Spieletipps gothic 3: Gothic 3: Tipps, Lösungen und News

Gothic 3: Tipps, Lösungen und News

Die Menschen haben den Krieg und ihr Königreich an die Orks verloren. Der König ist verschwunden und viele sagen er ist gefallen. Aber seine Leiche wurde nicht gefunden…
Die Orks kontrollieren die wichtigsten Städte und Straßen. Doch sie wollen sie Menschheit nicht vernichten sondern sie unterdrücken. Ihre Heere beziehen an eigentlich unwichtigen Orten Stellung und zerstören die Tempel. Warum sie das tun weiß niemand. Doch es regt sich Widerstand in Myrtana denn es gibt noch ein paar kleine Festungen und Heere in Menschenhand. Aber die Führer der Rebellen streiten lieber um die Thronfolge anstatt sich zu vereinen. Plötzlich erscheint ein Reisender dessen Tun über die Zukunft von Myrtana entscheiden wird.
Dieser Reisende bist du! Auf wessen Seite schlägst du dich? Wirst du den unterdrückten Menschen helfen ihr Reich zurückzubekommen oder kämpfst du auf Seiten der Orks um ihre Ziele zu verwirklichen?
Bei Gothic 3 ist alles möglich. Handele so wie DU es willst. Schließe dich den widerständigen Usurpatoren an oder stelle dich auf die Seite der Orks. In Gothic 3 kannst die Welt verändern wie du möchtest!
Ein neu entwickeltes Kampfsystem ermöglicht die freie Wahl des Spielziels durch den Spieler selbst. Die Spielwelt ist ohne Barrieren und man kann gehen, wohin man will. Ermöglicht werden mehrere hundert verschiedene Charaktere, die alle die volle Sprachausgabe besitzen. Dieser Vielfalt an Helden steht eine Vielfalt an Gegnern gegenüber. Neben den verschiedenen Hauptzielen gibt es unzählige Handlungsstränge nebenbei. Zusätzliche Vielfalt liefern die vielen verschiedenen Waffen und die umfangreich gestaltete Magie. All das ist nutzbar für ein einzigartiges System zur Charaktererschaffung.

Letzter Release: 
13.10.2006 (PC)
ab 12
13.10.2006 (PC)


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      Tipps und Tricks

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Gothic 3: Die 3 besten Tipps

| von
Manuel Montefalcone

In Gothic 3 stürzen Sie sich in ein episches Rollenspiel. Wir zeigen Ihnen in diesem Artikel, wie Sie mit 3 Tipps leichter im Game voran kommen können.

Die mit einem Symbol oder grüner Unterstreichung gekennzeichneten Links sind Affiliate-Links. Kommt darüber ein Einkauf zustande,
erhalten wir eine Provision — ohne Mehrkosten für Sie! Mehr Infos.

Gothic 3 Tipp 1: Lassen Sie ihn am Leben (Spoilergefahr!)

  • Im Verlauf von Gothic 3 kommen Sie in eine Wüstenstadt. Hier bietet Ihnen Diego seine Hilfe an, wenn es um die Snapperjagd geht.
  • Nach der Jagd können Sie entscheiden, ob Sie Diego wieder zurück in die Stadt bringen sollen. Zögern Sie hier auf keinen Fall! Wenn Sie Diego nicht mitnehmen, zerfleischen ihn die Bestien, die in der Wüste lauern und auf frisches Fleisch warten.
  • Sie können und werden Diego noch brauchen. Darüber hinaus ist es unfair jemanden sterben zu lassen, der gerade noch bei der Jagd geholfen hat…

Die 3 besten Tipps zu Gothic 3

Tipp 2: In Gothic 3 stets auf Trapp bleiben

  • Bogenschützen, Magier und Armbrustschützen sind besonders fies, wenn Sie aus der Entfernung gnadenlos auf Sie schießen.
  • Hier gilt es in Bewegung zu bleiben. Huschen Sie hin und her und machen Sie zügige links-rechts-Bewegungen, um den Geschossen ausweichen und unverletzt bleiben zu können.
  • Das geht natürlich nur, wenn auch Sie Fernkampfwaffen auffahren, um sich zu verteidigen und die Angreifer schließlich zu erledigen.

Tipp 3: Simple Physik in Gothic 3

  • Ja, die Macher und Entwickler von Gothic 3 haben sich etwas beim Programmieren gedacht und sind realistisch geblieben. Der «Höhere» ist im Game klar im Vorteil. Wenn Sie sich in einer Schräge befinden, sollten Sie darauf achten, dass Sie von unten angreifen.
  • Sie treffen höhere Feinde dann einfacher und diese Sie nur sehr schwer, wenn Sie sich niedriger positionieren und aus der Froschperspektive angreifen.

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Wir zeigen Ihnen außerdem auch die 7 besten Cheats zu Gothic 3.

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Al-Shedim Gothic 3: completing quests, teleportation stones

Good afternoon, lovers of Gothic.

Today we’ll talk about the passage of quests and tasks in Gothic 3 Al-Shedim.


  1. What is al-Schedim
  2. Passage, stages
  3. Where are the stones of teleportation:
  5. Teachers:

What is al-Shedim

al-Sedim-a great city is a great city the ancient civilization of Innos, of which today only ruins remain.
There is practically nothing remarkable around it (only ruins), except for the temple, which stands in the middle of a devastated field. The ruins begin in the square where the waterbenders have set up camp and pitched their tents. Together with the sorcerers, the nomads accompanying them stop in the ruins; nomads disperse in groups throughout the ruined field.
Like almost everywhere in the desert, it is full of monsters: all kinds of creatures live in the vicinity: glohrhids, crawlers, ogres, orcs have set up camp there, wanting to penetrate the temple and take sacred artifacts.

Walkthrough, stages

Open the temple of Al Shedim

The hero arrives in Al Shedim and is about to open the temple to find one of the divine artifacts.
The door is locked with five keys, you need to find them to get inside.

Find the five keys to the Temple of Al-Shedima

The doors of the temple are securely sealed and five keys are needed to open them.

Where are the keys:

  • The first key is kept by Saturas.
  • The second key is kept by Lester.
  • The third one is hidden in the warrior quarter.
  • The fourth key is in the ruins of the keepers of the dead.
  • The fifth key is in the ruins of the ancient library.

Find the first key

The first key has already been found by Archmage Saturas, who will give it back only when you find the other four.

Find the second key

Lester may have the second key; our old friend won’t ask anything for the key.

Find the third key

The third key is stored in a chest in the warrior quarter, on a small hill surrounded by temple guards.

Find the fourth key

The fourth key is hidden in a chest in the ruins of the keepers of the dead, in the ruins of a huge room where skeletons, zombies, mummies roam in large numbers and one of the temple guards has settled.

Find the fifth key

The fifth key to the temple has long been in the ancient library, in a chest guarded by creepers, glorchs and gargoyles.

Nomad Message

Orcs have come to Al Shedim to get hold of the secrets of the ancient city, so they must be destroyed. The Nameless One approaches the leader of the nomads, Vutras, who proposes to attack the aliens from Myrtana. However, they cannot cope alone — the Nameless One goes to the far side of the ruins for reinforcements.
Two roads lead from the orc camp to the back of the ruins, at the end of each of which is a nomad camp. The hero enters into a dialogue with the commanders of these units, Pakwan and Onatos, and warns that he and Vuthras will soon need reinforcements.

Liberation of Al-Shedim

The hero has informed all the nomads about the plans of Vuthras, and now they are all ready to start the battle.
The Nameless One comes to the orc camp and destroys their leader, after which the nomads, already prepared, ambush from all sides, and together they manage to kill most of the orcs, and put the rest to flight.

Explore the ruins of Al Shedim

Liberator Hero and Conqueror Hero turns into an archaeologist hero who has to do the usual search for trash. These are the scrolls of scientists, and the urns of the guardians of the dead, and stone tablets, and figurines of warriors, and healing bowls; The Nameless One must dig through the entire field of ruins in order to collect all the artifacts of the ancient people.

Find three scrolls of scholars

Nameless goes through the ancient library and finds three scrolls of scholars.

Find seven stone tablets

The Nameless One manages to find seven stone tablets of the priests in the corresponding quarter.

Find ten urns of the keepers of the dead!

The Hero manages to find ten urns in the area of ​​the keepers of the dead.

Find five cups of healers!

The nameless one searches the healers’ quarter and finds five bowls.

Find seven warrior figurines!

The Hero collects seven funny figurines of ancient warriors from the Warriors’ Quarter.

Location of the Teleportation Stones:

In a basket in a large area next to Saturas’ tent.

List chests:

In Al Shedim, in the quarter of warriors.

In Al-Shedim, in the quarter of the guards of the dead.

In Al Shedim, in the quarter of healers.

In the ruins of Al Shedim, in the Quarter of Scholars, there are three gargoyles guarding a chest.

On a hill with ogres near the ruins.

Inside the Al Shedim temple.


Vuthras — fight;

Saturas — ancient knowledge, ancient magic.

Gothic 3 — The best collection of mods | Page 42


I have an inadequate cheburek o5. This time Lester.

Sq. from the supplement. «Crawlers saliva». Lester needs a hammer, a torch, a knife, a hornet stinger and 2 bottles to work with. But I don’t knock him on the head with this hammer on his blunt one, I don’t burn it with a torch, I don’t cut it with a knife, I don’t sting in . .. I don’t shove it and I don’t hit the bottles on the head, but he doesn’t want to take them and that’s it! May the bones of this useless jackal wither under the merciless sun of Innos! There is no line in which he could accept the instrument. I suspect that this may be due to the fact that after Al-Shedim he went to Lago, and in Lago he does not work under weed. Or do you need all the sq. Ashnu to make (Purse and skins). Maybe then it will work. But if not, can he do it like a true assassin, for whom I am now passing? That is, bang him and resurrect him with cheats? If this option can work, then write someone, if it does not make it difficult, what needs to be written in the console to «resurrect» it.

And yet, does anyone know where, in addition to add. sq. Can I get a katana from Ben Sal, Ishtar and a forged chest? Can bang someone? I made 3, for a chain with a merchant and bandits — two, and one for a forged chest. I need 1 more. I want to forge the 2nd Sword of the Master.


@Ingvar, the sequence seems to be important there. Talk again with the interested parties: Ashnu, Schnappsovar, Angar. Angar should send you to Leicester. Otherwise Lester will be silent.
If I’m not confusing anything. It used to be like this, but what was changed in the Third Content — this is unknown to me.

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Baal Zebub, arigato!

I talked to the alchemist (well, as I talked, I just opened a dialog box, there were no lines on the subject of sq. ) and Lester came to his senses. I don’t know if it helped at all or not, but the chain started up again. Let’s see what will happen next.

At the expense of katana, the question is relevant, if anyone knows — please unsubscribe!


Schnapps brewer Estebio was a mandatory link.

It’s strange that you don’t have any dialogues. I downloaded all the content from the links in the header (although most of it is in the collection on my computer). Installed in the correct order. According to an old habit — even now Xardas assures that this is no longer necessary — she launched each new mod (before, sometimes the inscriptions in the menu did not immediately load, and I had to arrange dances with a tambourine). All dialogues are in place. While all. I have not yet reached the episode you are describing, but so far I have not come across empty dialog boxes.

All of you guys are so, just a little bit, so grasping at a heavier object, as if this is the only solution to the problem.


This assembly contains 5 katanas, list chest, quest Bakaresh-bensala according to a note from Miguel, at the grave of Horan-ho, in Ishtar under the patronage of Ashnu, on sale from Milok Trelis


@Mikhail, why this infa? Previously, there were four katanas, and this was enough to make two Master Swords, which turned the Nameless One into a killing machine.

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Baal-Zebub said:

@michail why this info? Previously, there were four katanas, and this was enough to make two Master Swords, which turned the Nameless One into a killing machine.

Click to expand…

asked — answered….

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@Michael, I’m sorry. In general, I somehow missed that line with the question about katanas.
So I don’t understand where your words about their location in the game have to do with it.

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Found! Hooray! Now everything is mega-aesthetic! Vassyasin in temple armor, with 2 swords of the master and with a bow «Silent Death» on his back. Imagine how it all looks and envy. Now I’m still running and collecting chests and with the demon’s bow, the beauty will be indescribable

By the way, when I passed last time, apt. I worked on the search for a candidate for wanderers, but now I don’t.