Deus ex mankind divided komplettlösung: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — Komplettlösung, Tipps und Tricks

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — Komplettlösung, Tipps und Tricks

Eidos Montreal und Square Enix haben die fünf seit Human Revolution vergangenen Jahre gar nicht mal schlecht genutzt. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided ist umfangreich geraten und hält euch locker für 30 oder mehr Stunden bei Laune. Wer langsam spielt und schleicht, viel erkundet, E-Mails liest und die Nebenmissionen nicht liegen lässt, könnte sogar 40 oder 50 Stunden auf dem Zeiger haben. Mit anderen Worten: Zeit für die Komplettlösung.

Dabei können wir unmöglich alle kleinen Abweichungen in den Lösungswegen in Betracht ziehen. Ihr entscheidet, wie ihr spielt, welchen Lüftungsschacht ihr benutzt, ob ihr euch lieber übers Hacking oder direkt durch die Vordertür Zutritt verschafft. Auch eine wilde Mischung aus alldem ist kein Problem. Mal eine Wache aus Notwehr umhauen, wenn es sein muss, mal ein Kopfschuss zur richtigen Zeit. Solche Sachen eben. In der Lösung werden wir uns bemühen, den gewaltlosen Weg zu wählen und möglichst nicht gesehen zu werden. Dass man hier und dort schießen kann, muss ja nicht extra erwähnt werden.


Was mit einem gar nicht mal so ausgefallen anmutenden Einsatz in Dubai beginnt, entwickelt sich für Adam Jensen langsam zur großen Sache. Hier findet ihr die Einsätze der Hauptgeschichte.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — M1: Schwarzmarktgeschäfte

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — M2: Allzu frühe Dämmerung

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — M3: Zurück zur alten Form

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — M4: Überprüfung der TF29

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — M5: Kompetenzenstreit / M6: Lose Enden

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — M7: Ruckers Evakuierung

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — M8: Suche nach den wahren Terroristen

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — M9: Die Männer im Hintergrund

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — M10: Dem Rätsel auf der Spur

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — M11: Die Bombenlegerin

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — M12: Der Raub

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — M13: G. A.R.M.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — M14: Die Spurensuche geht weiter

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — M15: Sicherung des Convention Centers

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — M16: Marchenko muss gestoppt werden

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — M17: Schutz der Zukunft

Nebenmissionen Prag

Sobald ihr euch frei bewegen könnt in Prag, solltet ihr genau das tun. Es gibt so manchen lohnenden Job zu finden und zu erledigen. Die folgenden Nebenmissionen könnt ihr dabei ergattern.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — SM00: Neonnächte

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — SM01: Das goldene Ticket

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — SM02: Personenkult

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — SM03: Geheimnisvolle Augmentierungen

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — SM04: Der Kalibrator

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — SM05: Samizdat

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — SM06: 01011000

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — SM07: Black ist weg

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — SM08: Die Fehlerbehebung

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — SM09: Es bleibt alles in der Familie

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — SM10: Der Harvester

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — SM11: Die letzte Ernte

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — SM12: K steht für Kazdy

Mit folgenden Dingen und Denkanstößen im Hinterkopf wird es gleich deutlich einfacher, seinen Weg durch die düstere Zukunft des Jahres 2029 zu finden.


Sobald ihr das Tutorial in Dubai beendet habt und im Zug nach Prag sitzt, geht es richtig los. Die tschechische Hauptstadt besteht aus mehreren Bezirken, von denen einer allein schon fast größer ausfällt als komplette Detroit aus Human Revolution. Nun, vielleicht nicht ganz, aber die Entwickler haben ordentlich zugelegt. Habt keine Scheu, sondern erkundet die Stadt nach Gutdünken. Ihr werdet schon sehen, wenn ihr irgendwo nicht weiterkommt.

Brecht in Wohnungen ein, wenn eure Hacking-Kenntnisse hinreichend sind. Unterhaltet euch mit den Leuten auf der Straße. Meidet Sperrzonen, wenn ihr nicht genau wisst, wie ihr dort hindurchkommt. Erkundet die Läden und geht shoppen oder einfach mal einen trinken. Mankind Divided ist ein Spiel, das langsam und gemütlich gespielt werden will, und genau das solltet ihr auch tun.

Zumal es sich lohnt: Schon fürs Lesen einer E-Zeitung oder fürs Erreichen bestimmter Lokalitäten gibt es Erfahrungspunkte. Nehmt alles unter die Lupe und wenn ihr beispielsweise ein Terminal findet, das ihr hacken könntet — warum tut ihr es dann nicht einfach? Seht ihr einen Lüftungsschacht — rein da und gucken. Es gibt für praktisch alles in Mankind Divided Erfahrung, und die sollte man in Hinblick auf die Augmentierungen natürlich nicht einfach auf der Straße liegen lassen. Ebenso sollte man jeden Behälter durchsuchen und mitnehmen, was nicht irgendwem gehört. Biozellen, Ersatzteile und Schmerzmittel etwa kann man immer gebrauchen. Steht ihr also in einem Apartment, das man in einer Mission aufsuchen soll, wieso nicht die Schränke plündern?


Nachdem die ersten beiden Hauptmissionen beendet sind und ihr den Hacker in der Prager Bücherei befreit habt, könnt ihr die Augmentierungen aktivieren. Ihr bekommt zu Beginn ordentlich viele Punkte, also probiert ruhig ein wenig herum mit den daraus resultierenden Spielstilen. Es lohnt sich außerdem, die Folgeaufträge des Hackers zu erledigen, sobald sie im Rahmen der Hauptgeschichte freigeschaltet werden. Damit schaltet ihr experimentelle Implantate frei, die Jensens Systemstatus instabil machen. Ihr müsst also vorher eine normale Augmentation deaktivieren, wenn ihr das gute Zeug nutzen wollt.

Schleichen oder Schießen

Die Antwort darauf liegt ganz bei euch. Mankind Divided macht beides möglich. Je nachdem, woran ihr mehr Spaß verspürt. Es lohnt sich aber durchaus, nicht gleich zu Beginn durch die Vordertür zu preschen und alles niederzuballern. Zum einen hält Jensen selbst mit aktivierter Augmentation „Gesundheitssystem Sentinel RX» erstaunlich wenig aus. Zum anderen kann man ja immer noch schießen, wenn mal was schiefgeht. Ihr habt nichts zu verlieren dabei, es ruhig angehen zu lassen. Abgesehen davon, dass es als reiner Shooter einfach weniger Spaß macht als darauf spezialisierte Titel.


Auch wenn die Pfade der Hauptgeschichte verlockend sein mögen, solltet ihr keine Nebenmission auslassen. Zum einen sind sie meist gut geschrieben und zum anderen erhaltet ihr die nötige Erfahrung und damit neue Praxispunkte zum Aktivieren neuer und Verbessern vorhandener Augmentationen.


Ein ziemlich cooles Feature ist die Datenbank, die ihr im Menü aufrufen könnt. Hier werden sämtliche E-Mails, PDAs, E-Books und andere Dokumente gespeichert und sind abrufbereit, solltet ihr eine Information vermissen oder vergessen haben.

Waffen verbessern

Tut das, sobald es geht. Nahezu jede Waffe kann im Inventarbildschirm angepasst werden, etwa was den Schaden, die Munitionskapazität oder die Präzision angeht. Dazu benötigt ihr Ersatzteile, die es quasi an jeder Ecke zu finden gibt. Nicht im Übermaß, meist immer nur zehn Einheiten oder so, aber besser als nichts. Lasst nichts davon liegen, zumal sie im Inventar keinen eigenen Platz belegen.


Ebenfalls mit gefundenen Teilen lassen sich mithilfe von Bauplänen Multitools, Munition oder sogar Biozellen herstellen. Lasst die Teile nicht versauern, sondern nutzt sie und stellt euch nette Dinge her, die ihr wirklich gebrauchen könnt.

Walkthrough — Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Wiki Guide

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Wiki Guide

By Brendan Graeber, Jon Ryan, TheClone159, +3.9k more


IGN’s Deus Ex: Mankind Divided complete strategy guide and walkthrough will lead you through every step of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided from the title screen to the final credits, including every collectible location, boss strategy and more.

Deus Ex is a very open ended game in how you traverse missions and solve them, with multiple points of entry, possible paths, and ways to play — either non lethal or lethal, or even never being seen. This walkthough will seek to prepare you for what lies ahead so that you can go through the areas in a way that suits you best. Along the way, all possible secrets, locked areas, laptops, and collectibles will be listed.



The First 14 Minutes of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

The Walkthrough sections below are divided up into areas — both the ones encountered in the main hub of Prague, and those that are found in off-site locations in one-time missions. Note that between these off-site missions, the nature of the hub city, Prague, can change in various ways, and impact the many Side Missions you can undertake.


  • Mission 1: Black Market Buy

Prague (Day)

  • Mission 2: Morning Comes Too Soon
  • Mission 3: Getting In Top Shape Again
  • Mission 4: Checking Out TF29
  • Mission 5: Claiming Jurisdiction
  • Mission 6: Taking Care of Business


The Utulek Complex (Golem City)

  • Mission 7: The Rucker Extraction

Prague (Night)

  • Mission 8: Tracking Down the Real Terrorists
  • Mission 9: Checking Out the Men in Charge
  • Mission 10: Facing the Enigma
  • Mission 11: Confronting the Bomb-maker
  • OR
  • Mission 12: The Heist

The Swiss Alps

  • Mission 13: G.A.R.M.

Prague (Curfew)

  • Mission 14: Hunting down the Final Clues



  • Mission 15: Securing the Convention Centre
  • Mission 16: Stopping Marchenko
  • Mission 17: Protecting the Future

The sections below are divided up into areas encountered in the hub city of Prague. As you embark on main missions that lead you out of Prague, any side missions not undertaken or completed will fail, as returning to Prague at a later time will change many things, people will have moved on — or will be beyond help, while new missions will spring up in their place.

Prague (Day)

  • Side Mission 0: Neon Nights
  • Side Mission 1: The Golden Ticket
  • Side Mission 2: Cult of Personality
  • Side Mission 3: The Mystery Augs (Start)
  • Side Mission 4: The Calibrator
  • Side Mission 5: Samizdat

Prague (Night)

  • Side Mission 3: The Mystery Augs (Continued)
  • Side Mission 6: 01011000
  • Side Mission 7: Fade to Black
  • Side Mission 8: The Fix
  • Side Mission 9: All in the Family
  • Side Mission 10: The Harvester


Prague (Curfew)

  • Side Mission 3: The Mystery Augs (Conclusion)
  • Side Mission 11: The Last Harvest
  • Side Mission 12: K is for Kazdy

Up Next: Mission 1: Black Market Buy


Task Force 29


Mission 1: Black Market Buy

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In This Wiki Guide

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Nixxes Software BV


ESRB: Mature


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Mankind Divided: Games: Science and technology:

The continuation of the legendary Deus Ex series — Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — has become one of the most anticipated games of 2016. The reason for this is not only the excellent previous part of Human Revolution, but also the large-scale promises of the developers. To what extent Mankind Divided lived up to expectations and whether it is worth spending your time on it, figured it out.

The first Deus Ex came out 16 years ago. A detailed world, the ability to choose your own style of play, colorful characters and complete immersion in a complex story that combines dystopia with conspiracy theories — all this was more than enough for the game to gain cult status. The sequel Deus Ex: Invisible War, which appeared three years later, fell victim to inflated expectations. Despite the fact that the sales of the game were quite high, it caused general dislike among the players.

A new game — Deus Ex: Human Revolution — was almost not expected. Fans of the original series were sure that third-party developers from Eidos Montreal would not be able to release a worthy continuation of the franchise. However, Deus Ex: Human Revolution turned out to be an excellent prequel to the original Deus Ex and managed to satisfy not only most hardcore fans, but also attract neophytes. Therefore, the sequels — Deus Ex: Mankind Divided — were waiting and closely following the development.

The events of the game begin two years after the end of Human Revolution, when as a result of the «Incident» modified by implants (augmented) people, obeying the signal imposed by intruders, attacked their relatives. Despite the twelve endings of Human Revolution, the introductions to Mankind Divided are the same: humanity, dumbfounded by the Incident, is divided into two camps. Augmented people live in ghettos and concentration camps, having become victims of wild xenophobia. There is also a small group of people fighting for the rights of the Augs.

Human Revolution protagonist, unwittingly augmented Adam Jensen, now works for Interpol. His unit, Task Force 29, is a kind of hello to UNATCO from the original Deus Ex. The plot of the plot is quite simple: first, Jensen’s task force is attacked, and then a terrorist attack occurs at the train station in Prague, where the protagonist lives. The augmented inhabitants of Prague are blamed for all the troubles. And it is not at all accidental — all the threads lead to an organization that advocates for the protection of people with implants. However, Jensen does not believe this, and with the approval of his superiors, he begins his own investigation, which should lead him to the true culprits.

At the beginning of the game, Jensen ends up in Dubai, but the main action takes place in Prague. The Czech capital was especially affected by the «Incident»: the Augi live here in real ghettos, and the old European buildings are organically diluted with futuristic structures. Here you can wander for hours — there are many picturesque places in the city, a decent number of caches and various secrets, the study of which will make many players forget about the main storyline for a long time. An unobtrusive, but quite atmospheric soundtrack perfectly complements the fictional reality.


Jensen will visit London and the Alpine secret complex in the future, but it is Prague that looks the most advantageous: it is huge and alive. You want to explore it, and in this regard, the game goes forward: if Jensen wants to climb onto the roof, he can do it and will definitely find something there — the game does not limit empty squares and meaningless locations.

In terms of gameplay, the game has undergone tremendous changes. In principle, it can be completed almost without a single shot — just choose the necessary augmentations for this and correctly use the new cover system. The latter, by the way, has become much more convenient — you want to use it, and it works. They help keep the game and augments interesting: Jensen has eight new experimental abilities. At first, they greatly overload the protagonist and are used one by one, but as time passes, the time dilation, jet rush, supervision, and the shooting back wrist blade become familiar. In addition, Jensen’s previous augmentations have not disappeared.


Together, it all works so well that it actually makes you sit down and start playing. And the degree of tension does not subside throughout Mankind Divided, and a lot of options and styles of passing allow you to look at the same tasks in different ways. However, despite the peppy plot and the further process, the ending turned out to be rather blurry. Activist for the rights of the Augs and part-time augmented terrorist Viktor Marchenko (who was jokingly nicknamed «Bandera» on the network for his methods and reprimand), the Georgian thief in law with his «sixes» and other characters are spelled out well, but the finale ends in mid-sentence, and without giving the player the opportunity to get to the Illuminati and other top adversaries. An illusory hope for the continuation of the story and a large-scale denouement are left by the plot additions “System Break” and “Criminal Past”. But, most likely, you will have to wait for the next part of Deus Ex, which Eidos Montreal is probably already doing.

You can sweeten the expectation by replaying Human Revolution or the same Mankind Divided: the game is absolutely replayable. In many ways, this becomes possible thanks to Jensen’s augmentations, and as a result, different styles of passing. But do not write off additional tasks. They fit very harmoniously into the game: even a small piece of evidence or a plot thread in the course of an investigation can lead to something more. Side quests are quite diverse, and completing each of them will at least give you a lot of interesting information about the world of Deus Ex. In additional tasks, as well as in the main line, Jensen will have a lot of difficult decisions. The developers took into account their mistakes, and now the choice of the player in most cases affects the further development of the plot. And Jensen will definitely find out about the consequences of his decisions, albeit in a rather extravagant way.


In addition, there is a competitive Breach mode, which challenges the player as a hacker to hack into a classified information cluster located in Prague. This mode is built in the form of virtual reality, where servers turn into levels, antiviruses become enemies, and hacking protocols turn into weapons. The incentive to go through this mode can be various bonuses, as well as a kind of table of records, but most importantly — fragments of information, the content of which allows us to consider Breach as a side storyline.


Deus Ex: Mankind Divided has every chance of being the best game of 2016. Although it did not live up to all the expectations of gamers, we have to admit that they were still quite high. Fortunately, the second Invisible War from Mankind Divided did not work, and Human Revolution was surpassed.

Mankind Divided. Looking like a person or being one? /

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Developer Eidos Montreal and Nixxes Software
Publisher Square Enix
Official site
Release date August 23, 2016
Genre Action/RPG

Twenty-first century, incessant global conflicts. Progress has reached seemingly unimaginable heights. People got the opportunity to improve themselves, acquire new capabilities with the help of cybernetic implants, which were later called augmentations. Back in the year 2000, all this seemed like a fantasy, but Deus Ex, which definitely fell into the popular cyberpunk stream, revolutionized the genre. Now the presence of implants, touch screens and augmented reality is no longer surprising — anyone has seen cybernetic prostheses or heard about Pokemon Go. But if at one time the first episode of this masterpiece aroused interest as a purely fantastic game, today it raises questions worth thinking about.

The game takes place in 2029, two years after the events of the previous episode, Human Revolution. Despite the fact that the main character managed to destroy the signal that drove all the augmented people on Earth crazy, the consequences of the tragedy turned out to be irreparable. If earlier the division and hostility of the “clean” with the carriers of the modifications — the “augs” — was based mainly on subjective feelings: envy, visual hostility, now humanity has been divided. It turned out that a harmless and much-needed medical implant, for example, a cyber-prosthetic arm, can turn a person close to you into a monster or a psycho — a loving grandfather can start spinning his grandson around him, not stopping laughing and not even thinking to stop, and in the worst case, he will attack relatives and cause irreparable damage. Humanity began to fear, humanity irrevocably split.

There are no more equal rights and freedoms for everyone. If you are an aug, be kind enough to enter the subway through a separate aisle and ride in a special car, like an infected animal. If you were stopped by a representative of law enforcement agencies, present documents that allow you to move around your hometown, or even just stay in it. Insults and contempt are the norm for some, and a life of constant fear has become habitual for others.

And, it would seem, there should be only two camps, but even in such difficult conditions for all mankind, there are those who try to fish in troubled waters. Police officers who run the business of selling illegal passes through checkpoints organized by them, criminal gangs whose heads compete with each other, radical organizations, terrorists, interstate organizations, shadow governments — everything is woven into a tight tangle, and you have to decide whether to neatly unravel it or shatter with one swift blow.

It’s hard to judge the game from a distance, because many events make you think about reality, it’s too close to this cyberpunk fantasy. Moreover, the creators of Mankind Divided managed to immerse the player in an atmosphere of tense hopelessness. The main character, Adam Jensen, due to his character, reacts quite calmly to the surrounding reality, which, nevertheless, does not get tired of reminding himself. We are witnessing how the system separates and distances the Augs from ordinary people with all its might.

A player on the street can be stopped by a policeman and demanded documents, and upon seeing them make a couple of sarcastic jokes about the «important piece of iron». The thing is that after the incident with the augmented around the world, many countries decided to join their efforts in the fight against terrorism and created a special unit, which included the protagonist. True, his goals are not so unambiguous, but it would be better for you to find out about them yourself — we will not reveal the cards.

The first mission is an introduction to the game world. We are offered to watch a twelve-minute video that tells about the events of Human Revolution. The video consists of cuts from the previous episode’s gameplay clips and is accompanied by Adam’s narration. It is worth a look even for those who played the game — many details could be smeared over the time that has passed since its release. After watching the introduction, we find ourselves in a helicopter carrying a combat cell of Special Squad 29on a mission to Dubai. Jensen will have to infiltrate and go through the abandoned construction of a huge hotel and cover his squad during a shell deal.

The developers took care of the player by including small learning elements in the gameplay. We will be taught how to move between shelters and fight in various conditions.

But even in this short episode, you pay attention to the fact that one of the main features of this game, set in the already ancient first part, has not disappeared. No one forces the player to walk down the corridor killing left and right. On the contrary, even during the landing, the commander is interested in Adam’s choice of weapons — would you prefer to use lethal or non-lethal? As always, in addition to the obvious entrance through the door, you can take a good look around and enter the protected area through the ventilation, thereby finding yourself behind the back of vigilant guards. And then again the choice — if you want to shoot, if you want to get closer and cut down with a series of blows.

The beauty of the game is that you are always given the choice. And if in combat moments, the stealth style will simply bring a small increase to the experience gained, then in terms of the plot it seems that you can really solve problems as you please. Just remember that every decision has its consequences. It’s insanely nice to know that Mankind Divided has more non-linearity than many RPGs.

As a test drive, the first mission will offer the use of a full set of augmentations of the protagonist, also upgraded to high levels. Do not rush to be disappointed — yes, at first it may seem that Jensen has not acquired anything new since Human Revolution, but the creators of the game will be able to pleasantly surprise you, not forgetting, though not in a very elegant way, to select most of the abilities. Fortunately, we managed without hackneyed memory loss — and thanks for that.

Of course, instead of a quiet exchange, which should have taken the criminals, we get a whole bunch of augmented radicals who wrecked the deal and are trying to kill the infiltrator and flee with the goods. The player is literally thrown into the cauldron, and in order to successfully complete a side task, namely saving the life of a double agent, it is worth moving — the enemies will not wait until you decide on a plan of action. Special thanks to the developers for another rejection of the console «checkpoints», for perfectionists, quick save and load will allow you to work out in any situation with high quality.

By the way, the hacking of all kinds of terminals and control panels, made in the form of an interesting mini-game, has not gone away. The player constantly has to fight not only with a virtual firewall, but also with his own greed — whether to go unnoticed or still break into remote data banks in the hope of getting a nice bonus.

Eidos didn’t play with the proven recipe and try to improve it. Game mechanics differ little from the previous episode. Even more than that, many of the gameplay features were present in the very first part, and this is what made it so special.

The plot of the game did not disappoint either. Not once did I catch myself thinking about the absurdity of this or that event. The main narrative is generously flavored with a scattering of side tasks, and complete freedom in choosing the ways to complete them gives just an unforgettable feeling of immersion in the game.

We were a bit disappointed with the design and development of game locations. It would seem that technologies do not stand still, and developers could make them more ambitious, sometimes it just creates a physical feeling that textures are running out behind this closed showcase. True, on the other side of the scale there is a huge number of secret passages, ventilation and other alternative paths that can distract from completing the task with an unobtrusive promise to lead to an interesting place that can be profitable for finds. Vaults, safes, computers are scattered literally everywhere. Sometimes they are easier to hack, and sometimes it’s worth looking around — developers like to leave the password for the door in correspondence on a pocket secretary lying nearby.

I would like to pay special attention to graphics. In Human Revolution, she was frankly simple and she was given a discount for the fact that she did not require productive hardware, and all the other advantages of the game more than covered this drawback. In Mankind Divided, the developers tried to overcome this shortcoming, though at the cost of significantly increased system requirements. A lot of users complain about poor optimization. But it is worth paying tribute to Eidos — the picture has become an order of magnitude better. Detailing made the world around us more alive, now there is no desire to quickly look away from a soapy surface or a scary face.

However, facial animation is still far from perfect. And if the lack of pronounced facial expressions of the protagonist can be attributed to his Nordic character, then it is difficult to explain why many faces in the commercials look like their owners recently underwent plastic surgery, moreover, in the same place.

Shadows and lighting have been taken to another level. Now you do not need to make allowances for high-quality gameplay — the graphics have also been «delivered».

We decided to run some tests on a system with an ASUS ROG Strix GeForce GTX 1070 graphics adapter. The measurements were taken on stage after the first mission played by the game engine. It is not saturated with special effects, but it is filled with elements that will surround the player constantly and allows you to fairly objectively evaluate performance.

It can be seen that the developers’ advice on load optimization is absolutely correct. Performance is greatly reduced by smoothing and raising the settings to the «ultra» set. At the same time, the visual difference between the “very high” and “ultra” presets is not significant, but it will allow you to win in the missing performance. It remains to be hoped that the developers, along with the release of DX12, which should take place on September 5, will make more optimizations and please fans with better performance.

Not without problems. True, the first patch was not long in coming, and was released literally immediately after the release of the game. In fairness, I want to note that in all the time the game has never hung or crashed. However, there are still bugs to laugh at. For example, you sit in cover and look at the enemy. The situation is ambiguous, therefore it is better to save the game. And if you still have to reload the save, then you may encounter an interesting, but slightly unpleasant feature — to continue the game after loading, you need to press the space bar, but this press is translated immediately into the gameplay and instead of sitting further in the shelter, the hero jumps out of it and starts to run briskly in the direction where the player was looking at the time of the save. And given the fact that there is only one quick save, in this way you can ruin the quiet passage of the entire location. It is enough for developers to simply change the button to continue the game, for example, to Enter, and everything will be fine — I hope they will fix this little thing.

Separately, I would like to note the presence of the new Breach mode — such an alternative to the main story, designed in a peculiar style, reminiscent of the missions inside the Animus system in Assassins Creed. Here the player can try himself as a virtual hacker, making his way to valuable information hidden in data banks. A lot of dissatisfaction was caused by the microtransaction system introduced by the developers. Indeed, it makes no sense to spend money on buying in-game money or upgrade packages for a conditional online mode, in which you can only compete using the results of the passage, it seems pointless. Especially given the problems with the availability of Breach servers that are at this stage.

Also, players who have purchased the Season Pass will have access to additional missions that are intertwined with the main story. Let’s hope that their number will increase over time.

What would you like to say in the end? Frankly, minor annoyances or a lack of optimization cannot spoil the experience of the game. The project proves that cyberpunk is alive and can still draw attention to itself. And the most excellent study of the game environment, an interesting story and addictive gameplay can keep you in front of the screen much longer than you expected.