Playstation 5 erste spiele: Alle Games zum PlayStation 5-Release

Alle Games zum PlayStation 5-Release

Hier findet ihr alle bestätigten und möglichen Launch-Spiele für die PS5.

Am 19. November 2020 startet mit der Veröffentlichung der PS5 auch für Sony die neue Konsolengeneration. Doch was steht in Sachen Software eigentlich zur Verfügung, sobald die PlayStation 5 im Wohnzimmer steht. Wir listen euch alle Inhalte auf, die ihr direkt zum Launch zocken könnt ganz egal ob Exclusives, Gratis-Spiele oder PS4-Highlights.

Welche Launch-Spiele empfehlen wir? In dieser separaten Liste trennen wir die Spreu vom Weizen und empfehlen euch die 9 besten PS5-Spiele zum Start.

Disclaimer: Da stetig neue Spiele hinzukommen, werden wir die Liste fortlaufend aktualisieren.

Letztes Update: 19. November 2020 (PS Plus-Titel ergänzt)

Das Wichtigste zuerst: Die Launch-Titel der PS5

Große Auswahl: In dieser knackigen Liste findet ihr alle aktuellen (oder zumindest großen) Spiele, die direkt am ersten Release-Tag der PlayStation 5 zur Verfügung stehen. Hier findet ihr sowohl die Sony-eigenen Blockbuster aber auch wichtige Third Party-Releases:

  • Demon’s Souls Remake
  • Sackboy: A Big Adventure
  • Astro’s Playroom
  • Spider-Man: Miles Morales
  • Hyper Scape
  • Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition
  • Fortnite
  • Godfall
  • Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
  • Watch Dogs Legion
  • Observer: System Redux
  • The Pathless
  • Bugsnax
  • FIFA 21
  • NBA 2K21
  • Destiny 2: Beyond Light
  • Call of Duty: Warzone
  • Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War
  • Madden NFL 21
  • Maneater
  • Dirt 5
  • Warhammer: Chaosbane (Slayer Edition)
  • Overcooked! All you can eat
  • Dauntless


Mehr zum Thema

Die besten PS5-Spiele zum Start: 9 Games, die ihr jetzt zocken müsst

Was kommt nach dem Launch? Eine umfangreiche Auflistung aller bereits bestätigten PS5-Titel, die erst Ende des Jahres oder 2021 erscheinen, findet ihr übrigens hier:


Mehr zum Thema

PS5-Spiele: Alle bislang bestätigten PlayStation 5-Games

PS4-Hits im Überfluss dank Abwärtskompatibilität

Bei den oben genannten Spielen handelt es sich jedoch entweder nur um Neuerscheinungen (für die PS5) oder Spiele, die kurz zuvor auch für die PS4 erschienen sind, sogenannte Cross Gen-Titel. Dank der PS4-Abwärtskompatibilität der PS5 könnt ihr zum Launch 99 Prozent aller PS4-Spiele zocken — entweder in digitaler Form oder via Disc.


PlayStation 5

499,99 €

zum Shop

PlayStation 5

499,99 €

zum Shop


PlayStation 5

499,99 €

zum Shop


PlayStation 5

499,99 €

zum Shop

20 Gratis-Spiele direkt zum Launch dank PS Plus

God of War für (fast) lau? Die PS Plus Collection macht es möglich.

Um uns PS Plus auch in der kommenden Konsolengeneration schmackhaft zu machen, hat Sony mit der sogenannten «PS Plus Collection» ein neues Bonusprogramm angekündigt: Wer über ein kostenpflichtiges PlayStation Plus-Abo verfügt und eine PS5 kauft, der kann direkt zum Launch eine ganze Reihe von PS4-Blockbustern gratis auf der Next Gen-Konsole spielen, darunter Bloodborne und God of War.


Mehr zum Thema

PS Plus schenkt euch zum PS5-Launch ganze 17 PS4-Hits

Kleiner Tipp: In den aktuellen PS Plus-Spielen für den Monat November verstecken sich auch noch Mittelerde: Schatten des Krieges sowie Hollow Knight. Auf der PS5 bekommen PS Plus-Abonnenten aber auch zusätzlich Zugriff auf Bugsnax — das sind noch einmal drei Gratis-Titel mehr.

Um bei diesem Überangebot die Übersicht nicht zu verlieren, werden wir euch hier ein paar der spannendsten PS5-Titel genauer vorstellen. Was versteckt sich hinter den Titeln und für wen sind sie geeignet? Manche Titel konnten wir sogar schon ausgiebig testen — die jeweiligen Reviews findet ihr natürlich ebenfalls verlinkt:

Spider-Man: Miles Morales


Marvel’s Spider-Man Miles Morales: Trailer zum PS5-Spiel zeigt neuen Helden

  • Genre: Action-Adventure
  • Release auch für PS4? Ja

Worum geht’s? Nach anfänglicher Verwirrung wissen wir nun, dass Spider-Man Miles Morales ein Standalone-Spiel für die PS5 wird. Allerdings fällt der Umfang etwas geringer aus und ist eher mit Uncharted: The Lost Legacy zu vergleichen. In dem neuen Superheldenspiel schlüpfen wir in die Rolle des namensgebenden Miles, der mit seinen neu erlangten Spidey-Fähigkeiten umgehen lernen muss.

Wie gut ist es? Mehr Infos dazu lest ihr in unserem Test:


Mehr zum Thema

Spider-Man: Miles Morales im Test — Neuer Spider-Man, neuer Spielspaß

Demon’s Souls Remake


Demon’s Souls-Remake: Erster Trailer zur Ankündigung des Souls-Klassikers

  • Genre: Action-Rollenspiel
  • Release auch für PS4? Nein

Worum geht’s? Mit Demon’s Souls erwartet euch zum Start der PS5 der Urvater des mittlerweile so erfolgreichen Soulslike-Genres als Remake. Verantwortlich sind Bluepoint Games, die bereits unter anderem mit der Neuauflage von Shadow of the Colossus bewiesen haben, wie gut sie Originale auf eine neue Plattform bringen können.

Astro’s Playroom


Astro’s Playroom — Kostenloses PS5-Spiel mit Astro zeigt euch die Möglichkeiten der Konsole

  • Genre: 3D-Platformer
  • Release auch für PS4? Nein, PS5-exklusiv

Worum geht’s? Das neue Abenteuer des beliebten PlayStation-Roboters Astro soll die neuen Funktionen der PS5 vorstellen. Im Grunde erwartet Spieler also mehr eine Art spielbare Tech-Demo als ein großer Release. Dafür ist Astro’s Playroom aber auch kostenlos und schon auf der PS5 vorinstalliert.

Sackboy: A Big Adventure


Sackboy: A Big Adventure — Knuddeliger Gameplay-Trailer kündigt Sackboys Einzug auf PS5 an

  • Genre: Jump&Run
  • Release auch für PS4? Ja

Worum geht’s? Der süße Sackboy ist zurück auf der PlayStation 5. Die Entwickler von Sumo Digital, die bereits LittleBigPlanet 3 gemacht haben, lassen euch dieses Mal mit dem kultigen Charakter ein großes Abenteuer erleben. Dafür müsst ihr durch eine 3D-Welt aus einer leicht angewinkelten Perspektive laufen und allerlei Gefahren ausweichen.

Wie gut ist es? Mehr Infos dazu lest ihr in unserem Test:


Mehr zum Thema

PS5-Launch-Spiele: Alle Games zum PlayStation 5-Release

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla


Assassin’s Creed Valhalla — So viele Gameplay-Details hat Ubisoft schon verraten!

  • Genre: Action-Rollenspiel
  • Release auch für PS4? Ja

Ähnlich Black Flag erscheint auch Assassin’s Creed Valhalla als Cross Gen-Titel zum Start der PS5.

Das erwartet euch: Wir schlüpfen in die Rolle eines wahlweise weiblichen oder männlichen Wikingers namens Eivor und führen unseren Stamm im 9. Jahrhundert von Norwegen aus nach England. Hier gründen wir eine neue Siedlung, was unserem Gegenspieler König Alfred von Wessex verständlicherweise überhaupt nicht gefällt.

Wie gut ist es? Mehr lest ihr in unserem großen Test:


Mehr zum Thema

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla im Test: Schmerzhaft wie eine Axt im Kopf

The Pathless

  • Genre: Action-Adventure
  • Release auch für PS4? Ja (sowie für PC)

In dem Action-Adventure werden wir zu einer Jägerin, die das Bogenschießen meistert. Zusammen mit einem Adler als Begleiter erkunden wir eine mystische Insel, um einen Fluch abzuwenden, der die Welt befallen hat. Unsere Verbindung zum Adler spielt dabei eine wichtige Rolle, während wir verdorbene Geister jagen, Rätsel lösen und den Geheimnissen kämpferisch auf den Grund gehen.

Das Spiel soll auf der PS5 vom neuen DualSense-Controller profitieren und die Nutzung des Bogens durch die Trigger noch realistischer wirken lassen.


  • Genre: Action-Adventure
  • Release auch für PS4? Ja, Release aber noch unklar

Worum geht’s? Im kunterbunten und superschrägen Bugsnax liegt es an uns eine geheime Insel zu erforschen, auf der es die seltenen Bugsnax gibt — einen Mix aus Insekt und Snack. Insgesamt müssen über 100 dieser Bugsnax ausfindig und eingefangen werden. Jedes Monster ist dabei bekloppter und leckerer als das davor.

Wie gut ist es? Mehr lest ihr in unserem großen Test:


Mehr zum Thema

Bugsnax im Test — Pokémon Snap für die PlayStation



Godfall ist das erste PS5-Launch-Spiel und zeigt sich im Teaser-Trailer

  • Genre: (Koop-) Action
  • Release auch für PS4? Nein

Godfall war das erste Launch-Spiel, das für die PS5 angekündigt wurde.

Das erwartet euch: Im futuristischen «Loot Slasher» mit Koop-Modus sollen wir die sich anbahnende Apokalypse verhindern. Dabei übernehmen wir die Rolle eines Kriegers des gefallenen Ritterordens und suchen nach Rüstungs-Sets namens Valorplates. Die werten wir mit Upgrades auf und erhalten so spezielle Fähigkeiten wie magische Geschosse oder Heilzauber.

Call of Duty: Warzone

Mit CoD: Warzone landet ein weiteres Battle Royale-Spiel zum Launch auf der PS5.

  • Genre: Battle Royale
  • Release auch für PS4? Ja, bereits erschienen

Zwar ist der Release von Call of Duty: Warzone zum Start der PS5 noch nicht in Stein gemeißelt, in einem Interview lies Entwickler Infinity Ward jedoch durchblicken, dass die Next Gen nach Veröffentlichung unterstützt wird.

Das erwartet euch: Warzone ist der eigenständige, kostenlose Battle Royale-Modus von CoD: Modern Warfare, in dem ihr gegen 150 Spieler in Squads, Trios oder Solo um den Sieg kämpft.

Dirt 5

  • Genre: Rennspiel
  • Release auch für PS4? Ja

Rennspiel-Fans bekommen mit Dirt 5 zum Start der Next Gen die deutlich farbenfrohere Fortsetzung einer der beliebtesten Rallye-Serien spendiert.

Das erwartet euch: Bislang wurden für den Arcade-Racer ein Karrieremodus, ein Splittscreen-Modus für bis zu vier Spieler und verschiedene Online-Modi angekündigt. Hier geht es mit Rallye-Flitzern, Trucks und GT-Karossen auf verschiedenen Rennstrecken rund um die Welt.

Wie gut ist es? Mehr lest ihr in unserem großen Test:


Mehr zum Thema

Dirt 5 im Test — Wunderschöne Schlammschlacht für Arcade-Fans

Hardware, Preis und Release der PS5: Alles, was bislang über die PS5 bekannt ist, findet ihr in der umfassenden GamePro-Übersicht:


Mehr zum Thema

PS5 — Release, Preis, Hardware: Alle Infos zur PlayStation 5

Wie gefällt euch bislang das Launch-Lineup der PS5?

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales — PS4 and PS5 Games

Sony Interactive Entertainment






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Also available on PS4™


PS5™ digital version included at no additional cost with PS4™ version. ¹

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Game overview

Be greater. Be yourself.

Experience the rise of Miles Morales as the new hero masters incredible, explosive new powers to become his own Spider-Man.

In the latest adventure in the Marvel’s Spider-Man universe, teenager Miles Morales is adjusting to his new home while following in the footsteps of his mentor, Peter Parker, as a new Spider-Man.

But when a fierce power struggle threatens to destroy his new home, the aspiring hero realizes that with great power, there must also come great responsibility. To save all of Marvel’s New York, Miles must take up the mantle of Spider-Man and own it.

Key features

The rise of Miles Morales

Miles Morales discovers explosive powers that set him apart from his mentor, Peter Parker. Master his unique, bio-electric venom blast attacks and covert camouflage power alongside spectacular web-slinging acrobatics, gadgets and skills.

A war for power

A war for control of Marvel’s New York has broken out between a devious energy corporation and a high-tech criminal army. With his new home at the heart of the battle, Miles must learn the cost of becoming a hero and decide what he must sacrifice for the greater good.

A vibrant new home

Traverse the snowy streets of his new, vibrant and bustling neighborhood as Miles searches for a sense of belonging. When the lines blur between his personal and crime-fighting lives, he discovers who he can trust, and what it feels like to truly be home.

Friends from home

Meet the heroes from Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales.

Miles Morales is the newest Spider-Man in Marvel’s New York. Following the untimely death of his father, Miles was introduced to Peter Parker, who quickly became his friend and mentor. When Miles was bitten by his own genetically modified Oscorp spider, he developed unique powers — and after months of convincing — Peter agreed to train him.

Miles begins the next chapter of his life in East Harlem, where he’s faced with a torrent of new responsibilities: maintaining friendships, having a politician in the family, and balancing life at home and life as a hero. As a looming power struggle threatens to destroy the city, he’ll need take up the Spider-Man mantle and make it his own, or risk losing everything.

Rio Morales is Miles’ mother and a breakout candidate in the upcoming New York City Council race. After the death of Miles’ father, Rio and Miles moved back to East Harlem, where she was born and raised.

She’s a fierce advocate for her beloved community and is always looking out for her friends and neighbors. As Roxxon Energy Corporation begins construction of their sprawling new East Harlem facility, Rio has emerged as a community leader, going toe-to-toe with the corporate giant as she fights to preserve her vibrant home.

Peter Parker is the original Spider-Man and Super Hero mentor of Miles Morales. After the traumatic death of Miles’ father, Peter set Miles up with a volunteer job at F.E.A.S.T — inadvertently triggering a chain of events that would leave Miles with superhuman powers comparable to his own.

In the days since, Peter has reluctantly agreed to take Miles under his wing as his web-slinging protégé—helping the young hero learn to control his powers and imparting whatever life advice he can. As Peter joins MJ abroad on an assignment to cover the Symkarian Peace Talks for the Daily Bugle, he’ll entrust Miles to serve as the city’s sole Spider-Man until he returns. 

Ganke Lee is Miles Morales’ best friend and trusted confidante. Ganke is a lifetime Harlem resident and student at Brooklyn Visions Academy, where he works to hone his craft as a software developer and provides Miles with much needed support. Ganke’s Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man app seeks to revolutionize the way New Yorkers interact with Super Heroes.

Rio Morales Balances Dual Lives with Miles Morales

Peter Parker Talks Heroics with Miles Morales

Ganke Lee Hypes Up Miles Morales

All the news from The Daily Bugle

Explore the latest editions of the biggest publication out of Marvel’s New York and catch up on the events leading up to Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales. With a modern look and fresh ideas on the city, crime, Spider-Man and more, this isn’t the Daily Bugle you’ve read before. This is Daily Bugle Now.

Read the latest edition



  • Stunning visuals: Travel to a snowy Marvel’s New York in Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, realized in beautiful dynamic 4K and HDR.2  Experience reflections on buildings with ray tracing, and improved lighting, shadow, and character detail. An optional performance mode that targets 60fps brings the Spider-Man universe to life.
  • Fast loading: Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales takes advantage of fast loading, using ultra-high speed SSD. Zip across Marvel’s New York in no time and reload almost instantly.
  • Adaptive triggers: Simulate the sensation of Spider-Man’s webs on your fingertips with the DualSense™ controller’s adaptive triggers in Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales.
  • Haptic feedback: Each one of Miles Morales’s punches, web shots and venom blasts is felt in your hands with the immersive haptic feedback of the DualSense™ controller.
  • Tempest 3D AudioTech on compatible headphones: Hear the city come alive around you in Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales with 3D spatial audio enabling you to hear what’s happening around you from the rooftops to the city streets. The sounds of the city immerse you in Marvel’s New York and bring blockbuster Spider-Man moments to life with the PS5 system’s Tempest 3D AudioTech.

2Dynamic 4K and HDR require a compatible 4K & HDR compatible TV or display.

Available on PlayStation Store


Standard Edition


  • Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales

$49. 99

Ultimate Edition


  • Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered
  • Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales


1Download the PS4™ version of this game at no extra cost when you buy the digital PS5™ version from PlayStation™Store. Buy the digital PS4™ version of this game from PlayStation™Store and download the PS5™ version at no extra cost when it launches on 12 November 2020. If you already own the PS4™ version, you do not need to pre-order the PS5™ version of this game. PS4™ game disc owners can access this offer by inserting the disc into their PS5™ console. PS4™ game disc owners who buy the PS5™ Digital Edition disc-free console will not be able to access this offer.

Find out more about Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales for PC.

Experience the rise of Miles Morales in the latest adventure in Marvel’s Spider-Man universe, now available for PC.

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Explore a range of stunning titles available now or coming soon to PS5.


Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales on Blu-ray disc

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales Ultimate Launch Edition for PS53

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales Launch Edition for PS5

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales Launch Edition for PS4

3Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales Ultimate Edition includes a voucher code for Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered – the complete award-winning game, including all three DLC chapters in the Marvel’s Spider-Man: The City That Never Sleeps adventure – remastered and enhanced for PS5. Account for PlayStation™Network, and internet connection required for code redemption. Code expires [01/01/2024].

PS4, PS5
Sony Interactive Entertainment
English, French (France), Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Mexico)
Screen Languages:
English, French (France), Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Mexico)

To play this game on PS5, your system may need to be updated to the latest system software. Although this game is playable on PS5, some features available on PS4 may be absent. See for more details.

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You can download and play this content on the main PS5 console associated with your account (through the “Console Sharing and Offline Play” setting) and on any other PS5 consoles when you login with your same account.

© 2022 MARVEL © 2020 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. Created and developed by Insomniac Games, Inc.

*4K and HDR require a compatible 4K & HDR compatible TV or display.

First 8K/60fps PlayStation 5 game released — test by Digital Foundry






PlayStation 5
Digital Foundry
60 fps
graphics comparison
120 fps
Performance Testing
Xbox Series X
The Tourist
xbox series
Performance Comparison
Games in 8K
8K on PS5


Games in material

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If you are one of the owners of PlayStation 5 , now you can absolutely honestly say that the new Sony console is capable of pulling games in 8K .

Digital Foundry have released a technical review of The Touryst adventure game, confirming that it is the first PS5 project to render at 7680×4320 pixels — no temporal supersampling, no checkerboard, no smart upscaling, and other tricks.

However, without one «but» still not done. The point is that currently the PlayStation 5 does not support 8K output on a system level, so the developers had to supersample . The technology «compresses» the rendered image four times, applying the SSAA anti-aliasing method to it. At the same time, the developers left the opportunity to switch to native 4K — for this, the option to disable anti-aliasing is provided in the game options menu.

8K mode tested to improve edge smoothing, change the intensity of the depth of field effect, and increase the clarity and clarity of cascading shadows compared to Xbox Series X . In fact, due to the changes in the exponential shadow map, the result in many areas results in a slight difference in the shadow areas, showing up as a difference in lighting.

First screenshot from PlayStation 5, second screenshot from Xbox Series X :

As for the Xbox Series X mentioned above, the version of the game for this console also uses supersampling to 4K, but instead of 8K, the original resolution is 6K (5760×3240, to be exact ). This is due to the fact that the game is demanding on the frequency of the graphics chip, which is slightly lower on the XSX than on the PS5, although the GPU itself is actually more productive due to the larger number of computing units. In addition, in the case of the PS5 version, the developers did not just port the game from the PS4, but rewrote the engine, taking advantage of the console’s low-level graphics APIs.

In terms of performance, the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X provide a stable frame rate, not only at 60, but also at 120 FPS. The only nuance is that on the PS5, modes can be changed directly during the game, while on the XSX, the 120 frame rate is enabled by default if the 120 Hz display option is activated in the dashboard.

In addition to nextgen consoles, The Touryst is also available on PS4 and PS4 Pro , where it offers 1080p and dynamic 1440-1512p, respectively. On both consoles, the project runs at 60 FPS without any drawdown issues.

See also : EA COO Blake Jorgensen will leave the company in 2022 .

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First PlayStation console games — PlayStation on DTF



Probably, even a person far from video games can easily explain what a «PlayStation» is. Sony, for more than 20 years of development of its gaming direction, has formed nothing less than a full-fledged subculture.

And now, almost a year has passed since the release of the fifth stationary console. It now has a couple of hundred games in its library, although most of them are still appearing on PS4 as well. And such projects as Horizon Forbidden West and Gran Turismo 7 show that the past generation of the PlayStation will not soon become part of this very past, because for now the difference in games needs to be looked for almost with a magnifying glass, and you can not even pay attention to the notorious “reflections” draw, if not aware of their existence.

Simply put, looking at the full-fledged exclusives of the new generation that have already been released, one gets the impression that the launch of the “five” was not very successful in many aspects. On this occasion, it is interesting to look back: what did Sony offer to play at the start of its other consoles? What games do you remember the «iron» transitions on the way to today?

Despite the fact that some «curling irons» at the time of their relevance received updates not only visual, but also «hardware», which slightly improved the quality of the gaming experience, it is worth considering the releases of exclusively new generations of the «station». After all, it was they who for quite a long time were perceived as an undeniable «pumping» of the average home gaming device.

As for games, updating existing releases for the new Sony console cannot be considered fresh experience; cross-gen is also more the lot of old devices, if it comes out there. In this case, it’s worth concentrating exclusively on full-fledged projects for the latest generation, which can (in an ideal situation) without any “buts” demonstrate the full power of the new product — that is, so that you can confidently say that the previous version of the console is not capable of such a result. Therefore, all sorts of “tabletops” and puzzles that almost always appear on any platform and at any time will be left without attention.

By the way, sales in different regions do not always start at the same time, and the «launch window» of the console stretches for several months, when the actual primary catalog is filled. But contrary to this, only those games that were actually received with the console together right on the day of release will be mentioned below. It was these projects, by hook or by crook, that Sony was preparing exactly for the initial release of set-top boxes. By the way, since the first PlayStations appeared with a huge gap at first exclusively in Japan, many early games were created, if not by internal studios of Sony itself, then very often by «friendly» Japanese companies (for example, Namco or FromSoftware).

It’s clear that real «system sellers» appear much later than the starting line, but a couple of games that should somehow justify the release of a new generation are simply required to go along with each fresh console.

PlayStation • 12/3/1994 • Japan

It’s worth starting, of course, with the first PlayStation. The «child» of Ken Kutaragi (then only a Sony engineer) was born amid a break in his employer’s relationship with Nintendo. Sony’s first-born game has focused on full-fledged 3D, which is also complemented by tons of content on discs up to 700 megabytes. A significant factor in the success of the console was the perfect balance between the performance of the console at the lowest cost of manufacture and the ease of creating games for it.

A nine-month gap between releases in Japan and the rest of the world resulted in a launch lineup of games focused more on the domestic market. But even so, a decent hype allows you to sell 100,000 devices per day.

One of the first games for the console was the action Crime Crackers — a mixture of role-playing game and measured shooter. Another experiment here was the visual implementation — a combination of early 3D in the «anime» space of the future — not everyone will like this mix. As a result, it turned out to be a too incomprehensible action movie or a primitive role-playing game, depending on preferences. And although the game is definitely not bad, the «taste» of this hodgepodge is clearly an amateur. It’s funny that «Crackers» has a full-fledged anime opening, but for some reason it only plays after the end credits.

Nekketsu Oyako was a kind of manipulation of expectations. From its name, a false conclusion suggests itself that there is somehow a connection with the famous Kunio-kun / River City series (and the developer Tecno Soft is suspiciously consonant with Technos). But it’s actually a secondary beat ’em up that quietly borrows many elements from popular Final Fight fights. And although 2D was almost the weakest side of the first PlayStation, this game itself is as «none» as possible — the plot and graphics, gameplay and music — absolutely everything disappears from memory literally synchronously with the end. In a word, Oyako on a curling iron looks very ridiculous, especially against the backdrop of good side-scrollers on other platforms.

But the dynamic arcade racing Ridge Racer instantly earned itself an exceptionally positive reputation. Here, finally, you can enjoy the graphics of a new level with just a couple of drawbacks — a modest number of competitions and the absence of a mode for two. An interesting feature of this game (as well as some others) is the ability to remove the disc from the console right during the gameplay itself, replacing it with your favorite CD with music — as a result, the races will take place under your own soundtrack. In the absence of alternatives, it is Ridge Racer that is like the first truly «sturdy» PS1 game. In the future, new parts of the franchise will appear simultaneously with the release of «ploks» up to the PlayStation 4, but there is no need to return to Ridge Racer within the framework of this material.

PlayStation 2 • 03/04/2000 • Japan

Six years after the release of the first «curling iron», the world saw the main star of the sixth generation of consoles, and part-time best-selling «game station» Sony at the moment. Her formula for success initially had two constants: backwards compatibility with the beloved PlayStation and one of the cheapest DVD players.

And although with a variety of games at the start, everything is again not very good, and the initial launch of the “two” is again designed only for Japan, this time an impressive 500,000 consoles scatter per day.

Among the debut PlayStation 2 games, Kessen stands out — a historical strategy game set in feudal Japan. The excellent graphics in general and the detailing of the characters in particular immediately demonstrate that this could not have appeared on the PS1. Also a noticeable part of the game was the excellent soundtrack, which enhances, frankly, not the most outstanding gameplay. In most cases, the entire gameplay is reduced to the distribution of tasks to the generals and troops, after which it remains only to put the gamepad aside to watch the battle. High complexity and meticulousness in the nuances that are characteristic of serious strategies are absolutely not found here. This wickedly simple and short game is basically comparable to a beautiful history textbook with interactive elements.

The second notable project of the «starter set» of the «deuce» is Street Fighter EX3 — the third part in a series of «3D» spin-offs of the main fighting game, which were originally released on arcade machines with hardware from Sony. As befits a solid «scuffle», the game is merciless to beginners. Although it can upset fans of the series, for example, with a very controversial implementation of two-dimensional gameplay in three-dimensional space. Moreover, beautiful arenas here contrast markedly with poorly designed character models. Well, and noticeably slowed down gameplay — no doubt, not quite what you expect from Street Fighter.

And for role-playing adventures on PS2, Eternal Ring was originally responsible — one of the early creations of the future parents of the «soulful» series. According to the plot, the protagonist, by the will of fate, is looking for the «Eternal Ring» — a source of powerful magical power. And here, much more emphasis is placed on fussing with various rings and stones than on manipulating weapons and armor. Combinations of jewels produce magical consequences of varying degrees of usefulness for the hero, up to his death. Of course, there are extremely difficult opponents in the game, the only way to kill them is to run around the bush for a long time in an attempt to stab the adversary at least once. And the technical capabilities of the «two» allow you to suffer damn beautifully.

PlayStation Portable • 12/12/2004 • Japan

At the end of 2004, finally, the PSP made a full-fledged competition in the handheld market. The Walkman of the 21st Century was a huge step forward for the entire pocket gaming segment, where the dominant company Nintendo had no worthy opponents for a long time.

The novelty is a real entertainment device not only in words: movies, music, the Internet, and of course, games at the level of stationary consoles (and, for the first time for Sony, without regional restrictions). During the day, 165,000 people became the owners of the gadget in Japan.

What Japanese console can do without mech games? Armored Core: Formula Front just arrived in time for the launch of the PSP — another part of the action game about the battles of combat vehicles. As befits this series, the process of creating and customizing your ward is very meticulously implemented here. True, after the preparation stage of the “warrior”, not the most outstanding artificial intelligence directly enters the battle. This huge flaw was corrected in the re-release of Extreme Battle, where the reins of power were finally put in the hands of the player. The plot here is very conditional, but is it really necessary to have additional motivation for the «hack» between combat robots, in addition to a graphical implementation comparable to PS2?

The first sports game for the PSP was Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee (aka Everybody’s Golf Portable). The fifth part of arcade golf does not change its traditions, allowing the player to get more pleasure from simple and understandable mechanics, without forcing them to think about each stroke for a long time. But for this, of course, you need to understand the specifics of this sport. The familiar customization of the game character has not gone away here either. And thanks to the well-developed graphics, Hot Shots Golf can be considered one of the brightest games among the first projects for the PSP, even despite the «gray» musical accompaniment.

And although before that it seemed superfluous to pay special attention to unpretentious games, the glory of the puzzle called Lumines does not allow you to miss it. By itself, some parallels arise with the Game Boy portable from Nintendo and the mega-popular Tetris there. In addition to the somewhat modified gameplay, there are countless skins and musical arrangements that together form a «psychedelic» gaming space. Diversity is added by several game modes. Simply put, the exclusive «timekiller» on the PSP was from the start.

PlayStation 3 • 11/11/2006 • Japan

The promises regarding the PlayStation 3 were probably the most ambitious in the history of Sony video game consoles. Although, it must be admitted that they “stuffed” it to the exit more than solidly: the unique Cell processor, Blu-ray drive, 1080p image output, and even initially hardware backward compatibility with PS2 games. In addition, the level announcements of Eight Days, Eyedentify or even Ni-Oh painted a colorful perspective on PS3 gaming. But the device’s multiple launch miscalculations translated into a modest 80,000 first day sales and the «PS3 Has No Games» meme.

And among those games that were still in the top three, Resistance: Fall of Man stands out in the first place. Acting as a catch-up, Sony has prepared a great shooter for the launch with the help of the creators of the «children’s» games Spyro and Ratchet & Clank. A solid plot, good mechanics, an acceptable visual part and the presence of a stable multiplayer for up to 40 people allowed the game to immediately win the sympathy of many gamers. Upon closer examination, it is easy to find certain elements from other shooters that inspired the authors. But one cannot deny the mastery of the study, thanks to which the individual parts are competently woven into a solid game.

In addition to a completely new project, the continuation of the already well-known game, namely Genji: Days of the Blade , was released to support it. The second part of the role-playing action in Japanese style at the E3 presentation was remembered by many for the presence of a hostile giant crab. More serious features include one-button weapon swapping and multi-character rotation right in the middle of battle, giving you plenty of room to mix and match different combat moves. The basic set of a good game in the form of nice graphics and excellent music is also available here. But the real problem will definitely be a very strange camera, which only interferes with its independence, and the only way to understand what is happening around is to study the mini-map.

The multi-genre online casual game Mainichi Issho (Everyday Together) remained little known due to its Japanese exclusivity. The playable characters here are local Sony mascot cat Toro Inoue and his friends, who first appeared on the original PlayStation. Toro allows you to take care of yourself and decorate his house with all sorts of things that are purchased with the currency earned in various mini-games. And the main duty of the cat itself is to report news from the fields of the PlayStation, for example, about game novelties. This action takes place, of course, in the format of Japanese TV shows.

PlayStation Vita • 12/17/2011 • Japan

Describing the new handheld, Andrew House (then President and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe) focused on motion sensors, already two full-fledged analog sticks, several cameras, and, again, a couple of touchpads for «a truly innovative gaming experience «.

It’s funny that he called the PS Vita (then NGP — The Next Generation of Portable Gaming) «the first step in the strategy of portable games», unreasonably ignoring the PSP, whose library support allowed the new console to receive some of the recognition. 300,000 devices sold per day in Japan is more than a decent figure.

A remake of the tactical role-playing game Disgaea 3 proved to be a safe bet for the next generation handheld format. Released on PS3, the project received various improvements, additional content, and later the subtitle Absence of Detention. And although the game clearly uses only touchpads among the features of the Vita, this in no way interferes with the enjoyment of high-quality gameplay. The only pity is that you can not use the old save from the «troika».

Less strategic and more combat-friendly Army Corps of Hell is a «demonic» tactic in which the player controls a squad of goblin minions. With their battles in various arenas, they are trying to return the Overlord to the throne of the Underworld (Overlord says hello). But how quickly the game is addictive, just as quickly it slides into the monotony of what is happening. In addition, the visual part is not too far removed from the level of PSP graphics. Also, despite the networking capabilities of the PS Vita, only «local» Wi-Fi multiplayer is available in the game. All this hints at some rush in the development process and the early release of «what was ready» for the start of sales of the console.

The only truly worthy of the title of Vita «systems of the seller» was the game «Uncharted: The Golden Abyss» , which is the prehistory of the eminent series. In addition to standard control, in one form or another, the capabilities of touch panels, motion sensors and even cameras are used here. Innovations require some skill, but do not become a big obstacle. In addition, the rather productive stuffing of the portable made it possible to implement graphics that are not much inferior to the first part of the franchise on PS3. But a significant disappointment can be too simplistic elements like platforming, when at times it seems that the game is doing just fine without external interference. So to be honest, if it weren’t part of the Uncharted series, the Golden Abyss would be lost even among the Vita’s not very extensive catalog.

PlayStation 4 • 11/15/2013 • North America

At the end of 2013, the fourth stationary PlayStation reached the players. This time the console received a “PC-shnuyu” architecture named after the “free artist” Mark Cerny (naturally, without backward compatibility), a new DualShock with interesting, but very useless chips like a built-in speaker or touchpad, and maximum integration of networking capabilities within the system : From content creation to streaming games on PS Vita. The streamlined approach to the platform allowed 1,000,000 consoles to be sold in a day.

To showcase the new features of the PS4 paired with the camera and DualShock, Sony prepared the The Playroom app with a couple of mini-games ranging from fiddling with funny robots to somewhere between Pong and air hockey. But, as time has shown, apart from the parent company, augmented reality functions and advanced gamepad capabilities in most cases will be integrated into large games only as a rudiment, and not a full-fledged part of the gameplay. So «Games Room» is perhaps the most successful and appropriate implementation of such system options, even at the end of the PlayStation 4.

The debut and truly «colossal» adventure for the «four» was the game Knack , aimed primarily at children. But the list of memorable elements here is rather modest: fighting, platforming and, of course, Knack’s goblin growth mechanic thanks to relics. True, even the initially surprising possibility of manipulating the size of the character over time is overshadowed by the understanding that everything happens within the framework of the creators’ idea, and not at the request of the player. And although the game looks pretty good visually, this level of graphics is nothing more than the minimum acceptable for a new generation console. And crookedly placed control points, which simply add senseless running around, significantly spoil the overall impression.

Sony has already offered the sixth game in the Killzone series to an older audience. Shadow Fall is trying to impress once again, but it doesn’t come out very well. After all, tolerable graphics, appropriate soundtrack and a plot that can be learned and remembered only if you diligently try to do it — not the best combination. In addition, it is more tiring than entertaining, some “viscosity” of the gameplay, and the multiplayer, which is not entirely successful in its balance and network code, quickly discourages the desire to return there. The result is one of the weakest games in the Killzone universe.

PlayStation 5 • 11/12/2020 • Selected countries

To complete the picture, it is worth mentioning the latest console release, which has not yet had time to cover with a layer of dust. Talking about the future PS5, Jim Ryan (president and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment) first of all praised the new gamepad. His words like «the ability to feel every texture» and «feeling the tension of the bow» were probably used as carbon copies in absolutely all reviews and descriptions.

Due to not the most favorable situation in the world, on the first day the consoles were sold exclusively in online stores, although even so, not everyone was lucky enough to purchase them. In other conditions, the figure of 1,300,000 sold consoles per day would clearly be even more impressive.

The starter game that has become a must-play is Astro’s Playroom . This is a kind of development of the ideas of demos of past generations, which is also intended to explain why the PS5 is cooler than its predecessors. The Playroom is the purest fan service and a complete museum for fans of the «Ploek»; at the same time, it is an interactive presentation for beginners that introduces the player to the features of the console, primarily the functions of the gamepad. And she copes with these tasks one hundred percent.

The second notable game in the top five was Demon’s Souls . The remake of the excellent project of 2009 has noticeably prettier visually, but still remains merciless to casual players, which is not to everyone’s liking. And over the years of development of the genre, many gameplay aspects have changed, and the game for the PlayStation 3, even in a new wrapper, has a tangible “loop” of mothballs.

This list was originally supposed to be completed by Godfall , but by this time it turned out that the PlayStation 4 calmly demonstrates its beauty, as well as many other games announced for the PS5.


History shows that on the PlayStation «strong» starter games are quite a rarity, bordering on an error, and all major hits come out later. In addition, relying on well-known series as initial projects is not always justified, because most of them, obviously, are done in a hurry.