Gta 5 villa kaufen: Spieler mit zu viel Geld fordern teure Luxusvillen

Spieler mit zu viel Geld fordern teure Luxusvillen

Was macht der GTA Online-Spieler, der alles hat? Überlegen, wofür man sein Geld theoretisch noch ausgeben könnte.

Wer GTA Online schon eine Weile spielt, dürfte mittlerweile längst alles haben. Gerade der Cayo Perico Heist beziehungsweise der Grind davon machte zahlreiche Spieler zu Millionären, denen es an nichts mangelt. Seien es Waffen, Autos, Immobilien oder ein fliegendes Raketenmotorrad.

Und eben jene Spielerschaft überlegt nun, in was sie ihr Erspartes als nächstes investieren möchte. Auf Reddit wird in den letzten Tagen wieder ein Wunsch laut, den viele Fans von GTA Online seit Jahren hegen: eine Luxusvilla zu besitzen, und diese im besten Fall auch noch individuell einzurichten.

Falls ihr übrigens selbst so reich wie diese Spieler von GTA Online werden wollt, dann können wir euch weiterhelfen: In unserem Geld-Guide sammeln wir die wichtigsten Tipps und Tricks für euch, wie ihr 2021 in GTA Online schnell viel Geld verdient.


Mehr zum Thema

Geld-Guide: 2021 schnell viele GTA-Dollar verdienen

Reiche Spieler wünschen sich teure Anwesen

Das wünschen sich viele Spieler: Aus mindestens zwei aktuellen Beiträgen mit tausenden Upvotes und hunderten Kommentaren lässt sich ein klares Bild zeichnen. Viele Spieler von GTA Online würden sich wünschen, in der offenen Spielwelt eine richtige Villa oder ein Strandhaus zu erwerben.

Denn aktuell gibt es zwar eine Menge Luxusapartments und Stelzenhäuser zu kaufen, die sind aber fast ausschließlich in Los Santos selbst verfügbar. Dass wir in eine ländliche Gegend oder gar in ein richtiges Anwesen ziehen, bleibt aktuell ein unerfüllter Traum für einen Großteil der Fans.

Im selben Atemzug fordern auch viele Spieler, dass sich jene Häuser auch einrichten lassen können — sofern das denn überhaupt möglich wäre. Denn momentan gleichen sich die Inneneinrichtungen der meisten (Luxus)apartments wie ein Ei dem anderen, während sich bei den Penthouses nur der Einrichtungsstil auswählen lässt.

Die einzige Ausnahme stellt das Casino-Penthouse im Diamond Resort dar, welches sich mit unterschiedlichen Bildern, Figuren und Pflanzen dekorieren lässt und wo Spieler Partys feiern, Poker spielen oder ihr Aussehen verändern können.

Neben der Playboy Mansion ist Devon Westons Villa unter Spielern von GTA Online heiß begehrt. Nach dem Ende der Singleplayer-Kampagne von GTA 5 wäre die theoretisch sogar frei …

Es gibt aber auch Kritik: Freilich ist nicht jeder Spieler ein Fan von der Idee, in GTA Online eine Villa oder ein Anwesen zu besitzen. Denn zugegebenermaßen erfüllen selbst Luxusapartments und Penthouses nicht gerade vielfältige oder in die Tiefe gehende Funktionen. Bis auf einen Spawnpunkt, ein Planungsboard für Heists und eine Garage bleiben nur Zeitvertreibe wie fernschauen, Bong rauchen und aus dem Fenster gucken.

Allerdings ist den meisten Spielern, die gerne in einer Villa wohnen würden, ziemlich egal: Sie argumentieren, dass man mittlerweile mehr als genug Geld auf dem virtuellen Bankkonto hätte, um sich ohne lange zu überlegen ein neues Statussymbol zulegen zu können. Hier werden Vergleiche mit den Luxusyachten, die bis zu zehn Millionen Dollar kosten und eine ganze Weile ohne »richtige« Funktion vor der Küste Anker lagen.


Mehr zum Thema

GTA Online: Alle Infos zu den Yachten

Was sich Spieler sonst noch wünschen? Bei käufliche Luxusanwesen handelt es sich natürlich nicht um die einzige Idee, die Spieler für die Zukunft von GTA Online gesammelt hätten. Aus den Beiträgen und Diskussionen auf Reddit lassen sich noch weitere Forderungen herausfiltern, wie zum Beispiel:

  • Hangars, um dort viele Autos gleichzeitig auszustellen
  • Dass die Mile High Club-Baustelle fertiggestellt wird
  • Betretbare Heists und Einkaufszentren
  • Neue Heists
  • Die Möglichkeit, Immobilien zu verkaufen
  • Beheben altbekannter Glitches und Bugs
  • Neue Frisuren und Bärte

Link zum Reddit-Inhalt

Was bringt wann das nächste Update?

2021 soll noch so einiges bei GTA passieren. So gibt es Gerüchte um eine bisher unbestätigte Remaster Collection von GTA 3, Vice City und San Andreas. Zusätzlich steht noch die NextGen-Version von GTA 5 für Playstation 5 und Xbox Series X/S und die Standalone-Variante von GTA Online an.

Außerdem dürfte noch ein neues Update für GTA Online spätestens im Herbst beziehungsweise Winter 2021 anstehen. Das würde dem regulären Release-Rhythmus von Rockstar Games entsprechen und sich außerdem mit offiziellen Teasern decken.

Was genau die nächste Erweiterung für GTA Online nach Los Santos Tuners bringt, ist aktuell nicht bekannt, doch der etablierte Insider und Dataminer Tez2 brachte zumindest schon mal eine Möglichkeit ins Spiel: Nachtclubs könnten eine wichtigere Rolle zugeteilt bekommen oder dort zumindest vermehrt neue Missionen stattfinden. Mehr erfahrt ihr in unserem separaten Artikel zu dem Thema:


Mehr zum Thema

GTA Online: Insider liefert Infos zum nächsten Update

Was haltet ihr von käuflich erwerblichen Luxusvillen und -Anwesen für GTA Online: Könnt ihr mit dieser Idee etwas anfangen? Oder habt ihr alternative beziehungsweise bessere Vorschläge für neuen Content? Lasst es uns in den Kommentaren wissen!

GTA 5 Gaus kaufen mit Pool und Garten? (GTA V, Haeuser)

Gta online coole Häuser?

Kennt jemand ein tolles Haus am Besten mit guter Aussicht Pool mehreren Stockwerken und so

maximal 800 tausen GTA$

. ..zur Frage

Yacht GTA online?


Ich hab mir die Yacht gekauft in GTA online ist das möglich da Hubschrauber zu speichern das die da immer bleiben und ist es möglich ein Pool in die Yacht zu bauen.

Bin bisschen entauscht weil ich fast 7 Millionen bezahlt hab.

Danke für eure Hilfe

…zur Frage

GTA 5 Online — wird es irgendwann Villen und Häuser geben?

Weiß jemand ob man irgendwann mal in GTA Online Villen bzw. Häuser kaufen kann? Also mit Pool usw.

…zur Frage

GTA V online Haus verkaufen, was ist mit den Autos in der Garage

Hi wenn ich bei GTA v online ein Haus verkaufe was passiert mit den Autos in der Garage?

. ..zur Frage

gta 5 online haus ist weg

Hey leute ich hab mir in gta 5 online ein arpartment gekauft und dann noch paar sträsen weiter eine garage und auf einmal war mein haus weg. Liegt des daran, weil icb mir eine garage gekauft hab?

…zur Frage

GTA online Apartment

Hallo ich bin neu bei GTA online und will mir ein Haus kaufen ich besitze genug geld (über 500000$) um mir das teuerste Haus zu kaufen mein freund meinte das teuerste würde sich nicht lohnen aber was lohnt sich dann könnt ihr mir euer lieblingshaus schicken?

…zur Frage

Pool Garten in Deutschland für was?

Ein Arbeitskollege von mir der auch Hauseigentümer ist ( ich bin es auch ) hat in Gegensatz zu mir einen gigantischen Garten ich habe ca. 400 qm Garten und er das fast das dreifache also um die 1000 qm und hat sich von einer Poolfirma einen Pool bauen lassen. Mit Pavillon usw. Gesamtausgaben laut ihm um die 160.000 €.

Ich verstehe nicht so ganz für was man in Deutschland einen Pool im Garten braucht da 9 Monate von 12 Monate man diesen Pool einfach nicht nützen kann.

Ich dagegen habe in meinen Garten einen kleinen Gartenhaus das sogar am Haus angebunden ist und ich sogar im Winter benutzen kann. Da ich das Dach per Knopfdrück schließen und kann. Zudem habe am anderen Ende von Garten ( mit Baugenehmigung ) ein kleines Haus gebaut mit 2 Zimmer, Küche, Bad ( 45 qm ) als Gästehaus wenn mal meine Schwiegereltern von Argentinien zu mir kommen oder meine Schwester und habe bei weitem keine 160.000 € dafür ausgegeben, nicht mal die Hälfte.

Für was ein Schwimmingpool im Garten und das noch in Deutschland ich verstehe es nicht, würde es im Haus selber sein würde ich nichts sagen aber Garten, wo ist der Sinn

. ..zur Frage

Ich sehe keine Symbole bei gta 5 online?

ich sehe keine Symbole bei gta 5 online zb die Lackiererei oder amnu Nation nix zu sehen kann mir jemand helfen ?

…zur Frage

GTA 5 Online Fahrzeug wechseln?!

Hallo. Ich hab leider zum Anfang ein falsches Fahrzeug gewählt welches ich nun immer an meiner Seite habe. Es ist viel zu lahm! 🙁 Weiß jemand auf welchem Weg ich dieses wechseln kann?!

…zur Frage


Hallo, seit gestern ist Gta online nicht mehr auswählbar

So sieht das aus, wenn ich auf Storymodus klicke, spawn ich im Haus von Michael. Von dort aus kann ich dann auch Gta online spielen. Aber sonst konnte ich direkt auf Online klicken, und schon war ich im Onlinemodus. Kommt mir nicht mit:,, Du musst zuerst den Prolog spielen.» Ich kann schon den Juwelenraub machen.

…zur Frage

Gta Immobilie verkauft und kein Geld bekommen?

Habe grade mein gta online haus verkauft und kein geld bekommen?

Ist das ein Bug oder muss ich da noch irgendetwas tun?

…zur Frage

Pool im Garten nachträglich bauen?

Hat jemand Erfahrung mit Poolbau im Garten? Der Garten hat nur einen Zugang durchs Haus, was es schwierig macht die Aushebung mit einem Bagger vorzunehmen. Links, Rechts sowie dahinter vom Garten sind weitere Private Gärten. Hat jemand Erfahrung mit einer Firma gemacht die so ein Problem gut gelöst haben? Wäre ein 3x6x1,60m Pool

…zur Frage

GTA Online, komische Nachricht?

Hey habe bei GTA online am Handy so komische Nachrichten bekommen, gehört das zu einer Mission oder zum Spiel? Habe nix davon gelesen haha.

…zur Frage

GTA 5 Online: Haus mit der größten Garage gesucht

Ich suche bei GTA Online ein Haus, dass die größte Garage hat. Ein Link mit einer karte, wo die Location des Hauses eingezeichnet ist währe hilfreich. Danke für eure Antworten !

…zur Frage

GTA 5 Freaks and Strangers Missions from Nigel and Mrs Thornhill

Nigel and Mrs Thornhill are quirky, celebrity-obsessed elderly Britons. Arriving in Los Santos, the most star-studded city in the United States, retirees arrange a truly merciless hunt for the property of Vinewood celebrities, not shunning anything. Meeting with Trevor will be a real gift for them, because he will be able to help them in the difficult task of obtaining «souvenirs».

Nigel’s and Mrs. Thornhill’s quests are not required to get 100 percent in game completion statistics. nine0003

Nigel and Mrs. Thornhill

The first time Trevor meets Nigel and his friend is on North Sheldon Avenue in Vinewood Hills. On the map, the task will be marked with the corresponding icon, but it will become available only after completing the Friends Reunited story mission.

Trevor will find a pair of elderly travelers from the United Kingdom doing something quite unusual — they move from house to house and rummage through the trash cans of Vinewood stars, hoping to dig up something valuable. nine0003

Nigel mistakes Trevor for Jock Cranly, a well-known film actor in the 80s of the last century, who is now one of the most influential politicians in the state of San Andreas. When the misunderstanding is resolved, the pensioners will ask Trevor for help in obtaining especially valuable souvenirs — things that belong to local celebrities. Needless to say, Trevor can’t say no to a cute old couple showing such ardent obsession.

Some time later, Nigel will send Trevor an email telling him which items to collect. Four large orange circles will appear on the map, marking the zones where the items you are looking for are located. At the same time, three of these places can only be visited between seven in the morning and eight in the evening, and only one place — the Tequi-la-la bar — can be visited at any time of the day or night. nine0003

Vinewood Souvenirs — Willy

Since Tequi-la-la is open 24/7, this is the easiest place to start. Nigel asks to get the gold tooth of the bassist of the notorious band Love Fist, which, of course, Willy always carries with him.

In order to get «gold» in this mission, you need to talk to all the employees who work on Love Fist, so first you need to go up to the second floor. After talking with them, you can go down. Willy is standing by the stage in the main hall of the bar. Of course, he will not want to part with the tooth voluntarily (and no one would probably want to), but Trevor is not one of those who give up easily. It’s better not to listen to the bassist’s monologue to the end, but to immediately knock him down and kick him properly — because to get «gold» you need to avoid damage in a fight with a rock star. nine0003

The Tequi-la-la bar is always full of people, so the fight will not go unnoticed — eyewitnesses will immediately call the police, so you need to get out as quickly as possible: if you do not hesitate, you can manage to escape from the scene of the crime before the appearance of law enforcement officers . However, a wanted level of two stars still cannot be avoided — you will either have to call in a car service and repaint the car, or just stand somewhere in the alley.

Once the manhunt is over, Trevor will call Nigel to let him know the success of the event. The task on this will be completed. nine0003

It is noteworthy that after this incident, Willy will write in his microblog in Blitter that the famous British rock band is no longer in the USA. It’s a pity. However, there is also a positive point — due to the canceled Love Fist concert, the Tequi-la-la bar will suffer serious losses, and the owners will put the property up for sale, after which the object will be able to purchase any of the trio of main characters. Vinewood Souvenirs Tyler Nigel asks him to pick up his clothes. What for? As a souvenir, of course! nine0003

If you log into GTA IV and access the database of the Liberty City Police Department, you can see that Mr. Dixon has had problems in the past. So, he is prone to violence, had a drug addiction (for two decades he regularly smoked phenylcyclidine), was involved in petty theft, and in addition, he lost his innocence at the age of nine with his own mother. An interesting character, isn’t it?

Tyler’s house is on Greenwich Way in Rockford Hills. To get «gold» as a result of completing this mission, you need to quietly knock out the gardener working in Dixon’s garden. To do this, the easiest way is to slow down at the main gate of the star estate and get over the wall. The gardener is digging into the back of a minivan standing in the yard of the mansion. The main thing is to approach quietly, and the rest is a matter of technique. After knocking out the gardener, you should go around the house on the right side. nine0003

Tyler is swimming in the pool and his girlfriend is in the jacuzzi. The clothes you want to steal are in the sun lounger on the left. To get «gold» in this mission, you need to steal it unnoticed. To do this, you need to wait until Dixon starts swimming to the other side of the pool, quickly jump out from around the corner, take clothes, and then leave the same way.

If Tyler or his girlfriend spot Trevor, they will immediately call the police. This will not lead to the failure of the mission, although, of course, you will not be able to get «gold» — except perhaps when you repeat the task. In addition, you will have to get rid of the police by driving into a car repair shop or hiding in a secluded place. It is noteworthy that, due to an oversight of the developers, Tyler Dixon can even be killed, and despite this, a message from him will still appear on the Blitter microblogging service. nine0003

You can escape from Tyler’s villa both in your car, climbing over the fence, and in Dixon’s car — a red Comet sports car is parked at the main entrance to the house, and the gates are open. If it didn’t work out quietly, you may have to leave with a fight.

Vinewood Souvenirs — Kerry

Nigel asks Trevor to get Kerry McIntosh’s dog collar. The difficulty is that the star does not part with his dog for a minute, so you have to come up with something original. Kerry is walking down the shopping mall on Portola Drive in Rockford Hills, where Michael and Franklin robbed a jewelry store in The Jewel Store Job. The alley is pedestrian, so vehicles are not allowed to enter here, but there are no fences, so nothing prevents a car from entering. nine0003

Near one of the windows of local boutiques and stands Kerry McIntosh with her dog named Dexie. Miss McIntosh, known to fans of the Grand Theft Auto IV series and its expansion The Ballad of Gay Tony, is a supermodel. In fact, this character is a parody of Kate Moss and Britney Spears. One can hope that they are not offended by the developers for such an ironic view of their lives. Well, or at least they don’t know about it.

When Trevor appears, the dog, apparently sensing something was wrong, takes off and rushes away with all its paws. And here a car will come to the rescue (the same one that is forbidden to enter the alley) — why chase an unreasonable animal for a good two blocks when you can drive through them without any problems. In addition, this will ensure a guaranteed receipt of «gold» at the end of the mission: the only condition is to keep up with the dog, and it will be much easier to keep up with him in a car. nine0003

When the dog stops at the fire station, Trevor can pick up his collar to give to Nigel. After that, to complete the mission, just call the elderly Briton. Fortunately, nothing original had to be invented for the kidnapping of the collar — thanks to the subtle canine instinct and the innate instinct for self-preservation.

Vinewood Souvenirs — Mark

Mark Vostenburg is a director, producer and starring in a series of action films Die Already, which can boast of the same type of plot and many bright special effects. Apparently, Vostenburg is a parody of Bruce Willis, the star of Die Hard.

If you drive around Vinewood in a tour minibus, you will find out that a 15-year-old Mexican girl was found in Mr. Vostenburg’s pizza oven in 2007. As Mark himself assures, at that moment he was not even in the city. Be that as it may, the case was hushed up out of court, the investigation was closed, and all charges against the movie star were dropped. The girl’s relatives moved to a mansion on the street next to Vostenburg’s house, and Mark himself, apparently, forgot about the incident. And Nigel asks this man to steal his favorite golf club. Well, it won’t be easy, but doable. nine0003

You need to look for a movie star on the golf course in Rockford Hills, where Vostenburg, accompanied by security, rests after working days. You should not drive into the field by car — the club employees will immediately call the police, and this will confuse all the cards. Entering the golf club through the main entrance, you can use a golf cart, but if there is none at the entrance, it’s okay — it’s not far to run here. It’s best to take a sniper rifle with you. If it is not in Trevor’s arsenal, you can try to use an assault rifle, but in this case the distance to the target will have to be reduced. nine0003

Mark is wearing a conspicuous red shirt and marked on the mini-map with a blue marker — it’s impossible to make a mistake. But in order to get «gold» as a result of this mission, you need to act without delay: getting closer, you need to aim at Mark’s head and kill him with one accurate shot.

After shooting Mark, you need to switch to rapid-fire weapons and shoot the guards on the run, moving towards the coveted club. You can’t stop and waste precious time on them: the main thing is to have time to take a stick in 30 seconds (these are the conditions for obtaining “gold”, and there is no visible timer in the mission), and the guards can be finished off even after. To make guarding the movie star less of a hassle, you can use Trevor’s special ability — it allows you to temporarily reduce the damage the character takes. As soon as the club is picked up, you should kill the guards (this also counts for getting «gold») and quickly disappear from the crime scene. nine0003

If Mark still managed to escape, and «gold» in the mission is not important, you need to get into the golf cart and chase him. At this point, Trevor will have two wanted stars, so the police can cause a lot of problems. It’s best to shoot out the wheels of Mark’s golf cart before it leaves the golf club. Then Vostenburg will jump out of his vehicle and try to run away. At the same time, he will throw the club in the bag, which is attached behind the golf cart.

It is noteworthy that it is also possible to break away from the police while chasing Mark. In this case, the fugitive, after a short trip around the city, will crash into an electrical panel, and the bag with the coveted club will come off the car and remain lying on the road. At the same time, Vostenburg himself will not need to be killed: if he survives the stick-stealing incident, he will give an interview to Prattle magazine. In an interview, he will reveal that he doesn’t really care about this beautiful Japanese stick with a real sealskin handle, despite the fact that it costs $20,000 — Mark claims he can buy a million more of the same. nine0003

Vinewood Souvenirs — Al Di Napoli

After Nigel and his girlfriend’s first four errands are completed , an icon will appear on the map, marking a new task for the British Star Souvenir Hunters. Arriving at Red Desert Avenue, Trevor will see Nigel looking for someone around the corner.

Approaching the elderly Briton, Trevor will give him all the acquired souvenirs. Soon after, Mrs. Thornhill will also appear, trying to get under the wheels of the car of one of the Vinewood stars. She has great news: not far from here, she saw the well-known actor Al Di Napoli, who is familiar to fans of the series from one of the missions to protect VIPs in a nightclub in The Ballad of Gay Tony. nine0003

It turns out that Nigel and Mrs. Thornhill are not on good terms with the actor — the last incident ended in a lawsuit. However, in front of Trevor, elderly tourists deny their guilt in every possible way: they say that they didn’t pursue Al, and his pants could fall off anyone … Despite the fact that the court forbade them to come close to Di Napoli, they still extol the idol, claiming that Al himself is, without a doubt, a good person, but his numerous managers and army of lawyers constantly spoil everything. And if only a happy chance helped them to stay alone with Al (of course, just to talk), they would surely settle all the misunderstandings. nine0003

At that moment, Di Napoli himself, slowly walking towards his elite SUV Dubsta, notices a couple of British tourists, and it becomes clear that he is not at all happy to see them — the actor jumps into the car and tries to hide as quickly as possible. You need to get into Nigel’s car and follow the movie star. At the same time, the actor must be given credit — he clearly knows how to get away from the «tail», so Trevor will have to drive in the oncoming lane, cut through parking lots and pedestrian zones, and other tricks designed to help the fugitive get rid of the pursuer. You still won’t be able to catch up with the actor, so you just need to watch where he turns, trying not to lose sight of his SUV — this is a prerequisite for getting «gold» in this task. nine0003

In addition, in order to get «gold» as a result of this mission, you need to be very careful: you can’t crash Nigel’s car. In fact, however, if the vehicle is still running at the end of the mission, this condition will most likely be counted.

The chase ends with a drive through the Pillbox Hill hospital. In order not to crash into anything, it is best to slow down and try to follow the path laid by the fleeing actor’s heavy SUV. The visitors and staff of the medical facility are seriously scared and try to stay close to the walls, so you don’t have to worry about someone getting under the wheels (although who cares in GTA?). Nevertheless, you need to drive carefully — to get the «gold» you need not to knock anyone down in the hospital. nine0003

The fugitive crashes into a brick fence and passes out, and Trevor can only shove the «passed out» movie star into the trunk of Nigel’s car, after which the satisfied Brits will go to a secluded place to «talk» with their idol face to face. Vinewood Souvenirs — The Last Act in the center of Los Santos, the icon will again appear on the map, marking the new task of Nigel and Mrs. Thornhill. It is worth bearing in mind that the mission will not appear until Trevor is too close to the starting point, and since the Vanilla Unicorn strip club is located in Strawberry, which after passing the story task «Peace and Peace» (Hang Ten) will become the property of the character, it is possible you will have to leave the establishment and drive away. nine0003

Arriving at the specified location, Trevor will see Nigel in a back alley near the strip club. He is annoyed and dissatisfied: he does not know what to do with the kidnapped Al: the movie star becomes stubborn and refuses to eat. Trevor offers the elderly Briton two options for further development of events: he will either have to take the actor somewhere far away and let him go on all four sides, hoping that he is intimidated enough to remain silent, or resolve the issue radically — this will let him know for sure that the movie star is no longer anyone won’t tell you anything else. nine0003

Nigel and Mrs. Thornhill are unable to resolve this issue on their own and are asked to deal with the problem for them. The actor is already in the trunk, so it’s up to Trevor to decide whether to be Ella Di Napoli or not. Getting into Nigel’s car, you need to go to the railway crossing, the path to which is marked on the map with a yellow line. Apparently, the decision has already been made…

The path is not close, so Trevor will have time to get to know his «passenger» better. If you take your time, you can listen to their entire dialogue. So, when Nigel’s Premier passes near the Palmer-Taylor power plant, the actor will offer three thousand dollars for his freedom, and when the car is closer to the crossing, he will raise the bid to ten thousand, demanding immediate release. nine0003

Napoli is a real movie star: worldwide fame, glossy magazine covers, millions of dollars in income. And such a «generous» offer for your own life? Apparently Al doesn’t value himself as much as his Vinewood producers and studio bosses do. However, if Trevor does not have enough money, you can stop and let the prisoner out of the trunk. He will run away, the mission will be completed, and Trevor, having received the movie star’s money, will never know anything about the further fate of British tourists. nine0003

It should be noted here that in order to get «gold» at the end of the mission, the actor must be killed, but «gold» can also be obtained when completing the task again, and money from El can only be received the first time. If Trevor can do without the extra ten thousand dollars, the car should be stopped at a railroad crossing and wait for the train to appear. The second condition for getting «gold» is to jump out of the car at the very last moment. The easiest way to perform this trick is to turn left at the crossing and drive towards the train. nine0003

You need to be very precise, so you will probably have to replay this task several times until the desired result is achieved: if Trevor jumps out of the doomed car too early, there will be no «gold» for the mission, and if it is too late — he is waiting for death under the wheels of the train. Death in this case is more preferable — the game will start from the last checkpoint, that is, from the moment you leave the rails, and you won’t have to go here from the center of Los Santos.

When the car with Al Di Napoli is swept away by the train, Trevor will call Nigel to inform him of the tragic death of his idol, Mrs. Thornhill, and wish the Brits a happy rest of their holiday.

This will complete Nigel’s and Mrs. Thornhill’s tasks.

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