Sherlock holmes lösung: Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Komplettlösung mit Tipps und Tricks

Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Komplettlösung mit Tipps und Tricks

Sherlock Holmes Chapter One kann eine ganz schön harte Nuss sein, wenn man nicht allen Hinweisen akribisch nachgeht und sämtliche Optionen ausschöpft.

Was als persönliche Aufarbeitung einer Familiengeschichte beginnt, wächst schnell zu Größerem an. Sherlock Holmes muss in Chapter One Ermittlungen führen, Hinweise entdecken, kombinieren, abwägen, Personen analysieren, Geschehnisse verknüpfen und hin und wieder auch einen Täter aus dem Hut ziehen.

Das ist ganz schön viel Ermittlungsarbeit, bei der man auch den einen oder anderen Fehler machen und sich leicht verzetteln kann. Dafür steht unsere Komplettlösung zu Sherlock Holmes Chapter One bereit. Hier findet ihr alle Teile der Hauptgeschichte, sämtliche Fälle, Cordona-Geschichten und weitere Tipps und Tricks, um das Spiel zu 100 Prozent abschließen zu können.

Sherlock Holmes Chapter One — Komplettlösung: Inhalt


  • Sherlock Holmes: Mutterliebe
  • Sherlock Holmes: Geister der Vergangenheit
  • Sherlock Holmes: Grab der Mutter finden
  • Sherlock Holmes: Polizeiwache und Archiv
  • Sherlock Holmes: Das Stonewood Manor finden
  • Sherlock Holmes: Sherlocks altes Kinderzimmer
  • Sherlock Holmes: Ein goldener Käfig
  • Sherlock Holmes: Violets Zimmer
  • Sherlock Holmes: Muse aus der Ferne
  • Sherlock Holmes: Das Kuriositätenkabinett
  • Sherlock Holmes: Opferlamm
  • Sherlock Holmes: Finale und Auflösung


  • Sherlock Holmes: Verkleidungskünstler
  • Sherlock Holmes: Geschwungene Fäuste
  • Sherlock Holmes: Der Preis der Gier
  • Sherlock Holmes: Erwacht in den Schatten
  • Sherlock Holmes: Der Sündenbock
  • Sherlock Holmes: Honigstachel
  • Sherlock Holmes: Aale an der Angel
  • Sherlock Holmes: Buchhändler vermisst
  • Sherlock Holmes: Liebesgrüße aus Cordona
  • Sherlock Holmes: Saite an Saite
  • Sherlock Holmes: Straßenzauberei
  • Sherlock Holmes: Der Gesang der Sirene
  • Sherlock Holmes: Der eiserne Sarg
  • Sherlock Holmes: Unter Blinden
  • Sherlock Holmes: Engel und Teufel


  • Sherlock Holmes: Schatzinsel — Runde 1
  • Sherlock Holmes: Schatzinsel — Runde 2
  • Sherlock Holmes: Schatzinsel — Runde 3
  • Sherlock Holmes: Das leere Haus
  • Sherlock Holmes: Schweigen ist Gold
  • Sherlock Holmes: Der Silberhand-Schatz
  • Sherlock Holmes: Sein oder Nichtsein
  • Sherlock Holmes: Der Geisterjäger
  • Sherlock Holmes: Der silberne Kanarienvogel
  • Sherlock Holmes: Staub zu Staub
  • Sherlock Holmes: Messerpfahl


  • Sherlock Holmes: Standorte der Banditenunterschlüpfe


  • Sherlock Holmes: Alle Trophäen und Achievements

Tipps und Tricks

  • Das Spiel nimmt euch kaum an die Hand bei den Ermittlungen. Quest-Marker in der offenen Welt, die euch punktgenau zeigen, wo ihr als Nächstes hingehen müsst, gibt es nicht. Nutzt daher so oft, wie es nötig ist, die Fallakte und die Karte. Letztere ist wunderbar detailliert: Jede Straße hat einen Namen, viele Wahrzeichen von Cordona geben Hinweise auf Orte und wichtige Plätze.
  • Das Anheften von Hinweisen ist das A und O. Ohne den richtigen Hinweis werdet ihr selbst am passenden Ort nichts finden. Drückt die Pfeiltaste hoch und schaltet die Hinweise mit den seitlichen Pfeiltasten durch. So erscheinen zum Beispiel weiße Markierungen, die Sherlock im Konzentrationsmodus (R1/RB) neue Anhaltspunkte liefern.
  • Es gibt drei Archive in Cordona: die Pressestelle, die Polizeiwache und das Rathaus. Falls ihr mal in einem Fall festhängt, könnt ihr an diesen Orten weitere Recherchen anstellen. Die Unterlagen lassen sich nach diversen Kategorien filtern. Auch hier gilt: Solange der passende Hinweis nicht angepinnt ist, findet ihr nichts.
  • Der Konzentrationsmodus gibt euch Hinweise über die Leute in eurer Umgebung, etwa zum Beruf, der Herkunft und so weiter — nutzt ihn, wenn erforderlich.
  • Klickt beim Erkunden der Stadt alles an, was sich anklicken lässt: Poster, Türen, Aushänge und so weiter. Hin und wieder springt dabei ein zusätzlicher Fall heraus, den ihr lösen könnt, wenn euch danach ist. Wer neugierig ist und sich alles im Detail ansieht, kann deutlich tiefer in die Welt von Sherlock Holmes eintauchen.
  • Zu viele Fehlversuche (etwa beim Ansprechen von Leuten) werden dazu führen, dass euer Freund Jon weniger von euch hält (was nicht wirklich schlimm ist, also keine Sorge). Trotzdem, klickt vielleicht nicht immer nur wild Passanten an, sondern überlegt euch, wen ihr zu welchem Hinweis befragt.
  • Sherlocks Verkleidung wirkt sich auf die Antworten aus. Die falschen Kleidungsstücke sorgen für Ablehnung bei den Passanten. Achtet dann auf deren Reaktion. Sie hilft euch bei der Wahl des Kostüms (einfache Arbeiter reden nicht mit schicken Leuten und so weiter). Neue Outfits könnt ihr unter anderem bei Bekleidungshändlern in der Spielwelt kaufen.
  • Wenn ihr Leute befragt, gilt: Passenden Hinweis anheften, die richtige Person am richtigen Ort ansprechen, die richtige Kleidung wählen.
  • In den Schießereien könnt ihr die Gegner entweder töten oder festnehmen. Töten erklärt sich von selbst. Zum Festnehmen müsst ihr ihnen die Panzerung vom Körper schießen und dann auf ein gelbes Objekt feuern. Das kann ein Hut sein oder ein Behälter am Rücken. Andere gelbe Objekte sind beispielsweise Gasflaschen oder Deckenlampen. Nutzt die Umgebung zum Vorteil und den Schnupftabak, sobald er aufgeladen ist. Für die endgültige Festnahme müsst ihr zu einem betäubten Kerl rennen und einen Reaktionstest absolvieren. Abgesehen vom Erfolg «Willkommen im Club» ist es nicht wirklich wichtig, ob ihr Gegner tötet oder festnehmt.
  • Geht allen Hinweisen nach. Das mag selbstverständlich klingen, ist es aber nicht immer, da ein Fall hin und wieder anders ausgeht, als man im ersten Moment vielleicht denkt (zum Beispiel ist Lord Craven nicht der Mörder in «Geister der Vergangenheit»).
  • Nutzt den Instinkt mit LB/L1 zum Aufblinkenlassen interaktiver Objekte (PC: Z-Taste). Dies hebt alles kurz hervor, womit ihr interagieren könnt.

Sherlock Holmes Chapter One Seance Solution

The Seance is the first crime scene in Sherlock Holmes Chapter One and takes place during the Ghosts of the Past case. It requires you to find who stole the diamond during the Seance. This guide shows how to solve the Seance crime, find the thief and reconstruct what happened.

Step 1 – Collect all Evidence in the Seance Room

First you’ll want to check the 5 pieces of evidence on the table in the middle of the room. They are circled red below. The tricky one is the butterfly brooch hanging on the jacket over the chair. It requires placing the cursor on it precisely. The cursor turns yellow when placed correctly.

The remaining evidence comes from talking to the hotel staffer in the room and the Medium. Also check the mirror and the skulls in the corner and the broken chair by the door.

Step 2 – Follow Tracks Outside Seance Room

Head outside the room via the door where the hotel staffer stands, leading to an area with a pool of water in the middle. Use Concentration Mode / on the floor by the window to find a piece of evidence, then follow the visual line through the courtyard into the next room. There you find a shoe on the right side.

Outside of the window, you can find a broken heel, presumably from a woman’s shoe.


Sherlock notes that this is a shoe size 4 belonging to a maid. Talk to maids around the hotel and you’ll learn that one particular maid left in a hurry. The maid we must find is upstairs near the paintings. Talk to her.

Step 3 – Reconstruct What Happened

Head back to the Seance Room. With the info from the maid, you can now reconstruct what happened exactly. See the correct solution below.



Step 4 – Visit Cravens in Suite 226, Solve the Murder

Head upstairs to Suite 226 to report your findings to the Cravens. On the way there, you can overhear maids talking about Lady Craven and extract clues from it.

Upon entering Room 226, we learn there’s a little twist – Lady Craven is found dead in her bed. Talk to Lord Craven, then search for all evidence in the room, highlighted with / .



Afterward, head downstairs to the receptionist to get the key for Room 225. Backtrack upstairs and enter Room 225 where you’ll find the Medium from the Seance. Collect the flash on his desk.

Then talk to him and analyze him, the correct analysis is “Former Thief Became a Medium”.

Talk to Luka and Lord Craven to hear their defense. When you’ve exhausted all dialogues with them, open the Mind Palace Menu and connect all evidence. The true killer is Luka, the Medium. He knew how to pick locks from his experience as a thief. He broke into Emma’s room and killed her. He also knew her, she was a thief too and they crossed paths before and knew each other. However, Emma was actually the thief of the Diamond and set up Luka, tried to make it look like he stole it. This got Luka enraged and he murdered her.

You can pick whether to let Luka go or to have police arrest him. Either way it doesn’t impact any trophies or achievements, choose this as you like.

For all other Cases, view the full Sherlock Holmes Chapter One Walkthrough.

« PrevSherlock Holmes Chapter One All Imaginations (Reconstructions)Next »Sherlock Holmes Chapter One Stonewood Manor Location (Shattered Memory)

Mr. Sherlock Holmes

LFIF08.11.2022 04:03

Were with children aged 7 and 9 at the play. I liked the performance! Just incredibly funny, perhaps the funniest I’ve ever been to. The actors are amazing, all three of them! But! Of course, I was expecting something different. There is no interesting, complicated case here, the comic «investigation» here goes in the background to jokes and acting. Actually, everything rests on the actors. Therefore, personally, I would not go to the performance a second time, although I enjoyed the first one a lot.
We sat in the front row. Specific sensations, tk. because of the size of the hall, the proximity to the actors was simply prohibitive — sometimes less than half a meter. It seemed to me that it would be visible perfectly from any place.

Marina К.08.11.2022 04:03

We were at the performance on September 23 with our 9 year old son. I really regretted that my eldest son, who is 15, could not go, probably, he would have appreciated both the humor and the plot to a greater extent. The younger one didn’t understand everything. It will be clear to those who read «Treasures of Agra». But in this performance, it’s not even about a detective story, but about how skillfully the actors beat the plot. Bravo to the director! That’s really bravo, because there were a lot of interesting details, and it was for the details that we liked the performance. For example, the son was delighted with how at some point they turn over the board on which they write, and there, on the other hand, is a caricature of Dr. Watson. He remembered this caricature for a long time and giggled. Yes, this is not a classic Sherlock Holmes at all, but there is a lot of «on the edge», including sometimes black humor 🙂 I think the production is very good for family viewing — children of middle and senior school age and adults. With children aged 9-10 you can go too, but they probably won’t understand the detective story itself (although the children are different), but they will laugh, there is a lot of fun in the play.

Svetlana Aleksandrovna08.11.2022 04:03

Good afternoon, we watched the play «Mr. Sherlock Holmes» with my 9-year-old grandson. Wonderful production, amazing acting. Music, dancing, humor, the original idea of ​​presenting stories about the famous detective and his friend Dr. Watson. At the end of the performance, all the children applauded for a very long time and did not let go of their favorite characters.
We will definitely be visiting you again and again.

Anna Yu. Therefore, I categorically recommend the play «Mr. Sherlock Holmes» to all the parents I know. The cunning interpretation gave the actors the right to joke, pedal, overact and fool around! All this is so important for a children’s performance, and looked so organically in this, perhaps not entirely children’s material. And — the main thing! — everything was done with pleasure and from the heart. A small room is very felt. Bravo!

Daria Bagrova11/08/2022 04:03

The theater in its announcement about the play «Mr. Sherlock Holmes» modestly writes about interesting and intricate things, don’t believe it))) Everything is much more exciting! So many adventures and inventions to fit on a small stage, so much so that you can’t even break away from the plot — this is Sherlock. And also real pyrotechnics, British banter and clever investigation. Absolutely classic Conan Doyle is staged elegantly and very unexpectedly (I will not give out secrets), and most importantly — fun, from the heart. I can imagine what it was like at rehearsals)))) Holmes-Livanov and Holmes-Cumberbatch at the same time, this detective on the stage of the theater «Beyond the Black River» is absolutely recognizable: there will be a famous pipe, a boat trip, and deadly spikes. Exciting transformations? Definitely, and more!

As a parent I will say: a hundred times yes, the children are fascinated, and this is rarely the case today. Maybe individual event moments slip by, but the acting and sparkling details redeem everything. There, of course, amazement, burning eyes and stretched necks. Even if it’s scary in places, it’s all the more fun later. In general, it is extremely intriguing, contagious and, yes, terribly funny. And not only for children. As an adult viewer (spoiled and biased), I note that the joyful recognition and solving of hinted riddles, coupled with completely unchildish laughter at some … uh … solutions, deliver almost intellectual pleasure. And they play great. Funny, charming, serious in their childishness, they make you feel and experience what we, such adults, carefully hide from ourselves)) But such high-quality works in the city can be counted on one hand. So family. Without hesitation!

Presnyakova Tatyana08.11.2022 04:03

The story about the great detective Sherlock Holmes and his faithful companion, Dr. Watson, turned out to be very entertaining! It will delight adults and children alike! Because it is delivered very fun, interesting and witty!
Everyone in the room laughed! And the rest of the day the children and I remembered with pleasure the jokes and situations from the play.
Only three actors are involved in the play, but the way they were able to play the atmosphere of London, the intensity of the detective story and sincerely lived each of their roles, simply amazed me!
Semyon MENDELSON, Alexey SHISHIGIN and Svetlana YESMENEEVA — bravo! Playing your roles so that modern teenagers can’t tear themselves away from the stage is a whole art!
In the play about Sherlock, the case of the treasures of Agra is told. And if while I was reading this story or watching a movie, she scared me, then here she had fun from the bottom of her heart! I have never seen such a witty Sherlock.
I really liked that the play showed the story of the acquaintance of Sherlock and Watson, and also told the background of their life. And every child now clearly understands the Holmes method.
And in general, there were so many things here that the children and I will go to this performance again with pleasure! Interesting plot, humor, witty wordplay, great acting, tons of transformations, funny and unpredictable adventures, amazing scenery and effects, murder, poisonous spikes, funny cops, solving mysteries together, animated paintings, harmonious mixing of styles, groovy dances and even splashes the Thames itself — what could be better on a Saturday afternoon for the whole family?! We fooled around with all our hearts!
And is it worth saying that every child dreamed of being the very criminal that his detective friends were looking for?! Yes, what can I say, if every adult would like to be in his place: the investigation was very exciting!
And when I came out after the performance, I caught myself thinking that I would like more new adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson on the stage of the Theater beyond the Black River!
I’m sure it would turn out great.

Mnogomama08.11.2022 04:03

Thank you very much for the amazing performance of «Sherlock Holmes»! This is our first acquaintance with this theatre! And so lucky! Bravo everyone! History, jokes, artists and the magical surroundings of London, Laughed to tears!

Spectator08.11.2022 04:03

The whole family came. Looking forward to the start of the season! Absolutely delighted!!! An incendiary mix of actors and puppets. Modern ideas!

Fedya, 9 years old11/08/2022 04:03

Very good play! Actors are great!

Gleb. 7 years08.11.2022 04:03

Very interesting performance. all the actors were talented! Very funny! AMAZING SHOW!

Tanya, 9 years old11/08/2022 04:03

I really liked it! The actors perfectly played the roles

Sergey, 38 years08.11.2022 04:03

Well done!!! I really liked it, the children laughed and rejoiced

Marina, Boris, Masha and Katya08. 11.2022 04:03

Amazing performance!!! I liked it very much! Both children and parents! There are no words to express our admiration! We will definitely come again! Thanks a lot to the artists. It was great!!!

Marina and Kostya08.11.2022 04:03

Wonderful performance, great acting. Thank you so much! You were a discovery, and now we have a great incentive to go to your theater!

Family08.11.2022 04:03

Great performance! Many thanks to the wonderful actors: Semyon Mendelssohn, Vadim Franchuk and the beautiful Yulia Kaim for the extravaganza of laughter and irony! Magical set design, unsurpassed acting and the atmosphere of a miracle! Bravo!

Sherlock Holmes or Vasily Livanov? • Arzamas

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Cover: Frame from the TV series The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. 1981
© Lenfilm

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