Stronghold 2 karten: Stronghold 2 — Top 5 Custom Maps

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Stronghold 2 Map Frage? (Karten, bearbeiten, Editor)

Letzte Aktivität: 31.10.2022, 08:38
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  • Kann man bei Stronghold 2 die Maps mit den Karteneditor bearbeiten die man nich selber gemacht hat z. B. Weideland oder Baltikum.

    Gruß Fabi

    3 Antworten


    02.02.2016, 10:49

    Doch man kann die Karten bearbeiten ! Dafür musst du nur in deinem Stronghold Ordner die alten originalen Karten kopieren , umbenennen , und in den order mit deinen Selbst erstellten Karten einfügen 😀


    28.02.2010, 08:37

    nein dies ist nicht möglich, deer Grund ist das der karteneditor dafür da ist eigene maps zu machen und die gemachten zu verändern


    27. 09.2011, 14:28

    wie kann mann eigene maps erstellen und dann auch spielen? Bei mir kommt dann nach 5sec sofort «niederlage» oder «sieg» …!!

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    Gruß Dennis

    . ..zur Frage

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    …zur Frage

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    Gruß Flo

    . ..zur Frage

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    …zur Frage

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    Vielen Dank im Voraus.

    . ..zur Frage

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    Mir wurde gesagt das in manchen einfach kein Enderportall ist und das normal ist.

    Ich habe nur jetzt Probleme ein 2ten Stronghold zu finden da die enderaugen immer zu dem Stronghold fliegen der kein Enderportall hat.

    Wisst ihr wie am einen 2ten Stronghold finden kann?

    . ..zur Frage

    Stronghold Crusader oder stronghold 3?

    Ich habe schon stronghold Crusader und ich wollte wissen was eurer Meinung nach besser ist ?

    …zur Frage

    Citadel Game Rules —


    In Citadels, each player leads a city and seeks to
    increase its prosperity by building new city districts.
    The game ends after one player has built his eight
    district, after which a winner is determined by
    Building the most impressive city, however, is not
    an easy task. Only by influencing nobles, merchants,
    and other powerful characters of the realm will you
    achieve success.
    Citadels includes district cards, character cards,
    reference cards, gold counters, and the wooden
    crown piece. 
    District Cards
    These cards represent the various
    districts that you can add to your
    city. Each district card has a cost,
    represented by a number of gold
    coins along the card's left
    edge. In order to put a district
    card into play, you must pay
    its cost in gold.
    Each district card also exhibits
    a color on its bottom left hand corner,
    which tells you what type of district it is:
    Color Type
    Yellow Noble (provides income to the King)
    Blue Religious (provides income to the Bishop)
    Green Trade (provides income to the Merchant)
    Red Military (provides income to the Warlord)
    Purple Special (provides the special benefits
    described on the card itself)
    Fourteen of the purple district cards are bonus
    cards marked by a white star. Before you play your
    first game, remove these cards. Rules for how to use
    the bonus district cards are found later.
    Character Cards
    These cards represent the
    characters that players will seek
    to influence during every game
    round. There are 8 basic
    characters in Citadels, but in this
    edition you will also find 10
    bonus character cards
    marked by a white star.  These
    bonus characters are not used in
    the basic game. Before you play
    your first game, remove these cards. As with the
    district bonus cards, we will teach you how to use
    them later in this rules set.
    In addition to a special ability, each
    character card has a rank number
    between 1 to 9. This is printed on the
    upper left hand side of the card.
    Reference Cards
    Each player should be given one of these cards at
    the beginning of the game. They are useful for
    gameplay, especially during your first few games.
    Gold Counters
    These represent the gold needed to build district
    cards. They should be placed on the table in a
    central “Bank” at the beginning of the game.
    The Wooden Crown counter
    The player who has the Crown is the first player to
    choose a character card during the next
    round. The Crown switches owners
    whenever another player uses the ability of
    the “King” character.
    To prepare Citadels for play, follow these steps:
    1. Remove the bonus character and district cards
    (marked by a white star). 
    2. Shuffle the eight remaining character cards
    together into one deck. This is called the Character
    3. Shuffle the remaining district cards together into
    one deck. This is called the District Deck.
    4. Each player is then dealt four random districts
    cards from the District Deck.
    5. Each player receives two gold from the bank.
    6. The oldest player receives the Crown.
    Playing the game with 4-6 players is
    described below. If you are playing with
    2, 3, or 7 players, see the special rules
    later in this rules set.
    Citadels is played over a series of
    rounds. There are four steps to each
    Step One: Remove Characters
    First draw one random card from the
    Character Deck and set facedown
    in the center of the table
    without looking at it. This card
    will not be used this round.
    Then draw a second set of cards from the
    Character Deck and set them faceup in the middle
    of the table (the number of such faceup cards
    depends on the number of players, see the table
    These faceup cards will not be used this round.
    Special rule: If you draw the “King” character to
    be faceup, immediately replace it with another
    random card from the Character Deck, then shuffle
    the King back into the Character Deck.
    Step Two: Choose Characters
    The player who currently possesses the Crown
    now takes the Character Deck, looks at the cards,
    and secretly choose a character from here. He then
    passes the remaining character cards to the player on
    his left, who also secretly chooses a card and passes
    the remaining cards to the left, etc. This continues
    until each player has chosen one card from the
    character deck. After the last player has chosen, the
    single remaining unchosen card is placed facedown
    in the center of the table.
    Step Three: Player Turns
    Once all players have chosen a character card, the
    player who has the Crown now calls out the name of
    each character one-at-a-time in the order of
    numerical rank. In this way, he will first call out the
    “Assassin” (#1), then the “Thief” (#2), etc.  if no
    4 2
    5 1
    6-7 0
    of Players
    Number of
    faceup cards
    player reveals that a character when called, simply
    proceed to call out the next character in rank order.
    When the name of your character card is called,
    you must reveal your character card, place it faceup
    in front of you, and take your turn. When your turn
    is over, the player with the Crown calls the name of
    the next character card. In this manner, play
    proceeds to every character in order of their rank
    number, giving all players one turn (unless
    assassinated, of course).
    On Your Turn
    On your turn, you must first take an action, after
    which you may build a district card.
    1) Take an Action: At the beginning of your turn,
    you must do one of the following:
    • Take two gold from the bank,
    • Or, draw two district cards from the District
    Deck, choose one card to put in your hand, and
    place the other card on the bottom of the District
    2) Build a District Card: After you have done
    one of the two things above, you may build one
    district card in your city (that is, play it from your
    hand onto the table in front of you).  In order
    to do so, you must pay the cost of the
    district, in gold, to the bank. You may
    choose not to build a district card if you
    The gold cost of building a district card is
    equal to the number of gold coins printed on
    the upper left hand side of the card.
    You may not build a district so that you have two
    identical districts (two “Castle” cards, two “Market”
    cards, etc.) in your city.
    The Special Abilities of Characters
    Each character has a special ability, also called its
    power. You may use your character's power once
    during your turn. The powers of each character are
    summarized on their respective cards and explained
    in detail at the end of these rules. Be sure to
    familiarize yourself with the detailed powers before
    playing your first game.
    Step Four: End of Round
    After all the characters have been called, each
    player returns his character card to the Character
    Deck, which is shuffled, and a new round begins.
    When a player builds his eighth district, the game
    ends after the current round is completed.  At the end
    of the game, each player receives points for all of
    the following:
    • A player receives a number of points equal to the
    total combined gold cost of all the district cards in
    his city at the end of the game
    • If a player has at least one district in each of the
    five colors, he receives 3 points
    • If a player was the first player to build
    eight districts, he receives 4 points
    • All other players that have
    managed to build eight districts at the
    end of the game receive 2 points
    The winner of the game is the
    player with the most points.
    Two- or Three-Player Games
    In a two- or three-player game, all players play
    with two characters each. The game is played
    normally, except that each player will have two turns
    during each round (one turn for each character).
    Players do not have to separate their gold or their
    districts between their characters, as they are still only
    have one city. A player can, for example, keep the
    money earned by his first character to build an
    expensive district with his second character. 
    If you are playing with two or three players, the
    rules for preparing the character deck and choosing
    character cards is changed in the following ways:
    Two Player Game
    1. The player who has the Crown (Player A) shuffles
    the Character Deck and places a random character
    card facedown in the center of the table. He then
    secretly selects a character card from the remaining
    cards and passes the remaining six character cards to
    the other player (Player B).
    2. Player B selects one card from the Character
    Deck for himself, and then chooses and places
    another card facedown in the center of the table. He
    then passes the remaining four cards to Player A.
    3. Player A selects one of the remaining four cards
    for himself, after which he chooses and places
    another of the cards facedown in the center of the
    table. He then passes the remaining two cards to
    player b.
    4. Player B takes one of the remaining cards, placing
    the last card facedown in the center of the table.
    The Three-Player Game
    The player with the Crown takes the Character
    Deck, places a random card facedown in the middle
    of the table, and then secretly chooses a character
    for himself. 
    He then passes the remaining character cards to
    the player on his left, who also chooses a card, and
    then passes the remaining cards to the left, etc.
    This continues until each player has chosen two
    cards from the Character Deck. The last player will
    select one of the two remaining cards, and place the
    last card facedown in the center of the table.
    The Seven-Player Game
    A seven player game of Citadels plays much like
    the normal game, with one exception:
    During the “Choose Characters” step of a sevenplayer
    game, when the seventh player is handed the
    last character card from the sixth player, he secretly
    looks at the facedown card on the table. He will then
    choose one of these two cards, placing the other card
    facedown in the center of the table, allowing no
    other player to look at it.
    This edition of Citadels includes 10 extra bonuses
    Character cards (each marked with a white star), and
    14 extra purple district cards (also marked with a
    white star). You can add these bonus cards to your
    Citadels game for more fun and variety. 
    9Bonus Characters
    The bonus Character cards can be used in the
    the following ways:
    Before the game begins, players may agree to
    remove one or two of the original eight character
    cards and replace them with the bonus characters of
    the same rank numbers. For example, you may agree
    to remove the Merchant (#6) and replace him with
    the Alchemist (#6).
    If you decide to use one of the rank 9 characters
    in a four- to seven-player game, you must place a
    number of random faces at the beginning of each
    round, as detailed in the table below.
    When using a rank 9character
    card, you can play Citadels with
    eight players. When playing
    with eight players, simply
    use the rule for the sevenplayer
    game in which
    last player may chose
    between the remaining
    character and the
    facedown character in the
    middle of the table.
    4 3
    5 2
    6 1
    7 0
    of Players
    Number of
    faceup cards
    The Bonus District Cards
    Before the game begins, players may agree to add
    2-3 additional purple district cards to the District Deck
    from the 14 available bonus district cards.  If players
    wish to use more than 2-3 of the bonus district cards,
    they should remove one existing purple district card
    for each additional bonus district card used.
    Shorter Game
    If players agree, the game can be made shorter by
    playing to seven districts instead of eight.
    Every character in Citadels has a unique special
    power. You may (it is not mandatory to use the
    special power) use your character's power once at
    any point during your turn. Each character's power
    is summarized on its card, and detailed below:
    Note: Characters who receive income for certain
    types of districts in their cities (the King, Emperor,
    Bishop, Abbot, Merchant, Diplomat, and Warlord)
    may use their power to receive this gold at any point
    in their turn. Thus you may choose to receive your
    income either before building new districts (if you
    need the gold in order to
    build the districts), or
    after building new
    districts (to gain
    income from the
    newly built district).
    You cannot, however,
    do both. 
    1) Assassin
    Announce the title of another character
    that you wish to murder. The player who has
    the murdered character must say nothing, and
    must remain silent when the murdered
    character is called upon to take his turn. The
    murdered character misses his entire turn.
    2) Thief
    Announce the title of a character from
    whom you wish to steal. When the player
    who has that character is called upon to take
    his turn, you first take all of his gold. You
    may not steal from the Assassin or the
    Assassin's target.
    3) Magician
    At any time during your turn, you may
    do one of the following two things:
    • Exchange your entire hand of cards (not the
    cards in your city) with the hand of another
    player (this applies even if you have no cards
    in your hand, in which case you simply take
    the other player's cards).
    • Place any number of cards from your hand
    facedown at the bottom of the District Deck,
    then draw an equal number of cards from the
    top of the District Deck.
    4) King
    You receive one gold for each noble
    (yellow) district in your city. 
    When the King is called, you immediately
    receive the Crown. You will now call the
    characters, and you will be the first player to
    choose your character during the next round.
    If there is no King during the next round,
    you keep the Crown. If you are murdered
    you skip your turn like any other character.
    Nevertheless, after the last player has played
    his turn, when it becomes known that you
    had the murdered King's character card, you
    take the Crown (as the king's heir).
    5) Bishop
    You receive one gold for each religious
    (blue) district in your city. Your districts
    may not be destroyed by the Warlord.
    6) Merchant
    You receive one gold for each trade
    (green) district in your city. After you take
    an action, you receive one additional gold.
    7) Architect
    After you take an action, you draw two
    additional district cards and put both in your
    hand. You may build up to three districts
    during your turn.
    8) Warlord
    You receive one gold for each military
    (red) district in your city.  At the end of your
    turn, you may destroy one district of your
    choice by paying a number of gold equal to
    one less than the cost of the district. Thus,
    you may destroy a cost 1 district for free, a
    cost 2 district for 1 gold, or a cost 5 district
    for 4 gold, etc. You may destroy one of yours
    own districts. You may not, however, destroy
    a district in a city that is already completed
    by having eight districts.
    Design: Bruno Faidutti
    Illustration: Julien Delval, Florence Magnin, Jean-Louis Mourier, Jesper
    Ejsing, Bjarne Hansen
    Graphic Design: Cyrille Daujean, Brian Schomburg, Scott Nicely, Richard
    Spicer, Christian T. Petersen
    Editing & Rules: Darrell Hardy, Christian T. Petersen
    Citadels and Citadels: Dark City Expansion are a trademark of Fantasy
    Flight Publishing, Inc. Copyright ©2006 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All
    rights reserved. No part of this product may be reproduced without specific
    permission from the publisher.
    1) Witch
    After you take an action, announce the
    title of another character that you wish to
    bewitch, then immediately end your turn. 
    When the bewitched character is called upon,
    its player must show his character card, take
    an action, and then immediately end his turn.
    You now resume this player's turn as if you
    were playing the bewitched character
    all that character's powers (including the gold
    bonus of the Merchant or the two card bonus
    of the Architect) in your city.
    If the King is bewitched, the King player still
    receives the crown counter. If the bewitched
    character is not in play, you do not resume
    your turn. The Thief cannot steal from the
    Witch or the bewitched character.
    2) Tax Collector
    After another player has built one or
    more districts in his city, that player must, at
    the end of his turn, give you one gold (if he
    has any gold left). If the Assassin or the
    Witch has already built a district card, their
    players must pay you one gold as you reveal
    that you have the Tax Collector.
    You may look at another player's hand
    of cards and take one card. You may then
    either put this card into your hand, or pay to
    build it in your city.  If you build it in your
    city, it does not count towards the one district
    building limit, which means you can build
    another district as well. During this turn, you
    may build district cards identical to another
    district already in your city.
    4) Emperor
    You receive one gold for each noble
    (yellow) district in your city. When the
    Emperor is called, you must immediately
    take the Crown from the player who has it
    and give it to a different player (but not
    yourself). The player who receives the Crown
    must give you either one gold or one district
    card from his hand. If the player has neither a
    gold nor a card, he does not have to give you
    anything. (Note that, like the King, the
    Emperor may not be in the faceup discarded
    character cards.)
    5) Abbot
    You receive one gold for each religious
    (blue) district in your city. The player who
    has the most gold must give you one gold. If
    there is a tie for the player with the most
    gold, or if you have the most gold, then you
    do not receive the gold. 
    6) Alchemist
    At the end of your turn, you receive
    back all the gold you spent to build district
    cards this turn, but not the gold you spent for
    other reasons (paying the Tax Collector, for
    example). You cannot spend more gold than
    you have during your turn.
    7) Navigator
    After taking your action, you may
    either receive an additional four gold or
    draw an additional four cards. You may not
    build any district cards.
    8) Diplomat
    You receive one gold for each military
    (red) district in your city. At the end of your
    turn, you may take a district from another
    player's city in exchange for a district in your
    city. If the district you take has a higher cost
    than the district you give, you must pay the
    difference in gold to the player with whom
    you make the exchange. (The Great Wall
    affects this cost.)
    district, or any districts in the Bishop's city.
    Note: If you are using the Diplomat in your
    game, you must remove the Cemetery from
    the deck, as it will not be used.
    9) Queen
    You receive three gold if you are sitting next to the King (or the Emperor).  If the
    King has been murdered, but was sitting beside you, you receive three gold when this
    becomes known (that is, immediately after your turn). Note: Do not use the Queen in a
    game with fewer than five players.
    9) Artist
    You may “beautify” one or two of you
    districts by placing your gold on one or both
    of them. The value of a beautified district
    (and therefore the cost of destroying or
    exchanging it) is increased by one. Also
    increases the number of points you receive
    for the district at the end of the game. There
    can be only one gold piece on any one
    Bruno Faidutti's Credits: Thanks to all who helped me test and tune this game,
    specifically Nadine Bernard, Maud Bissonnet, Scarlett Bocchi, Frank Branham, David
    Calvo, Brent & Maryann Carter, Fabienne Cazalis, Pitt Crandlemire, Isabelle Duvaux,
    Thierry Fau, Philippe Keyaerts, David Kuznik, Serge Laget, Myriam Lemaire, Pierre
    Lemoigne, Tristan Lhomme, Hervé Marly, Bernard Mendiburu, Hélène Michaux,
    Steffan O'Sullivan, Philippe des Pallières, Jean-Marc Pauty, Pierre Rosenthal, Fred
    Savart, Mik Svellov, and Irène Villa (I name only the most assiduous, constructive
    players, and the prettiest girls).  Thanks to all the attendants at my Vth Ludopathic
    Gathering and at Alan Moon's Xth Gathering of friends. Thanks to Marcel-André
    Casasola-Merkle, since one of the core systems of Citadels comes directly from his
    game Verraeter. Thanks to Ron Magin, Bernd Brunnhofer, Dirk Geilenkeuser and
    Volker Weitzel. Thanks to all those who took part in the Ohne Furcht und Adel
    character contest held by Hans im Glueck, and specifically to Ben Baldanza, Peter
    Kusters, Gary Wong, Andrea Navratil, Christoph Heinzl, Stefanie Kethers, Alexander
    Klein, Jonathan Degann, Holger Traczynski and Holger Baumgartner, whose ideas
    inspired by some of the new expansion characters. Thanks to Christian Petersen, of Fantasy
    Flight Games, who was very patient with all the troubles with the English language
    version rights. Most of all, thanks to Cyrille Daujean, whose help with designing,
    testing and supporting this game was invaluable.

    Horde 2: Citadel Cheats | Stop Game

    It is necessary to bring your hero to the Lower Waterfall (where Olga lives). Then build a bridge above the waterfall, to go to another map, and through Holguin’s territory, lead him to the very top of the map to the bridge and transport him to another map.
    Then we lead the hero to the land of dragons (central map), carefully passing through the flying clouds. On the dragon map near the dead stones there are 3 caves with cobwebs, at the very top there is a Dragon Slayer, it will help reduce the number of dragons that will get angry for «Breaking the Rules». When their number is significantly reduced, you can cost the city (we only need a factory), and then the bridge on the right side on the Kaman River, so as to get to the upper bank of the next map, if it works, then go right to the end and through the Roya volcano to another map .
    The city of Vorez is in front of you, you need to go to the gate (they will close and the cannons will start firing at you), now you have to wait 1 minute and win!

    SHIFT + CTRL + ALT + R — Resources
    SHIFT + CTRL + ALT + H — Restore life to all units This must be done on the first try, quickly, having previously dealt with neighbors and nomads, until human resources run out. If you delay, the problem of a shortage of resources will arise sharply, betrayal is very developed in the game. Greens are very recalcitrant and return after death. Kogan will open the way to the Land of Dragons before his death. If it doesn’t open, you need to stomp a little at the top edge of the map, and the passage in the mountain will open itself. But before that, you need to go to Olga and pick up half of the crown. Olga and Villur are practically impossible to destroy by conventional means, capsules with a deadly disease are needed. The dragon will only pass through his land once without a crown. When you return, give the crown (whole). Build a city, troops, take the crown from the altar (with the help of foot troops), and you yourself wind up to the Roya volcano. As soon as you step on this land, attention — this is the main secret of the game — in the main character’s menu, click on the dragon’s crown, it will disappear, and together … [read more]

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