Ps4 spiele ranking: Best PlayStation 4 Video Games of All Time

30 Best PS4 games to play right now

The best PS4 games are quite the walk through the console’s lifecycle and highlight just how brilliant the games released on Sony’s last generation console really are. After all, Sony spent the last generation really solidify PlayStation as the platform for strong, exclusive, stories.

Although there are still some excellent upcoming PS4 games, we’ve not included the likes of Elden Ring or Horizon Forbidden West because they are best experienced on the latest gen hardware if you’re able to do that.

But, what’s great is that all of these are also playable on PS5, with some coming with snazzy graphical and performance upgrades for free. Plus, if you’ve missed out on any of them, there are so many of the top PS4 games available as part of the PlayStation Plus Collection too, which is an exclusive library of titles available to PS5 owners as part of their PS Plus subscription. A lot of these games will also soon be included for free as part of new PS Plus membership tiers, with the Extra and PS Plus Premium games libraries.  

30. Dark Souls 3

(Image credit: FromSoftware)

Dark Souls, the series that spawned a hundred imitators thanks to its emphasis on difficult-but-fair gameplay, came to a close with Dark Souls 3, but what a way to go out. Featuring a variety of awe-inspiring locales (some grotesque, some majestic), the same finely-tuned combat fans had come to expect, and a new emphasis on speed and versatility inspired by FromSoftware’s own Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3 is a wonderful encapsulation of the series as a whole; not as scattered as Dark Souls 2, not as rough around the edges as the original. If you’ve been curious about the Souls games, this is where you should start.

29. Death Stranding

(Image credit: Kojima Productions/505 Games)

Death Stranding released to huge fanfare this year, and whether you enjoy Hideo Kojima’s strange stories or can find satisfaction in its ‘walking simulator on energy drinks’ gameplay, it’s a game that will define the tail-end of the PS4 generation. You play as Sam Porter Bridges, a post-apocalyptic delivery man in a world populated by survivors, Timefall rain showers — which age and ultimately destroy anything they touch —  and Beached Things, or BTs – spirits of the dead unable to pass on. There’s also Mules, bandits driven mad by a lust for packages, nightmarish villains Cliff and Higgs, and BB, your Bridge Baby who helps you avoid the BTs. Kojima has filled the game with celebrities too, with Norman Reedus as Sam, Margaret Qualley as Mama, and an embarrassment of cameos from his contacts book. You may not always love it, but you’ll never have played anything like it either. 

28. Final Fantasy 15

(Image credit: Square-Enix)

Four adrenaline-driven teens embark on the journey of a lifetime, but this ain’t no Road Trip . The RPG tale of Prince Noctis and his merry band straddles fantasy and reality with almost balletic grace, throwing in titanic monsters and classic missions alongside conversations about the weather and visuals that just sing «America». Final Fantasy 15’s story is bonkers and its final destination a genuine surprise, but it’s still a winding, delight-strewn road that Square converts are duty-bound to travel – with sufficient appeal in its blockbuster battles and eclectic quest mix to suck in Fantasy novices, too. 

27. Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus

(Image credit: Bethesda Softworks)

Doubling down on all the intelligence, uncompromising emotional grit, and giddy, hilariously brutal Nazi killing that made its predecessor such a special game, Wolfenstein 2 has an even lesser tolerance for messing about. Transposing BJ Blazkowicz’s intensely personal war to an alternative ’60s America twisted into an ugly parody of itself by Nazi rule, Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus brings the same aggressive focus on combat and character, alongside a newfound relevance and indignation. Not that it’s all seriousness and soul-searching. Wolfenstein’s kinetic, high-risk, high-reward combat is even better tuned up, with customizable dual-wielding laying on even more strategic carnage, just as hatchets and exo abilities blow up the stealth. Brainy, brawny, big, brash, and beautiful, MachineGames’ new wave of Wolfenstein remains some of the smartest and most unique FPS around. 

26. Doom

(Image credit: Bethesda Softworks)

This modern reboot is worthy of the name Doom, and is basically the FPS equivalent of a muscular body: it’s speedy, empowering, and hits incredibly hard. You awake as the classic Doomguy to begin another spree of demon genocide on a Mars colony, with a surprisingly intriguing plotline that explains how you’re able to murder so many Hellspawn. There’s a primal satisfaction to whipping out a Super Shotgun, blasting an Imp’s innards into oblivion, and then performing a lighting-fast, stunningly violent Glory Kill on the demon who caught shrapnel just behind him. The classic weapons and enemy types benefit from new additions like upgrades and double-jumping, making Doom one of the most frenetically fun shooters of all time. Also, you can grab it super cheap now.

25. Dishonored 2

(Image credit: Bethesda)

The first Dishonored was so great there isn’t much room for manoeuvre here, in terms of quality: you’re again getting an options-packed adventure brimming with deftly woven narrative tales, set in a thoroughly believable world. What Dishonored 2, set 15 years later, adds is a second playable character – choose between original hero Corvo or super-powerful protege Emily. Supernatural abilities such as the latter’s grapple-like Far Reach again deliver both flair and fun, while a small-but-major improvement to melee combat is being able to turn a parry into a non-lethal knockout, making murder less of a necessity if stealth is your jam. The only notable drawback is assumed knowledge – the storyline makes little sense if you’ve not played the first game.  

24. Rise of the Tomb Raider

(Image credit: Square Enix)

Exactly two decades on from her PlayStation debut – hence the PS4 version of Rise of the Tomb Raider being subtitled the ’20 Year Celebration’ edition – Lara Croft delivers another must-own round of substantive combat and taxing-yet-enjoyable puzzling. The storyline, with Ms. Croft venturing through Siberia in an attempt to complete her father’s work in the lost city of Kitezh, doesn’t scream originality but packs in some genuine shocks, while the platforming and zip-lining mechanics take Lara to heights she’s never before reached – and not just figuratively. Choose to pick it up on PS4 and you also get all previous DLC, a new co-op Endurance option, and Blood Ties single-player content. And you really should choose to pick it up.

23. Fallout 4

(Image credit: Bethesda)

Hitting PS4 with the atomic force of a Fat Boy, Fallout 4’s excellent gunplay and crafting systems can trigger a nasty case of RPG-itis. Don’t worry though, there’s a Stimpak for that. There’s so much to do in this post-apocalypse it’s almost terrifying and quite often you’ll set off to complete a mission and get completely side-tracked when you find something wonderful/horrific along the way. Giving the main character a proper voice adds an extra layer of polish to proceedings, and the expanded set of companions and customization options are very welcome too. It’s not without its faults (or vaults), but the scale of Bethesda’s wasteland will keep you bunkered down for weeks. Slosh in the extensive DLC additions available in the complete Game of the Year version and you’ll never want to return from the Wasteland.  

22. Titanfall 2

(Image credit: Respawn)

Titanfall 2 is an absolute colossus of a game. It was one of the biggest surprises of 2016, as it delivered a smart campaign and enhanced the killer multiplayer of the original (which was Xbox-only). The story is overflowing with unique twists in a genre that long ago anchored itself in a sea of wash-rinse-repeat, offering true freedom while still retaining a sense of the familiar. Its navigation and combat feel truly three-dimensional, and its big-gun battles are an adrenaline rush even Optimus Prime would struggle to contain. A special, special game which, in execution, is anything but robotic. 

21. Monster Hunter World

(Image credit: Capcom)

We knew Monster Hunter World was going to deliver something special but no one expected quite the level of depth and beauty awaiting within Capcom’s updated action RPG, or how quickly we’d add it to our list of best PS4 games. Despite being the most accessible Monster Hunter yet, you’re still going to have to wade through some intimidating tutorials to get to the good stuff but smash through that wall and be dangerously prepared to lose all of your time here. Endless weapon types, huge creatures, constantly gorgeous environments, and a terrifyingly addictive loot for spoils system means Monster Hunter will have its claws in you from the get-go. Oh, and don’t forget to aim for those weakspots. You’ll thank us later. If you’re looking for more help, check out our Monster Hunter World tips. 

20. Battlefield 1

(Image credit: EA)

Battlefield 1 takes the epic shooter series back to World War 1, and the result is some of the grittiest, bloodiest FPS action you’ll ever see. This instalment has a great little story mode, which follows the exploits of several troops fighting on all fronts of the conflict, but it’s all about the multiplayer with Battlefield. The variety of maps and modes is staggering here — especially with all the content added by the various DLC packs (most of which are now completely free for ALL users). Whether you prefer to stick as a soldier, or choose to drive tanks or pilot aircraft, there’s a role for you in the chaotic online arena. The highlight of it all is Operations mode, which sets massive 64-player conflicts over the course of several maps, giving a real sense of back and forth battle.

19. Detroit: Become Human

(Image credit: Quantic Dream)

Detroit: Become Home from developer Quantic Dream is a fascinating story game that centers on Detroit in the year 2038. Society has created Androids to do all their menial tasks and low-paid jobs, but Detroit: Become Human explores what happens when the Androids gain sentience and start to break their programming. One of the most beautiful games on PS4, Detroit is all about progressing the story, rather than having full control over the action, so you need to be prepared to involve yourself in a proper, engaging story before you play. Embrace Detroit’s narrative, relish the choices it forces you to make, and this could be one of the most unique, interesting games you’ll ever play on PS4. It’s impossible to see even half the game in a single playthrough too, so there’s heaps of value here.

18. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

With about 100+ hours of stuff to do in ancient Greece, and the choice of two lead characters, there’s amazing value to be had in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. While the pair of leads — Alexios and Kassandra — are both strong personalities, it’s the world that’s the real star here. Whether you’re dashing across it on a steed, or sailing around it in your own, fully-crewed ship, the sheer variety of things to see and do is staggering. There’s a full RPG system to tinker with, adding more depth than any previous Creed, and a revamped combat system that really highlights the nuances of the character customization options. While the formula has come a long, long way from the series’ pure stealth origins, making this the most action-heavy Assassin’s Creed to date, the heart of the franchise is still in there, with world-ending conspiracies and engaging sub-plots ever present. Sure, there’s a lot of competition for your game time in 2018, but Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is a high-watermark for Assassin’s Creed games and deserves your attention.

17. The Division 2

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

With The Division 2, Ubisoft absolutely nailed how to make a sequel. It took everything that was right with the original game, and made it better, but also managed to iron out all the niggles and problems people had, to make a game that’s full of stuff to do, a lengthy endgame and story missions that are utterly brilliant. And what’s more, it’s always getting better. There’s a whole year’s more content still to come, including new story missions, eight-player raids, more exotics and more. It’s a seriously fantastic looter shooter that’s going to keep on giving for years to come. 

16. Bloodborne

(Image credit: Sony Interactive Entertainment)

Bloodborne was PS4’s first truly great, bespokely created exclusive. In Yharnam, From Software has made one of the most unerringly atmospheric worlds on PlayStation. This is a city that drips with dread; every corner potentially hiding a grotesque beast or fascinatingly twisted piece of lore. Though there may be fewer weapons than in Dark Souls, the new Trick variants (capable of morphing between long and short-form states) are among the most empowering virtual slaughtering tools you’ll ever find. With the finest third-person melee combat in all of games, drool-worthy art design, and the most twisted monsters in the biz, this is a gorgeously gothic must-have. Bit hard, mind.

15. Persona 5

(Image credit: Atlus)

Admit it, if you’re familiar with the Persona series, you probably saw this comiiiiiiiin’ . And if you’re not familiar, here’s the jist: you are a high school student who (between class and socializing with friends) fights monsters, capturing or otherwise convincing them to lend their power to your quest. And what is that quest, you may ask? Why, to fight against a world run by adults who have let their hearts grow cold, of course. To do this, you enter a realm tied to each major antagonist’s twisted psyche, facing down their literal demons. So yeah. One part Pokemon, one part high school simulator, one part Psychonauts, all backed by a groovy soundtrack.

14. Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

(Image credit: Capcom)

The original survival horror is back to reclaim its throne as one of PS4’s best scarefests with this first-person reboot. Resident Evil 7 is a complete reinvention for the series, drawing in the terror close with a new camera and a palette of fear that’s very much aware of modern horror films.  The game follows Ethan as he searches for his missing wife in a Louisiana swamp, a trip that soon goes very wrong when the Baker family show up. This is a much more low-key, slow-burning sort of fear than the last couple of game’s action blowouts, focusing on a more slasher movie-style pursuit through a large, crumbling house. But, despite the overhaul, things like inventory management, puzzles, weapons, and items still feel unmissably Resi. It’s a great Resident Evil game, but more importantly, a great horror game in its own right.  

13. Nier: Automata

(Image credit: Square Enix)

Nier: Automata may not be the most expansive, content-filled, or open-ended RPG in the world (or even on this list), but it’s definitely the best game to star an android dressed in gothic Lolita fashion while waxing philosophical about the nature of humanity, morality, and free will. Combat is fast, fluid, and satisfying, while a unique and award-winning soundtrack ranges from exciting to melancholy to mystical to inspiring. This is the type of game where you take side quests from a robot that models itself after early 20th century French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre before flying off in your power armor to battle a giant kaiju machine with lasers and 10-foot long katanas. It’s weird, wild, and not to be missed.

12. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End

(Image credit: Sony)

The true successes of Uncharted 4 lie in the details. Oh, sure, you have the big action set-pieces that the series is known for, where everything hero Nathan Drake touches falls apart around him in Michael Bay levels of destruction. And the attention to detail in those moments — how wood splinters into pieces under gunfire, or how Nathan’s clothing gets caked in mud during a high-octane car chase — certainly makes it shine as a bit of impressive tech to show off to your friends. But it’s how Uncharted nails the small moments that makes it truly great. For the first time in the series, Naughty Dog has given the series’ characters some room to grow as actual people, filling in the details where you least expect them to, and these smaller moments make the big ones feel all that more impactful. As explosive as Uncharted 4 is, it’s also deeply personal — and it’s a hell of a showpiece for your PS4, to boot. 

11. Ghost of Tsushima

(Image credit: Sucker Punch)

Ghost of Tsushima takes an Assassin’s Creed-style Japan, with a Red Dead Redemption 2-sized world, and blends in an entire library’s worth of Akira Kurosawa movies to create the perfect swan song for the PS4. It manages to give you a new love of feudal Japan, and with a world so full of things to do, every moment you spend in its world is a treat. This is a worthy swan song for the PS4, and a tribute to the Japanese culture it so clearly reveres. 

10. What Remains of Edith Finch

(Image credit: Giant Sparrow)

Sure, by now you’ve probably heard all the hype, and it might have even put you off slightly in that weird hipster way that hype always manages, but What Remains of Edith Finch is one of those beautiful reminders that games can make you feel everything. Exploring her family home, the titular Edith Finch gradually uncovers the stories of the Finch’s through the ages, each one opening up a new experience and story. From exploring a Halloween horror adventure in a graphic novel to simply flying a kite, every chapter is a new surprise. To give away any more is to spoil the magic of this walking sim but yes, it will break your heart and make you cry, but only in the best possible way. What Remains of Edith Finch is a beautiful experience that never feels emotionally manipulative, only ever incredibly human, and a poignant reflection on the stories that make us who we are. Even if we didn’t always know it. 

9. Grand Theft Auto 5

(Image credit: Rockstar Games)

The magic of GTA 5 and its reappearance on current-gen hardware isn’t in the improved textures, shinier cars or even the brilliantly executed new first-person mode. It’s in the way each addition and improvement combines to enthral and seduce you all over again to sink another blissful 50 hours into Los Santos without it ever feeling like a re-run. Also: an unhealthy dose of first-person cat-stomping. If tabby-kicking isn’t your thing, GTA: Online – with its mega online Heists, improved character creator and, y’know, end of the mystery of Mount Chiliad – is sure to gets it claws into you. Quite simply, it represents the definitive edition of the greatest open-world game ever made, which hold up well in 2018.

8. Fortnite

(Image credit: Epic Games)

Fortnite is the most fun you can have on PS4 for free — and I do mean totally free, because you don’t even need a PS Plus subscription to play online. Fortnite’s Battle Royale mode has taken the world by storm, enchanting players with intense shootouts and towering build battles as they compete to be the last of 100 standing. Regular developer updates add new weapons, modes, and thoughtful tweaks to baseline mechanics every week, keeping the game fresh even if you already have a few dozen wins under your belt. And don’t forget about Save the World mode if you’re in the mood for something more cooperative, though you will have to pay to play that one (for now).

7. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

The White Wolf himself finally rides onto PS4 in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and brings with him one of the most diverse and challenging RPG worlds ever seen. Mesmerizing to look at and utterly engrossing to play, CD Projekt Red’s farewell to Geralt is a new high for the genre. What really impresses are the genuinely entertaining missions, and the eclectic cast of characters that bring the world to life. While combat can be challenging at first, once you get into it, there’s enough depth here to keep you interested for the duration. Not to mention it’s been further bolstered by the often-astonishing Witcher 3: Blood and Wine expansion. Essential in every way.

6. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

(Image credit: Konami)

Konami might try to scrub Hideo Kojima’s name from the ultimate in tactical espionage action, but it’ll never remove his fingerprints. While retaining that distinct storytelling and sense of wonder that defines the Metal Gear series, Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain offers a level of freedom and creativity unheard of in any sandbox. It’s something to be explored for days, weeks, months – each little secret and hidden slice of gameplay just waiting to be found and to make players rethink the way they approach the game. Plus, it’s got a killer ’80s soundtrack, and some wonderfully gruff voice-acting from Kiefer Sutherland. Grand, majestic and bittersweet, this is an instant classic and one of the finest things you can shove into your PS4. It’s also been re-released as MGS5: The Definitive Experience, which contains prologue MGS5: Ground Zeroes plus all the Metal Gear Online DLC items, so that’s definitely the version to go for.

5. Marvel’s Spider-Man

(Image credit: Sony)

Swinging straight into the top five (sorry, yes, that’s the most played-out pun ever) Spider-Man PS4 is one of the most fun, immediately joyful games you’ll ever pop into your PlayStation. It looks incredible, sure, and the game itself is massive, but what impresses most is the feel of swinging around New York as the web-slinger himself. There’s plenty to do, and the variety of non-story stuff is impressive, but the real beauty lies in the slick, free, and utterly wonderful swinging. The fact that the story has all the heart and humor of Spidey’s latest Marvel outings only enhances an already brilliant super-hero game. With a neat Photo Editor included, and a stack of DLC to get involved with, you could be playing Spider-Man for months. .. and still have a grin on your face when you’ve finished.

4. Red Dead Redemption 2

(Image credit: Rockstar)

Red Dead Redemption 2 and its glorious open world that’s filled with things to do, and people to meet/rob/kill, is quite the masterpiece of game making. The world is so realistic you may have to pinch yourself that its not real as the morning mist rolls in, or the sun breaks through the clouds in the afternoon. And the story. Oh boy, the story. Obviously, we won’t be crowned the sheriff of spoilertown here, but it’s as gloriously epic as you’d expect from a Rockstar game — even if the opening few hours are a little slow. It’s a wonderful world to live in for a few weeks / months, because there’s so much to see and discover that you’re going to be wondering what the heck that thing is on that mountain for a while to come. 

3. Horizon: Zero Dawn

(Image credit: Guerrilla)

As beautiful as it is deep, Horizon: Zero Dawn creates an astonishingly rich world to explore and get lost in. On top of all that post-apocalyptic prettiness, the core gameplay loop of hunting and taking down various mechanical creatures is the real draw here. The use of slower weapons like bows creates a far more tactical take on the action — you have to think about your strategies and consider your options rather than just charge in blasting. As well as learning how to get by in a world that hates you, there’s just so much to see and do as you chase side quests, meet new factions and try to unravel the compelling mystery behind corrupted machines and a lost past. Once you’re done with the main game, there is a sizeable, challenging expansion with The Frozen Wilds. Easily one of the best games of this generation.

2. God of War

(Image credit: Sony)

God of War is — in many ways — a complete fresh for this action series. While Kratos is still very angry, the game still features moments of horrific violence, and the action continues to be smooth and brutal, the whole structure and pace has been completely revamped. Now you’re free to explore the world and unearth all its secrets as you go through, and there are so many layers to this game. Puzzles are incredibly smart, set-pieces impress, and Kratos is a much more rounded character — especially when it comes to the interactions with Atreus, his son. It also helps that the game looks staggeringly good, from scripted scenes to the way combat flows freely, all taking place in a world that feels alive and historied.  There’s no better showcase game for PS4. It’s a gorgeous exclusive that reinvents one of the console’s longest-serving, most loved characters. It’s heaps of fun to play, and the game just keeps inviting you to dig deeper and deeper to discover all its goodies. And you will. You’ll be playing this for a long, long time.

1. Last of Us Part 2

(Image credit: Sony)

The Last of Us 2 is finally here, and oh boy was it worth the wait. Ellie is back with an all-new story that will kick you in the stomach repeatedly with how much emotion it’s packing. Brutal violence is matched with one of the most engrossing game storylines of all time, full of moments that will make you question so much, and leave you with thoughts that I think will last most of us until the PS6… This is an absurdly ambitious epic that goes beyond anything we could have imagined for a sequel, and stands as one of the games we’ll be talking about for generations to come.

Sam Loveridge is the Global Editor-in-Chief of GamesRadar, and joined the team in August 2017. Sam came to GamesRadar after working at TrustedReviews, Digital Spy, and Fandom, following the completion of an MA in Journalism. In her time, she’s also had appearances on The Guardian, BBC, and more. Her experience has seen her cover console and PC games, along with gaming hardware, for over seven years, and for GamesRadar, she is in charge of reviews, best lists, and the overall running of the site and its staff. Her gaming passions lie with weird simulation games, big open-world RPGs, and beautifully crafted indies. Basically, she loves all games that aren’t sports or fighting titles! 

With contributions from

  • Heather WaldSenior staff writer

Die besten PS4-Spiele: 11 Favoriten

von Hannah Leonhard

12 Min.

Wer gerne zockt, ist immer auf der Suche nach neuen Herausforderungen und Abenteuern. Die Aufgaben und Geschichten der besten PS4-Spiele sind vielfältig und so fesselnd, dass man gar nicht mehr aufhören möchte. Wir zeigen dir unsere elf Favoriten.


  • 1. «God of War» | 2018
  • 2. «Red Dead Redemption 2» | 2018
  • 3. «Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey» | 2018
  • 4. «Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End» | 2016
  • 5. «The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt» | 2015
  • 6. «Bloodborne» | 2015
  • 7. «GTA V» | 2013
  • 8. «Marvel’s Spider-Man» | 2018
  • 9. «The Last of Us Remastered» | 2014
  • 10. «Horizon: Zero Dawn» | 2017
  • 11. «Detroit: Become Human» | 2018

PS4 spielen heißt: Abtauchen in eine andere Welt. Wer gerne zockt, der sucht Herausforderungen, sei es in epischen Kämpfen oder im Entdecken neuer Spielwelten. Anders als bei Filmen und Serien bist du nicht nur Zuschauer, sondern Teil der Geschichte. Deine Entscheidungen und Handlungen bestimmen den Spielverlauf und entscheiden über das Schicksal der Figuren. So kannst du dich zum Beispiel in einen griechischen Söldner, einen Halbgott oder auch Spider-Man verwandeln. Das Miterleben von spannenden Geschichten macht Gaming so beliebt und sorgt dafür, dass seit vielen Jahren immer wieder neue aufwendige Spiele auf den Markt kommen.

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Egal, ob du schon lange spielst oder gerade erst Lust bekommen hast, dir eine Konsole und passende Spiele zuzulegen, in unseren Empfehlungen ist für jeden Geschmack etwas dabei.  

1. «God of War» | 2018

Bei «God of War» geht es um die Geschichte eines Vater-Sohn-Gespanns. Zusammen stellen sie sich Boss-Gegnern und erkunden die detailreiche und stimmungsvolle Spielwelt.


God of War (2018) | PS4

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17,90 €19,90 €

Das erwartet dich

Das PS4-Spiel «God of War» gibt es exklusiv nur für die Playstation. Das letzte «God of War» Game kam 2013 auf den Markt. Damals kämpfte der Held Kratos mit den Göttern des Olymp und seinem Vater Zeus. Im neusten «God of War»-Spiel gibt es einen Zeitsprung und einen Ortswechsel. Kratos lebt gemeinsam mit seinem Sohn in Skandinavien. Die anfängliche Ruhe täuscht, denn die nordischen Götter haben von der Zerstörung des Olymp erfahren und wissen um die Gefahr, die von dem ehemaligen Götterschlächter Kratos ausgeht. Steuern kannst du als Spieler den Helden Kratos, es gibt keine Mehrspieler-Option. Dich erwarten zahlreiche Kämpfe, aufwendig gestaltete Spielwelten und eine fesselnde Story.

2. «Red Dead Redemption 2» | 2018

Dieses PS4-Spiel überzeugt durch eine detailreiche Spielwelt, in der sich viel selbst entdecken lässt. Es lebt von einer fesselnden Story und einer sehr guten musikalischen Untermalung, die immer wieder für Gänsehaut sorgt.

Red Dead Redemption 2 | PS4

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19,99 €

Das erwartet dich

Die Entwicklung vom neuen «Red Dead Redemption 2» hat ganze acht Jahre in Anspruch genommen. Entsprechend hoch war die Erwartungshaltung der Fans. Du spielst im Einzelspielermodus die Rolle von Arthur Morgan, einem Outlaw im Amerika des Jahres 1899. Die fesselnde Geschichte kommt einem Western gleich, allerdings spielst du nicht den Helden der Geschichte, sondern bist Teil der Aussätzigen, die die Gesellschaft aufmischen. Als Teil der Bande von Dutch van der Linde wirst du unablässig von Gesetzeshütern gejagt und musst das Banditenlager immer wieder abbrechen, um einer Verurteilung zu entkommen. So begegnen dir nicht nur menschliche Gegner, sondern auch Alligatoren oder Grizzlybären.

3. «Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey» | 2018

Das Besondere an diesem PS4-Spiel ist die unendliche Spielwelt und die Möglichkeit, das alte Griechenland sowohl an Land als auch auf See und unter Wasser erkunden zu können. Da sind nicht nur Orte wie Athen und Mykonos dabei, sondern auch historische Figuren wie Leonidas und Sokrates.

Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey | PS4

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23,90 €

Das erwartet dich

«Assassin’s Creed» hat eine lange Tradition. Der Hersteller Ubisoft veröffentlichte 2018 mit «Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey» sein elftes Spiel aus der beliebten Reihe. Dieses Mal wird man als Spieler in das alte Griechenland zur Zeit des peloponnesischen Krieges entführt. Die Handlung setzt ein, als Leonidas mit seinen berüchtigten 300 gegen Xerxes kämpft. Im Spiel begegnen dir immer wieder historische Figuren, wie besagtem Leonidas oder Philosoph Sokrates. Zu Beginn kann der Spieler erstmalig zwischen zwei Spielfiguren wählen. Es gibt Kassandra und Alexios. Zwei griechische Söldner, die im Laufe des Spiels nicht nur ihre dunkle Familiengeschichte erkunden, sondern auch einen mörderischen Geheimbund verfolgen. Die Hauptmission ist fesselnd, und die Freiheit im Spiel wirklich überall hinzugehen und zu klettern macht einfach Spaß.

4. «Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End» | 2016

Die Story überzeugt durch spannende Action, viel Kletterei in beeindruckender Kulisse und detailreiche Grafik. Außerdem macht die Beziehung der beiden Brüder großen Spaß. Immer wieder entführt die Story den Spieler in die Vergangenheit und eine interessante Familiengeschichte.

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End | PS4

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34,90 €

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Als Nathan Drake machst du dich in «Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End» auf die Suche nach einem verschollenen Piratenschatz. Auf der Mission tust du dich mit deinem älteren Bruder Sam zusammen. Die Schatzsuche ist allerdings alles andere als einfach. Du begibst dich auf eine lange Reise und wirst von brutalen Söldnern, die ebenfalls hinter dem Schatz her sind, gejagt. Als Spieler kannst du den Charakter von Nathan steuern, es gibt bei «Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End» auch die Möglichkeit im Multiplayermodus zu spielen. Die Missionen deiner Spielfigur sind geheimnisvoll und actionreich. Kämpfe mit Widersachern und das Entdecken der grafisch aufwendigen Spielwelt wechseln sich ab. Wenn du Fan von «Indiana Jones» bist, kommst du auf jeden Fall auf deine Kosten.

5. «The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt» | 2015

Die Spielwelt von «The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt» kreiert eine unvergleichliche Fantasy-Atmosphäre. Die Geschichte ist toll erzählt und lebt von zahlreichen Charakteren.


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt | PS4

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29,56 €49,99 €

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Die Spielreihe «The Witcher» basiert auf Romanen des polnischen Schriftstellers Andrzej Sapkowski. 2019 erscheint sogar eine Verfilmung des Materials. Das PS4-Spiel inszeniert die Romane als spannendes Rollenspiel, in welchem du in die Haut der Hauptfigur schlüpfst. So bewegst du dich als Monsterjäger und Hexer Geralt von Riva durch eine riesige Open World. In «The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt» begegnest du verschiedenen Fantasyfiguren, wie Drachen, Geistern und Trollen. Die Handlung spielt im Mittelalter und als Geralt reist du durch die nördlichen Königreiche, die vom mächtigen Kaiserreich Nilfgaard bedroht werden. Die Bevölkerung wird von Räuberbanden und umherstreifenden Monstern geplagt. Als Geralt schließlich auf den Kaiser von Nilfgaard trifft, beginnt eine folgenschwere Mission. 

6. «Bloodborne» | 2015

Wer auf anspruchsvolle Herausforderungen und besonders intensive Boss-Kämpfe steht, wird dieses düstere Spiel mit sehr viel Atmosphäre lieben. Als erstes PS4-Spiel ist es daher weniger geeignet, es sei denn, du bringst viel Geduld und Zeit mit.

Bloodborne | PS4

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19,99 €

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Das PS4-Spiel «Bloodborne» hat es in sich. Nicht umsonst gilt es als eines der richtig schweren Spiele auf dem Markt. Als kranker Pilger bewegst du dich durch die viktorianische Stadt Yharnam, die von einer gefährlichen Seuche heimgesucht wurde. Du musst immer auf der Hut sein, denn hinter so ziemlich jeder Ecke versteckt sich der Tod und ein neuer Gegner. Deine Mission ist es, ein mystisches Heilmittel zu finden, denn auch du bist von der Krankheit befallen. Es ist ein Spiel gegen die künstliche Intelligenz des Spiels und zahlreiche starke Gegner. Das Erkunden der Spielwelt erfolgt keinem bestimmten Plan, als Spieler bist du oft selbst gefragt, da das Spiel kaum Hilfestellungen gibt. Das bedeutet, du bist auf dich allein gestellt und selbst als erfahrener Spieler wirst du einige Niederlagen in Kauf nehmen müssen. Dafür ist das Besiegen der knallharte Boss-Gegner umso befriedigender. 

7. «GTA V» | 2013

Diese Spielwelt bringt viel Humor mit und die Freiheit, alles tun zu können. Der Spieler kann sich zwischen der offenen Spielwelt und spannenden Hauptmissionen entscheiden.


Grand Theft Auto V | PS4

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24,95 €69,99 €

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In GTA V (Grand Theft Auto) reist du ins fiktive Amerika, das stark an das echte Los Angeles erinnert, und spielst dich in den Rollen von drei verschiedenen Protagonisten durch die Unterwelt der Stadt der Engel. Als Franklin, Michael oder Trevor, führst du Raubzüge durch und kämpfst gegen Drogenbosse und andere Gangster. Du kannst zwischen verschiedenen Aktionen wählen, so entscheidest du, ob deine Figuren Freizeit verbringen wollen oder sich im Sinne der Haupthandlung des Spiels auf waghalsige Missionen begeben sollen. Im Zentrum stehen immer wieder die zwielichtigen und vielseitigen Motive der unterschiedlichen Spielcharaktere. So kommt es zu unerwarteten Handlungswendungen und spannenden Spielsituationen. Das berühmte Auto klauen ist natürlich auch jederzeit möglich, und so kommen Franklin und Co. in den Genuss, die eine oder andere Karre zu fahren.

8. «Marvel’s Spider-Man» | 2018

Falls du New York schon immer aus der Vogelperspektive erkunden wolltest, kommst du bei diesem PS4-Spiel auf deine Kosten. Das Schwingen mit den Spinnennetzen entlang der Häuserschluchten ist einmalig und macht viel Spaß. 

Marvel’s Spider-Man | PS4

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24,90 €

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In «Marvel’s Spider-Man» schlüpfst du in die Rolle des Helden Spider-Man, alias Peter Parker. Peter lebt ein kompliziertes Doppelleben, indem er als Spider-Man das Verbrechen bekämpft und als Peter einen normalen und menschlichen Alltag meistern muss. Als Spieler triffst du auf verschiedene Gegner, zum Beispiel den mächtigen Widersacher Mr. Negative. Das Open World Spiel hat sich als Schauplatz natürlich keine geringere Stadt als New York ausgesucht. Die Heimat von Peter Parker. So schwingst du dich mithilfe deiner Spinnennetze durch den Hochhausdschungel von Manhatten. Das Schwingen durch die Häuserschluchten der Metropole sieht nicht nur grafisch sehr gut aus, es macht auch wahnsinnig Spaß, die Stadt aus dieser besonderen Perspektive zu bereisen.

9. «The Last of Us Remastered» | 2014

Im Zentrum des Spiels steht die spannende Handlung rund um die beiden Hauptcharaktere Joel und Ellie. Die Vater-Tochter ähnliche Beziehung der beiden ist herzergreifend und fesselt den Spieler an die Konsole.

The Last of Us Remastered | PS4

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14,90 €

Das erwartet dich

Die Spielhandlung von «The Last of Us Remastered» entführt dich als Spieler in eine düstere Zukunft. So hat eine verheerende Pilzinfektion große Teile der Gesellschaft in mutierte Kannibalen verwandelt. Nach dem Zusammenbruch der Regierung kontrolliert das Militär, die noch bewohnten Quarantänezonen. Als Teil der Rebellengruppe Fireflies spielst du dich im Körper von Rebell Joel durch das infizierte Amerika. Im weiteren Verlauf kannst du auch in die Rolle der jungen Ellie schlüpfen und verschiedene Geschichten und Schauplätze erkunden.

10. «Horizon: Zero Dawn» | 2017

Dieses Action-Rollenspiel lebt von spannenden Geschichten und einer großen Spielwelt, die voller Haupt- und Nebenmissionen steckt. Der Kontrast zwischen der Welt der Maschinen und der verbliebenen Menschen ist spannend anzusehen und sorgt für tolle Kämpfe.

Horizon: Zero Dawn | PS4

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18,70 €

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Eine mysteriöse Katastrophe hat die Menschen in der Zukunft zurück in die Steinzeit katapultiert. So musst du dich im PS4-Spiel «Horizon: Zero Dawn» als Überlebende in einem Clan mit einfachen Waffen und wenig Hab und Gut gegen maschinelle Monster behaupten. Als Spieler startest du in der Rolle der jungen Aloy. So lernst du den Umgang mit Pfeil und Bogen auf der Jagd und entwickelst dich zu einer erwachsenen Kämpferin. Eine unvorhersehbare Wendung der Handlung lenkt das Spiel plötzlich in eine neue Richtung und offenbart eine gefährliche Zukunft für Aloy. Du musst dich auf eine Reise durch die Spielwelt begeben, um Antworten zu finden.

11. «Detroit: Become Human» | 2018

Das Spiel ist ein echtes Meisterwerk in Sachen Storytelling und Atmosphäre. Als Spieler muss man immer wieder wichtige Entscheidungen treffen, um die Handlung aktiv zu beeinflussen. Rasante Quick-Time-Events sorgen außerdem für Nervenkitzel.

Detroit: Become Human

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29,50 €

Das erwartet dich

«Detroit: Become Human» erzählt die Geschichte von drei Protagonisten in einem futuristischen Detroit. Gemeinsam haben alle, dass sie Androiden sind und ihre Zeit damit verbringen ihren menschlichen Besitzern zu dienen. Connor ist ein Android im Polizeidienst, der verschiedene Verbrechen im Zusammenhang mit mysteriösen Abweichlern aufklären soll. Marcus betreut einen alten Mann und Cara wird als Kindermädchen eingesetzt. Der Spieler schlüpft abwechselnd in die Rollen der drei Hauptfiguren und muss für sie lebenswichtige Entscheidungen treffen. Daher verläuft keine Geschichte gleich, sondern immer unterschiedlich, je nachdem, wie du dich als Spieler entscheidest. Als Spieler ist man sehr eng mit den Figuren und der Geschichte verwoben, sodass die Nacht schnell zum Tag werden kann.  

Die besten PS4-Spiele

Selbstverständlich liegt es im Auge des Betrachters, welche PS4-Spiele gut sind. In der Regel zählt, dass du Lust auf die Story eines Spiels hast und in die Spielwelt abtauchen willst. Die Aufgaben und Kampfsysteme unterscheiden sich zwar in jedem Spiel, aber die Mechaniken ähneln sich dennoch, besonders in Rollenspielen, die sich in einer Open World abspielen. Du begibst dich auf die Suche nach neuen Missionen, verbesserst Fähigkeiten und Ausrüstung und trittst gegen mächtige Gegner an. Die Geschichte des Spiels entscheidet daher maßgeblich darüber, ob es dir gefällt.

Das könnte dich auch interessieren:

  • Welche Spielekonsole passt zu Ihnen? Das müssen Sie über PS4, Xbox One und Nintendo Switch wissen
  • Retro-Konsolen: Das sind die beliebtesten Remakes von Playstation, Nintendo und Co.
  • PS4 Slim oder PS4 Pro? Worin die Unterschiede liegen und für wen sich welche Konsole lohnt
  • Gaming-PC Test: Hier geht es zum Gaming-PC Vergleich.  
  • Spielekonsole Test: Hier geht es zum Spielekonsolen Vergleich. 

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Best PS4 (PlayStation 4) games — ratings and scores


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One

Featured in the best of 2016 according to 83 % of users

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition is a re-release of the legendary fantasy role-playing game that won over 200 Game of the Year awards from various publications for next-generation consoles. In this…


Critics Rating




What Remains of Edith Finch


Top rated in 2017 by 83% of users

What Remains of Edith Finch is a collection of strange stories about one family. In the story, a girl named Edith Finch is trying to figure out her family’s past and why she’s the only one…


Critics Rating





PC, PS4, PS5

Top rated in 2022 by 83% of users

Stray is an exciting adventure in which you take on the role of a stray cat and take him on a journey through the streets of an abandoned cities of the future, solving in this city…


Critics Rating




Until Dawn


Top rated in 2015 by 83% of users

Until Dawn is a new horror game from Supermassive Games, which is being developed exclusively for the PayStation 4 system. The game tells a group of young people who went to a mountain resort and became eyewitnesses . ..


Critics Rating




Ghost of Tsushima


Top rated in 2020 by 83% of users world inFamous series. The game takes place during feudal Japan, when brave samurai…


Critics Rating





PC, PS4, Xbox One

Top rated in 2016 by 83% of users

INSIDE is a new adventure horror game from the creators of the German cult horror game LIMBO Playdead Studios. Players take on the role of a boy who is left alone in a scary monochrome world. So…


Critics Rating




Shadow of the Colossus


Top ranked in 2018 by 83% of users

Shadow of the Colossus is a complete remake of one of the most famous and popular games of all time for the PlayStation 4 next generation console. The PS2 Grand Adventure was completely…


Critics Rating



9Persona 5 Royal A new semester is about to start, hone your skills. Check out the soundtrack from…


Critics Rating




Streets of Rage 4

PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One

Top rated in 2020 by 83% of users

Streets of Rage 4 is a direct sequel to the beat ’em up action series from the 90s with timeless gameplay and electronic music. Axel, Blaze and Adam team up with their new…


Critics Rating




Metro Redux

PC, PS4, Xbox One

Top rated in 2014 by 83% of users

Metro Redux is a collection of two games from the 4A Games studio series that is gaining more and more popularity for new generation consoles and PC. The collection will run at 1080p…


Critics Rating




Battlefield 1

PC, PS4, Xbox One

Top rated in 2016 by 83% of users carried over to the First World War. Battlefield 1 will let you take a look at the battlefields of those…


Critics Rating




Dishonored 2

PC, PS4, Xbox One

Top rated in 2016 by 83% of users

Dishonored 2 is the sequel to a successful first person action adventure from the studio Arcane Studios. The action of the second part takes place 15 years after the death of the Lord Regent. After…


Critics Rating




Resident Evil 7 Biohazard

PC, PS VR, PS4, Xbox One

Top Legend of 2017 by 83% of users

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard horror is back to the roots -series. This is an atmospheric horror filled with horror, which is developed on a completely new graphics engine RE Engine, providing an unprecedented level of realism of what is happening…


Critics Rating




DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition

PS4, Xbox One

Top rated in 2015 by 83% of users

This is a remastered edition of DmC: Devil May Cry for next generation gaming consoles (Xbox One and PlayStation 4) from Ninja Theory with all previously released expansions, brand new modes,…


Critics Rating





PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X

Top rated in 2020 by 83% of users

Hades is a Dungeon Crawl with rogue-like elements from the creators such famous representatives of indie games as Bastion and Transistor. In it, you take on the role of the immortal prince of the underworld…


Critics Rating





PC, PS4, Xbox One

Top rated in 2016 by 83% of users

Overwatch is Blizzard’s new team-based multiplayer shooter where each playable character has their own unique abilities and opportunities. The game offers several game modes and different roles for…


Critics Rating




Mortal Kombat X

PC, PS4, Xbox One

Top rated in 2015 by 83% of users

Mortal Kombat X is the latest installment in the popular fighting game series from NetherRealm Studios and Warner Bros. interactive. This is already the tenth installment in the Mortal Kombat series, and the events of the game begin. ..


Critics Rating




NieR Automata


Top rated in 2017 by 82% of users

NieR Automata is a sequel to the original NIER, set in a world that is being destroyed by disease and monsters. The actions of NieR: Automata develop after these events, all in the same world. Po…


Critics Rating




Resident Evil Village

PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X

Top rated in 2021 by 82% of users

Resident Evil Village is a direct sequel to Resident Evil 7 with a first-person perspective that opens a new chapter in the series by sending the protagonist to a mysterious village where sinister…


Critics Rating




The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

PC, PS Vita, PS4

Top rated in 2014 by 82% of users

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is a remake of the original game by Edmund McMillen (author of Super Meat Boy), released in 2011 on PC. Graphics changed to 16-bit, and the game itself includes…


Critics Rating




Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age


Top rated in 2017 by 82% of users

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is the highly anticipated HD remaster of Final Fantasy XII, from which you can expect updates to graphics, characters, screensavers and much more. You can return again…


Critics Rating




Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection


Top rated in 2015 by 82% of users

Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection Dog, ported by Bluepoint Games, which has vast experience in this field and…


Critics Rating

7. 9



Metro Exodus — The Two Colonels

PC, PS4, Xbox One

Top rated in 2019 by 82% of users

Metro Exodus — The Two Colonels is a major story expansion for Metro Exodus by 4A Games. Together with Colonel Melnikov you will learn about the fate of Khlebnikov in dying Novosibirsk. In the new…


Critics Rating




Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One

Top rated in 2017 by 82% of users

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus is a direct sequel the highly acclaimed shooter titled Wolfenstein: The New Order from the developers at MachineGames. An exciting new adventure awaits in Wolfenstein II…


Critics Rating

7. 7





Top ranked in 2017 according to 82% of users wars in Japan. The game combines not only classic elements,…


Critics Rating




Monster Hunter: World

PC, PS4, Xbox One

Top rated in 2018 by 82% of users

Monster Hunter: World is a new game in the famous Japanese series from Capcom that goes beyond the handheld format and in which you will become a real monster hunter, explore…


Critics Rating




Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy

PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X

Top rated in 2021 by 82% of users

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is a third-person action-adventure set in the famous Guardian universe Galaxies», which will give you the ability to take control of Star-Lord, as well as. ..


Critics Rating




Sayonara Wild Hearts

PC, PS4, Switch

Top rated in 2019 by 81% of users

Sayonara Wild Hearts is a romantic arcade game where you can ride a motorcycle and skateboard, dance competitively, shoot a laser, swing swords and break hearts at a speed of 200 miles per hour. Heart…


Critics Rating




Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

PC, PS4, Xbox One

Top rated in 2019 by 81% of users

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is a major expansion to the original action RPG Monster Hunter World that unlocks a new master rank and introduces you to a new snowy world with new missions where…


Critics Rating

7. 3



Nioh 2


Top rated in 2020 by 81% of users

Nioh 2 is the sequel to the open-world hardcore RPG of the same name, set during the Japanese Civil War . Like in Nioh, to win in…


Critics Rating



Bloodborne — player reviews, critics’ reviews, scores, rating

Below are the ratings of various online publications with quotes from reviews of «Bloodborne». We do not add non-judgmental reviews, because we do not know how to determine their ratings based on the written text and cannot think them out for the author. We are trying to make the most objective rating based on the actual ratings.



Gmbox Reviewer: Unspecified

Bloodborne is a scary game. Formally, this is a role-playing action movie with a high cost of error. After dying, the hero loses «blood» (there were «souls» in Dark Souls, it’s the same thing), which is the basis of the game economy. Blood is needed for everything: to improve weapons, repair equipment, upgrade skills. If you get to the place of your death, the blood can be returned, but the game gives only one chance to fix everything. Having broken your neck for the second time in a row, you lose everything that you had some fifteen minutes ago. The fear of losing everything is not the only fear in Bloodborne. Enemies attack, as if in horror, from around the corner with a monstrous cry of a madman, with a roar, with frightening fury.

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[email protected] Reviewer: Unspecified

Bloodborne is one of the top candidates for game of the year, the best reason to get a PlayStation 4 and so on. All this is true, but something else is more important: we have a game that squeezes the maximum out of its own interactivity, namely, it makes you work on yourself and allows you to reap the rewards of this work. You can’t feel like a hero in conditions when funny scripts are jumping around, and health is restored automatically after ten seconds spent “in the house”.

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3DNews Reviewer: Unspecified

The only thing that didn’t work out in Bloodborne was the procedurally generated dungeons. Rumor has it that you can find good things there, but pushing through boredom is still a pleasure. The game creates a level from dozens of ready-made rooms, which is why the same environment occurs not just often, but incredibly often. To pass the location, you need to find the lever that opens the door to the boss and kill the enemy. It gets boring pretty fast at any level…

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Special Games Club Reviewed by: Unspecified

Bloodborne is an absolutely magnificent and almost flawless opus of the gaming industry. A wonderful heir to the ideas of his older brothers, who does not hesitate to present his own excellent elements, statements, and his own unique vision. The game is almost perfect in every way. An excellent balance between difficulty and interest from exploring the game’s locations, encountering each type of enemy and each individual boss.

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Stratege Reviewed by: Not specified

In the face of Bloodborne, we saw a clear desire of the Hidetaka Miyazaki team to make a new Demon’s Souls, only with increased combat dynamics and in the entourage of the Victorian era, where instead of medieval knights, warriors became hunters for all sorts of evil spirits. Including other hunters out of their minds. The game features a uniquely nasty, atmospheric, and that’s why eerily beautiful visual design from the From Software team, the style of which has been honed over many years since the days of King’s Field, intense and dynamic battles with numerous opponents…

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Catnauts Reviewer: Unspecified

I am locked in this endless loop. I am a prisoner of this city. Someone is obviously playing with me, there is some plan behind all this endless repetition of the same events, but every time it eludes me. I am a puppet, a puppet in someone else’s game. But the one who controls me is unlikely to be able to stop now. The world of Yharnam devoured him without a trace.

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Zone of Games Reviewer: Unspecified

On his lonely journey, the Hunter is not entirely alone. The unique multiplayer system migrated to Bloodborne from Souls unchanged. We observe echoes of events from parallel universes, ghosts of other players. You can call a partner for help with a special bell or answer the call yourself. If your soul requires enemy blood, then you can invade other people’s worlds and test your skills in battle with a living enemy.

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GameGuru Reviewed by: Not specified

From the first minutes of acquaintance with Bloodborne one can feel the familiar handwriting of From Software. Exorbitant complexity, gothic style, oppressive atmosphere of hopelessness and inevitable death — Bloodborne follows the same paths as the games of the Souls series. In general, we grabbed a little too much about complexity. Yes, you will die constantly. You will be brutally killed by some hunchbacked freaks with axes, tormented by rotten werewolves, trampled on by shaggy creatures, gnawed by plague rats, skeletal grotesques the size of a house will be electrocuted …

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9.3 Reviewed by: Unspecified

Bloodborne is a project for the next-gen PlayStation 4 console, so it’s also worth mentioning the graphics in the game, which are of very good quality here. Here you have liters of blood that gushing from the enemy, soiling not only the surroundings, but also the cloak of the protagonist, and it looks very authentic, sometimes you even want to wipe the TV from blood stains. But the most important thing in the game is the art design. Buildings, weapons, monsters and various bosses exceed any expectations.

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VGTimes Reviewer: Not specified

From Software, led by Hidetaka Miyazaki, it was hard to expect a mediocre product. Each trailer and portion of new details made us even more convinced that the game will be released in the best traditions of Souls, without losing the appropriate complexity. And so it happened — Bloodborne not only lived up to expectations, it surpassed them. Scolded games From Software for bad graphics? Get it. Complained about the same type of setting?

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GameMAG Reviewer: Unspecified

Despite the obvious simplifications in terms of role-playing mechanics relative to Souls, Bloodborne is one of the main role-playing projects of this year and a game that will become a turning point for the genre as a whole. The revamped combat system and balance, the incredible new world, and the stunning design are all important elements that make it feel fresh without being out of line with the series. This is the first real PS4 super project, the main reason for buying the console at the moment and a serious bid for the main game of 2015.

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Age of Geeks Reviewed by: Unspecified

Bloodborne will definitely appeal to all Dark Souls fans and hardcore fans unfamiliar with the series. Should a newbie buy Bloodborne? is a difficult question that only the player himself can answer. However, with some effort at the beginning and full concentration, this person will certainly get involved in the process and get great pleasure, because this is exactly what happens when you manage to do something transcendent, for example, kill a difficult boss alone. Getting started and getting used to BB is a bit easier than DS, so new players shouldn’t have any problems.

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Kanobu Reviewer: Not specified

One of the main differences between Bloodborne and Dark Souls is the health kit system. Initially, you can carry up to twenty healing potions with you, but the fact is that if you use them completely, they will not be restored after rebirth. However, first-aid kits often drop from defeated enemies. But the increased supply of potions does not make the game any easier, with the increased pace of battles, you do not always find time to use them.

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Playground Reviewed by: Not specified

Bloodborne is a perfectly tuned product, in fact, almost devoid of flaws. From Software managed to achieve an unprecedented balance, making a dynamic, energetic game that has not lost its complexity and remained true to the traditions of the Souls series. This year on PlayStation 4 we have a clear favorite. At least for now.

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Igromania Reviewed by: Unspecified

The problem with Bloodborne, first of all, is that it has already been done in Souls. The game follows the precepts that are familiar to us, and repeats the path of its predecessors. Yes, it tries to turn aside every now and then, but every time it does not leave the feeling that FromSoftware could do much more with this. Nevertheless, Bloodborne feels holistic, subordinate to one idea and self-sufficient. It should not be placed below or above any part of the Souls series — it is, as it were, nearby. Like a different picture, painted in the same technique and by the same master.

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ArgoPlay Reviewer: Unspecified

Bloodborne is Hidetaka Miyazaki’s brutal retaliatory strike against all those who think they’ve seen it all. In this world, it’s always five minutes to midnight. Yharnam is plunged into eternal night and the city has no hope. Only a vague future, on the horizon of which a tall figure looms with a huge cleaver and a shotgun in his hands. Bloodspawn is the best thing in the genre right now for the PlayStation 4 console.