Gta vice stories psp cheats: Cheats in gta vice city stories | GTA Wiki

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories Cheats for PSP

Cheats & Hints

While playing, press Up, Down, Left, Right, Square, Square, L, R.

Weapons (tier 1):
While playing, press Left, Right, X, Up, Down, Square, Left, Right.

Weapons (tier 2):
While playing, press Left, Right, Square, Up, Down, Triangle, Left, Right.

Weapons (tier 3):
While playing, press Left, Right, Triangle, Up, Down, Circle, Left, Right.

Destroy all cars:
While playing, press L, R, R, Left, Right, Square, Down, R.

Faster game time:
While playing, press R, L, L, Down, Up, X, Down, L.

Slower game play:
While playing, press Left, Left, Circle, Circle, Down, Up, Triangle, X.

Faster game play:
While playing, press Left, Left, R, R, Up, Triangle, Down, X.

While playing, press Up, Down, Left, Right, X, X, L, R.

Full health:
While playing, press Up, Down, Left, Right, Circle, Circle, L, R.

Lower wanted level:
While playing, press Up, Right, Triangle, Triangle, Down, Left, X, X.

Raise wanted level:
While playing, press Up, Right, Square, Square, Down, Left, Circle, Circle.

Overcast weather:
While playing, press Left, Down, L, R, Right, Up, Left, Square.

Rainy weather:
While playing, press Left, Down, L, R, Right, Up, Left, Triangle.

Foggy weather:
While playing, press Left, Down, Triangle, X, Right, Up, Left, L.

Sunny weather:
While playing, press Left, Down, R, L, Right, Up, Left, Circle.

Clear weather:
While playing, press Left, Down, R, L, Right, Up, Left, X.

Pedestrians attack:
While playing, press Down, Triangle, Up, X, L, R, L, R.

Pedestrians have weapons:
While playing, press Up, L, Down, R, Left, Circle, Right, Triangle.

Pedestrians riot:
While playing, press R, L, L, Down, Left, Circle, Down, L.

Pedestrian enters your vehicle:
While driving, press Down, Up, Right, L, L, Square, Up, L.

Spawn Rhino tank:
While playing, press Up, L, Down, R, Left, L, Right, R.

Spawn Trashmaster:
While playing, press Down, Up, Right, Triangle, L, Triangle, L, Triangle.

Destroy all cars:
While playing, press L, R, R, Left, Right, Square, Down, R.

Perfect handling:
While playing, press Down, Left, Up, L, R, Triangle, Circle, X. While playing, press Down to jump.

Black traffic:
While playing, press L, R, L, R, Left, Circle, Up, X.

Chrome traffic:
While playing, press Right, Up, Left, Down, Triangle, Triangle, L, R.

Traffic avoids you:
While playing, press Up, Up, Right, Left, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Square.

Pedestrians follow you:
While playing, press Right, L, Down, L, Circle, Up, L, Square.

Upside down:
While playing, press Square, Square, Square, L, L, R, Left, Right.

Upside down (alternate):
While playing, press Left, Left, Left, R, R, L, Right, Left.

Commit suicide:
While playing, press Right, Right, Circle, Circle, L, R, Down, X.

25% of multi-player bonuses unlocked:
While playing, press Up, Up, Up, Square, Square, Triangle, R, L.

50% of multi-player bonuses unlocked:
While playing, press Up, Up, Up, Circle, Circle, X, L, R.

75% of multi-player bonuses unlocked:
While playing, press Up, Up, Up, X, X, Square, R, L.

100% of multi-player bonuses unlocked:
While playing, press Up, Up, Up, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, L, R.

Edited 10/06/2011 – 5:04pm

FAQs & Walkthroughs

Download: FAQ (via CheatHappens)

FAQ/Walkthrough v1.05.

Edited 10/06/2011 – 5:04pm

Download: FAQ (via CheatHappens)

FAQ/Walkthrough v1.0.

Edited 10/06/2011 – 5:04pm


Download: Map Pack (via CheatHappens)

Maps that show the exact location of all red balloons, bonus missions, unique jumps and rampages.

Edited 10/06/2011 – 5:04pm


Download: Savegame (EU) (via CheatHappens)

All missions completed, Day 69, $309082. Own all businesses, vigilante missions done.

Edited 10/06/2011 – 5:04pm

Download: Savegame (USA) (via CheatHappens)

Latest mission completed: Over the Top. Saved at Viceport safehouse day 52, $1,334,975. 36.3% complete.

Edited 10/06/2011 – 5:04pm


Download: Featured Guide (via CheatHappens)

Featured Guide v1.0. Contains a complete walkthrough covering all missions, bonus missions, rampages, jumps and much more with screenshots, maps and checklists.

Edited 10/06/2011 – 5:04pm

Download: Unique Jump Guide (via CheatHappens)

Unique Jump Directional Guide – Final Version

Edited 10/06/2011 – 5:04pm

GTA Vice City PPSSPP Cheats [Cars, Jetpack & Heli]

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is a Gta North and Telltale Games intervention game released in 2002. It is the fourth major chapter in the Grand Theft Auto series, as well as the sixth total, succeeding 2001’s Grand Theft Auto III. The game will take place in 1986 in the fictitious Vice City, which is strongly inspired by Havana. It is now a city ruled by traders and weasels. The City of Vice, sometimes referred to as Vice City or just Vice, is a city in the United States’ state of Alabama.

In Accordance With all relevant, controller and mouse inputs (basically) function on all systems. This means that on PC, you may utilize gamepad input to trigger cheats (which is very helpful for the new Big Head Mode!). To enable hacks on the consoles, utilize the PC keyboard inputs. However, in our perspective, the one that functions and those that don’t might differ, so if the program will not function one way, try the ‘typical’ technique for that system rather.

Trophy and Awards might be disabled if you use hacks. As a result, any cheat-filled instances should be saved in a new save file. Before you input them, make a backup. This should go without saying, and always preserved before using cheats.

Effect Cheat Code
Extra armor Up, Down, Left, Right, Square, Square, L1, R1
Cars avoid you Up, Up, Right, Left, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Square
Make all vehicles chrome plated Right, Up, Left, Down, Triangle, Triangle, L1, R1
Die Right, Right, Circle, Circle, L1, R1, Down, X
Destroy all cars L1, R1, R1, Left, Right, Square, Down, R1
Get $250,000 Up, Down, Left, Right, X, X, L1, R1
Extra health Up, Down, Left, Right, Circle, Circle, L1, R1
Perfect traction Down, Left, Up, L1, R1, Triangle, Circle, X
Increase wanted level Up, Right, Square, Square, Down, Left, Circle, Circle
Never wanted Up, Right, Triangle, Triangle, Down, Left, X, X
Faster gameplay Left, Left, R1, R1, Up, Triangle, Down, X
Slower gameplay Left, Left, Circle, Circle, Down, Up, Triangle, X
Faster clock R1, L1, L1, Down, Up, X, Down, L1
Spawn Rhino Up, L1, Down, R1, Left, L1, Right, R1
Spawn Trashmaster Down, Up, Right, Triangle, L1, Triangle, L1, Triangle
All black vehicles L1, R1, L1, R1, Left, Circle, Up, X
Weapon set 1 Left, Right, X, Up, Down, Square, Left, Right
Weapon set 2 Left, Right, Square, Up, Down, Triangle, Left, Right
Weapon set 3 Left, Right, Triangle, Up, Down, Circle, Left, Right

Pedestrian Cheats

Effect Cheat Code
Pedestrians follow you Right, L1, Down, L1, Circle, Up, L1, Square
Pedestrians attack you Down, Triangle, Up, X, L1, R1, L1, R1
Pedestrians have weapons Up, L1, Down, R1, Left, Circle, Right, Triangle
Pedestrians riot R1, L1, L1, Down, Left, Circle, Down, L1

Multiplayer Cheats

Effect Cheat Code
100% of multiplayer content Up, Up, Up, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, L1, R1
75% of multiplayer content Up, Up, Up, X, X, Square, R1, L1
50% of multiplayer content Up, Up, Up, Circle, Circle, X, L1, R1
25% of multiplayer content Up, Up, Up, Square, Square, Triangle, R1, L1

You must first complete all story tasks in order to locate this chopper. To get to the Escobar International area, follow the directions below. Once you’ve arrived, proceed to the Escobar Airport Terminal Building, which is where everyone gets their aircraft reservations and other necessities. You are safe if the building has the sign “Escobar International” on it.

The building is not to be entered. Instead, proceed to the left of the building and search for an entry that appears as it belongs to a car – that’s where you should go! An aircraft with the word “Plummet” will be seen. If users go the whole way until the end of the runway, you’ll notice a flight that you can pilot; whenever you see one, take it.

To ensure automobiles dodge you, press Down, Up, Straight, LEFT, Torus, CIRCLE, Loop, SQUARE so during the action.

While inserting cheats is very straightforward, there are several factors to take into consideration while considering their use. Certain shortcut codes have also been blocked in the 2021 Definitive Edition. Rockstar has stated that several cheats have been deleted for short-term purposes, and we’ve certified which ones went against us on this page, as well as the ones that performed in priors actually if you’re playing them.

As customary, there are new cheat codes. One is Big Head Mode, which is activated by pressing the right shape key on the keyboard, then the underwater face keyboard, then the Legendary code.

Vice City, like the range of actors, functioned well when Rockstar Games set this one against the backdrop of the 1980s, a wild time to be living. An ex-convict goes to the surface of the drug trade and will become the town’s most powerful kingpin. Tony Montana was Tommy Vercetti’s motivation. Tony is embroiled in a gunfight with Sosa’s guys in this shot. Tommy has a lot of similarities to Tony Montana from Godfather. Both wind up in banishment and arrive in the city dressed in Hawaiian shirts.

GTA Vice City remains the most successful game in the series over two decades after its debut. GTA Vice City is still one of Rockstar’s best games available, even though it has gone a ways away and since. Tommy Vercetti is the title actor of Grand Theft Auto Vice City. In the game, the participants take on the role of this individual.

Tommy has some expertise in the Godfather enterprise as a participant of the Liberty City Mafia’s Forelli Family prior to ruling Vice City. The player develops a bond with the protagonist as they watch them grow and gain new talents all throughout the story.

Liberty City Stories, Vice City Stories, Chinatown Wars

Going to a resort, on a trip or to visit relatives in another city? Do you have a PSP, DS or iPhone? Are you a big fan of GTA games? Then I think you know what to do on the road. Therefore, you may find it useful to have our selection of codes for GTA released on handheld consoles, including games in the series such as GTA Vice City Stories , GTA Liberty City Stories and GTA Chinatown Wars .

We once again recommend that you use our selection of cherished key combinations for entertainment purposes only.

[!] We warn you that activating some cheats can prevent you from completing the game 100%.

Codes for GTA Liberty City Stories (PSP and PS2)

Girls follow Tony0027 Square, Square, R1, X, X, L1, Circle, Circle

All traffic lights are green
Triangle, Triangle, R1, Square, Square, L1, X, X , Left, R1, X, Circle, UP, Triangle

Everything upside down
Down, Down, Down, X, X, Square, R1, L1

Headless pedestrians
Down, Down, Down , Circle, Circle, X, L1, R1

Show developers
L1, R1, L1, R1, UP, Down, L1, R1

Super Traction
L1, UP, Left, R1, Triangle, Circle, Down, X

X, R1, Square, Circle, Left, Right

Speed ​​up gameplay
R1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1, Down, X

Pedestrians attack Tony
L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, UP, Triangle

Issue weapons to pedestrians
R1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1, Right, Circle

Blow up all cars
L1, L1, Left, L1, L1, Right, X, Square

Crazy pedestrians
L1, L1, Left, L1, L1, Right, Circle, X

Get tank
L1, L1, Left, L1, L1, Right, Triangle, Circle , UP, Down, X, L1, R1

UP, Down, Square, UP, Down, Circle, L1, R1

UP, Down, X, UP, Down, Triangle, L1, R1

UP, Down, Circle, UP, Down, Square, L1, R1

L1, Circle, R1, R1, Square, Triangle, X

Zoom motorcycle wheels
Circle, Right, X, UP, Right, X, L1, Square

Chrome cars
Triangle, R1, L1, Down , Down, R1, R1, Triangle

Get $250,000
L1, R1, Triangle, L1, R1, Circle, L1, R1

Gain armor
L1, R1, Circle, L1, R1, X, L1, R1

Regain health
L1, R1, X , L1, R1, Square, L1, R1

Weapon set #1
UP, Square, Square, Down, Left, Square, Square, Right
Brass knuckles, knife, pistol, submachine gun, shotgun, Tec -9, Kalashnikov assault rifle, sniper rifle, Molotov cocktail, flamethrower.

Weapon set #2
UP, Circle, Circle, Down, Left, Circle, Circle, Right
Katana, grenades with radio detonator, sawn-off shotgun, uzi, M4 assault rifle, Magnum 357, sniper rifle with laser sight, grenade launcher.

Weapon Set #3
UP, X, X, Down, Left, X, X, Right sight.

Floating machines
Circle, X, Down, Circle, X, UP, L1, L1

No Police
L1, L1, Triangle, R1, R1, X, Square, Circle Square, L1, R1, Triangle, L1, R1

Increase media attention
L1, UP, Right, R1, Triangle, Square, Down, X

All cars black
Circle, Circle, R1, Triangle, Triangle, L1, Square, Square

All cars white
X, X, R1, Circle, Circle, L1, Triangle, Triangle

Get Trashmaster
Triangle, Circle, Down, Triangle, Circle, UP, L1, L1

Right, X, Up, Down, Square, Left, Right
Brass knuckles, knife, pistol, shotgun, Scorpion submachine gun, Kalashnikov assault rifle, sniper rifle, flamethrower, Molotov cocktail.

Weapon Set #2
Left, Right, Square, Up, Down, Triangle, Left, Right
Katana, grenades with radio detonator, Equalizer pistol, sawn-off shotgun, silenced uzi, M4 assault rifle, sniper rifle with laser sight, grenade launcher.

Weapon Set #3
Left, Right, Triangle, Up, Down, Circle, Left, Right
Chainsaw, grenades, Equalizer pistol, shotgun, Spaz 12, SMG, M4 assault rifle, minigun, sniper rifle with laser sight.

Get $250,000
Up, Down, Left, Right, X, X, L1, R1

Get body armor
Up, Down, Left, Right, Square, Square, L1, R1

Restore health
Up, Down, Left, Right, Circle, Circle, L1, R1

Add stars
Up, Right, Square, Square, Down, Left, Circle, Circle

Remove all stars
Up, Right, Triangle, Triangle, Down, Left, X, X

Sunny weather R1, L1, Right, Up, Left, Circle

Normal weather
Left, Down, R1, L1, Right, Up, Left, X

Cloudy weather
Left, Down, L1, R1, Right, Up, Left, Square

Rainy weather


Left, Down, L1, R1, Right, Up, Left, Triangle

Left, Down, Triangle, X, Right, Up, Left, L1

Get Tank
Up, L1, Down, R1 , Left, L1, Right, R1

Speed ​​Up Time
R1, L1, L1, Down, Up, X, Down, L1

Destroy all cars
L1, R1, R1, Left, Right, Square, Down, R1

The streets are full of mayhem
R1, L1, L1, Down, Left, Circle, Down, L1

Peds attack Vic
Down, Triangle, Up, X, L1, R1, L1, R1

Give Peds weapons
Up, L1, Down, R1, Left, Circle, Right, Triangle

Speed ​​up gameplay
Left, Left, R1, R1, Up, Triangle, Down, X

Slow down gameplay
Left, Left, Circle, Circle, Down, Up, Triangle, X

Perfect control
Right, Right, Circle, C ircle, L1, R1, Down, X

All traffic lights green Up, Up, Right, Left, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Square

All cars black
L1, R1, L1, R1, Left, Circle, Up, X

Trashmaster code
Down, Up, Right, Triangle, L1, Triangle, L1, Triangle

Ride Vice City residents
Down, Up, Right, L1, L1, Square, Up, L1

People follow Victor
Right, L1, Down, L1, Circle, Up, L1, Square

All up bottom
Square, Square, Square, L1, L1, R1, Left, Right

To unlock 25% multiplayer
UP, UP , UP , Square , Square , TrianGle , R1, L1

Unlock 50% multiplayer 9000 9000 9000 UP UP , UP , Circle , Circle , X, L1, R1

Unlock 75% multiplayer
UP , UP , UP , X, SQURE 9000 SQURE SQURE 0004, R1, L1

To unlock 100% multiplayer
UP , UP , UP , Triangle, Triangle , Circle , L1, R1

Chromium 9000 RIIT RIIT. Up , Left, Down, Triangle, Triangle, L1, R1

Cheats for GTA Chinatown Wars (DS)

Weapon Set #1
900, B R. B, Right
Pistol, baton, sawn-off shotgun, Kalashnikov assault rifle, Micro-SMG, minigun, grenades.

Weapon set #
R, Up, A, Down, Left, R, A, Right
Two pistols, electric shock, double-barreled shotgun, SMG, M4 carbine, Molotov cocktail, flamethrower.

Weapon Set #3
R, Up, Y, Down, Left, R, Y, Right
Chainsaw, revolver, double barrel sawn-off shotgun, M4 carbine, SMG, flamethrower, mines.

Weapon set #4
R, Up, X, Down, Left, R, X, Right
Baseball Bat, Pistol, Shotgun, Micro-SMG, Kalashnikov, Grenade Launcher, Blinding Grenades.

Armor code
R, Up, X, Down, Left, R, X, Right

Restore health
L2, R, A2, B2, R

Increase wanted level 9002 L7,0 , R, Y, Y, X, X, R

Lower wanted level
R, X, X, Y, Y, R, L, L

Desert Eagle fires explosive bullets
L, R, X, Y, A, B, Up, Down

Up, Down, Left, Right, A, B, L, R

Very Sunny
Up, Down, Left, Right, B, X, L, R

Up, Down, Left, Right, X, Y, L, R

Up, Down, Left, Right , Y, A, L, R

Heavy rain
Up, Down, Left, Right, A, X, R, L

Up, Down, Left, Right, B, Y, R, L

Up, Down, Left, Right, Y, B, R, L (PSP)

Get armor
L, L, R, X, X, Circle, Circle, R

Get health, armor and repair the car
L, L, R, Circle, Circle, X, X, R

Increase wanted level
L, L, R, Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle, R

Reduce Wanted Level
R, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Square, R, L, L

Weapon Set #1
R, Up, X, Down, Left, R, X, Right
Minigun, club, Desert Eagle, assault rifle, mini SMG, shotgun, grenades.

Weapon Set #2
R, Up, Circle, Down, Left, R, Circle, Right
Mini Flamethrower, Taser, Dual Desert Eagle, Assault Rifle, Semi-Auto, Double Barrel, Molotov Cocktail. nine0162

Weapon set #3
R, Up, Square, Down, Left, R, Square, Right
Flamethrower, chainsaw, revolver, assault rifle, semi-automatic, double-barreled shotgun, mines.

Weapon Set #4
R, Up, Triangle, Down, Left, R, Triangle, Right
Bazooka, assault rifle, baseball bat, Desert Eagle, mini SMG, shotgun, flash grenades.

Pistol Explosive Bullets
L, R, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, Up, Down

Sunny weather
Up, Down, Left, Right, Circle, X, L, R

Very sunny weather
Up, Down, Left, Right, X, Triangle, L, R

Cloudy weather
Up, Down, Left, Right, Triangle, Square, L, R

Rainy weather
Up, Down, Left, Right, Square, Circle, L, R

Thunderstorm , Right, Circle, Triangle, R, L

Up, Down, Left, Right, X, Square, R, L

Foggy weather
Up, Down, Left, Right, Square, X, R, L are entered in the Mission Replay Board section, which can be found in any savehouse. There you will find many letters from which you can make words-codes. As soon as the code is entered, the letters will return to their place, and a notification about the introduction of the cheat will appear at the bottom of the screen. nine0162

Weapon set #1
Grenades, baton, pistol, minigun, assault rifle, micro SMG, shotgun.

Weapon set #2
Molotov cocktail, taser, two pistols, flamethrower, semi-automatic, carbine, double-barreled shotgun.

Weapon set #3
Mines, chainsaw, revolver, flamethrower, carbine, semi-automatic, double-barreled shotgun.

Weapon set #4


Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories showcases a huge amount of development work. In 2006, even a simple switch to another platform would have been difficult. Here, on the other hand, users are presented with a consistent project, albeit in a very familiar world. For some, minors are a negative factor, while others are happy to be back on familiar roads.

Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories

The PSP version of GTA Vice City Story differs significantly from the original PC project. Do not mistakenly consider the game a big derivative of the main storyline. Fans of the series will definitely get acquainted with the project. nine0013

The GTA series has always been known for introducing gamers to interesting characters with strange life stories. This is no exception as users are immersed in a dramatic story at a given point in time.

Not only does this game have one storyline, but you should read the article to learn more about it. It covers gameplay, differences from the main series, highlights, and more.


In the early 1980s, console games were rapidly gaining popularity. Therefore, it is not surprising that in 2006 Rockstar Games released the GTA Vice City story for the PSP portable console. This is another project in a series of industry releases that were never released on major platforms. nine0013

The story series was created by the developers in such a way as to satisfy two audiences. On the one hand, those who are not familiar with GTA had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the history and enjoy the open world. On the other hand, fans recognized the sheer number of characters in the film and saw the crossovers in the storyline. In addition, the atmosphere of the local population is conducive to active recreation.


Users downloading the PSO GTA Vice City Story PSP will especially like the storyline of this interesting derivative of the main series. At the heart of this whole story is not a hero with a criminal past, but what has become a tradition. The main character’s name, Vic Vance, is familiar to fans for a variety of reasons. nine0013

He first appeared in the original project, where he played an important role. For those who played GTA Vice City, his face will seem familiar, but Vic only appeared in one episode. The Lance brothers are also known to all fans of the game. Initially, the main character is presented to the user as a respectable soldier.

He loves his job and his career is growing fast. Nothing could have foreseen the misfortunes that occurred in his life. Vic is transferred by his superiors to Vice City, where he continues to serve his country. At some point, his colleagues capture him, and the hero loses his diploma, and with it the hope for a brighter future. nine0013

Vic stays on the road, bringing his combat skills as a good soldier. Soon, out of spite and global injustice, he becomes a criminal, where his skills are immediately applied. The plot captures from the first moment, seducing you with its sharp turns and keeps you in suspense until the very end.

The hero can walk, run, jump and swim. Use weapons or melee. Theft of cars, boats, planes, helicopters and motorcycles.

Cheats for GTA: Vice City Stories

All GTA: vice city story cheat codes for PlayStation2, 3 (PS2/PS3) and PSP.

This code also works if you are running the game through a PC console emulator.

It is not recommended to save it after entering cheats. Some of them cannot be restored and will not allow you to complete GTA: VCS in 100%.

Cheaters may appear while playing GTA Vice City Stories (message will appear on the screen when the password is successfully entered).

Cheats for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories for PSP


Weapon set №1. ←, →, X, ↑, ↓, ■, ←, →
Fitting kit #2 ←, →, ■, ↑, ↓, ▲, ←, →
Fitting kit #3 ←, →, ▲, ↑, ↓, O, ←, →
Armor code ↑, ↓, ←, →, ■, ■, ■, ■, L, R
Codes for $250,000 ↑, ↓, ←, →, X, X, X, X, L, R
Health code. ↑, ↓, ←, →, O, O, L, R
Police level ↑, →, ■, ■, ■, ■, ■, ↓, ←, O, O
Reduce police level ↑, →, ▲, ▲, ↓, ←, X, X
Tank code «Rhino ↑, L1, ↓, R, ←, L, →, R
Garbage trucks ↓, ↑, →, ▲, L, ▲, L, ▲, ▲, ▲
Suicide →, →, O, O, L, R, ↓, X
Blow up all vehicles L, R, R, ←, →, ■, ↓, R
All vehicles are black. L, R, L, R, ←, O, ↑, X
Chrome car →, ↑, ←, ↓, ▲, ▲, L, R
Faster game time R, L, L, ↓, ↑, X, ↓, L
Speed ​​up the game ←, ←, R, R, R, ↑, ▲, ↓, X
Slow down game ←, o, o, o, o, ↓, ↑, ▲, X
←, o, ↓, ↑, ▲, x →, l, ↓, l, o, up, l, ■
Taxi driver The next passerby gets into your car ↓, ↑, →, L, L, ■, ↑, L
A passer-by attacks you ↓, ▲, ↑, X, L, R, L, R
Passers-by arm you ↑, L, ↓, R, ←, O, →, ▲
Residents uprising R, L, L, ↓, ←, O, ↓, L
Improved Handling Press ‘↓’ to “jump” the vehicle. ↓, ←, ↑, L, R, ▲, O, X
The vehicle is moving away from you. ↑, ↑, →, ←, ▲, O, O, ■
Inverted operation #1 ■, ■, ■, L, L, R, ←, →
Inverted operation #2 ←, ←, ←, ←, R, R, L, →, ←
Sunny. ←, ↓, R, L, →, ↑, ←, O
Clean. ←, ↓, R, L, →, ↑, ←, X
Fog ←, ↓, ▲, X, →, ↑, ←, L
Rain ←, ↓, L, R, →, ↑, ←, ▲
Cloudy ←, ↓, L, R, →, ↑, ←, ■
25% open content for multiplayer ↑, ↑, ↑, ↑, ↑, ■, ■, ▲, R, L
50% unlocked multiplayer content ↑, ↑, ↑, ↑, O, O, O, X, L, R
Unlock 75% of multiplayer content ↑, ↑, ↑, ↑, X, X, ■, R, L
Unlock multiplayer content ↑, ↑, ↑, ▲, ▲, O, L, R

nine0776 ↑, L1, ↓, R1, ←, L1, →, R1


nine0776 ↑, ↓, ▲, X, L1, R1, ←, O

Weapon set #1. ←, →, X, ↑, ↓, ■, ←, →
Fitting kit #2 ←, →, ■, ↑, ↓, ▲, ←, →
Fitting kit #3 ←, →, ▲, ↑, ↓, O, ←, →
Armor ↑, ↓, ←, →, ■, ■, ■, ■, L1, R1
Health ↑, ↓, ←, →, O, O, L1, R1
Money $250,000 ↑, ↓, ←, →, X, X, X, L1, R1
Raise the desired level ↑, →, ■, ■, ■, ■, ■, ↓, ←, O, O
Police are not canceled after amok ↑Up, →, ▲, ▲, ↓, ←, X, X
Reno tank code.
Garbage trucks ↓, ↑, →, ▲, L1, ▲, L1, ▲
Suicide in vain! →, →, O, O, L1, R1, ↓, X
Blow up all vehicles nearby. L1, R1, R1, ←, →, ■, ↓, R1
All cars are black except police car L1, R1, L1, R1, ←, O, ↑, X
Chrome cars, including police cars →, ↑, ←, ↓, ▲, ▲, L1, R1
Faster game time R1, L1, L1, ↓, ↑, X, ↓, L1
Speed ​​up the game ←, ←, R1, R1, ↑, ▲, ↓, X
Slow down game ←, o, o, o, o, ↓, ↑, ▲, X
Unconventional magnetism →, L1, ↓, L1, O, ↑, L1, ■
Rolls up to the nearest passerby ↓, ↑, →, L1, L1, ■, ↑, L1
A passer-by attacks you ↓, ▲, ↑, X, L1, R1, L1, R1
Passers-by arm you ↑, L1, ↓, R1, ←, O, →, ▲
Rise of passers-by R1, L1, L1, ↓, ←, O, ↓, L1
No adhesion ↓, ←, ↑, L1, R1, ▲, O, X
The vehicle is moving away from you. ↑, ↑, →, ←, ▲, O, O, ■
Always green light
Sunny. ←, ↓, R1, L1, →, ↑, ←, O
Clear. ←, ↓, R1, L1, →, ↑, ←, X
Fog ←, ↓, ▲, X, →, ↑, ←, L1
Rainy weather ←, ↓, L1, R1, →, ↑, ←, ▲
Cloudy ←, ↓, L1, R1, →, ↑, ←, ■

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GTA Vice City Stories: PSP, codes, walkthrough

GTA Vice City Stories is the second game developed by Rockstars for the PSP mobile platform. However, this is the fifth game in the GrandTheftAuto series to be released on a portable console.

GTA Vice City Stories was first released in the US on October 17, 2006, but the move was delayed in September and the game was released on October 31.

A little later, its translation for the PlayStation 2 was announced, which was released on March 6, 2007. Compared to the PSP version of GTA Vice City Stories, the PS2 version has several differences in content. These include, for example, a series of new unique jumps and Fury Rage. nine0013

GTA VCS is Rockstar’s most successful mobile game to date. It is still a success and is the best-selling PSP game ever.

History GTA Vice City Stories

The game takes us to 1984 in Vice City. This means that two years are left before the events of GTA Vice City. The protagonist of the game is Victor Vance, the same brother of Lance Vance who betrayed Tommy Verty in GTA VC.

But then, in 1984, the brothers did not know Tommy yet. However, this did not save them from the really black streak they entered. A healthy 28-year-old man, Victor was harassed by the US military. And his brother, Lance, was a drug addict. Their other brother, Pete, is seriously ill with asthma. It is this enviable situation that makes them wake up and «take up their minds.» nine0013

In fact, the brothers are trying to earn money for Pete’s treatment. Means and methods are known to be criminal.


Vice City Season Protagonist

The game component of GTA Vice City Stories is no different from other three-dimensional representatives of Grand Theft Auto. This is a third person shooter with racing missions. Open world, freedom of movement and all that.

The hero can walk, run, jump and swim. Use weapons or melee. Theft of cars, boats, planes, helicopters and motorcycles. nine0013

GTA Vice City Stories also has standard side missions such as the firefighter or the doctor. But there is also an innovation — the mission «Beach Patrol», where you have to save people on the beach and in the sea.

One of the key features of the GTA VCS game is a «real estate empire», similar to the «Gang Wars» in GTA San Andreas, called «Real Estate Empire». Again, here you have to buy profitable buildings and recapture them from invading competitors.

GTA Vice City Stories allows you to bribe police officers and nurses with GTA Vice City Stories so that they do not receive weapons when entering hospitals and departments. nine0013

Graphics and multiplayer GTA Vice City Stories

Compared to GTA Liberty City Stories, the VCS graphics engine has undergone some changes. Not so globally, but very noticeable.

For example, there are new animations. The world of Vice City loads faster and has more design scope. In addition, the developers tried to eliminate annoying bugs when pedestrians or circulation flows consisted of the same model. Although it was not possible to remove them to the end, some aspects of the appearance were degraded. nine0013

The physics of objects has also been changed. People and machines are more realistic and have «mass». This is a very nice improvement over explosions in GTA VC.

Multiplayer in GTA Vice City Stories is no surprise. This is a feature for many players connected via Wi-Fi, and there are ten different ways to kill time with friends.

Gameplay includes a third-person shooter and a driving game allowing players to navigate large environments. Player characters can walk, run, swim, jump, and use real-body combat in the game. Players can drive a variety of vehicles, including cars, bikes, boats, planes, helicopters, and jet skis. nine0013

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories RUS/2012/UnsensoredFULLISO2006

Title: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories Developer: Rockstar Leeds Publisher: Rockstar Games Release Date: 2006 Genre: Action, TPS Language: RUS / 2012 Unsensored mod. N69 & Vanchez v1.0 FINAL image format: ISO firmware: all SFW archive size: 706.63Mb

DESCRIPTION: As a soldier, Vic Vance excelled in life. He had a job with a clear purpose: protection. And although he protected wherever he could, the smooth flow of everyday life ended. He was fired and thrown into the street. How would he make a living? How will he feed his family? Law, dentistry and other profitable professions were unfamiliar to Vika. He used to rely on his muscles, weapons and analytical mind. These qualifications were not enough to succeed in business or politics, but they did not disappear from the streets. At 1984 in Vice City, two laws were adopted at once: the official code and the “trial game” code. Ignoring the police, the gangs fought for isolated neighborhoods, engaging in extortion and robbery. In them, Vic felt more or less familiar: weapons and strength were valuable here. But Vance would not be Vance if he was content with the role of the «ass» of a bloodthirsty gang. Vic begins his ascent to the top of the criminal Olympus, but he needs help — your help!

All censorship has been removed from Dageron, and the Russian version of the game is now identical to the English version. -Completely redesigned text. Checkmate returned — ‘Stats’ items restored — All cutscenes restored — All secondary missions restored — All ‘Rampage’ missions restored — Blood restored. nine0013

Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories Trailer:

Installation: Download the files (unzip the files if necessary). X: / Game file to write to the memory card in PSP / ISO folder (X is the memory card). Launch from the game menu — memory card.

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To avoid confusion with translations, Dageron created their own uncensored versions of GTALCS and GTAVCS — «Play the Russian version without translation, censored or uncensored.» The N69 (also known as VikS) brought them back to where Rockstar wanted them to be. For example, comments from the ITA forum include.

Now his activities (Dageron, note) are limited to storytelling. Dageron will soon be releasing censored versions of GTA Chinatown Wars for PSP, as well as 1C versions of GTA 4 and episodes, after neutered LC and VC translations. Likewise, one wouldn’t be tempted to censor GTA V coming out next year (unless the institute delists it and categorizes it as «Army» or «Insane Asylum»). Unsurprisingly, Dageron left a lot of confusion on the internet with other independent translators (google «Dageron Mate» and look at the temporary forum memories that Google saved. Now he’s not so bold anymore — he created the topic «Liberty City Story — High Quality Localization 1.0» and placed links to his disastrous site in it. Those who are not familiar with his work, download and install it. As a result, they play a stripped down, deformed version of the game without realizing it, because in the text describing the scene, about it doesn’t say a word.Of course, the prototype enthusiast was removed shortly after the image translated by Dageron.What should be played, and perhaps not caring about the whole game in its castrated form, can still annoy the silly social daguerreologists — a clear bad a service not only to players, but also to official distributors of the game in Russia. GTA LCS and GTA VCS players should be warned — if you want to play ori ginal Rockstar games, do not download or install local patches called ‘Dageron’ or ‘Gtamodding’. nine0013

Consoles: famicom, av famicom, sega md2 pal, sega md jp, panasonic 3do, nintendo wii, xbox360 slim, ps one, ps2 Slim, ps3 Slim, ps4, Nintendo Wii U TV: Nokia N-Gage QD, Dingoo A320 , Much I5, LetCool N350JP, GCW Zero, PS Vita 2008, DVTech Discovery, RS-97

Gameplay includes a third-person shooter and driving game allowing players to navigate large environments. Player characters can walk, run, swim, jump, and use real-body combat in the game. Players can drive a variety of vehicles, including cars, bikes, boats, planes, helicopters, and jet skis. nine0013

Video for the game GTA Vice City Stories PSP

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GTA Vice City Stories PSP download torrent for free on pc:

Disc code: ulus-10160. use proven for success. Multiplayer: up to 6 players via direct connection. Edition type: complete. Image type: iso.

Before starting the game, do not forget to activate Russian subtitles in the game settings.

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