Pokemon mcdonalds karten 2022: Pikachu [Holo] #7 Prices | Pokemon McDonalds 2022

Pokémon ist zurück bei McDonald’s und euch erwartet sogar ein kleines Spiel • JPGAMES.DE

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Ab sofort findet ihr wieder Pokémon-Sammelkarten im Happy Meal von McDonald’s und diesmal hat man sich sogar ein kleines Spiel überlegt. Mithilfe der Karten und dem Zubehör aus dem Happy Meal könnt ihr Match Battle spielen.

Jede Match-Battle-Box aus dem Happy Meal bietet dafür alles, was ihr braucht. Ein Anleitungsblatt erklärt euch, wie das kleine Spiel aus Münzen, Drehen und Zahlen funktioniert. Enthalten sind:

  • 1 Boosterpack mit 4 Karten
  • 1 Anleitungsblatt
  • 1 Münze
  • 1 Kreisel
  • 1 Kartenbox

Jedes Boosterpack enthält eine holografische Karte. Die Karten sind dabei Reprints von bereits veröffentlichten Karten und durch ein kleines Symbol am unteren Rand entsprechend gekennzeichnet. Euch erwarten dabei unter anderem Pikachu, Bauz und Cottini.

Die Laufzeit der Aktion ist bis zum 28. September 2022 ausgewiesen. Wie sieht es bei euch aus? Vorbehaltlich der geschmacklichen Zustimmung, werdet ihr denn mal einen Besuch wagen?

Noch viel mehr Pokémon gibt es an diesem Wochenende in London. Dort werden endlich wieder die Pokémon-Weltmeisterschaften ausgetragen und auch für Daheimgebliebene hat sich The Pokémon Company einiges einfallen lassen.

Es gibt regelmäßig Gratis-Codes für Pokémon-Spiele, mit denen euch Boni winken. Für Pokémon Schwert und Schild wurde beispielsweise ein neuer Geheimcode verteilt, der euch ein Victini beschert. Nicht verpassen! Außerdem läuft aktuell auch noch die Verteilaktion zu Ashs Pescragon.

An der Verkaufszahlen-Front zeigte sich zuletzt Pokémon-Legenden: Arceus sehr erfolgreich. Passend zur Ankündigung von Pokémon: Die Arceus-Chroniken vermeldete man einen Verkaufsmeilenstein, den hierzulande in diesem Jahr bislang nur Elden Ring knackte.

Bildmaterial: The Pokémon Company

McDonaldsPokémon-SammelkartenspielThe Pokémon Company

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Cottini #3 — Champion’s Path


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Pokémon GO Hoenn Tour 2023

Pokémon GO Tour — Hoenn

Trainers, another Pokémon GO Tour will take place in 2023, but this time in the Hoenn region. Regardless of the location, players from all over the world will be able to take part in it. Ticket holders will have access to more content. So get ready to go on a journey and enjoy the Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire versions of the game.


Tour details are:

25 and 26 at 10:00 local time
and 26 February at 18:00 local time


Category Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphi Hoenn. To experience all the delights of Pokemon GO Hoenn Tour, you need to buy a ticket in the store or get it through a quest, and choose between the ruby ​​​​and sapphire version of the game:

Pokemon GO Hoenn Tour ticket

Select game version

By and large, this choice will provide different options for the adventure, namely the spawn of Pokemon and the number of primitive raids — Primal Kyogre (Sapphire) or Primal Groudon (Ruby) — during the team competition:

What to choose in Pokemon GO — Ruby or Sapphire

Pokémon Spawn

Special Pokémon will spawn in unique habitats. Some of them are presented below.

Blistering Sands

The following Pokémon will spawn significantly more frequently:
Torkoal — Torcoal ✨ Tropius — tropius ✨ Relicanth — Relicant ✨


In the raids:

Clothing 9,0002 9,0002 thematic objects for Avatyatara

  • Event items

  • Stickers

    Thematic stickers will appear:

    Event stickers

    Join our groups on social networks Facebook, Twitter, Viber, WhatsApp, VK, Instagram to keep up with the latest Pokemon GO news.

    Pay attention to the world around you and stay safe.

    Huge cards, Happy Meals and more

    Home Articles This week in Pokemon: Huge cards, Happy Meals and more…


    while we wait for news from Scarlet & Violet, the Pokémon community is anything but quiet. We’ve had important news from Niantic this week, although not all of it has been positive. The Pokemon TCG player also gained attention for his stunt he pulled at the tournament and quickly went viral.

    Also, this is good news for speculators as it looks like Pokemon cards are making a comeback at McDonald’s. All this and more in this week’s Pokémon Roundup.

    Niantic is once again expanding its horizons, but it hasn’t forgotten about Pokemon Go players either. Anyone who plays the studio’s ultra-popular monster-catching game will get early access to its new Campfire app. This new release lets you coordinate social events and add friends, and like Pokemon Go is centered on a map of your area. What will also interest Pokemon Go players is the fact that it has a built-in feature for organizing raids, making it easy to team up with other local fans. There is no specific release date yet, but Niantic says it will be with us «in the coming months».

    Pokemon Go creator Niantic is reportedly «going through a period of economic turmoil»

    However, not all news about Niantic this week has been positive. Despite Pokemon Go making huge amounts of money, the company is reportedly «going through a period of economic turmoil.» This is apparently due to the fact that the studio has not been able to capitalize on the success of Go on its other projects, four of which have been cancelled. On top of that, Niantic is laying off eight percent of its workforce to «ensure the company is in the best possible position to weather any economic storms that may lie ahead.»

    Pokemon Happy Meals will return to McDonald’s this summer

    More encouraging news: we announced this week that Pokemon toys are returning to McDonald’s this summer. Any kid/weird adult who buys a Happy Meal in the UK this August will receive some sort of Pokémon gift, though it’s not entirely clear what that will be. There is a chance that these will be Pokémon cards, as they were previously distributed this way. However, since profiteers ruin everything, the Pokemon Company may want to avoid it. Hell, the last time McDonald’s did this, they had to set a limit on how many Happy Meals they could sell in a single transaction. Alright guys, well done.

    Pokemon TCG player brings Jumbo cards to the North American International Championship

    Hey, did you know that Pokemon card game tournaments have no card size limits? This is almost certain, because it is a topic that has never been brought up in conversation before. Well, until this week, anyway, because Pokémon fan Matthew Verive just entered the North American International Championship with a set of new giant Pokémon cards, even though they were completely useless. Because he was so dedicated to using incredibly large cards, he didn’t have energy cards with him. This meant that the Pokémon came out and just stood by until it was defeated. However, having only played three rounds, he probably drew the most attention in the tournament. Verive expects his (not so) little prank to force the organizers to introduce some rules, so don’t worry about next year.

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    Ivan Katanaev

    Ivan is a full-time writer and lover of words.