Welche spiele für ps5: PS5-Spiele – Neue und kommende Spiele

PS4-Spiele erwachen auf PS5 zu neuem Leben

Entdecke einen zum Bersten gefüllten Katalog mit neuem Potenzial und eine wachsende Liste von gefeierten PS4-Hits, die auf PS5 mit neuem Aussehen und Spielgefühl erstrahlen.

Spiele über 4.000 PS4-Spiele auf deiner PS5-Konsole

Erhalte dank Abwärtskompatibilität Zugriff auf eine riesige Sammlung legendärer PlayStation-Spiele.

Bereit, mit ein paar tollen PS4-Spielen auf deiner PS5-Konsole loszulegen? Hier sind ein paar großartige Titel, die du dir als Erstes ansehen solltest. Falls du sie schon mal gespielt hast, kannst du sogar genau dort weitermachen, wo du aufgehört hast, indem du deine PS4-Speicherdaten auf PS5 überträgst.

Großartige abwärtskompatible Spiele für PS5

Ein Boost für deine Spiele

Die Boost-Technologie der PS5-Konsole gibt PS4-Spielen Zugriff auf mehr Leistung. Genieße schnellere und glattere Bildfrequenzen in einigen der großartigsten PS4-Spiele.

Großartige Spiele mit Boost-Technologie

The Last of Us Part II

Erlebe Ellies zermürbende und emotional aufgeladene Reise durch ein zerstörtes Amerika der Zukunft in der von Kritikern gefeierten Fortsetzung auf dem Hause Naugty Dog.

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God of War

Folge dem Halbgott Kratos auf einer Reise in ein Land der nordischen Mythologie, bei der er sich Trollen, Drachen und mehr stellen muss. Eine gewagte Neuinterpretation des Klassikers unter den Action-Adventure-Reihen.

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Days Gone

Kämpfe als gesetzloser Biker Deacon St. John ums Überleben auf einem Abenteuer in einer postapokalyptischen offenen Welt in der atemberaubenden Landschaft des ländlichen Nordwesten Amerikas. 

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Horizon Zero Dawn

Erkunde als ausgestoßene Kriegerin Aloy eine einzigartige Sci-Fi-Welt und stelle dich gigantischen mechanischen Monstern in diesem gefeierten Open-World-Abenteuer von Guerrilla Games.

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Ratchet & Clank

Begleite jedermanns Lieblings-Lombax Ratchet und seinen Roboterbegleiter Clank auf ein intergalaktisches Abenteuer, das durch ein komplettes Remake des ersten Abenteuers des Duos zu den Wurzeln der Reihe zurückkehrt.

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Tom Clancy’s The Division 2

Stell dein Team zusammen und kämpfe in Ubisofts unglaublich erfolgreichem Taktik-Shooter mit offener Welt darum, den Untergang von Washington D.C. zu verhindern. Spiele ohne zusätzliche Kosten auf PS5 mit 60 FPS und 4K-Auflösung.

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Für PS5 verbessert

Ob sie bereits zu deiner Bibliothek gehören oder ob du dich zum ersten Mal hineinstürzt, diese PS4-Titel können durch ein Upgrade zu PS5-Versionen mit bedeutenden Verbesserungen werden.

Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time

Crash und Coco tun sich für eine lang erwartete Rückkehr zusammen, bei der sie sich den alten Rivalen Neo Cortex und Dr. N. Tropy stellen müssen. Genieße auf PS5 4K-Auflösung* bei anvisierten 60 FPS, verbesserten Sound durch Tempest 3D AudioTech2 und das haptische Feedback des DualSense Wireless-Controllers.

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Mehr erfahren

Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut

Kehre auf die atemberaubende Insel Tsushima zurück, wo der junge Samurai Jin Sakai darum kämpft, seine Heimat gegen eine grausame Invasion zu verteidigen. Der Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut kommt in knackiger 4K-Auflösung* mit anvisierten 60 FPS daher, hat verkürzte Ladezeiten und unterstützt das haptische Feedback sowie die adaptiven Trigger des DualSense Wireless-Controllers.

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Genshin Impact

Erkunde das riesige und farbenfrohe Teyvat – eine wachsende Welt voller unvergesslicher Charaktere, teuflischer Feinde und Unmengen an Beute. Freue dich auf PS5 auf einen hohen Detailgrad und volle 4K-Auflösung*, kürzere Ladezeiten und das haptische Feedback des DualSense Wireless-Controllers.

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Die Nioh Collection

Erlebe das brutale, übernatürliche, epische Samurai-Spiel von Team Ninja wie nie zuvor, wenn Nioh 1 und Nioh 2 zusammen mit ihrem gesamten Original-DLC in einer neu überarbeiteten Sammlung auf PS5 erscheinen. Wähle aus mehreren optischen Modi für höhere Auflösung, verbesserte Grafik oder 120-FPS-Leistung. Erlebe praktisch nicht existente Ladezeiten sowie das haptische Feedback und die adaptiven Trigger des DualSense Wireless-Controllers.

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Erlebe ein revolutionäres Upgrade eines der am sehnlichsten erwarteten Titel für PlayStation 4, mit verbesserter Beleuchtung, Texturen, Effekten und mehr. Zudem erwarten dich ein Performance-Modus mit 60 FPS oder ein Grafik-Modus, der auf knackige 4K-Auflösung* spezialisiert ist, sowie praktisch nicht existente Ladezeiten.

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Mehr erfahren

DOOM Eternal

Das kostenlose PS5-Update für DOOM Eternal bietet drei besondere Möglichkeiten, die Versionen der vorherigen Konsolen noch zu übertreffen. Ein ausgewogener Modus bietet scharfe 4K-Grafik* mit 60 FPS, der Raytracing-Modus fügt atemberaubende neue Lichteffekte und Reflexionen hinzu, wobei auch 60 FPS erreicht werden, und der 120-FPS*-Modus verdoppelt die Bildrate für blitzschnelle Performance.

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Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate

Tauche ein in das komplette MK11-Paket – mit der Vollversion des Spiels sowie der Aftermath-Erweiterung und den Kombat-Packs. Die PS5-Version verspricht verbesserte Grafik bei dynamischer 4K-Auflösung*, verkürzte Ladezeiten und vollständige generationsübergreifende Kompatibilität.

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Rainbow Six Siege

Erlebe die Aufregung der raffinierten, taktischen Multiplayer-Action1 von Rainbow Six Siege, das jetzt mit einigen der fortschrittlichsten grafischen Features für Konsolen aufwartet. Wähle auf PS5 zwischen dem Modus für verbesserte Leistung mit 120 FPS* und einem Auflösungs-Modus für 4K-Optik* mit 60 FPS, freue dich auf kürzere Ladezeiten und Unterstützung für das haptische Feedback und die adaptiven Trigger des DualSense Wireless-Controllers.

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Die Battle-Royale-Sensation von Epic Games sprengt weiter alle Grenzen und es gibt keinen besseren Ort als die PlayStation 5-Konsole, um sie zu erleben. Erfreue dich an der atemberaubenden 4K-Grafik* bei 60 FPS, verbesserter Physik, flüssigen Simulationen und Umgebungsdetails sowie Unterstützung für das haptische Feedback und die adaptiven Trigger des DualSense Wireless-Controllers.

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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Das kostenlose PS5-Upgrade für das von Kritikern gefeierte Sci-Fi-Fantasy-Abenteuer von Respawn Entertainment bringt eine ganze Ladung an Verbesserungen für PS5-Spieler. Freu dich auf wunderschöne, scharfe 4K-Auflösung im Standard-Modus oder 60 FPS im Performance-Modus. Wofür du dich auch entscheidest, du bekommst auch verbesserte Schatten, hochwertigere Texturen und bedeutend kürzere Ladezeiten.

Destiny 2

Der Massively-Multiplayer-Online-Shooter von Bungie kann auf PS5 kostenlos gespielt werden, weshalb jeder in den Genuss der sich fortentwickelnden Story, der spannenden Koop-Missionen und der Schmelztiegel-PvP-Spiele kommen kann. Auf PS5 erwarten dich 4K-Grafik* bei 60 FPS, verkürzte Ladezeiten und Unterstützung für verbesserte Leistung bei 120 FPS*.

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No Man’s Sky

Das kostenlose Update für die ständig wachsende intergalaktische Odyssee von Hello Games ist erstaunlich umfassend und liefert dank der unglaublichen Leistungsfähigkeit von PS5 riesige technische Verbesserungen. Freue dich auf kürzere Ladezeiten, verbesserte Beleuchtung, Schatten und Details an den Planeten, 4K-Grafik* bei 60 FPS sowie Unterstützung für das haptische Feedback und die adaptiven Trigger des DualSense Wireless-Controllers.

Mehr erfahren

Entdecke in der vollständigen Sammlung im PlayStation Store noch mehr PS4-Hits, die für PS5 verbessert wurden.

Kompatibilität mit externen USB-Laufwerken

PS5- und PS4-Konsolen können kompatible Spiele für PS4 und PS5 auf USB-Laufwerken speichern, die SuperSpeed-USB unterstützen. Das bedeutet, dass du Zeit und Platz sparen kannst, indem du PS5- und PS4-Spiele vom externen Laufwerk aus neu installierst.

Spiele mit Freunden auf PS4 und PS5

Bleib per Chat über PS4 und PS5 in Verbindung. Spiele dank generationsübergreifendem Multiplayer3 ausgewählte Titel gemeinsam.

Generationsübergreifender Chat

Egal, ob deine Freunde auf PS4 oder PS5 spielen, dank des generationsübergreifenden Sprach-Chats kann jeder mit seinem Konto für PlayStation™Network an der Unterhaltung teilnehmen.

Generationsübergreifender Multiplayer

Spieleentwickler haben jetzt die Möglichkeit, Online-Multiplayer-Partien zwischen PS5- und PS4-Spielern zu organisieren. PS4-Spieler können bei Spielen mit entsprechender Unterstützung nahtlos zum Spielen mit PS5-Spielern eingeladen werden – und umgekehrt.

Die besten PS5-Spiele 2022: Unsere Top 10 Games

Das sind unsere Top 10 PS5-Spiele aus 2021/2022.

Schon jetzt stehen für die PS5 eine ganze Menge Launch-Spiele zur Auswahl, doch welche lohnen sich wirklich? GamePro stellt euch die besten Titel für Sonys neue Konsole sowie die besten abwärtskompatiblen PS4-Games vor. In den Kommentaren könnt ihr gerne eure Empfehlungen verraten!

Die Regeln für die Topliste: Hier findet ihr auf einen Blick die 10 PS5-Spiele mit den aktuell höchsten GamePro-Wertungen aus den Jahren 2021 und 2022. Dabei handelt es sich nicht ausschließlich um Exklusivtitel. Die Wertungen geben zugleich die Reihenfolge vor. Bei gleicher Wertung steigt das jüngere Spiel höher in der Liste ein. DLCs und Erweiterungen werden in dieser Liste nicht berücksichtigt.


God of War Ragnarök

Unser spoilerfreier Test — Einfach nur göttlich!


It Takes Two — Wertung: 90


  • Genre: Action-Adventure
  • Release: 26. März 2021

Darum geht’s: Das Ehepaar May und Cody haben sich in der letzten Zeit so auseinander gelebt, weshalb sie sich scheiden lassen wollen. Da ihre Tochter Rose das nicht zulassen möchte, fragt sie das Buch der Liebe nach Hilfe. Kurzerhand werden die Eltern in kleine Puppen verwandelt. Ab sofort werden sie vom nervigen Buch der Liebe gezwungen, zusammen zu arbeiten, um nicht nur wieder zu ihren Körpern zurückzukehren, sondern auch ihre Ehe zu retten.

Darum solltet ihr es spielen: It Takes Two ist ausschließlich im Splitscreen-Koop lokal oder online spielbar. Ihr braucht also immer Mitspieler:innen. Mithilfe des Friends Pass muss auch nur einer das Spiel kaufen und die Mitspielerin oder der Mitspieler kann gratis dazustoßen.

Ist die Hürde aber überwunden erwartet euch ein abwechslungsreiches Koop-Abenteuer, das bis zum Ende immer wieder neue Gameplay-Elemente bietet. Diese Überraschungen machen den Reiz des Spiels enorm aus und da die beiden Spielfiguren unterschiedliche Rollen einnehmen, ist auch ein Wiederspielwert geboten.


Mehr zum Thema

It Takes Two im Test: Ein Koop-Meisterwerk für PS4 und Xbox One

Hier bekommt ihr die GamePro Top 10

It Takes Two


33,61 €27,84 €

Ratchet & Clank:
Rift Apart


79,99 €36,99 €

F1 2021


29,99 €23,99 €

Die hier aufgeführten Angebote sind mit sogenannten Affiliate-Links versehen. Mit einem Kauf über einen dieser Links unterstützt ihr GamePro: Ohne Auswirkung auf den Preis erhalten wir vom Anbieter eine kleine Provision.

9. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart — Wertung: 90


  • Genre: Action
  • Release: 11. Juni 2021

Darum geht’s: In Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart setzt das Team von Insomniac Games die beliebte Reihe fort. Ihr übernehmt die Rolle von Ratchet, einem Lombax, und seinem Roboter-Kumpel Clank. Die beiden müssen durch mehrere Dimensionen reisen, um den Bösewicht Dr. Nefarious aufzuhalten. Dabei treffen die beiden in einer anderen Dimension auf den weiblichen Lombax Rivet.

Darum solltet ihr es spielen: Ratchet & Clank: Roft Apart ist das erste große PS5-Exclusive, das eine breite Zielgruppe anspricht und trotzdem zeigt, was in der Konsole alles drinsteckt. Der nahtlose Übergang zwischen den Dimensionen durch die SSD, haptisches Feedback und Trigger-Effekte des DualSense oder Raytracing – Ratchet nutzt wirklich jeden Trick aus, den die PlayStation 5 bereit hält.

Mehr Infos gibt’s im GamePro-Test:


Mehr zum Thema

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart im Test — Das erste Spiel, für das sich die PS5 lohnt

8. F1 2021 — Wertung: 90


  • Genre: Rennspiel
  • Release: 16. Juli 2021

Darum geht’s: F1 2021 ist der neueste Ableger zur beliebten Königsklasse des Rennsports. In der Simulation könnt ihr einen Karrieremodus erleben, der ein wenig an die Netflix-Dokureihe «Drive to Survive» angelehnt ist. Dazu kommt noch eine Koop-Karriere, die ihr Online mit einer weiteren Mitspielerin oder einem weiteren Mitspieler erleben könnt.

Darum solltet ihr es spielen: F1 2021 ist auch abseits von Rennsportfans sehr interessant. Durch die gefühlt endlosen Einstellungsmöglichkeiten können Neulinge sowie Experten gleichermaßen die Rennen an den eigenen Skill anpassen. Das Rennspiel schafft es zudem auf der PS5 noch einmal mehr durch das haptische Feedback mit dem DualSense und den Ladezeiten zu überzeugen.

Mehr Infos gibt’s im GamePro-Test:


Mehr zum Thema

F1 2021 im Test: Noch besser als der fantastische Vorgänger

7. Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut — Wertung: 90


  • Genre: Action-Adventure
  • Release: 20. August 2021

Was verbessert sich dank PS5? Im Samurai-Abenteuer Ghost of Tsushima schlüpfen Spieler*innen in die Rolle von Jin Sakai. Seine Heimatinsel Tsushima wird 1274 von den Mongolen überrannt und belagert. Als letzter Überlebender seines Clans liegt es nun an Jin Sakai, sich entweder für den Weg des Samurais oder den Weg des Ninjas zu entscheiden und Tsushima von der Invasion der Mongolen zu befreien.

Darum solltet ihr es spielen: Der Director’s Cut von Ghost of Tsushima beinhaltet eine komplett neue Story-Erweiterung mit einer eigenen Insel. Wenn ihr das Spiel bereits besitzt, dann könnt ihr für einen Rabatt eure PS4-Version upgraden. Übertragt ihr zudem euren Spielstand, dann bekommt ihr alle eure Trophäen doppelt gut geschrieben, darunter auch die Platin.

Mehr Infos lest zur PS5-Version ihr im GamePro-Test:


Mehr zum Thema

Ghost of Tsushima: Iki Island im Test: Mehr vom (sehr guten) Gleichen

Hier gibt es noch mehr der GamePro Top 10

The Last of Us Part I


74,99 €



69,99 €58,99 €

Ghost of Tsushima:
Director’s Cut


79,99 €


Deathloop — Wertung: 90


Deathloop — Launch-Trailer zieht uns mit in die Loop-Action

  • Genre: Action
  • Release: 14. September 2021

Darum geht’s: Ihr spielt Captain Colt Vahn, der in einer Zeitschleife gefangen ist. Um diese zu brechen, muss er innerhalb eines Tages die acht Visionäre der Insel Black Reef töten. Da jeder von ihnen einen vorgegebenen Tagesablauf haben, müsst ihr in Detektiv-Arbeit herausfinden, wie ihr den Loop brechen könnt.

Darum solltet ihr es spielen: Deathloop lässt euch wirklich immer so spielen wie ihr wollt. Seid ihr eher brachial unterwegs, dann schnappt ihr euch eine Shotgun und aktive Fähigkeiten, um euch durch die Gegner zu mähen. Oder ihr nehmt Stealth-Fähigkeiten und erledigt die Ziele lautlos. Das Ganze ist eingehüllt in den perfekt umgesetzten Stil eines 60er/70er Agententhrillers.

Mehr Infos lest ihr im GamePro-Test:


Mehr zum Thema

Deathloop im Test — Und täglich grüßt das PS5-Highlight


The Last of Us Part 1 — Wertung: 90


The Last of Us Part 1 — Das Remake ist ein technischer, aber kein spielerischer Meilenstein

  • Genre: Action-Adventure
  • Release: 02. September 2022

Darum geht’s: The Last of Us Part 1 ist die PS5-Version des beliebten PS3-Spiels. Wieder einmal schlüpft ihr in die Rolle von Joel, der Ellie zu der Basis der Firefly-Rebellion bringen soll. Denn die USA wurde komplett von einem Pilz-Virus überfallen und in eine Apokalypse gestürzt. Ellie jedoch ist als einzige immun dagegen und soll jetzt der Schlüssel sein, die Menschheit zu retten.

Das ist das Besondere: Das PS5-Remake ist eine technische Meisterleistung und zeigt, was mit der Konsole möglich ist. Neue Lichteffekte, überarbeitete Charaktermodelle, verbesserter Sound, Controller-Haptik und vieles mehr führen dazu, dass die Atmosphäre noch dichter ist, als beim Original.


The Last of Us Part 1-Review

Die beste Version eines PlayStation-Meisterwerks


Hades — Wertung: 91


Hiebe in Zeiten von Corona — Hades kam zur perfekten Zeit

  • Genre: Action
  • Release: 13. August 2021

Darum geht’s: In Hades hacken und slashen wir uns durch die Unterwelt der griechischen Mythologie und müssen den Gott des Todes höchstpersönlich besiegen. Wie man es aus Roguelites kennt, fangen wir nach jedem Bildschirmtod von Neuem an, werden dabei aber immer stärker und entdecken mehr von der Story.

Das ist das Besondere: Das Spiel von Entwickler Supergiant Games (Bastion, Transistor) schafft es wie kein zweiter Vertreter aus seinem Genre eine humorvolle und packende Geschichte zu erzählen. Das in Kombination mit einem unglaublich motivierenden Fortschrittssystem macht Hades selbst für Spieler:innen interessant, die mit dem Roguelite-Genre zuvor nur wenig anfangen konnten.

Empfehlenswert für Fans von: Dead Cells, Diablo


Mehr zum Thema

Hades im Test — Ein höllisch gutes Action-Highlight


Disco Elysium: The Final Cut — Wertung: 92


Disco Elysium: Launch-Trailer zur Final-Cut-Edition stellt neue Features und Quests vor

  • Genre: Rollenspiel
  • Release: 30. März 2021

Darum geht’s: Disco Elysium ist ein isometrisches Rollenspiel, in dem wir einen psychisch angeschlagenen Detective-Lieutenant steuern. Der soll in einer fiktiven Küstenstadt einen letzten Fall lösen. Wir können insgesamt 24 Fähigkeiten entwickeln, die entweder die Psyche oder den Körperbau unseres Protagonisten betreffen.

Das ist das Besondere: Der Final Cut bringt das gefeierte Indie-Spiel nicht nur zum ersten Mal auf Konsolen sondern kommt auch mit deutscher Übersetzung. So könnt ihr auch ohne sehr gute Englischkenntnisse endlich das Spiel genießen.

Denn das ist auch nötig, denn Disco Elysium befeuert euch regelmäßig mit sehr großen Textwänden und Entscheidungen, die direkten Einfluss auf den Spielverlauf nehmen. Manchmal kann auch nur ein falscher Satz oder eine falsche Aktion zum endgültigen Bildschirmtod führen.

Empfehlenswert für Fans von: Adventures, Rollenspielen und einer offenen Spielstruktur


Mehr zum Thema

Disco Elysium: The Final Cut im Test: Das RPG-Wunder ist auf deutsch noch besser

Die besten PS5 Spiele gibt es hier

God of War Ragnarök
[Launch Edition]


66,99 €



29,99 €15,99 €

Elden Ring


59,99 €51,99 €

2. God of War: Ragnarök — Wertung: 93


God of War Ragnarök — Test-Video: Dieses Meisterwerk hat nur eine alte Schwäche

  • Genre: Action-Rollenspiel
  • Release-Datum: 09. November 2022

Darum geht’s: Mit God of War Ragnarök wird die Reise von Kratos in der nordischen Mythologie fortgesetzt. Nach den Ereignissen aus dem ersten Teil sind einige Jahre vergangen und der ewige Winter steht bevor. Zudem müssen sich Kratos und Atreus gegen neue Feinde beweisen und alte Freunde sind jetzt verbitterte Gegner.

Das ist das Besondere: Bereits auf den ersten Blick gibt es eine Sache, die ins Auge stößt. Denn God of War Ragnarök sieht optisch nicht nur sehr schön aus sondern ist auch auf technisch auf einem sehr guten Zustand. Dazu kommt das wuchtige Kampfsystem, das euch durch das neue Freischaltsystem noch diverser kämpfen lässt.

Empfehlenswert für Fans von: Actionspielen und episch inszenierter Kämpfe


God of War Ragnarök

Unser spoilerfreier Test — Einfach nur göttlich!

1. Elden Ring — Wertung: 94


  • Genre: Action-Rollenspiel
  • Release: 25. Februar 2022

Darum geht’s: Mit Elden Ring kehrt From Software nach Sekiro wieder zu ganz gewohnten Pfade zurück – zumindest fast. Denn die typische Souls-Formel wird dieses Mal durch eine offene Spielwelt aufgebrochen, die ihr freier erkunden könnt. Abseits davon warten aber auch wieder viele Bosse, fiese Fallen und mehr auf euch.

Das ist das Besondere: From Software hat es geschafft, die Open World-Formel perfekt in das Korsett des Souls-Gameplays zu quetschen. Das Spiel löst einen großen Drang nach Entdeckungen aus dank vieler Geheimnisse. Zudem wurde weiter am Kampfsystem geschraubt, das durch komplexe Rollenspielmechaniken deutlich vielfältiger ist.

Empfehlenswert für Fans von: Souls-likes und herausfordernden Spielen


Mehr zum Thema

Elden Ring im Test: Das Open World-Souls unserer Träume

Mehr Reviews aus 2021/2022 und PS4-Spiele, die auf der PS5 noch besser laufen, lest ihr auf Seite 2.

What to play on PS5 — PS5 exclusives, where to start first

Large selection.

Situation: PS5 is bought, but the catalog of games makes you dizzy — it’s not clear what is really worth spending time on, and what is better to leave for later. This can happen to anyone, especially if you missed the PS4 generation, which games work on PS5 as well.

We will help you navigate through the rich library of hits.

Open world action

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales

An almost full-fledged sequel to the best superhero game of our time, in which Miles Morales, the protagonist of the masterpiece cartoon Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, became the main character instead of Peter Parker.

Mods for Russian cars in GTA 5: «Six», «Loaf» and even «Oka» York and the heady feeling of freedom of action. Miles is just learning to be a superhero — it’s interesting to watch his development.

By the way, it’s better to pay extra for the ultimate edition of the game, which comes with a full-fledged 2018 Spider-Man remaster with graphical improvements for PS5.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

The most successful part of the near-historical saga in many years. This time the action takes place (mostly) in 9th century England, and the protagonist and his entourage are real Vikings.

The theme is played perfectly: a significant part of the time will be spent plundering various monasteries and enemy camps in order to improve their own settlement, making alliances with local clans, and unraveling intrigues. You can even go to Asgard and participate in a separate scenario with the Norse gods!

Ghost of Tsushima

Tsushima is not a next-gen in terms of technology, but still a very beautiful game in a rather exotic setting of 13th century Japan. This is an almost interactive samurai movie according to the precepts of Kurosawa: the main character miraculously survives the devastating attack of the Mongols on his native island, after which he sets off to take revenge and win back the land from the invaders. Soon he will realize that in order to win, he will have to give up samurai principles and face inevitable consequences.

If you play a lot of sandboxes, then the gameplay of Ghost of Tsushima will not surprise you: there is a standard clearing of markers on the map, only a few types of activities and not the most impressive tasks. But the local world is so colorful that it can only be compared with paintings.

Horizon Zero Dawn

One of the major debuts of the previous generation of PlayStation: a great game about the post-post-apocalyptic world of the distant future, in which people have returned to tribalism, and the world is ruled by animal-like robots. The heroine Aloy is an outcast of her own tribe, who was raised by her adoptive father, and no one tells the girl anything about her real parents. The mystery of her origin is closely intertwined with the origins of the game world and becomes the main motivator to move forward in the story.

Although to some extent Horizon can be called an RPG (there is a pumping and a choice of little-changing dialogue lines), it’s still an action game. The most interesting battles with robots: each species has its own habits, tactics and vulnerabilities. It’s not enough to just mindlessly shoot mechanical creatures with a bow, you need to aim at certain parts with special projectiles and watch how their hulls are gradually exposed. Robots react and behave differently to every serious injury.

A sequel, Horizon Forbidden West, is coming to PS5.

Days Gone

Storyline zombie adventure in a huge world from the creators of the legendary spy shooter Siphon Filter. This game needs to be allowed to accelerate: the zombie apocalypse is shown, to put it mildly, not very fresh, and the protagonist is only annoying at first. But a few hours later, the story unfolds, bypassing a couple of genre clichés, and you begin to see romance while riding through destroyed America on your own motorcycle.

What Days Gone will definitely remember is the battles with entire hordes of hundreds of zombies. There are not so many of them in the game, but each requires studying the area, planning, placing traps and more or less adequate execution of the plan — you will have to sweat. and improvise on the go

Grand Theft Auto 5

It’s time to call it a modern classic: tens of millions of non-gamers have already heard about GTA, and the «five» has become the most successful part of the series. Over 7 years, Rockstar has sold over 135 million copies of the game and continues to make fabulous profits every year — thanks in large part to the online GTA Online included in the package.

If before every few years new parts of GTA were released, now we are waiting for the release of the updated (for the third time) GTA 5 on PS5 at the end of 2021. It seems that if the studio releases GTA 6, then this will need to be considered a gesture of goodwill.


Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Call of Duty: Warzone

A series of the most famous, expensive and popular first-person shooters still hold these titles, so it’s pointless to ignore them. Black Ops Cold War is set during the Cold War, and yes, the main villain here is a crazy bad Russian. But in the game you can walk along the Lubyanka!

Although they play Kolda mainly for the sake of multiplayer — here it is about the same as in the previous parts, that is, it is very technological and dynamic, with constant updates and a large player base. And for some extra flair, head over to the giant battle royale Call of Duty: Warzone, which is free to download on PC and consoles.


Download Fortnite on PS5 from the official site for free

One of the key games of our time, and completely free and multiplatform. Fortnite is a third-person battle royale game with cartoonish graphics, unrealistic weapons, and tons of character cosmetic collectibles. Unlike competing games, here there is a unique mechanics of building and, conversely, destruction of environments: you can make an impromptu sniper tower or temporarily cover the rear to retreat under enemy fire.

In addition, Fortnite is becoming an increasingly important platform for themed events. An excerpt from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker was shown here. Sunrise» before the premiere, arranged a concert of Travis Scott and other musicians, held dozens of events on games, comics and films.

Download Fortnite on PC or Android (Android) is a free game to play this winter. Season 5, chapter 2. Pele Cup


While Valve finally gave up on supporting the cult team shooter Team Fortress 2, Blizzard released its own variation. Overwatch has nice bright graphics and several dozen heroes with fundamentally different gameplay: someone brandishes a turbo hammer and hides behind an energy shield, another shoots from a machine gun, a third heals everyone and sometimes resurrects everyone.

Over the years, the game has lost much of its hype, but has not died, and in the near future Overwatch 2 will be released — its multiplayer will be the same as the original.

Borderlands 3

This series popularized the so-called looter shooters: a genre in which valuable items like cannons fall out of almost every second enemy shot. There are millions of them in Borderlands 3 — there is definitely something for your taste and style of play. In addition, this is just a fun story shooter with bosses, a kind of humor and the ability to play in a co-op for up to four people.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light

Another looter shooter, but online and for fans of science fiction. The action takes place in the distant future: the population of the Earth was practically exterminated during an interstellar war, the remaining people and aliens became Guardians — powerful heroes fighting in the name of good. With each new addition, the solar system is attacked by a new alien attack, you have to fly to different planets, complete tasks, clear strikes (dungeons) and even go on epic raids. Well, or participate in battles against other players in several modes.

Understanding the story and world of Destiny is not easy, but anyone can appreciate the beauty of the game. More importantly, it plays well: this first-person shooter was made by the creators of the legendary Halo series at Bungie.

For hardcore fans

Demon’s Souls

A massive remake of the game that started the popularity of the souls-like genre: third-person action games, where almost every player’s mistake leads to death, and checkpoints are very rare.

The game captivates with detailed gloomy surroundings of the once great kingdom, which fell into decay due to the invasion of demons. The player in these scenery does not feel like a chosen hero at all, but another doomed mad warrior. Therefore, each victory over the demon boss feels like a huge achievement, and failure only provokes.

If you like it, be sure to try the Dark Souls series — the direct successor to Demon’s Souls in another world.


Roughly the same as Demon’s Souls, but in a Victorian-Lovecraftian setting and with an accelerated pace of gameplay. Indeed, in Bloodborne, the hero cannot use a shield, and almost the main way of treatment is to strike back at the enemy as quickly as possible. You have to constantly take risks and train reflexes.


A remarkable 2D platform game with a pleasant story about finding yourself and furious gameplay. The girl Madeline comes to the foot of Mount Celeste to conquer its peak — according to legend, this helps people find inner harmony. Each stage of the ascent is a whole series of levels with unique rules and challenges. You will have to die often — especially if you decide to go through additional levels and tests — but at least the heroine is reborn instantly.

Story-driven games

The Last of Us dilogy

These games have been compared to Cormac McCarthy’s The Road not only because of the similar plot, but also because of their importance to art. A couple of decades after the collapse of civilization due to a parasitic fungus that turns people into zombies, life-weary smuggler Joel takes on the transportation of a teenage girl, Ellie. She has a secret that makes her transportation a matter of survival for all mankind.

As they travel through several states of America, the characters get closer: Joel begins to treat his companion as an adopted daughter. The script fully reveals the formation and evolution of this emotional connection — in a way that games have not been able to do before.

The Last of Us: Part II, as the name suggests, is a direct continuation of the story, even darker, more emotional and more graphically impressive.

God of War

A much-grown reboot of the hit PS2 series about the merciless God of War, who decided to kill the whole of Olympus. Kratos tried to leave the bloody past, settled down and even became a father, but the Scandinavian deities will not let him live in peace. Together with his son, the hero goes on an epic quest, which plays similarly to the previous parts, but is much more impressive with the story and elaboration of key characters.

In the coming years, a sequel will be released on PS5, the plot of which will be based on Ragnarok from the same Norse mythology.

Uncharted series

The best thing that happened to Indiana Jones in the video game format, although the series is not directly related to the Spielberg films. But here is the same spirit of adventure: adventurer Nathan Drake hunts for legendary treasures and goes to almost mythical places, along the way shooting back from bandits, solving ancient puzzles and conquering impregnable peaks and structures.

The perfect multi-night popcorn adventure.

Detroit: Become Human

One of the newest representatives of the movie game genre, in which the main gameplay is the choice of lines and actions during story scenes. The story is not too original: in the world of the near future, androids, who are bought as servants and slaves, in isolated cases acquire consciousness and their own will.

The player controls several rebellious androids with different backgrounds and beliefs. From how you act for each of them, the plot and endings change.

Until Dawn

Another interactive movie, but not science fiction, but a horror slasher. A group of young guys gather in a gloomy house in the middle of snowy mountains and forests to support each other on the anniversary of the death of a mutual friend. Something goes wrong: an unknown killer appears in the vicinity.

A unique experience: basically a standard horror movie with all the clichés, but the usual screams on the screen like «Don’t go to the basement, what are you doing!» Here you can turn into actions using the gamepad. It depends on the intuition, speed of reaction and luck of the player which of the heroes will survive to the final.

RPGs of all kinds

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

One of the most important RPGs of our time, popularizing Andrzej Sapkowski’s book source so much that the books were even made into an expensive series for Netflix.

Actually, this is the end of the trilogy, but the Wild Hunt is worth going through separately. Here the witcher Geralt of Rivia goes in search of Cirilla, his apprentice, who for some reason is being pursued by the Wild Hunt. Spoilers ahead, but even apart from the main storyline, there are dozens of wonderful book-level side stories in the game. With cruelty, adult themes and winged (but mostly obscene) remarks.

Final Fantasy XIV, XV and VII Remake

The essence of the Japanese old-timer series is that each part of it is a completely independent work.

These three are very different from each other. XIV is an online game with hundreds of hours of content, epic raids and a million players. XV is a story-driven adventure set in a giant open world filled with political intrigue and a love story. VII Remake is the first part of a reimagining of one of the most influential games in history, with eco-terrorists fighting for the planet, cyberpunk scenery and many shocking plot twists.

Cyberpunk 2077

New from the authors of The Witcher: instead of a third-person view, the first one, instead of a fantasy setting, of course, cyberpunk. The game is very large-scale and expensive (Keanu Reeves himself played the key character), but with many problems. So, on PS5, it regularly crashes with an error, there are various bugs and shortcomings. The graphical potential has not yet been disclosed either: the next-gen update is planned to be released only at the end of 2021, and until then, the PS4 Pro version is essentially available to gamers.

The main thing to know about Cyberpunk 2077 is that it’s neither a first-person shooter nor an RPG, but something in between. Most of the plot decisions here do not affect anything, but for a single passage it is not so scary.

If you just want to relax

Fall Guys

A completely different approach to the royal battles: in Fall Guys, you don’t need to kill your opponents, but overtake and surpass them with your dexterity. In each match, several dozen players go through a variety of mini-games, from running through an obstacle course to a game of «bring more eggs into the basket than the opposing team.» All this looks touching and amusing even if you lose.


Masterpiece and rather short game about, as the name suggests, a journey. You control a character in a funny hoodie who runs through different locations towards a certain goal, and along the way he meets a companion. It sounds simple, but it causes a storm of emotions and requires a minimum of effort.

Tetris Effect

Probably the best version of Tetris. The rules are standard, but a real disco takes place in the background: each level has its own track and visual design. Each placed figure is a note, and along with the tempo of the game, the melody also accelerates.



The latest version of the main footsim — for fans of basketball, hockey and American football there are comparable analogues.

Gran Turismo Sport

Gran Turismo 7 has already been announced for PS5, but Sport has aged beautifully with the most believable car physics, and each model is worked out with great love. So good a simulator that with its help, if desired (and the presence of good steering wheels with pedals), you can learn how to drive a real vehicle.

Dirt 5

A more arcade-style but serious racing game for those who like off-road driving more than polished professional tracks.

Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 + 2

A remake of two of the best skateboarding games, with great graphics, music, dozens of tricks and lots of awesome venues to perform them.

Fighting games

Mortal Kombat 11

The last part of the famous and very tough fighting game at the moment. If you buy add-ons, you can arrange fights, for example, RoboCop vs Terminator or Joker vs Sub-Zero.

Injustice 2: Legendary Edition

Similar to Mortal Kombat, but with DC Comics heroes and villains. An ideal tool for solving fan disputes and just taking turns playing in a company.

7 games every PlayStation 5 owner should play

In early January, the Durov Code website published my top 7 games that every Xbox Series X|S owner should play. I thought, so I decided, why not make a similar selection for the owners of the PlayStation 5. A couple of hours passed from the idea to its implementation, and the seven coolest games for the no longer new Sony console are ready.

7 games every Xbox Series X|S owner should play

Games to watch first.

Code DurovDenis Guryanov

If you have just bought a PS5 and you are having difficulty choosing games, then I hope my material will help you. Yes, this is a purely subjective list of titles that I played myself, and from which I got a lot of pleasure and emotions. However, from an objective point of view, all the games presented below are very good.

And one more thing — write in the comments which collection you would like to see next time. For example, a list of the best games for Nintendo Switch, PC, or something else.

Top 10 most anticipated games of 2022

Dying Light 2: Stay Human, Horizon Forbidden West and Elden Ring are coming out in February, and Gran Turismo 7 is waiting for us in March. One of the best games of 2021 in principle. The genre is a mixture of first-person shooter, roguelike and immersive sim. The player in the role of a man named Colt Van is stuck on the strange island of Blackreef and now he needs to understand what kind of game is going on here.

Arkane Studios’ latest game to date draws a lot of inspiration from the studio’s past projects, particularly Dishonored. However, Deathloop is played much more cheerfully — no one and nothing limits the gamer, and there will be no consequences for the choice made, well, unless they kill you, and you have to start all over again.

Actually, the whole gameplay is built around the concept of a time loop: you have one virtual day, during which you need to find and eliminate several leaders of the local community, and only after that you will be able to break the loop and get out to freedom. It is not so easy to do this — the game makes you think and improvise.

If you want, play stealth, clearing locations in a measured manner. Tired of hiding around corners? Hack a couple of turrets, pick up a shotgun and put on a real show, shooting everyone left and right and scattering them using the abilities available to Colt.

Remember that we have an immersive sim in front of us — a sandbox in which the player entertains himself. Deathloop is not one of those projects that lead the gamer by the hand, telling him what to do and how. You have a goal, an open world and a set of skills, and how and where you will apply them is your own business. This genre is good, this is bad.

The modern player is too lazy, he needs a conditional corridor along which he will be led with shooting, staged videos, explosions and other epic. All this is not in Deathloop. But there is an attractive atmosphere of the 60s with an admixture of humor and madness, worked out to the smallest detail and inventive locations, a twisted plot, colorful main characters and chic art: you just admire every frame of the game, and just for the sake of one style you want to return to it again and again .

And a lot of variety and chaos in the gameplay is added by a girl named Julianna, who upsets all the player’s well-planned plans with her random appearance. It becomes even more funny when another player takes control of Julian, and if he is skilled, then write wasted.

Deathloop is definitely worth a look for anyone interested in the immersive sim genre. And everyone who just loves smart and stylish games will also get a ton of pleasure from this project. The main thing is to understand and accept the local concept — for the twentieth time to start all over again after the death of the protagonist or the wrong sequence of actions is a common thing here.


If you mix sci-fi setting, third-person action, rogue-like and RESOGUN, then you just get Returnal. According to the plot of the game, the ship of a woman named Selene crashed on the unfriendly planet Atropos.

The main character finds out that she is stuck in this strange place in a time loop: after each death, everything starts from the very beginning, and the biomes (locations) are rebuilt: new rooms appear and the location of enemies and loot changes: weapons, parasites, buffs.

Our task is to explore the game world for anything useful and pray that this time we will be a little more lucky and we will find some tolerable machine. You also need to fight with numerous enemies, try not to die in the process and at the end fight a big and difficult boss in order to move on to the next biome.

Returnal has two undoubted advantages, for which I fell in love with this game at one time. First, she is very beautiful. Lighting, particles, effects, everything is at a high level, the powerful filling of the PS5 makes itself felt. In general, the game has great art: local monsters, rooms, wastelands, ruins, obelisks and other caves look amazing and create the right atmosphere of hopelessness, a kind of mixture of Ridley Scott’s Prometheus and the works of Howard Phillips Lovecraft.

Throw in instant downloads: there’s not even a main menu, you just launch the game from the PS5 start screen and you’re almost immediately on the battlefield.

In addition, the developers used the DualSense gamepad chips. Perhaps only Astro’s Playroom and Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart can argue with Returnal in this regard. A simple example is that it’s raining in the game, and when the droplets fall on Selena’s suit, you feel it through the controller. It’s impressive at first, but then you get used to it.

Point vibrations are complemented by sounds that constantly come from the speaker of the gamepad, and triggers are pressed with effort. You can argue as much as you like about the usefulness or uselessness of all these vibrations, but the fact remains: DualSense chips, if you work with them correctly, are great immersive in the game.

The second point worth playing Returnal for is the gameplay. It is spectacular, dynamic, evil, everything works purely on timings, the player has practically no right to make a mistake. If you died, be kind enough to start all over again, almost empty-handed, and it does not matter that you have collected all sorts of useful junk in the last four hours and almost reached the third boss. Mistake, death, lost everything, start again — this is the local formula, and you just need to accept it as it is.

Yes, the need to constantly start the game over again can be annoying, but it works like in the conventional Dark Souls, when with each new death the player himself becomes more experienced and stronger, the behavior of the enemies is memorized, as are the timings, and the shooting becomes more and more aimed.

And now you are already flying at full speed, skillfully maneuvering between dozens of various monsters that are trying to shoot, fry and devour you in close combat, but you don’t care, you are cool at this moment, you can do anything, as they say. And it is for this feeling that Returnal is worth playing.

When, after the thirtieth death, you finally flew through the biome in one breath, did everything right and flunked this damned boss, who seemed immortal at first, a much-desired feeling of satisfaction comes. You just have to rejoice in every victory in this game (especially over the bosses), like a small child given him a candy.

Bottom line: if you like sci-fi, fast-paced third-person action games, and don’t mind having to constantly start from a checkpoint (there are only two in the whole game), then, as they say, welcome. Returnal is not a hardcore experience for everyone, but if you manage to feel the game, get involved in the process, then it will be simply impossible to break away, it’s been proven!

The Last of Us Part 2

What is The Last of Us Part 2 about? First of all, this is an atmospheric and gloomy story about people who are trying to survive, as well as about revenge and violence and the consequences they lead to (the consequences are usually sad).

Naughty Dog’s work is of a completely different order than anything you’ve played before. This is an adult game in every sense that raises serious topics and causes a storm of various emotions (here you want to laugh, and be sad, and be angry, and sob), and after passing it leaves you alone with your thoughts. After 30 incredibly stressful hours, you sit in front of the TV completely devastated, and when you move away from everything you see, thoughts begin to swarm in your head, and even after weeks after the passage, it won’t let you go.

Local history is deliberately presented from two points of view. Ellie avenges the murdered loved one, gradually turning into something terrible. Over time, she herself understands this, but she can no longer stop, revenge has swallowed her up, and everyone who gets in her way will die.

The player, together with Ellie, kills not just some nameless dummy (as is customary in all other games): the enemies have their own life, name, family, friends, beloved dog after all. Particular emphasis is placed on this in the second half of the game. Here you tear and throw, and then — bam, and you are shown the lives of those whom you just an hour ago with such rapture cut their throats. It turns out that there are no good or bad people in The Last of Us Part 2, everyone is right in their own way, just like in real life. And the main message is that revenge does not lead to anything good. Violence breeds violence, and if you do not stop in time, you will never be able to break this vicious circle.

As for the gameplay, it’s very good! There is no such hard and realistic action anywhere else. You literally feel how the character shoots or fights with rebar. Smart AI adds even more tension to everything that happens. In addition, there are simply divine animations: how the main character moves, how she fights, reacts to hits, interacts with the environment, takes out and changes weapons, how she works on a workbench — guys, this is something!

Naughty Dog generally likes to get into trouble with little things, which is especially noticeable in their latest game. Every room, street and rusty car, every animation, every scene is made with some kind of maniacal meticulousness. The picture still looks very, very tolerable, and on the PS5 the game runs at 60 frames. They would also implement full support for DualSense, immersion in the game would be even more powerful, but, alas.

You can talk a lot of good things about The Last of Us Part 2 for a very long time, you can read reviews or watch videos, you can read angry comments from people who, for some reason I don’t understand, are simply not able to appreciate the greatness of this work, but nothing like that is better not to do it, but just go, buy this game (or borrow it from a friend if there is such an opportunity, but it’s better to buy it anyway) and experience this phenomenal experience yourself. After this masterpiece, all other modern games seem like a pathetic cardboard craft for children of 12 years old. At least for me and all my friends who have played, this is exactly the case.

I went through The Last of Us Part 2 three times already, the last one was literally on New Year’s holidays, and you know, I caught myself thinking that I got more pleasure and emotions than from everything that is listed in all kinds of tops of the best games of 2021 of the year.

An important clarification: in order to fully understand the events of the second The Last of Us, you must first go through the first, which now, although it looks outdated in terms of the picture, but its scenario is still cool — you will definitely enjoy the game. On PS5, the first part is available in the PS Plus Collection, a catalog of 20 games that PS Plus members can play.

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

Do you like it to be beautiful, fun and everything bangs? Then you should pay attention to Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart. This is a 3D action-adventure with platform elements that tells about the new adventures of two bosom friends: Ratchet and Clank. In the new part, they were also joined by a female Lombax Rivet and a robot girl with a secret named Kit.

In Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, the player runs and jumps through incredibly beautiful levels, occasionally travels to other worlds through portals, fights against numerous enemies with a pack of various weapons and collects bolts, which can then be spent on guns and upgrades . Also, sometimes the player is entertained with beautiful staged scenes.

The game doesn’t have time to get bored: you’re constantly thrown from one place to another: here you are in a colorful neon city, and after 20 minutes you’re running through the lush jungle, and then rushing through the desert on jet boots.

There is some kind of plot here, there are also colorful and funny characters, there are even side activities. Incredible graphics (especially when playing on a 4K TV with HDR) and a very decent implementation of the PS5 gamepad chips: the triggers are squeezed with effort, and the controller itself vibrates differently everywhere, for example, depending on the weapon being fired from or the surface, on which the main character runs.

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is a kind, sweet, very beautiful and lovingly made adventure that will give you a ton of genuine joy. Yes, the game can scare away some people with its childish style. But, you know, the older you get, the more often there is a desire to spit on everything, turn on something like that, colorful, juicy, summery, fun, in order to escape from the gloomy reality and troubles of life (or to recover after The Last of Us Part 2 ).

In this case, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is just perfect. It will quickly restore your faith in the light. And in general, this is just a good game, for which it is pleasant to spend time, no matter what mood you have.

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales Ultimate Edition

Why Ultimate Edition? It’s simple — the extended edition includes two cool Spider-Man games from Insomniac studio at once. The first game is Spider-Man (2018). She was good on her own, but with the update for PS5 she became even more beautiful.

In particular, ray tracing was added to the game, thanks to which more realistic lighting, shadows and reflections appeared — they really changed the picture quite noticeably. The detail of the environment has also increased. A cool staging is also in place.

In addition, you follow the life of Peter Parker in 2022 with genuine interest. A deep combat system, a large and open city to explore with tons of side activities and breathtaking flights through it are still a lot of fun.

The second game, in fact, is Spider-Man: Miles Morales itself, which does not offer anything special compared to the 2018 project, but simply takes its achievements and serves it with a slightly different sauce. Miles Morales cannot even be called a full-fledged sequel, it is rather such a large-scale DLC, in terms of the amount of content it is quite comparable to a full-fledged AAA release.

Instead of Parker, we have Miles, a dark-skinned boy, and the whole action takes place on Christmas, which is why Miles Morales can be recommended to anyone who has not yet departed from the New Year and wants to keep the atmosphere of winter holidays in their house a little longer.

The game also has a very good storyline and a branded combat system that has been slightly improved, for example, Miles can hit enemies with electricity and becomes invisible, and a spider cat helps him in battle (after you open the appropriate suit).

The cool staging, typical of the first part, migrated to Miles Morales. Well, the graphics, of course: flying on the web in winter New York and exploring it is a pleasure.

In general, I will not rant more. Both Spider-Man are the best Spider-Man games at the moment, and one of the best superhero games in general. Very high-quality action games with a well-developed combat system, a beautiful open world full of activities, interesting characters and history. Most importantly, even non-fans of comics and Marvel creativity will spend dozens of exciting hours playing these games.

God of War (2018)

A bloody and spectacular action game about the demigod Kratos and his son Atreus is more than relevant today. On the PS5, the game runs at almost 4K at 60fps, which makes it much more comfortable to play. The picture is still very tolerable, and there is also a cool atmosphere and Scandinavian mythology that fits here like a native.

Add to this list a strong melancholy plot, which you really need to delve into to understand everything that happens, and a pack of colorful characters (one Mimir’s head is all the time chattering) and a gorgeous soundtrack by Bear McCreary — the music works great for the atmosphere.

And yes, God of War (2018) is one of the best action-adventure games of the PS4 generation. Combat gameplay is the main component of this game. Kratos, with his tricked-out ax, spectacularly tears apart various and evil enemies, in which his son helps him, attacking either himself or at the command of his father.

The combat system seems simple only at first glance, in fact, to win here you need to skillfully and timely combine different attacks, adapting to certain monsters on the go. Just randomly poking at two buttons, it is unlikely to win. Weapons can and should be upgraded using runes, and armor gives different bonuses: the right combination of equipment is also the key to success.

It is important to understand that Kratos himself, although healthy, is far from immortal, if the player makes mistakes (especially at a difficulty level above average), the main character is torn apart, and the local Valkyries will seem like a nightmare to you: that’s where really you need to apply everything that you have learned over the long hours of being in this game. Not only do you need to find the Valkyries first, but also fighting them is a separate, intense test.

Don’t forget that this is not just a cool action game, but a huge (I would even say HUGE) adventure. The world of the game, or rather, the worlds, are very beautiful and you can freely move around them: there are a lot of different secret rooms, side quests, puzzles and other optional things. Exploring locations is really interesting, you constantly stumble upon something interesting, for example, bosses, especially valuable loot and interesting information that expands the local lore.

On PS5, God of War (2018) is available in the PS Plus Collection. Therefore, if you have just bought yourself a new console and do not know what to play, feel free to install God of War. The game itself is very good, but it also needs to be played in order to understand the plot of God of War: Ragnarök, which will be released this year as a direct sequel.

Kena: Bridge of Spirits

Damn beautiful, kind and cozy adventure. You know, there is such a common phrase — «revived Pixar.» This is how you can describe not only Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, which I already talked about above, but also Kena: Bridge of Spirits. Yes, this game looks so cool (and it sounds cool too), although it was made by a very small studio Ember Lab.

In Kena: Bridge of Spirits, the player controls a young shaman named Kena, who has magical powers. Most of the time we run around beautiful locations, explore the game world for useful things, solve puzzles and fight. From time to time, cute creatures called rotten creatures help the main character in every possible way — there are a lot of benefits from kids both in battle and while exploring locations.

The combat system here is moderately deep, complex and dynamic. The battles are challenging and fun, and visually stunning! And in general, the game constantly throws something interesting at you, so it’s pretty hard to get bored in it. Yes, the plot could be better, but we have what we have. I won’t tell you the story, you’ll see for yourself.

Kena: Bridge of Spirits is a touching, fascinating, sometimes naive and very beautiful fairy tale. As in the case of Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, the project will appeal to both adult audiences and young gamers. A great way to pass the weekend with pleasure, I recommend it.

What else to play on PS5

Astro’s Playroom is not even a full game, but just a demo that is available for free to all PS5 owners. A simple platformer can be run in a couple of hours, but it gives emotions like a full-fledged AAA title. It’s all about DualSense. The sole purpose of Astro’s Playroom is to show all the features of the Sony branded gamepad. I won’t spoil your fun with my stories — just install Playroom during your first PS5 launch and try it out for yourself.

Astro’s Playroom

Mortal Kombat 11 is a great fighting game with heroes loved since childhood, which after the update for PS5 began to look even more beautiful.

Mortal Kombat 11

Demon’s Souls is a worthy remake of the original Demon’s Souls that came out on PS3 in 2009. Branded hardcore and the atmosphere is in place, and the picture is just a feast for the eyes.

Demon’s Souls

Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut — An expanded version of one of the best games of the PS4 era, it received new content, improved graphics, faster downloads, support for signature PS5 3D sound and DualSense chips. If you’ve never played Tsushima and want to give it a try, the director’s cut is the best option.

Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut

Death Stranding Director’s Cut — As with Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut, an extended version of a good game: even more content, a better picture, and added support for all the features of the PS5 and its controller.

Death Stranding Director’s Cut

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is a legendary adventure from Naughty Dog about old Nathan Drake. This game has everything to make it impossible to tear you away from the screen: the atmosphere of Indiana Jones, colorful characters, an exciting plot, beautiful locations, puzzles, peppy action, powerful production, chic music, humor. An amazing adventure in every way and one of the best PS4 games available on PS5 as part of the PS Plus Collection. The game, moreover, was recently updated, the picture was slightly “tinted” and DualSense support was added. Be sure to play!

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End

It Takes Two — I already talked a little about this masterpiece in my top Xbox titles. Yes, you can play the best co-op game in years on the PlayStation 5.

It Takes Two

Hitman 3 is the king of stealth games — no more, no less. This is the ultimate Hitman, in which the best ideas of the series are brought to the absolute. Entertaining yourself with hunting people has never been so exciting, which is facilitated by gorgeous sandbox levels and a huge number of opportunities. If you like the genre of stealth games, I highly recommend it.

Hitman 3

Dying Light 2 is a peppy first-person action game with an open world, lots of activities, evil zombies and very nice parkour mechanics. The game turned out to be more beautiful, larger and more diverse than the first part. If you love the theme of the zombie apocalypse, then you definitely should not miss this game.

Dying Light 2

I also want to add that 2022 is going to be a busy year for PS5. For example, Horizon Forbidden West is coming out on February 18, which I have no doubt will be a great adventure game. In early March, we are waiting for the car simulator Gran Turismo 7 on Sony consoles — the king of racing games is back!

At the end of March, it will be possible to look at the unusual Ghostwire: Tokyo, which is being made by Tango Gameworks, founded by Shinji Mikami, the creator of the Resident Evil series.