Die besten battle royale spiele: Die besten Battle-Royale-Games 2022 für PC, PlayStation & Xbox

Die besten Battle-Royale-Games 2022 für PC, PlayStation & Xbox

Das Genre „Battle Royale“ hat in den letzten Jahren Millionen von Spieler angezogen und erfreut sich weiter großer Beliebtheit. Die 5 größten und besten Vertreter dieser „Alles oder nichts“-Spiele für PC, Xbox und PlayStation stellen wir euch auf MeinMMO vor und zeigen dazu, welches zu euch passt.

Was ist das für eine Liste? MeinMMO stellt euch in dieser Liste die 5 größten und besten Battle-Royale-Games vor. Ihr erfahrt, was die aktuell größten Spiele des Genres einzigartig macht und wir geben Tipps, ob die Titel etwas für euch sind.

Zu jedem Spiel haben zudem MeinMMO-Autoren ihre persönliche Einschätzung abgegeben, was der jeweilige Titel für sie zu etwas Besonderem macht.

Wie wurden die Spiele ausgewählt? Die 5 Spiele sind derzeit die größten und beliebtesten Battle-Royale-Games auf PC, Xbox und PlayStation. Mit einem Klick kommt ihr zu dem Titel, den ihr euch anschauen wollt:

  • Die Spiele in der Übersicht
  • PUBG: Battlegrounds
  • Fortnite: Battle Royale
  • Apex Legends
  • Call of Duty: Warzone
  • Naraka Bladepoint

Die Titel sind alle einzigartig und teilen sich nur die grundlegenden Regeln. Die Liste stellt kein Ranking dar, sondern ist chronologisch nach Release angeordnet.

Update, 10. Mai 2022: Der Artikel ist im Februar 2022 erschienen, wurde von uns auf Aktualität überprüft und auf den 10. Mai hochgezogen.

Was macht ein Battle Royale aus? Actionlastige PvP-Spiele setzen in der Regel auf schnelle Runden oder ein Respawn-System, das Spieler nach einem Tod schnell wieder zurück ins Match bringt.

Der Nervenkitzel beim Kampf Spieler gegen Spieler steigert sich mit jeder Minute, die ein enges Match dauert: „Ja keine Fehler machen und dem Feind die Oberhand überlassen!“.

Ein Battle Royale treibt dieses Prinzip auf die Spitze. Ihr landet auf einer großen Map, meist schlecht oder gar nicht bewaffnet und sollt alle Gegner erledigen, die mit euch im Spiel sind. Damit es am Ende zu einem großen Finale kommt, verkleinert sich das Spielfeld mit der Zeit – bis weder Spielfeld noch Spieler übrig sind.

Bis zum Finale müsst ihr euch bewaffnen, panzern, ausrüsten und alle Gegner über den Haufen schießen, die euch beim Weg zum Sieg abfangen wollen.

Am Ende stehen sich nach einem harten Match die besten Überlebenden gegenüber und kämpfen mit hohem Puls um den ultimativen Sieg.

Die Spiele in der Übersicht

PUBG: Der Klassiker unter den „Battle Royale“-Games. PUBG hat das Genre fast im Alleingang für eine breite Masse zugänglich gemacht und feierte nach dem Release einen Mega-Erfolg.

5 Jahre später ist der Shooter vielleicht etwas angestaubt, aber weiter in der Oberliga der Battle Royale unterwegs und ist seit kurzem sogar Free-to-Play spielbar.

  • Hier kommt ihr zur ausführlichen Spielbeschreibung für PUBG: Battlegrounds

PUPG ist eher realistisch – aber auch mal für einen Spaß zu haben.

Fortnite: Das zweite große Battle-Royale-Game ist ebenfalls bis heute ein Hit und zieht weiterhin viele Spieler aller Altersgruppen an. Fortnite setzt dabei auf eine besondere Mechanik: Ihr könnt jederzeit etwas bauen, um euch eine eigene Deckung zu errichten.

Dazu feuert der bunter Shooter neuen Content in einer Rekord-Geschwindigkeit heraus, bei dem die anderen Spiele auf der Liste nicht mithalten können.

  • Hier kommt ihr zur ausführlichen Spielbeschreibung für Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite macht alles ein wenig bunter und feiert damit große Erfolge.

Apex: Das Battle Royale von EA nahm sich nach dem ersten BR-Hype etwas Zeit und brachte dann einige Neuerungen ins Genre. Bis heute schauen Spieler der Konkurrenz neidisch auf die Map-Rotation.

Doch auch beim Gameplay sorgt Apex für Abwechslung – schnelles Movement, irre Fähigkeiten und eine im Vergleich hohe Time-to-Kill erlauben aberwitzige Manöver, um Gegner schwindlig zu spielen.

  • Hier kommt ihr zur ausführlichen Spielbeschreibung für Apex Legends

Apex setzt auf Helden mit besonderen Fähigkeiten.

Warzone: Auch Call of Duty wollte ein Stück vom BR-Kuchen und brachte dafür 2020 die kostenlose Warzone auf den Markt. Das Battle Royale war vom ersten Tag an ein Erfolg und überzeugte ebenfalls mit einigen cleveren Neuerungen im Genre.

Die Time-to-Kill ist zwar niedrig, dafür lassen sich gefallene Mitspieler leicht und oft wieder zurück ins Match holen. Außerdem gibt es in Warzone weniger Zufall bei der Ausrüstung – ihr könnt euch in jedem Spiel euer eigenes Ausrüstungs-Set besorgen.

  • Hier kommt ihr zur ausführlichen Spielbeschreibung für Call of Duty: Warzone

Das Battle Royale von Call of Duty spielt auf einer Urlaubsinsel.

Naraka: Der neuste Hit im „Battle Royale“-Genre ist kein Shooter, sondern ein Kampfkunst-Spiel. Mit legendären Kriegern sucht ihr den wahren Weg zu Sieg und Weisheit.

Schnelle Kämpfe, Hand-verknotende Kombos und ein fieser Einstieg ins Spiel prägen diesen Kampf bis zum letzten Überlebenden. Aber habt ihr es drauf, ist Naraka ein innovatives Battle Royale mit viel Spielspaß-Potenzial.

  • Hier kommt ihr zur ausführlichen Spielbeschreibung für Naraka Bladepoint

Statt Kugeln fliegen in Naraka die Fäuste.

Auf Seite 2 beginnen wir mit der Vorstellung des absoluten BR-Urgesteins: PUBG: Battlegrounds. Der Shooter hat nach Jahren auf ein Free-to-Play-Modell umgestellt und erfreut sich immer noch einer großen Beliebtheit.

Und auch wenn PUBG etwas in die Jahre gekommen ist – aufhalten lässt sich die „Battle Royale“-Ballerei davon noch lange nicht.

Verwandte Spiele

Plattform: PC
Release: 12.08.2021
Genre: Battle RoyaleModell: Buy-to-play

Naraka: Bladepoint ist ein neues Battle Royale, das bei Steam erscheint. Doch es unterscheidet sich stark von Fortnite oder PUBG, denn die asiatischen Kampfküns…


Ø User-wertung

Plattform: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
Release: 10.03.2020
Genre: Battle RoyaleModell: Free-to-play

Call of Duty: Warzone ist das neue hauseigene Battle Royale von Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Besitzer von CoD: Modern Warfare erhalten es als kostenlosen Updat…


Ø User-wertung

Plattform: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
Release: 04.02.2019
Genre: Battle RoyaleModell: Free-to-play

Apex Legends ist eine Mischung aus einem Hero-Shooter á la Overwatch und einem Battle-Royale-Game wie Fortnite oder Black Ops 4: Blackout. Das Spiel setzt also …


Ø User-wertung

Plattform: Mobile, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
Release: 25.07.2017
Genre: Battle Royale, ShooterModell: Buy-to-play, Free-to-play

Fortnite besteht aus zwei Spielen, dem kostenlosen Battle-Royale sowie dem nach wie vor kostenpflichtigen Ur-Spiel „Rette die Welt“. Im Battle-Royale-Modus werd…


Ø User-wertung

Plattform: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
Release: 23. 03.2017
Abo-Service: PS Now, Xbox Game PassGenre: Battle Royale, ShooterModell: Free-to-play

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds ist ein Online-Multiplayer-Shooter, der sich ganz auf den Spielmodus „Battle Royale“ konzentriert. Der namensgebende „PlayerUnknow…


Ø User-wertung

Best battle royale games: what are the top BR games in 2022?

The origins of battle royale games are manifold, but what they involve is largely the same: lots of players go in, only one leaves. Battle royale is a violent, unpredictable, and frenzied multiplayer mode where the only goal is to endure until you’re the sole survivor.

All tactics and styles of play are equally viable in the best battle royale games. You can win by hiding in bushes and waiting for the herd to thin out, or scavenge a weapon and start reducing the numbers yourself. With the explosion of Fortnite, PUBG, and Apex Legends, you would be forgiven for thinking there are only three battle royales out there, but there are now numerous other contenders to challenge them, each with its own spin on the established formula. And with player counts fluctuating all over the place, it’s important to know the most popular battle royale games so you can be sure to get a match.

Whether you’re after games like Warzone or an inventive new twist on the formula, there is a battle royale game out there for everyone. So, to help you broaden your horizons, we have assembled this handy guide to the best battle royale games on PC.

The best battle royale games are:


It may have started out as a joke, but the game formally known as Cuisine Royale is still pulling in steady player counts more than a year after its initial launch. The secret to their success? PUBG-like gameplay, steady updates that bring fresh content to the game, and a cosmetics-only free-to-play model.

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CRSED also offers its own tweaks to the established battle royale games formula. The most obvious one is that instead of military armour and equipment, every player has to use pots, pans, and various other pieces of kitchenware to keep themselves safe from bullets. Other neat tweaks like a severely reduced player count and simple WW2 games-inspired weaponry keep fights simple and competitive. If you’re looking for a semi-realistic, free-to-play BR game, then CRSED: F.O.A.D. is one of the best currently around.

Play CRSED: F.O.A.D. for free

Call of Duty: Warzone

Warzone deviates from the standard battle royale games formula in pretty much every area… save for the fact that there’s still an ever-shrinking circle of death forcing all 150 players into conflict until only one team remains. There are respawns in the form of a bizarre 1v1 duel in the Gulag, you can collect cash and spend it on respawning teammates or killstreaks at Buy Stations, and you can even set up your best Warzone loadout before a match and call it in as a reward. All of this helps make Warzone a BR game where losing one teammate really isn’t a big deal, meaning you’re free to play as aggressively as you want.

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Pretty much any common assault rifle is good enough to net you a kill – looting is mostly useful for earning cash and ammo – so you can focus on getting into and out of as many scraps as possible. Other tweaks aid to the simplicity: the zone is incredibly lethal so there’s no camping in the gas meta, armour plates cover your whole body so you don’t need to worry about helmets, and health regenerates just as it does in multiplayer. So if you’re looking for a free battle royale game that’s fast-paced and accessible then Warzone is one of the best options out there.

Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout

Fall Guys borrows elements from the battle royale genre and the hit Japanese game show, Takeshi’s Castle, to create something completely unique. Bringing together 60 contestants, each player must defeat their fellow jelly beans in a mad dash for the finish line, but only the top number of players can progress through each round to eventually be crowned victorious. The challenges aren’t always obstacle courses either, they range from memorisation games, clinging to a platform for dear life, and even an oversized football match which splits players into two separate teams.

The beauty of Fall Guys is that no matter how skilled you are, almost anyone can win and that random factor is what makes Fall Guys so entertaining. Even if you don’t win, you’ll have a good story to tell. While the popularity of Fall Guys has dropped off since it launched back in August 2020, the game is still incredibly popular. The developers continue to release new content every few months like skins and challenges, and they listen to community feedback to fine tune the experience for new and experienced players alike.

Apex Legends

With the dystopian charm of Titanfall’s mech-ravaged world and the intense gunfights that make PUBG so gripping, it’s no wonder that Apex Legends’ player count reached over 25 million players in its first week. Respawn’s battle royale game came out of nowhere and surpassed genre stalwart Fortnite on Twitch in viewership figures in its first seven days.

Apex Legends zips along at an astonishing pace. Sure, it may not be the parkour and wall-running we’ve come to expect from Respawn’s famous robot game, but this battle royale moves in its own way. Sprinting is swifter than you’d expect and sliding takes you a greater distance – especially with the mountainous terrain considered. Movement sets the tone of the gunplay, too: if your team successfully flanks another in a well-timed push, you earn their bounty.

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Apex Legends weapons themselves are finely-tuned, showing Respawn’s confidence in launching Apex Legends as a full game rather than in early access. Shotguns fire off with a fearsome crunch that can punish a poorly-timed push as much as a well-placed headshot will aid anyone who is a dab hand with a sniper rifle.

Better still, there are lots here for casual players. Apex Legends uses a ping system to ease the burden of mic-free communication. Clicking the scroll wheel highlights places of interest, valuable loot, and charging hostiles. What’s more, from a time-hopping assassin to a zip line quip-happy robot, the cast of Apex Legends characters is wonderfully diverse, quirky, and cool to inhabit. With the launch of Apex Legends Season 4 and new Legend Revenant, there’s never been a better time to join the Apex Games.

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds

There’s a reason PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds regularly boasts hundreds of thousands of concurrent players and has sold millions of copies: it’s the basic battle royale premise done right. With frequent PUBG updates and new PUBG maps, the chart-conquering sensation is replete with features and is addictive beyond belief.

PlayerUnknown isn’t just a cool-sounding title either, it’s the pseudonym of Brendan Greene: the creator of PUBG, and the man responsible for the incredibly popular Arma 3 Battle Royale mod. That experience shows in PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, which forgoes complications like crafting and a complex melee fighting system, and instead focuses on razor-sharp firefights, tactical play, and scavenging.

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More so than any other battle royale game on this list, PUBG feels and controls realistically, resulting in reactive gameplay that never grows old.


Want some poppy, comic book visuals with your 100-man massacres? Fortnite Battle Royale takes the perfectly poised match structure of PUBG and ditches all the gritty realism for colours and soft edges. On top of that, Epic Games continue to outdo themselves with each new Fortnite season, changing the map, adding heaps of new Fortnite skins, and overhauling gameplay mechanics. It’s no wonder Fortnite player numbers continue to swell: this is the current king of battle royales.

You’re also able to harvest resources and build structures like houses to camp in, walls for cover, and ramps to help you climb up mountains. This is a battle royale game for those who like to get creative.

Read more: Our Fortnite tips & tricks

That changes the rhythm of the game considerably, increasing the emphasis on resource-gathering throughout the match so that you’ve got plenty of materials to build cover and fortify as the player count dwindles. Being able to build also means a lot of scope for unconventional tactics. Pinned down behind a tree? Pull out your pickaxe, gather a few logs, and build yourself a wall that will give you a bit more protection. Need a sneaky way of getting to an opponent? Try building a series of ramps to flank them from an unexpected angle.

And if you tire of the BR aspect then you can hop into Fortnite Creative mode and play some of the incredible player-made maps, creations, and game modes using Fortnite Island codes.

The Fortnite vs. PUBG debate isn’t going to be settled any time soon, so just be grateful we have two spectacular survival shooters to revel in.


Battlefield 5’s take on the battle royale genre took a while to come to fruition and conjured up very little buzz on release, but boasts plenty of smart revisions to the formula. For example, capture points are dotted around the huge Scandinavian map, helping draw all 64 players into the fray as they vie for high tier loot.

Then there are the vehicles, which offer a similar risk/reward mechanic – hop in a tank and you’ll have an instant advantage over other players, but you won’t be able to escape without players noticing.

Best of all, Firestorm maintains Battlefield’s signature destruction mechanics, ensuring there’s no safe refuge. You may have to do a little waiting for a full match, but it’s worth it as Battlefield 5’s solid shooting and impressive audio-visual fidelity make this one of the most convincing battle royale experiences out there.


Just when you thought we’d seen it all in the battle royale genre, a free-to-play game like Spellbreak comes along to remind us that there’s still plenty of new ideas out there. Spellbreak gives players six battlemage classes to pick from, each with their own set of skills and abilities. Picking a class doesn’t limit you to just one set of abilities either; you can wield different magical gauntlets to create spell combos. Mixing Pyromancer spells with Tempest gives you fiery tornadoes, whereas a Conduit and Toxicologist hybrid can create electrified gas clouds.

Spellbreak’s magical powers make the game standout among the crowd, creating spectacular fights, inspired by shows like Dragon Ball Z. The 3.1 update recently revamped the new player experience, making it easier to unlock all six classes by simply reaching Mage Rank 4. There hasn’t been a better time to play than right now, and Spellbreak features cross-play to ensure you always have people to fight against.


You’ll likely already be familiar with ZombsRoyale.io if you’ve played some of the best idle games or online games as it borrows plenty of mechanics from Zombs.io and Surviv.io. This is a free-to-play browser-based battle royale game that you can play on practically anything with an internet connection, and it’s superb at showing just how versatile the BR genre really is.

All the staples are here: you drop into a random part of the map, loot weapons from chests, and slowly converge on one point of the map until there’s one player left standing. However, the switch to a top-down view changes how every battle plays out, as both players always know where one another is. This makes large-scale battles between three or more players feel a little more controllable as you can always see what’s unfolding around you. Matches are fast, too, allowing you to squeeze in all the tension of a 30-minute PUBG match into, say, a bathroom break. Make sure you read our roundup of the best io games if you want more top-down, circle-on-circle action.

Super Animal Royale

Super Animal Royale is a top down 2D battle royale where 64 players fight to the death. Yes, you read that correctly, the game is called Super Animal Royale. These cute animals may look innocent and sweet, but they’re capable of wielding an array of weapons. The battles take place in an abandoned safari park, though that doesn’t explain where the weapons came from…

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If you’re after a Hotline Miami-style battle royale game, Super Animal Royale is for you. Super Animal Royale also supports cross-platform, allowing PC players to square off against their console friends. You can play the game in solos, duos, and squads all without paying a penny as it’s completely free-to-play.

Totally Accurate Battlegrounds

What started development as an April Fool’s Day joke turned into one of the most inventive battle royale games of 2018, and developer Landfall can claim three million Totally Accurate Battlegrounds downloads in four days as proof. Totally Accurate Battlegrounds (TABG) boasts countless melee and ranged weapons, attachments, and gear to ensure every gun battle is as unpredictable and messy as the ragdolling character models.

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TABG’s coup de grâce is its exaggerated physics, which sees your character flopping up staircases and tumbling over obstacles, not to mention the recoil from high-calibre weapons, which punts you backwards with every shot. Developer Landfall embrace the goofy nature of their battle royale with a ridiculous character customiser and a dedicated key for holding your weapon sideways and beatboxing. Unsurprisingly, the default binding for this is G.

The player count is small, so you’ll need to know the community if you want to catch a game, but a free version of TABG is on the horizon to boost the player count back up to healthy numbers.

Unturned: Arena mode

One of the most surprising things about the free-to-play Unturned is that it boasts some remarkably polished and realistic gunplay. Where that really shines is in Arena Mode, an official game mode that borrows the core mechanics of PUBG, cuts the player count to 16, and takes place on one of four small maps.

Don’t let Unturned: Arena Mode fool you with its blocky art style – it is a hardcore shooter deep down, which shows in its breadth of weapons and attachments. The fact that there are four distinct maps to fight through also adds an extra level of skill, as different tactics and map knowledge come into play. So if you’re after a less gritty battle royale game, but still crave the high skill cap and realistic gunplay, then seek out Unturned: Arena Mode. It may not quite be one of the best zombie games on PC, but shooting Unturned’s cutesy undead hordes is still a blast. And it’s free, which is always welcome.

Minecraft Survival Games

Owing to the total freedom afforded to players by Minecraft, particularly on PC, it was only a matter of time before somebody made a version of The Hunger Games in Mojang’s family-oriented sandbox. That creative freedom means there are hundreds upon hundreds of maps, arena styles, weapon and armour setups, and rules to keep the experience varied depending on which Minecraft server you decide to play on.

Related: The best survival games on PC

Rather than players spawning or dropping into the map at random points, and unlike some of the best Minecraft maps in its parent game, most Minecraft Survival servers pay tribute to the blockbuster franchise by spawning players in a circle around a huge cache of weapons – when the timer hits zero it’s anyone’s game. Rush to the weapons and risk dying in the immediate fray, or hope to scavenge one from a corpse later on? Minecraft Survival Games is a solid battle royale experience, and the sheer number of custom variants ensures it serves every niche.

Naraka: Bladepoint

Naraka Bladepoint was the most anticipated battle royale game of 2021, with over 160,000 concurrent players joining the fray during its second open beta period. Though the game does include traditional weapons, you settle most fights by melee combat. This is where Naraka Bladepoint separates itself from the rest of the competition. Combat plays out like a fighting game – players need to consider every move to avoid being punished by their opponent.

Naraka Bladepoint focuses on verticality as each player has access to a grappling hook and parkour abilities. Depending on which Naraka: Bladepoint character you pick, your playstyle can drastically change. For example, Matari has powerful stealth abilities, which can be great for picking off injured enemies, or Tarka Ji can throw fireballs that deal area of effect damage. Read our guides to pick up some helpful beginner tips, find out what the best weapons are, and discover how to customise your character.


Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodhunt

Vampire: The Masquerade is probably the last series you’d expect to have a battle royale game, but it works surprisingly well. Despite the initial hesitation from the VtM community, the devs have proven they know how to introduce battle royale to the World of Darkness series. It turns out playing as powerful vampires with supernatural abilities makes for a fun time.

As we highlighted in our preview of the game, Bloodhunt plays a lot like PUBG with super powers. These vampires may have abilities, but they still use weapons to get the business done. The supernatural abilities in Bloodhunt see fights ensue across the rooftops of Prague as teams leap from building to building. Players can revive if left alone for long enough, so be sure to diablerise them before they get the chance. This game is certainly worth keeping an eye on, and it’s going to launch as a free-to-play title which is always nice.

That’s the lot. The best battle royale games on PC that are like PUBG… um, including PUBG. If you’re impatiently waiting for Minecraft 2’s release date to be announced, or need to kill some time while the best upcoming PC games finish baking, you really should fire up the brutal battle royales above. Granted, Fortnite and PUBG may have conquered the world, but there are some smaller wonders out there worth playing for yourself.

Impressions from manga and anime Platinum End by the authors of «Death Note» — Anime on DTF

A battle royale that defies the laws of the genre, logic and common sense.


Immediately after the start of publication, the manga Platinum End («Platinum Exodus», «Platinum Limit») caused a great wave of interest. Still, a new work from the authors of «Death Note» and «Bakuman», and even with a plot in the style of the royal battle. Adding to the spice was the fact that it raised questions about the structure of society and the problem of suicide, which is more relevant than ever for Japan (and the rest of the developed world).

But the popularity went down very quickly, many readers abandoned the manga, it practically did not come up in the recommendations for reading. Even those who had the patience to read Platinum End to the end were hardly satisfied. The general mood is best summarized by the top comment under the official translation from Manga Plus:

I regret reading this manga.

With the release of the anime adaptation, the situation repeats itself. The first wave of popularity is already over, interest has begun to decline, only bewilderment from the final lies ahead. It’s time to look at what went wrong.

Exodus Platinum is most often described as a trashy, formulaic battle royale. Another story about a god who is looking for a replacement among mortals. This text could have gone that route too, but there’s one problem: I love battle royales. And it doesn’t have to be complex mind games like Kaiji or elaborate Fate/Zero-level worldview clashes. For me, even the most thoughtless and banal meat grinder can serve as a good comedy of the absurd or a series to watch «in the background.»

That Tsugumi Ohba decided to write his own version of Future Diary sounds more like great publicity than criticism. For all its shortcomings, Yuki and Yuno’s story was one of those twists and turns, and I wouldn’t mind repeating the trip. And that’s exactly why the absurdity of the «Platinum Exodus» unsettles: almost all the elements work incorrectly here. It feels like the manga was written by a man who decided to jump into the wave of popularity of the battle royale, but did not bother to understand why this genre is popular.


The text contains major plot spoilers and discussion of the story’s ending.

People who play games

Battle royale protagonists can be roughly divided into two groups: active and passive. The former immediately accept the rules of the survival game, quickly understand new circumstances and look for a way out of the situation. They seem to have been born for this moment, and in the new conditions they act even more efficiently than in everyday life. The latter fall into a panic or deep reflection, go with the flow and for a long time cannot decide to take risks.

Mirai Kakehashi is a passive student. After graduating from high school, he wanted to steal a bun from the store, but he didn’t dare and decided to just jump off the roof. Mirai believes that people were born for happiness, and since there is no joy in his life, then there is little meaning in existence. At the last moment, the angel Nasse saves the guy and promises to make him happy. She gives Mirai her wings and two arrows — scarlet, which makes people fall in love, and white, which kills. There are twelve more people like Mirai in the world (all from Japan) and after 999 days one of them will become a new God.

The protagonist from Mirai is useless. He is forever immersed in thoughts about what human happiness is and how to achieve it, but he never comes to any interesting conclusions. His thoughts follow logical chains like “I want happiness for all people, but dead people cannot be happy. So it’s bad to kill people.» In many ways, the character of the hero is limited to such an obsession with the same ideas that someday should play a role in the plot.

He constantly thinks about how to act correctly in the future, but is inactive in the present. And even in those rare situations when a guy decides to take some step, they prefer not to show his actions to readers. After the pretentious first chapter, where Mirai makes his cruel aunt confess to killing her parents, the rest of the guy’s actions are for some reason reduced to flashbacks or mentioned in passing.

We are only told: “Mirai forced his uncle to surrender to the police”, “Mirai settled in a hotel with an arrow”, “a month has passed since the last events”, and so on. And the inaction of the hero, who is constantly buried in his thoughts, is frankly uninteresting to watch. The only salvation in such a situation is that the hero must be surrounded by non-standard and curious characters.

Female characters are especially important for battle royale, although this genre is usually designed for a male audience. Sometimes it goes to extremes. For example, in “The Battle 5 Seconds After the Meeting”, the main character is single-lined as a closed-minded gamer, and the heroine is given a full-fledged background, motivation, and life position. And here another big problem of Platinum End pops up. Tsugumi Oba never really created truly strong and multifaceted female characters — he couldn’t even now.

In Death Note, Misa Amane was just a simple love-stupid, Kiyomi Takada was a pompous love-stupid, and Naomi Misora ​​was almost immediately out of the story. All three were skillfully and simply manipulated by the devilishly intelligent protagonist. In Bakuman, the heroines are a bit more diverse, and yet most of them remain rather formulaic and take a backseat. But in the case of the Platinum Exodus, the bar has dropped to the very bottom.

The main feature of Saki Hanakago is that the protagonist is in love with her. And the author is only interested in this role. Saki’s only memory is when she and Mirai went on a picnic together. The reason for her depression is that she bullied a childhood friend and is now very remorseful. She has parents, but readers do not need to see them. Only one dialogue is devoted to communication with a friend, and even in it the girls discuss our gloomy hero. And so Saki gets mainly those phrases that the author wanted to voice, but there was no one else to say.

It’s hard to remember another such dependent and empty heroine. Even Future Diary’s Yuno, the heroine whose life’s purpose was to compulsively pursue her lover, was more self-sufficient and interesting. At least she had a difficult relationship with her parents, which influenced her character and personality.

Saki Hanagako basically does not exist outside of her relationship with the main character. And she has a design to match. In the manga, Takeshi Obata’s drawing is still on point, but here it’s as if he’s been tasked with creating the world’s most average Japanese schoolgirl.

Even at home, she wears a school uniform

But the appearance of the heroine is in many ways the hallmark of such a manga. The same «Wonderland of Dead Men» is remembered primarily not for the prison setting or fights with supernatural abilities, but thanks to the red-eyed albino girl Shiro in a white suit with red stripes. Realizing this omission, the authors of Platinum End in the fifth volume still give Saki a catgirl costume, but it’s too late for such transformations. And the costume itself looks just ridiculous.

Well, since we’re talking about useless people in ridiculous costumes, it’s time to talk about the villain. In the royal battles, key opponents are portrayed in different ways. It can be insane psychopaths, mysterious organizations, cute mascots and the list goes on. The main thing is that they should be either fascinating or mysterious, or rather both points at once. The Platinum Exodus fails miserably in this task as well.

Kanade Uryū is an incredibly intelligent student of a prestigious school, heir to a major businessman. He dresses up as Metropolitan, a child superhero, to win over the common people. In fact, the vile scoundrel is looking for a way to quickly remove all his competitors. Such a dynamic, though not new, could well work. That’s just under the mask hides an absolutely inexpressive character. He is ready to ruthlessly kill people, but the reasons for this are not too obvious.

Such villains should always have a clear characterization. They are either bloodthirsty psychopaths, or prudent schemers, or people who want to achieve their goal at any cost. Kanade tries to take all three positions, but does not fully fit into any of them.

The main motivation of the character seems to be the desire to resurrect his sister, but the situation is not really explained until the very end of the arc. The dead girl turns out to be nothing more than a far-fetched formality, a piece of props that any respected antagonist should have. In fact, love for her is shown in passing, and without these few pages in the main story, practically nothing will change. The relationship between brother and sister is fully revealed only during the final monologue, and even there everything slides into the usual banality.

He is also not very suitable for the role of a cheerful madman. For this, the guy is too measured, balanced and calm. He can grin impudently or be sarcastic, but no more. Light Yagami from Death Note looks like a volcano of emotions in comparison.

In principle, cold characters who are not aware of their own madness and the gravity of their actions can also be interesting. But for this it is necessary to oppose such a hero to everyday reality. For example, in Inuyashiki, a teenager Hiro can discuss the new chapters of One Piece with a girl whose family he killed just a couple of minutes ago. Here, there is really no such clash, if you do not take into account the moralizing speeches of the protagonist.

Then only the role of a prudent genius remains for Kanade. But even here everything is not very smooth: the reader is hinted that a significant part of the strategy and plans is fed to the hero by his angel Meize. Thus, the villain himself, to a certain extent, acts as a puppet, and not an independent player. As for Meize, she, like most other angels, is not revealed practically in any way.

So it turns out that Kanade tries on several roles at once, but none of them plays out sufficiently. The only thing that really succeeds is to look like the villain of serial children’s cartoons. His favorite pastime is sitting in an armchair, cross-legged and speak lengthy monologues for the viewer.

Secondary characters are also not encouraging. Among them, only Mukaido, an adult man who is terminally ill with cancer, catches the eye. His motivation is extremely simple — not to allow a bad person to become God, because he himself will not live to the end of this battle. Mukaido could be a great protagonist, he has a clear goal and a limited amount of time to complete it. The rest of the supporting characters are not very important for the main plot, and their characters do not match the roles.

Take the same angel of cunning Revel. Initially, he is presented as a great schemer, but almost immediately goes into the role of a commentator on ongoing events for the characters of the story and ordinary readers. Well, or the killer girl Mimimi. She looks very bright and is quickly remembered, but instantly flies out of the main plot, and the main character does not even have time to see her.

In general, Platinum End has a big problem with the fact that the relationships of the characters are very limited. The characters are scattered, which is why the main conflict does not work, and the plot turns from a chain of causes and effects into a set of separate events.

Games people play

Almost any survival game starts with a simple and understandable conflict. In Darwin’s Game, an unknown person in a panda costume kills people in broad daylight, and the protagonist has to flee; in Btooom, an adult loser finds himself on an unknown island, where he is hunted by people with bombs; in «By the Command of God» (Kamisama no Iutoori), students are forced to play life-threatening childish games in the middle of class.

In a word, in such stories, almost immediately they make it clear who are the enemies, who are the friends, and what threatens to lose. The alignment of forces with the development of the plot may change, but the confrontation in one form or another is always present.

«Platinum Exodus» borrows the main idea from the «Diary of the Future»: thirteen candidates for the position of God are selected, one of them must win. But there is one nuance that almost immediately breaks the whole idea of ​​death games: it is not necessary to kill other candidates, you can simply appoint a winner. Basically, this fact should be balanced by Kanade’s character, who decides to take out all the competition, but his danger is not shown properly.

All the villain’s cunning plans are to lure out other candidates, trap them and kill them. And so three times. Here it is — the new work of the authors of «Death Note». Where are the intricately complex devices like a flammable notebook shelf? Where are the ridiculously pretentious scenes with eating chips? Where, after all, are those overly complex and sometimes absurd plans?

Instead, we get the most simple and boring traps. Moreover, it even seems that with each new trap, the villain is gradually degrading. Once he lures the heroes to the roof with explosives, but they manage to escape. The next time, he makes a trap that cannot be escaped, but does not set explosives. Just because. Forgotten or not thought of — who knows?

In many ways, the author is a hostage to the overpowered abilities of the characters. And this is especially strange, because the Death Note worked just fine due to a set of clear rules and restrictions: Light had to be smart in order to use his superweapon. The heroes of Platinum End have ultra-fast wings at their disposal, so every time the author has to come up with a reason why they can’t be used to the fullest. In addition, long dialogue during the fight does not correlate well with the fact that the outcome of the battle can be decided in a split second.

And the discussions of tactics here are often much more interesting than the clashes themselves. Over and over again, we are told the alignment of forces and the nuances of abilities only so that a significant part of these details does not play an important role or the author comes up with new features of the heroes’ skills on the go.

But the main problem of the confrontation lies in the villain, who is always trying to lure his victims. After all, it can simply be ignored. So the Metropolitan made a statement on television, what next? Mirai could well continue to stay at home, there was no direct threat here and now for him.

The first “battle” illustrates the situation especially clearly. Mirai came to see what the Underground was up to in the huge arena. There, the villain, with the help of a cunning series of actions, makes other applicants give themselves away and at the same time explains his plan on camera, like any decent villain.

All Mirai has to do is sit silently and not shine. If usually the hero of such stories has to «grow up» because of the hopelessness of the situation, here it is the other way around: the best option for the inactive hero is to continue to be inactive. Because of this, the motivation of an already not very intelligible character is blurred.

Again, it is not clear why the author made such obvious errors. After all, the same «Death Note» develops a similar situation absolutely correctly. There, too, one of the characters challenges the other on television, but Light’s response seems much more logical: he believes that nothing threatens him.

«Death Note»

A L in this scene not only declares its existence, but also demonstrates its mental abilities: it significantly narrows the search area for the enemy and declares: «I will definitely find you. » The game of cat and mouse begins long before the two heroes come face to face.

But back to our new god selection championship. Through trial and error, Mirai somehow stumbles upon the righteous path of the hero, collides with the Metropolitan and is in a grand fight. Finally, the moment comes, after which many people probably abandoned the manga and anime, and which caused me frank delight: «Platinum Exodus» finally goes into the realm of trash. In the final battle, a frenzied military man with grenade launchers at the ready, a teenager wearing a mask that looks like Donald Trump’s face, and a scientist capable of killing hundreds of thousands of people with her own created virus appear.

Unfortunately, in the anime, the face has changed significantly

Finally, this work begins to play with new colors. The author seems to have discarded any attempts to be taken seriously and turned everything into a funny farce. This is probably the best moment of the manga. The protagonist finds a new way to use the white arrow: with its help, he kills a virus that threatens the inhabitants of the city. That was the only time I really enjoyed the manga and laughed out loud.

A long battle follows, during which Kanade’s intentions are finally revealed and his sister is revealed. If such a story had been given to us from the very beginning, perhaps this villain would even have earned. And so — it’s too late to show the cards.

As for Mirai, he still finds a way out of his complex thoughts. The hero did not want to kill anyone for a long time, because a dead person cannot be happy, and murder burdens the soul. The answer is not quite standard, but curious: «If my ally will be happy because of the killing of the enemy, then why not.»

With this ending to the arc, there is little hope for the future of the manga. As a serious work, it failed, so maybe in the role of selective delirium, the story will be revealed in all its glory? Alas, a completely different trajectory was chosen for the second half of the manga.

Happiness for everyone, and let no one leave offended

A new phase of the plot comes along with a huge change in the tone of the story. A couple more chapters show us a boy in the mask of the former President of the United States, but soon he takes it off. And after him, other heroes lose their stupid costumes. Now everything will be different, a new format of the survival game is presented — debates.

We are quickly introduced to the surviving candidates for the position of God, and they discuss the democratic option of appointing a new head of the universe. The majority agrees on a common candidacy, but not everyone agrees with the formulation of the question.

In the chapter called «The Last Supper» (in the original refers to the «Last Supper»), he appears, a new villain, who will be opposed by the rest of the heroes. The greatest mind of Japan and the world, a thinker recognized even by advanced politicians, Professor Gaku Yoneda does not want God to exist in principle. He is sure that the times when people needed deities have long since sunk into oblivion.

A sharp turn to moralizing sometimes comes across in royal battles. The authors like to suddenly present the situation as if they were not savoring all these cruel games and murders, but in fact they were giving an important social commentary. And in the case of the Platinum Limit, these changes come especially abruptly. Until recently, it was a trash battle of people in stupid superhero costumes. Now real heads of state appear in the plot, and each character begins to embody a whole section of society.

And at first it seems that this is just a kind of humor. For example, it is difficult to take seriously the scene where the weighty dictator of one Asian country discusses with his subordinate whether he is really God.

But over time, there is less and less amusing in situations, and an understanding begins to come: the author wants the above thoughts to be taken seriously. And then to the statements of the characters there are many questions. The main one is why are all ideas shown so primitive and one-sided?

The Nobel laureate in literature and physics, with the air of a sage who knows life, declares the fact that religion has outlived its days. At one time, moments incomprehensible to people were explained by higher powers, but now the need for this has mostly disappeared, science is reaching new heights, and it is time for people to abandon outdated ideas. An excellent illustration of this idea is the anecdote that the astronauts never saw God. After all, as everyone is well aware, the story of Gagarin, who «flyed, but did not see God» at one time dealt an «irreparable» blow to religion in the USSR.

Why does religion exist and why do people need it is an interesting topic. The decline of religion in general and of Christianity in particular has been stated countless times. In the 18th century, freethinking and rationality were opposed to blind faith by the Enlighteners, at the end of the 19th century, science was raised as the highest cultural value by the Scientists, and Nietzsche even proclaimed that “God is dead. ” And in the 20th century, popularizers of science like Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss continued to oppose the idea of ​​a higher rational being.

In short, the position of religion in society is a topic that has been discussed for centuries. And Platinum Exodus comes completely unprepared for this conversation. Here, the characters simply state the fact that religion will definitely suffer a mortal blow, and begin to discuss the consequences. The main question is whether it is worth leaving people hope for the existence of God, if his absence can push some to suicide.

If this is to be a thought experiment, it would be much better suited to a self-contained story like When the Seagulls Cry. If this is to be a commentary on contemporary society, then it has little to do with reality. Religion has for centuries found a way to remain relevant despite any scientific discovery, philosophical movement, or political change. Why this time the whole world’s eyes will be opened to the truth, the author does not really bother to explain.

At the same time, all battles and well-thought-out plans fade into the background, readers are loaded with long speeches of different characters, their personal stories and opinions on all sorts of topics. And the more they talk, the better you understand that nothing new or unique will ever be heard.

Also a significant role in the plot begins to play the common people, who look at the discussions of superhuman plans for the future. With abrupt phrases, the plebeians comment on what is happening, reflect on the “culture of cancellation”, the problems of modern society and who is worthy of becoming the new God. Their statements fly from nowhere to nowhere and lead nowhere. At times like this, it starts to seem like Tsugumi Oba would be better off just having a Twitter account.

In the format of a full-fledged work, short statements sound mostly inappropriate and strange. And the further, the more it begins to seem that the author is simply trying to pour out all his thoughts, and manga is just the most accessible format for this. The heroine, who was constantly shown to readers as an extremely stupid blogger, can suddenly throw out a tirade that she is infuriated by the modern tolerance of society, which does not help anyone and only antagonizes people among themselves. All those around her, of course, can not object to anything.

The entire story arc consists of dialogues and monologues, while not all the ideas of the warring parties are equally thought out. But the author presents his thoughts with such importance and pomposity that in places it becomes unbearable to read the manga. Professor Yoneda, with a clever look, paints long theories about the path of mankind, and the rest of the heroes only complain that they do not understand the whole depth of his thought: apparently, so that stupid readers would not be too hurt and lonely.

And even in those situations where the author manages to quite well express a certain “wrong” point of view, it is not broken by arguments and logic: after long discussions, the truth is revealed in a sudden revelation. For example, a guy who advocated euthanasia and the destigmatization of suicide finally comes to the truth that unfortunate people need a helping hand, not death.

Among all this mishmash of not fully developed ideas, the main plot is woven. Professor Yoneda plots to kill himself and the rest of the applicants so that no one becomes God. But at the last moment he realizes his weakness, inferiority complex and the need for the existence of God. Another pretender is appointed the ruler of the world, and he ascends to heaven.

First, the audience is given a «and they lived happily ever after» ending for all the surviving heroes. It is followed by a cut with the answers of ordinary people to the question of what happiness is. Such a technique was already in Alice in the Borderlands, but there it framed the path of the protagonist. Here such an ending looks undeserved. Still, there is no impression that Mirai has found answers to key questions and has grown compared to himself from the past.

And then comes the real finale. After half a year of reflection, the new God does not find answers to the main questions of the universe and decides to cease to exist. Choosing God among suicidal people was not a very far-sighted decision.

As a result, it turns out that God and the world are strongly interconnected, so people disappear after their creator. Well, at the very end, readers are presented with the real authors of the entire game. Extraterrestrial beings created humans and God in the hope that they could kill them. But humanity itself died, and the immortal inhabitants of space will have another attempt to end their own existence.

Such an ending seems to require the comment «this says a lot about our society.»

One gets the impression that the author wanted to scatter enough hooks throughout the manga that the reader will hook on and figure out the meaning of the whole story himself. After all, as has long been known, in search of deep meaning, readers can surpass any author. But, despite much thought, I could not find an answer to one question: why did I waste precious hours of my life on planet Earth on this?

«Platinum exodus» consists of completely different parts, which individually are bad, but in sum they give something completely monstrous. In the first part, the author does everything so consistently that the reader does not enjoy reading that it even seems as if he is doing it intentionally.

The second part pours on readers a tub of primitive ideas and presents them with unjustified pomp. This is not just a very weak royal battle, it is some kind of apotheosis of everything that can be done wrong in the genre. And if often such mistakes can fall into the category of «so bad it’s even good,» here everything is just very, very bad.

Fortnite Creative Q&A on 08/27/2019


Who: Fortnite Developers

Hello everyone!

We thank everyone who joined us on Tuesday for the Fortnite Creative Q&A session on Reddit. We enjoyed answering the questions that players have and talking about the future of Creative Mode. Below we publish the full version of the Q&A session. The original text is here.

Reddit Q&A

Welcome to the Fortnite Creative Q&A! We can’t wait to answer all of your questions, but first let’s introduce you to today’s session.

  • ZooKeeperZak —

    Creative Development Director

  • Curu_FN — senior designer

  • BrownFort — Developer Relations Manager

  • Slevin_009 — Gameplay Designer

We asked you to send us a few questions to start with, and here are some of them:

Question: Will there be a location renaming device in Creative Mode?
Answer: I saw the design of this thing on Reddit. It looks cool. We will add this device to the list of things to add to the game.

Question: Will there be an advanced terrain editor?
Answer: The terrain editor is on our list of tools we want to add. But first, we’ll make an improved content preview and undo/redo feature. We will get to the editor, but not immediately.

Question: Will there be larger islands?
Answer: We are constantly striving to get MORE of everything. We are working on server technology that will allow for larger islands, but it is currently in the prototype stage.

Q: Will we be able to switch cosmetics/locker in-game?
Answer: We really want to add it. We are now trying to calculate how popular this feature will be, and understand how to get around the technical limitations that the mobile version imposes.

Question: Will we be able to place rifts on islands that lead to other islands? This would allow the creation of games spanning multiple levels/islands.
Answer: YES! We are working on it. But for this feature to really work, we need to make it possible for players to move between servers, and this will take additional time.

Question: Is there a way to save the location of the free camera so that it stays in the same place when we leave the map and then return? If there is no such way, can you show a list of viewpoints with coordinates and zoom level so that we can recreate the scenes exactly?
Answer: We have several solutions for different devices related to cameras and screenshots. Generally speaking, yes, we are considering this issue. Can you elaborate on how you would use this feature and how it will benefit players?

Question: Do you plan to add matchmaking for featured maps similar to LTMs? Right now, we have to go to the Sandbox to find players, but more often than not, players download Storm Wars right away. For example, you could offer a choice when viewing the details of a rift leading to a recommended island: queue up to play with others or play on your own server with invited players.
Answer: Yes, we are working on this as part of a project that will allow islands to be connected using portals.

Question: Do you have any plans to completely redesign the creative mode menu? Now there is a mess — it is very difficult to find the right element or set. It needs to be organized and collapsible categories added.
Answer: Yes, we are working on this as part of a project to improve content viewing.

Question: Do you plan to increase the maximum memory for islands and creations for the site?
Answer: Yes, we are developing more accurate performance measurement tools. With their help, we will be able to more accurately calculate the memory budget, which will allow us to increase the available memory and use zone memory, as we do on the map for Battle Royale. This is a long term project. You’ll have to wait before you see these changes.

Q: Can you add a menu to view published maps so we don’t have to search for games on social media and only play recommended maps? u/BENZ4DUCKS
Answer: Yes, we are working on improving game search.

Question: Will there ever be an alternative way to publish maps? Now there are already a lot of great maps, but they cannot be published because people, including me, are not given a code to support the authors! u/JakeBoycometh
Answer: Yes, we are working on making map sharing available to a wider range of developers. However, this will not happen immediately, so now the best course of action is to contact us directly and show your amazing creation. There is a good chance that you will receive a code to support authors.

Question: Will we be able to change parameters on a foreign island if its owner has given us such a right? u/ramon_221
Answer: I saw this request recently in a Reddit thread. This requires additional restructuring of the code. We are now planning to migrate all of these settings to the customization devices that you place and customize on the island. We will divide them into several logical groups. After that, the «My Island» section will only be used for administration and start/stop the game.

Question: What are your favorite jobs at the moment? Are there any creations that surprised you? u/ll-FooFighter-ll
Answer: Pretty impressive u/ THCommandBlocks Pimit’s Gravity Swap Deathrun. https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=k3KWX6vi46g He thought of using barriers to teleport the player, although we do not recommend doing this, since this function is very buggy. 🙂

Question: Zookeeperzak — are you the same Zak from the Save the World team? Would you like to add PRS functionality to creative mode so we can come up with our own missions?
Answer: Yes, I am the same Zach. And I love SSB! We are working on making it possible for you to create scenarios similar to missions from PRS in creative mode. But I’m not sure if it will ever be possible to create missions directly for the Pss. Although that would be great. I will keep this idea in mind for the future.

Question: Will there ever be custom presets?
Answer: Yes, we want authors to be able to create their own ready-made elements. This task is in our plan.

Question: Will it be possible to send an activation signal when a player is killed or he kills someone?
Answer: Yes, such an opportunity will appear.

Question: Do you plan to add objects from various events, such as the ice ball from Polar Peak or the rocket from Season 4?
Answer: Yes, we will regularly add famous maps and objects from KB to Creative mode, such as Kevin’s cube.

Question: I have three questions.
1. Do you plan to add shadow cubes and rifts to creative mode?
2. Do you plan to make islands with known locations? For example, an island with an Old warehouse or an Arctic airfield.
3. What about rift area effects? Do you have any plans to add them to creative mode?
Answer: Shadow cubes and teleporters are in our plan, so YES! We discussed islands with locations. Vote for this message if you want island templates with locations to appear in the game. Rift area effects are in our plan — YES!

Q: How do you see the future of creative mode? Will it develop separately from Battle Royale, or will both of these modes be closely related, as before?
Answer: Technically, creative mode is very closely related to Battle Royale. We plan to expand creative mode in all directions so that it supports as many different types of games as possible, but at the same time you will always have the opportunity to create your own version of Fortnite Battle Royale. On the one hand, they will be closely related, but on the other, not. 🙂

Question: When will we be able to add normal rifts to our islands?
Answer: I will see if this can be implemented. To do this, you will need to tinker a little.

Question: When will we be able to generate island codes ourselves?
Answer: We plan to add this feature, but it requires a number of new systems that we are still working on. You will have to wait for some time. In the meantime, we actively include everyone who creates amazing creations in the Creator Support Program. We also aim to simplify the entry process.

Question: Will we see new missions/challenge related to the battle pass in the future? It will only get better for Creative mode if you start bringing players into it more often!
Reply: Yes, we plan to associate it with the Battle Pass more often.

Q: Do you plan to add regular rifts like the ones at Stone Head, Durr Burger Head, or Lush Palms?
Answer: I will find out if there is such a possibility. To do this, you will need to tinker a little.

Question: Can you get all of the starting island options from Battle Royale as creative islands?
Answer: Yes, we can do that.

Question: Will there be NPCs or dialogue options in story games?
⁠Will you add weather settings someday?
⁠Many of those who don’t have 1000 social media followers (like me) would love to show the players our wonderful work. Do you plan to make this feature available to everyone?
⁠Will there be a server selection menu like it is done in e.g. Minecraft and Garry’s Mod? Thank you for your time!
Answer: We plan to add NPCs and dialogue.
Weather settings are in our plan.
We are committed to making it easier for you to join the Creator Support Program.
We’re working on ideas to enable matchmaking and a number of other features like server selection.

Question: Will there be an easier way to take one or two objects from a set without grabbing the whole set at once?
Answer: Yes, we are working on a browser for content, but it will take more time to create than we all would like.

Q: Are you planning any new creative events where Epic-selected creators will create maps for creative mode (and beyond)? Like before the Fortnite World Cup — Game Jam, Weezer World map, etc.
Answer: Yes, we love doing these creative projects and watching you create! We are currently developing ideas for new events and projects. We’ll keep you posted. 😉

Question: Is it possible to add a parameter to change the direction of the sequencer to up/down?
Answer: We can definitely do this.

Question: Will we be able to change the appearance of bots, for example, using some images. I don’t like that they’re all grey, and I’d love the opportunity to change them.
Answer: Yes, we will add support for images for bots. However, we do not yet know what these images will look like.

Question: Can you add all weapon models that exist in the game to Fortnite creative mode? By doing this, you will expand the range of available weapons, and everyone can have fun playing with early versions of weapons.
Answer: In fact, now in creative mode there are all types of weapons, except for the guided missile (because it has a whole bunch of monster «bugs») and reclassified items (for example, a purple tactical shotgun, which is now blue). If we missed any weapons, please let me know.

Q: Can I add settings for weather and motion blur to Creative Mode? Since the game now has light scaling, it would be cool to add weather effects like snow, rain and wind. And motion blur would enliven the picture of the island, giving it color.
Answer: Yes, we are working on all of this.

Question: How long do we have to wait for teleport devices? It would be great to use them as stealth receivers and even turn off their «effects» so that players can move around the map unnoticed. I really want to see them! (And thank you for the transmitter system, it’s awesome!)
Will there be «capturable spawn points» in the game? It would be cool to set the capture radius and other parameters for the spawn point and give it a name. Then the destroyed players could choose their own points and respawn on them. Maybe at the same time add a condition that counts the victory for capturing all the points (with a timer?) 🙂

Answer: Teleports are currently under development. They will appear in a few updates — we need more time to fix all the bugs.
The idea of ​​capturing spawn points sounds very interesting. We will be extending the capture area functionality soon, and then you can connect a channel to the spawn point and implement this idea.