover the mystery of the Illumina phenomenon. Your photos and observations may be key to learning about this strange occurrence.

A free update includes 3 new areas to explore, each with Day and Night versions, and 20 more Pokémon to photograph! Keep your eyes—and camera lens—peeled as you explore the rocky cliffs in the Barren Badlands, ride the rapids of the Mightywide River, or shrink down to a tiny size to explore the Secret Side Path.

Hier sahnst du einen Mega-Deal ab

Im November 2022 erschienen mit Pokémon Karmesin und Purpur zwei brandneue Pokémon-Spiele für die Nintendo Switch. Wir wissen, wo du die Spiele jetzt reduziert kaufen kannst.

Affiliate Hinweis für unsere Shopping-Angebote

Die genannten Produkte wurden von unserer Redaktion persönlich und unabhängig ausgewählt. Beim Kauf in einem der verlinkten Shops (Affiliate Link) erhalten wir eine geringfügige Provision, die redaktionelle Selektion und Beschreibung der Produkte wird dadurch nicht beeinflusst.

Pokemon Purpur und Karmesin für die Nintendo Switch. Foto: TVMovie/PR


  1. Pokémon-Spiele 25 Prozent günstiger kaufen
  2. Deal der Woche bei OTTO
  3. Pokémon Karmesin und Purpur im Steelbook-Doppelpack
  4. Pokémon-Legenden Arceus kaufen
  5. Pokémon ist für Groß und Klein ein Genuss


Pokémon-Spiele 25 Prozent günstiger kaufen

Über 25 Jahre ist es nun schon her, dass mit der Roten und der Blauen Edition die ersten Pokémon-Spiele veröffentlicht wurden. Letztes Jahr durften sich Fans über die neunte Generation der beliebten Spielreihe freuen, denn Mitte November 2022 erschienen mit Pokémon Karmesin und Pokémon Purpur zwei neue Games für die Nintendo Switch, die es aktuell bei Amazon zum starken Dealpreis gibt.

Affiliate Link

Pokémon Purpur — [Nintendo Switch]

Auf Amazon kaufen

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Pokémon Karmesin — [Nintendo Switch]

Auf Amazon kaufen

Bei Amazon bekommst du die Games jetzt bereits ab megagünstigen 44 Euro. Da heißt es zuschlagen!


Deal der Woche bei OTTO

Neu für gerade einmal 45 Euro bekommst du Pokémon Karmesin und Purpur derzeit im Deal der Woche bei OTTO. Beide Editionen gibts hier zum schmalen Preis – aber nur noch bis heute!

Pokemon Purpur

Affiliate Link

  • Pokémon Karmesin bei OTTO bestellen
  • Pokémon Purpur bei OTTO bestellen


Pokémon Karmesin und Purpur im Steelbook-Doppelpack

Wie immer wird es einige Taschenmonster geben, die in jeder Edition exklusiv zu fangen sind. Echte Pokémon-Fans greifen da gleich zum Doppelpack im edlen Steelbook – so schnappst du sie alle!

Affiliate Link

Pokémon Karmesin und Pokémon Purpur (Doppelpack-Edition) — [Nintendo Switch] + Steelbook

Auf Amazon kaufen


Pokémon-Legenden Arceus kaufen

2022 war für Fans ein besonderes Jahr, denn schon im Januar ist mit Pokémon-Legenden Arceus ein neues Game für die Nintendo Switch erschienen, das es gerade reduziert bei Amazon zu kaufen gibt.

Affiliate Link

Pokémon-Legenden: Arceus [Nintendo Switch]

Auf Amazon kaufen


Pokémon ist für Groß und Klein ein Genuss

Für viele Fans, insbesondere die, die um die 30 Jahre alt sind, war der erste Kontakt mit den niedlichen Monstern in Form des Pokémon Sammelkartenspiels, das noch immer populär ist und kontinuierlich durch neue Karten und Editionen erweitert wird. Dann kamen die Videospiele, zuerst für den GameBoy, heute werden die Pokémon auf der Nintendo Switch gefangen. Nicht zu vergessen und unvergesslich sind die Pokémon-Serien und -Filme. Wer sich in den alten Flair der Jugend flüchten möchte, der könnte auch in den spaßigsten Pokémon-Kostümen seine Freude finden. 

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12 Monate Lesevergnügen und tolle Prämie sichern!

I bought Switch (organic EL model) but tell me which indie games you recommend│SWITCH Bulletin

1:2022 (Sun) 07:10:06 ID: JShcMS07d29. 12

Action, RPG, Adventure, whatever .I want to make an interesting indie that can be done easily

2:2022 (Sun) 07:10:06 ID: TzEiGtCd12

Ameho no Sakuna Hime

3:06 (Sun) 3:06 2022 ID: NP13E42.23eSf0

Great job!

4:2022/07/10 (Sun) 06:16:21.28 ID: vQ5a3Qmm0

Kadance Hairula
Crypt of Necro Dancer with the participation of The Legend of Zelda

5: 2022 (Sun) 07:10:06 ID: 16ccwjj/l30.502 Cup head
Wheel 4

6:2022 (Sun) 07:10:06 ID: JShcMS18d05.11

Is Bare Knuckle 4 a Super Famicom or an arcade game?

8:2022 (Sun) 07:10:06 ID: 25ccwJJ/l58.28

>> 6
belt drive from mega drive

>> 11
I wish I could increase the font size during combat~
really funny however

15:2022/07/10 (Sun) 07:17:25.24 ID: QcKqa8an0

cat quest

by then

16:2022 (Sun) 07:10:07 ID:44wy34. 61bWJu8

free racing game
Recommended asphalt legends
why is this quality game free
Satisfied because he wanted to play a racing game like Ridge Racer.

17:2022/07/10 (Sun) 07:49:16.34 ID: HAkTj85x0

HADES and SlayTheSpire are worth buying if you like roguelite.
StarRenegades is also a good game, but besides the fact that it takes a long time, it’s a pity that the translation is dubious and you can catch a glimpse of behavior that seems to be not quite adapted to the Switch. . Iconoclasts are pretty close to this
I personally love NaritaBoy and Valfaris but wouldn’t recommend them to anyone.

21:2022 (Sun) 07:10:09 ID:EV49ME28.25zd2

I recently played Morikujou Monogatari.
this is quite interesting

28:2022 (Sun) 07:10:10 ID: Q38nyaXJi46.08

>> 21
If you close your eyes to the fact that this is a complete plagiarism from Slay the Spire, it is quite interesting, not is it true?

22:2022 (Sun) 07:10:09 ID: AR52PG12. 86RJ3

ice cold

24:2022/07/10 (Sun) 8:05ck ID:C:39c0

Lately, even though it’s indie, there’s been an increase in quality that shouldn’t be underestimated, so it’s hard to choose. Whatever you say, there’s a lot of them.

25: 2022/07/10 (Sun) 10: 11: 20.23 ID: S3G3ZMILA

Ender of Lilia

26: 2022 (Sun) 07:10:10 ID: JSHCMS23D03.19

I also love adventure games

29:2022/07/10 (Sun) 11:04:53.06 ID:2KPrFmLB0

Return of Obradin
Subnautica was so much fun

33:2022 (Sun) 07:10:12 ID: 29R49.19qkPcgd

Steamworld Dig 2, Dead Cells, Salt and Sanctuary, Death Gambit, Talomir, Unepic, and Gungeon were fun they still have games to play.

35:2022 (Sun) 07:10:17 ID:36PxtDuk44.18


2 also implemented high difficulty mode before I knew about it


Complete Dungeon Guide Spire Of The Watcher — Game Druid

Quick Links

  • Recommended Equipment Options
  • Restore strength
  • Start climbing
  • Climb the spire
  • Silence the siren
  • Go down
  • Defeat Persis, Primeval Ruin

Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph kicks off with a new Guardian Dungeon available to those who own the Annual Dungeon Pass. Called the Spire of the Watcher, this Vex-themed dungeon is fairly simple compared to Duality, with much simpler mechanics and more straightforward boss encounters. If you love cool dungeons or Wild West gear, this is the dungeon for you. But, as in any other dungeon, the first passage will not be easy. Learning new mechanics, boss strategies, and gearing up can be challenging if you’re a newbie or a returning player. That is what this guide is for. We’ll give gear recommendations for the entire dungeon, show each encounter, and provide puzzle solutions and tips on how to defeat all the bosses in the Spire of the Watcher dungeon in Destiny 2.

This guide does not not show locations where collectibles can be found. You can find a video walkthrough on YouTuber Esoterickk’s channel. We will soon be preparing a guide to god rolls for dungeon weapons; follow the news. In the meantime, check out light.gg to see dungeon weapon rolls.

Recommended equipment

For normal difficulty Spire of the Watcher, a power level of 1,570 is recommended. On Master difficulty, a power level of 1610 or higher is recommended. Master difficulty has champions and drops Artifice armor. Spire of the Watcher has some long-range encounters and a brutal close-range encounter, so you need to bring a little bit of everything with you. Linear rifles, SMGs, Witherhoards, and Solar subclasses are great here. LFR is still your best, most consistent DPS option and is great for boss encounters in this dungeon, while your SMG should be quick to deal with the additions and unique mechanics of this dungeon. Witherhoard is simply an incredibly reliable weapon with excellent ammo consumption.

  • Hunters: Gunslinger and Nightstalker are great here. Gunslinger has high damage supers and cooldown access, while Nightstalker can easily become invisible and apply debuffs to targets.
    • If you are attempting this quest solo, use the Arcstrider with Assassin’s Cowl for most encounters.
  • Sorcerers: Dawnblade provides ample healing and excellent grenade damage. Shadebinder can also be used if the adds are giving you problems.
    • If you’re trying to play alone, use a Dawnblade with Starfire Protocol or Solar Bracelets. Sunbracers may not proc on the final boss, so keep a spare exotic on hand.
  • Titans: Stryker and Behemoth are great options. The Striker is nimble and can spray Storm Grenades, while the Behemoth has enough damage reduction and can easily proc Font of Might.
    • If you’re trying to solo, use Sunbreaker. Sunspots make you virtually indestructible. Paired with Synthoceps, you will get great DPS from Throwing Hammer.

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Restore strength

You will start the dungeon at an abandoned outpost on Mars, dominated by the massive Seraph Tower. The path to the tower is blocked by a set of electrical switches, all of which are without power. Start the encounter by defeating Vex guarding the main chain, keep an eye out for Vex the Minotaur. This will grant the Arctrick buff for 30 seconds, allowing you to activate the Diamond Switches by shooting them.


Throughout the dungeon, any Vex Minotaurs you kill will drop into a pool of radiolarian fluid, which grants the Arctrick buff for 30 seconds, allowing you to damage switches. Successfully turning on the switch will add five seconds to Arctrisian’s timer. A successfully powered switch will have at least one glowing blue cable. Start by looking for a power source. They look like diamond-shaped switches with an electrical box attached to them. There are four in total:

  1. Left building: Jump onto the roof and go into a small room in the lower half of the building.
  2. Left building: Enter the building and find the tunnel. It will lead you to a small cave where the power switch is located.
  3. Right building: Enter the building and look for a hole in the ground. Climb down and find the switch.
  4. Right Building: From the central loop, run towards the Seraph Tower and turn right. You will see a switch sticking out of the wall.

Shoot the switch while you have the Arctrick buff to turn them on. Follow the massive cable on the ground to the next switch and repeat the process. If you shoot the wrong switch, it will remain open for a few seconds, but without power. A successfully closed switch will have at least one cable glowing bright blue. To open the entrance to the Seraph Tower, turn on all four switches in the circuit.

Top left switch direction

6 Pictures

  1. Drop down to the roof of the left building and run into the lowest room. Perhaps this switch is guarded by an outcast harpy.
  2. Run outside and shoot the first switch to your right.
  3. Jump off the roof and turn around. You should see a switch hanging from the top of the building.
  4. Climb onto the roof again. This time, go to the topmost room and shoot the switch.
  5. Turn around and exit the room. The switch will be on your right, mounted under the three storage cylinders.
  6. Shoot the top left switch on the main circuit.

Direction to lower left switch

5 Pictures

  1. Enter the left building and look for a tunnel. He will lead you to a small cave with a switch.
  2. Go back through the tunnel. Look to the left to find the switch. It is located next to the entrance.
  3. Turn right and shoot the switch on the wall.
  4. Shoot the bottom left switch on the main circuit.

Direction to top right switch

4 Pictures

  1. Run past the main chain and turn right. You should see a switch on the wall of the right building. Shoot him.
  2. Jump onto the roof and shoot the chain at the opposite end of the building.
  3. Crouch down and enter the building. Find a switch mounted on the wall next to several computers.
  4. Shoot the upper right switch on the main circuit.

Direction to lower right switch

7 Images

  1. Enter the right building. Find a hole in the floor and drop down.
  2. Climb out of the hole and shoot the switch located next to several crates.
  3. Follow the wires to find the switch mounted on the wall in the same building.
  4. Run to the entrance to find the switch located opposite the entrance.
  5. Go outside and turn right. The switch will be hidden next to several drawers.
  6. Shoot the bottom right switch on the main circuit.

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Start of climb

You will find yourself locked in a bunker after sliding down the massive entrance ramp. Drop down to the catwalk to the left of the bunker door. . Run through a series of ventilation shafts, drop down if possible and look for a gap in the ground with a bright red light to get to the very base of the tower.

At this point, you will need to jump over hanging platforms to get to each pillar. Your goal is to get to the other side of this massive chasm by moving in a side «U» shape. Kill adds from a distance before moving towards a new foothold, as these Vex can easily melt you down when you’re away from cover. When the path reaches a dead end, jump around the pillar to find a gravity lift that will take you up the tower. Return to quick links

Climb the spire

Similar to the first encounter, your goal is to defeat the minotaur Vex and turn on the two switches to power the elevator. Start the encounter by going upstairs and killing the minotaur Vex waiting for you. Get the Arctrick buff and start firing at the switches. We recommend focusing on one switch at a time, fully powering the left or right circuit before moving on to the second one. Add-ons will appear periodically during this part, but if you have access to any form of healing or invisibility, you’ll be fine. The location of the switches here is pretty simple, so we won’t list specific locations for this part. If you suddenly get lost, follow the cable. Activating the elevator will take you further up the tower. Each floor gets a little harder:

  • First floor: Two switches, no problem.
  • Second floor: Two switches, some of which are blocked by electrical barriers.
    • Do not pass through barriers; nothing more is required.
  • Third floor: Two switches, one on each side of the tower.
    • Go one by one, following the yellow wires as you shoot each switch.

If you’re trying to play this game solo, it might take you a few tries, but Ascend the Spire is pretty easy once you start paying attention to where the cables lead. Do not ignore the additions, take your time, and you will complete this task in a few attempts. When the chest appears, climb the platforms behind it to get to the next encounter. Return to quick links

Silence the siren

At the top of the tower is Akelus, Siren Current. This massive Vex harpy is impenetrable to any incoming damage, protected by fuel rods scattered around the sides of the tower. The purpose of this encounter is to apply an electrical current to each fuel rod at the top of the tower, allowing you to deal short-term damage to Akelus. You don’t have a timer and there is no rage mechanic, so solo players should go slowly through this encounter. Start the meeting by walking up to the harpy. This will cause the minotaur Vex to appear on your right. Run to the walkway, kill the minotaur to get the Arctrick buff, then run back to the central platform. Notice the four electrical switches on each corner. You must shoot these switches and direct energy to each fuel rod. Fuel cells are glowing blue canisters located at the end of each passage, so you’ll need to power a total of four circuits.

Each passage has its own switch configuration, but for all four you will do the same thing: shoot the power source, then follow the yellow cables to get to the next switch. There are about six switches on each track. Upon successful activation, the message “Fuel Rod Activated” will appear on the screen. Additives will appear every time you activate the switch, so be extremely careful if you go through the game at speed. We recommend removing the add-ons on every playthrough so that the Vex army doesn’t become too complex during the DPS phase. Trinity Ghoul or anything with Volshot will make short work of Vex.

When all four fuel rods are activated, the DPS phase begins. This works exactly like the Harpy boss from the Garden of Salvation. Akelus will swim to the last activated fuel rod and show a series of red eyes. You must destroy all the red eyes to open the boss’s crit, allowing you to deal damage to him. The longer it takes, the shorter your DPS phase will be. After breaking all the eyes, the boss will start to retreat towards the central platform. Don’t rush the boss and don’t stand still. Your fireteam must maintain a medium engagement distance with the boss or you risk ending the DPS phase prematurely. If the distance is not optimal, the boss will start glowing bright red. When the DPS phase ends, the harpy will explode, pushing all players out of cover. Descend into the passages when the harpy begins to emit an intense glow so as not to be knocked off the tower. Activate the fuel rods again to start a new DPS phase. The «rage» mechanic is missing here; you can kill Akelus in as many DPS phases as needed. Return to quick links

Go down

The Vex are unhappy with your intrusion and have started the tower’s self-destruct sequence. You need to get to the lower levels of the Seraph Tower before it’s too late. You will find the way down next to the chest with the reward from the last encounter. Your objective is to open the vault door by gaining the Arctrition buff and quickly damaging five switches. Start by destroying the creatures protecting the exit. Shortly after that, the second wave will appear, one of which will be the minotaur Vex with the Arctic buff. Unlike previous meetings, these wires are red, which means they are connected to a timer circuit. You have roughly five seconds to shoot each switch before the chain resets and you have to damage all five switches again. The good news is that these switches are next to each other.

3 Pictures

Each door that opens leads you down a narrow ventilation system and a row of fans. Land on any hard platform to avoid crashing into the fan blades. This will take you to the bottom floor, where you’ll have to kill more adds and damage five more switches in quick succession. Reference images for all switch locations can be found below:

  • Floor 1: Go up the catwalk and face the platform from which the minotaur Vex appears. Look slightly to the right to find all five switches.
  • Second floor: Go down to the lowest floor and look up at an angle of about 45°.
  • Third floor: On each wall you will find a switch. The fifth switch is located in the center of the room behind the electrical barriers, in the same place where you descended from.

Going around all the floors, you will eventually reach the reactor core. Equip your most powerful weapon and increase your overall survivability. It’s time to dance the tango with the wyvern. Return to quick links

Defeat Persis, Primal Ruins

This encounter is very similar to the Akelus encounter, but with a twist: you’ll also have to shoot at time-sensitive switches. Your goal is to get the Arctrition buff and shoot five time-sensitive switches to open the blast door. Activate two power circuits, close the blast door, and then damage the boss. You still shoot four sets of switches to damage the boss, but two of those sets are now under a strict time limit. Start the encounter by approaching the wyvern or damaging it. Two hydras and supplicants (explosive harpies) will appear around the arena. Defeat the Hydras to spawn two Vex Minotaurs, killing one of them will grant the Arctrition buff. At the same time, be attentive to explosive harpies.

Five switches marked with red cables will open in the center of the arena. Shoot all switches within five seconds to open the blast door. This will unlock the power switches at opposite ends of each column, allowing you to apply current through the reactor chamber. Again, watch out for Persis and the Supplicants during this part, as if you try to hurry up, you’ll be bombarded with projectiles and explosions. Follow the yellow cable to each power socket. You will need to shoot about five switches to complete the current.