Pokemon go richtig werfen: Pokemon-Go-Trick: So werfen Sie die besten Bälle

Pokemon-Go-Trick: So werfen Sie die besten Bälle

| von
Lisa Hummel

Das Werfen von Bällen in Pokémon Go hat wohl schon bei jedem Spieler Frust ausgelöst. Verzogene Würfe, die irgendwo in die Pampa segeln, schlappe Bälle, die schon weit bevor sie das kleine Monster erreichen über den Boden rollen oder hartnäckige Tierchen, die dauernd rausspringen und einem die Extrapunkte versauen. Ein findiger Reddit-User will jetzt aber die perfekte Methode gefunden haben, Bälle zu werfen: die L-Technik.

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Die L-Technik oder wie man in Pokémon Go Bälle wirft

homu nennt sich besagter User, der seine Methode gerne mit der Welt teilt. Hier eine Erklärung zur Technik, die keine Fehlwürfe mehr bringen soll.

  1. Ziehen Sie den Ball nach links. Es macht dabei nichts, wenn Sie bis nahe an den Bildschirmrand gelangen.
  2. Ziehen Sie den Ball in einer flüssigen Bewegung, ohne dabei abzusetzen, nach oben, sodass sie ein L formen. Bleiben Sie dabei mit dem Finger so lange auf dem Bildschirm, bis er sich auf etwa der gleichen Höhe befindet wie das Pokémon.
  3. Sobald sich Ihr Finger auf der gleichen Höhe wie das Pokémon befindet, können Sie den Finger absetzen und den Ball in Richtung Taschenmonster schleudern.
  4. Auch Curvebälle, die Extrapunkte bringen, lassen sich mit der Technik erzielen. Bewegen Sie hierfür einfach zu Beginn des Fangvorgangs Ihren Finger in kleinen Kreisen. Anschließend können Sie die L-Technik wie oben beschrieben ausprobieren.
  5. homu betont, dass es sich hier nicht um ein Erfolgsversprechen handelt. Viel mehr ist sein Tipp eine Hilfestellung für Spieler, die mit dieser Technik erfolgreicher beim Fangen sein könnten.

Pokémon Go: Der perfekte Wurf?

Video: Das bedeuten die Kreise in Pokémon Go

Wo Sie welche Pokémon finden, können Sie in unserem nächsten Praxistipp nachlesen.

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GamesPokemon Go

Tipps & Tricks beim Werfen

Egal ob 3 fabelhafte Würfe hintereinander, oder 5 großartige Curveball-Würfe hintereinander – mit diesen Tipps & Tricks beim Werfen gelingt euch jede Feldforschung!



Bei einem Curveball-Wurf wird der Ball durch Drehbewegungen in Rotation gebracht. Dadurch fliegt der Ball in einer Kurve. Wer den Ball also nach links, gegen den Uhrzeigersinn, dreht, der muss seinen Ball anschließend nach rechts zur Seite werfen, damit der Ball dann durch die Kurve wieder zur Mitte fliegt.

Im Gegensatz zum geradlinigen Ball, oder auch „straight ball“ genannt, hat der Curveball-Wurf eine höhere Chance das Pokémon zu fangen.


Der Circle-Lock-Trick ist eine Technik, bei der man vorab den Fangkreis des Pokémon (der zweite, farbige Kreis innerhalb des weißen Kreises) auf eine bestimmte Größe einstellt. Dies geschieht indem man den Ball antippt und wartet, bis der Kreis die gewünschte Größe für einen guten, großartigen oder fabelhaften Wurf hat.

Anschließend wartet man bis das Pokémon angreift und wirft dann während dem Angriff den Ball auf das Pokémon. Dies verhindert, dass das Pokémon durch einen Angriff den Ball abwehren kann, oder zur Seite ausweichen kann.

Das Timing, also der Zeitpunkt des Wurfs, ist hier entscheidend und erfordert ein wenig Übung. Verzagt also nicht, wenn dieser Trick nicht gleich beim ersten Wurf funktioniert.

Dieser Trick empfiehlt sich besonders bei legendären Pokémon, bei denen man nur begrenzte Bälle hat. Auch hier sollte man im Idealfall erst an „schlechten“ legendären Pokémon üben, damit es im Ernstfall beim 100% Pokémon keine Probleme gibt.

Allgemeine Tipps

Der wohl einfachste und offensichtlichste Tipp zum erfolgreichen Werfen ist: üben, üben und nochmals üben! Übung macht bekanntlich den Meister und dieser Spruch hat auch hier seine Daseinsberechtigung.

Wer gezielt großartige oder fabelhafte Würfe landen möchte, sollte sich angewöhnen diese Würfe zu üben und zwar bei jeder Gelegenheit. Nest-Pokémon oder auch Event-Pokémon eignen sich hervorragend zum Üben von Würfen.

Man sollte sich zunächst auf ein bestimmtes Pokémon konzentrieren, dessen Bewegungen studieren und genau die Abstände einschätzen können. Je häufiger man dem Pokémon begegnet, desto leichter sollte es fallen dieses Pokémon großartig oder fabelhaft zu treffen. Anschließend kann man die gelernte Bewegung und das Timing leicht abändern um auch andere Pokémon zu treffen.

Ruhe bewahren

Niemals sollte man hektisch werfen, oder sich aus der Ruhe bringen lassen. Wer sich selbst unter Stress setzt, wird höchstwahrscheinlich den Ball verwerfen und somit beispielsweise bei einer Feldforschung für Pandir wieder von Vorne anfangen müssen.


Wer den Circle-Lock-Trick noch nicht perfektioniert hat, oder erst die Abstände abschätzen möchte, kann sich mit Nanabbeeren behelfen. Diese sorgen dafür, dass das Pokémon nur noch sehr, sehr selten angreift und sich nicht mehr bewegt.

Würfe hintereinander schaffen

Die Feldforschung für Pandir mit 5 großartigen Curveball-Würfen hintereinander, oder auch die Feldforschung für Larvitar mit 3 fabelhaften Würfen hintereinander bereitet manchen Spielern Kopfzerbrechen.

Auch im aktuellen Halloween-Event, gibt es in der Spezialforschung eine Aufgabe für 9 gute Würfe hintereinander, die ebenfalls zu Schwierigkeiten und Frust führen kann, wenn man einen Ball verwirft.


Mit dem Flugmodus-Trick erleichtert Ihr euch die Aufgaben mit mehreren Würfen hintereinander deutlich. Dazu müsst Ihr lediglich den Flugmodus einschalten, bevor Ihr einen Ball auf das Pokémon werft.

Sofern Ihr getroffen habt und den gewünschten Wurf landen konntet, macht ihr den Flugmodus wieder aus und spielt weiter.

Sofern Ihr nicht getroffen habt, schließt Ihr die Pokémon GO App und startet das Spiel neu. Damit euer Wurf für die Feldforschung gewertet werden kann, muss das Spiel nämlich mit dem Internet verbunden sein. Durch den Flugmodus unterbrecht Ihr die Verbindung zum Internet und habt so quasi einen freien Testwurf.


Mit diesen Tipps und Tricks sollte euren Würfen nun nichts mehr in Wege stehen und Ihr könnt nun künftig blitzschnell die Feldforschungen für Pandir und Co. lösen!

Alle News zu Pokémon GO findet Ihr auch in unserem Telegramkanal, übersichtlich und ohne Werbung oder Hinweise auf andere Kanäle.

Pokémon GO: the origins of the worldwide fever; the game market at a crossroads

In search of the reasons for the extraordinary success of Pokemon GO, the hit game that took the world by storm this summer, we will look back to its origins, from the birth of Pokemon twenty years ago, to analyze the future prospects of the gaming market, turning attention to sales of the PlayStation VR virtual reality helmet.

I wonder how many billions of Poké Balls were released this summer in virtual spaces? Pokemon GO is played all over the world. Accidents, touching episodes, numerous news in the media. A large number of critical and analytical articles appear in different countries, but we would like to touch on those issues that have not yet been sufficiently covered.

Careful development of images similar to the characters of Greek myths

During the period from the second half of the 1980s to the first half of the 90s, I often worked with all representatives of the Game Freak company who were involved in the development of the script and images for computer games about Pokemon . When I was a publishing editor, they wrote for us, and although they were younger than me, they became my teachers, who opened my eyes to what games are.

Thanks to such acquaintances, I managed to peep how the first part of the game «Pocket Monsters: Red Version and Blue Version» was made. The most carefully developed characters. As you know, Pokémon is a game where monsters are collected. If the Pokemon themselves are not attractive, then the principle of the game is violated.

Take some animal as a model, work out the design of the lines, and the character is ready … It would be a big mistake to think so. What is important is not how the character looks from the outside, what is important is its “internal content”. First, a whole imaginary universe is created: its history, inhabitants, surrounding worlds, and so on. The goal of «Character Creation» is to produce the individual beings that must inevitably live in this universe. The characters that appear in Pokemon are the exact opposite of the so-called yurukyara , soft characters, symbols of regions. Their invisible features are defined rather rigidly. There is no softness and relaxation in them.

At the center of such intellectual production are Greek myths, which are often used metaphorically. The heroes of Greek mythology — gods and living beings — are thought out with extraordinary care, and that is why they are so imprinted in the hearts of people that they are still being talked about. For Pokemon, the immortality of the Greek myths has become an ideal.

In addition, there are many hybrid animals in Greek mythology, such as the Chimera or Pegasus. Images in which different life forms are combined strongly attract the attention of a person. The taboo that prohibits crossbreeding is broken, and bizarre creatures are created. They are recycled, transformed and turned into characters loved by children. This is also a feature of the character development technique that the developers of Game Freak own. In particular, elements of this are in Pikachu, which combines a thunderstorm and a mouse.

Giant advertising campaign involving American local authorities

«Pocket Monsters: Red Version and Blue Version» is a game for the Game Boy console, which was launched by Nintendo in 1996. Rectangular box measuring only five centimeters with a black and white LCD screen. And while one could speak of «ambitious desires to stay forever,» those who were involved in this game were only honing the necessary style of developing its characters.

But such an ascetic version of the game had no hope of commercial success, despite its good quality. Subsequently, it even began to be called a «hidden masterpiece.» But with Pokémon it was different. Thanks to the skill of producer Tsunekazu Ishihara and the funds invested by Nintendo, some time later, a unique large-scale promotional campaign was launched.

In 1998, the city of Dead End in Kansas, USA, was renamed Too Pikachu for one day. The debut of the American version of Pokemon unfolded on a grand scale, suggesting the involvement of the administration.

In Japan, Sachiko Kobayashi sang a song from the Pokémon finale in the traditional Japanese TV New Year’s program «Kohaku uta gassen» (1998 «Together with the Wind»). And this year, Pokémon’s 20th anniversary year, a thirty-second commercial for Pokémon worth five million dollars was shown during the NFL (National Football League) USA Cup Finals. There was a bizarre interweaving of professional pride and mass marketing. This can probably be called the secret of the popularity of Pokemon before the advent of Pokemon GO.

Historical meeting with the military game «Ingress»

Time passed. The era of smartphones has arrived. As a product of the era, such advanced services as Google Maps began to spread. And as a result of the meeting of Pokémon with the military game «Ingress» by Nyantic Labs, the application «Pokémon GO» was developed.

The historical meeting did not take place due to the sales results of the Pokémon series and the high recognition of the characters. And not because of such quantitative pluses as the number of active users of the game for smartphones «Ingress». This project became possible thanks to the coincidence of the creative views of colleagues in the workshop.

In joint developments, it happens that, although the synergistic effect is calculated on paper, often there is no success. Infrastructure-type service Google maps and game content: different aspects are important for them. For example, there are a huge number of examples of unsuccessful cooperation between communication companies and game development companies. Moreover, Japanese and American companies have a different language, different culture. Despite this, the Pokémon GO game was successful thanks to the vision of the creative team. Original, but not eccentric. It remains true to its origins and at the same time meets the present. Direct hit. Probably due to common thoughts.

«Meta-information game» in which other information is superimposed on localization

After the release of Pokémon GO, most of the world’s media reports were devoted to the movement of people in space. While playing Pokemon GO, there were robberies. Accidents have been reported on the news. On the other hand, the social benefits of the game are discussed daily: it solves the problem of physical inactivity, cures autism, helps in the restoration of natural disaster areas. There was probably a prejudice that games were played indoors. The fact that people took to the streets with their smartphones and began to play shows their high interest in this kind of entertainment.

In fact, there was a game in Japan in the 2000s for Japanese mobile phones that used geolocation, like in Pokémon GO. In the networks of communication companies, there is a system of «location registration», which, using a signal, reports the location of a mobile phone to a base station. Games using geolocation have been developed for a long time using this system.

With the spread of the GPS system, games using geolocation became even easier to develop. As a result of such circumstances, about a hundred types of games with geolocation have already been released in Japan. But these are games where there are few successful examples. Why is Pokémon GO so popular? It is easier to imagine its future development potential if we consider it not as one of the geolocation games, but as a meta-information game.

Today, thanks to the spread of GPS, information about the geographical coordinates of a particular point on the globe can be expressed using high-precision digital data. The application becomes really applicable if such well-known, real-life places in the world are indicated as landmarks, such as Shibuya Station, Eiffel Tower, etc. But if metadata (data about data) is superimposed, then one or another geographic the dot will have a different meaning: for example, “Pokestop” or “Gym”. Pokémon GO is a metadata game that overlays real data with other data. It’s not just about geolocation. By overlaying digital data with various metadata such as barcodes, video data, sound waves, etc., the possibilities of new games are expanded.

Play games on smartphones on the streets or in the virtual space?

Looking back, we can say that Pokémon GO entered the market at a good time. Sales began when the passion for other games came to naught.

If you look at the gaming market on a global scale, there are only two types of games sold over the past few years. First of all, these are FPS games (one-person shooters) for game consoles. FPS is a game genre that is not very popular in Japan, but it has tremendous popularity in the global market. Last year, six were FPS shooters in the top ten best-selling games.

Another type is casual games using smartphones. These are color matching puzzles or action games with simple controls that are distributed in large numbers, having a free base. But for effective promotion in the game, additional payment is accepted.

Rationally designed first-person shooter FPS and casual games have expanded their popularity as two main forces, but since last year or so they have begun to decline. A new breath of wind has brought Pokémon GO. Whether it’s a home computer monitor or a smartphone screen, entertainment that only happens on the screen is starting to run out of steam. Due to the opposition to such trends, Pokemon GO became a hit. The market is sensitive. Games that run only on monitors have no development. Probably, in the future, the number of games that combine entertainment on the screen and beyond (in real life) will increase.

This summer, the Pokémon GO fever will probably continue, and from autumn I would like to draw your attention to PlayStation VR. Taking to the streets with smartphones is Pokemon GO. And fixing the screen in front of your eyes with the help of a helmet display is PlayStation VR. Companies that are considered competitors: Nintendo and Sony. Their goals are exactly the opposite. But there are also similarities: they take a step forward compared to the games that have existed so far, designed for rectangular screens.

Today’s VR games are not the 3D games you’ve seen anywhere until now. In modern cognitive psychology, there is a theory that “the eye is just a lens that transmits signals to the retina. Man sees with his brain. PlayStation VR has reached a level where the brain distinguishes between «reality», «genuine objects». The experience of the game shows that these stimuli are felt by the body and remain in its memory.

Pokémon GO is a game that takes you outside with a smartphone in hand. PlayStation VR captures the screen in front of your eyes using a helmet-mounted display. In form, they are diametrically opposed, but both bring something new to the game.