Die familie fallout 3: Die familie | Fallout Wiki

Andale (Location) — Giant Bomb


Andale is a town in the Capital Wasteland that has a bit more to it than initially meets the eye. It hosts a variety of ‘colourful’ characters, and houses an unnofficial sidequest, should the Lone Wanderer choose to pursue the investigation.


Welcome to Andale!

Andale is located pretty much dead south of Vault 101. It’s main features consist of 3 intact family buildings, a few sheds, and a couple of overturned lorries.

It’s name apparently comes from a bastardization of its ‘real life’ counterpart :- Annandale Virginia.
Unlike most of the wasteland locations, Andale is relatively unprotected, with no walls or other sorts of barricades to hold off any potential intruders or animal attacks, however, as the residents never leave their homes as such, it appears to not do them all that much harm.


Andale’s population revolves around 2 families.

The Wilsons

  • Bill Wilson
  • Martha Wilson
  • Jenny Wilson


The Smiths

  • Jack Smith
  • Linda Smith
  • Junior Smith

Also present in the town is Old Man Harris, who is the father of Linda and Martha.

More than meets the eye..

Andale’s population are a strange bunch indeed, in fact — one might go as far to say they are perfectly insane.

Upon entering Andale, the Dweller will be greeted by the residents, who put Andale forward as being ‘The greatest place on Earth’ comparing to other nearby locales and commenting that they just dont compare!
A lot of the dialogue from the inhabitants seems incredibly forced and subtly hints that there is a lot more to be done in Andale then smell the pretty flowers, indeed, the wives of the two families in particular (much like the crazy trailer lady in Arefu) seem to carry on irregardless of the fact their world is a smoking pile of radiation, and act like its still the pre-war 50’s.
Also they seem a little too eager for you to join them for dinner…

Whilst the initial dialogue doesn’t hint at anything too heinous, upon talking to Old Man Harris (the father of the two wives of the town) some pretty grim facts are revealed about life in Andale.

Well… how incesting!!

One of the first revelations is that each one of the inhabitants is in fact, completely inbred — Bill and Jack are brothers, whilst Linda and Martha are sisters, twin this with their plans to marry off their offspring:-
Jenny Wilson to Junior Smith
And you have one big twisted game of happy families, despite the fact that Junior Smith seems to think something is a little off with this arrangement, he is more than happy to show his excitement about joining the ‘family business’ which leads us onto…

Mass Murderers

Possibly the best advice you could get from anybody from this town comes from Old Man Harris, who after pointing out the incestuous nature of his family, lets slip the little side note of 
«Oh yeah, they happen to be mass murdering psychos, you might wanna get out of here. «
Admittedly, he’s a bit more enthused than that, lots of arm waving and screaming about stone cold killers, if there isn’t any doubt about Andale being a totally screwed up town in your head by now, then you have no chance.

After speaking to Old Man Harris, any dialogue with the ‘parents’ from the town has the extra option of mentioning Old Man Harris’ rantings to which they express an almost practiced out of tolerance routine,
«That Crazy old Harris, heheh.»
Although they also mention they will deal with him personally.

It comes to light that the Families also have a locked shed in which there are a lot of carcasses and dead travellers stored for later consumption, as well as a lot of ‘strange meat’ lying about the place.
No prizes for guessing what it actually is.

From here, there are a number of options the player can undertake the unmarked quest known commonly as ‘Our Little Secret’. They can leave and never look back, there is no reason or reward for solving the mystery, except for self gratification and the knowledge of knowing they won’t be killing anybody anymore.

In order to start off the confrontation that leads to the resolution of this ‘quest’, the Dweller must :-

  • Call Jack a sick bastard when he talks about marrying the families related kids together.
  • Pick the lock to the ‘meat sheds’. (Negative Karma)
  • Steal the key to the shed from one of the adults, or from their houses. (Negative Karma)

Once one of these has been met, Jack will confront you and unveil the town’s devious past and how they came to be a family of murderers and cannibals.

All you can eat..

Jack reveals that four families initially survived the nuclear war and moved to Andale, however as food supplies began to run low, they turned to cannibalism, leaving only two families left. Since then there has been heavy, heavy interbreeding between the two families descendants for the past 200 years.

This interbreeding, along with the belief that cannibalism is standard, had been passed down from generation to generation of each resident family of Andale, marrying off relatives to each other and the murder and consumption of outsiders and passerby’s by becoming the normal way of life.
Old Man Harris reveals to you that ever since his wife passed away, (themselves an inbred couple) he had become disillusioned with the way the Andale residents existed, so he stayed to warn off potential victims of their plots.

Once the confrontation with Jack has taken place, the Lone Wanderer is given the choice of accepting the cannibalistic ways and leaving them at peace or condemning their ways, at which point, the families will become hostile and attack you. You will lose no karma for killing the residents.

If the player has the Cannibal perk, there are extra dialogue options. During the confrontation the player can explain that they are also a cannibal, agree that whatever is necessary in the Wastes must be done and agree to keep their secret. This results in the residents being friendly to the player, reverting back to the neighborly 50’s suburbia behavior they had originally. One of the wives will also bake you meat pies made from people every now and then. In the suburban fantasy that is Andale this makes the Lone Wanderer the equivalent of an uncle who will stop by for a barbecue every now and then. 
If the adults are killed, the children seek refuge with Old Man Harris, who basically recaps everything the other adults had informed you along the way.
The adults have slightly higher HP (known as hit points or health) than the average wastelander. However, they are poorly armed and armorless which means they pose little threat.

Decent Loot

Theres a few items of interest in Andale :-

  • A copy of Grognak the Barbarian in the Basement of the Smith residence. ( Plus 1 to the Melee Weapons Skill)
  • A lot of Strange meat.
  • A Nuka Cola Quantum bottle in one of the lorries.
  • A copy of Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor northish of Andale. ( Plus 1 to the Barter Skill)
  • A small turret camp just east of the town, with a copy of Deans Electronics (Plus 1 to the Repair Skill) and a bed, plus some ammo boxes (look for an empty truck) but beware the turret guarding it.
  • Lots of melee weapons. Rippers, knives, blades, etc. in the basements and shack.


It seems that the residents of Andale are responsible for the death of James Hargrave’s father, who is also Tammy Hargrave’s husband. When using the Cannibal Perk conversation option Jack will talk about the excuses people make trying to get out of being eaten. One example he gives is «Please, not me, I have a kid in Rivet City» this implies that James’ father was killed and eaten by the cannibalistic residents of Andale. Also if you respawn the mutilated corpses in the shed one male one will shout «James!» repeatedly, giving further evidence that he was James Hargrave’s father. 

If Broken Steel is installed and you read Scribe Bigsley’s terminal you can read an entry about a group of Brotherhood troops sent out to distribute Aqua Pura to Andale. The detatchment went missing in action and may have been eaten by the residents of Andale.

There’s a lot of references to the redneck way of life in Andale, from the closed off to the world ideology and the heavy innocent inbreeding, and in addition, the mock votes in which they always win Town of the Year. Also they all vote Republican.

The inspiration for the town and events within it appear to come from a 1989 film entitled ‘Parents’, in which a child discovers that his 1950’s suburbia family have a little bit of a taste for cannibalism.

Fallout 3 — Nebenquest — Blutsverwandtschaft


Auftraggeber: Lucy West oder Evan King
Ort: Megaton/Arefu
Auftragsziel: Arefu vor der «Familie» retten und Ian West finden
Belohnung: Diagramm — Rösti, «Blutfresser»-Extra, «Schokoplätzchen», Reparaturdienste, einige Orte auf der Karte werden markiert

Lucy West in Megaton bittet den Spieler, eine Nachricht an die Familie West in Arefu zu überbringen. Arefu liegt nordwestlich von Megaton; der Spieler kann auch gleich dorthin gehen und wird von Evan King über die Lage aufgeklärt. Allerdings erhält der Spieler von Lucy einen Brief, der im späteren Verlauf dieser Mission wichtig sein kann. Arefu befindet sich am Ende einer langen Rampe, und während der Spieler diese hochgeht, schießt ihm Evan King plötzlich mit seiner Flinte vor die Füße. Es stellt sich heraus, daß Evan King den Spieler für ein Mitglied der «Familie» gehalten hat, eine Bande, die in letzter Zeit Überfälle auf Arefu verübt und alle Brahmine abgeschlachtet hat. Der Spieler soll überprüfen, ob es allen Einwohnern von Arefu gut geht. Mit einem Sprach-Check kann Evan King dazu gebracht werden, noch mehr zu verraten.
Indem der Spieler an den Türen der Einwohner klopft und die richtigen Sprachoptionen wählt, wird er hereingelassen und findet heraus, daß es den Familien Ewers und Schenzy gut geht. Die Mitglieder der Familie West liegen dagegen tot am Boden herum; je höher der Medizin-Skill des Spielers ist, umso genauer sind die Informationen, die der Spieler aus den Leichen gewinnen kann. Wenn der Spieler Evan King mit diesen Informationen konfrontiert, markiert dieser einige Orte auf der Karte, wo sich die «Familie» aufhalten könnte: Das Moonbeam-Freiluftkino, der Hamilton-Schlupfwinkel und die Metrostation Northwest Seneca.

Der Spieler kann nun die markierten Orte besuchen; es ist allerdings auch möglich, jetzt zu Lucy West zurückzukehren und sie um Hilfe zu bitten für die Suche nach ihrem Bruder Ian West, dessen Leiche nicht gefunden wurde und der somit noch am Leben sein könnte. Lucy gibt dem Spieler Informationen; um mehr zu bekommen, muß der Spieler das Extra «Windhund» besitzen, ein normaler Sprach-Check ist diesmal nicht möglich. Bei der Suche stellt sich allerdings heraus, daß keiner der drei von Evan King markierten Orte der Schlupfwinkel der Familie ist. Der Spieler erhält lediglich von Murphy den Tipp, daß es einen Zugang durch den Metro-Servicetunnel gibt: dieser «Todesgang» befindet sich in der Metrostation Northwest Seneca, aber dazu muß der Spieler zunächst durch ein starkes Strahlungsfeld laufen und anschließend eine Menge Mirelurks bekämpfen. Alternativ kann der Spieler übers Freie zur Metrostation Meresti gelangen (liegt nordöstlich von Northwest Seneca).

In der Meresti-Metrostation gibt es viele Bärenfallen, Minen, Stolperdrähte und sonstige Fallen, die entschärft werden sollten. Je nach dem, welchen Weg der Spieler benutzt hat, könnten auch Mirelurks auftauchen. Schließlich findet der Spieler den Türsteher Robert: mit einem sehr schwierigen Sprach-Check kann dieser dazu überredet werden, den Weg freizumachen, oder wenn der Spieler den Brief von Lucy bei sich trägt. Ansonsten muß der Spieler einige Kronkorken in die Tasche von Robert fallen lassen, damit dieser die Tür aufschließt. Der Spieler kann Robert auch mit Kugeln überzeugen, allerdings wird dann die «Familie» feindlich und alle restlichen Mitglieder der «Familie» müssen ebenfalls erschossen werden. Dasselbe geschieht, wenn der Spieler die Tür aufbricht und sich unerlaubt Zugang zum inneren Bereich von Meresti verschafft.

Im Inneren von Meresti findet der Spieler nun viele NPCs. Zunächst sollte man mit Vance, dem Chef der «Familie», sprechen. Dieser legt hohen Wert auf das gesprochene Wort, daher sollte man seine Antwortmöglichkeiten mit Bedacht wählen, und es gibt auch viele sehr schwere Sprach-Checks, deren Bestehen die Konversation vereinfacht. Vance erklärt dem Spieler, daß die Mitglieder der «Familie» das Blut ihrer Opfer trinken, um sich zu «ernähren». Der Spieler kann nun nach Ian West fragen: Mit einem Sprach-Check erhält er sofort Zugang zu dessen Zelle, alternativ können auch die restlichen Mitglieder der «Familie» befragt werden, diese lassen sich allerdings auch nur mit Sprach-Checks oder bestimmten Gesprächsoptionen (z.B. Schwarze Witwe oder Windhund) überzeugen. Falls dies alles scheitert, so verlangt Vance vom Spieler, die Gesetze der Familie zu verstehen, dazu müssen die NPCs angesprochen oder in den Terminals nachgelesen werden und erst dann läßt Vance den Spieler zu Ian durch.

Der Spieler kann nun die Tür zu Ian West öffnen (egal, von wem er das Kennwort erhalten hat) und mit Ian sprechen. Dieser weigert sich zunächst, die «Familie» zu verlassen. Wenn der Spieler ihm aber Lucys Brief gibt oder einen sehr schweren Sprach-Check besteht, beschließt Ian, die «Familie» zu verlassen. Der Spieler muß nun zu Vance zurückkehren und ihm berichten, wofür Ian sich entschieden hat. ACHTUNG: Sobald Ian sich entschieden hat, darf der Spieler kein Mitglied der «Familie» mehr angreifen oder töten, ansonsten ist der Quest fehlgeschlagen. Das gilt auch, wenn die Mitglieder der «Familie» durch vorherige Handlungen des Spielers feindlich geworden sind. Falls der Spieler ins Innere von Meresti eingebrochen ist und dort alle Mitglieder der «Familie» erschossen hat, so lebt der Türsteher (Robert) möglicherweise noch, d.h. falls der Spieler dann bei seiner Rückkehr auf Robert trifft und von diesem angegriffen wird, darf dieser auch nicht getötet werden!

Wenn die «Familie» aber nicht feindlich ist, so muß der Spieler Vance verraten, wofür Ian sich entschieden hat (es spielt keine Rolle, ob Vance dem Spieler erlaubt hat, mit Ian zu sprechen). Der Spieler hat auch die Chance, Vance zum Abbruch der Angriffe auf Arefu zu bewegen, und dafür sind meistens ebenfalls Sprach-Checks notwendig, aber mit den richtigen Gesprächsoptionen kann Alan (ein Mitglied der «Familie») zum Wächter von Arefu abkommandiert werden. Schließlich erhält der Spieler ein «Diagramm — Rösti» als Belohnung von Vance (egal ob Ian seine Gruppe verlassen hat oder nicht) und muß jetzt nach Arefu zurückkehren.

Die Bewohner von Arefu bieten dem Spieler nun verschiedene Belohnungen an. Außerdem kann der Spieler nochmal zu Vance zurückkehren und ihm berichten, daß Evan King seinen Vorschlag angenommen hat (falls es einen gab). Vance lehrt den Spieler auch die Künste des Vampirismus (gibt das Extra «Blutfresser») und kauft Blutpakete, falls der Spieler welche besitzt.

Falls der Spieler scheitert, weil er z.B. nach dem Gespräch mit Ian West ein Mitglied der «Familie» angreift, so werden ihn auch die Bewohner von Arefu mit Blei grüßen, sobald er zurückkehrt.

Blood Ties Fallout 3 Walkthrough

This quest is most likely to be given to you early in the game when researching Megatons . In Moriarty’s Inn or one of the city houses you will meet a girl named Lucy West. To receive the quest, talk to her and agree to deliver the letter to her family in Arefu.

Arefa is located northwest of Megaton . The path there is not too dangerous, along the way you can meet scorpions, raiders and mole rats. When approaching the settlement, the local sheriff Evan King will start shooting at you. Don’t return fire, he still won’t hit, he just shoots out of fright.

In the dialogue, the sheriff will tell you that he protects Arefa from the constant raids of a local gang called the Family. Tell Evan that you have business in the settlement and agree to visit the inhabitants. Two houses will be closed, activate the door to see the menu, where there will be an item « knock «. Thus, you will visit two families, and the door to the third house will be open. There you will find the corpses of Lucy West’s parents. The higher your Medicine skill, the more detailed information you will get about the cause of death of these people. But for the quest it is not so important.

Near the house of the Wests is the house of the sheriff himself, but it is locked and the corresponding skill is required to break the lock at least 50. It is highly recommended to get there, as there is a baby doll that gives a bonus to repairs.

Go back to the Sheriff and report the death of the Wests. He will ask: was there a boy named Ian among the dead? The boy, of course, was not there. Evan will ask you to find Ian and save him from the Family.

After agreeing to do this, go to metro station «Seneca northwest» . To do this, jump into the river from the bridge and go north from Aretha . Enter the station and continue your way to the door between two burning barrels. Two ghouls will meet you outside the door. One of them, named Murphy , will tell you that he wants to create an improved screw and will offer to make it for you if you give him «sugar bombs». Just remember for the future where these bombs, found throughout the game, can be pushed. Continue through the room to a green glowing radioactive well and jump into it.

In the well you will meet some boggers . Go further until you reach a tunnel lit with red lamps.

Now you have to be careful! The entire tunnel is littered with traps. First you will meet anti-personnel mines , after a few meters there will be traps , in a narrow passage there is baseball gun . Move slowly and carefully, disarming and avoiding traps. You need to take the first turn on the left. If you turned and saw a 9 in front of you0008 wheelchair-trap , then you need to go back — you have passed your turn. Pay special attention to stretch marks — they are difficult to notice.

Turning, you will continue to run into traps until you see the entrance to the Family’s hideout, guarded by a certain Robert . Now you can move on to the option to quickly complete the quest with the loss of karma. To do this, you need to kill Robert , kill the rest of the Family, give Ian his sister’s letter and return to Arefu for a quest reward from the sheriff.

If you don’t want to lose karma and want to get «Shishi Kebab» — a good melee weapon for this quest — just talk to Robert and say that you have a letter for Ian from his sister. The guard will send you to the leader of the gang, Vance.

Before moving on , take a spellbook from the table that increases your lockpicking skill by 1 point .

To get to the Family’s lair, walk a little along the corridor and enter the station « Mereshti «. Go further to a large illuminated hall with many benches. Here you will find gang members and Vance himself, standing at the top center.

Your task here is to get the password to Ian’s room. This information can be obtained from any member of the gang:

  • from Brian if you have the perk « wife killer «,
  • y Justin with « eloquence «,
  • at Carla if you are a woman and have the perk « Black Widow «, or you have developed the stat « strength »
  • at the very Vance , with the developed skill « eloquence «.

If you failed to get the password using the above methods, you can talk to Vance and ask what the Family is and where they came from. He will give you the password to the Family terminal and offer you to read it yourself. The terminal is downstairs in the hall.

After studying the information, return to Vance, talk to him about Ian, about the Family and say that, they say, an understanding of the motives that guide him and his associates descended on you from the terminal. As a result of the conversation, you will receive a password. Go up the stairs until you see terminal on the left. Use it and the next door will be unlocked — behind it you will find Ian.

Talk to the boy. Whether he stays in the gang or leaves with you doesn’t matter. Then return to Vance and discuss with him the further fate of Arethas . You can convince the leader not to attack the village anymore or even protect its inhabitants. As a reward for your efforts, receive the Shishi Kebab Schematic from Vence , a weapon that will be very useful for players who specialize in close combat.

Now you can rummage around the bandits’ stash a bit and return to Arefu to tell Evan about the happy resolution of his problems with the Family. He will happily treat you to beer.

Quest completed.


Where can I find a family in Fallout 3?

Probably, sooner or later everyone will come across a side quest «Blood Ties» in the fallout 3 game. The main task of this quest is to find the Wests, who fell victim to cannibal people who call themselves «Family». But many gamers are wondering where to find a family in fallout 3 and how to complete the Blood Ties mission in general.

Getting the quest

To get the quest go to Megaton to Lucy West, who mostly sits in Moriarty’s saloon. Lucy will ask you to convey a message to her family, for which she will give you some caps. You can also take the task in three more places:

1. Read the messages in the Families terminal.

2. Evan King, who is in Arefu.

3. At the metro station called Mereshti from a long conversation between two members of the Family.

But it’s better to take the quest from Lucy West, because of this you may miss some events and rewards. You need to deliver the letter to Lucy in the settlement of Arefu, which will be marked on the map.

Meeting with Evan King

According to the story, you must go to the settlement of Arefu. Approaching the settlement, Evan King accidentally throws a grenade at you, who then apologizes and says that he confused the traveler with vampires. Next, Evan will ask you to check all the houses in the area. You must check three houses, one of which is heavily damaged, and inside will be the bodies of Lucy West’s parents. After checking the bodies, you will understand that they are dried up, and all their blood has been drunk, all suspicions will immediately fall on the Family.

Looking for Ian

After telling Evan King about the death of the Wests, the sheriff will ask you to find their child named Ian. Three places will be marked for this, but you won’t find Ian in any of them. It is better to immediately go to the entrance to the Mereshti metro station. Also, a hike to Meresheti from the Seneca station will be quite interesting. Finding a small hatch, you can get into the service center, which has traps and mines at almost every step.

Robert will be waiting for you at the end of the service center guarding the entrance to the station. With the Persuasion skill or by providing a letter, Robert will let you through. In extreme cases, you can kill Robert, but then all family members will be hostile to you, and you will not be able to peacefully pick up Ian.

After entering the station, talk to Vance, the leader and founder of the Family. He will tell you the story of why and how he started a family. During the conversation, ask Vance about Ian, in response he will tell you that the guy must decide for himself to stay with his family or return home. It is also possible to convince Vance not to attack Arefa but to form an alliance, in exchange the settlement must pay tribute with significant amounts of pints of blood.