10 stärksten pokemon go: The most powerful Pokémon based on CP — Pokémon GO

Pokémon GO: Die besten Angreifer 2022

Die besten Angreifer in Pokémon GO in der Übersicht. Wir zeigen euch die stärksten Pokémon im Spiel mit ihren besten Attacken (Movesets) und sortieren sie nach Typ.

Starke Angreifer sind wichtig in Pokémon GO, denn dadurch könnt ihr in Raids und Arenen dominieren. Mittlerweile sind Monster aus 8 Generationen im Spiel.

Wir zeigen euch die besten Pokémon von jedem Typ und erklären, was diese Pokémon besonders macht.

So sind wir beim Ranking vorgegangen: Wir haben euch hier nur „normale“ Pokémon vorgestellt. Die Liste zeigt keine Crypto- oder Mega-Pokémon. Sie sind in vieler Hinsicht besser, doch deutlich schwerer zu bekommen.

Nutzt die Schnell-Navigation, um direkt zu dem entsprechenden Pokémon-Typ und dessen besten Angreifern zu springen:

  • Kampf
  • Eis
  • Psycho
  • Unlicht
  • Drache
  • Käfer
  • Feuer
  • Wasser
  • Elektro
  • Pflanze
  • Boden
  • Gestein
  • Flug
  • Geist
  • Fee
  • Gift
  • Stahl
  • Normal

Update vom 04. September: Wir haben diesen Artikel für euch mit den besten aktuellen Angreifern aktualisiert, die ihr 2022 in Raids nutzen könnt.

Typ Kampf

Wir stellen euch nun die besten Kampf-Pokémon vor. Diese könnt ihr effektiv gegen Pokémon von den Typen Normal, Eis, Gestein, Unlicht und Stahl einsetzen. Folgende Pokémon sind die Besten:

Pokémon Attacken
Lucario Konter und Aurasphäre
Meistagrif Konter und Wuchtschlag
Machomei Konter und Wuchtschlag
Kapilz Konter und Wuchtschlag
Hariyama Konter und Wuchtschlag
Lohgock Konter und Fokusstoß


Bestes Moveset: Konter und Aurasphäre

Das macht Lucario besonders: Lucario profitiert voll von der Attacke Aurasphäre. Der Angriff ist verdammt stark und macht es dadurch besser als jedes andere Kampf-Pokémon.


Bestes Moveset: Konter und Wuchtschlag

Das macht Meistagrif so besonders: Meistagrif überragt alle bisherigen Kampf-Pokémon außer Lucario. Es teilt zum einen mehr Schaden als Machomei aus, zum anderen ist es aber auch standfester im Kampf.


Bestes Moveset: Konter und Wuchtschlag

Das macht Machomei besonders: Machomei galt lange Zeit als eines der wichtigsten Pokémon im Spiel. Kein anderes Pokémon kämpft so gut gegen Heiteira und Relaxo in Arenen wie Machomei. Seine Werte waren allerdings nie die allerbesten. Es gab einfach nur keine wirkliche Konkurrenz.


Bestes Moveset: Konter und Wuchtschlag

Das macht Kapilz so besonders: Das Pokémon beherrscht starke Kampf-Attacken und hat zudem einen soliden Angriffswert. Es steht allerdings nicht höher in der Liste, da es recht fragil ist und schnell besiegt wird.


Bestes Moveset: Konter und Wuchtschlag

Das macht Hariyama so besonders: Das Pokémon hält vor allem viel Schaden im Kampf aus. Im Gegenzug teilt es allerdings nicht ganz so viel Schaden aus, weshalb Hariyama nur auf Platz 5 landet.


Bestes Moveset: Konter und Fokusstoß

Das macht Lohgock so besonders: Lohgock hat an sich starke Werte, allerdings sind die Attacken im Vergleich zu anderen Top-Angreifern nicht ganz so stark. Fokusstoß ist schwächer als Wuchtschlag, weshalb Lohgock nur auf Platz 6 landet.

In unserem Guide zu den 10 besten Kampf-Angreifern findet ihr weitere starke Exemplare.

Unser Video stellt euch die Top-Angreifer in Pokémon GO vor, die ihr in der Sammlung haben solltet. Darunter geht es mit weiteren Angreifer-Kategorien weiter.

Pokémon GO: Die stärksten Angreifer aller Typen im Video

Typ Eis

Eis-Pokémon könnt ihr besonders gut gegen Pokémon von Typ Pflanze, Boden, Flug und Drache einsetzen.

Pokémon Attacken
Mamutel Pulverschnee und Lawine
Galar-Flampivian Eiszahn und Lawine
Snibunna Eissplitter und Lawine
Glaziola Eisesodem und Lawine
Mewtu Psychoklinge und Eisstrahl
Rossana Eisesodem und Lawine


Bestes Moveset: Pulverschnee und Lawine

Das macht Mamutel besonders: Mamutel verursacht den meisten Schaden bei den Eis-Angreifern. Es punktet vor allem durch seine zwei starken Eis-Attacken. Konkurrent Kyurem hat beispielsweise nur eine Lade-Attacke von Typ Eis.


Bestes Moveset: Eiszahn und Lawine

Das macht Galar-Flampivian besonders: Der enorme Angriffswert macht Galar-Flampivian so stark. Es hat dort einen besseren Wert als Mamutel und kann dadurch vor allem als Damage-Dealer punkten. Der Nachteil ist allerdings die Fragilität, weshalb es hinter Mamutel gelistet ist.


Bestes Moveset: Eissplitter und Lawine

Das macht Snibunna besonders: Snibunna kann man mit Gengar vergleichen. Es teilt großen Schaden aus, wird aber genauso schnell besiegt. Es hilft euch im Team deutlich weiter, doch ihr benötigt viele Tränke, um es zu heilen.


Bestes Moveset: Eisesodem und Lawine

Das macht Glaziola besonders: Die Evoli-Entwicklung hat einen großen Vorteil: Sie ist für die meisten Spieler leicht zu erhalten. Spätestens nach dem Evoli-Community-Day hat man genügend Bonbons. Zudem hat Glaziola einen hohen Angriffswert.


Bestes Moveset: Psychoklinge und Eisstrahl

Das macht Mewtu besonders: Mewtu ist nicht von Typ Eis, doch profitiert von seinem enormen Angriffswert und der Lade-Attacke Eisstrahl. Dadurch landet es auf Platz 5 und lässt einige klassische Eis-Angreifer hinter sich.


Bestes Moveset: Eisesodem und Lawine

Das macht Rossana besonders: Rossana hat einen soliden Angriffswert und starke Attacken, allerdings ist das Pokémon schnell besiegt und gilt eher als Glaskanone.

In unserem Guide zu den 10 besten Eis-Angreifern findet ihr weitere starke Exemplare.

Auf der nächsten Seite geht es mit den besten Angreifern der Typen Psycho und Unlicht weiter.

Verwandte Spiele

Plattform: Mobile
Release: 06.07.2016
Genre: Augmented RealityModell: Free-to-play

Die App Pokémon GO machte im Sommer 2016 ein Versprechen wahr, das man uns gegeben hatte, als wir Kinder waren. Statt einen Trainer zu steuern, können wir selbs…


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Strongest Pokemon In X & Y (Based On Stats)

Game Freak broke new ground with the release of Pokemon X and Y in October of 2013. It marked the first time that the gaming giant had a simultaneous release of games across all key regions globally. Additionally, X & Y added, «Mega Evolution,» which allowed 30 fully evolved Pokemon to take an additional step of development.

RELATED: Pokemon Sword and Shield, X and Y’s Relationship is Much Deeper Than You Think

The important question for fans, however, remained the same. Would the new roster of Pokemon be good? The answer turned out to be «Yes!» The regional Pokedex for Gen 6 was fantastic and turned out to include some favorite creatures in the Pokeverse. Let’s take a look at the strongest Pokemon in X & Y by stats.

Updated on July 7, 2022, by Kirkland Fortner: As Pokemon X and Y players continue to experiment with various lineups looking for the best options to build their teams we are delving even deeper into the Pokedex. Many players want to create the most diverse teams possible, with the most type coverage, and expand their options when it comes to moves and abilities. With that in mind, a few more entries have been added to the list. The next three groups of Pokemon with the highest stats are now ready to go for players and fans to read about, catch, train, and choose in their next battle. These creatures all boast spectacular stats and provide even more options when building strong teams. Good luck!

13/13 Talonflame

Talonflame is a Fire/Flying-type Pokemon with a base stat total of 499. Fire/Flying is overall a good combination. It gets 6 resistances, an immunity to Ground, 5 types it can hit super effectively, and only 3 weaknesses. The biggest problem with these 2 types is that both of them have extreme difficulties dealing with Rock-types, both offensively and especially defensively, as the Rock weaknesses is a 4x one. When looking at the stats, Talonflame might not seem like much. It’s blisteringly fast at 126 Speed, but it has only a decent Attack stat at best.

Its signature Ability «Gale Wings» however, paints an entirely different picture. It has a basic, but supremely helpful effect, it simply gives all Flying-type moves Priority, meaning they always go first. This was also before this Ability was weakened to only work at full health in Generation 7 onwards, so this Ability really has no drawback. Combine this with the fact that Talonflame has access to strong Flying-type moves like Brave Bird and Acrobatics, this Pokemon does its job very well.

Wild Fletchling are native to Route 2, Route 3, and the Santalune Forest.

12/13 Hawlucha, Clawitzer, And Aesgislash

Each of these Pokemon has a base stat total of 500.

Hawlucha is very similar to Talonflame in a lot of ways. It’s slightly stronger at the cost of being slightly slower, its type combination of Fighting/Flying is better offensively but worse defensively than Fire/Flying, it even has a somewhat similar Speed based Ability in Unburden, doubling its Speed stat when it loses its item.

Clawitzer is a pure Water-type Pokemon. Pure Water is a great type. It only has 2 weaknesses, and also comes with 4 resistances and 3 strengths. It’s a slow Pokemon, but it has a high Special Attack stat at 120, with decent defenses. By far the best thing about Clawitzer is its amazing Ability called Mega Launcher. This Ability boosts aura and pulse moves by 50%, and Clawitzer can learn Aura Sphere, Water Pulse, Dark Pulse, and Dragon Pulse, all of which receive this benefit.

Aegislash is an absolute powerhouse. It has an amazing type combination in Steel/Ghost, coming with 9 resistances, 3 immunities, and only 4 weaknesses defensively. This ties with Steel/Electric and Steel/Normal for the most resistances a combination can have. Offensively, it can hit 5 types for super effective damage, and no single type can resist Steel and Ghost simultaneously. It has a unique Ability called Stance Change, which changes Aegislash’s stats depending on what move it’s currently using. When using a damaging move, it switches to Blade Forme, which has 140 in both attacking stats. When using King’s Shield, it switches to Shield Forme, having 140 in both defenses instead.

Speaking of King’s Shield, that’s also a very powerful move. It protects the user from any damage on that turn, it always goes first and if the opponent hits Aegislash with a contact move while it’s up, their attack stat will get cut in half. This is one of the best Pokemon to use in a single-player playthrough, as it basically has something for any situation.

Wild Hawlucha can be found on Route 10, wild Clauncher are located on Route 8, Ambrette Town and Cyllage City when fishing with the Good Rod (exclusive to X) and wild Honedge can be found on Route 6.

11/13 Pyroar

Pyroar is a Fire/Normal-type Pokemon with a base stat total of 507. This is a very strong defensive combination. Only 4 weaknesses, 6 resistances, and immunity to Ghost. While offensively it’s not as strong, 4 super effective types and only Rock resisting both STABs isn’t much to complain about. The stats are useful as well, Pyroar has decent HP with high Special Attack and Speed. It even gets a useful Ability in Unnerve, making opponents unable to use Berries while this Pokemon is on the battlefield.

RELATED: Pokemon: Everything You Need To Know About Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB)

Pyroar does have a pretty big drawback in that its move coverage is sorely lacking. It learns good Special Attacking moves for only the Fire, Normal, and Dark types. If it got more move coverage, it’d be a much better Pokemon.

Pyroar’s first form is known as Litleo, and it can be caught on Route 22.

10/13 Avalugg

Avalugg is a pure Ice-type Pokemon with a base stat total of 514. Unfortunately, it’s also a classic case of «the bigger they are, the harder they fall.» While Avalugg’s HP, Attack, and Defense stats are incredible, everything else is so painfully lacking (particularly its Special Defense) that it suffers because of it. None of its Abilities are really noteworthy either. Combing these points with Ice being a terrible defensive type means that you have quite the questionable mix on your hands.

Bergmite can be found in the Frost Cavern north of Dendemille Town, very late into the game. Players can evolve these little critters into Avalugg.

9/13 Tyrantrum And Aurorus

These are the 2 Fossil Pokemon for Gen 6. Tyrantrum is a Rock/Dragon-type Pokemon and Aurorus is a Rock/Ice-type, both sharing a base stat total of 521. These are both very solid choices for your team. They both get 2 good abilities each, have strong offensive typing, good movepools, and well-distributed stats. Their only real drawback is that they both have horrible typing defensively, but if players are fine with this, this duo will not disappoint.

Both the Jaw and Sail Fossils are located at the end of Glittering Cave. Players can only choose one or the other, however. Trainers must take their chosen fossils to Ambrette Town’s lab to revive them.

8/13 Sylveon

Sylveon is a pure Fairy-type Pokemon with a base stat total of 525. This latest Eeveelution has very good HP, Special Attack, and Special Defense stats. Pure Fairy is also a fantastic type both offensively and defensively.

RELATED: Pokemon Trading Card Game is Removing Fairy Types

Cute Charm and Pixilate are both helpful Abilities, with the latter being the better of the two. Sylveon’s biggest drawback is that it lacks variety with its attacking moves, forcing it to use the same types a lot when attacking.

Wild Eevee can be caught on Route 10. Players must level up Eevee with high affection and a Fairy-type move to evolve it into Sylveon.

7/13 Chesnaught And Greninja

Chesnaught is the fully evolved version of Gen 6’s Grass-type starter, Chespin. Greninja is its Water-type equivalent. They both share a base stat total of 530. Chesnaught is a Grass/Fighting-type with its HP, Attack, and Defense stats being pretty high. Its typing is very half-and-half, coming with a lot of resistances and weaknesses. Greninja is a Water/Dark-type with high attacking and speed stats. It’s a decently versatile Pokemon thanks to it being a mixed attacker and having a decent movepool. Protean is also a fantastic ability, giving it an even better offensive edge.

Both Chespin and Froakie are given to the player at the beginning of the game. If players want more of either, they need to trade them in from other games.

6/13 Gogoat

Gogoat is a pure Grass-type Pokemon with a base stat total of 531. It acts as a mixed attacker, with really high HP and average to bad defenses. The movepool takes advantage of its mixed attacking stats, as it can learn good moves on both sides. However, pure Grass comes with a lot of weaknesses and Gogoat is on the slow side, so it’s relatively easy to KO.

Wild Skiddo can be found on Route 5, which evolve into Gogoat at level 32.

5/13 Delphox

Delphox is the fully evolved Fire-type starter for Gen 6, boasting a base stat total of 534. While its Fire/Psychic typing gives it 5 weaknesses, its 7 resistances are truly something to appreciate. The stats are fantastic: Delphox is fast, has a very high Special Attack, and can take hits on the Special side very well. It has a decent movepool on top of all of this too, making it a very useful Pokemon.

Fennekin is given to the player right at the start of their journey, which eventually evolves into Delphox. If the player wants more Fennekin, they will need to trade it in from other games.

4/13 Noivern

Noivern is a Flying/Dragon-type Pokemon with a base stat total of 535. This Pokemon is incredibly fast and has a high Special Attack, making it a very reliable offensive threat. Unfortunately, this does come with also being extremely frail. Despite having decent HP, the defenses are lacking. Noivern is also incredibly weak to Ice-type Moves. Its movepool is diverse, however, allowing it to completely take advantage of its offensive focus.

Noibat can be found at either Terminus Cave or Victory Road. Like most Dargon-types, it will take a while to evolve. This Pokemon evolves into Noivern starting at level 48.

3/13 Florges

Florges is a pure Fairy-type Pokemon with a base stat total of 552; however, there are some unfortunate aspects to this Pokemon. It has excellent stats, featuring incredible Special Attack and Special Defense with some decent HP and pure Fairy is an excellent type. The problem with Florges comes in the form of its movepool and abilities. Its abilities are only usable in Double Battles, making them completely useless in Singles. Furthermore, it has next to no variety offensively, giving it little to no coverage.

Many Wild Flabebe are located on Routes 4 and 7. Players will need a Shiny Stone to fully evolve it into Florges.

2/13 Goodra, Zygarde, Diancie, Hoopa, And Volcanion

This 5-way tie features Gen 6’s Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon, Goodra, and 4 genuine Legendary Pokemon. They all share 600 as their base stat total. Goodra is an excellent Pokemon in general, having a great type, move variety, and stats, although players do have to work hard to evolve it. Zygarde has a great type combination and lovely stats all around. The same qualities are true for Diancie, Hoopa and Volcanion as well, making all the Pokemon here worth using.

RELATED: Every Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon, Ranked

Wild Goomy can be found on Route 14 and must be taken to level 50 or more in a location that’s raining for it to fully evolve. Zygarde is located at the end of Terminus Cave, which can only be accessed after becoming Champion. Diancie, Hoopa, and Volcanion were all distributed via events and as such, are not currently accessible without hacking.

1/13 Xerneas And Yveltal

These are the mascot Legendary Pokemon for X and Y. Xerneas is a pure Fairy-type, while Yveltal is a Dark/Flying-type. Despite having 680 points to distribute in their stats, both Pokemon use them in the same way. They boast wonderful HP and attacking stats, with everything else being decent at worst. Xerneas can boost its power up to terrifying levels thanks to its ability Fairy Aura and the excellent stat-boosting move that is Geomancy. Meanwhile, Yveltal gets a similar ability in Dark Aura, as well as an HP draining move called Oblivion Wing that allows it to last longer in battle.

The player encounters both these legendary Pokemon during the story of their respective games (X for Xerneas, and Y for Yveltal). This gives trainers a guaranteed battle and capture opportunity with them.

Pokemon X and Pokemon Y are available on Nintendo 3DS.

MORE: Strongest Pokemon In Black & White (Based On Stats)

Pokemon GO Stardust Farming 2022: The best ways to quickly get Stardust

Stardust in Pokemon GO is one of the most useful resources. It is used to power up your Pokémon, unlock second Charged Attacks, clear Shadow Pokémon, and trade. This is something you also want (and need) more. Here’s how to farm Stardust in Pokemon Go 2022.

When it comes to cleaning up your Shadow Pokémon, you’ll definitely need Stardust if you’re planning on catching any Shadow Pokémon in the Team Go Rocket Strikes event that’s happening right now. And while you’re farming Stardust, don’t forget the Minun Spotlight Hour, which will take place tomorrow, January 25, from 18:00 to 19:00.

For upcoming Stardust special events, be sure to stay in touch with Attack of the Fanboy. We always have the latest Pokemon Go news and guides for everything you need.

There are a few tips and tricks you need to know to farm Stardust and do it quickly. This guide lists all the ways you can get Stardust and how to do it efficiently. Let’s go to!

Stardust Bonus Modifier

The first piece of advice you need to know before you go collecting Stardust is to use the Star Piece. Star Pieces increase the amount of Stardust you earn by 50 percent for 30 minutes. So, when you are ready to start farming Stardust, be sure to use Star Piece.

Star Pieces can be purchased at any Pokemon Go store with PokeCoins. They can be purchased in sets or individually. Look for special events that bring in more Stardust and use your Stardust effectively to maximize your Stardust farming.

Catching Pokémon

One of the easiest and surest ways to collect Stardust is to catch a Pokémon. 100 Stardust will be rewarded for each Base Tier Pokémon caught, 300 for any Tier 2 Pokémon, and 500 for Pokémon in their Final Form. Catching level 1 Pokémon is the fastest way to get Stardust, as they are very common.

First Catch Bonus

Pokemon Go rewards players with 600 Stardust for their first Pokemon catch of the day. If you manage to start the streak, on the seventh day you will receive 1800 Stardust. If you are consistent, by the end of seven days you will have received 5400 Stardust by this method alone.

Hatching Pokémon

The next way to quickly get Stardust in Pokemon Go is to hatch Pokémon. Eggs can be gifted at PokeStops, by friends, or by defeating Leaders. Here are the different types with how much stardust they award:

  • 2km eggs — 400–800 stardust.
  • Eggs per 5 km — 600-1600 stardust.
  • Eggs per 7 km — 800-1600 Stardust
  • Eggs per 10 km — 1600-3200 stardust.
  • Eggs per 12km — 3200-6400 Stardust

Weather conditions

Pokemon Go tracks the weather conditions in the real world. Because of this, the in-game Pokémon will react to the weather around you. Each type is combined with certain weather conditions. You will receive 25 Stardust for Tier 1, 75 for Tier 2, and 125 for Tier 3 Pokémon. These are types and weather conditions:

  • Rain — electricity, water, error
  • Partly Cloudy — Normal, Rock
  • Cloudy — Fairy, Poison, Combat
  • Solar — Fire, Grass, Earth
  • Snow — Steel, Ice
  • Mist — Ghost, Darkness
  • Wind — psychic, dragon, flying

Special Pokémon

Some Pokémon in Pokemon Go reward you with extra Stardust when caught. You need to watch out for the following Pokémon:

  • Meowth — 500 Stardust
  • Persian — 700 Stardust
  • Alolan Meowth — 750 Stardust
  • Alolan Persian — 950 Stardust
  • Staryu — 750 Stardust
  • Starmie — 950 Stardust
  • Paras — 500 Stardust
  • Parasect — 700 Stardust
  • Mushroom — 500 Stardust
  • Brelum — 700 Stardust
  • Shelder — 1000 Stardust
  • Cloister — 1200 Stardust
  • Chimecho — 1000 Stardust
  • Audino — 2100 Stardust
  • Sable — 750 Stardust
  • Combi — 750 Stardust
  • Vespiken — 950 Stardust
  • Scrap — 750 Stardust
  • Gardbodor — 950 Stardust
  • Fungus — 500 Stardust
  • Amungus — 700 Stardust
  • Delibird — 500 Stardust

Open Gifts

Opening Gifts is one of the easiest ways to get Stardust. Each gift gives 100, 200, or 300 Stardust when opened. You can store 30 Gifts at a time, so we advise you to save your Gifts, use your Star Part when you have a bunch of them, and open them all at once to double your Stardust.

Adventure Sync

Once your account reaches level five, you’ll unlock the Adventure Sync option, which will keep track of where you’re going even when Pokemon Go is closed. Especially if you’re always on the go, this is a great method that will reward you with 500 Stardust for 25km, 1000 Stardust for 50km and 16000 Stardust for walking 100km per week.

Team Go Rocket Grunts and Leaders

Last but not least, a great way to farm Stardust is to fight Team Go Rocket Grunts and Leaders. The Grunts will give you 500 Stardust for your troubles and the Leaders will cough up 1000. You will need to reach level 8 to fight the Leaders. You can find Grunts and Leaders in black PokéStops or Team Go Rocket balloons.

And with that, you have the best, fastest and most efficient Stardust farming methods in Pokemon Go in 2022. For all your wants, needs, guides and Pokemon Go news with Attack of the Fanboy.

Pokémon Go is now available on all mobile devices.


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all possible ways to earn stardust — Guides and game reviews

Need more stardust? Here are all your options for more farming.

  • Catch Pokémon
  • Open gifts
  • Feed Pokémon berries in the gym
  • Completed tasks
  • Get rewarded with Adventure Sync
  • Battle with other trainers
  • Complete raids
  • Defeat members of Team Go Rocket

There are many important elements in Pokemon Go , but there are a few more important elements to improve your Pokemon than Stardust. You can use Stardust on a Pokémon to increase its combat power, teach it a new move, and more, so it’s essential to train powerful Pokémon.

Since Stardust is vital to Pokémon training, there are many ways to get it in Pokemon Go. Some methods involve direct action, while others allow you to passively earn stardust. The following guide will show you all the ways to earn Stardust in Pokemon Go.


  1. Star dust bonuses
  2. Use the star part
  3. events
  4. Catch Pokemon
  5. Pokemon Eaging
  6. The first Pokemon, which you catch the Poemono
  7. Bonuses of the Demand of the Detainstry of the Detainst Open Gifts

  8. Feed Pokémon Berries at Gyms
  9. Complete Challenges
  10. Complete Field Research Challenges
  11. Complete special research and exploration missions
  12. Earn rewards with Adventure Sync
  13. Battle other trainers
  14. Go Battle League
  15. Trainer battles
  16. Complete raids
  17. 900 Rocket 9 Defeat 0 Team Go3 members Grunts

  18. Defeat Team Go Rocket Leaders
  19. Defeat Giovanni

Stardust Bonuses

There are several ways to multiply the Stardust you get from completing Pokemon Go quests. Here’s how you can make sure you don’t miss out on any extra stardust.

Use Star Part

Before you start using any of the following methods to collect Stardust, you should use Stardust because it increases the amount of Stardust you earn by 50 percent for 30 minutes .

You can purchase Star Figures at Pokemon Go Shop for varying amounts of PokeCoins , and you can also get them in Packs of . You should save your star parts until you are going to earn a lot of stardust.

You can also earn Star Parts as a reward during certain Special Research quest chains, Exclusive Quests, and more.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with other guides to popular tattoo-mall.ru games. Let’s talk about the secrets and tricks that you can use in games to your advantage. And also about useful and interesting stories in video games.


Events rare; however, they often offer a special kind of bonus. One of the most common bonuses is the stardust multiplier, so always check Pokemon Go for events to see if there is a stardust related event. For example, in the Legacy Season, which is currently ongoing, there is a stardust bonus for your first catch of the day in December. Read our guide for details!

Catching Pokémon

Catching Pokémon is the easiest way to get Stardust, and you get more stardust by catching evolved Pokémon. Specifically, you earn 100 Stardust when you catch a Base Stage Pokémon, 300 Stardust when you catch a Stage 2 Pokémon, and you earn 500 Stardust when you catch a Pokémon in its third form.

Catching Pokémon in any form is a viable way to collect Stardust, but farming Form 1 Pokémon is usually the fastest method as they are common and easy to catch. Besides catching Pokémon regularly, there are several other ways to earn Stardust, which include getting new Pokémon.

Hatching Pokémon Eggs

Similar to catching Pokémon in the wild, you also get stardust when you hatch an egg. How much stardust you earn depends on the distance to the egg; here is how much stardust you earn for each type of eggs:

2km eggs 400-800 stardust
5 km egg 800–1600 stardust
7 km eggs 800–1600 stardust
10 km eggs 1,600–3200 stardust
12 km egg 3.200–6400 stardust

First Pokémon you catch every day

You get a bonus for the first Pokémon you catch every day, so be sure to use Pokemon Go at least once a day to catch a Pokémon. Bonus offers 600 extra Stardust for the first one to six days of the series, and then 1,800 Stardust if you catch the Pokémon on day 7 of the series.

Weather Bonuses

Depending on the weather, you can earn more Stardust by catching certain types of Pokémon. The first stage of a Pokémon offers 25 extra Stardust, the second stage gives you 75 extra Stardust, and catching the last stage of a Pokémon’s evolution with a weather bonus earns you 125 stardust.

Here are the types that offer a bonus for each type of weather:

Rain Electricity, Water, Error
Partly cloudy Plain, Stone
Cloudy Fairy, Poison, Fight
Sunny Fire, Grass, earth
snow steel, ice
fog Ghost, Dark
Windy Psychic, Dragon, Flying

Stardust bonuses from certain Pokémon

You can earn extra Stardust by catching certain Pokémon. The Pokémon that gives extra Stardust may differ depending on the current event, but here is a list of the current ones.

Pokemon Basic Stardust
Meowth 500
Persian 700
Alolan Meowth 750
Alolan Persian 950
old 750
Starmi 950
Paras 500
Parasect 700
Shroomish 500
Brelum 700
Shellder 1000
Cloyster 1.200
Chimecho 1000
Audino 2100
Sableye 750
Combi 750
Vespiken 950
Trubbish 750
Garbodor 950
Foongus 500
Amoongus 700
Delibird 500

Open Gifts

Gifts offer 100 , 200 or 300 Stardust when you open them. You can receive gifts from your friends and receive gifts at PokeStops . Unfortunately you can only open 30 gifts per day (excluding some events), so there is a limit to the amount of stardust you can earn with this method.

Feed Pokémon Berries at Gyms

When you’re at the Gym, be sure to feed each Pokémon a few Berries to earn 20 Stardust for each berry you feed. Each Pokémon can only eat ten Berries for every 30 minutes of . But you can feed any Pokémon in your team’s Gym, even if it doesn’t have a defending Pokémon.

Complete quests

Temporary research, special research quest chains, and field research often offer stardust as rewards. Here you will learn how to complete these tasks and get additional stardust.

Complete field research quests

You can earn various rewards for completing field research quests, and as one of them you can get stardust. To collect field research assignments, you need to spin the dial PokeStops and you can only receive one field mission per PokeStop every day . If you have a quest from a PokeStop the next day, you won’t be able to get new research from that Stop. You will also be automatically given a random field research quest once a day.

There are many possible targets for a field survey task; however, this usually involves catching a specific Pokémon, using berries, performing better than standard rolls, and fighting. Once a day you can earn a stamp for completing a field study. Collecting seven marks will earn you additional rewards, which may include 2000 stardust.

Complete special research and research missions

Some special research missions are rewarded with stardust. Many special research tasks change over time; however, most of them will be available after reaching fifth level . Professor Willow assigns special research tasks.

Time studies work in much the same way, but are limited to a certain period of time, usually an event that continues.

Get rewarded with Adventure Sync

You will unlock Adventure Sync when your account reaches level 5 . You can activate Adventure Sync in menu Settings . This feature tracks the distance traveled while the Pokemon Go app is closed. You earn Stardust based on how far you walk each week.

Exact stardust rewards include 500 stardust for 25 km , 1000 stardust for 50 km and 16 000 stardust if you pass 10004 km 9004 week.

Battle with other trainers

Fighting in the Go Battle League, against your friends or training against team leaders, you can earn some stardust. .

Go Battle League

Go to Battle League Go by clicking Poke Ball icon at the bottom of the screen. Press battle and you will enter the league. The higher the level of trainers you fight with, the more stardust you can earn. Here is the Complete Guide for Season 10 of the Go Battle League.

You will get the best rewards if you choose the Premium Rewards option at the start of the league, but you need the Battle Premium Pass to participate in this reward tier.

Trainer battles

You can also earn stardust by fighting regular trainers against friends or group leaders mdash; Candela, Blanche and Spark.

Battle Team Leaders in the Great League can earn you 300-600 Stardust, Ultra League rewards offer 400-800 Stardust, and Master League rewards range from 500-1000 Stardust. Fighting a real person in any league gives 500 to 1000 stardust.

However, this method is limited. You can only receive rewards for the first three battles of each day. There are other rewards as well, so your three might not give you any stardust.

Complete raids

Raids are one of many ways to earn stardust in battles. When you win a raid, you will be rewarded with stardust. You can take part in raids by searching for any gym with the icon egg .. You can challenge the raid boss in the gym when the egg hatches. The Pokémon you fight will be different in each raid, but if you run into trouble, you can invite your friends to the raid.

You will also earn some stardust if you lose the raid. . Stardust can only be obtained once per raid , so unfortunately you can’t just lose to the boss over and over to farm stardust.

Defeat Team Go Rocket members

Many Team Go Rocket members offer stardust when you defeat them.

Defeat Team Go Rocket Grunt

Fighting Team Go Rocket Grunt is an easy way to get stardust because each grunt offers 500 stardust for defeat. When you reach level 8 , you can fight Team Go Rocket members who are invading the PokeStop, who will show up as the black version of PokeStop when you approach them.

Defeat Team Go Rocket Leaders

Like Team Go Rocket Grunts, Team Go Leaders offer 1000 Stardust when they lose a battle. You need to reach level eight to take part in the battle for leadership in Team Go. The leaders are Cliff , Arlo and Sierra .. These leaders can appear on black PokéStops or Team Go Rocket balloons, so interact with any of these objects to start the battle.

Defeat Giovanni

To find Giovanni, you need to complete several tasks. First, you need to collect a missile radar by defeating six infantrymen. You can use this radar to find one of the Go Rocket leaders and it will be spent once you defeat them.

You then need to collect the Super Rocket Radar by defeating the three Go Rocket Leaders.