Unsterblichkeit gta 5 ps4: GTA 5: Cheats für alle Waffen, Unsterblichkeit, Fahrzeuge

GTA 5: Unverwundbar werden — so geht’s

| von
Tim Aschermann

Wenn Sie in GTA 5 unverwundbar sind, können Sie allerhand Dinge tun, ohne dass die Polizei oder andere Spieler Sie aufhalten können. Wie das genau geht, lesen Sie in diesem Praxistipp.

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GTA 5: Unverwundbar werden im Freien Spiel

Mithilfe von Cheats können Sie in GTA 5 jederzeit unverwundbar werden. Den dafür nötigen Code aktivieren Sie je nach Konsole anders:

  • Drücken Sie auf dem Playstation-Controller folgende Tasten-Kombination: Rechts, X, Rechts, Links, Rechts, R1, Rechts, Links, X, Dreieck.
  • Auf dem XBox-Controller entspricht das der Kombination: Rechts, A, Rechts, Links, Rechts, RB, Rechts, Links, A, Y. Das funktioniert auch, wenn Sie einen der Controller am PC benutzen.
  • Nutzen Sie für «Rechts» und «Links» das Steuerkreuz. Das ist präziser als der Analog-Stick.
  • Wenn Sie mit Maus und Tastatur am PC spielen, öffnen Sie mit [Pfeiltaste Oben] das Telefon und rufen Sie die Nummer 19997246545537 an. Sie sind dann sofort unverwundbar.
  • Der Cheat hält genau fünf Minuten an. Danach müssen Sie ihn erneut ausführen, um weiterhin unsterblich zu sein.
  • Aber Achtung: Bedenken Sie, dass Sie nicht mehr speichern können, wenn Sie Cheats aktivieren. Speichern Sie Ihr Spiel also zuvor unbedingt ab.

Unverwundbar werden in GTA 5

Unverwundbar werden in GTA Online — so geht’s

In GTA Online können Sie zwar keine Cheats verwenden, mit einem kleinen Trick können Sie aber auch hier unverwundbar werden:

  • Öffnen Sie das Interaktionsmenü in GTA Online mit [Back] bzw. [Select] am Controller oder mit [M] an der Tastatur.
  • Wählen Sie hier «Passivmodus aktivieren», damit Sie nicht mehr von anderen Spielern getötet werden können.
  • Doch Vorsicht: Der Passivmodus betrifft nur andere Spieler. Sie erleiden weiterhin Fallschaden und auch die Polizei kann Sie noch töten.
  • Hinweis: Der Passivmodus kann erst nach 60 Sekunden aktiviert werden, wenn Sie zuvor einen Mitspieler getötet haben oder den Passivmodus gerade erst deaktiviert haben.

Unverwundbar werden in GTA Online

Im nächsten Praxistipp finden Sie weitere praktische Cheats für GTA 5.

(Tipp ursprünglich verfasst von: Kevin Linne)

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GamesSpieletippsGTA 5Cheats

GTA5 unsterblichkeit Cheat ohne Begrenze Zeit? (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation)

Letzte Aktivität: 30.08.2022, 00:49
Details anzeigen

  • GTA
  • Xbox 360
  • Xbox
  • PlayStation
  • PlayStation 3
  • Grand Theft Auto
  • Rockstar
  • GTA V
  • Playstation4
  • Geht das auch irgendwie das dieser cheat länger als nur 5 minuten anhält am besten unbegrenzt?

    3 Antworten


    im Thema PlayStation

    15. 05.2016, 01:28

    Ich denke mal bei dem Pc gibt es bestimmt irgendwelche mods oder Cracks die das erlauben ( ich meine Wenn man es schaffen kann durch Manipulation des Spiels an eine Waffe zukommen die Autos (!!) schießst, dann wird es doch bestimmt möglich seinen einen Timer einzufrieren oder neuzustarten 😀


    16.05.2016, 18:36

    Wenn du nicht auf der Ps3 oder Xbox 360 spielst kannst du den Regisseur Modus benutzen dort kannst du Unendliches Leben einstellen


    14.05.2016, 19:59

    Nein das geht nicht das einzige was du machen kannst ist den cheat auswendig lernen so das du ihn jedes Mal wieder schnell aktivieren kannst

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    Pre-order GTA 5 game on PS4, PS5, XBOX One/Series — Release date

    GTA 5 game review with release date details and pre-order

    A full-fledged third-person shooter Grand Theft Auto V is a full-fledged hybrid of a shooting game, epic racing and a life simulator. A large open world and complete freedom of action are already waiting for their fans. Here you can interact with a huge number of objects, drive almost all types of vehicles, develop your skills, complete difficult missions or just enjoy life in exploration mode. All you need to be happy is to raise the money, and there are an endless number of options for this.

    The most anticipated, dynamic and unique GTA 5 game is presented on our website and is already available on pre-order discs.

    Game world

    The main action of the game takes place in the large city of Los Santos, which is located on a large island. The city itself, the suburbs and the wild places of the island are a huge open world with complete freedom of movement and character action.

    Drawing the details of the world, the developers did their best, not disregarding any corner of the location. It is impossible to find houses similar to each other in the city, every corner, every nook and cranny is an absolutely unique and authentic place. Copy-paste of textures and objects is a thing of the past, giving way to the new, most realistic world of GTA.

    The city has a large number of objects with which you can interact: all kinds of cafes and restaurants, auto repair shops, shops, gas stations and much, much more. Thanks to the high-quality drawing of all objects in the city without exception, it becomes absolutely impossible to distinguish by eye, active objects from decorative textures.

    There are many living creatures on the map, wild animals run in the forests, fish swim in rivers and lakes, birds fly in the sky. And these are not just cartoons, these are real game mobs that you can make contact with.

    The player can arrange a real hunt, go fishing or go diving and swim among the virtual diversity of the underwater world. Animals react to the presence of the player in completely unpredictable ways, they get scared, interested, ignored and even attacked.

    Mobs-people are also endowed with some random freedom of action. Now they can break the rules, be aggressive, empathize and act like heroes, pulling their wounded friends out of the shelling. They get upset and even angry when someone touches their things, they can attack a thief with fists, shoot him with a machine gun or call the police.


    Excellent drawing, thoughtfulness to the smallest detail will definitely appeal to all fans of the GTA world. The textures are so precise that gravel can be seen interspersed on the asphalt, the lawn consists of hotel blades of grass swaying in the wind, and on the sides of the road there is almost real sand rustling underfoot.

    The characters are also written perfectly, they have practically no virtual angularity, facial expressions and body movements are made at the highest level and have practically no bugs.

    The world is subject to change, here it changes the time of day, the night comes to replace the day, gradually descending on the city at dusk. At any moment, the weather in the city can change, and a sunny day suddenly turns into bad weather and pours cold torrential rain on your head.

    The drawing of water in reservoirs is superbly done, when diving it is transparent, and only slightly distorts the perception, and real waves foam on the surface, rolling ashore and taking with them what lies badly.

    The virtual world of GTA is now viewed as far as possible, not overlapping with fog, as in earlier versions, and not blurring into a single indistinct spot. Now you can see everything so clearly that you can lie down with a sniper rifle on top of a high mountain and perfectly see the window of a house through the scope.

    Playing at the highest graphics settings, you can really believe that this is the world and there is a real reality.

    Telephone and Internet

    Inside the game world, an extensive Internet network has been implemented, where you can search for information, buy various things, or just sell and relax, looking at stupid videos of mobs.

    Each character has their own smartphone, with plenty of options, from calling a friend to detonating a pipe bomb. The phone has a camera on which you can shoot videos and share them with friends.

    Weapons and equipment

    The game features the widest selection of weapons for every taste, color and caliber. Here you can have grenades, dynamite or C4, a small revolver in your bosom or a real grenade launcher on your shoulder. All this can be purchased via the Internet, bought from a dealer or taken from a gaping bandit. All weapons can be improved.

    The shelves of virtual stores are teeming with offers of a variety of clothing and accessories. Here you can buy and put on literally everything, regardless of gender and age. You can also get tattoos, my hair and wear masks. Here you can realize any stylistic whim.

    The assortment of different stores is not the same, and you can triple the real shopping in search of the perfect military trousers with mother-of-pearl buttons.

    Car dealerships are also open throughout the city and are waiting for their customers. Here you can buy a car absolutely for every taste and budget. Cars, trucks, military, motorcycles, collectible models and buckets with bolts. You can even order a tank through the Internet. Almost any car can be stolen, but it should be remembered that this action will not go unpunished, and the police will certainly pay attention to the thief, catch and send him to jail.

    Character skills

    The gameplay involves three main characters at once, between which you can switch during the game. Each character has some kind of super power that helps him complete missions, tasks and, in general, survive.

    So Michael is initially an excellent driver, and his main superpower lies in time lapse, the suspension of time when the surrounding objects move more slowly than the main character. Franklin also has a similar power, however, it is triggered while shooting, helping to defeat more enemies during a firefight. And Trevor falls into a violent rage, with the help of which he becomes practically invulnerable and causes much more damage to enemies.

    Character leveling occurs automatically during the game. Each new action brings experience points that can be distributed among skills, increasing the skills of the hero.

    So you can improve shooting skills, strength, stealth or increase lung capacity, for a longer stay under water. The better the characters are pumped, the more successful the main mission of the game is and the more chances for success.

    Physics auto

    Since GTA5 is more geared towards dynamic and incredible racing, the developers have pumped the car physics to the maximum. Now the car has better grip and even at high speeds it is controlled easily, behaves predictably and obeys the brakes perfectly. The grip of tires with the surface sometimes reaches the point of absurdity, allowing the player to drive on inclined planes.

    Thanks to the maximum pumping of cars, a perfectly working handbrake and maximum controllability when skidding, almost acrobatic stunts such as off-roading, all-rides and real dead loops became available to the player.

    The game provides an amazing multiplayer that can unite a large number of players on one server and create an almost real life based on the virtual world of GTA.

    GTA 5 Story

    The plot of the game revolves around three friends who, in the distant past, once decided to rob a bank. At first everything went like clockwork, but at some point luck changed them, and the mountain robbers were embroiled in a tough chase and shootout with the cops.

    During this shootout, two of the three friends, Michael and Brad, were shot down and could no longer escape. Therefore, the third Monday — Trevor, ran away with the money, leaving his friends to their fate.

    Nine years later, hapless car thief Franklin is on his way to another case. To steal an expensive car, he needs to break into the mansion, which he successfully does. However, Franklin does not expect the owner of the car to sleep in the back seat of a stolen car.

    The owner of the car is the same Michael, one of the three friends from the past. And he, yearning for his past life, makes a strange friendship with the unlucky car thief, trying to return to his former life as a gangster and bandit. The three friends are soon joined by Trevor, who discovers Michael alive and well thanks to a news bulletin. And the guys begin a new, full of adventure and risk gangster life.

    Robbery, robbery, endless shooting, chases and explosions are waiting ahead for a new gang of scumbags, ready to do anything for money.

    And only one unfinished business from the past can bring discord in the relationship of friends — Trevor wants to know who was buried in Michael’s grave nine years ago.

    Atmosphere and features of GTA 5

    Each character in the game has its own reality, in which we are offered to plunge headlong in order to feel in our own skin all the originality and riskiness of a gangster life.

    Franklin is a petty thief and car thief who is constantly on the lookout for money. His whole life is like running in a wheel with varying degrees of success.

    Trevor’s life is a constant battle for a place in the sun. The man imagines himself a businessman and does not hesitate to get rid of his competitors, eliminating them physically. This is a real scumbag and reckless type, who knows no boundaries and sees no barriers. He can steal a helicopter from the military, single-handedly shoot a gang of bikers or blow up a skyscraper. For the sake of profit, this man is ready for anything. But luck often shows him his unpresentable ass.

    Michael is a caring family man, tired of family problems and ready to do anything just not to see his idiot son, immoral daughter and eternally dissatisfied wife. It is her betrayal that becomes the last straw for Michael, and starts a chain of events that returns the man to the bosom of the underworld and leaves him no chance for a peaceful and calm life.

    GTA 5 game allows every gamer to be a bit of a loser, a bandit and a deer. Feel all the hardships of family life, the collapse of the tower in a fit of rage, or the pain of yet another failure.

    We run, shoot, steal cars, blow up everything around, prepare for the next epic robbery and fail it with a bang — this is how you can briefly describe life in the city of Los Santos. But in the end, everyone will be rewarded according to merit. And what exactly it will be, a big jackpot or death, is up to the one in whose hands the gamepad is clamped, that is, the player.

    Game release and release date of GTA 5

    on discs

    The development of GTA 5 took place in complete secrecy. Only rare statements from Rockstar Games publisher from time to time fueled the interest of fans and caused even more questions than answers. For almost a year, the developers fed gamers with screenshots, and only in the middle of 2013 they showed the first full-fledged trailer.

    And finally, on September 13, 2013, the first version of the game for the PS3 and Xbox 360 gaming platforms was released for the first time.

    But progress did not stand still, new more advanced technologies appeared on the market, and then it was decided to adapt the world of GTA 5 for PS4, XBox One platforms. Game for PS4, XBox One — November 18, 2018.

    However, the polishing and adjustment of game processes did not end there. And on March 15, 2022, a new version of the GTA 5 game was released for the Sony PlayStation5 and Xbox Series X gaming platforms.

    The full GTA5 game takes up a full 64GB of storage and fits on seven physical media, which will go on sale later this month.

    GTA 5 pre-order for PS4, PS5, XBOX

    Only in the online store IgroRay, pre-ordering the game GTA 5 on PlayStation 4/5, XBOX One/Series now, you get early access to the game even before the release!
    We offer minimum prices on GTA 5, and with cashback purchases will become even more profitable.